Week-at-a-glance THURSDAY, AUGUST 22
07:00-08:00 08:00-08:45
Clinical Immunology Course Clinical Immunology Course Clinical Immunology Course Clinical Immunology Course Clinical Immunology Course
Perspectives in immunology Perspectives in immunology Perspectives in immunology Perspectives in immunology Perspectives in immunology Plenary Lecture
Plenary Lecture
Plenary Lecture
NK Cells
Innate Lymphocytes and Mucosal Immunity
Leukocyte Signaling
Genetic and Epigenetic Control
Cell Trafficking
Costimulatory and Inhibitory Molecules
Imaging and Cell Interactions
Lymphocyte Development Microbial Triggers for Inflammation Pathways in Inflammatory Diseases Therapy of Autoimmune Disease
T and B Cell Repertoires Viral Infection
Antigen Processing and Presentation Bacterial Infection
Autoimmune Mechanisms
Cancer Immunotherapy
Gene and Cell Therapy
T and B cell Subsets Protozoal Fungal and Helminth Infection
Parallel symposia
Complement and Soluble Mediators
Parallel symposia
Innate Immune Sensors
Parallel symposia
Myeloid Cells
Parallel symposia
Parallel symposia
Basic Immunology Course
Plenary Lecture
Plenary Lecture
Immune Memory Microbiome and Microbe Adaptation
Immune Surveillance and Tumor Immunity
Tolerance and Transplantation
Lunch - time Lectures
Lunch - time Lectures
Lunch - time Lectures
Lunch - time Lectures
Lunch - time Lectures
Poster Discussion
Poster Discussion
Poster Discussion
Poster Discussion
Poster Discussion
Industry Symposia
Industry Symposia
Industry Symposia
Industry Symposia
Plenary Lecture
Plenary Lecture
Plenary Lecture
Plenary Lecture
Plenary Lecture
Late Breaking Session
16:45-18:15 Opening Ceremony
Closing Ceremony
Welcome Reception
Novartis Award Ceremony and Reception
Faculty Dinner
Else Kröner Fresenius Award Lecture
PS - Perspectives in Immunology PL - Plenary Lectures S - Symposia LL - Lunchtime Lectures W - Workshops P - Posters Immunology Courses Sponsored Sessions The online abstract book is available at the Congress website
Table of Contents Welcome Messages
page 04
page 07
page 08
Congress Venue
page 10
Congress General Information
page 14
Instruction for Presentation
page 18
Social Program
page 19
IUIS Council and Meetings
page 20
Board Meetings
page 21
page 22
Travel Grants
page 24
Immunology Courses
page 26
page 26
Scientific Program August 22
page 27
Scientific Program August 23
page 28
Scientific Program August 24
page 38
Scientific Program August 25
page 50
Scientific Program August 26
page 60
Scientific Program August 27
page 70
page 83
Sponsors and Exihibitors
page 270
Speakers index
page 276
Welcome Message
Dear Colleagues and Friends, Why do we immunologists enjoy attending congresses so much? I guess the most frequent answers to this question include: you hear the latest news about state-of-the-art science; you get an excellent overview about what is going on in related fields; you meet friends, colleagues, young students and experienced researchers alike. For sure, this is all guaranteed at the International Congress of Immunology (ICI), which takes place every 3 years under the auspices of the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS). As President of the IUIS, I welcome you to join the 15th ICI to be held in Milan, Italy from August 22-27, 2013. For further information about IUIS activities, members of the Board and the Council see, and for information about our new official journal Frontiers in Immunology see The last ICI, which took place in Kobe, Japan August 2010, was a marvelous success with more than 6,000 participants. We at the IUIS are proud of the triennial ICI, which is by far the most important event in the immunology arena, globally. This was proven consistently in the past and is guaranteed at the next ICI in Milan, as assured by the outstanding researchers enlisted in the Congress Advisory Committee, the Scientific Program Committee, and other Committees. The 15th ICI promises once again to represent the full complement of one of the most vibrant scientific areas in biomedicine, immunology. It will encompass basic research, translation and clinical application. It will interest both young students and experienced researchers. It will cover the full spectrum from academic research to industry. The Congress, however, will not only serve as platform for communication and exchange of the most challenging state-of-the-art research among immunologists. It will also serve as impressive platform for making laypersons, the press and politicians aware of the importance of immunologic research for maintenance of well-being, and combat of major diseases, including infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases or allergic diseases. Last but not least, it will provide a unique platform for meeting colleagues/friends/post-doc candidates and mentors. In short, the 15th ICI will be wonderful meeting point for researchers from academia, industry and clinics both from industrialized and developing countries and hence strengthen existing friendships and invite new ones. The 15th ICI will take place in Milan, Italy and this guarantees another wonderful aspect, namely, the great opportunity for social activities in a most accessible and welcoming city. Milan boasts a unique, world famous artistic heritage, of which the best known is Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper. Today Milan is not only the international centre of fashion and design, but also a vibrant city, which guarantees a lot of fun after a hard working day at the Congress. The IUIS represents all immunologists worldwide, who are members of the 65 national societies and 4 regional federations of immunology. We are looking forward to meeting you all at the 15th ICI in Milan. Stefan H.E. Kaufmann President, International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin
Welcome Message
Dear Colleagues and Friends, The Italian Society of Immunology, Clinical Immunology and Allergology (SIICA) is honoured to host in Milan the 15th International Congress of Immunology (ICI) from August 22 to 27, 2013. SIICA represents over 1,000 immunologists active in Italy, and several of its members are recognized as international leaders in their field, actively contributing to the development of Immunology. Therefore, the scientific organization of the ICI will count on a dedicated and competent local scientific committee, in addition to a distinguished international committee. The meeting will cover all aspects of Immunology, from the more traditional to the most innovative, with emphasis on translational aspects and clinical applications. A scientifically inspiring program will be assembled in a range of formats to cover a wide variety of interests and provide the state of the art in all different facets of Immunology. An introductory Immunology course just before the ICI, and satellite symposia at several locations in Italy will complement the scientific program. We will also offer a varied social program to provide the opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. Milan has a rich historic heritage, dating back to its times as capital of the Western Roman Empire. Leonardo da Vinci, the quintessential Renaissance polymath artist and scientist, while in the Milan area drew his iconic Vitruvian man shown in the 15th ICI logo. Today Milan is a dynamic and trendy city, a renowned international centre of fashion and design as well as of arts and science. The City has just opened the largest and most modern congress center in Europe, which will comfortably accommodate the ICI participants. We are confident that our scientific organization, together with the well-known Italian hospitality will make the 15th ICI a memorable event. We look forward to hosting you in Milan in 2013.
Luciano Adorini President 15th International Congress of Immunology
Under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic
With the Patronage of Italian Health Ministry Under the Patronage of
Committees Honorary President Sergio Romagnani, ITA President Luciano Adorini, ITA Secretary General Massimo Locati, ITA President SIICA Vincenzo Barnaba, ITA Executive Committee Marco A. Cassatella, ITA Angela Santoni, ITA Gianpietro Semenzato, ITA Silvano Sozzani, ITA External Relations & Finance Committee Francesco Annunziato, ITA Piergiuseppe De Berardinis, ITA Armando Gabrielli, ITA Angelo Vacca, ITA Congress Advisory Committee Fernando Aiuti, ITA Jean-Francois Bach, FRA Ridha Barbouche, TUN Floriano Bonifazi, ITA Walter Canonica ITA Max Cooper, USA Antonio Coutinho, POR Günnur Deniz, TUR Peter C. Doherty, AUS C. Garrison Fathman, USA Marc Feldmann, GBR Alain Fisher, FRA Catherine Sautes-Fridman, FRA Michel Goldman, BEL Jorge Kalil, BRA Stefan H. E. Kaufmann, DEU George Kollias, GRC Carlos Martinez, ESP Masayuki Miyasaka, JAP Reinhold E. Schmidt, DEU Yehuda Shoenfeld, ISR Elopy Sibanda, ZWE Giorgio Trinchieri, USA
Emil Unanue, USA Dexian Zheng, CHN Moncef Zouali, FRA Scientific Program Committee Alberto Mantovani, Co-Chairman, ITA Lorenzo Moretta, Co-Chairman, ITA Abul K. Abbas, USA Shizuo Akira, JAP Jeffrey A. Bluestone, USA Olivera Finn, USA Ronald Germain, USA David Hafler, USA Leonard Harrison, AUS Marc Jenkins, USA Tadamitsu Kishimoto, JAP Antonio Lanzavecchia, SWI Foo Y. Liew, GBR Philippa Marrack, USA Diane Mathis, USA Cornelis J.M. Melief, NLD Luigi Notarangelo, USA Michael Nussenzweig, USA Anne O’Garra, GBR Andreas Radbruch, DEU Paola Ricciardi-Castagnoli, ITA Maria-Grazia Roncarolo, ITA Alexander Rudenski, USA Ethan Shevach, USA Alan Sher, USA Lawrence Steinman, USA Rolf M. Zinkernagel, SWI (Honorary) Workshop Committee Vijay Kuchroo, Co-Chairman, USA Pier Luigi Meroni, Co-Chairman, ITA Francesca Aloisi, ITA Diana Boraschi, ITA Rachel Caspi, USA Lucienne Chatenoud, FRA Edecio Cunha-Neto, BRA Anna Erdei, HUN Polly Matzinger, USA Seppo Meri, FIN Marianna N. Newkirk, CAN Fiona Powrie, GBR Luigina Romani, ITA Christopher E. Rudd, GBR
Hannes Stockinger, AUT Yvette van Kooyk, NLD Matthias von Herrath, USA Satellite Meetings Committee Mohamed R. Daha, Co-Chairman, NLD Carlo Pucillo, Co-Chairman, ITA Alberto Amadori, ITA Luca Battistini, ITA Francesco Dieli, ITA Leonardo Fabbri, ITA Claudio Franceschi, ITA Gianni Marone, ITA Vito Pistoia, ITA Rino Rappuoli, ITA Maria Rescigno, ITA Carlo Riccardi, ITA Mohamed R. Daha, Co-Chairman, NLD Carlo Pucillo, Co-Chairman, ITA Advisory Scientific Committee Sergio Abrignani, ITA Roberto Accolla, ITA Carlo Agostini, ITA Cezmi Akdis, SWI Sebastian Amigorena, FRA Bernd Arnold, GER Jacques Bancherau, USA Armand Bensussan, FRA Michael J. Bevan, USA Sergio Bonini, ITA Vincenzo Bronte, ITA Federico Caligaris-Cappio, ITA Silvana Canevari, ITA Mario Clerici, ITA Irun Cohen, ISR Mario Colombo, ITA Marco Colonna, USA Andrea Cossarizza, ITA Ana Cumano, FRA Mark M. Davis, USA Gennaro De Libero, SWI Michael Dustin, USA Richard Flavell, USA Jorge Gavilondo, CUB Eric Gershwin, USA Gianpiero Girolomoni, ITA Gunter Hämmerling, DEU Adrian C. Hayday, GBR Richard Hodes, USA Joachim R. Kalden, DEU
Michael Karin, USA Klas Kärre, SWE Mitchell Kronenberg, USA Lewis Lanier, USA Sergio Lira, USA Dan Littman, USA Yong-Jun Liu, USA Miguel Lopez-Botet, ESP Enrico Maggi, ITA Tak W. Mak, CAN Bernard Malissen, FRA Gianvito Martino, ITA Andrew McMichael, GBR Fritz Melchers, DEU Ruslan Medzhitov, USA Alessandro Moretta, ITA Tim Mosmann, USA Kenneth Murphy, USA Frank O. Nestle, GBR Markus F. Neurath, DEU Pamela Ohashi, CAN Giorgio Parmiani, ITA Paola Parronchi, ITA William Paul, USA Hidde Ploegh, USA Klaus Rajewsky, USA Anjana Rao, USA Jeffrey Ravetch, USA Caetano Reis e Sousa, GBR Anna Rubartelli, ITA Shimon Sakaguchi, JAP Federica Sallusto, SWI Ronald Schwartz, USA Alessandro Sette, USA Josef Smolen, AUT Ludwig M. Sollid, NOR Hergen Spits, NLD Ralph Steinman, USA Andreas Strasser, AUS Nicole Suciu-Foca, USA Megan Sykes, USA Franco Tedesco, ITA Massimo Triggiani, ITA Jung Tschopp, SWI Rudolf Valenta, AUS Andrea Velardi, ITA Antonella Viola, ITA Colin Watts, GBR Hartmut Wekerle, DEU Katryn Wood, GBR Wayne Yokoyama, USA
Congress Venue Overview
MiCo - Milano Congressi
Piazzale Carlo Magno, 1 Via Eginardo - GATE 2 20149 Milan, Italy
VB31 VB23
immunology village
aisle b
aisle b
aisle c
aisle d
aisle e
aisle f
aisle c
aisle d D31
ice cream area
aisle e
aisle f
bar area
404 PAX
Space 03
872 PAX
Space 01+02
396 PAX
Space 04
Floor Plans
12 LEVEL +1
Floor Plans
Floor Plans
Congress General Information
Congress General Information Congress Secretariat Triumph C&C Via Lucilio, 60 - 00136 Roma Contact details: tel. +39 06 355301 email:
[email protected] Congress Venue MiCo - Milano Congressi Piazzale Carlo Magno, 1 Viale Eginardo - GATE 2 - 20149 Milan, Italy Gate Entrances Gate 2 - located in Viale Eginardo dedicated entrance for pedestrians during congress days. Gate 17 - located in Piazzale Carlo Magno dedicated entrance for pedestrians during congress days. Gate 17 - located in Piazzale Carlo Magno dedicated entrance for cars that wish to park inside the congress venue during congress days. Congress Venue Parking The underground parking entrance is located at Gate 17, Piazzale Carlo Magno. The cost for a whole day parking ticket is 15 Euros. Payment must be made directly at the exit of the parking lot. Opening hours in accordance with the congress program and event schedule. Registration Registration desk is located on Floor 1 in MiCo Congress Venue. Registration Desk Hours: Thursday, August 22 Friday, August 23 Saturday, August 24 Sunday, August 25 Monday, August 26 Tuesday, August 27
from 7.00 to 19.00 from 7.00 to 19.00 from 7.00 to 19.00 from 7.00 to 19.00 from 7.00 to 19.00 from 7.00 to 19.00
Registration Fees: Delegate registration fee includes: Access to all sessions and Exhibition Hall Congress bag and Scientific Program Opening Ceremony and Reception Closing Ceremony Categories Full FAIS Member* Students/Trainee/Resident** Basic Immunology Course Clinical Immunology Course
On site € 700,00 € 300,00 € 300,00 € 100,00 € 100,00
* FAIS Member: Federation of African Immunological Societies. Official Letter required. ** Students: Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students, Ph.D. students and Ph.D. candidates. Official letter and University/Institute ID copy required.
Congress General Information
Congress General Information Name Badges For security purposes delegates, accompanying persons and exhibitors must wear their name badge at all times in order to access MiCo congress venue and social activities. Replacement of lost badges may incur a full charge. Proceedings Congress Abstracts are available on the official website Certificate of Attendance A certificate of attendance will be downloaded on ICI2013 website from September 10. Please log back into your registration account using your username and password, in order to receive it by email. Exhibition ICI 2013 congress exhibition area is located on Floor 0 in MiCo congress venue. Exhibition of the most advanced laboratory equipments, supplies, books and journals are on display from Thursday, August 22 to Tuesday, August 27. For more information about Exhibition and Exhibitors please refer to the Sponsor section at the end of the book. Exhibition Hours Thursday, August 22 Friday, August 23 Saturday, August 24 Sunday, August 25 Monday, August 26 Tuesday, August 27
from 12.30 to 19.00 from 8.00 to 19.00 from 8.00 to 19.00 from 8.00 to 19.00 from 8.00 to 19.00 from 8.00 to 14.30
Internet Access Free wireless internet service is available following these few steps: 1) Find the Wi-Fi network using your own smart phone or tablet 2) Connect to the network using the following username and password: USERNAME: 15ICI2013 PASSWORD: 15ICI2013 3) Enjoy surfing the web! Wi-Fi available in - Exhibition Hall - Registration Area - Balcony - Corridors Wi-Fi connection will be disabled in all lecture rooms. Internet Point The internet point is located in the exhibition hall next to the poster area (floor 0). Web App To get ICI 2013 WEBAPP please follow these guidelines: 1. Open the browser of your mobile device and digit or scan the QR Code on the front page of the Scientific Program with your QR Code scanner application. 2. Save the link on your desktop and enjoy the ICI 2013 WEBAPP During the Congress days, feel free to reach the Speaker Center at level 2, where you will find technicians that will be able to assist you for any issues regarding the WEBAPP.
Congress General Information
Congress General Information Press Office The Press Office is located in Suite 4 - Floor 2. Coffee Shops Two Coffee shops are located inside the congress venue. Bar Milano, situated in floor 2 in front of the Amber rooms and Exhibition Bar at floor 0. Opening hours August 22 from 8.00 to 17.00 August 23 to 27 from 8.00 to 19.00 Lunch Box Participants who previously purchased online the Lunch Box service, are kindly asked to collect their box at the distribution area situated at Level 0 from 12:00 to 13:15, from Friday, August 23 to Tuesday, August 27. Please provide your lunch box ticket at the lunch box distribution desk. Lunch boxes cannot be purchased onsite. All participants who have not paid for their lunch boxes online cannot benefit of the service. Luggage Cloakroom The cloakroom is located in the registration area on the right side according to the entrance. It is available only as a luggage deposit and it is free of charge for congress attendees. Opening hours in accordance with the congress program and event schedule. Language The official language of the congress is English. No simultaneous translations are available. Lost and Found Information on lost and found is available at the Info Desk at Level 1. Recording/Photo Policy It is prohibited to make audio/video recordings or to take photos. An official photographer is present for the entire event. Smoking Policy According to Italian law, smoking is prohibited in all public indoor areas, in this case including privatized areas of exhibit space. Italian Telephone Country Code Country code for Italy: +39 International outgoing code: 00 Emergency Numbers in Italy Police: 113 Carabinieri: 112 Ambulance: 118 Fire Service: 115 Roadside Assistance: 116 Taxi Taxi Milan number: 848 814 781 A taxi station is located outside the congress venue in front of Gate 2 in Viale Eginardo and in front of Gate 17 Piazzale Carlo Magno, where taxies are available mostly before and after congress hours. A taxi booking service is available at the info tourist desk.
Congress General Information
Congress General Information Transportation MiCo Milano Congressi is easily accessible via pubblic transportation: Buses & Trams For “Viale Eginardo / Viale Scarampo” entrance: Bus No. 78 - Eginardo/Colleoni stop For “Piazzale Carlo Magno / Via Gattamelata” entrance: Bus no. 78 - get off at Colleoni/Gattamelata Tram no. 27 - get off at Piazza 6 Febbraio Metro Red Line 1: For “Viale Eginardo / Viale Scarampo” entrance: get off at “Amendola” stop - 700 m from the congress venue, or at “Lotto” approx. 800 m. For “Piazzale Carlo Magno / Via Gattamelata” entrance: get off at “Cadorna” stop, exit the subway and go to the railroad station above: take the first train departing and get off at “Domodossola” stop - just 600 m from the congress venue. Green Line 2: get off at “Cadorna”. For “Viale Eginardo / Viale Scarampo” entrance: take Red Line 1 (going to RHO Fiera Milano) and get off at “Amendola” stop - 700 m from the congress venue, or at “Lotto” approx. 800 m. For “Piazzale Carlo Magno / Via Gattamelata” entrance: exit the subway and go to the railroad station above: take the first train departing and get off at “Domodossola” stop - just 600 m from the congress venue. Yellow Line 3: get off at “Duomo”, switch to the Red Line 1 (RHO Fiera Milano direction). For “Viale Eginardo / Viale Scarampo” entrance: get off at “Amendola” stop - 700 m from the congress venue, or at “Lotto” approx. 800 m. For “Piazzale Carlo Magno / Via Gattamelata” entrance: get off at “Cadorna” stop, exit the subway and go to the railroad station above: take the first train departing and get off at “Domodossola” stop - just 600 m from the congress venue. Taxi From/to the airport to the congress venue: Linate Airport: take bus n. 73 in the National Arrival Exit area to Piazza S. Babila stop. Take the Metro Red Line 1. Get off at Amendola stop. Malpensa Airport: The Malpensa Express train service will take you directly from the airport to the center of Milan in 40 minutes, arriving at the Ferrovie Nord Cadorna Station. Here take the Metro Red Line 1. Get off at Amendola stop. Orio al Serio Airport: the bus service will take you directly from the airport to Milan Central Station in 60 mins, then take the Metro Green Line 2 (Abbiategrasso direction) and get off at Cadorna stop. Here take the Metro Red Line 1 (Rho Fiera Milano Direction). Get off at Amendola stop.
Instruction for Presentation
Instructions for Presentation Information for Invited Speakers Allocated times for presentations in each session are as follows: Parallel Symposia: 20 mins for each presentation including questions and answers Perspectives in Immunology: 25 mins for presentation and 5 mins for questions and answers Plenary Lectures: 40 mins for presentation and 5 mins for questions and answers Lunchtimes Lectures: 40 mins for presentation and 5 mins for questions and answers Information for Invited Chairs Allocated times in each session are as follows: Workshop Chairs: 15 mins for presentation and /or session presentation Symposium Chairs: 10 mins for session presentation Information for Oral Workshop Presentations 10 mins for presentation including questions and answers. Information and Instructions for Poster Presenters Poster exhibition area and Poster Information Desk are located at Floor 0. The week schedule for the poster sessions is as follows: Friday August 23 to Tuesday August 27:
Mounting Poster Display Poster session Removal
09:00-12:00 12:00-13:20 13:20-15:00 15:00-18:30
Posters can only be mounted on the day on which they have been scheduled for presentation and must be removed by the end of the same day. All remaining posters will be taken down and discarded. All poster presenters, on their presentation day, need to report to the Poster Information Desk with their poster and tape, in order to receive their poster board number. Please ensure your poster is affixed on the correct poster board. Please bring your own tape to affix your poster. Limited tape will be available at the Poster information desk. Poster authors, must stand beside their poster during the poster session for a Question-and-Answer session with the audience. The presenters who asked for their posters to be printed by our agent “Poster Session Online” can refer to the Poster Information Desk at Floor 0, in order to pick it up. Speaker Center Location: Floor 2 - Tower Lounge Room Speaker Center Opening Hours:
Thursday, August 22 Friday, August 23 Saturday, August 24 Sunday, August 25 Monday, August 26 Tuesday, August 27
07:00-19:00 07:00-19:00 07:00-19:00 07:00-19:00 07:00-19:00 07:00-19:00
All Invited Speakers and Oral Presenters are requested to pre-load their presentation 4 hours before their scheduled presentation. For those who have a session in the morning, it is strongly recommended to load the presentation the day before. Every day there will be a poster session for each workshop presentation topic.
Social Program
Social Program Thursday, August 22 OPENING CEREMONY - 16:45 to 22:00 Gold Room - Floor 2 MiCo Milano Congressi Venue - Piazzale Carlo Magno, 1 (Included in the Registration fee for both delegates and accompanying persons) The inauguration of the 15th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF IMMUNOLOGY will take place at MiCo Milano Congressi. The Ceremony will be followed by a welcome reception. Friday, August 23 NOVARTIS AWARD CEREMONY - 19:30 to 22:00 Gold Room - Floor 2 MiCo Milano Congress Venue - Piazzale Carlo Magno, 1 (Included in the Registration fee for both delegates and accompanying persons) The Award Ceremony will be followed by a reception. Sunday, August 25 ELSE KRÖNER-FRESENIUS AWARD LECTURE - 19:30 to 22:00 Gold Room - Floor 2 MiCo Milano Congress Venue - Piazzale Carlo Magno, 1 (Included in the Registration fee for both delegates and accompanying persons) The Award Ceremony will be followed by a reception. Monday, August 26 OFFICIAL PARTY - 20:30 to 24:00 Chiostri dell’Umanitaria - Via Daverio, 7 Official Party buffet dinner will be held at the beautiful Chiostri dell’Umanitaria followed by a suggestive entertainment. Tickets are on sale at the Registration Desk on August 22 and on August 23, subject to availability. Cost per person: € 50.00 (VAT included). Tuesday, August 27 CLOSING CEREMONY - 19:30 to 20:30 Gold Room - Floor 2 MiCo Milano Congress Venue - Piazzale Carlo Magno, 1 (Included in the Registration fee for both delegates and accompanying persons) Closing Ceremony will take place at the MiCo Congress Venue and it will mark the closing of the 15th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF IMMUNOLOGY. TOURS Different tours are available and purchasable onsite, subject to availability. The Info Tourist Desk is located at the entrance area on Floor 1 at MiCo congress venue, from August 22 to August 24 from 8:00 to 18:00.
IUIS Council and Meetings
IUIS Council and Meetings IUIS Executive Committee Stefan Kaufmann IUIS President Jorge Kalil IUIS Vice-President Seppo Meri IUIS Secretary General Nicholas King IUIS Treasurer Peter Doherty IUIS Past President IUIS Coucil Members Olivier Boyer, France Xuetao Ca, China Margarida Carneiro, Portugal Alioune Dieye, Senegal Ahmed El-Gohary, Egypt Anna Erdei, Hungary Jeffrey A. Frelinger, USA Shigeo Koyasu, Japan Daniel Lopes, Brazil Alberto Mantovani, Italy Michael J.H. Ratcliffe, Canada Clelia Maria Riera, Argentina Franca Ronchese, New Zealand Christopher E. Rudd, United Kingdom Reinhold E. Schmidt, Germany René A.W. van Lier, Netherlands
IUIS MEETINGS Thursday, August 22 09.00-12.30 - 60TH IUIS COUNCIL MEETING - Amber Room 3 Thursday, August 22 13.30-16.30 - IUIS GENERAL ASSEMBLY - Amber Room 4 Friday, August 23 13.30-15.00 - 61TH IUIS COUNCIL MEETING - Amber Room 3
Board Meetings and General Assemblies
Board Meetings Friday, August 23 10.00-14.00 JOHN WILEY & SONS BOARD LUNCH - Suite 2 Friday, August 23 12.30-15.00 AINI BOARD MEETING - Suite 1 Friday, August 23 16.00-20.00 FIMSA BOARD MEETING - Suite 1 Saturday, August 24 8.00-14.00 EFIS - ELSEVIER EDITORIAL BOARD - Suite 1 Sunday, August 25 15.00-18.00 EFIS EEIG MEETING - Suite 1
General Assemblies Friday, August 23 13.30-15.00 SIICA GENERAL ASSEMBLY Space 4 Friday, August 23 18.30-19.15 AINI GENERAL ASSEMBLY Amber 5+6
Awards Else Kröner-Fresenius Award Lecture 19.30-22.00 August 25 - GOLD ROOM The Else Kröner-Fresenius Immunology Award recognizes seminal discoveries in medical immunology and facilitates future research of the award winner. It is endowed with 4 Mio Euro. An international jury of expert immunologists, headed by the IUIS president Prof. Stefan Kaufmann, identified Ruslan Medzhitov HHMI and Yale University, as winner of the award. EFIS ACTERIA Award Ceremony 13.30-15.00 August 23 - AMBER 1+2 The 2013 ACTERIA Prizes awarded by EFIS in Immunology and Allergology single out four early career scientists who will make a difference. The ACTERIA Prizes awarded by EFIS were established to recognize and reward Europe’s young talents in the fields of immunology and allergology. The two ACTERIA Doctoral Thesis Prizes, for the best dissertations defended in the last 3 years, and the two ACTERIA Early Career Research Prizes, going to investigators with up to 10 years postdoctoral experience, carry cash awards plus the financing of three-year research projects to be performed in European institutions. 2013 IUIS Day of Immunology Award Ceremony 13.30-15.00 August 25 - BROWN 3 This year for the first time, IUIS and EFIS have worked together to involve all regional and national societies in a global effort to promote the benefits of immunology research during the International Day of Immunology (DoI) that took place on April 29, 2013. Each participating society designed their campaign using any media of their choice, including posters, film, video, social media, email and regular mail reaching journalists, school teachers, politicians, decision makers and the general public. Awards are being given based on the campaign’s originality, clarity, and impact at national or regional level. All national societies and regional federations were eligible to apply for a prize. 22 national societies applied and named an Ambassador to be the contact person for their campaign. This year, awards totaling 5000 euros will be given to the top 3 public relations campaign for the Day of Immunology: 1. International Day of Immunology Award, given by IUIS - 2000 euros for the best campaign organized by IUIS members 2. European Day of Immunology Award, given by EFIS - 2000 Euros for the best campaign in Europe, where the annual DoI has been celebrated since 2005 3. Award for the Best Newcomer Campaign - 1000 euros given jointly by IUIS and EFIS for the best campaign organized by a candidate participating in the DoI for the first time Prizes will be announced during a special awards ceremony at the ICI Milan, 25 August 2013 from 1:30 to 3:00pm in the BROWN room 3. The winners will have the opportunity to present their campaign to the audience. NOVARTIS Award Ceremony 19.30-22.00 August 23 - GOLD ROOM The Novartis Prizes for Basic and Clinical Immunology are awarded for outstanding achievements in the understanding of immunological processes in health and disease and major discoveries resulting in novel treatments for immunological diseases such as autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, transplantation, infectious diseases, immunotherapy of cancer and allergic and dermatological diseases. The Prizes for Basic and Clinical Immunology are each endowed with SFr 100,000.
Awards Sponsored by Scientific Journals AWARDS SPONSORED BY SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS 14.00-15.00 August 24 - BROWN 3 THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD 4 prizes awarded by AAI representative(s) NATURE IMMUNOLOGY $ 500 for the best poster in Innate Immunity Prize awarded by Dr. Laurie Dempsey (Senior Editor of NI) NATURE REVIEWS IMMUNOLOGY $ 500 for the best poster in Adaptive Immunity Prize awarded by Dr. Lucy Bird (Chief Editor of NRI) NATURE 1 free subscription for the best poster in Immune receptor and signaling 1 free subscription for the best poster in Immune-mediated disease pathogenesis Prize awarded by Dr. Ursula Weiss (Senior Editor of Nature) SCIENCE 1 free subscription for the best poster in Translational immunology and immune intervention Prize awarded by an ICI representative IMMUNITY (Cell Press) 1 free subscription for the best poster in Host-pathogen Interactions Prize awarded by Dr. Peter Lee (Editor of Immunity) TRENDS IN IMMUNOLOGY (Cell Press) 1 free subscription for the best poster in Innate Immunity Prize awarded by Dr. Peter Lee (Editor of Immunity)
Travel Grants
Travel grants ICI 2013 Bursaries to Young Immunologists Travel grants funded by ICI 2013 have been assigned to worthy young immunologists. Travel Grants Recipients 1. Aicheler Rebecca (GBR) 2. Bär Eva (SUI) 3. Bar-On Yotam (ISR) 4. Bonaccorsi Irene (ITA) 5. Boström Stéphanie (SWE) 6. Carambia Antonella (GER) 7. Chuang Huai-Chia (TAI) 8. Cook Alistair (AUS) 9. Cuenca Marta (ESP) 10. Dominguez Claudia (USA) 11. Doxaki Christina (GRE) 12. Dudeck Anne (GER) 13. Flaczyk Adam (CAN) 14. Guggino Giuliana (ITA) 15. Hagn Magdalena (AUS) 16. Hanazawa Asami (GER) 17. Hartung Evelyn (GER) 18. He Feng (LUX) 19. Hoeffel Guillaume (SNG) 20. IJspeert Hanna (NED) 21. Jackson Katherine (AUS) 22. Kassianos Andrew (AUS) 23. Kimura Tetsuya (JPN) 24. Laffont Sophie (FRA) 25. Lee Se Na (KOREA) 26. Lo Monaco Elisa (ITA) 27. Lo Presti Elena (ITA) 28. Lund Harald (SWE) 29. Marczy ska Joanna (POL) 30. Marichal Thomas (USA) 31. Messaoudene Meriem (FRA) 32. Moriwaki Kenta (USA) 33. Morvan Maelig (USA) 34. Nadkarni Suchita (GBR) 35. Obata Yuuki (JPN) 36. Ouaguia Laurissa (FRA) 37. Ouchani Farid (FRA) 38. Ramos Ornelia (NED) 39. Rashidi Maryam (AUS) 40. Reboldi Andrea (USA) 41. Schmetterer Klaus (AUT) 42. Schraml Barbara (GBR) 43. Sekai Miho (JPN) 44. Seillet Cyril (AUS) 45. Shimada Kenichi (USA) 46. Spary Lisa (GBR) 47. Szarka Eszter (HUN) 48. Trovato Maria (ITA) 49. Valero-Pacheco Nuriban (MEX) 50. van der Meer Anne (NED)
IUIS/GATES Foundation travel grants for young immunologists from developing countries The IUIS and The Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation have assigned 36 travel grants to immunologists from developing countries (non-OECD countries). Travel Grants Recipients 1. Alonso-Vega Cristina (BOL) 2. Amri Manel (ALG) 3. Anavarathavinayagamoorthy Sivagowry (SRI) 4. Bashir Qudsia (PAK) 5. Bobosha Kidist (ETI) 6. Bogolyubova Apollinariya (RUS) 7. Bortoluci Karina (BRA) 8. Chamakh Rym (TUN) 9. Drif Kamar (MAR) 10. Ganji Rakesh (IND) 11. Hsu Li-Chung (TAI) 12. Kabilova Tatyana (RUS) 13. Kammoun Rebai Wafa (TUN) 14. Kone Younoussou (MLI) 15. Lekomtseva Yevgeniya (UKR) 16. Lenac Roviš Tihana (CRO) 17. Matangkasombut Ponpan (THL) 18. Mduluza Takafira (ZIM) 19. Medina Silva Tiago (BRA) 20. Mendez Huergo Santiago (ARG) 21. Mihret Adane (ETI) 22. Milovanovic Marija (SRB) 23. Mohan Mradul (IND) 24. Muñoz-Wolf Natalia (URU) 25. Ndure Jorjoh (GAM) 26. Nemes Elisa (SUD) 27. Nyakundi Ruth (KEN) 28. Panda Saswati (SIN) 29. Parihar Suraj (SUD) 30. Sabour Alaoui Sanaa (TUN) 31. Tian Jie (CHN) 32. Volkava Marharyta (BLR) 33. Wang Wenyan (CHN) 34. Yacoub-Youssef Houda (MAR) 35. Yessoufou Akadiri (BEN) 36. Zakharyan Roksana (ARM)
Travel Grants
Travel grants ICI-AAI travel grants for immunologists from developing countries The American Association of Immunologists has assigned 20 travel grants to immunologists from developing countries (USAID Developing and Advanced Developing Countries). 1. Atoum Manar (JOR) 2. Best Ivan (PER) 3. Bhattacharyya Arindam (IND) 4. Blinova Elena (RUS) 5. Capozzo Alejandra (ARG) 6. Clavijo Salomon Maria (BRA) 7. Dergan Dylon Sebastián (ARG) 8. Dias de Melo Guilherme (BRA) 9. Dubey Shweta (IND) 10. Dzoro Sheron (BOT) 11. Gustiananda Marsia (INA) 12. Kanga Uma (IND) 13. Maneerat Yaowapa (TAI) 14. Mihaylova Nikolina (BUL) 15. Mongini Claudia (ARG) 16. Ode Odugbo Moses (NGR) 17. Ramesh Kumar (IND) 18. Retshabile Gaone (BOT) 19. Wada-Kura Aminu (NGR) 20. Yap Fei-Ling (MAS)
Travel grant opportunities provided by National Societies and Immunological Federations: • • • • • • • • • • •
American Association of Immunologists Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology Australasian Society for Immunology Brasilian Society of Immunology British Society for Immunology Canadian Society of Immunology EFIS European Federation of Immunological Societes French Society of Immunology German Society for Immunology Japanese Society for Immunology Italian Society of Immunology, Clinical Immunology and Allergology • Swiss Society for Allergology and Immunology • Turkish Society of Immunology
August 22 - 9.00 - 17.00 BROWN 3
Chairs: Abul K. Abbas, MD (University of California San Francisco, USA) Andrew H. Lichtman, MD, PhD (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA) Abul K. Abbas (USA) Introduction to the Immune System Andrew H. Lichtman (USA) Innate Immunity Abul K. Abbas (USA) Antigen Presentation, T Cell Activation and Costimulation Abul K. Abbas (USA) T Cell Subsets, Cytokines Andrew H. Lichtman (USA) CD8, NK and NK T Cells Andrew H. Lichtman (USA) B Cells and Antibodies Abul K. Abbas (USA) T Cell Regulation and Tolerance Abul K. Abbas (USA) Autoimmunity and Immunological Diseases
August 22 - 8.45 - 17.00 AMBER 5+6
August 23-27 - 8.00 - 8.45 AMBER 1+2
Chair: Reinhold E. Schmidt
Friday, August 23 Cezmi A. Akdis (CHE) Allergies Saturday, August 24 Bodo Grimbacher (GBR) Primary immunodeficiencies Sunday, August 25 Roland Martin (CHE) Inflammatory diseases of the CNS Monday, August 26 Herve Fridman (FRA) Immune surveillance of tumors Tuesday, August 27 Kathryn Wood (GBR) Transplant tolerance
SATELLITE MEETING XXIII AINI CONGRESS Italian Association of Neuroimmunology The Neurobiology of the Immune System
August 22, 2013 OPENING CEREMONY Luciano Adorini, President 15th ICI - Opening speech Stefan H.E. Kaufmann, IUIS President - Welcome address Vincenzo Barnaba, President SIICA - Welcome address Cristina Tajani, Milan City Councillor for Cultural Affairs - Welcome address Sandro De Palma, piano Domenico Cimarosa Cinque Sonate per fortepiano Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K. 380 in mi maggiore - Andante comodo Sonata K.427 in sol maggiore - Più presto possibile Pastorale (Allegretto) e Capriccio (Vivace)
16.45 - 19.15 GOLD ROOM
Jules Hoffmann (FRA) - Lecture Innate immunity: from flies to humans Introduced by Stefan H.E. Kaufmann
Maria Chiara Pavone e Graciela Dorbessan, sopranos Sandro De Palma, piano Giacomo Puccini Mi chiamano Mimì (from La Bohème) Graciela Dorbessan, Soprano Gioachino Rossini L’invito (from Soirées musicales) Maria Chiara Pavone, Soprano Giacomo Puccini Vissi d’arte (from Tosca) Graciela Dorbessan, Soprano Gaetano Donizetti Lu trademiento (Neapolitan song) Maria Chiara Pavone, Soprano Gaetano Donizetti I bevitori (Duet for two sopranos and piano) Graciela Dorbessan e Maria Chiara Pavone, Sopranos Rino Rappuoli (ITA) - Lecture Designing vaccines for the 21st century society Introduced by Vincenzo Barnaba
Francesca Dego, violin Niccolò Paganini Cantabile per violino e pianoforte (Sandro De Palma, piano) Capriccio n. 20 (Allegretto) Capriccio n. 21 (Amoroso, presto) Capriccio n. 24 (Tema con variazioni, quasi presto) Welcome Cocktail
5.000 downloads of the musical program (Cimarosa and Scarlatti) will be available on website User-ID: 15ICI Password: muzio2013
Chair: Abul Abbas (USA) Rolf Zinkernagel (CHE) On immunity or what immunology is all about
PS.02 - PERSPECTIVES IN IMMUNOLOGY Chair: Lorenzo Moretta (ITA) Alain Fischer (FRA) T cell immunodeficiencies
12.30 - 13.15 SPACE 1+2
Chair: Vishna Dixit (USA) Shizuo Akira (JPN) Mitochondrial transport by microtubule acetylation is essential to NLRP3-inflammasome activation
12.30 - 13.15 BROWN 3
Chair: David Hafler (USA) Abul Abbas (USA) Immunological tolerance: mechanisms and therapeutic applications
LL.03 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Matthew Albert (FRA) Rafi Ahmed (USA) T cell memory and exhaustion
12.30 - 13.15 SPACE 4
12.30 - 13.15 12.30 - 13.15 BROWN 1+2 GOLD ROOM 12.30 - 13.15 SPACE 3
LL.05 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Fred Alt (USA) Jean Claude Weill (FRA) Memory
LL.02 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Eric Vivier (FRA) Lorenzo Moretta (ITA) Human NK cells: from basic research to the therapy of high risk leukemias
LL.04 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Hannes Stockinger (AUT) Paola Ricciardi Castagnoli (SGP) NFAT control of innate immunity
LL.06 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Christine Biron (USA) Hidde Ploegh (USA) Cloned mice as immunological tools
LL.07 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Gordon Brown (GBR) Yvette van Kooyk (NLD) Glycans as dendritic cell targeting strategy for the induction of immunity and tolerance
18.30 - 19.15 GOLD ROOM
14.00 - 15.00 BROWN 3
12.30 - 13.15 AMBER 1+2
8.50 - 9.20 SPACE 1+2
9.30 - 10.15 GOLD ROOM
8.50 - 9.20 GOLD ROOM
Main Lectures August 23, 2013
SPECIAL LECTURE Chair: Marco Colonna (USA) Ivan Lefkovitz (CHE) Contribution of Italian scientists to the 30 years of Basel Institute for Immunology success
PL.02 - PLENARY LECTURE Chair: Philippa Marrack (USA) Ruslan M. Medzhitov (USA) Inflammation and tissue homeostasis
Chairs: Paola Allavena (ITA) Yoichiro Iwakura (JPN) Lars Klareskog (SWE) S1.01 Gene-environment interaction studies as a basis for unraveling specificity of adaptive immunity in rheumatoid arthritis Frank Nestle (GBR) S1.02 Inflammatory skin disease: from pathways to targeted therapy Jeffrey V. Ravetch (USA) S1.03 A general mechanism for modulating immunoglobulin effector activity Suzanne Ostrand-Rosemberg (USA) S1.04 Tumor-induced myeloid-cell mediated immune suppression: it is all the RAGE Mitchell Kronenberg (USA) S1.05 Regulation of inflammation and mucosal innate immunity by HVEM, a TNF super family receptor
Chairs: Moncef Zouali (FRA) Pierluigi Meroni (ITA) Peder Olofsson (USA) S2.01 Neural circuitry regulating immunity: identification of T-ChAt as a discrete T cell subset Roland Martin (DEU) S2.02 Antigen-specific tolerization approaches in multiple sclerosis - principles and recent data David Wraith (GBR) S2.03 Negative feedback regulation of inflammatory autoimmune responses Jeffrey A. Bluestone (USA) S2.04 Treg therapy in autoimmunity: preclinical and clinical experiences Josef Smolen (AUT) S2.05 Treating rheumatoid arthritis: recent achievements and current prospects
10.20 - 12.25 SPACE 1+2
10.20 - 12.25 GOLD ROOM
Parallel Symposia August 23, 2013
10.20 - 12.25 BROWN 3
Chairs: Lucienne Chatenoud (FRA) Foo Y. Liew (GBR) Gordon Brown (GBR) S3.01 C-type lectins and anti-fungal immunity Dan R. Littman (USA) S3.02 Commensal microbe-dependent induction of effector T cells in the lamina propria Gabriel Nunez (USA) S3.03 Regulation of pathogen colonization by virulence factors and the microbiota Francesca Granucci (ITA) S3.04 Mechanisms and consequences of NFAT signaling pathway activation downstream of PRRs in innate immune cells Giulio Superti Furga (AUT) S3.05 IFITs, TLRs and innate anti-viral molecular networks
Peter Murray (USA)
Doreen Cantrell (GBR) S4.01 T cell metabolism and differentiation Hua Yu (CHN) S4.02 STAT3 in tumor immune regulation: opportunities for clinical translation Kai W. Wucherpfennig (USA) S4.03 Control of T cell signaling by membrane binding of TCR-CD3 ITAMs Attila Mocsai (HUN) S4.04 Tyrosine kinases in leukocyte activation and migration Oreste Acuto (GBR) S4.05 Proteomics of T cell signaling: seeing more and better
Chairs: Angel Lopez (AUS) Angel Corbi (ESP) John Hamilton (AUT) S5.01 Colony stimulating factors and macrophage lineage phenotypes Miriam Merad (USA) S5.02 The regulation of the dendritic cell lineage Hans-Reimer Rodewald (DEU) S5.03 Fate mapping the origins of fetal and adult myeloid cells Marco Cassatella (ITA) S5.04 Uncovering the regulation of gene expression in human neutrophils William Nauseef (USA) S5.05 Host vs. microbe in the human neutrophil phagosome
Chairs: Harald von Boehmer (USA) Stephan Meuer (DEU) Ellis L. Reinherz (USA) S6.01 Mechanotransduction processes involved in T cell development and cognate recognition Ton Schumacher (NLD) S6.02 Analysis of antigen-specific T cell responses at the single cell level Bruno Kyewski (DEU) S6.03 Generating self-antigen diversity by genome scanning in single thymic epithelial cells Kristen A. Hogquist (USA) S6.04 The role of self recognition in the development of various T cell subsets Gennaro De Libero (SGP) S6.05 Butyrophilin 3A1 binds phosphorylated antigens and stimulates human T cells
10.20 - 12.25 SPACE 4
10.20 - 12.25 SPACE 3
10.20 - 12.25 BROWN 1+2
14.00 - 15.00 SPACE 3
with the contribution of Biolegend Chairs: Hans-Martin Jack (DEU) Carsten Wiethe (DEU) Scientific Application Manager, BioLegend Expanding multicolor options in flow cytometry with novel Brilliant Violet™ fluorophores Eva Tolosa (DEU) University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany Improving immune effector cell analysis with Brilliant Violet™ fluorophores
THE NEUROBIOLOGY OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM with the contribution of International Society of Neuroimmunology, Target Brain Chairs: Carlo Avolio (ITA) - Antonio Uccelli (ITA)
15.10 - 18.15 AMBER 5+6
Michal Schwartz (ISR) Immunity shapes brain function in health, disease and aging: specificity, location and mechanism Gianvito Martino (ITA) From brain homeostasis to tissue repair: the immunomodulatory role of neural stem cells Zaal Kokaia (SWE) Stroke, stem cells and inflammation Michal Tomas Olsson (SWE) Genes and lifestyle factors, and their interactions leading to CNS autoimmune disease: multiple sclerosis Luca Battistini (ITA) Immunological hallmarks of multiple sclerosis Roberto Furlan (ITA) Microglia microvescicles: a pathogenic and prognostic role is neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative conditions
19.15 - 20.15 GOLD ROOM
Introduction by Hidde Ploegh (USA) Address and handover of the prizes by Dhavalkumar Patel, MD, PhD, Head Europe, Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research BASIC IMMUNOLOGY PRIZE Laudation by Anne O’Garra (GBR) Lectures by the Prize winners CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY PRIZE Laudation by Diane Mathis (USA) Lecture by the Prize winner
W1.11.11 - Bacterial 23S rRNA is recognized by the endosomal TLR13 unless it is modified to constitute erythromycin resistance Anne Krüger, M. Oldenburg, R. Ferstl, A. Kaufmann, G. Nees, J. Buer, H. Wagner, S. Bauer, H. Hochrein, C.J. Kirschning Essen, Germany
IL1.11.01 - Regulation of the innate immune responses in wild mice Alexander Poltorak, T. Volkova, I. Kurbatova, V. Ilyuha, U. Bagina, D. Ram Boston, United States W1.11.01 - Emerging roles of an innate immune regulator TAPE in the endosomal Toll-like receptor (TLR) and cytosolic RIG-I-like receptor (RLR) pathways Pin Ling, K. Chen, C. Yang, Y. Lo, C. Huang, T. Tan Tainan, Taiwan
15.10-18.15 GOLD ROOM
Chairs: John Kagan (USA) Alexander Poltorak (USA)
W1.11.02 - Smurf2 negatively regulates RIG-I-like receptor-mediated immune signalling Yu Pan, J. Zhang Beijing, China
W1.06 - MACROPHAGES Chairs: Antonio Sica (ITA) Subhra Biswas (SGP) W1.06.01 - Stabilin-1/CLEVER-1 defines an immune suppressive monocyte population Senthil Palani, K. Elima, M. Salmi, S. Jalkanen Turku, Finland
W1.11.05 - CD14 as a key regulator of TLR-mediated responses of microglia Hana Janova, T. Regen, D. van Rossum, A. Götz, W. Brück, U. Hanisch Goettingen, Germany
W1.06.02 - Mice depleted of LyzM+ macro-phages develop chronic inflammation and deregulated adaptive immunity Roham Parsa, H. Lund, X. Zhang, A.O.G. Cacais, A.M. Georgoudaki, M. Karlsson, R.A. Harris Stockholm, Sweden
W1.11.06 - Bruton’s tyrosine kinase plays an essential role in TLR-dependent human DC activation Vassilios Lougaris, M. Vitali, M. Baronio, G. Tampella, L. Tassone, A. Soresina, R. Badolato, A. Plebani Brescia, Italy
15.10-18.15 BROWN 3
15.10-18.15 GOLD ROOM
W1.11.04 - The evolutionary landscape of the NLR family is reflected in the species-specific response to infection Tom P. Monie, L. Hopkins, J. Boyle, W. Amos, C. Bryant Cambridge, United Kingdom
W1.11.08 - NLRC5-mediated regulation of MHC class I immune responses Koichi S. Kobayashi, I. Downs, A. Biswas, T. Meissner, Y. Liu, K. Lee, A. Li College Station, USA
W1.11.13 - Redox-based control of synergy and antagonism among TLRs modulates cytokine production by monocytes Rosa Lavieri, L. Delfino, P. Piccioli, E. Repaci, P. Castellani, A. Rubartelli Genoa, Italy W1.11.14 - A TNF-CCL20-CCR6 axis drives Nod1-induced B cell recruitment Jorg H. Fritz Montreal, Canada
W1.11.03 - PIAS1 negatively modulates virus triggered type I IFN signalling by blocking the DNA binding activity of IRF3. R. Li, Y. Pan, D. Shi, Y. Zhang, Jun Zhang Beijing, China
W1.11.07 - Lysosomal oligopeptide transporter SLC15A4 regulates Toll-like receptor 7/9-mediated autoantibody production Toshihiko Kobayashi, T. Okamura, N. Toyama-Sorimachi Tokyo, Japan
W1.11.12 - TLR triggered MAPK signalling is responsible for the regulatory phenotype of macrophages in response to Schistosoma mansoni cercarial secretions David E. Sanin, A.P. Mountford York, United Kingdom
W1.06.03 - Glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ) inhibits inflammatory activation in macrophages via reduced MAPK signalling: role in endotoxin tolerance Jessica Hoppstädter, T. Stadter, S. Bruscoli, C. Riccardi, A.K. Kiemer Saarbruecken, Germany W1.06.04 - CD300a is a new hypoxia-inducible gene and a regulator of proinflammatory cytokine production in human monocytes and macrophages Federica Raggi, F. Blengio, L. Varesio, M. Bosco Genoa, Italy
W1.11.09 - Co-ligation of TLR3 and Dectin-1 agonists potentiates Th1 polarization capability on monocyte derived Langerhans cells in vitro Ivan Rajkovic, A. Dragicevic, S. Vasilijic, D. Vucevic, B. Bozic, D. Mihajlovic, M. Markovic, M. Colic Belgrade, Serbia
W1.06.05 - Physical interaction between miR-155 and miR-146a gene loci: Co-regulation during macrophage activation and induction of endotoxin tolerance Christina Doxaki, A. Eliopoulos, C. Spilianakis, C. Tsatsanis Heraklion, Greece
W1.11.10 - TLR-9 dependent dendritic cells activation by filamentous bacteriophage targeting DEC-205 Rossella Sartorius, L. D’Apice, M. Trovato, G. De Leo, A. De Matteis, P. Barba, P. De Berardinis Naples, Italy
W1.06.06 - Single cell dynamics of macrophage activation and signalling James S. Bagnall, L. Schmidt, D. Spiller, M.R.H. White, P. Paszek Manchester, United Kingdom
Workshops August 23, 2013 W1.06.07 - Revisiting the ontogeny of the mononuclear phagocyte system: embryonic and adult hematopoietic contributions. G. Hoeffel, Florent Ginhoux Singapore, Singapore
15.10-18.15 BROWN 3
W1.06.09 - Targeting MIF/CD74 signalling pathway to dampen acute inflammation in autoimmune diabetes Hannelie Korf, B. Stijlemans, K. Ciotkowski, J. Laureys, M. Gilis, C. Gysemans, C. Mathieu Leuven, Belgium
15.10-16.40 SPACE 1
W1.06.08 - CX3CR1hi Ly6C- monocytes play an anti-inflammatory role during liver inflammation Y. Morias, Chloe Abels, D. Laoui, E. Van Overmeire, E. Schouppe, F. Tacke, P. De Baetselier, A. Beschin Brussels, Belgium
W5.17.03 - Defective IFN--induced indoleamine 2,3dioxygenase production in patients with macrophage activation syndrome Karen Put, F. Fallarino, A. Avau, S. Put, B. Bader-Meunier, B. Van den Eynde, C. Orabona, P. Quartier, C. Wouters, P. Matthys Leuven, Belgium
W1.06.10 - Role of M1 and M2 macrophages in phagocytosis and degradation of amyloid-beta in Alzheimer's disease transgenic mice Harald Lund, X. Zhang, R.A. Harris Stockholm, Sweden
W1.06.12 - IL-4 stimulates macrophage soluble Flt-1 and inhibits murine experimental choroidal neovascularisation Wei-Kang Wu, L.B. Nicholson, D.O. Bates, A.D. Dick Bristol, United Kingdom
W5.01 - CYTOKINE REGULATION IN DISEASE Chairs: Patricia Bozza (BRA) Santo Landolfo (ITA)
W1.06.13 - CCR2 expression by macrophages promotes tumor progression through induction of IL-10 production Nicoletta Caronni, B. Savino, M. Locati, R. Bonecchi Milan, Italy
IL5.01.01 - Dengue infection triggers platelet-derived IL-1: Mechanisms and roles to increased vascular permeability E.D. Hottz, J. Lopes, C. Freitas, F.A. Bozza, Patricia T. Bozza Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
15.10-16.40 SPACE 1
IL5.17.01 - Epigenetic regulation following AhR activation leads to suppression of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases Prakash Nagarkatti, M. Rouse, N. Singh, M. Nagarkatti South Carolina, United States IL5.17.02 - Autoinflammatory diseases Anna Rubartelli Genova, Italy W5.17.01 - The molecular link between PSTPIP1 and S100A8/S100A9 in autoinflammatory diseases Selina Fassl, D. Holzinger, J. Austermann, T. Vogl, J. Roth Muenster, Germany W5.17.02 - Increased Nlrp3-dependent IL-1 secretion in patients with familial mediterranean fever: correlation with Mefv genotype Alessia Omenetti, S. Carta, L. Delfino, A. Martini, M. Gattorno, A. Rubartelli Genoa, Italy
15.10-16.40 SPACE 2
W1.06.14 - Matrix reprogramming of immune cells and its disturbance in tumor Igor Malyshev Moscow, Russian Federation
Chairs: Prakash Nagarkatti (USA) Anna Rubartelli (ITA)
W5.17.05 - Identification of commensal flora associated antigen, as a pathogenic factor of autoimmune pancreatitis Yoshihiro Abe, N. Yanagisawa, I. Haruta, K. Shiratori, J. Yagi Tokyo, Japan W5.17.06 - Soluble CD91/LRP1 is elevated in the sera of a subset of children with different inflammatory diseases Marianna M. Newkirk, R. Balhous, A. Cimino, Z. Li, S. Magalhaes, A. Bar-Or, A. Rosenberg Montreal, Canada
W1.06.11 - IL-17 receptor A regulates renal inflammation and aggravates fibrosis Shuwang Ge, B. Hertel, H. Haller, S. von Vietinghoff Hannover, Germany
W5.17.04 - Study MHC-II presentation of multiple sclerosis associated autoantigen using antibodies with T cell receptor specificity Efrat Altman, Y. Reiter Haifa, Israel
IL5.01.02 - Nuclear DNA sensor IFI16 as circulating protein in autoimmune diseases is a signal of damage that impairs endothelial cells through high-affinity membrane binding Marco De Andrea, M. Bawadekar, F. Gugliesi, V. Dell’Oste, V. Caneparo, A. Tincani, M. Gariglio, S. Landolfo Turin, Italy W5.01.01 - The TNF family member TL1A: a key player in type 2 immunity in both adaptive and innate lymphocytes F. Meylan, E. Hawley, L. Barron, P. Penumetcha, J. Barlow, A. Richard, T. Wynn, A. Mckenzie, I. Gery, Richard M. Siegel Bethesda, USA W5.01.02 - Oxazolone and ethanol induce colitis in NOD-scid IL2R null mice engrafted with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells Roswitha Gropp, T. Nolte, M. Zadeh-Khorasani, F. Rueff, A. Wollenberg, V. Gülberg, E. Wolf, M. Siebeck Munich, Germany W5.01.03 - Chronic infection with Toxoplasma gondii aggravates experimental sublethal sepsis induced by CLP and predisposes to septic shock Maria C. Souza, D.M. Fonseca, A. Kanashiro, L. Benevides, G. Bonfá, D. Golenbock, R.T. Gazzielli, J.C.F. Alves-Filho, F.Q. Cunha, J.S. Silva Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
15.10-16.40 SPACE 2
W5.01.04 - Foxo3 transcription factor controls susceptibility to central nervous system inflammation Caroline Stienne, N. Carrié, A. Dejean Toulouse, France W5.01.05 - Factor Xa and thrombin stimulate an inflammatory and fibrotic response by retinal pigment epithelial cells: a role in vitreoretinal disorders? Jeroen Bastiaans, J.C. van Meurs, C. van Holten, M. Smits - te Nijenhuis, M.J. Kolijn - Couwenberg, N.M.A. Nagtzaam, M.P. van Hagen, R.W.A.M. Kuijpers, H. Hooijkaas, W.A. Dik Rotterdam, Netherlands
15.10-16.40 SPACE 3
Workshops August 23, 2013
W2.01 - LEUKOCYTE SIGNALING Chairs: Emilio Hirsch (ITA) Vaclav Horejsi (CEC)
W5.01.06 - Aberrant expression of IL-22RA1 on hematopoietic cells as immunologically signature of primary Sjogren’s syndrome and Sjogren-associated non-Hodgkin lymphomas Giuliana Guggino, F. Ciccia, A. Rizzo, S. Raimondo, A. Giardina, G. Giardina, G. Sireci, R. Alessandro, F. Dieli, G. Triolo Palermo, Italy
W2.01.01 - The recruitment and activation of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinases critically regulate CD28-dependent signalling responses Loretta Tuosto, M. Muscolini, C. Camperio, C. Capuano, S. Caristi, E. Piccolella, R. Galandrini Rome, Italy W2.01.02 - Terminal transport of lytic granules to the immune synapse is mediated by the kinesin1/Slp3/Rab27a complex Gaël Menasche, M. Kurowska, N. Goudin, N. Nehme, M. Court, J. Garin, A. Fischer, G. de Saint Basile Paris, France
IL2.10.01 - Understanding symptomatic infections in order to avoid initiation of autoimmunity Christian Munz Zurich, Switzerland
15.10-16.40 SPACE 4
W2.10 - AUTOPHAGY AND CELL DEATH IN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Chairs: Christian Münz (CHE) David Wallach (ISR)
W2.10.01 - Human and mouse mononuclear phagocytes are the only leukocyte subset expressing functional death receptors for Trail Cristina Belgiovine, M. Liguori, G. Germano, C. Buracchi, A. Mantovani, P. Allavena Milan, Italy
W2.01.04 - Molecular tuning of telomerase activity in highly differentiated human primary CD28−CD27− T cells Alessio Lanna, S.M. Henson, D. Escors, A.N. Akbar London, United Kingdom
W2.01.06 - The impact of arginine methylation on BCR signalling Simona Infantino, A. Light, K. O’Donnell, S. Richard, D. Tarlinton Melbourne, Australia
W2.10.02 - Target cell death is necessary for cytotoxic T cell detachment and serial killing Misty R. Jenkins, J.A. Lopez, J.A. Rudd-Schmidt, I. Voskoboinik, J.A. Trapani Melbourne, Australia
W2.10.03 - The switch in T cell survival: Cross-regulation between homeostasis and antigen-induced activation Susanne Heinzel, P. Koenen, J. Zhang, A. Strasser, P. Hodgkin Parkville, Australia
W2.10.05 - p53 contributes to T cell homeostasis through the induction of pro-apoptotic SAP Harsha S. Madapura, D. Salamon, K.G. Wiman, S. Lain, G. Klein, E. Klein, N. Nagy Stockholm, Sweden
W2.01.03 - The potassium channel KCNK3 determines calcium signalling pathways in T lymphocytes Stefan Bittner, H. Wiendl, S.G. Meuth Münster, Germany
W2.01.05 - The expression and phosphorylation of HS1 protein are finely tuned in normal and leukemic B cells Cristina Scielzo, E. ten Hacken, M.T.S. Bertilaccio, M. Ponzoni, U. Restuccia, A. Bachi, P. Ghia, F. Caligaris-Cappio Milan, Italy
Chairs: Part Peterson (FIN) Pawel Kisielow (POL)
15.10-16.40 AMBER 1+2
15.10-16.40 SPACE 3
IL2.10.02 - Regulation of inflammation and cell-death trough interactions of RHIM-domain protein kinases with caspase-8 David Wallach, T. Kang, S. Yang, B. Toth, A. Rajput, J. Kim, A. Kovalenko Rehovot, Israel
W2.10.04 - IFN- induces an autophagy-mediated antimicrobial response against Mycobacterium leprae in human monocytes Bruno J. Silva, P.R. Andrade, T.P. Amadeu, V. Diniz, S. Côrte-Real, V.C. Valentim, H. Ferreira, J.A.C. Nery, E.N. Sarno, R.O. Pinheiro Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
W2.10.06 - Autophagy facilitates TLR4,3-triggered migration and invasion of lung cancer cells by promoting chemokine and IL-6 production through maintaining TRAF6 ubiquitination Zhenzhen Zhan, X. Zhang, H. Fan, Z. Liu Shanghai, China
IL3.03.01 - Role of the affinity of TCR-self peptide interaction in commitment to CD4+Foxp3+ and CD4+Foxp3- T cells and in shaping their TCR repertoires L. Wojciech, L. Ignatowicz, Pawel Kisielow Wroclaw, Poland IL3.03.02 - Anti-cytokine autoantibodies in APECED correlate with chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis Pärt Peterson, J. Kärner, K. Kisand Tartu, Estonia
W3.03.01 - Novel role for heparan sulfate in thymic development of CD8+ T cells David Anak Simon Davis, C.R. Parish Canberra, Australia
15.10-16.40 AMBER 1+2
W3.03.02 - B cells engender thymic Tregs Stacey N. Walters, K.E. Webster, S. Daley, S.T. Grey Sydney, Australia W3.03.03 - Involvement of commensal bacteria in thymic Aire expression Akihito Nakajima, N. Negishi, H. Tsurui, M. Nanno, H. Yagita, K. Okumura, S. Habu Tokyo, Japan
15.10-16.40 AMBER 7+8
Workshops August 23, 2013
W3.03.05 - Aire-mediated central tolerance includes naïve but not post-translational modified selfantigens Bruno Raposo, P. Merky, R. Holmdahl, J. Bäcklund Stockholm, Sweden
W4.13.01 - Intestinal epithelium-intrinsic Notch signalling maintains mucosal immune homeostasis by ensuring epithelial barrier functions Yuuki Obata, D. Takahashi, Y. Furusawa, S. Hori, H. Ohno, K. Hase Tokyo, Japan
Chairs: Piergiuseppe De Berardinis (ITA) Markus F. Neurath (DEU)
Chairs: Carlo Pucillo (ITA) Marika Sarfati (CAN) IL1.02.01 - Mast cells and regulatory cells: a dialogue that can last a lifetime Carlo Pucillo Udine, Italy
W4.13.02 - Oral administration of poly-reactive highaffinity IgA monoclonal antibody against intestinal microbiota improved inflammatory colitis in mice Shinsaku Okai, Y. Horii, Y. Shiraki, S. Matsumoto, T. Naitoh, M. Nanno, K. Yamamoto, K. Kurokawa, S. Nomura, R. Shinkura Nagahama, Japan
15.10-16.40 BROWN 1
W4.13.03 - Caspase-8 is essential to maintain intestinal barrier function in response to mucosal pathogens Claudia Günther, B. Buchen, H. Neumann, M. Neurath, C. Becker Erlangen, Germany
IL1.02.02 - Basophils: new key players in lung and intestinal Th2 or Th17-associated chronic inflammatory disorders Marika Sarfati Montreal, Canada
W4.13.04 - CD200 receptor signalling facilitates murine cytomegalovirus persistence in mucosal tissue Gabrielle Stack, M. Marsden, M.A. Stacey, E. Jones, R.J. Snelgrove, S.M. Cuff, A.M. Gallimore, A.N. Barclay, G.W.G. Wilkinson, I.R. Humphreys Cardiff, United Kingdom
W1.02.01 - Seven color flow cytometry analyses of Allergin-1 expression and function on human primary bronchoalveolar and nasal mast cells Kei Nagai, S. Tahara-Hanaoka, A. Shibuya Tsukuba, Japan
W4.13.05 - Endoplasmic reticulum stress aggravates CVB3-induced myocarditis by promoting NF-B-mediated proinflammatory cytokine production Yan Yue, S. Xiong, X. Zha, W. Xu Suzhou, China
W1.02.02 - Soluble CD14 is necessary for LPS-mediated signalling in human intestinal mast cells Sibylle A. Brenner, S.C. Bischoff, A. Lorentz Stuttgart, Germany
W4.13.06 - Impaired maintenance of gut homeostasis in mice lacking GGTase-I in intestinal epithelial cells Rocío López Posadas, M.O. Bergö, C. Becker, F. Sánchez de Medina, M.F. Neurath, I. Atreya Erlangen, Germany
W1.02.03 - Siglec-7 is an Inhbitory receptor on human mast cells Sa'ar Mizrahi, B.F. Gibbs, L. Karra, M. Ben-Zimra, F. Levi-Schaffer Jerusalem, Israel W1.02.04 - The S1P/S1PR2 axis controls T-cell infiltration in a mast cell-dependent mouse model of acute pulmonary inflammation M.M. Price, Y.T. Falanga, J.J. Ryan, R. Sabbadini, S. Spiegel, Carole A. Oskeritzian Columbia, USA
15.10-16.40 BROWN 2
15.10-16.40 AMBER 7+8
W1.02.06 - Mast cells determine the adaptive immune response in contact hypersensitivity Anne Dudeck, J. Dudeck, M. Gunzer, A. Roers Dresden, Germany
W3.03.04 - A key role for PTPN22 in setting the threshold for natural and inducible regulatory T cell development Georgia Fousteri, I. Deberardinis, T. Jofra, S. Stanford, N. Bottini, M. Battaglia Milan, Italy
W3.03.06 - Functional study of WW domain-containing oxidoreductase in T cells Tsung-Hao Chang, L. Hs Tainan, Taiwan
W1.02.05 - IgE-dependent mast cell hyperplasya in the intestine of cystic fibrosis mouse model needs KCNN4 channel activity T.T. Riquelme, L.P. Cid, F.V. Sepúlveda, Carlos A. Flores Valdivia, Chile
W5.08 - ATHEROSCLEROSIS AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES Chairs: Goran Hansson (SWE) Michelle Letartre (CAN) IL5.08.01 - T cells regulate lipid metabolism and vascular stability. Role in atherosclerosis Goran K. Hansson Stockholm, Sweden
Workshops August 23, 2013 IL5.08.02 - Anti-VEGF therapy normalizes pulmonary vasculature in Endoglin and Alk1 heterozygous mice Michelle Letarte, D.S. Ardelean, M. Jerkic, M. Peter Toronto, Canada
W5.12.02 - Impaired TNF production by dendritic cells from rheumatoid arthritis patients upon contact with Porphyromonas gingivalis Kim C.M. Santegoets, M.H. Wenink, W.B. van den Berg, T.R.D.J. Radstake Utrecht, Netherlands
15.10-16.40 BROWN 2
W5.08.02 - Genetically controlled myocardial expression of CXCL9 may be responsible for the selective migration of Th1 T cells and magnitude of myocarditis in Chagas disease cardiomyopathy Edecio Cunha-Neto, L. Nogueira, R.H. Santos, B.M. Ianni, A. Frade, L. Benvenuti, E. Donadi, B. Saba, A. Fragata, J. Kalil Sao Paulo, Brazil W5.08.03 - TGF- signalling in T cells promotes stabilization of atherosclerotic plaques through an IL-17 dependent pathway Anton Gistera, A.K. Robertson, J. Andersson, D.F.J. Ketelhuth, O. Ovchinnikova, S.K. Nilsson, A.M. Lundberg, M.O. Li, R.A. Flavell, G.K. Hansson Stockholm, Sweden
16.45-18.15 SPACE 1
W5.08.01 - Circulating CD40+ and CD80+ B cell subsets are opposingly associated with risk of stroke P. Mantani, I. Ljungcrantz, L. Andersson, R. Alm, B. Hedblad, H. Björkbacka, J. Nilsson, Gunilla N. Fredrikson Malmö, Sweden
W5.08.05 - TIPE2 prevents atherosclerosis by negatively regulating macrophage responses to oxLDL Y. Lou, Suxia Liu, G. Zhang, Y. Chen, Y. Zhang Ji'nan, China
Chairs: Gianpietro Semenzato (ITA) Thomas A. Wynn (USA) IL5.02.01 - Regulation of wound healing and fibrosis by macrophages Thomas A. Wynn, L. Borthwick, L. Barron, R.W. Thompson, K. Vannella, K. Kindrachuk, K. Hart, A.W. Cheever, T.R. Ramalingam, P.J. Murray Bethesda, United States
16.45-18.15 SPACE 2
16.45-18.15 SPACE 1
Chairs: Olivier Boyer (FRA) Claudio Lunardi (ITA)
W5.12.01 - DERAA directed T cells: a link between HLA-II association and rheumatoid arthritis Jurgen van Heemst, D. Jansen, M. Bax, A. Feitsma, M. Baarse, A. Moustakas, D. Bontrop-Elferink, G. Papadopoulos, T. Huizinga, R. Toes Leiden, Netherlands
W5.12.05 - Endogenous SLPI controls B cell survival factor expression in TLR3-stimulated rheumatoid synovial fibroblasts Ngar W. Kam, F. Brentano, D. Kyburz, S. Gay, A. Filer, C. Buckley, C. Pitzalis, M. Bombardieri London, United Kingdom
W5.08.06 - Co-stimulatory signalling through lymphocyte CD40 limits adipose tissue inflammation and protects from de novo and pre-established metabolic disease in mice Dennis Wolf, F. Jehle, N. Bukosza, P. Aichele, N. Varo, C. Bode, P. Libby, K. Peter, A. Zirlik Freiburg, Germany
IL5.12.02 - Role of soluble CD30/CD30L and of CD30/CD30L+ T cells in the modulation of inflammatory response in rheumatoid synovitis A. Barbieri, E. Tinazzi, A. Rigo, R. Gerli, G. Patuzzo, R. Beri, A. Puccetti, Claudio Lunardi Verona, Italy
W5.12.04 - DNAse IgG activity in patients with early arthritis Marharyta Volkava, A. Kundzer, I. Generalov Vitebsk, Belarus
W5.12.06 - In vivo RNAi mediated silencing of HNRNP-A2 decreases chronic inflammation by inhibiting proliferative and secretory capacity of monocytic cells Sonja Herman, J. Presumey, M. Koenders, W. van den Berg, F. Apparailley, G. Steiner Vienna, Austria
W5.08.04 - A novel role for Rip2 in T cell regulation; Rip2 deficiency leads to increased Th17 skewing Kenichi Shimada, S. Chen, T. Crother, W. Zhang, M. Arditi Los Angeles, USA
IL5.12.01 - Necrotizing autoimmune myopathy: emergence of a new autoimmune disease Olivier Boyer, L. Drouot, F. Jouen, Y. Allenbach, J. Charuel, L. Musset, I. Marie, O. Benveniste, &. French Myositis Network Rouen, France
W5.12.03 - Antibodies from rheumatoid arthritis patients target citrullinated histone 4 contained in neutrophils extracellular traps F. Pratesi, I. Dioni, M. Alcaro, I. Paolini, F. Panza, I. Puxeddu, P. Rovero, Paola Migliorini Pisa, Italy
W5.02.01 - Th-2 cytokine producing Tregs are present in the skin of patients with systemic sclerosis Raewyn Broady, J. Huang, K. MacDonald, J. Dunne, M.K. Levings Vancouver, Canada W5.02.02 - IL-33 precursor and bleomycin synergize in inducing lymphocyte accumulation and fibrosis in the lungs Irina G. Luzina, V. Lockatell, P. Kopach, N.W. Todd, S.P. Atamas Baltimore, USA W5.02.03 - A short-term model of COPD identifies a role for mast cell tryptase Phil M. Hansbro, E.L. Beckett, R.L. Stevens, A.G. Jarnicki, R.L. Kim, S. Keely, J.C. Horvat, P.A. Wark, B.G. Oliver, P.S. Foster Newcastle, Australia W5.02.04 - Suppressive role of neuroimmune semaphorin 4A in allergen-induced and VEGF-regulated lung inflammatory responses Svetlana P. Chapoval, E. Smith, E. Nkyimbeng-Takwi, K. Shanks, M.M. Lipsky, L.J. DeTolla, J.A. Elias, A.D. Keegan Baltimore, USA
16.45-18.15 SPACE 2
Workshops August 23, 2013 W5.02.05 - The condition of host CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells determines the phenotype of autoimmune-like chronic GVHD Yuki Akieda, T. Nakamura, E. Wakamatsu, Y. Obata, S. Ogawa, S. Watanabe, R. Abe Chiba, Japan
W1.13 - FC AND FC-LIKE RECEPTORS Chairs: Catherine Sautes Fridman (FRA) Jeanette H. Leusen (NLD) IL1.13.01 - Inside-out and outside-in Fc receptors: impact on antibody therapy of cancer Jeanette H.W. Leusen Utrecht, Netherlands
W5.02.06 - Endogenous and immune cell derived BDNF supports regeneration in human skeletal muscle Emanuela Colombo, F. Bedogni, I. Lorenzetti, N. Landsberger, S.C. Previtali, C. Farina Milan, Italy
IL1.13.02 - Fc gamma receptors: a 50 year anniversary Catherine Sautes Fridman Paris, France W1.13.01 - Role of IgG, IgG receptors and neutrophils in anaphylactic reactions Friederike Jönsson, D.A. Mancardi, P. Bruhns Paris, France
IL1.01.01 - Role of NADPH oxidase-derived reactive oxygen species in human neutrophil IL-1 beta secretion M.L. Gabelloni, F. Sabbione, C. Jancic, I. Keitelman, L. Iula, M. Oleastro, J. Geffner, Analia Trevani Buenos Aires, Argentina IL1.01.02 - Characterization of cytosolic proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in neutrophils: anti-apoptotic role of the monomer A. De Chiara, Veronique Witko-Sarsat Paris, France
16.45-18.15 SPACE 4
Chairs: Veronique Witko-Sarsat (FRA) Analia Trevani (ARG)
16.45-18.15 SPACE 3
W1.01.01 - Chromatin configurations correlate with the differential capacity of human neutrophils and monocytes to express IL-6 in response to LPS Maili Zimmermann, N. Tamassia, M. Castellucci, M. Rossato, F. Bazzoni, M.A. Cassatella Verona, Italy
W1.13.03 - Anti-inflammatory activity of IVIg mediated through the activating FcRIII (CD16) is induced by ITAMi signalling Sanae Ben Mkaddem, M. Aloulou, U. Blank, R.C. Monteiro Paris, France W1.13.04 - Antibody opsonised pathogens profoundly alter secondary immune responses through cross-talk of TLRs and FcRs Jantine Bakema, K. Tuk, S. van Vliet, S. Bruijns, J. Vos, S. Letsiou, C. Dijkstra, Y. van Kooyk, A. Brenkman, M. van Egmond Amsterdam, Netherlands
W1.01.02 - Influence of CD137L signalling in myelopoiesis during acute and chronic inflammation Qianqiao Tang, D. Jiang, J.M.M. Gomez, S. Alonso, A. Pant, D.M. Kemeny, L. Chen, H. Schwarz Singapore, Singapore
W1.13.05 - Monocytes rather than NK-cells contribute to antibody mediated protection from MCMV infection Anna Bootz, T. Winkler, M. Mach Erlangen, Germany
W1.01.03 - Neutrophils have a negative impact on DC activation and disease progression following Leishmania major infection Steffen Schuster, B. Hurrell, D. Ashok, H. Acha-Orbea, F. Tacchini-Cottier Epalinges, Switzerland
W1.13.06 - Swiprosin-1/EFhd2 is involved in the initial reaction of the IgE Fc receptor signal Yohei Mitsuhashi, M. Hachiya, T. Aradate, Y. Yamanoi, M. Kanamori, A. Muraguchi, D. Mietenz, T. Katagiri Toyama, Japan
W1.01.04 - Novel neutrophil-T-Cell interactions: hormones and the regulation of T-Cell responses Suchita Nadkarni, F. Marelli-Berg, M. Perretti London, UK
W1.13.02 - Role of the phagocytic synapse in the recognition of bacteria and the subsequent induction of Th17-responses Marrit N. Habets, Z. Yang, H. elMoussaoui, M.I. de Jonge, D.A. Diavatopoulos Nijmegen, Netherlands
W1.01.05 - Neutrophil Extracellular Trap formation in the pathogenesis of Staphylococcus aureus sepsis Elzbieta Kolaczkowska, P. Kubes Calgary, Canada
W1.01.06 - Activated basophils form extracellular DNA traps able to kill bacteria Mahbubul Morshed, D. Simon, T. Kaufmann, R. Hlushchuk, V. Djonov, H. Simon, S. Yousefi Bern, Switzerland
IL3.01.01 - TNF and both soluble and membranebound lymphotoxins have distinct functions in GALT organogenesis and in intestinal immunity A.A. Kruglov, Sergei A. Nedospasov Berlin, Germany
16.45-18.15 AMBER 1+2
Chairs: Sergei Nedospasov (RUS) Matthew F. Krummel (USA)
W3.01.01 - The layered immune system: adult hematopoietic stem cells cannot fully reconstitute all of the functionally distinct immune cell subsets Eliver E.B. Ghosn, R. Yamamoto, S. Hamanaka, Y. Yang, L. Herzenberg, H. Nakauchi, L. Herzenberg Stanford, USA
W3.01.02 - Deletion of the atypical chemokine receptor CCX-CKR alters thymic stroma, impairs thymocyte development and promotes autoimmunity Shaun R. McColl, M. Bunting, N. Seach, M. Hammett, D.L. Asquith, H. Korner, R.L. Boyd, R.J.B. Nibbs, I. Comerford Adelaide, Australia
Chairs: Piero Marchetti (ITA) Leonard Harrison (AUS) IL6.03.01 - Soluble CD52 released by activated T cells interacts with Siglec-10 to suppress T cell activation and prevent autoimmune disease E. Bandala-Sanchez, Y. Zhang, S. Reinwald, J.A. Dromey, B. Lee, J. Qian, R.M. Boehmer, Leonard C. Harrison; Parkville, Australia
16.45-18.15 AMBER 1+2
W3.01.03 - Identification of thymic epithelial stem cells ensuring lifelong central T cell tolerance Miho Sekai, Y. Hamazaki, N. Minato Kyoto, Japan W3.01.04 - Dissecting the cellular and molecular requirement for Lymphotoxin in orchestrating B cell accumulation in ectopic follicle like structures in a rodent model of multiple sclerosis Natalia Pikor, G. Galicia, D. Ng, J. Gommerman Toronto, Canada
W6.03.01 - Detection of Chromogranin A-reactive CD4+ T cells in type 1 diabetes in the nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse Niyun Jin, F. Crawford, J. White, M. Philippa, J. Kappler Denver, USA W6.03.02 - IL-21 is a critical regulator of chronic/persistent but not acute/accelerated auto-immune and alloimmune responses Mithun Khattar, P. Schroder, C. Baum, R. Deng, W. Chen, S. Stepkowski Toledo, USA
W3.01.05 - Pbx1 restrains myeloid maturation while preserving lymphoid potential in hematopoietic progenitors Francesca Ficara, L. Crisafulli, C. Lin, M. Iwasaki, L. Zammataro, M.L. Cleary Milan, Italy
W6.03.03 - Postnatal events in intestinal gene expression and splenic cell composition is altered in NOD mice Dina S.M. Damlund, S. Metzdorff, M.B. Kristensen, A.K. Hansen, K. Buschard, H. Frøkiær Frederiksberg, Denmark
W1.17 - ALLERGIC MEDIATORS Chairs: Massimo Triggiani (ITA) Annika Scheynius (SWE) W1.17.01 - Novel regulatory control of IgE antibody responses in vivo Danyal Butt, T. Chan, R. Brink Sydney, Australia
16.45-18.15 AMBER 7+8
W1.17.02 - Basophil-derived mouse mast cell protease 11 is involved in the development of IgE-mediated chronic allergic inflammation Hayato Deki, Y. Kawano, S. Yoshikawa, M. Iki, M. Egawa, T. Ohta, H. Karasuyama Tokyo, Japan W1.17.03 - Analysis of NK cell subsets in children with atopic dermatitis Gunnur Deniz, E. Aktas Cetin, N. Akdeniz, B. Safa, M. Kosker, Y. Camcioglu, &. Barlan Istanbul, Turkey
16.45-18.15 BROWN 2
W3.01.06 - Survivin inhibition disturbs Bcl-6 and Blimp-1 control of lymphocyte differentiation Maria Bokarewa, S. Andersson, M.N. Svensson, M. Erlandsson, I. Jonsson, K.M. Andersson Göteborg, Sweden
W6.03.04 - Antigen-specific protection against highly aggressive cytotoxic T cells in diabetes by intradermal injection of heme-oxygenase-1 inducer Thomas Simon, J. Pogu, S. Pogu, J. Bach, S. Remy, E. Piaggio, I. Anegon, P. Blancou Nantes, France W6.03.05 - Inhibiting Th17 cells and reducing insulitis in diabetic NOD mice by GW9508, a GPR40 and GRP120 dual agonist Zhiguang Guo, A. Ansarullah, Y. Lu, M. Holstein, B. Deruyter Sioux Falls, USA W6.03.06 - New insights into type 1 diabetes development and therapy Christopher R. Parish, A.F. Ziolkowski, Z. Wu, S.K. Popp, C. Freeman, C.J. Simeonovic Canberra, Australia
W1.17.04 - Novel IL-9-producing innate helper cells promote oral antigen-induced anaphylaxis Yui-Hsi Wang, C. Chen, J. Lee, B. Liu, F. Finkelman, S. Hogan Cincinnati, USA W1.17.05 - Lack of PTX3 enhanced airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness in a murine model of asthma J. Balhara, L. Shan, Abdelilah Soussi-Gounni Winnipeg, Canada W1.17.06 - MicroRNA-155 augments local Th2 response in a mouse model of allergic airway inflammation Carina Malmhäll, S. Alawieh, Y. Lu, M. Sjöstrand, A. Bossios, M. Eldh, M. Rådinger Gothenburg, Sweden
Chair: Jeffrey A. Bluestone (USA) Marc Feldmann (GBR) Beyond anti-TNF therapy for rheumatoid arthritis: can we get close to a cure?
PS.04 - PERSPECTIVES IN IMMUNOLOGY Chair: Tak W. Mak (CAN) Philippa Marrack (USA) T cell receptors, their specificity and role in selection
Chair: Alberto Mantovani (ITA) Charles A. Dinarello (USA) Blocking IL-1 to treat inflammatory conditions
LL.10 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Ruslan Medzhitov (USA) Visnva Dixit (USA) Recent progress in understanding inflammasome biology
LL.12 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Ellis Reinherz (USA) Tak W. Mak (CAN) The four horsemen of anti-apocalypse
12.30 - 13.15 BROWN 3
12.30 - 13.15 SPACE 1+2
Chair: Peter C. Doherty (AUS) Stefan H.E. Kaufmann (DEU) On immunity in, biomarkers for, and vaccines against tuberculosis
12.30 - 13.15 SPACE 4
12.30 - 13.15 GOLD ROOM 12.30 - 13.15 BROWN 1+2 12.30 - 13.15 SPACE 3
LL.09 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Angela Santoni (ITA) Marco Colonna (USA) Innate lymphoid cells in mucosal immunity
LL.11 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Peter Cresswell (USA) Tasuku Honjo (JPN) Molecular mechanism for antibody memory generation
LL.13 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE with the contribution of STEMCELL Technologies Inc. Chair: Cyrus Eduljee (CAN) Norberto Zwirner (ARG) Cytokine regulation of natural killer cell effector functions
LL.14 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Arlene Sharpe (USA) Bernard Malissen (FRA) Toward an integrative biology of T cells and dendritic cells
18.30 - 19.15 GOLD ROOM
12.30 - 13.15 AMBER 1+2
8.50 - 9.20 SPACE 1+2
9.30 - 10.15 GOLD ROOM
8.50 - 9.20 GOLD ROOM
Main Lectures August 24, 2013
PL.04 - PLENARY LECTURE Chair: Siamon Gordon (GBR) Alberto Mantovani (ITA) Interactions between the cellular and the humoral arm of innate immunity
Chairs: Paola Zanovello (ITA) Gunter Hammerling (DEU) Olja J. Finn (USA) S7.01 Cancer immunosurveillance and immunoprevention James P. Allison (USA) S7.02 Mobilizing the immune system to treat cancer: new insights and opportunities Cornelis Melief (NLD) S7.03 TLR-ligand peptide conjugates for superior therapeutic vaccination against immunogenic cancers Andrea Velardi (ITA) S7.04 Harnessing immunity to leukemia and infections after haploidentical hematopoietic transplantation Drew M. Pardoll (USA) S7.05 Establishment of immunotherapy as the fifth pillar of cancer treatment
Chairs: Jerrold P. Weiss (USA) Mohammed Daha (NLD) Caetano Reis e Sousa (GBR) S8.01 Dendritic cells as innate immune sensors Maya Saleh (CAN) S8.02 NLRs and inflammasomes in intestinal homeostasis, cancer and me Alessandro Moretta (ITA) S8.03 Human NK cell receptors and pathogen infection Peter Parham (USA) S8.04 Variable natural killer cell receptors and human evolution David H. Raulet (USA) S8.05 NK receptors in immune surveillance and inflammation
10.20 - 12.25 SPACE 1+2
10.20 - 12.25 GOLD ROOM
Parallel Symposia August 24, 2013
10.20 - 12.25 BROWN 3
Chairs: Peter D. Katsikis (USA) Lionel B. Ivashkiv (USA) Gioacchino Natoli (ITA) S9.01 A genomic framework for macrophage identity and functional specialization Alexander Tarakhovsky (USA) S9.02 The control of the antiviral innate response by histone mimics Luke O’Neill (IRL) S9.03 Metabolism, epigenetics and miRNAs: an unholy trinity controlling innate immunity Sergio Abrignani (ITA) S9.04 Regulation of T lymphocyte effector functions by non-coding RNAs Warren J. Leonard (USA) S9.05 The c family of cytokines: from human disease to transcriptional regulation
S10 - T AND B CELL REPERTOIRES Chairs: Mitzi Nagarkatti (USA) Fritz Melchers (DEU) Yousuke Takahama (JPN) S10.01 The thymic microenvironments that shape T cell repertoire Michael B. Brenner (USA) S10.02 iNKT T cells: innate lipid sensing T cells regulate inflammation Meinrad Busslinger (AUT) S10.03 Transcriptional control of early B cell development Frederick W. Alt (USA) S10.04 Long range elements that control mouse and human IgH V(D)J recombination and repertoires Michel C. Nussenzweig (USA) S10.05 The human antibody response to HIV
Chairs: Mario Clerici (ITA) Elopy Sibanda (ZBW) Stipan Jonjic (HRV) S11.01 Viral regulation of inhibitory and activating Ly49 receptors Vincenzo Barnaba (ITA) S11.02 Viral infections, autoimmunity and immunoregulation Christine A. Biron (USA) S11.03 Cytokine regulation of NK and CD8 T cell responses to acute viral infections Giuseppe Pantaleo (CHE) S11.04 Role of T follicular helper cells in HIV infection Bruce D. Walker (USA) S11.05 T cell control of HIV
Chairs: Ridha Barbouche (TUN) Anna Villa (ITA) Steven M. Holland (USA) S12.01 GATA2 deficiency: one gene, many manifestations Jean-Laurent Casanova (USA) S12.02 Toward a genetic theory of childhood infectious diseases Bodo Grimbacher (GBR) S12.03 How Satan smote job: a novel genetic defect causing hyper IgE Syndrome Anne Durandy (FRA) S12.04 Molecular and functional delineation of human inherited immunoglobulin class switch recombination deficiencies Luigi Notarangelo (USA) S12.05 Modeling primary Immune deficiencies with patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells
10.20 - 12.25 SPACE 4
10.20 - 12.25 SPACE 3
10.20 - 12.25 BROWN 1+2
13.30 - 15.00 SPACE 3
with the contribution of Biotest Chair: Peter Hans-Hartmut (DEU) Peter Hans-Hartmut (DEU) Immunoglobulins in primary immunodeficiencies Krivan Gergely (HUN) Tolerability and safety of a new 10% intravenous immunoglobulin in patients with primary immunodeficiencies Stangel Martin (DEU) Treatment of immune neuropathies with IVIG
INFECTIOUS AGENTS AND AUTOIMMUNITY - PART I with the contribution of Italian Ministry of Health and Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation
13.30 - 15.00 SPACE 4
Project grant n. GR-2010-2313255 R. Mangozzi Chairs: Francesca Aloisi (ITA) - Christian Münz (CHE) Francesca Aloisi (ITA) New emphasis on host-pathogen interactions in autoimmune diseases Jean-Laurent Casanova (USA) Human genetics of infectious diseases Matthias von Herrath (USA) Viruses and type-1 diabetes Eicke Latz (DEU) Role of inflammasomes for chronic inflammatory diseases
W6.06.09 - Exploiting the good and blocking the bad: new strategies to convert the tumor into an in situ personalized vaccine C. Vanpouille-Box, K.A. Pilones, M.L. Dustin, M.H. Barcellos-Hoff, S.C. Formenti, Sandra Demaria New York, USA
Chairs: Shimon Slavin (ISR) Giorgio Parmiani (ITA) IL6.06.01 - Cell therapy of cancer with alloreactive intentionally mismatched IL-2 activated donor lymphocytes targeting anti-cancer killer NK & T cells using monoclonal and bispecific antibodies Shimon Slavin, C. Brodie Tel Aviv, Israel
W6.06.02 - Synergistic 4-1BB and CD28 costimulation enables CD19-targeted T cells to eliminate aggressive leukemia, in an IRF7-dependent manner Maud Condomines, Z. Zhao, C. Kloss, M. Sadelain New York, USA
15.10-18.15 GOLD ROOM
W6.06.01 - Examination of cancer testis antibodies and Th1/Th2 cytokines as prognosis markers in glioma patients treated with Delta-24-RGD oncolytic adenovirus Juan Fueyo, F. Lang, C. Gomez-Manzano, A. Yung, R. Sawaya, C. Conrad Houston, USA
W6.06.10 - A new class of iNKT cell agonist to harness tumor immunity M. Terabe, J.J. O’Konek, S. Kato, S. Takao, L. Izhak, Z. Xia, P. Illarinov, G. Besra, Jay A. Berzofsky Bethesda, USA
W6.06.04 - Regeneration of human melanoma antigen-specific T cells from iPSCs derived from mature CD8+ T cells Raul Vizcardo, K. Masuda, D. Yamada, T. Ikawa, K. Shimizu, S. Fujii, H. Koseki, H. Kawamoto Yokohama, Japan
W6.06.14 - Entire requirement of endogenous type I interferon for the efficacious cancer treatment with viral vector-encoded IL-12 Sandra Hervas-Stubbs, J.I. Quetglas, U. Mancheño, E. Casales, J.I. Riezu-Boj, M.C. Ochoa, M.F. Sanmamed, N. Thieblemont, C. Smerdou, I. Melero Pamplona, Spain
W6.06.05 - Isolation of antigen-specific TCR genes and analysis of disease-associated TCR repertoires by TCR gene capture Carsten Linnemann, B. Heemskerk, P. Kvistborg, R.J.C. Kluin, D.A. Bolotin, R.M. Kerkhoven, M. Nieuwland, D.M. Chudakov, G.M. Bendle, T.N.M. Schumacher Amsterdam, Netherlands
W4.01 - IMMUNITY TO VIRUS INFECTION Chairs: Ahmed El-Gohary (EGY) Margarida Souto-Carneiro (PRT)
W6.06.06 - Glycoengineered defucosylated anti-CD20 antibodies activate neutrophils-mediated phagocytosis more efficiently than rituximab Josée Golay, F. Da Roit, L. Bologna, C. Ferrara, J.H. Leusen, A. Rambaldi, C. Klein, M. Introna Bergamo, Italy W6.06.07 - FOXO3 regulates tumor-associated dendritic cell tolerogenicity by binding and sequestering NF-B Stephanie K. Watkins, A.A. Hurwitz Maywood, USA W6.06.08 - Host immunity contributes to the anti-melanoma activity of BRAF inhibitors Shin Foong Ngiow, D.A. Knight, M. Li, T. Parmenter, N.M. Haynes, K. Kinross, H. Yagita, A. Ribas, G.A. McArthur, M.J. Smyth Melbourne, Australia
W6.06.12 - Conditioning tumor microenvironments for effective entry and function of effector T cells Pawel Kalinski, R. Muthuswamy, N. Obermajer, H.J. Zeh, A. Zureikat, K. Odunsi, R. Edwards, D. Bartlett Pittsburgh, USA W6.06.13 - A bi-institutional pilot study of peptidebased vaccines in combination with poly ICLC in patients with WHO grade 2 low-grade glioma Hideho Okada, L.H. Butterfield, R.L. Hamilton, M.O. Lively, M.D. Chan, A.M. Salazar, D.M. Potter, E.G. Shaw, F.S. Lieberman Pittsburgh, USA
IL4.01.01 - Genomic polymorphisms in 3-hydroxysterol 24-reductase promoter sequences N.E. Salem, M. Saito, Y. Kasama, M. Ozawa, T. Kawabata, S. Harada, H. Suda, K. Asonuma, Ahmed El-Gohary, K.T. Kohara Ismailia, Egypt
15.10-18.15 BROWN 3
15.10-18.15 GOLD ROOM
W6.06.03 - Development of a tumor stem cell specific T-cell engaging antibody for the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme S. Prasad, S. Gaedicke, M. Hettich, E. Firat, X. Zhu, K. Klingner, J. Schüler, Gabriele Niedermann Freiburg, Germany
W6.06.11 - Naive-derived memory stem T cells: a novel promising platform for cancer immune-gene therapy Nicoletta Cieri, B. Camisa, F. Cocchiarella, M. Forcato, G. Oliveira, E. Provasi, A. Bondanza, F. Mavilio, A. Mondino, C. Bonini Milan, Italy
W4.01.01 - Suppressor of cytokine signalling (SOCS) 4 is a critical regulator of the anti-viral immune response Lukasz Kedzierski, E. Linossi, N. Bird, B. Day, T. Kolesnik, G. Belz, B. Kile, N. Nicola, K. Kedzierska, S. Nicholson Parkville, Australia W4.01.02 - Timing and quality of the type-I interferon response to viral infection is tuned by stochastic cellular decisions at multiple levels Ulfert Rand, M. Rinas, J. Schwerk, H. Hauser, D. Spiller, P. Paszek, M.R.H. White, T. Höfer, M. Köster Manchester, United Kingdom
W4.01.03 - Serological diagnosis of Pepino mosaic virus with new generated monoclonal antibodies Amal Souiri, M.M. Ennaji, H. Laatiris, S. Amzazi, M. Zemzami Casablanca, Morocco W4.01.04 - An identical microRNA of the human JC and BK polyoma viruses targets the stress-induced ligand ULBP3 to escape immune elimination Yoav Bauman, O. Mandelboim Jerusalem, Israel
15.10-18.15 BROWN 3
Workshops August 24, 2013
W4.01.05 - CD4+ T cells modulate Epstein-Barr virus latency types Noemi Nagy, F. Heuts, D. Salamon, M. Adori, A.E. Rasul, H.S. Madapura, M. Rottenberg, G. Klein, E. Klein Stockholm, Sweden
Chairs: Martin Olivier (CAN) Peter Sebo (CZE) IL4.04.01 - Lesson from Leishmania Infection to Combat Bacterial-Mediated Inflammatory Response Martin Olivier Montréal, Canada
W4.01.08 - Dual deletion of type I and type II interferon-binding proteins in NYVAC-HIV-1 Env-Gag-PolNef poxvirus vaccine vectors markedly improves vector immunogenicity Julie Delaloye, A. Filali-Mouhim, M. Cameron, E. Haddad, M. Esteban, G. Pantaleo, T. Roger, R. Sékaly, T. Calandra Lausanne, Switzerland
W4.01.11 - Chronic viral infection alters subnuclear localization of PD-1 and L-selectin loci linked to transcriptional programming in LCMV-specific CD8 T-cells Catarina Sacristan, B.A. Youngblood, J.X. Xu, P. Lu, K. McGary, S.L. Hewitt, J.A. Skok, J.M. Boss, R. Ahmed, M.L. Dustin New York, USA W4.01.12 - The anti-apoptotic protein Mcl-1 is essential for the CD8 T cell response upon chronic viral LCMV infection Eleonora Ottina, S.P. Preston, A. Strasser, M. Pellegrini, A. Villunger Innsbruck, Austria
IL4.04.02 - Fooling phagocytes and delivering T cell vaccines: The ‘yin and yang’ of Bordetella adenylate cyclase toxin Peter Sebo Prague, Czech Republic W4.04.01 - Orchestration of inflammation and adaptive immunity in Borrelia burgdorferi-induced arthritis by NapA Gaia Codolo, F. Bossi, P. Durigutto, M.M. D’Elios, M.A. Cassatella, M. de Bernard Padua, Italy
15.10-16.40 SPACE 1
15.10-18.15 BROWN 3
W4.01.07 - Evolution of neutralizing antibodies against HIV-1C gp160 molecular envelope clones from acute heterosexually acquired HIV-1C infections in Botswana Takafira Mduluza, K. Bedi, S. Dzoro, W. Mpoloka, R. Musonda Harare, Zimbabwe
W4.01.10 - Molecular characterization of immunoglobulin (Ig) genes reveals that plasmablasts generated during heterologous secondary dengue infections and circulating memory B cells after recovery are of distinct origin Ramapraba Appanna, M.H. Xu, V. Hadinoto, K. Joensson, Y.X. Toh, T. Balakrishnan, Y.S. Leo, C. Wang, K. Fink Singapore, Singapore
W4.01.14 - Spred-2 deficiency exacebates Influenza A Virus (H1N1)-induced pneumonia Toshihiro Ito, A. Yoshimura, A. Matsukawa Okayama, Japan
W4.01.06 - HSV-2 regulates inflammatory response in the vaginal epithelium via the Fas/FasL pathway Malgorzata Krzyzowska, P. Orlowski, W. Stankiewicz Warsaw, Poland
W4.01.09 - A novel mechanism of HTLV-1-associated mylopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) pathogenesis Abbas Pishdadian, J. Tavakkol Afshari, M. Foroughi Poor, A. Zamani Mashhad, Islamic Republic of Iran
W4.01.13 - Pregnancy-induced deviation of chemokine/cytokine serological levels during influenza virus AH1N1 infection Luis A. Flores-Mejía, I. Mancilla-Herrera, E.D. Cerezo, A. Cérbulo-Vázquez, E. Ferat-Osorio, C.R. López-Macías, A. Isibasi, L.A. Arriaga-Pizano México City, Mexico
W4.04.02 - Imaging Bacillus anthracis edema toxin effects on normalized murine dendritic cells and macrophages Yannick Trescos, D. Fiole, M. Mulier, J.N. Tournier La Tronche, France W4.04.03 - Role for coagulation factor XI during pneumococcal pneumonia independent of factor XII activation. Ingrid Stroo, C. van ‘t Veer, J.J.T.H. Roelofs, J.C.M. Meijers, F.J. Castellino, S. Zeerleder, T. van der Poll Amsterdam, Netherlands W4.04.04 - The macrophage serves as a gate-keeper for the induction of protective host immunity and bacterial dissemination during Chlamydia infection Eric Gracey, Y. Baglaenko, A. Lin, A. Akram, R.D. Inman Toronto, Canada W4.04.05 - B cells participate on the early stages of immune response against intracellular bacterial pathogen Francisella tularensis Zuzana Krocova, K. Kubelkova, L. Plzakova, L. Zarybnicka, Z. Sinkorova, A. Macela Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic W4.04.06 - Immune evasion in Leptospira: the secretion of proteases that cleave complement proteins Tatiana R. Fraga, D.S. Courrol, M.M. Castiblanco-Valência, I.Y. Irata, L. Juliano, S.A. Vasconcellos, A.S. Barbosa, L. Isaac São Paulo, Brazil
Workshops August 24, 2013 W5.09 - NEUROIMMUNOLOGY
W6.16.04 - Fractalkine ligand-receptor axis dictates prognostic outcome in human colorectal cancer Marco Erreni, I. Siddiqui, F. Marchesi, S. Pesce, D. Morone, A. Doni, C. Rumio, L. Laghi, A. Mantovani, P. Allavena Milan, Italy
IL5.09.01 - EBV specific CD8+ T cells in Multiple Sclerosis Luca Battistini Rome, Italy W5.09.01 - Regulatory T cells together with resolving macrophages orchestrated by Th1 cells are non-redundant pivotal players in CNS repair Catarina Raposo, M. Schwartz Rehovot, Israel
15.10-16.40 SPACE 3
Chairs: Luca Battistini (ITA) Michal Schwartz (ISR)
W6.16.06 - Unique TCR signature of a novel cross-reactive CMV-specific T cell receptor: Potential clinical implications Nicole A. Mifsud, T.H.O. Nguyen, L. Rowntree, N. Bird, D. Pellicci, K. Kedzierska, T. Kotsimbos Melbourne, Australia
W5.09.03 - IL-33/ST2 axis mediates resistance to EAE by promoting regulatory B and tolerogenic dendritic cells Marija Z. Milovanovic, A.N. Arsenijevic, J.Z. Milovanovic, B. Stojanovic, N.N. Arsenijevic, M.L. Lukic Kragujevac, Serbia
W5.09.04 - N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) antibodies in post Herpes Simplex virus encephalitis neurological relapse Yael Hacohen, K. Deiva, P. Pettingill, P. Waters, P. Chretien, E. Menson, e. Lin, M. Tardieu, A. Vincent, M. Lim Oxford, United Kingdom
W3.07.01 - The Ras/Erk/PI3K pathways during positive selection of primary B cells Chiara Babolin, L. Sinik-Teodorovic, R. Torres, R. Pelanda Denver, USA
Chairs: Majorie A. Oettinger (USA) Hedda Wardemann (DEU)
W5.09.05 - Neuroimmunological changes in the Cstb-/mouse: a model for progressive myoclonus epilepsy Olesya Okuneva, Z. Li, I. Körber, L. Tian, T. Joensuu, A. Lehesjoki, O. Kopra Helsinki, Finland
W3.07.02 - Characterization of umbilical cord blood CD34+CD43+CD19+CD38lo/int cells suggests a common progenitor for human B1 and B2 cells Tam D. Quach, N.E. Holodick, R. Vuyyuru, T. Manser, T.L. Rothstein Manhasset, USA
W5.09.06 - Elucidation of pathogenic mechanism of myasthenia gravis with MuSK antibodies using a novel murine model M. Shuuichi, S. Kubo, M. Kishi, T. Konishi, Kazuhiro Shigemoto Tokyo, Japan
W3.07.03 - A human marginal zone B cell precursor Marc Descatoire, S. Weller, S. Irtan, J.C. Weill, C.A. Reynaud Paris, France
W6.16 - BIOMARKERS AND CLINICAL PROFILING OF HUMAN IMMUNE RESPONSES Chairs: Armando Gabrielli (ITA) Carlo Selmi (ITA) W6.16.01 - An autoantibody profile for SLE diagnosis using the ImmunArray iCHIPTM Irun R. Cohen, V. Daniel Carmi, L. Belanis-Meirovich, R. Sorek, O. Cohen-Gindi, N. Dromi, M. Lerner, E. Sahar, I. Tamir, C. Putterman Rehovot, Israel W6.16.02 - Identification of potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets for multiple sclerosis by M2 proteomics Itay Raphael, W.E. Haskins, T.G. Forsthuber San Antonio, USA
15.10-16.40 SPACE 4
15.10-16.40 SPACE 2
W5.09.02 - Triggers of anti-CNS autoimmunity in mouse model of multiple sclerosis Pushpalatha Palle, T. Buch Munich, Germany
15.10-16.40 SPACE 3
W6.16.05 - Tumor-specific adaptive immune responses to primary and metastatic ovarian tumors C.L. Desmarais, R. Emerson, A. Sherwood, C. Sanders, M. Tewari, J. Guenthoer, C. Carlson, C. Drescher, Harlan Robins Seattle, USA
W3.07.04 - The ELL-associated factor 2 negatively regulates germinal center B cell survival and humoral immune responses Yingqian Li, Y. Takahashi, S. Fujii, J. Wang Yokohama, Japan W3.07.05 - Epstein-Barr virus-encoded latent membrane protein 2A impairs B cell selection in germinal centers but not germinal center formation Takeharu Minamitani, S. Sakakibara, T. Yasui, H. Kikutani Suita, Japan W3.07.06 - IgE-expressing B cells are restrained by an intrinsic cell fate predisposition Zhiyong Yang, C.D.C. Allen San Francisco, USA
W6.16.03 - The alarmins S100A8 and S100A9 as promising targets for non-invasive molecular imaging of phagocyte activation during inflammation Tom Völler, M. Eisenblätter, J. Roth, T. Vogl Münster, Germany
Workshops August 24, 2013 W5.22 - PRIMARY IMMUNODEFICIENCIES
W6.01.02 - Effects of w3 fatty acid in experimental model of mucositis induced by 5-FU Tatiani U. Maioli, B. Melo, M. Nobre, M.C. Oliveira, N.C.N. Paiva, V.N. Cardoso, A.C. Faria, A.V.M. Ferreira, C.M. Carneiro, S.V. Generoso Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Chairs: Raffaele Badolato (ITA) Capucine Picard (FRA)
15.10-16.40 AMBER 1+2
W5.22.02 - A new form of global leucopenia associated with mutation in the moesin gene Chantal Lagresle-Peyrou, F. Ouchani, S. Luce, J. Stephan, C. Hivroz, G. De Saint Basile, A. Fischer, N. Jabado, M. Cavazzana-Calvo, I. André-Schmutz Paris, France W5.22.03 - Critical role of DOCK8 in dendritic cell trafficking during T cell immune responses Akira Shiraishi, Y. Tanaka, Y. Fukui Fukuoka, Japan
15.10-16.40 AMBER 3+4
W5.22.01 - Mucosal immune dysregulation in Omenn syndrome Barbara Cassani, V. Maina, V. Marrella, F. Grassi, J.R. Mora, A. Villa Milan, Italy
W6.01.04 - Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha regulates immune cell activation and autoimmunity Marco Di Dario, E. Colombo, C. Farina Milan, Italy
W5.22.04 - Investigating T cell subsets in DOCK8 immunodeficiency Katrina L. Randall, H.D. Law, C.C. Goodnow Woden, Australia
W6.01.05 - Mast cell protease expression is reduced in vitro and in vivo in response to cinnamon treatment Yvonne Hagenlocher, I. Bergheim, S.C. Bischoff, A. Lorentz Stuttgart, Germany
W5.22.05 - Resolving the heterogeneity of common variable immune deficiency by exome sequencing and deep phenotyping Matthew C. Cook, J. Al Shekaili, C. Lee, B. Whittle, D. Andrews, C. Vinuesa, C. Goodnow, D. Fulcher Canberra, Australia
W6.01.06 - Immunomodulatory effects and antitumor activities of conjugated linolenic acids on the murine macrophage-like leukemia cells KN Leung, W. Liu Hong Kong, China
W5.22.06 - Altered B and T lymphocyte homeostasis in the bone marrow and the periphery correlates with clinical findings in common variable immunodeficiency Vassilios Lougaris, M. Baronio, M. Vitali, S. Masneri, K. Cattivelli, G. Tampella, D. Moratto, A. Soresina, R. Badolato, A. Plebani Brescia, Italy
W3.12 - FOLLICULAR HELPER T CELLS Chairs: Cecile King (AUS) Teresa Marafioti (GBR) IL3.12.01 - Interleukin-21 directs T follicular helper cell differentiation A. Vogelzang, H. McGuire, S. Liu, Cecile King Darlinghurst, Australia
IL6.01.01 - Stopping T cells in their tracks, vitamin D suppresses naïve CD8 T cell proliferation Margherita T. Cantorna, J. Chen, D. Bruce University Park, United States IL6.01.02 - Vitamin D regulates complement receptor immunoglobulin (CRIg) expression in human macrophages Antonio Ferrante Adelaide, Australia W6.01.01 - Immunomodulatory role of vitamin D in allergic airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness in bronchial asthma Devendra K. Agrawal, T. Agrawal, G.K. Gupta Omaha, USA
15.10-16.40 AMBER 5+6
Chairs: Margherita Cantorna (USA) Antonio Ferrante (AUS)
15.10-16.40 AMBER 3+4
W6.01.03 - The Agaricus blazed-based mushroom extract, AndosanTM, has immuno- suppressive and antiinflammatory effects when used as supplement to multiple myeloma patients receiving high-dose chemotherapy and autologous bone marrow transplantation Geir Hetland, J. Tangen, A. Tierens, G. Kvalheim, L. Osnes, G. Tjønnfjord Oslo, Norway
W3.12.01 - Functional overlap of ROQUIN-1 and ROQUIN-2 in the repression of mRNAs controlling Tfh cell accumulation and systemic inflammation A. Pratama, R.R. Ramiscal, D.G. Silva, S. Das, Vicki Athanasopoulos, X. Hu, J.J. Hogan, C. Goodnow, M. Cook, C.G. Vinuesa Canberra, Australia W3.12.02 - Identification of human Tfh-specific microRNAs and investigation of their role in Tfh differentiation and function A. Ripamonti, Elena Provasi, G. Rossetti, S. Curti, V. Ranzani, V. Parente, F. Facciotti, M. Moro, S. Abrignani, M. Pagani Milan, Italy W3.12.03 - Follicular regulatory T cells migrate to germinal centers via NFAT2-mediated signalling M. Vaeth, G. Mueller, D. Stauss, L. Dietz, S. Klein-Hessling, E. Serfling, M. Lipp, I. Berberich, Friederike BerberichSiebelt Wuerzburg, Germany W3.12.04 - The inhibitory receptor PD-1 regulates IgA selection and bacterial composition in the gut Shimpei Kawamoto, T.H. Tran, M. Maruya, K. Suzuki, Y. Doi, Y. Tsutsui, L.M. Kato, S. Fagarasan Yokohama, Japan
W3.12.05 - Regulation of T helper cell-dependent antibody response in lymphopenic hosts Silvia Preite, D. Baumjohann, F. Ronchi, F. Sallusto, A. Lanzavecchia Bellinzona, Switzerland W3.12.06 - Fate decision of germinal centre B cells is based on asymmetric division Michael Meyer-Hermann, Y. Zhang, G.D. Victora, K. Toellner Braunschweig, Germany
W2.04 - MICRORNAS IN IMMUNE REGULATION Chairs: Hans-Martin Jack (DEU) Flavia Bazzoni (ITA) W2.04.01 - TCD8+ suppressor cells produce antigenspecific exosomes carrying microRNA-150 to inhibit contact sensitivity response K. Bryniarski, Katarzyna Nazimek, E. Sikora, M. Ptak, P.W. Askenase, W. Ptak Krakow, Poland
15.10-16.40 AMBER 7+8
W2.02.02 - Estradiol promotes functional responses in inflammatory and steady state dendritic cells through differential requirement of activation function-1 of estrogen receptor Sophie Laffont, C. Seillet, N. Rouquié, A. Krust, P. Chambon, J. Arnal, J. Guéry Toulouse, France W2.02.03 - Identification of TREM-1 as a novel target of nuclear receptor ligands in dendritic cells Raffaella Fontana, N. Di Meglio, C. Battaglia, M. Mattioli, M. Cella, C. Doglioni, C. Traversari, M. Colonna, V. Russo Milan, Italy
15.10-16.40 BROWN 1
15.10-16.40 AMBER 5+6
Workshops August 24, 2013
W2.04.03 - Investigating the impact of individual miRNAs on Treg conversion Sebastian C. Warth, A. Hiekel, V. Heissmeyer Munich, Germany
W2.04.04 - IL-10-induced microRNA-187 negatively regulates TNF, IL-6 and IL-12p40 production in TLR4stimulated monocytes Marzia Rossato, G. Curtale, N. Tamassia, M. Castellucci, L. Mori, S. Gasperini, B. Mariotti, M.A. Cassatella, M. Locati, F. Bazzoni Verona, Italy
Chairs: Anca Dorhoi (DEU) Harriet Mayanja-Kizza (UGA) IL4.05.01 - Ex vivo chemokines and cytokines measrurements as biological markers in the immuno-diagnosis of active pulmonary tuberculosis Harriet Mayanja-Kizza, A. Namuganga, M. Nsereko, G. Muzanye, J. Baseke, P. Peters Kampala, Uganda, Uganda
15.10-16.40 BROWN 1
Chairs: Cosima Baldari (ITA) Antonio Moschetta (ITA) IL2.02.01 - Modulation of TCR signaling and T cell activation by glucocorticoids: facts and hypotheses Cosima T. Baldari Siena, Italy W2.02.01 - Antagonistic actions of Rcor proteins refine LSD1 activity and restrain cellular differentiation A.H. Chowdhury, G. Upadhyay, D. Kim, Shireen Saleque New York, USA
16.45-18.15 SPACE 1
W2.04.05 - MicroRNA-146a promotes IVIg-mediated inhibition of NFB activation in LPS-treated human monocytes Lionel Loubaki, D. Chabot, I. Paré, R. Bazin Québec, Canada
W2.02.05 - Th17-mediated B cell activation contributes to splenomegaly in PPAR hypomorphic mice Ya-Hui Liu, Y. Tsai, P. Tsai Tainan, Taiwan W2.02.06 - Expression levels of mRNA for GR, GR, 11HSD1 and GR/ ratio in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, throughout the 6-month course of etiological treatment and 3 month following its completion L.D. D’Attilio, A. Díaz, B. Bongiovanni, N.S. Santucci, G. Dídoli, W. Gardeñez, A. Del Rey, H. Besedovsky, O.A. Bottasso, María L. Bay Rosario, Argentina
W2.04.02 - The role of microRNA-142-5P in experimental colitis Anje A. te Velde, M.M.W. Slaman, F.H. van Dooren, C. Kunne, S.L. Meijer, K. Fluiter, E.W. Vogels, P.D. Moerland Amsterdam, Netherlands
W2.04.06 - MicroRNA regulation of bacterial infection in the lung Hock L. Tay, G.E. Kaiko, P.M. Hansbro, P.S. Foster Newcastle, Australia
W2.02.04 - Retinoic acid-rich microenvironment provides clonal survival cues for tumor and bacteria-specific CD8+ T cells Yanxia Guo, K. Pino-Lagos, R. Noelle Lebanon, USA
W4.05.01 - Antigen transfer drives CD4 T cell activation in tuberculosis Smita Srivastava, J. Ernst New York, USA W4.05.02 - Accumulation of Gr-1dim myeloid-derived suppressor cells during experimental TB infection in mice Evgeny N. Tsiganov, A.M. Razinkova, I.V. Lyadova Moscow, Russian Federation W4.05.03 - Annexin1 plays a critical role in dendritic cells cross-presentation and protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Maziar Divangahi, F. Tzelepis, J. Daoud, J. Jaworska, T. Nishimura, M. Verway, K. Hassani-Ardakani, H.G. Remold, H. Vali, M. Tabrizian Montreal, Canada W4.05.04 - Analysis of the global CD8 T cell response during Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection Diana Di Liberto, M. La Manna, N. Caccamo, G. Pietra, C. Mingari, L.C. Sullivan, A.G. Brooks, F. Dieli Palermo, Italy
16.45-18.15 SPACE 1
Workshops August 24, 2013 W1.15 - INFLAMMASOME
W4.05.05 - Cytokine polymorphisms, their influence and levels in Brazilian patients with pulmonary tuberculosis during anti-tuberculosis treatment Eliana Peresi, L.R.C. Oliveira, W.L. da Silva, E.A.P.N. da Costa, J.P. Araujo Junior, J.A. Ayres, M.R.P. Fortes, E.A. Graviss, A.C. Pereira, S.A. Calvi Botucatu, Brazil
Chairs: Eicke Latz (DEU) Olaf Gross (CHE) IL.15.01 - Role of inflammasomes for chronic inflammatory diseases Eicke Latz Bonn, Germany
W4.05.06 - Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific lung innate and adaptive immunity in close contacts of TB index cases Jonathan G. Peter, A. Binder, M. Davids, R. Meldau, R. van Zyl-Smit, K. Dheda Cape Town, South Africa
IL.15.02 - Inflammasome activators induce the secretion of IL-1 via two distinct pathways displaying differential requirement for a protease activityindependent function of caspase-1 Olaf Groß München, Germany W1.15.01 - Cytosolic cathepsin inhibitor Stefin B (Cystatin B) regulates NLRP3 inflammasome activation Katarina Maher, B. Jeric, B. Turk, N. Kopitar Jerala Ljubljana, Slovenia
IL5.10.01 - CNS tissue damage by T cells Roland Liblau Toulouse, France IL5.10.02 - Immunological knowledge integration in MS Marco Salvetti Rome, Italy
16.45-18.15 SPACE 3
Chairs: Roland Liblau (FRA) Marco Salvetti (ITA)
16.45-18.15 SPACE 2
W5.10.01 - Identification, isolation and characterization of brain-infiltrating, in situ clonally expanded T cell clones in multiple sclerosis Raquel Planas, N. Vilarrasa, B. Reinhart, S. HoffmeisterUllerich, I. Metz, W. Brück, B. Fehse, C. Pinilla, R. Martin, M. Sospedra Zürich, Switzerland
W1.15.05 - TLRS-induced PAI-2 expression suppresses NLRP3-dependent caspase-1 activation and IL-1B processing L.C. Hsu, Shih-Yi Chuang, C. Yang, C. Lee, C. Chou Taipei, Taiwan
W5.10.03 - Cell-intrinsic estrogen receptor activation in CD4+ T cells control Th1/Th17 differentiation in trans and protect from CNS autoimmunity Sophie Laffont, L. Garnier, N. Rouquié, J. Guéry Toulouse, France
W1.15.06 - NLRP3 controls Trypanosoma cruzi infection through a caspase-1-dependent IL-1R-independent NO production Karina R. Bortoluci, V.M. Gonçalves, K.C. Matteucci, B.H. Miollo, C.L. Buzzo, D. Ferrante, J.M. Alvarez, M.M. Rodrigues Sao Paulo, Brazil
W5.10.04 - A role for TNF signalling in cortical grey matter pathology in multiple sclerosis Roberta Magliozzi, P. Durrenberger, O. Howell, F. Roncaroli, E. Aricò, F. Aloisi, R. Reynolds London, United Kingdom
W3.11 - GAMMA-DELTA T CELLS Chairs: Dieter Kabelitz (DEU) Adrian Hayday (GBR)
16.45-18.15 SPACE 4
W5.10.06 - Confirmation of human endogenous retrovirus HERV-Fc1 role in multiple sclerosis risk Belen de la Hera, J. Varadé, I. Alloza, A. Alcina, R. Arroyo, R. Álvarez-Lafuente, K. Vandenbroeck, F. Matesanz, E. Urcelay Madrid, Spain
W1.15.03 - The NLRP3 inflammasome links complement-mediated inflammation and IL-1 release Federica Laudisi, R. Spreafico, M. Evrard, B. Mandriani, S. Baalasubramanian, A. Mortellaro Singapore, Singapore W1.15.04 - Fas-mediated inflammatory response in Listeria monocytogenes infection Ryosuke Uchiyama, H. Tsutsui Nishinomiya, Japan
W5.10.02 - T cells specific for both a myelin and a neuronal antigen are frequent in C57BL6 mice and contribute to CNS inflammation during EAE Liliana E. Lucca, A. Ramadan, S. Desbois-Beaumel, P. Rufas, J. Guery, T.L. Geiger, R.S. Liblau, L.T. Mars Toulouse, France
W5.10.05 - Characterization of the impact of CD25 blockade on the NK and T cell populations of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients David J. Huss, D.S. Mehta, L. Amaravadi, J.S. Elkins, J.D. Fontenot Cambridge, USA
W1.15.02 - The inflammasome adaptor ASC forms a prion-like danger signal that perpetuates inflammation Bernardo S. Franklin, D. De Nardo, G. Horvarth, S. Zimmer, S. Hornemann, A. Aguzzi, E. Latz Bonn, Germany
IL3.11.01 - Regulatory interactions between granulocytes and gamma/delta T cells in response to aminobisphosphonates Dieter Kabelitz, V. Chandrasekaran, T.K. Lindhorst, S. Kalyan Kiel, Germany W3.11.01 - Heterogeneity and prognostic influence of tumor- infiltrating T lymphocytes in colon cancer patients Elena Lo Presti, S. Meraviglia, G. Cicero, V. Orlando, S. Buccheri, M.P. La Manna, D. Di Liberto, S. Cutrera, N.Caccamo, F. Dieli Palermo, Italy
16.45-18.15 SPACE 4
W3.11.02 - Key role of free heavy chain of HLA-I molecules in HCMV and tumor stress sensing by TCR Romain Marlin, S. Netzer, V. Pitard, S. Daburon, C. Harly, T. Bachelet, J. Moreau, J. Taupin, J. Déchanet-Merville Bordeaux, France W3.11.03 - Implication of T cells in the immune response against murine CMV Camille Khairallah, S. Netzer, M. Juzan, A. Villacreces, V. Praloran, J. Moreau, J. Dechanet-Merville, M. Capone Bordeaux, France
16.45-18.15 AMBER 1+2
Workshops August 24, 2013
W3.11.04 - HDAC7 plays a significant role in T cell development and function Matthew G. MacKenzie, C. Gawden-Bone, S. Matthews Dundee, United Kingdom
Chairs: Emilio Jirillo (ITA) Giuseppe Matarese (ITA) IL6.02.01 - Polyphenols from red grape and modulation of the immune Response Emilio Jirillo, Y. Kumazawa, V. Pugliese, S. Fontana, G. Marzulli, T. Magrone Bari, Italy
W3.11.06 - Major contribution of T cells to IL-17A production and ovarian cancer growth in vivo Margarida Rei, T. Lança, R. Thompson, F. Balkwill, H. Kulbe, B. Silva-Santos, D. Pennington Lisbon, Portugal
IL6.02.02 - Intracellular metabolic pathways control immune tolerance Giuseppe Matarese Baronissi, Salerno, Italy W6.02.01 - Insulin impairs regulatory T cell function: implications for obesity Jonathan M. Han, S.J. Patterson, J.A. Ehses, M.K. Levings Vancouver, Canada
W4.02 - LIVER VIRAL INFECTIONS Chairs: Mario Mondelli (ITA) Frank Chisari (USA)
16.45-18.15 AMBER 1+2
W4.02.02 - Reactive oxygen species delay control of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus Haifeng C. Xu, D.R. McIlwain, A.A. Pandyra, M. Recher, D. Brenner, D. Häussinger, P.S. Ohashi, T.W. Mak, K.S. Lang, P.A. Lang Dusseldorf, Germany W4.02.03 - Cellular inhibitors of apoptosis (IAPs) play a critical role in the host response to hepatitis B virus and their repression promotes viral clearance Gregor Ebert, S. Preston, C. Allison, J. Toe, J. Cooney, H. Scott, M. Pellegrini Melbourne, Australia
16.45-18.15 AMBER 3+4
IL4.02.01 - Innate Sensing A Virus Designed Not To Be Seen Francis V. Chisari La Jolla, United States
W4.02.01 - Dynamic changes in the liver upon persistent viral infection A. Bhattacharya, J. Colinge, K. Bennett, Andreas Bergthaler Vienna, Austria
W4.02.06 - Breaking T cell tolerance to viral antigens in a model of chronic HBV infection Marianna Di Scala, I. Gil-Fariña, L. Vanrell, M. Scarpino, C. Olagüe, A. Vales, M. Galarraga, L. Guembe, J. Prieto, G. González-Aseguinolaza Pamplona, Spain
W3.11.05 - A network of High Mobility Group box transcription factors programs innate IL-17 production Nidhi Malhotra, K. Narayan, O. Cho, K. Sylvia, H. Melichar, M. Rashighi, V. Lefebvre, J.E. Harris, L.J. Berg, J. Kang Worcester, USA
IL4.02.02 - NK cells and HCV: a complex and controversial relationship Mario U. Mondelli, S. Varchetta, B. Oliviero, S. Mantovani, D. Mele Pavia, Italy
W4.02.05 - Tim-3/galecin-9 pathway modulates the cross talk between NK cells and CD8+ T cells in chronic hepatitis B D. Zhao, L. Gao, X. Liang, Chunhong Ma Jinan, China
W6.02.02 - Investigating the anti-inflammatory effects of high density lipoprotein in macrophages Dominic De Nardo, L. Labzin, H. Kono, R. Seki, S. Schmidt, M. Kneilling, D. Lütjohann, S. Wright, J. Schultze, E. Latz Bonn, Germany W6.02.03 - Obesity-associated autoantibody production requires AIM to retain IgM immune complex on follicular dendritic cells Satoko Arai, S. Honda, A. Shibuya, Q. Li, T. Miyazaki Tokyo, Japan W6.02.04 - Novel factors regulating chemerin synthesis and function in fat tissue Mateusz Kwitniewski, M. Bana , N. Harasymowicz, J. Marczy ska, K. Kwiecie , B.A. Zabel, J. Cichy Krakow, Poland W6.02.05 - Amino acid sensing by mTORC1 is the vital prerequisite for alternative activation of macrophages Tetsuya Kimura, S. Nada, M. Okada, A. Kumanogoh Suita, Japan W6.02.06 - Gene profile of myeloid-derived suppressive cells from the bone marrow of lysosomal acid lipase knock-out mice Cong Yan, X. Ding, N. Dasgupta, L. Wu, H. Du Indianapolis, USA
W4.02.04 - Imaging the innate immune response to viral infection: neutrophils, platelets, and NETs Craig N. Jenne, C.H.Y. Wong, F.J. Zemp, B. McDonald, M.M. Rahman, P.A. Forsyth, G. McFadden, P. Kubes Calgary, Canada
W2.03.01 - Regulatory non-coding RNAs as modulators of human lymphocytes differentiation V. Ranzani, A. Arrigoni, R.J. Bonnal, Grazisa Rossetti, S. Curti, E. Sugliano, E. Provasi, V. Parente, S. Abrignani, M. Pagani Milan, Italy
Chairs: Claudia Mauri (GBR) Fabienne Mackay (AUS) IL3.14.01 - TACI regulates T-independent marginal zone B cell responses through innate activation-induced cell death Fabienne Mackay, W. Figgett, A. Strasser, P. Hertzog, K. Fairfax, V. Fabien, D. Saulep-Easton, M. Le Page, L. O'Reilly, S. Gerondakis Melbourne, Australia
16.45-18.15 AMBER 5+6
W3.14.01 - Dual-reactive and autoreactive B cell selection and function in autoimmunity. Roberta Pelanda, E. Fournier, L. Teodorovic, C. Babolin, S. Rowland, R.M. Torres. Denver, USA
16.45-18.15 AMBER 7+8
IL3.14.02 - Regulatory B and iNKT cells interaction: novel mechanism of Suppression Claudia Mauri, A. Bosma, A. Abdel-Gadir, E. Jury London, United Kingdom
W2.03.02 - Bromodomain inhibition enhances tolerogenic properties in dendritic cells Ronald Schilderink, L.E. Nijhuis, F.W. Hilbers, R.K. Prinjha, W.J. de Jonge Amsterdam, Netherlands
W3.14.02 - The atypical IB protein IBNS is important for TLR-induced IL-10 production in B cells M. Miura, M. Noguchi, Maki Touma Niigata, Japan
W2.03.06 - Unique epigenetic signatures are associated with the induction, silencing and re-expression of CD8 during T cell development and activation Kim L. Charlton, E.B. Day, B.E. Russ, S.H. Apte, S.J. Turner, A. Kelso Parkville, Australia
W3.14.04 - Analysis of a wild mouse promoter variant reveals a novel role for FcRIIb in the control of the germinal center and autoimmunity Marion Espeli, M. Clatworthy, S. Boekers, K. Lawlor, A. Cutler, F. Koentgen, P. Lyons, K. Smith Cambridge, United Kingdom
W1.10 - INNATE SENSORS Chairs: Roman Jerala (SLO) Cecilia Garlanda (ITA)
W3.14.05 - Contribution of IL-10 competent regulatory B cells (CD19+CD24hiCD38hi) to cytotoxic T lymphocyte dysfunction after reactivation of HIV latent reservoirs. Basile Siewe, S. Rygielski, S. Deeks, J. Martin, A. Landay Chicago, USA
16.45-18.15 AMBER 7+8
16.45-18.15 BROWN 1
IL1.10.01 - The long pentraxin PTX3: a paradigm for humoral pattern recognition molecules Cecilia Garlanda Rozzano, Italy IL1.10.02 - Association of TIR domains underlying immunosuppression in bacterial infection and activation of MyD88 mediated cell signaling associated with B-cell lymphoma O. Fekonja, M. Avbelj, Roman Jerala Ljubljana, Slovenia
Chairs: Riitta Lahesmaa (FIN) Massimiliano Pagani (ITA)
W1.10.01 - Viral inhibition of DNA-PK-dependent DNA sensing Brian J. Ferguson, N.E. Peters, D.S. Mansur, M. Mazzon, H. Ren, A.S. Fahy, E. Krysztofinska, R. Arribas-Bosacoma, L.H. Pearl, G.L. Smith Cambridge, United Kingdom
IL2.03.01 - Epigenomic and transcriptional regulation of human Th cell differentiation Riitta Lahesmaa Turku, Finland
W1.10.02 - Hepatitis C virus degrades Riplet ubiquitin ligase to escape host innate immune response Hiroyuki Oshiumi, M. Matsumoto, T. Seya Sapporo, Japan
W2.03.04 - Loss of an Ig gene enhancer in mature B cells results in rapid gene silencing and partial reversible de-differentiation X. Zhou, Y. Xiang, William T. Garrard Dallas, USA W2.03.05 - Regulation of CD4 T helper cell differentiation and plasticity by the histone methyltransferase Ezh2 Damon J. Tumes, A. Onodera, C. Iwamura, H. Hosokawa, H. Koseki, K. Tokoyoda, Y. Suzuki, T. Nakayama Chiba, Japan
W3.14.03 - Aicda expression in immature B cells, but not in mature B cells is critical for IgG autoantibody production in a model of systemic lupus erythematosus Benjamin Umiker, A. Larbi, M. Reth, T. Honjo, T. ImanishiKari Boston, USA
W3.14.06 - Human innate-like B cells with regulatory properties in response to viruses X. Zhang, Dania Zhivaki, S. Lemoine, A. Lim, C. Leclerc, R. Lo-Man Paris, France
W2.03.03 - The Polycomb group protein Ezh2 regulates the germinal center B cell response Stefano Casola, M. Caganova, C. Carrisi, F. Zanardi, F. Mainoldi, L. George, M. Ponzoni, K.M. Toellner, I. Su Milan, Italy
Workshops August 24, 2013 W1.10.03 - Lysosomal DNase2a is required for the autophagic clearance of self damaged nuclear DNA Yuk Yuen Lan, D. Londono, N. Hacohen Charlestown, USA W1.10.04 - Commensal microbiota monitoring by RLRs regulates contact hypersensitivity response Emilie Plantamura, L. Moudombi, S. Djebali, C. Macari, S. Lippens, A. Dzutsev, G. Trinchieri, J. Marvel, M.C. Michallet Lyon, France W1.10.05 - Essential role for Bruton’s tyrosine kinase outside the B cell compartment in bacterial infection Alex F. De Vos, J. Pater, R. De Beer, S. Terpstra, C. Van ‘t Veer, R. Hendriks, T. Van Der Poll Amsterdam, Netherlands W1.10.06 - Genetic variants in donor PTX3 impair antifungal immunity and predispose to invasive aspergillosis after stem cell transplantation C. Cunha, F. Aversa, A. Mantovani, L. Romani, Agostinho Carvalho
16.45-18.15 BROWN 1
Perugia, Italy
Chair: Peter Parham (USA) Peter C. Doherty (AUS) Fifty years of cytotoxic T cells
PS.06 - PERSPECTIVES IN IMMUNOLOGY Chair: John Hamilton (USA) Siamon Gordon (GBR) Macrophage receptors and immune activation
Chair: Alexander Rudensky (USA) Maria Grazia Roncarolo (ITA) Immune tolerance mediated by T regulatory type 1 cells
LL.17 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: David Wallach (ISR) Peter Krammer (DEU) Decisions of life and death
LL.19 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Paola Ricciardi Castagnoli (SNG) Xuetao Cao (CHN) Cross-regulation of innate inflammatory respons
12.30 - 13.15 BROWN 3
12.30 - 13.15 SPACE 1+2
Chair: Maria Grazia Roncarolo (ITA) Shimon Sakaguchi (JPN) Control of immune responses by regulatory T cells
12.30 - 13.15 SPACE 4
12.30 - 13.15 GOLD ROOM 12.30 - 13.15 BROWN 1+2 12.30 - 13.15 SPACE 3
LL.16 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Antonio Lanzavecchia (CHE) Andreas Radbruch (DEU) The emerging diversity of immunological memory
LL.18 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Marco Cassatella (ITA) Clifford A. Lowell (USA) Tyrosine kinases and phosphatases in inflammation and autoimmunity
LL.20 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Douglas Golenbock (USA) Ricardo Gazzinelli (BRA) Toxoplasma recognition by TLR11/TLR12 heterodimers: a tale of mice (cats) and men
LL.21 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Gioacchino Natoli (ITA) Joost Oppenheim (USA) The defensin and HMGN1 alarmins have potent adjuvant effects
18.30 - 19.15 GOLD ROOM
12.30 - 13.15 AMBER 1+2
8.50 - 9.20 SPACE 1+2
9.30 - 10.15 GOLD ROOM
8.50 - 9.20 GOLD ROOM
Main Lectures August 25, 2013
PL.06 - PLENARY LECTURE Chair: Marc Feldamann (GBR) Antonio Lanzavecchia (CHE) Dissecting the antibody response to pathogens and self antigens
Chairs: Adrian Thrasher (GBR) Carlo Riccardi (ITA) Paola Romagnani (ITA) S14.01 Stem cell and kidney regeneration Antonio Uccelli (ITA) S14.02 Mesenchymal stem cells modulate the immune response in vivo Matthias Edinger (DEU) S14.03 Regulatory T cells in allogeneic stem cell transplantation Masaru Taniguchi (JPN) S14.04 NKT cells as an ideal target for anti-tumor immunotherapy Alessandro Aiuti (ITA) S14.05 Gene therapy for primary immunodeficiencies
Alberto Martini (ITA)
Eric Gershwin (USA) S13.01 Primary biliary cirrhosis: the environment and autoimmunity Ethan Shevach (USA) S13.02 Control of dendritic cell function by T regulatory cells Virginia Pascual (USA) S13.03 Novel B cell-helper pathways in human SLE Reinhold E. Schmidt (DEU) S13.04 Innate mechanisms in antibody mediated autoimmune diseases David A. Hafler (USA) S13.05 Regulatory T cells in autoimmune disease
10.20 - 12.25 SPACE 1+2
10.20 - 12.25 GOLD ROOM
Parallel Symposia August 25, 2013
Chairs: Martin Lipp (DEU) Mario Mellado (ESP) Philip M. Murphy (USA) S15.01 Chemokines: tails from the clinic Andrew D. Luster (USA) S15.02 Chemokine guidance in the lymph node imprints adaptive immune responses Silvano Sozzani (ITA) S15.03 Role of the atypical chemokine receptor CCRL2 in immune responses Klaus Ley (USA) S15.04 Toward an antigen-specific therapy for atherosclerosis Kouji Matsushima (JPN) S15.05 Dynamisms and regulation of tumorassociated myeloid cells
10.20 - 12.25 BROWN 3
10.20 - 12.25 BROWN 1+2
10.20 - 12.25 SPACE 4
10.20 - 12.25 SPACE 3
S17 - COMPLEMENT AND SOLUBLE MEDIATORS Chairs: Marina Botto (GBR) Mariagrazia Uguccioni (CHE) John Lambris (USA) S17.01 The Renaissance of Complement Teizo Fujita (JPN) S17.02 Functional aspect of the lectin complement pathway Seppo Meri (FIN) S17.03 Trick or treat - how pathogens handle the complement system Francesco Tedesco (ITA) S17.04 The complement system: friend or foe? Paul Herzog (AUS) S17.05 A unique type I interferon regulates mucosal innate immune responses in the female reproductive tract
Chairs: Emil Unanue (USA) Kenneth Rock (USA) Jacques Neefjes (NLD) S16.01 Genome-wide analyses defines new factors controlling MHC class I and MHC class II antigen presentation Peter Cresswell (USA) S16.02 Molecular aspects of MHC class I-restricted antigen processing Jose Villadangos (AUS) S16.03 Regulation of antigen presentation in the dendritic cell network Sebastian Amigorena (FRA) S16.04 Antigen crosspresentation in dendritic cells Muriel Moser (BEL) S16.05 Regulatory T cells control Th1 priming by inhibiting CD70 expression: a role for intercellular transfer of CD27?
Chairs: Francesco Dieli (ITA) Giuseppe Teti (ITA) Russell E. Vance (USA) S18.01 Activation of inflammasomes by bacterial pathogens Jurgen Ruland (DEU) S18.02 CARD9 signaling complexes in innate immunity Robert L. Modlin (USA) S18.03 Type I interferon suppresses type II interferon-triggered human anti-mycobacterial responses Francesco Dieli (ITA) S18.04 HLA-E-restricted recognition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by human CD8 T lymphocytes Willem Hanekom (ZAF) S18.05 Human correlates of risk of TB disease
Sponsored Sessions August 25, 2013
13.30 - 15.00 SPACE 3
12.30 - 15.10 AMBER 5+6
IUIS Lunch Symposium Chair: Rudolf Valenta (AUT) Ruby Pawankar (JPN) Importance of standardization in immunology and allergy: a WAO perspective Stefan Vieths (DEU) Major allergen ELISA’s and recombinant allergens in allergens standardization Luis Andrade (BRA) The impact of different methodological platform and standards in the diagnostic performance of autoantibodies Alberto Falorni (ITA) Standardization of adrenal autoantibody determination in Europe Pablo Engel (ESP) CD molecules. Standardization of monoclonal antibody validation Michael Kirschfink (DEU) Modern complement analysi Vladka urin Šerbec (SLO) Goals and challenges and its impact on the immunological diagnostics Clemens Scheinecker (AUT) The Subcommittee for the Standardization and Quality Assesment in Immunotherapy: the need for expert opinions
INNOVATIVE FLOW CYTOMETRY TO DECIPHER IMMUNE CELL FUNCTION with the contribution of BD Bioscience Chair: Robert Balderas (USA) Jurg Rohrer (USA) Innovative tools to incorporate low density antigens in multicolor panels Claudia Mauri (GBR) Regulatory B cells maintain regulatory T cells whilst inhibiting Th17 and Th1 differentiation
15.10 - 16.40 SPACE 1
13.30 - 15.00 SPACE 4
with the contribution of Italian Ministry of Health and Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation Chairs: Francesca Aloisi (ITA) - Christian Münz (CHE) Patrick J. Venables (GBR) Porphyromonas gingivalis and autoimmunity in rheumatoid arthritis Jan Lünemann(CHE) Virus-host interactions in multiple sclerosis Francesca Aloisi (ITA) Epstein-Barr virus and lymphoid neogenesis in autoimmunity Christian Münz (CHE) Translational aspects and discussion
PRIMARY BILIARY CIRRHOSIS: GENETICS, PATHOGENESIS AND THERAPY OF A PROTOTYPIC AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE with the contribution of Intercept Pharmaceuticals Chair: Luciano Adorini (ITA) Pietro Invernizzi (ITA) Recent progress in genetics and epigenetics of PBC M. Eric Gershwin (USA) Environmental factors and the pathogenesis of PBC David Shapiro (USA) New therapies for PBC
19.15 - 20.15 GOLD ROOM
15.10 - 17.10 SPACE 3
With the contribution of Dompé S.p.A. Chair: Mauro Teixeira (BRA) David Scholten (NLD) Pharmacological modulation of chemokine receptors function Mette Rosenkilde (DEN) Major players in 7TM receptor activation; structural features of chemokine receptors Massimo Locati (ITA) Dissecting trafficking and signaling of typical and atypical chemokine receptors Marcello Allegretti (ITA) A structurally conserved allosteric motif beyond the chemokine receptor family
ELSE KRÖNER-FRESENIUS AWARD LECTURE Welcome note: Susanne Schultz-Hector, executive board Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung Introduction: S.H.E. Kaufmann, IUIS president Award lecture by the winner of the Else Kröner-Fresenius-Award
Workshops August 25, 2013 W3.13 - REGULATORY T CELLS: BASIC ASPECTS
Stefano Angiari, B. Rossi, L. Piccio, B.H. Zinselmeyer, S.L. Budui, E. Zenaro, V. Della Bianca, A.H. Cross, M.J. Miller, G. Constantin Verona, Italy
Chairs: Hans-Jorg Schild (DEU) Barbara Fazekas de St Groth (AUT)
W3.13.10 - Visualizing tolerance induction: behavior and function of regulatory T cells during the establishment of materno/fetal tolerance Maria-Grazia G. Ruocco, T. Chen, G. Darrasse-Jeze, D. Klatzmann Paris, France
IL3.13.01 - Regulatory T cells fine-tune DC costimulation in vivo to set the threshold for T cell activation Barbara Fazekas de St Groth, H. Bolton, C. Zhu Sydney, Australia
W3.13.01 - Low/negative expression of CD6 in natural T-regulatory cells Carlos A. Garcia Santana, J.W. Tung, S. Gulnik Miami, United States W3.13.02 - Regulatory T cells increase the avidity of CD8+ T cell responses to non-self antigens and promote memory Luigia Pace, A. Tempez, C. Arnold-Schrauf, F. Lemaitre, P. Bousso, L. Fetler, T. Sparwasser, S. Amigorena Paris, France
15.10-18.15 GOLD ROOM
IL3.13.02 - Impaired peripheral tolerance as a consequence of disturbed regulatory T cells - dendritic cell interactions Hansjörg Schild, S. Muth, H. Probst Mainz, Germany
W3.13.14 - TCR-independent CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cell activation during immune responses Hidefumi Kojima, Y. Kashiwakura, M. Hashiguchi, T. Kobata Mibu, Japan
W3.13.05 - TGF- signalling is required for CD4+ T cell homeostasis but dispensable for regulatory T cell function Anna Sledzinska, S. Hemmers, F. Mair, O. Gorka, J. Ruland, L. Fairbairn, W. Müller, A. Waisman, B. Becher, T. Buch Zurich, Switzerland
W3.13.08 - Selective inhibition of pro-inflammatory T cell responses by TIGIT+ Tregs Nicole Joller, S. Xiao, B. Patel, C. Zhu, J. Xia, F.J. Quintana, V.K. Kuchroo Boston, USA W3.13.09 - Regulatory T cells suppress the late phase of the immune response in lymph nodes through Pselectin glycoprotein ligand-1
W4.03 - HIV PATHOGENESIS AND IMMUNITY Chairs: Guido Poli (ITA) Andrea Cossarizza (ITA) IL4.03.01 - The Fight Between HIV Infection and Macrophage Polarization Guido Poli Milano, Italy
15.10-18.15 BROWN 3
15.10-18.15 GOLD ROOM
W3.13.04 - Continuous interactions with self are required for maintaining regulatory CD4 T cell numbers and suppressive capacities in the periphery Arnaud Delpoux, P. Yakonowsky, A. Pommier, C. Charvet, M. Valente, A. Durand, B. Martin, C. Auffray, B. Lucas Paris, France
W3.13.07 - Human regulatory T cells rapidly suppress T cell receptor-induced calcium, NF-B, and NFAT signalling in conventional T cells Angelika Schmidt, N. Oberle, R. Joshi, S. Frischbutter, R. Baumgrass, H. Lin, G.W. Mayr, E. Suri-Payer, J. Tegner, P.H. Krammer Solna, Sweden
W3.13.12 - Der P 1 induced CD4+FOXP3+GATA3+ T cells have suppressive properties while contributing to the polarization of the Th2 response Lieke L. Reubsaet, J. Meerding, R. Giezeman, I.M. de Kleer, H.G.M. Arets, B.J. Prakken, J. Beekman, F. van Wijk Utrecht, Netherlands W3.13.13 - Highly pure human antigen-specific Tregs with superior function in preventing allograft rejection Fatih Noyan, M. Hardtke-Wolenski, Y. Lee, R. Taubert, G. Warnecke, A. Knoefel, E. Schulde, S. Olek, M.P. Manns, E. Jaeckel Hannover, Germany
W3.13.03 - Costimulatory requirements for Treg homeostasis and function C. Wang, R. Kenefeck, L. Wardzinski, Lucy S. Walker London, United Kingdom
W3.13.06 - Essential role for Bcl11b in the FoxP3 transcriptional complex and T regulatory cells suppressive function Masahide Hamaguchi, K. Sakai, N. Ohkura, H. Morikawa, Y. Shimazu, J.B. Wing, S. Sakaguchi Suita, Japan
W3.13.11 - Migratory, and not lymphoid-resident, dendritic cells maintain peripheral self-tolerance and prevent autoimmunity via induction of iTreg cells Achille Broggi, C. Vitali, F. Mingozzi, S. Barresi, G. Raimondi, I. Zanoni, F. Granucci Milan, Italy
W4.03.01 - Endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 2 (ERAP2) haplotypes play a role in antigen presentation and resistance to HIV-1 infection Irma Saulle, M. Biasin, F. La Rosa, M. De Luca, D. Trabattoni, M. Sironi, R. Cagliani, F. Mazzotta, S. Lo Caputo, M. Clerici Milan, Italy W4.03.02 - Molecular characterization of high avidity CD4+ T cells in HIV controllers Daniela Benati, M. Galperin, O. Lambotte, A. Lim, B. Lemercier, S. Hendou, F. Boufassa, J. Delfraissy, F. Arenzana-Seisdedos, L. Chakrabarti Paris, France W4.03.03 - Characterization of HIV-1 specific T cell response in an Italian cohort of HIV-1 natural controllers Davide De Battista, D. Mennonna, S. Heltai, E. De Martino, A. Riva, M. Tinelli, S. Nozza, S. Ghezzi, G. Poli, M. Malnati Milan, Italy
W4.03.04 - NK cells in HIV controller patients express an activated effector phenotype and do display unique NKp46,NKp30,NKp44 modulation on IL-2 stimulation Francesco Marras, E. Nicco, F. Bozzano, A. Di Biagio, C. Dentone, G. Orofino, F. Bisio, A. Riva, L. Moretta, A. De Maria. Genoa, Italy
15.10-18.15 BROWN 3
Workshops August 25, 2013
W4.03.05 - Inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 replication in CD4+ NKT cells by T lymphocytes Kyoko Omi, M. Shimizu, E. Watanabe, A. Owaki, C. Takaku, E. Shinya, H. Takahashi Tokyo, Japan
Chairs: Ruggero Pardi (ITA) Giorgio Berton (ITA) W2.06.01 - Clathrin light chain subunits control actin organization during infection and lymphocyte migration Frances M. Brodsky, M. Bonazzi, P. Cossart, P. Parham, S. Majeed San Francisco, USA
W4.03.06 - Immune exposure to a specific sequence of antibody escape variants could program long-term potential for neutralization breadth in subtype A HIV-1 infection Megan K. Murphy, L. Yue, R. Pan, A. Sethi, E. Karita, S.A. Allen, J.E. Robinson, S. Gnanakaran, X. Kong, C.A. Derdeyn Atlanta, USA
W4.03.08 - Telomere length and CD38 expression on monocytes and CD8 T cells of HIV infected people Maciej Tarkowski, D. Misciagna, F. Strambio de Castillia, C. Gervasoni, C. Resnati, L. Ferraris, R. Piolini, M. Galli, A. Riva Milan, Italy
W2.06.02 - DOCK8 is a Cdc42 activator critical for interstitial dendritic cell migration during immune responses Yousuke Harada, Y. Tanaka, M. Terasawa, J.V. Stein, T. Kinashi, Y. Fukui Fukuoka, Japan
15.10-16.40 SPACE 2
15.10-18.15 BROWN 3
W4.03.07 - Decrease of CD73 expressing CD8 T cells in the course of HIV infection correlates with immune activation and T cell exhaustion Ilona Tóth, A.Q. Le, P. Hartjen, A. Thomssen, C. Beisel, A.W. Lohse, J. Hauber, J. van Lunzen, J.C.R. Schulze zur Wiesch Hamburg, Germany
W4.03.09 - HIV-1 infection impairs CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cells differentiation toward dendritic cells Veronica Bordoni, D. Viola, A. Sacchi, G. Castelli, M. Bibas, A. Ammassari, C. Agrati, A. Amendola, I. Abbate, F. Martini Rome, Italy
W2.06.04 - The transporter Spns2 is required for secretion of lymph but not plasma sphingosine-1-phosphate A. Mendoza, B. Breart, W.D. Ramos-Perez, L.A. Pitt, M. Gobert, M. Sunkara, J.J. Lafaille, A.J. Morris, Susan R. Schwab New York, USA
W2.06.06 - A mechanism of the skin-infiltration of basophils that is essential for the acquired protective immunity to tick infestation Soichiro Yoshikawa, T. Ohta, K. Ishiwata, K. Horiguchi, L. Li, K. Miyake, Y. Kawano, H. Kanuka, N. Watanabe, H. Karasuyama Tokyo, Japan
15.10-16.40 SPACE 4
W4.03.11 - HIV-infected T cells are migratory vehicles for viral dissemination Thomas T. Murooka, M. Deruaz, F. Marangoni, V. Vrbanac, E. Seung, U. von Andrian, A. Tager, A. Luster, T.R. Mempel Boston, USA
W4.03.13 - Trogocytosis between germinal center B cells and TFH cells during acute SIV infection of macaques Ankita Chowdhury, P.M. Del Rio Estrada, M. Reuter, N. Patel, T. Hayes, S.E. Bosinger, J.D. Estes, M. Paiardini, M. Betts, G. Silvestri Atlanta, USA
W2.06.03 - All-trans retinoic acid and rapamycin synergize with transforming growth factor- to induce regulatory T cells but confer distinct in vivo migratory capacities Giorgio Raimondi, S. Jhunjhunwala, L.C. Chen, E.E. Nichols, Y.T. Nicholson, A.W. Thomson, S.R. Little Baltimore, USA
W2.06.05 - D6 is a -arrestin-biased signalling chemokine scavenger receptor Cinzia Cancellieri, E.M. Borroni, A. Vacchini, Y. Benureau, F. Bachelerie, F. Arenzana-Seisdedos, K. Mizuno, A. Mantovani, R. Bonecchi, M. Locati Milan, Italy
W4.03.10 - Over-production of BAFF by dendritic cells and inflammatory monocytes during primary HIV-1 infection Gwenoline Borhis, N. Chaoul, C. Gilbert, C. Gras, C. Goujard, L. Meyer, S. Paul, H. Saoudin, J. Herbeuval, Y. Richard Paris, France
W4.03.12 - TLR3 activation on dendritic cells causes complete suppression of HIV-1 infected dendritic cells by inducing up-regulation of microRNA-155 and APOBEC-3G Fiorella P. Rossi, G. Swaminathan, J. Martin-Garcia Philadelphia, USA
W4.03.14 - Characterization of XCR1+ dendritic cells in healthy and SIV-infected rhesus macaques Charles-Antoine Dutertre, J. Jourdain, M. Rancez, S. Amraoui, Y. Richard, M. Dalod, V. Feuillet, R. Cheynier, A. Hosmalin Paris, France
W1.14 - CYTOKINES AND OTHER REGULATORY MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION Chairs: Francesca Fallarino (ITA) Fernando Q. Cunha (BRA) IL1.14.01 - Endotoxin tolerance as a novel defence strategy in infectious diseases Francesca Fallarino, M. Gargaro, A. Bessede, D. Matino, G. Servillo, L. Tissi, L. Romani, U. Grohmann, P. Puccetti Perugia, Italy
Workshops August 25, 2013
15.10-16.40 SPACE 4
W1.14.02 - The BAFF/Th17 axis in Helicobacter pylori infection Fabio Munari, M. Fassan, M. Cassatella, M. de Bernard Padua, Italy W1.14.03 - Molecular basis of signalling through the IL-36 receptor Eric J. Sundberg Baltimore, USA
15.10-16.40 AMBER 1+2
W1.14.01 - Expression and regulation of IL-35 in human tolerogenic dendritic cells and its role in regulating T cells responses Karen O. Dixon, S. van der Kooij, N. Schlagwein, D. Vignali, C. van Kooten Leiden, Netherlands
W6.07.04 - Gene therapy mediated by lentiviral vector transduced CD34+ cells for the treatment of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome Samantha Scaramuzza, F. Ferrua, M.C. Castiello, S. Giannelli, L. Biasco, F. Ciceri, M.G. Roncarolo, A. Villa, L. Naldini, A. Aiuti Milan, Italy W6.07.05 - Multifunctional CD26hi Th17 cells eradicate large human tumors Michelle H. Nelson, L. Huff, S. Kundimi, M. Goodyear, S.R. Bailey, C.M. Paulos Charleston, USA W6.07.06 - Identification of an alternative specificity for engineered T cells expressing an enhanced affinity MAGE-A3 TCR Bent K. Jakobsen, B.J. Cameron, A.B. Gerry, J. Dukes, J.V. Harper, E.A. Stadtmauer, A.P. Rapoport, C.H. June, N.J. Hassan, M. Kalos Abingdon, United Kingdom
W1.14.04 - Intracellular signalling involved in IL-22 release by dendritic cells Maria Foti, S. Fumagalli, S. Citterio, C. Ripamonti Milan, Italy W1.14.05 - Environmental conditions perceived by the brain alter CD4+ T cell responses through an adiponectin-dependent mechanism Magdalena M. Canali, J.A. Soria, E. Murris, J. Chabry, A. Guyon, A. Paitel, N. Zsürger, E. Mougneau, N. Glaichenhaus Sophia Antipolis, France
W3.05 - ANTIGEN PROCESSING AND PRESENTATION Chairs: Kayo Inaba (JPN) Peter van Endert (FRA) IL3.05.01 - Compartment cross-talk controlling phagosome maturation and exogenous antigen presentation in dendritic cells Peter van Endert, M. Weimershaus, J. Babdor, D. Descamps, A. Lennon-Dumenil, M. Zwick, T. Brocker, L. Saveanu Paris, France
W1.14.06 - The non-specific and sex-differential immunological effects of the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine in infants Kristoffer J. Jensen, N. Larsen, S. Biering-Sørensen, H.B. Eriksen, M.J. Jørgensen, D. Hougaard, K. Flanagan, P. Aaby, C.S. Benn
Copenhagen, Denmark W3.05.01 - The true story of how MHC peptides are produced Arie Admon, L. Gutter-Kapon, E. Milner, D. Bourdetsky, E. Barnea, I. Beer Haifa, Israel
15.10-16.40 AMBER 1+2
IL6.07.01 - Cell therapy to induce tolerance: which cell type should we use? Giovanna Lombardi, R. Lechler London, United Kingdom W6.07.01 - Human CD8+ regulatory T cells inhibit GVHD and preserve general immunity in humanized mice Jian Zheng, Y. Liu, Y. Liu, M. Liu, Z. Xiang, K. Lam, D.B. Lewis, Y. Lau, W. Tu Hong Kong, Hong Kong W6.07.02 - Therapeutic efficacy of human mesenchymal stromal cells in a humanised mouse model of acute GVHD Karen English, L. Tobin, M. Healy, B.P. Mahon Co Kildare, Ireland W6.07.03 - Induction of donor-specific tolerance in organ transplantation using in vitro-generated immunosuppressive myeloid blood cells Christian Kleist, F. Sandra-Petrescu, L. Jiga, L. Dittmar, E. Mohr, J. Greil, G. Opelz, P. Terness Heidelberg, Germany
15.10-16.40 AMBER 3+4
Chairs: Giovanna Lombardi (GBR) Hideki Ueno (USA)
W3.05.02 - ER-resident editors optimize distinct features of the peptide cargo loaded onto MHC-I molecules T. Kanaseki, K.C. Lind, H. Escobar, N. Nagarajan, E. ReyesVargas, B. Rudd, L. Van Kaer, N. Sato, J. Delgado, Nilabh Shastri Berkeley, USA W3.05.03 - A CD74-dependent MHC-I endolysosomal cross-presentation pathway Wilfred A. Jefferies, G. Basha, K.D. Omilusik, A. ChavezSteenbock, A.T. Reinicke, N. Lack, K. Choi Vancouver, Canada W3.05.04 - IRAP endosomes are an intracellular crossroad of innate and adaptive immunity Loredana Saveanu, M. Weimershaus, J. Babdor, M. Tohme, P. Vargas, A. Lennon-Dumenil, D. Descamps, B. Manoury, P. van Endert Paris, France W3.05.05 - CD4 T cell receptor transgenic mice recognizing an unstable peptide of insulin are directly recruited into islets bypassing local lymph nodes James F. Mohan, B. Calderon, E.R. Unanue Saint Louis, USA
15.10-16.40 AMBER 3+4
Workshops August 25, 2013 W3.05.06 - Structural basis of human beta-cell killing by CD8+ T cells in type 1 diabetes David K. Cole Cardiff, United Kingdom
W5.03.01 - Effect of multiple genetic risk factors associated with rheumatoid arthritis on immune cell phenotypes Lucia Chovanova, M. Vlcek, K. Krskova, F. Spoutil, J. Rovensky, R. Brownlie, R. Zamoyska, R. Imrich Bratislava, Slovakia W5.03.02 - Variants in the IRF5-TNPO3 locus are associated with the development of lupus and its clinical presentation and shared with other autoimmune disorders Leah C. Kottyan, E.E. Zoller, S. Hawtrey, K.M. Kaufman, J.B. Harley Cincinnati, USA
W3.08 - Th1 AND Th2 CELLS Chairs: Enrico Maggi (ITA)
W3.08.01 - Crucial role of IL-18R1 signalling in Th1 cell differentiation in mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi A. Oliveira, A.P. Granato, J.F. Gomes-Neto, C.H.D. Barbosa, F.B. Canto, R. Fucs, A. Nobrega, Maria Bellio Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
15.10-16.40 AMBER 5+6
W3.08.02 - Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine signals control the balance between Th1 and Tfh differentiation during the first few days of viral infection Heather D. Marshall, I.A. Parish, M. Staron, B.J. Laidlaw, J. Ray, J. Craft, S.M. Kaech New Haven, USA
15.10-16.40 AMBER 7+8
Barbara Bohle (AUT)
W3.08.03 - CD4+ T cells are both trigger and target of the glucocorticoid response that prevents lethal immunopathology in toxoplasma infection D.G. Kugler, P.R. Mittlesstadt, J.D. Ashwell, A. Sher, Dragana Jankovic Bethesda, USA
W5.03.06 - Vav1 cooperate with Themis to modulate regulatory T cell suppressive functions Christophe Pedros, M. Chabod, A. Dejean, I. Bernard, O. Andreoletti, G. Fournié, A. Saoudi Toulouse, France
W3.08.05 - RNA-binding protein HuR coordinately regulates GATA-3 and CD4+ Th2 cytokine gene expression in dose-dependent manner Ulus Atasoy, M. Gubin, R. Calaluce, J. Martindale, M. Gorospe, C. Stellato, V. Casolaro Columbia, USA
15.10-16.40 AMBER 7+8
Chairs: Rosa Sorrentino (ITA) Manfred Herold (AUT) IL5.03.01 - HLA-B27 micropolymorphisms correlate with differences in function and susceptibility to Ankylosing Spondylitis M.T. Fiorillo, V. Tedeschi, C. Vitulano, F. Paladini, G. Camilli, C. Rossetti, S. Tuncer, Rosa Sorrentino Roma, Italy
W1.08 - DENDRITIC CELL SUBSETS Chairs: Michel Gilliet (CHE) Franca Ronchese (NZL) IL1.08.01 - Increased numbers of monocyte-derived DC in the lymph node during successful tumor treatment with immune activating agents S. Kuhn, E. Hyde, F. Rich, J. Harper, J. Kirman, Franca Ronchese Wellington, New Zealand
15.10-16.40 BROWN 1
W5.03.04 - Genetic variants in PXK are associated with the development of lupus and critically regulate BCR internalization Samuel E. Vaughn, I.T.W. Harley, C. Foley, L.C. Kottyan, K.M. Kaufman, J.A. Kelly, J.B. Harley Cincinnati, USA W5.03.05 - Enhanced apoptosis by disruption of the STAT3-IB- signalling pathway in epithelial cells induces Sjögren’s syndrome-like autoimmune disease A. Okuma, K. Hoshino, T. Kaisho, Tatsushi Muta Sendai, Japan
W3.08.04 - Blimp-1 triggers the formation of immunoregulatory IL-10 producing Th1 cells during chronic viral infection Ian A. Parish, H.D. Marshall, P.A. Lang, A. Brustle, J.H. Chen, W. Cui, P.S. Ohashi, C.T. Weaver, S.M. Kaech Canberra, Australia
W3.08.06 - Modifications of the bone marrow microenvironment in the transition from monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance to multiple myeloma in Vk*MYC mice Arianna Calcinotto, E. Cattaneo, M. Grioni, S. Bertilaccio, M. Chesi, L. Bergsagel, G. Casorati, P. Dellabona, M. Bellone Milan, Italy
W5.03.03 - The lupus-associated variant of the ITGAM allele (rs1143679) impairs phagocytosis, but not migration nor TLR7/8 induced cytokine release Liliane Fossati-Jimack, G.S. Ling, A. Cortini, M. Szajna, T.H. Malik, J.U. McDonald, M.C. Pickering, H.T. Cook, P.R. Taylor, M. Botto London, United Kingdom
W1.08.01 - Characterization of human afferent lymph dendritic cells from seroma fluids Barbara Morandi, I. Bonaccorsi, R. Conte, G. Costa, R. Iemmo, S. Ferrone, C. Cantoni, M. Mingari, L. Moretta, G. Ferlazzo Genoa, Italy W1.08.02 - Plasmacytoid, conventional and monocyte-derived dendritic cells undergo a profound and convergent genetic reprogramming during their maturation T. Vu Manh, Y. Alexandre, T. Baranek, K. Crozat, Marc Dalod Marseille, France W1.08.03 - The dendritic cells of the bone marrow Ben R. Fancke, J. Pooley, M. O’Keeffe Melbourne, Australia
Workshops August 25, 2013 W1.16 - COMPLEMENT SYSTEM Chairs: Anna Erdei (HUN) George N. Hajishengallis (USA) IL1.16.01 - Microbial manipulation of select host signaling pathways to disengage immune bacterial clearance from inflammation George Hajishengallis, T. Maekawa, J.L. Krauss, K.B. Hosur, J.D. Lambris Philadelphia, United States
W1.08.05 - In vivo roles of XC chemokine receptor 1expressing dendritic cells Tomokazu OHTA, H. Hemmi, C. Yamazaki, M. Sugiyama, I. Sasaki, K. Hoshino, T. Kaisho Suita, Japan +
W1.16.01 - C3 opsonisation enhances apoptotic cellassociated antigen presentation by DCs by controlling the endocytic handling Lucie Baudino, A. Sardini, M. Ruseva, L. Fossati-Jimack, D. Scott, T. Cook, M. Botto London, United Kingdom
W1.08.06 - Resident CD11b Ly6C lung dendritic cells are responsible for allergic airway sensitization to house dust mite in mice C. Mesnil, C.M. Sabatel, T. Marichal, M. Toussaint, D. Cataldo, P. Drion, P. Lekeux, F. Bureau, Christophe J. Desmet Liège, Belgium
Kendall A. Smith (USA)
W7.02.01 - Methodological applications of host-pathogen data profiles conserved in evolution Ariel L. Rivas, M.D. Jankowski, G. Leitner, D. Schwarz, J.M. Fair, A.L. Hoogesteijn, J.B. Hittner, J.M. Hyman, D.J. Perkins Albuquerque, USA
16.45-18.15 SPACE 4
15.10-16.40 BROWN 1
W1.08.04 - Unraveling the fingerprint of human tolerogenic DC-10, a dendritic cell subset involved in the establishment of peripheral tolerance M. Comi, D. Tomasoni, M. Villa, M. Pala, M. Floris, A. Bulfone, M. Roncarolo, Silvia Gregori Milan, Italy
W1.16.05 - Role of the long Pentraxin PTX3 in fibrosarcoma development and progression Eduardo Bonavita, S. Gentile, N. Polentarutti, F. Feruglio, F. Pasqualini, M. Nebuloni, S. Jaillon, A. Mantovani, C. Garlanda Milan, Italy
W7.02.03 - Functional proteomic interrogation of immune cell crosstalk and the effects of cytokine-targeted inhibitors using Single Cell Network Profiling D. Hotson, A. Conroy, A. Cesano, Rachael Hawtin San Francisco, USA
W1.16.06 - Dendritic cell alternative pathway production is differentially regulated by interferons and IL27 Joseph O`Flynn, K. Dixon, N. Klar Mohamad, M.R. Daha, C. van Kooten Leiden, Netherlands
W7.02.04 - Comparison of functional immune signalling profiles in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from rheumatoid arthritis patients versus healthy donors using Single Cell Network Profiling J. Ptacek, R. Hawtin, E. Evensen, J. Cordeiro, M. Atallah, C. Marimpietri, A. Cesano, TETRAD Investigators, P.K. Gregersen, S.Lou Bridges San Francisco, USA
W7.02.05 - The role of microRNAs in regulatory T cell function C.Y. Brown, T. Sadlon, S. Pederson, G.T. Goodall, M. Beyer, J. Schultze, Simon C. Barry Adelaide, Australia
Chairs: Luca Gattinoni (USA) Francesco Frassoni (ITA)
16.45-18.15 AMBER 1+2
15.10-16.40 BROWN 2
W1.16.03 - Response gene to complement-32 mediates C5b-9 induced cell cycle activation and migration in endothelial cells Cosmin A. Tegla, C.D. Cudrici, T. Ito, V. Nguyen, V. Rus, F. Niculescu, H. Rus Baltimore, USA W1.16.04 - Soluble GC1QR is an autocrine signal which induces bradykinin receptor 1 expression on activated endothelial cells Berhane Ghebrehiwet, Y. JI, K. Hosszu, A. Valentino, E.I.B. Peerschke Stony Brook, USA
W7.02.02 - Higher expression of genes related to B cell activation in female spleen cells R. Godínez-Aguilar, E. Aguirre-von-Webesser, V. Bermúdez, E. Lamoyi, J. Berumen, José Moreno Cuernavaca, Mexico
W7.02.06 - A bioinformatics pipeline to uncover regulatory modules and their condition-specific regulators in human monocyte-to-macrophages differentiation and polarization Emilia M.C. Mazza, P. Italiani, S. Valsoni, I. Cifola, D. Boraschi, C. Battaglia, S. Bicciato Modena, Italy
W1.16.02 - Follicular dendritic cells are essential for maintenance of autoreactive B cells B.A. Heesters, P. Chatterjee, N. Dwivedi, A. Das, Michael C. Carroll Boston, USA
IL6.08.01 - Harnessing stem-cell like memory T cells for adoptive cell transfer therapy of cancer Luca Gattinoni Bethesda, United States W6.08.01 - Potential roles for adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in the regulation of the mucosal immune system in aging K. Aso, K. Kimura, K. Takagaki, T. Kobayashi, K. Oki, S. Sugimoto, H. Tanemura, N. Urushihata, J.R. McGhee, Kohtaro Fujihashi Birmingham, USA
W6.08.02 - Clinical effects of intraperitoneal mesenchymal stem cells and mesenchmal stem cells-derived neural progenitor cells in a chronic experimental model of multiple sclerosis Fateme Nasri, T. Kalantari, M.S. Mohtasebi, F. Taki, E. Kamali Sarvestani Shiraz, Islamic Republic of Iran
16.45-18.15 AMBER 1+2
W6.08.03 - IFN- impairs the self-renewal of hematopoietic stem cells during viral infection A.M. de Bruin, B. Hooibrink, Martijn A. Nolte Amsterdam, Netherlands
16.45-18.15 AMBER 3+4
Workshops August 25, 2013
W6.08.04 - Mouse compact bone derived mesenchymal stem cells supress airway inflammation in both chronic and acute murine asthma model I. Ogulur, G. Gurhan, A. Aksoy, G. Duruksu, D. Filinte, I. Barlan, E. Karaöz, Tunç Akkoç Istanbul, Turkey
Chairs: Thomas Hunig (DEU) Dario Vignali (USA) IL5.06.01 - The CD28 superagonist TGN1412: After the storm Thomas Hünig Würzburg, Germany IL5.06.02 - Molecular Control of Treg Stability and Function Dario Vignali Memphis, United States
W6.08.06 - The acquisition of immunomodulating properties by mouse mesenchymal stem cells in presence of IFN- is associated with a reduced expression of Nanog and alteration of their differentiation potential Tiziana Vigo, C. Procaccini, G. Matarese, S. Baranzini, N. Kerlero de Rosbo, A. Uccelli Genoa, Italy
W5.06.01 - TRAF6 is essential for maintenance of regulatory T cells and suppression of Th2 type inflammation Go Muto, R. Morita, S. Niikura, H. Kotani, T. Kobayashi, A. Yoshimura Tokyo, Japan
16.45-18.15 AMBER 3+4
W5.06.02 - Breakdown of immune tolerance by quantitative and qualitative alterations of ZAP-70 Atsushi Tanaka, S. Maeda, T. Nomura, S. Tanaka, L. Jin, S. Akizuki, N. Sakaguchi, R. Zamoyska, D.M. Standley, S. Sakaguchi Osaka, Japan W5.06.03 - KLRG1 expression in ICOS+Foxp3+ Treg cells delineates a functionally fatigued Treg subset during T1D progression in NOD mice Mara Kornete, C. Piccirillo Montreal, Canada
W3.04.01 - A novel DNA break and phosphorylationdependent positive feedback loop promotes class switch recombination Jayanta Chaudhuri New York, USA
W5.06.04 - B cell derived IFN- contributes to the negative regulation of T regulatory cell differentiation in arthritis Susan A. Olalekan, Y. Cao, T. Glant, A. Finnegan Chicago, USA
W3.04.02 - AID-dependent IgV hypermutation requires a splice isoform of the SR protein SRSF1 Naoki Kanayama, Y. Kanehiro, K. Todo, Y. Kawaguchi, S. Miyazaki, K. Watanabe, H. Tokumitsu, J.L. Manley, M. Magari, H. Ohmori Okayama, Japan
W5.06.05 - The in vivo impact of CD25 blockade on human regulatory T cells and evidence for compensatory maintenance by IL2R and IL7R signalling D. Huss, D. Mehta, A. Sharma, L. Amaravadi, J. Elkins, Jason D. Fontenot Cambridge, USA
W3.04.03 - Effect of the 3’Regulatory Region insulation on B cell development and DNA rearrangements at the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus F. Braikia, Caroline Conte, M. Moutahir, A. Khamlichi Toulouse, France
W5.06.06 - Restoration of normoglycemia in diabetic NOD mice by oral L. lactis secreting human pro-insulin plus IL-10 combined with short-term low-dose anti-CD3 is dependent on FOXP3+ Tregs Tatiana Takiishi, T. van Belle, S. Robert, H. Korf, P. Rottiers, C. Gysemans, C. Mathieu Leuven, Belgium
W3.04.04 - Genetic variation and positional biases influence rearrangement of lymphocyte receptor genes Marie J. Kidd, A.M. Collins Kensington, Australia
16.45-18.15 AMBER 5+6
IL3.04.01 - Combinatorial H3K9acS10ph histone modifications in IgH locus S regions target 14-3-3 adaptors and AID to specify antibody class switch DNA recombination Paolo Casali, G. Li Irvine, United States
W3.04.06 - The conservation of immunoglobulin genes: an evolutionary link between autoreactivity and innate response against pathogens André M. Vale, P. Kapoor, T.I. Mahmoud, C. Zemlin, M. Zemlin, P.D. Burrows, J.F. Kearney, D.E. Briles, A. Nobrega, H.W. Schroeder Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
W6.08.05 - Allogenicity of human cardiac stem/progenitor cells orchestrated by programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) L. Lauden, W. Boukouaci, L.R. Borlado, I.P. López, P. Sepúlveda, R. Tamouza, D. Charron, Reem Al-Daccak Paris, France
Chairs: Paolo Casali (USA) Roberto Sitia (ITA)
W3.04.05 - Secondary immunoglobulin heavy chain rearrangements in IgA cloned mice Rashmi Kumar, O. Kanagawa, S. Fagarasan, S. Casola Milan, Italy
W1.07.04 - The inhibitory effect of secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) on formation of neutrophil extracellular traps Katarzyna Zabieglo, A. Wlodarczyk, M. Kapinska-Mrowiecka, A. Dubin, J. Cichy Krakow, Poland
IL2.09.01 - MHC and other polymorphic genes in health and disease Jeffrey A. Frelinger, D. Jaraquemada Tucson, United States
16.45-18.15 AMBER 7+8
W2.09.01 - Tapasin facilitation of MHC-I separates closely related allomorphs, is strongly influenced by peptide length and depends on stability L. Geironson, C. Thuring, M. Harndahl, M. Rasmussen, S. Buus, G.A. Røder, Kajsa M. Paulsson Lund, Sweden
16.45-18.15 BROWN 1
Chairs: Jeoffrey A. Frelinger (USA) Dolores Jaraquemada (ESP)
W2.09.02 - NLRC5 controls basal MHC class I gene expression in an MHC-enhanceosome dependent manner A. Neerincx, G. Rodriguez, V. Steimle, Thomas Kufer Köln, Germany
W7.03 - STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY IN IMMUNOLOGY Chairs: Mette M. Rosenkilde (DEN) Stephanie Gras (AUS)
W2.09.04 - Usage of a genome-wide shRNA-based lentiviral screen and targeted siRNA knockdown to identify host cell proteins involved in US2- and US11mediated degradation of MHC-I molecules Daniel C. Chapman, P. Stocki, F. Teusel, D.B. Williams Toronto, Canada
IL7.03.01 - Structural basis of viral escape in Influenza Stephanie Gras, S. Valkenburg, C. Guillonneau, L. Hatton, K. Twist, A. Purcell, P. Doherty, J. Rossjohn, S. Turner, K. Kedzierska Clayton, Australia
W2.09.05 - Comparative analysis of DQA1*05/DQB1*02 mRNAs and DQ2 heterodimer expression in relation to antigen presentation L. Pisapia, A. Camarca, P. Barba, S. Picascia, G. Del Pozzo, Carmen Gianfrani Avellino, Italy
16.45-18.15 BROWN 1
Chairs: William M. Nauseef (USA) Philip M. Murphy (USA) W1.07.01 - STIM2 is the essential STIM protein in nonSOCE calcium responses of macrophages in vitro and in vivo Georgios Sogkas, S. Syed, E. Rau, D. Stegner, T. Vögtle, B. Nieswandt, R. Schmidt, E. Gessner Hannover, Germany W1.07.02 - Glomerular deposition of myeloperoxidase and NETs in human anti ANCA associated vasculitis correlates with DTH effector cell accumulation Kim M. O’Sullivan, S.L. Ford, C. Lo, A.R. Kitching, S.R. Holdsworth Melbourne, Australia W1.07.03 - Leishmania inhibits antigen crosspresentation by cleaving VAMP8 N. Moradin, D. Matheoud, M. Desjardins, Albert Descoteaux Laval, Canada
W7.03.01 - Crystal structure of adenovirus E3-19K protein bound to HLA-A2 reveals mechanism for immunomodulation L. Li, Y. Muzahim, Marlene Bouvier Chicago, USA
16.45-18.15 BROWN 2
W1.07.06 - FAM19A4: a novel cytokine promotes phagocytosis of zymosan but negatively regulates TNF secretion associated with NF-B pathway in macrophages. Wenyan Wang, P. Wang, T. Li, X. Wang, W. Yuan, H. Zhang, Y. Zhang, D. Ma, W. Han Beijing, China Discussion
W2.09.03 - TAPBPR uses the same residues as tapasin to associate with MHC-I Clemens Hermann, L.M. Strittmatter, L.H. Boyle Cambridge, United Kingdom
W2.09.06 - Novel HLA-B27-restricted epitopes from Chlamydia trachomatis suggest a role of molecular mimicry in reactive arthritis Carlos Alvarez-Navarro, J. Cragnolini, H. G. Dos Santos, E. Barnea, A. Admon, A. Morreale, J. López de Castro Madrid, Spain
W1.07.05 - The role of iRhom2 (rhbdf2) during immune activation Philipp A. Lang, D.R. McIlwain, D. Häussinger, K. Lang, P.S. Ohashi, T. Maretzky, P. Darshinee, J. Salmon, C.P. Blobel, T.W. Mak Dusseldorf, Germany
W7.03.02 - Structural insight into HLA DQ8 restricted TCR selection in celiac disease Jan Petersen, S.E. Broughton, A. Theodossis, A. Thompson, J. van Bergen, Y. Kooy-Winkelaar, R.P. Anderson, F. Koning, H.H. Reid, J. Rossjohn Clayton, Australia W7.03.03 - Divergent T Cell recognition of a lengthy epitope bound to MHC-I molecule Yu-Chih Liu Clayton, Australia W7.03.04 - The constant region affects antigen binding of antibodies to DNA by altering secondary structure Y. Xia, A. Janda, E. Eryilmaz, A. Casadevall, Chaim Putterman Bronx, USA W7.03.05 - Structural insight on the recognition of surface-bound opsonins by the integrin I-domain of complement receptor 3 Goran Bajic, L. Yatime, T. Vorup-Jensen, G.R. Andersen Aarhus, Denmark W7.03.06 - Structural insights into S100 proteins recognition and signal transduction by the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-products (RAGE) Laure Yatime, G.R. Andersen Aarhus, Denmark
Chair: Fiona Powrie (GBR) Tadamitsu Kishimoto (JPN) IL-6: new era comes for the treatment of inflammatory autoimmune diseases
Chair: Andrea Velardi (ITA) Max D. Cooper (USA) Evolution of adaptive immunity
Chair: Anne O’Garra (GBR) Klaus Rajewsky (DEU) Modeling Epstein-Barr virus pathologies, immune surveillance and human lymphomas in mice
LL.26 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Vincenzo Barnaba (ITA) Matthew Albert (FRA) Chemokine antagonism: an in vivo mechanism for regulating inflammation during viral infection and tumorigenesis
LL.28 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Olja Finn (USA) Riccardo Dalla Favera (USA) Genetic determinants of B cell lymphoma transformation and immune escape
12.30 - 13.15 BROWN 3
12.30 - 13.15 SPACE 4
Chair: James Allison (USA) Giorgio Trinchieri (USA) The role of the commensal microbiota in regulating inflammation and cancer
12.30 - 13.15 SPACE 1+2
Chair: Marco Colonna (USA) Diane J. Mathis (USA) AIRE control of immunological tolerance: new twists
18.30 - 19.15 GOLD ROOM
12.30 - 13.15 AMBER 3+4
12.30 - 13.15 GOLD ROOM 12.30 - 13.15 BROWN 1+2 12.30 - 13.15 SPACE 3 12.30 - 13.15 AMBER 1+2
8.50 - 9.20 SPACE 1+2
9.30 - 10.15 GOLD ROOM
8.50 - 9.20 GOLD ROOM
Main Lectures August 26, 2013
LL.23 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Maria Rescigno (ITA) Fiona Powrie (GBR) Gut reactions: immune pathways that control intestinal homeostatis
LL.25 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Dmitry Gabrilovich (USA) Frederic Geissmann (GBR) Differentiation and functions of monocytes/macrophages
LL.27 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Attila Mocsai (HUN) John J. O'Shea (USA) Helper cell specification: cytokines, transcription factors and the epigenome
LL.29 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Riccardo Gazzinelli (BRA) Alan Sher (USA) IL-1 mediates host resistance to Mycobacterium tuberculosis through an eicosanoid pathway
PL.08 - PLENARY LECTURE Chair: William Paul (USA) Richard A. Flavell (USA) The inflammasome in health and disease
Parallel Symposia August 26, 2013
Chairs: Anne Ostergaard (CAN) Wolf H. Fridman (FRA) Jerome Galon (FRA) S19.01 From the immune contexture to the immunoscore in the era of cancer immunotherapy Gabriel Rabinovich (ARG) S19.02 Regulatory circuits in autoimmunity and cancer mediated by lectins and glycans Mario Colombo (ITA) S19.03 Neutrophils bridges autoimmunity and cancer Vincenzo Bronte (ITA) S19.04 Molecular regulation of innate immunity in tumor microenvironment Dmitry I. Gabrilovich (USA) S19.05 Myeloid-derived suppressor cells in regulation of immune responses in cancer
10.20 - 12.25 SPACE 1+2
10.20 - 12.25 GOLD ROOM
10.20 - 12.25 BROWN 3
10.20 - 12.25 BROWN 1+2
S21 - NK CELLS Chairs: Klas Kärre (SWE) Hans Gustaf Ljunggren (SWE) Wayne M. Yokoyama (USA) S21.01 NK cell biology in innate immunity Miguel Lopez-Botet (ESP) S21.02 Adaptive reconfiguration of the human NK-cell compartment in response to cytomegalovirus Angela Santoni (ITA) S21.03 NK cell-mediated immune surveillance of senescent cells Eric Vivier (FRA) S21.04 Natural killer cells, innate lymphoid cells and Immunity Bruno Silva-Santos (POR) S21.05 Molecular mechanisms of differentiation of gamma-delta T lymphocytes
10.20 - 12.25 SPACE 4
10.20 - 12.25 SPACE 3
Chairs: Susan Swain (USA) Ronald H. Schwartz (USA) Yong-Jun Liu (USA) S22.01 Targeting OX40 to block Treg in Cancer David Sansom (GBR) S22.02 The role of CTLA-4 in regulating T cell responses Mauro Perretti (GBR) S22.03 Neutrophil micro particles activates tissue protective signals Massimo Locati (ITA) S22.04 Immune function and mechanism of action of atypical chemokine receptors Arlene Sharpe (USA) S22.05 The multifaceted functions of the PD-1 pathway in controlling T cell activation and tolerance
S23 - VACCINATION Chairs: Giuseppe Del Giudice (ITA) Oliver O. Perez (CUB) Julie Magarian Blander (USA) S23.01 Vita-PAMPs: signatures of microbial viability Robert L. Coffman (USA) S23.02 Development of TLR9 agonists as vaccine adjuvants Adrian Hill (GBR) S23.03 Progress with T cell inducing vaccines against intracellular pathogens Jorge Kalil (BRA) S23.04 From molecular immunopathogenesis of rheumatic fever to the development of a vaccine against streptococcus pyogenes Karolina Palucka (USA) S23.05 Reprogramming the immune environment in cancer via dendritic cells
Chairs: Tim R. Mosmann (USA) Kenneth M. Murphy (USA) William E. Paul (USA) S20.01 Cytokines and CD4 T cells: dance partners at the immunology ball Vijay K. Kuchroo (USA) S20.02 Transcriptional network controlling Th17 development Francesco Annunziato (ITA) S20.03 Epigenetic mechanisms in the regulation of human Th17 plasticity Alexander Y. Rudensky (USA) S20.04 Regulatory T cells in control of inflammation Kenneth M. Murphy (USA) S20.05 Development and function of dendritic cell subsets
Chairs: Kenji Nakanishi (JPN) Luigina Romani (ITA) Rick Maizels (GBR) S24.01 Impact of helminth parasites on immune regulation and immunity Douglas Golenbock (USA) S24.02 DNA drives innate immune responses in malaria Luigina Romani (ITA) S24.03 The host-mycobioma interactions in health and diseases Judith Allen (GBR) S24.04 Macrophage activation and function during helminth infection Mauro Teixeira (BRA) S24.05 Can we develop anti-inflammatory drugs for infectious diseases?
15.10 - 16.40 SPACE 1
with the contribution of IMI - Innovative Medicine Initiative Chair: Luciano Adorini (ITA) Michel Goldman (BLG) IMI: opportunities and challenges for immunologists Jeffrey A. Bluestone (USA) Advancing drug discovery through academic-industry partnerships: the UCSF experience Marc Feldmann (GBR) Translating inflammatory understanding towards patient benefit Paul-Peter Tak (GBR) Open innovation: a new paradigm for industry-academia collaboration
15.10 - 16.40 SPACE 3
with the contribution of Genentech Chairs: Dmitry Gabrilovich (USA), Vincenzo Bronte (ITA) Nicholas Restifo (USA) Ablating/reprogramming aberrant immunity in the tumor microenvironment Drew Pardoll (USA) TBD Francis Balkwill (GBR) CCR4 and its ligands in renal cancer
15.10 - 16.40 SPACE 4
with the contribution of Janssen Pharmaceutica NV
Chair: Carlo Selmi (ITA) Andreas Radbruch (DEU) The role of IL-12/IL-23 in T Cell differentiation Emilio Berti (ITA) Immunopathological correlates in the pathogenesis of psoriatic diseases Gianpiero Girolomoni (ITA) Psoriasis as a testing ground for novel biologicals: targeting IL-12/IL-23 Pierluigi Meroni (ITA) New therapies for psoriatic arthritis: targeting IL-12/IL-23 and beyond
Workshops August 26, 2013 W5.20.10 - Density of tertiary lymphoid structures predicts T cell infiltration with coordinated Th1 polarization and cytotoxic effectors functions in human lung cancer Jérémy Goc, L. de Chaisemartin, A. Lupo, D. Damotte, P. Validire, D. Vo-Bourgais, P. Devi, W. Fridman, C. SautèsFridman, M. Dieu-Nosjean Paris, France
W5.20 - TUMOR IMMUNITY AND IMMUNOSURVEILLANCE Chairs: Ron Apte (ISR) Shubhda Chiplunkar (IND)
IL5.20.02 - Notch regulates anti tumor functions of gamma delta T cells in oral cancer Shubhada Chiplunkar, D. Gogoi, D. Chaukar, A. D’Cruz Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India W5.20.01 - CD70 reverse signalling on NK cells enhances anti-tumoral immune response Mohamad Al Sayed, C. Riether, C. Schürch, A. Ochsenbein Bern, Switzerland
15.10-18.15 GOLD ROOM
IL5.20.01 - IL-1 is a major inflammatory cytokine that mediates the angiogenic switch in tumor invasiveness Ron N. Apte, Y. Carmi, S. Dotan, I. Kaplanov, Z. Shavshkevitz, C.A. Dinarello, E. Voronov Beer Sheva, Israel
W5.20.04 - MicroRNA-9 regulates maturation and function of myeloid-derived suppressor cells by modulating Runx1 Jie Tian, Y. Zhang, X. Tian, K. Rui, X. Tang, S. Wang Zhenjiang, China
Chairs: Guido Ferlazzo (ITA) Pamela Ohashi (CAN) IL1.09.01 - Dendritic cells identified in the human system Guido Ferlazzo Messina, Italy
W5.20.05 - Neuropilin-1 guides regulatory T cells into tumor tissues resulting in impaired anti-tumor immunity Wiebke Hansen, M. Hutzler, I. Helfrich, J. Buer Essen, Germany
W5.20.08 - Active STAT5 imprints a T-Bet-dependent Tc-1 program in CD8 T cells inducing efficient regression of autochthonous melanoma M. Grange, G. Verdeil, A. Schmitt-Verhulst, Nathalie Auphan-Anezin Marseille, France W5.20.09 - T cells from DNAM-1 deficient mice display polarity defects that impair anti-tumour immunity Jane Oliaro, K. Ramsbottom, S. Russell, M. Smyth Melbourne, Australia
IL1.09.02 - Molecular regulators of DC function Pamela S. Ohashi, E.F. Lind, D. Johnson, D. Dissanayake Toronto, Canada
15.10-18.15 BROWN 3
15.10-18.15 GOLD ROOM
W5.20.14 - Evaluating parameters that influence T cell responses to tumor antigens: A role for B7-H4 Ramtin Rahbar, A. Lin, M. Ghazarian, T. Mak, P. Ohashi Toronto, Canada
W5.20.03 - Predictive clinical significance of tumor infiltrating neutrophils in patients with colorectal cancer Maria Rosaria R. Galdiero, F. Grizzi, G. Di Caro, L. Laghi, C. Garlanda, A. Mantovani, S. Jaillon Milan, Italy
W5.20.07 - Complement dependent immunosurveillance in Her-2/neu autochtonous carcinomas arising in BALB-neuT transgenic mice Silvio Bandini, C. Curcio, M. Macagno, M. Iezzi, F. Cavallo Torino, Italy
W5.20.12 - The BCR regulates Burkitt lymphoma survival and proliferation through the modulation of GSK3 activity Gabriele Varano, S. Raffel, F. Zanardi, K. Rajewsky, S. Casola Milan, Italy W5.20.13 - Inhibiting the development of immunosuppressive Gr-1+ dendritic cells in tumors by blokking TLR2 enhances immunotherapy Michael Tang Toronto, Canada
W5.20.02 - BRAF inhibitor impacts on melanoma cell immunogenicity Emmanuelle Fourmentraux-Neves, M. Messaoudene, C. Nicolaizeau, M. Avril, K. Belkhiria, A. Savina, A. Caignard Paris, France
W5.20.06 - A novel self-lipid antigen targets human T cells against CD1c+ leukemias Claudia de Lalla, M. Lepore, G. Ramanjaneyulu, D. Montagna, F. Locatelli, F. Ciceri, L. Mori, P. Dellabona, G. De Libero, G. Casorati Milan, Italy
W5.20.11 - Galectin-3 is involved in the immunosuppressive activity of prostate cancer stem cells Chiara Svetlana Brambillasca, E. Jachetti, M. Grioni, S. Mazzoleni, M. Freschi, R. Galli, M. Bellone Milan, Italy
W1.09.01 - Defining dendritic cells by ontogeny Barbara Schraml, J. van Blijswijk, S. Zelenay, P. Whitney, A. Filby, N. Rogers, C. Reis e Sousa London, United Kingdom W1.09.02 - Lymphatic endothelium forms integrin-engaging 3D structures during DC transit across inflamed lymphatic vessels Álvaro Teijeira, S. Garasa, R. Pelaez, C. Aubá, C. Alfaro, R. Magda, S. Vallituti, R. Ana, M. Ignacio Pamplona, Spain W1.09.03 - MyD88 signalling drives steady-state intestinal CD103+ DC migration to draining mesenteric lymph nodes Karin Hägerbrand, B. Johansson-Lindbom, W. Agace Lund, Sweden W1.09.04 - IL-27 in human secondary lymphoid organs attracts myeloid DC and impairs their HLA class I-restricted antigen processing and presentation Fabio Morandi, E. Di Carlo, S. Ferrone, V. Pistoia, I. Airoldi Genoa, Italy
15.10-18.15 BROWN 3
W1.09.05 - The kindlin-3-beta2 integrin interaction controls DC activation and Th1/Th2 priming Vicky L. Morrison, M. MacPherson, K. Grzes, P. Cook, C. Gawden-Bone, A. Prescott, A.S. MacDonald, S.C. Fagerholm Dundee, United Kingdom
Chairs: Franck Brombacher (ZAF) Nick W. Lukacs (USA)
W1.09.07 - Chronic hypoxia reprograms human immature DCs by inducing a proinflammatory phenotype and TREM-1 expression Daniele Pierobon, M.C. Bosco, F. Blengio, F. Raggi, A. Eva, T. Musso, F. Novelli, P. Cappello, L. Varesio, M. Giovarelli Turin, Italy
W4.08.02 - Recognition of Leishmania parasites by the macrophage-inducible C-type lectin Mincle subverts adaptive immunity and promotes susceptibility to infection Salvador Iborra, H. Izquierdo, N. Enamorado, R. Conde, R. Reguera, M. Soto, D. Sancho Madrid, Spain
W1.09.08 - The mitochondrial protein, TCAIM, abolishes T cell priming of DCs by inhibiting TLR-induced IL-2 expression Simone Vogel, S. Schlickeiser, I. Panov, M. Schröder, M. Lutz, K. Vogt, G. Grütz, B. Sawitzki Berlin, Germany
W4.08.03 - Marginal zone B-cells suppress antigenspecific T-cell responses during experimental L. donovani infection R. Bankoti, K. Gupta, Simona Stager Laval, Canada
W1.09.09 - PAF induces regulatory DCs through two independent mechanisms: amplification of COX2/PGE2 loop and induction of IL10 Marianna M. Koga, F.J.O. Rios, B. Bizzarro, A. Sá-Nunes, S. Jancar Sao Paulo, Brazil
15.10-16.40 SPACE 2
W1.09.06 - Deletion of IL-4 receptor alpha on DCs renders mice hypersusceptible to Leishmania major infection Frank Brombacher Cape Town, South Africa
W4.08.01 - Deletion of IL-4 receptor alpha on dendritic cells renders BALB/c mice hypersusceptible to Leishmania major infection Ramona Hurdayal, N.E. Nieuwenhuizen, M. Revaz-Breton, L. Smith, J.C. Hoving, S.P. Parihar, B. Reizis, F. Brombacher Cape Town, South Africa
W1.09.10 - Glucocorticoid-Induced Leucine Zipper expression in DCs controls Treg induction in vivo Joseph Calmette, T. Tran, S. Karaki, M. Ellouze, M. Pallardy, F. Bachelerie, R. Krzysiek, D. Emilie, G. Schlecht-Louf, V. Godot Clamart, France
W4.08.05 - Protective CD8+ T effector memory cells elicited by heterologous prime-boost vaccination expand and re-circulate after an infectious challenge with Trypanosoma cruzi J.R. Vasconcelos, Mariana Ribeiro Dominguez, R. Lemos, L.I. Santos, F. Virgilio, A.V. Machado, O. BrunaRomero, R.T. Gazzinelli, M.M. Rodrigues São Paulo, Brazil
W1.09.11 - The inhibitory NK receptor Ly49Q protects plasmacytoid dendritic cells from TLR9-triggering cell death by assuring lysosomal integrity Noriko Toyama-Sorimachi, M. Tanaka, T. Kobayashi, A.P. Makrigiannis, K. Inaba Tokyo, Japan
W4.08.06 - Immunological mechanisms of co-infection of schistosomiasis and malaria in a primate model Ruth K. Nyakundi, J. Maamun, M. Akinyi, O. Nyamongo, I. Mulei, H. Ozwara, I.O. Farah, I. Malhotra, C.L. King, T. Kariuki Nairobi, Kenya
W1.09.12 - Membrane transfer from tumor cells generates plasmacytoid dendritic cells cross-dressed with exogenous antigens Irene Bonaccorsi, B. Morandi, G. Costa, D. Oliveri, R. Conte, G. Pezzino, M. Mingari, G. Ferlazzo Messina, Italy
W1.09.14 - Dendritic cells partake in regulation of ovarian physiology Adva Cohen-Fredarow, A. Tadmor, T. Raz, N. Meterani, M. Neemam, G. Mor, N. Dekel Rehovot, Israel
W4.07 - IMMUNITY TO HELMINTH INFECTION Chairs: Shigeo Koyasu (JPN) Anne La Flamme (NZL)
15.10-16.40 AMBER 1+2
W1.09.13 - Myeloid cells in the islets of Langerhans are key players in presentation of islet antigens and trophic function: identification of their phenotype and ontogeny Boris Calderon, E.R. Unanue St. Louis, USA
W4.08.04 - Cellular immune polarization to a cell phenotype Th-1 and T-Reg is induced after the treatment of human dendritic cells infected by Leishmania with the compound 11,19-dihydroxy-7-acetoxy-7-deoxoichangin Gabriela Delgado, D. Granados-Falla, C. Coy-Barrera, L. Cuca Bogota, Colombia
IL4.07.01 - Driving disease outcome in schistosomiasis: correlating antibody to disease severity Anne C. La Flamme, B. Manivannan, J. Jaurigue, T.W. Jordan, W.E. Secor, B. Doughty Wellington, New Zealand W4.07.01 - CD209a expression on dendritic cells is critical for the development of pathogenic Th17 cell responses in murine schistosomiasis Holly E. Ponichtera, R. Raychowdhury, M.G. Shainheit, J.M. Russo, B.M. Larkin, D.B. Salantes, S.C. Bunnell, N. Hacohen, M.J. Stadecker Boston, USA
W4.07.02 - Immunological changes in epidermal keratinocytes following infection with schistosome cercariae Claire D. Bourke, A.P. Mountford York, United Kingdom
Chairs: Daniela Frasca (USA) Scheherazade Sadegh-Nasseri (USA)
W4.07.04 - Innate and adaptive IL-9 orchestrate type 2 immunity Paula Licona-Limón, J. Henao-Mejía, N. Gagliani, I. Licona-Limón, D.R. Herbert, R.A. Flavell New Haven, USA
IL2.05.01 - Genetic Regulation of Longevity in Memory CD4 T cells in Aged mice Scheherazade Sadegh-Nasseri, S. Khoruzhenko, N. Song, S. Sonder Baltimore, United States
W4.07.05 - Mechanisms of the lymphocyte hypo-responsiveness after repeated exposure of the skin to Schistosoma mansoni cercariae Catriona T. Prendergast, P. Cook, A. Mountford York, United Kingdom W4.07.06 - IL-10 secreting, type 1 regulatory T cells and naturally occurring regulatory T cells differently modulate IgG secretion by B cells in human hypo-responsive onchocerciasis Tomabu Adjobimey, C. von Horn, J. Satoguina, J. Oldenburg, L. Layland, A. Hoerauf Bonn, Germany
W6.09 - VACCINE ADJUVANTS Chairs: Paola Parronchi (ITA) Ali Harandi (SWE)
W2.05.01 - Characterization of the role of distinct plasma cell-free DNA (cf-DNA) species in age-associated inflammation and frailty Juulia Jylhävä Tampere, Finland
IL6.09.01 - Vaccine adjuvants for mucosal immunity: recent progress and future challenges Ali Harandi Gothenburg, Sweden
W2.05.06 - Human B cell response to the influenza vaccine is predicted by AID and decreased by inflammaging Bonnie B. Blomberg, A. Diaz, M. Romero, A. Landin, D. Frasca Miami, USA
W6.09.02 - Using immunopotentiating capacity of flagellin for sublingual immunotherapy Natalia Muñoz-Wolf, A. Rial, J.M. Saavedra, J. Tabareau, D. Fougeron, J.M. Marqués, J. Sirard, J.A. Chabalgoity Montevideo, Uruguay W6.09.03 - A Dectin-1-assisted APC-targeting TLR9agonist as an adjuvant Kouji Kobiyama, K.J. Ishii Ibaraki, Japan
15.10-16.40 AMBER 7+8
15.10-16.40 AMBER 3+4
W2.05.03 - Assessing human TCR CDR3 repertoire by a RACE-PCR-sequencing method H. Li, T. Hiroi, Y. Zhang, G. Chen, S. De, E.J. Metter, W.H. Wood III, K.G. Becker, Nan-ping P. Wenig Baltimore, USA
W2.05.05 - Memory immune response to booster vaccination in old age depends on adequate priming earlier in life Birgit Weinberger, C. Neuner, M. Schirmer, R. Mateucci Gothe, B. Grubeck-Loebenstein Innsbruck, Austria
W6.09.01 - Novel adjuvants for DNA vaccines Tamsin Gargett, T. Garrod, B. Grubor-Bauk, W. Yu, D. Miller, L. Major, S. Wesselingh, A. Suhrbier, E. Gowans Adelaide, Australia
W6.09.05 - Antigen trafficking within lymphoid organs and humoral immune response: The effect of MF59 adjuvant Rocco Cantisani, A. Pezzicoli, C. Malzone, A. Seubert, F. Giusti, U. D’Oro, E. De Gregorio, M. Carroll, D. Piccioli Siena, Italy
W2.05.02 - Senescence associated cells in human CD8+ T-lymphocytes Oscar O. Onyema, L.N. Forti, R. Njemini, I. Bautmans, J. Aerts, M. De Waele, T. Mets Brussel, Belgium
W2.05.04 - Memory B cell repertoire changes with age Deborah K. Dunn-Walters. London, United Kingdom
IL6.09.02 - Perspectives in vaccine adjuvants Paola Parronchi, L. Filì, E. Cardilicchia Firenze, Italy
W6.09.04 - Adjuvants are the future of vaccine formulation. The case of Finlay adjuvants Oliver Pérez, M. Lastre, B. Romeu, O. Cabrera, M. Cuello, E. González, A. Batista-Duharte, A. Labrada, W. Ramírez, R. Nicado Havana, Cuba
W6.09.06 - SBA-15 nanostructured silica adjuvant enhances immune responsiveness and modulates sensibility to bacterial toxins Karina Scaramuzzi, G.D. Tanaka, M. Tino De Franco, A.G. Trezena, O.A. Sant Anna Sao Paulo, Brazil
15.10-16.40 AMBER 5+6
15.10-16.40 AMBER 1+2
W4.07.03 - Basophils contribute to the Th2-type protective immunity against re-infection with intestinal helminths Kazushige Obata-Ninomiya, H. Tsutsui, K. Ishiwata, N. Watanabe, H. Kanuka, H. Karasuyama Tokyo, Japan
15.10-16.40 AMBER 3+4
Workshops August 26, 2013
Chairs: Michael JH Ratcliffe (CAN) Loriano Ballarin (ITA) IL7.05.01 - Antigen Mediated Positive and Negative Selection of Developing Chicken B Cells Michael J.H. Ratcliffe, D. Davani Toronto, Canada IL7.05.02 - Phenoloxidases and cytotoxicity in ascidians: an overview Loriano Ballarin, N. Franchi, F. Schiavon, S.C.E. Tosatto Padova, Italy
Workshops August 26, 2013
15.10-16.40 AMBER 7+8
W7.05.02 - Atlantic cod displays an unusual TLR repertoire: A Gadidae-specific feature? Monica H. Solbakken, M. Malmstroem, O. Toerresen, K.S. Jakobsen, S. Jentoft Oslo, Norway W7.05.03 - Evolution of antigen recognition by V9V2 T cells Mohindar Murugesh Karunakaran, L. Starick, L. Walter, T. Goebel, T. Herrmann Wuerzburg, Germany
15.10-16.40 BROWN 1
W7.05.01 - Generation of B lymphocytes and immunoglobulin diversity in Bos taurus J. Liljavirta, A. Ekman, Mikael Niku, T. Pessa-Morikawa, A. Iivanainen Helsinki, Finland
W5.18 - INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES Chairs: Silvio Danese (ITA) Fabio Cominelli (USA)
W7.05.05 - Phenoloxidases and cytotoxicity in ascidians: An overview Ballarin Loriano, N. Franchi, F. Schiavon, S.C.E. Tosatto Padua, Italy
W5.18.01 - Depletion of regulatory T cells improves anti-tumour immunity in colitis-associated colon cancer E. Pastille, K. Schumann, D. Fleissner, W. Hansen, T. Sparwasser, J. Buer, Astrid M. Westendorf Essen, Germany
W7.05.06 - The secondary structure of the pre-mRNA encoding the antarctic fish Ig chain drives its atypical splicing pattern Stefano Giacomelli, S. Varriale, U. Oreste, M. Coscia Naples, Italy
W5.18.02 - RIP3 promotes injury-induced cytokine expression and tissue repair Kenta Moriwaki, F.K. Chan Worcester, USA
15.10-16.40 BROWN 1
W3.06.01 - Mechanical insights into the functional impacts of interactions between antigen-presenting cells and T cells T.S. Lim, A. Mortellaro, C. Lim, G. J. Hämmerling, Mariana Paola Ricciardi-Castagnoli Singapore, Singapore W3.06.02 - Basilic, a lymphoid-specific protein essential for CD28 costimulation and regulatory T cell development Marie Malissen, L. Yinming, M. Cucchetti, R. Roncagalli, T. Yokosuka, T. Saito, C. Wuelfing, B. Malissen Marseille, France W3.06.03 - Human memory T cell subsets require distinct costimulatory signals to efficiently expand ex vivo Valentina Volpin, N. Cieri, C. Bonini Milan, Italy
15.10-16.40 BROWN 2
Chairs: Loretta Tuosto (ITA) Matthias Von Herrath (USA)
IL3.06.02 - Viruses and type 1 diabetes - the good and the bad Matthias G. Von Herrath La Jolla and Seattle, United States
W3.06.05 - PD-1 controls effectors but not the generation or function of natural or induced regulatory T cells Kristofor K. Ellestad, G. Thangavelu, C.L. Ewen, C.C. Anderson Edmonton, Canada W3.06.06 - Immunogenic, but not steady-state, antigen presentation permits Treg control of CD8+ T cell effector differentiation through IL-2 modulation Raymond J. Steptoe, A. McNally, R. Thomas Woolloongabba, Australia
W7.05.04 - Drosophila Helical factor (Hf) and helical cytokine evolution: From in silico approaches to functional evidence Davide Malagoli Modena, Italy
IL3.06.01 - Autonomous CD28 signalling pathways in the regulation of T lymphocyte survival and pro-inflammatory functions Loretta Tuosto Rome, Italy
W3.06.04 - Differential usage of costimulatory /coinhhibitory pathways by antigen-specific CD8+ T cells in patients with chronic hepatitis C Solomon Owusu Sekyere, P. Suneetha, V. Schlaphoff, M. Manns, M. Cornberg, H. Wedemeyer Hannover, Germany
W5.18.03 - Induction of IL-33 is dependent on the gut microflora and is essential for EOS activation/migration and Th2 immune responses in the pathogenesis of experimental IBD Carlo De Salvo, X. Wang, S. Chowdhry, D. Corridoni, F. Cominelli, J.J. Lee, W. Xin, T.T. Pizarro Cleveland, USA W5.18.04 - Targeting IL-23/TH17 axis to suppress intestinal inflammation in murine spontaneous colitis induced by an epithelial defect Ran Wang, S. Hasnain, H. Tong, I. Das, A. Chen, T. Florin, R. Eri, M. McGuckin Brisbane, Australia W5.18.05 - The p50 NF-B subunit is a key orchestrator of cancer-related intestinal inflammation Chiara Porta, L. Carraro, M.G. Totaro, M. Rimoldi, F. Pasqualini, M. Nebuloni, A. Sica Novara, Italy W5.18.06 - Novel HLA-DR transgenic mice that spontaneously develop colitis with serious defects in lymphoid organs Atsushi Irie, J. Yatsuda, Y. Michibata, T. Kubo, T. Imamura, N. Takeda, I. Shibuya, S. Sogo, Y. Nishimura Kumamoto, Japan
Workshops August 26, 2013 W2.08 - ANTIGEN RECEPTOR SIGNALING
W4.09.02 - Hemozoin induces lung inflammation and correlates with malaria-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome Katrien Deroost, A. Tyberghein, N. Lays, E. Schwarzer, M. Komuta, M. Prato, P. Arese, D. Daelemans, G. Opdenakker, P.E. Van den Stehen Leuven, Belgium
Chairs: Yvonne Rosenstein (MEX) Alberto Amadori (ITA)
16.45-18.15 SPACE 1
W2.08.01 - Antigen-specific TCR-pMHC catch bond enables force to trigger T cell signalling Cheng Zhu, B. Liu, W. Chen, B. Evavold Atlanta, USA W2.08.02 - Regulation of the Ras-Erk cascade during T-cell activation. Mateusz Poltorak, B. Schraven, L. Simeoni Magdeburg, Germany
16.45-18.15 SPACE 2
IL2.08.01 - Novel assignments for the CD43 molecule M.E. Bravo-Adame, M. Sandoval-Hernández, N.A. Fierro, E. Pérez-Rueda, J. Carneiro, R. Vera, B. Barkla, M.E. CruzMunoz, Yvonne Rosenstein Cuernavaca, Mexico
W2.08.03 - Kidins220/ARMS associates with B-Raf and the TCR promoting sustained Erk signalling in T cells Gina J. Fiala, S. Deswal, A. Meyer, A.E. Eisenhardt, L.C. Schmitt, M. Salek, T. Brummer, O. Acuto, S. Minguet, W.W.A. Schamel Freiburg, Germany
W4.09.06 - Progress towards a broadly neutralizing vaccine against the asexual blood-stage of Plasmodium falciparum Alexander D. Douglas, A.R. Williams, J.J. Illingworth, K. Hjerrild, S.J. Draper Oxford, United Kingdom
W2.08.05 - Lysophosphatidic acid receptor 5 inhibits B cell antigen receptor signalling and antibody response Raul M. Torres, J. Hu, S. Oda, A. Al-Shami, Y. Fujiwara, G. Tigyi, T. Oravecz, R. Pelanda Denver, USA
W4.06 - IMMUNITY TO FUNGAL INFECTION Chairs: Vera Calich (BRA) Betty Wu-Hsieh (TWN)
W2.08.06 - Negative regulation of chemokine receptor signalling and B cell chemotaxis by p66Shc Nagaja Capitani, L. Patrussi, E. Cannizzaro, F. Finetti, O. Lucherini, P. Pelicci, C.T. Baldari Siena, Italy
IL4.09.01 - Malaria and its delectable mammalian organ - the liver Urszula Krzych, A.V. Pichugin, S.N. Zarling, O. Jobe Silver Spring, United States IL4.09.02 - Pathogenetic role of hemozoin (malaria pigment) in severe P. falciparum malaria N. Basilico, Y. Corbett, S. Parapini, S. D’Alessandro, D.P. Ilboudo, D. Scaccabarozzi, Donatella Taramelli Milano, Italy W4.09.01 - Antibodies to Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein and neutrophil respiratory burst activity are associated with clinical outcome in severe urban malaria Babacar Mbengue Dakar, Senegal
IL4.06.01 - The crucial role of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) in the tolerogenic and immunogenic mechanisms against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection Vera L.G. Calich, E.F. Araújo São Paulo, Brazil
16.45-18.15 AMBER 1+2
16.45-18.15 SPACE 2
Chairs: Ursula Krzych (USA) Donatella Taramelli (ITA)
W4.09.04 - Apolipoprotein E is critical for the development of cerebral malaria Fikregabrail A. Kassa, M. Olivier Montreal, Canada W4.09.05 - Validation of novel antigenic targets identified by whole-genome screening for next-generation malaria vaccines Sophie Schussek, A. Trieu, S.H. Apte, D.L. Doolan Brisbane, Australia
W2.08.04 - Dual-specificity phosphatase 14 negatively regulates TAK1 signalling and immune responses Chia-Yu Yang, T. Tan Miaoli County, Taiwan
W4.09.03 - IL-27 receptor signalling restricts the formation of pathogenic, terminally differentiated Th1 cells during malaria infection by repressing IL-12 dependent signals Ana Villegas-Mendez, B.J. de Souza, S. Lavelle, E.G. Findlay, T.N. Shaw, N. van Rooijen, C.J. Saris, C.A. Hunter, E.M. Riley, K.N. Couper Manchester, United Kingdom
IL4.06.02 - Dectin-2 and NLRP3 Are Involved in Inflammasome Activation in Dendritic Cell Response to Histoplamsa Stimulation Betty Wu-Hsieh, T. Chang Taipei, Taiwan W4.06.01 - IL-17 regulates fungal immunity by controlling the functional competence of NK cells Eva Bär, S. LeibundGut-Landmann Zürich, Switzerland W4.06.02 - LAB/NTAL facilitates fungal/PAMP-induced IL-12 production and Th1 responses by repressing -catenin activation in dendritic cells Selinda J. Orr, A.R. Burg, L. Quigley, G.W. Jones, J.W. Ford, G.M. O’Connor, P.R. Taylor, G. Trinchieri, D.W. McVicar Cardiff, United Kingdom
16.45-18.15 AMBER 1+2
W4.06.03 - IL-33-dependent signalling regulates innate and adaptive immunity following pulmonary Cryptococcus neoformans infection Adam Flaczyk, C.U. Duerr, M. Shourian, E.I. Lafferty, J.H. Fritz, S.T. Qureshi Montreal, Canada W4.06.04 - Pathogen recognition by the long pentraxin PTX3: fine tuning by protein glycosylation Antonio Inforzato, M. Sironi, S. Valentino, B. Bottazzi, A. Mantovani Milan, Italy
16.45-18.15 AMBER 3+4
Workshops August 26, 2013
W4.06.05 - Enhancement of innate immune response to Penicillium marneffei conidia by cooperative interaction of pattern recogntion receptors Sansanee C. Chaiyaroj, N. Ngaosuwannakul, M. Thongpan, Y. Srinoulprasert, P. Chansrichavala Bangkok, Thailand
Chairs: Sandra Blois (DEU) Gerard Chaouat (FRA) IL5.19.01 - Galectins in pregnancy: the bitter side of sweet Sandra M. Blois Berlin, Germany W5.19.01 - Fetal loss induced by depletion of innate 33D1+ dendritic cell subset in mice Yasuyuki Negishi, A. Wakabayashi, M. Shimizu, T. Matsuhashi, T. Ichikawa, T. Takeshita, H. Takahashi Tokyo, Japan
W5.19.03 - Placental cells promote a tolerant fetal environment by inducing homeostatic macrophages and regulatory T cells Judit Svensson Arvelund, R.B. Mehta, E. Mirrasekhian, S. Freland, G. Berg, M.C. Jenmalm, J. Ernerudh Linköping, Sweden
W6.10.02 - Development a novel mucosal vaccine targeted to GP2 on Peyer’s patch M cells Hideaki Shima, T. Watanabe, O. Ohara, H. Ohno Yokohama, Japan
W5.19.05 - The atypical chemokine receptor D6 is expressed by trophoblasts and plays roles in placental formation and chemokine scavenging Fiona M. Menzies, P.J. Teoh, C. Waddell, S.M. Nelson, R.J.B. Nibbs Paisley, United Kingdom
W6.10.03 - Molecular uniformed rice-based oral cholera toxin B subunit vaccine without plant-associated sugar modification induces toxin-specific neutralizing immunity in mice and macaques Yoshikazu Yuki, M. Mejima, S. Kurokawa, T. Hiroiwa, Y. Takahashi, Y. Katakai, M. Kuroda, N. Takeyama, K. Kashima, H. Kiyono Tokyo, Japan
W5.19.06 - Genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection induced microRNA profiles may contribute to associated inflammation and reproductive sequelae Bernard P. Arulanandam, R. Gupta, T. Arkatkar, J. Yu, S. Wali, J.P. Chambers, M. Guentzel San Antonio, USA
W6.10.05 - Cross-strain protective immunity elicited by a live attenuated nasal spray influenza vaccine
16.45-18.15 AMBER 7+8
16.45-18.15 AMBER 3+4
W5.19.02 - HLA-G expressing DC-10 and CD4+ T cells accumulate in human decidua in the first trimester of pregnancy Giada Amodio, A. Mugione, A. Sanchez, P. Viganò, M. Candiani, E. Somigliana, M. Roncarolo, P. Panina-Bordignon, S. Gregori Milan, Italy
W5.19.04 - Demonstration of the deleterious impact of foeto-maternal MHC identity on the success of pregnancy in a macaque model A. Aarnink, E.T. Mee, N. Savy, N.J. Rose, Antoine Blancher Toulouse, France
W6.10.01 - Microbe-dependent proliferating IgA-producing plasma cells mediate early-phase robust intestinal IgA responses in mice Jun Kunisawa, E. Hashimoto, I. Ishikawa, Y. Suzuki, R. Sumiya, S. Shikata, H. Kiyono Tokyo, Japan
W6.10.04 - Advantage of a new intra-cheek immunization route for therapeutic vaccines of human papillomavirus-associated head and neck cancers Rodney Macedo, G. Lescaille, V. Mateo, C. Baillou, B. Bellier, F.M. Lemoine Paris, France
16.45-18.15 AMBER 5+6
Chairs: Mi-Na Kweon (KOR) Charani Ranasinghe (AUS)
IL6.10.02 - Novel HIV-1 IL-13R2 adjuvanted vaccines: High avidity mucosal and systemic CD8 T cells with greater protective immunity Charani Ranasinghe, S. Trivedi, D.K. Wijesundara, R.J. Jackson Canberra, Australia
W6.10.06 - Safety evaluation of Neuraminidase as a targeting substance of allergen-loaded microparticles for oral food allergy treatment Cornelia Schultz, S.C. Diesner, X. Wang, F. Roth-Walter, T. Eiwegger, Z. Szépfalusi, I. Pali-Schöll, E. Jensen-Jarolim, F. Gabor, E. Untersmayr Vienna, Austria
W4.06.06 - Are lipid rafts involved in the immune response to Candida albicans? R. Teloni, A. Torosantucci, S. Becattini, F. Sallusto, R. Nisini, Maria C. Gagliardi Rome, Italy
IL6.10.01 - Acute epithelial death plays a role in intrinsic defense against enteric bacteria Mi-Na Kweon Seoul, Republic of Korea
after prime-boost immunization J. Li, M.T. Arévalo, Y. Chen, Mingtao Zeng El Paso, USA
W7.07 - VETERINARY IMMUNOLOGY Chairs: Massimo Amadori (ITA) Wayne Hein (AUS) IL7.07.01 - In vitro evaluation of the anti-inflammatory control actions of interferon-alpha in swine E. Razzuoli, R. Villa, Massimo Amadori Brescia, Italy
W7.07.01 - A novel multi-stage subunit vaccine against paratuberculosis induces significant immunity and reduces bacterial burden in tissues Aneesh Thakur, C. Aagaard, U. Riber, K. Skovgaard, P. Andersen, G. Jungersen Copenhagen, Denmark
W7.07.03 - Novel peptide-MHC tetramers to characterize the specificity of the CD8+ T cell response against Theileria parva Nicholas Svitek, R. Saya, L. Steinaa, E. Awino, A.M. Hansen, M. Nielsen, S. Buus, V. Nene Nairobi, Kenya
W2.12.06 - Molecular profiling of LFA-1 signalling in T cells identifies novel genomic signatures implicated in Th1, Th17 and iTreg polarization N.K. Verma, E. Dempsey, S.P. Barry, A. Davies, Aideen Long, P.G. Fallon, Y. Volkov, D. Kelleher Dublin, Ireland
Chairs: Agnes Lehuen (FRA) Tanya J. Webb (USA) IL1.04.01 - Regulatory role of iNKT cells, from viral infection to type 1 diabetes Agnes Lehuen, L. Ghazarian, Y. Simoni, L. Beaudoin, J. Diana Paris, France
W7.07.04 - Dendritic cell tracking in pigs Elisa Crisci, L. Fraile, R. Novellas, Y. Espada, R. Cabezon, J. Martínez, D. Benitez, M. Montoya. Bellaterra, Spain W7.07.05 - Development an ELISA method to diagnose infected poultries T. Emami, Rasol Madani, F. Golchinfar Alborz, Islamic Republic of Iran
IL1.04.02 - Therapeutic potential of NKT cell adjuvantbased therapies for the treatment of B-cell lymphoma Tonya J. Webb, J. Li, W. Sun, P.B. Subrahmanyam, C. Page, M. Frieman, Q. Chen, A.S. Kimball Baltimore, United States
W7.07.06 - A role of myeloid precursor cells (MDSCs), p-STAT 3 and lymphocyte Treg in development of immunosuppression in dogs with skin and mammary cancer Joanna M. Mucha, T. Motyl, K. Majchrzak, M. Król Warsaw, Poland
W1.04.01 - Development of MAIT cells in the human fetus Edwin Leeansyah, L. Loh, D.F. Nixon, J.K. Sandberg Stockholm, Sweden
W1.04.02 - miRNA regulation of iNKT cell development Maya Fedeli, V. Maselli, M. Riba, G. Rossetti, M. Pagani, S. Abrignani, A. Liston, E. Stupka, P. Dellabona, G. Casorati Milan, Italy
Chairs: Christopher E. Rudd (GBR) Tse-Hua Tan (TWN) IL2.12.01 - T-cell signaling via adaptor regulation of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) Christopher E. Rudd Cambridge, United Kingdom W2.12.01 - GRAIL targets CDC37 to maintain CD4 T cell unresponsiveness Chan C. Whiting, D. Gomez-Martin, J.M. Schartner, L. Su, C. Fathman Palo alto, USA
16.45-18.15 BROWN 1
W2.12.05 - IL-7 signalling is motorized in human CD4 T cells Blanche Tamarit, F. Bugault, A. Pillet, V. Lavergne, P. Bochet, J. Thèze, T. Rose Paris, France
W2.12.02 - TRAF6 regulates TCR signalling via interaction with and modification of LAT adapter. J. Xie, J. Liang, L. Diao, A. Altman, Yingqiu Li Guangzhou, China W2.12.03 - TNF reverse signalling induces translocation of CKIP-1 Erno Duda, K. Juhasz, A. Zvara, Z. Balogi, A. Sonnleitner, A. Borsodi Szeged, Hungary W2.12.04 - PI 3-kinase sub-pathways in lymphocyte activation: regulation and functions of phosphatidylinositol (3,4)-bisphosphate Aaron Marshall, N. Jayachandran, H. Li, I. Landego, S. Pauls, S. Hou Winnipeg, Canada
16.45-18.15 BROWN 2
16.45-18.15 AMBER 7+8
W7.07.02 - Bovine viral diarrhea virus actively replicate in bovine monocyte-derived dendritic cells and use them as viral reservoirs Alejandra V. Capozzo, O.L. Franco-Mahecha, W. Czepluch, D.A. Malacari, N. Cardoso, P.R. Grigera Buenos Aires, Argentina
16.45-18.15 BROWN 1
Workshops August 26, 2013
W1.04.03 - The role of NKT cell TCR -chain on antigen specificity Garth Cameron, K.S. Wun, O. Patel, D.G. Pellicci, A.P. Uldrich, A.R. Howell, A.G. Brooks, S.A. Porcelli, J. Rossjohn, D.I. Godfrey Parkville, Australia W1.04.04 - Bacterial CD1d restricted glycolipids induce IL-10 production by human Tregs upon crosstalk with iNKT cells Koen Venken, T. Decruy, S. Aspeslagh, S. Van Calenbergh, B.N. Lambrecht, D. Elewaut Ghent, Belgium W1.04.05 - CD1d-restricted phosphatidic acid-reactive T cells selectively inhibit glycolipid-reactive T cells and protect against inflammatory liver disease Ramesh C. Halder, C. Tran, R.R. Singh; Los Angeles, United States W1.04.06 - Invariant NKT cells in response to dengue virus infection in human. Ponpan Matangkasombut, W. Chan-in, P. Pongchaikul, N. Tangthawornchaikul, S. Vasanawathana, W. Limpitikul, P. Malasit, T. Duangchinda, J. Mongkolsapaya Bangkok, Thailand
Chair: Shimon Sakaguchi (JPN) Herman Waldmann (GBR) Harnessing tolerance mechanisms in the clinic
Chair: Paul Hertzog (AUS) Tadatsugu Taniguchi (JPN) Regulation of inflammatory responses by HMGB1 and classical cytokines
Chair: Sergio Romagnani (ITA) Art Weiss (USA) Regulation of signal transduction by the T cell antigen receptor
LL.34 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Giuseppe Pantaleo (CHE) Andrew McMichael (GBR) A dance of death: HIV-1 and immunodominant T cells
LL.36 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Kathryn Wood (GBR) Chris Goodnow (AUS) The IgD enigma: removal of self-reactivity from antibodies on IgD+ IgMlow anergic B cells
12.30 - 13.15 BROWN 3
12.30 - 13.15 SPACE 4
Chair: Ronald Germain (USA) Mark M. Davis (USA) Immunology taught by humans
12.30 - 13.15 SPACE 1+2
Chair: Francis Balkwill (AUS) Robert D. Schreiber (USA) Cancer immunoediting: basic mechanisms and therapeutic implications
18.30 - 19.15 GOLD ROOM
12.30 - 13.15 AMBER 3+4
12.30 - 13.15 GOLD ROOM 12.30 - 13.15 BROWN 1+2 12.30 - 13.15 SPACE 3 12.30 - 13.15 AMBER 1+2
8.50 - 9.20 SPACE 1+2
9.30 - 10.15 GOLD ROOM
8.50 - 9.20 GOLD ROOM
Main Lectures August 27, 2013
LL.31 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Vijay Kuchroo (USA) Anne O’Garra (GBR) The immune response in tuberculosis: from mouse models to human disease
LL.33 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Cornelis Melief (NLD) Francis Balkwill (GBR) Targeting cancer related inflammation
LL.35 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Juan Rivera (USA) Stephen J. Galli (USA) Roles of mast cells and “allergic responses” in enhancing host resistance to venoms
LL.37 - LUNCHTIME LECTURE Chair: Herman Waldmann (GBR) Bali Pulendran (USA) Innate control of adaptive immunity by the integrated stress response
PL.10 - PLENARY LECTURE Chair: Andrew McMichael (GBR) Sergio Romagnani (ITA) Human effector CD4+ T cells
Chairs: Kinston Mills (IRL) Frances Brodsky (USA) Hergen Spits (NLD) S25.01 Characteristics of human innate lymphoid cells in health and disease Andrea Cerutti (ESP) S25.02 Regulation of adaptive antibody responses by the innate immune system Kenya Honda (JPN) S25.03 Regulation of Th17 and Treg cells by the gut microbiota Hilde Cheroutre (USA) S25.04 Unique adaptive Immune defence @ the mucosal front-line of the Intestine Maria Rescigno (ITA) S25.05 Complex interactions among immune and non-immune cells in the gut
Chairs: Elizabeth A. Grice (USA) Joel Dorè (FRA) Yasmine Belkaid (USA) S26.01 Commensal control of tissue immunity Sidonia Fagarasan (JPN) S26.02 Symbiotic regulatory loop between T cells, IgA and gut microbiota Mihai Netea (NLD) S26.03 Trained immunity: innate immune imprinting of host-microbe interaction Alessandro Sette (USA) S26.04 The role of human CD4 and CD8 T cells in DENV and MTB immunity and immunopathology Rachel R. Caspi (USA) S26.05 The endogenous microbiome controls development of spontaneous autoimmunity to immunologically privileged neuroretina
10.20 - 12.25 SPACE 1+2
10.20 - 12.25 GOLD ROOM
Parallel Symposia August 27, 2013
Chairs: Francesca Di Rosa (ITA) Stephen P. Schoenberger (USA) Nicholas Restifo (USA) S27.01 Transcriptional and epigenetic control of T cell differentiation Federica Sallusto (CHE) S27.02 Class and specificity of the human T cell response to commensals, pathogens, and allergens Marc K. Jenkins (USA) S27.03 Origins of CD4+ memory T cells David Gray (GBR) S27.04 Tfh heterogeneity, memory and plasma cell survival niches Stephen P. Schoenberger (USA) S27.05 Cellular and molecular regulation of T help for CTL
10.20 - 12.25 BROWN 3
10.20 - 12.25 BROWN 1+2
10.20 - 12.25 SPACE 4
10.20 - 12.25 SPACE 3
S29 - ALLERGY Chairs: Francesca Levi Shaffer (ISR) Walter Canonica (ITA) Cezmi Akdis (CHE) S29.01 Role of tissues in immune regulation in allergic inflammation Juan Rivera (USA) S29.02 The high affinity receptor for IgE: Novel discoveries in signaling and function Gianni Marone (ITA) S29.03 Mast cells and angiogenesis: from allergy to tumor immunology Bart Lambrecht (GBR) S29.04 Epithelial cell - DC interaction in asthma Rudolf Valenta (AUT) S29.05 From allergen genes to allergy vaccines
Chairs: Antonella Viola (ITA) Sarah Russell (AUS) Mike L. Dustin (USA) S28.01 Getting to the center of the immunological synapse Reinhold Förster (DEU) S28.02 Killing me softly: how cytotoxic T cells destroy virus-infected target cells in vivo Ronen Alon (ISR) S28.03 What determines the directionality of leukocytes transendothelial migration? Luca Guidotti (ITA) S28.04 Visualizing and regulating the traffic of pathogenic CD8+ T cells within the liver Ronald Germain (ISA) S28.05 Using advanced dynamic and multiplex static imaging to probe innate and adaptive immunity in vivo
Chairs: Claudio Ponticelli (ITA) Andrea Biondi (ITA) Kathryn Wood (GBR) S30.01 Immunoregulation in transplantation Megan Sykes (USA) S30.02 Mechanisms of tolerance in patients receiving combined kidney and bone marrow transplantation Narinder Mehra (IND) S30.03 Clinical and immunological relevance of antibodies in transplantation Harvey Cantor (USA) S30.04 Regulatory T-cells: therapeutic targets of opportunity Luigi Naldini (ITA) S30.05 Genetic engineering of hematopoiesis for treatment of human diseases
Late Breaking Sessions August 27, 2013 LB1 - LATE BREAKING SESSION - BASIC RESEARCH Chair: Stefan H.E. Kaufmann (DEU)
13.30 - 14.30 GOLD ROOM
LB1.01 - Specification of innate type-2 lymphocytes by the transcriptional determinant Gfi1 Chauncey J. Spooner, J. Lesch, D. Yan, A. Abbas, M. Xu, J. DeVoss, H. Singh San Francisco, United States LB1.02 - Identification of a common monocyte progenitor Jan Hettinger, D.M. Richards, J. Hansson, M.M. Barra, A.C. Joschko, J. Krijgsveld, M. Feuerer, Heidelberg, Germany LB1.03 - Distinct TLR4-expressing cell compartments control neutrophilic and eosinophilic airway inflammation Jaclyn W. McAlees, G.S. Whitehead, I. Harley, M. Cappelletti, C.L. Rewerts, A. Holdcroft, S. Divanovic, C.L. Karp, D.N. Cook Cincinnati, United States LB1.04 - Seeing is believing: visualization of the thymic T-cell development in a quantitative and non-invasive manner Baubak Bajoghli, D. Inoue, M. Rauzi, P. Kuri, N. Aghaallaei, Y. Taniguchi, A. Toyoda, J. Wittbrodt, M. Leptin Heidelberg, Germany LB1.05 - A global approach to study viral antigen presentation using immunoproteomics N.P. Croft, D.C. Tscharke, Anthony W. Purcell Clayton, Australia LB1.06 - Molecular characterization of a novel antigen specific, immunoglobulin expressing cell in immunized animals with phenotypic characteristics of both granulocytes and lymphocytes Jody D. Berry, E. Chronopoulou, A. Uribe-Benninghoff, J. Fisher, X. Ji, J. Elia, P. Waterman, D. Stupack La Jolla, United States
13.30 - 14.30 SPACE 1+2
LB2.01 - Identification of specific markers for type 2 (pro-allergic) human dendritic cells: interest as follow-up markers for immunotherapy Laurent Mascarell, C. Gueguen, H. Moussu, P. Moingeon, V. Baron-Bodo Antony, France LB2.02 - Double-stranded RNA of intestinal commensal but not pathogenic bacteria triggers production of protective IFN- Noriko M. Tsuji, T. Kawashima, H. Yan, Z. Guo, J. Carreras, R. Uchiyama, R. Fukui, T. Kaisho, S. Akira, K. Miyake, H. Tsutsui, T. Saito Tsukuba, Japan LB2.03 - Human antigen-specific CD4+CD25+CD134+CD39+ T cells are enriched for regulatory T cells and comprise a substantial proportion of CD4+ T cell antigen recall responses Laura Cook, N. Seddiki, C. Munier, J. Zaunders, A.D. Kelleher Sydney, Australia LB2.04 - Human memory Helios- FOXP3+ Treg encompass induced Treg that express Aiolos and respond to IL-1 by downregulating their suppressor functions Maha Ayyoub, C. Raffin, P. Pignon, C. Celse, D. Valmori Nantes-Saint Herblain, France LB2.05 - B lymphocytes undergo TLR2-dependent apoptosis upon Shigella infection mediated by the virulence factor IpaD Katharina Nothelfer, E.T. Arena, L. Pinaud, M. Neunlist, I. Belotserkovsky, C. Parsot, R. Raqib, B. Mozeleski, P.J. Sansonetti, A. Phalipon Paris, France LB2.06 - CD14+CD16-, CD14+CD16+ and CD14dimCD16++ monocyte subsets are changed in obesity Mariana Renovato-Martins, E. Devevre, K. Clément, A. Basdevant, C. Sautes-Fridman, I. Cremer, C. Poitou Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
W6.11.09 - Chimeric flagellin as the selfadjuvanting antigen for antibody response against Helicobacter pylori J. Mori, Tanja Vranac, B. Smrekar, M. Cernilec, V. Curin Serbec, S. Horvat, A. Ihan, M. Ben ina, R. Jerala Ljubljana, Slovenia
Chairs: Nicholas King (AUS) Maria Bellio (BRA) IL6.11.01 - Novel Immune-modifying Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Inflammatory monocyte-mediated Disease D.R. Getts, R.L. Terry, M.T. Getts, C. van Vreden, T.M. Ashhurst, S.J. Cordwell, E.B. Thorp, S. Bao, S.D. Miller, Nicholas J.C. King Sydney, Australia
W6.11.03 - IL-4 and IL-13 regulates CD8 co-receptor expression to dampen the quality of anti-viral CD8+ T cell immunity following HIV-1 prime-boost vaccination D.K. Wijesundara, R.J. Jackson, D.C. Tscharke, Charani Ranasinghe Canberra, Australia
W6.11.05 - Fusion of HCV non-structural antigen to MHC-II associated invariant chain enhances T cell responses induced by vectored vaccines in non-human primates Antonella Folgori, S. Capone, M. Naddeo, A. Abbate, M. Del Sorbo, M. Esposito, V. Ammendola, S. Colloca, A. Nicosia, R. Cortese Rome, Italy
W6.11.07 - Identification of novel Streptococcus pneumoniae candidate vaccine antigen Yaffa Mizrachi Nebenzahl, M. Pornoi, D. Kafka, M. Shagan, A. Adawi, A. Ohayon, S. Dotan, M. Tal, R. Ellis, R. Dagan Beer Sheva, Israel W6.11.08 - Diminished levels of pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPS) responding ‘B1 like’ cells and it’s corelation with poor anti PPS response post PPV-23 in long term HAART cohorts Anita S. Iyer, D.J. Leggat, N.M. Khaskhely, M. Westerink Toledo, USA
W6.11.12 - Langerin negative dendritic cells promote potent CD8+ T-cell priming after skin delivery of a recombinant adenovirus-based vaccine using microneedle arrays V. Bachy, C. Hervouet, P. Becker, L. Chorro, L.M. Carlin, S. Herath, S. Oh, S.Y. Kwon, F. Geissmann, Linda S. Klavinskis London, United Kingdom
W6.11.14 - microRNA-21 confers resistance against CVB3-induced myocarditis by inhibiting PDCD4-mediated myocyte apoptosis Wei Xu, J. He, Y. Yue, S. Xiong Suzhou, China
W6.11.04 - Type 2 diabetes patients, both young and elderly, have optimal B cell responses to the seasonal influenza vaccine Daniela Frasca, A. Diaz, M. Romero, A. Landin, B.B. Blomberg Miami, USA
W6.11.06 - Antigenization of bovine immunoglobulin variable regions for development of novel vaccines Yfke Pasman, A.K. Kaushik Guelph, Canada
W6.11.11 - Necrotic cell vaccine against hepatitis C Branka Grubor-Bauk, P. Latour, W. Yu, B. Loveland, E. Gowans Adelaide, Australia
W6.11.13 - Targeting of antigen via XCR1, the lineage marker for cross-presenting dendritic cells, elicits potent CD8 cytotoxicity in vivo Evelyn Hartung, M. Becker, A. Bachem, N. Reeg, Y. Yang, A. Jäkel, H. Weber, V. Henn, H. Mages, R.A. Kroczek Berlin, Germany
W1.03 - NK CELLS AND NK RECEPTORS Chairs: Gunnur Deniz (TUR) Cristina Bottino (ITA) IL1.03.01 - Cross-talk bethween human natural killer cells and macrophages F. Bellora, R. Castriconi, A. Doni, A. Mantovani, A. Pessino, A. Moretta, Cristina Bottino Genova, Italy
15.10-18.15 BROWN 3
15.10-18.15 GOLD ROOM
W6.11.02 - Enhanced and accelerated memory CD8 T cell formation by immunization with MVA-CD40L Henning Lauterbach, J. Pätzold, R. Kassub, B. Bathke, K. Brinkmann, P. Chaplin, M. Suter, H. Hochrein Martinsried, Germany
15.10-18.15 GOLD ROOM
W6.11.01 - HIV CD4 based vaccine pre-immunization increases CD8 T cell responses and confers protection against challenge with a recombinant vaccinia virus encoding HIV Gag-Pol proteins Susan P. Ribeiro, A.D. Faria, R.R. Almeida, V.C. Santana, D.S. Rosa, E.G. Kallas, J. Kalil, E. Cunha-Neto São Paulo, Brazil
W6.11.10 - Improved assay for quantification of immunoreactive hemagglutinin for potency determination and stability analysis in trivalent influenza vaccines using isotope dilution mass spectrometry Carrie L. Pierce, T.L. Williams, W. Wang, J.L. Bundy, J.R. Barr Atlanta, USA
IL1.03.02 - Functionally distinct subsets of human NK cells Gunnur Deniz Istanbul, Turkey W1.03.01 - NK cell subsets isolated from human thymus differ from peripheral blood NK cells in their phenotype and their cytotoxic and cytokine secreting capabilities S. Krieg, W. Kroeger, G. Heidkamp, K. Winterling, A. Purbojo, R. Cesnjevar, A. Mackensen, D. Dudziak, Evelyn Ullrich Frankfurt, Germany W1.03.02 - Neuraminidase-mediated NKp46-dependent immune evasion mechanism of influenza viruses Yotam Bar-On, O. Mandelboim Jerusalem, Israel
W1.03.03 - NK cells from malignant pleural effusions are not anergic but produce cytokines and display strong anti-tumor activity on short-term IL-2 activation Paola Vacca, S. Martini, L. Moretta, M.C. Mingari Genoa, Italy W1.03.04 - Unique CD56bright CD16+ NK cells infiltrate regional metastatic lymph nodes from stage III melanoma patients Meriem Messaoudene, G. Fregni, E. FourmentrauxNeves, J. Chanal, M. Avril, A. Caignard Paris, France
15.10-18.15 BROWN 3
Workshops August 27, 2013
W1.03.05 - NK cells targeting of human and mouse Cancer Initiating Cells Rossana Tallerico, S. Di Franco, C. Maccalli, L. Conti, S. Lanzardo, C. Garofalo, R. Sottile, M. Todaro, G. Stassi, F. Cavallo Catanzaro, Italy
Chairs: Carlo Agostini (ITA) Angus W. Thomson (USA)
W1.03.12 - Defining the lethal hit: Perforin forms transient pores on the target cell plasma membrane to facilitate rapid access of granzymes during killer cell attack Jamie A. Lopez, O. Susanto, M.R. Jenkins, N. Lukoyanova, V.R. Sutton, R.H.P. Law, J.C. Whisstock, H.R. Saibil, J.A. Trapani, I. Voskoboinik Melbourne, Australia
15.10-16.40 SPACE 1
15.10-18.15 BROWN 3
W6.14.02 - Induction of immune tolerance by antigen loaded erythrocytes: Innovative therapy for therapeutic protein allergy Magali Cremel, N. Guerin, W. Berlier, F. Horand, Y. Godfrin Lyon, France
W1.03.08 - Human M1 macrophages activate resting NK cell antitumoral activities through IL-15/IL-15RA transpresentation Irene Mattiola, M. Pesant, P. Tentorio, D. Mavilio, M. Locati Milan, Italy
W1.03.11 - Innate immunity driving tumor angiogenesis: the role of NK cells in non-small cell lung cancer Antonino Bruno, F. Chiara, A. Pagani, I. Andrea, M. Spagnoletti, C. Capella, G. Ferlazzo, L. Mortara, D. Noonan, A. Albini Milan, Italy
W6.14.01 - Immunological outcomes during 1 year of treatment with the anti-IL-12/23 p40 monoclonal antibody ustekinumab for psoriasis Aurore Rozieres, C. Lambert, C. Paul, K. Reich, M. Brunori, P. Bergmans, E. Martens, E. Rizova, J. Nicolas Lyon, France
W1.03.07 - Regulation of the activating NKp30 ligand B7-H6 in tumor cells Nathalie Fiegler, S. Textor, A. Arnold, A. Rölle, I. Oehme, K. Breuhahn, G. Moldenhauer, M. Witzens-Harig, A. Cerwenka Heidelberg, Germany
W1.03.10 - The viral KSHV chemokine vMIP-II inhibits the migration of naive and activated human NK cells by antagonizing two distinct chemokine receptors Rachel Yamin, N. Stanietsky-Kaynan, A. Glasner, Y. Bar-On, S. Elias, C. Gur, O. Mandelboim Jerusalem, Israel
W1.03.14 - Analyzing and modeling the dynamics of differentiating and adoptively transferred NK cells in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation M. Killig, B. Friedrichs, J. Meisig, M. Luetke-Eversloh, L. Uharek, Chiara Romagnani, C. Ranasinghe Berlin, Germany
W1.03.06 - Novel mouse models reveal how expression of NKG2D and its ligands on various cell subsets affects immune responses Maelig G. Morvan, M. Champsaur, N.L. Johnson, V. Sexl, L.L. Lanier San Francisco, USA
W1.03.09 - Natural killer cell distribution and traffikking in normal and neoplastic human tissues Paolo Carrega, I. Bonaccorsi, E. Di Carlo, M. Mingari, L. Moretta, G. Ferlazzo Genoa, Italy
W1.03.13 - Gap Junction intercellular communication induces NK cell activation and modulates cytotoxic capacity Israel J. Guerrero, A. Tittarelli, A. Mendoza-Naranjo, M. Farías, M. López, B. Chambers, F. Salazar-Onfray Santiago, Chile
W6.14.03 - Therapeutic role of the novel negative checkpoint regulator VISTA in murine autoimmune disease models Sabrina Ceeraz, I. Le Mercier, P. Sergent, A. Schned, C. Burns, R. Noelle Lebanon, USA W6.14.04 - IL-7 receptor blockade by monoclonal antibody to IL-7R induces islet allograft tolerance and long-term skin allograft survival through inhibition of T cell reconstitution Hoa L. Mai, F. Boeffard, J. Lepourry, R. Danger, B. Martinet, B. Vanhove, S. Brouard, J.P. Soulillou Nantes, France W6.14.05 - Control of autoimmunity by Treg-inducing liver sinusoidal endothelial cells Antonella Carambia, B. Freund, D. Schwinge, O.T. Bruns, S.C. Salmen, H. Ittrich, R. Reimer, M. Heine, J. Heeren, J. Herkel Hamburg, Germany W6.14.06 - Induction of immunosuppression by mesenchymal stem cells Yufang Shi Shanghai, China
Workshops August 27, 2013 W5.07 - ANIMAL MODELS OF AUTOIMMUNITY
W6.12.04 - Soluble FGL2 induces tubular epithelial cells apoptosis in renal allograft rejection Zitong Zhao, C. Yang, L. Wang, L. Li, T. Zhao, L. Hu, R. Rong, M. Xu, T. Zhu Shanghai, China
IL5.07.01 - Experimental model of autoimmune prostatitis Clelia Maria Riera, M. Maccioni, R. Motrich, V. Rivero Cordoba, Argentina
W5.07.02 - Small intestine inflammation in roquinmutant and roquin-deficient mice J.S. Schaefer, D. Montufar-Solis, N. Vigneswaran, John R. Klein Houston, USA
W5.07.03 - Tolerance induction by hair-specific keratins in murine alopecia areata Ulrike Erb, P. Freyschmidt-Paul, M. Zoeller Heidelberg, Germany
Chairs: Bonnie Blomberg (USA) Sachiko Miyake (JPN)
W5.07.04 - Inducible tertiary lymphoid structures, autoimmunity, and exocrine dysfunction in a novel model of sialoadenitis in wild-type mice Davide Lucchesi, M. Bombardieri, S. Nayar, G. Proctor, F. Barone, C.D. Buckley, C. Pitzalis London, United Kingdom
W2.07.01 - Induction of antigen-specific tolerance upon infusion of Fc-fusion proteins via the maternofetal interface Nimesh Gupta, Y. Meslier, S. André, S. Culina, S. Delignat, B.L. Salomon, R. Mallone, S. Kaveri, S. Lacroix-Desmazes Paris, France
W5.07.05 - Phenotype conversion from rheumatoid arthritis to systemic lupus erythematosus by introduction of Yaa mutation into FcRIIB-deficient C57BL/6 mice Sachiko Hirose, S. Kawano, Q. Lin, H. Amano, T. Kaneko, K. Nishikawa, H. Tsurui, N. Nishimura, T. Shirai Tokyo, Japan
W2.07.02 - Ly9 (CD229) cell surface receptor ameliorates autoimmune response Xavier Romero, J. de Salort, P. Engel Barcelona, Spain
W5.07.06 - SPARC deficiency promotes lupus like autoimmunity by defective clearance of dead PMN Caterina Vitali, S. Sangaletti, C. Tripodo, C. Bassani, M. Parenza, M.P. Colombo Milan, Italy
W6.12 - ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION Chairs: Birgit Sawitzki (DEU) Chiara Romagnani (ITA)
15.10-16.40 SPACE 3
W6.12.05 - Association of splenic CD11c+ B-cell population with long-term graft tolerance in mouse cardiac transplantation model T. Wang, Tongmin Wang, J. Guo, J. Tao, J. Yang, J. Zhu, W. Yang Kunming, China W6.12.06 - Tolerance induction to immunogenic grafts via antigen-specific Tregs without the need for chronic immunosuppression Matthias Hardtke-Wolenski, N. Seltrecht, N. Mpofu, R. Taubert, F. Noyan, M.P. Manns, E. Jaeckel Hannover, Germany
W6.12.01 - Monitoring indirect allorecognition in renal transplant recipients Eytan Breman, P.P. van Miert, M.H. Heemskerk, D. Roelen, F.H. Claas, C. van Kooten Leiden, Netherlands W6.12.02 - In vitro and in vivo characterization of IL9 producing alloreactive T cells Katarina Stanko, J. Schumann, U. Schliesser, C. Appelt, K. Vogt, B. Sawitzki Berlin, Germany W6.12.03 - Experimental chronic lung allograft damage S. Atanasova, A. Evers, D. Jonigk, K. Petri, A. Zakrzewicz, M. Obert, J. Schmitz, M. Hirschburger, W. Padberg, Veronika Grau Giessen, Germany
15.10-16.40 SPACE 4
15.10-16.40 SPACE 2
W5.07.01 - Effector memory exhausted tissue resident CD8 T cells accumulate during chronic experimental autoimmune uveitis Joanne Boldison, D. Copland, A.D. Dick, L.B. Nicholson Bristol, United Kingdom
15.10-16.40 SPACE 3
Chairs: Clelia Maria Riera (ARG) Costantino Pitzalis (GBR)
W2.07.03 - An agonistic anti-BTLA mAb (3C10) induced generation of IL-10 dependent regulatory CD4+ T cells and prolongation of murine cardiac allograft Masateru Uchiyama, X. Jin, Q. Zhang, L. Yu, H. Bashuda, H. Matsuda, H. Yagita, M. Niimi Tokyo, Japan W2.07.04 - Upregulation of inhibitory molecules in T cells is associated with altered functions of dendritic cells by HIV-1 and activation of the P38MAPK/STAT3 pathway Esaki M. Shankar, K.F. Che, M. Larsson Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia W2.07.05 - IL-15 reverses age-related CD8+ T cell inactivation with increasing IFN production and improves survival in aged septic mice Shigeaki Inoue, K. Suzuki-Utsunomiya, Y. Komori, S. Inokuchi, K. Hozumi, T. Sato Isehara, Japan W2.07.06 - Upregulation of glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper by hepatocyte growth factor promotes tolerogenic dendritic cells and inhibits experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Mahdia Benkhoucha, N. Molnarfi, M. Santiago-Raber, G. Schneiter, P. Lalive Geneva, Switzerland
Workshops August 27, 2013 W3.15 - B AND T CELL MEMORY
IL3.15.01 - Regulation of human CD8+ T cell effector functions Rene A. Van Lier, K. Hertoghs, F. Vieira Braga, M. Brouwer, L. Aarden, I. Derks, E. Eldering, M. Nolte, I. ten Berge, K. van Gisbergen Amsterdam, Netherlands W3.15.01 - Disparate individual fates compose robust CD8+ T cell immunity Veit R. Buchholz, M. Flossdorf, I. Hensel, L. Kretschmer, B. Weissbrich, P. Gräf, M. Schiemann, T. Höfer, D.H. Busch Munich, Germany
15.10-16.40 AMBER 1+2
W6.04.03 - Survivin as a target for therapeutic RNA interference in experimental arthritis Sofia E.M. Andersson, M.N.D. Svensson, M.C. Erlandsson, I. Jonsson, K.M.E. Andersson, M.I. Bokarewa Gothenburg, Sweden
Rene Van Lier (NLD) Attilio Bondanza (ITA)
15.10-16.40 AMBER 3+4
W3.15.02 - Late IL-2 signals limit effector CD4 T cell contraction and serve as a checkpoint for transition to memory Kai K. McKinstry, T.M. Strutt, A.M. Cooper, S.L. Swain Worcester, USA
W5.05 - ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS IN AUTOIMMUNITY AND ALLERGY Chairs: Yehuda Schoenfeld (ISR) Eva Sverremark-Ekstrom (SWE)
W3.15.04 - The transcription factor Zeb2 plays a role in promoting terminal differentiation of CD8+ T-cells through repression of the miR-200 family Claudia X. Dominguez, S.M. Kaech New Haven, USA
IL5.05.01 - ‘ASIA’ - Autoimmune (Auto-inflammatory) syndromes induced by adjuvants Yehuda Shoenfeld Tel Hashomer, Israel
W3.15.05 - IL-12-mediated STAT4 signaling and T-cell receptor (TCR) signal strength cooperate in induction of CD40L in human and mouse CD8+ T cells Regina Stark, A. Haese, S. Durlanik, K. Hoffmann, N. Matzmohr, D. Zehn, M. Frentsch, A. Thiel Lausanne, Switzerland
15.10-16.40 AMBER 3+4
Chairs: Marco Matucci Cerinic (ITA) Johannes Roth (DEU) W6.04.01 - Human cathelicidin-derived peptide IG-19 regulates cytokine IL-32-induced inflammation in human blood mononuclear cells, and provides protection in a murine model of arthritis Ka-Yee (Grace) Choi, L.N.Y. Chow, M. Bossert, T. Klonisch, J. Uzonna, N. Mookherjee Winnipeg, Canada W6.04.02 - The pro-inflammatory activities of IL-6 are mediated by the soluble Interleukin-6 receptor via trans-signalling Stefan Rose-John Kiel, Germany
IL5.05.02 - Early-life microbial exposures and allergy development - exploring the role of herpesviruses Eva Sverremark-Ekstrom Stockholm, Sweden
15.10-16.40 AMBER 5+6
W6.04.05 - Blockade of CCR6 and CCL20 interaction ameliorates arthritis and contact hypersensitivity reaction in mice Kenzo Muramoto, A. Bender, T. Horizoe, M. Nishimura, T. Imai Chuo-ku, Japan W6.04.06 - The effect of CXCL10 blockade in C protein-induced myositis Yeong-Wook Song, J. Kim, J. Choi, S. Chang, K. Shin, S. Park, E. Lee, E. Lee, H. Kawachi, H. Kohsaka Seoul, Republic of Korea
W3.15.03 - Id2-mediated inhibition of E2A represses memory CD8 T cell differentiation Frédérick Masson, M. Minnich, M. Olshansky, A. Kallies, T.P. Speed, M. Busslinger, S.L. Nutt, G.T. Belz Parkville, Australia
W3.15.06 - Survival of CD8 memory T cell precursors depends on NKG2D mediated PI3K signalling and Mcl-1 induction Felix M. Wensveen, M. Lenarti , V. Jelen i , N.A.W. Lemmermann, A. ten Brinke, S. Jonji , M. Colonna, B. Poli Rijeka, Croatia
W6.04.04 - Critical role of all-trans retinoic acid in stabilizing human nTregs under inflammatory conditions Songguo Zheng, Z. Liu Shanghai, China
W5.05.01 - Ectopic lymphoid structures support Epstein-Barr virus persistence and autoreactive plasma cell infection in Sjogren’s syndrome salivary glands C. Croia, B. Serafini, N. Sutcliffe, A. Tappuni, F. Aloisi, C. Pitzalis, Michele Bombardieri London, United Kingdom W5.05.02 - A single non-synonymous polymorphism of TLR2 is sufficient to recapitulate the variability of experimental multiple sclerosis Giuseppe Migliara, G. Di Sante, A. Piermattei, C. Nicolò, M. Valentini, A. Procoli, M. Geloso, M. Corbi, A. Sgambato, F. Ria Rome, Italy W5.05.03 - High salt diet exacerbates autoimmune disease by induction of pathogenic Th17 cells Markus Kleinewietfeld, A. Manzel, R.A. Linker, D.N. Muller, D.A. Hafler New Haven, USA W5.05.04 - Impact of infectious agents on trafficking of effector T cells is mediated by a polymorphic site of TLR2 and CD44 isoforms expression Gabriele Di Sante, E. De Paolis, A. Piermattei, M. Valentini, G. Migliara, C. Nicolò, G. Constantin, E. Giorda, G. Delogu, F. Ria Rome, Italy
15.10-16.40 AMBER 5+6
Workshops August 27, 2013 W7.01 - IMAGING OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM
W5.05.05 - Aryl hydrocarbon receptor modulates psoriatic skin inflammation Paola Di Meglio, J.H. Duarte, H. Ahlfors, N.D.L. Owens, F. Villanova, K. Hirota, M. Gilchrist, F.O. Nestle, U. Mrowietz, B. Stockinger London, United Kingdom
Chairs: Matteo Iannacone (ITA) Jens Stein (CHE) IL7.01.01 - In vivo imaging of intrahepatic effector CD8 T cell dynamics Matteo Iannacone Milan, Italy
W5.05.06 - IL-33-mediated innate response and adaptive immune cells contribute to maximum responses of protease allergen-induced allergic airway inflammation S. Kamijo, Toshiro Takai, M. Hara, A. Matsuda, H. Saito, S. Nakae, K. Sudo, S. Ichikawa, H. Ogawa, K. Okumura Tokyo, Japan
IL7.01.02 - Intracellular control of central versus effector memory T cell migration and activation Jens V. Stein Bern, Switzerland W7.01.01 - Lateral distribution of the T cell receptor and membrane lipid detected by high resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry Feng Wang, M.M. Lozano, B.F. Lillemeier, S.G. Boxer, M.M. Davis Stanford, USA
IL4.12.01 - Adenoma induced reshaping of the gut microbiome controls host dependent progression of colon cancer V.R. Jala, P. Maturu, E. Krishnan, S. Mathis, S.R. Bodduluri, M. Wang, R. Knight, Haribabu Bodduluri Louisville, United States IL4.12.02 - Control of mucosal immune responses by vitamin A Reina Mebius, G. Goverse, B. Olivier, R. Molenaar, M. Knippenberg, M. Greuter, T. Konijn, T. O’Toole, G. Bouma Amsterdam, Nederland
15.10-16.40 BROWN 1
Chairs: Haribabu Bodduluri (USA) Reina Mebius (NLD)
W4.12.02 - Dietary fibers downregulate low-grade inflammation systemically in mice Stine B. Metzdorff, C.H.F. Hansen, A.G. Christensen, A. Bergström, T.R. Licht, A.K. Hansen, H. Frøkiær Frederiksberg, Denmark
W7.01.05 - Single cell analysis of molecular networks involved in T cell activation and signalling. Ruth Brignall, J. Bagnall, L. Schmidt, D. Spiller, D.A. Jackson, M. Travis, M.R.H. White, P. Paszek Manchester, United Kingdom
W4.12.03 - Critical IL-23 based cross regulation of colonic DCs by macrophages protects mice from Citrobacter challenge Tegest Aychek, A. Mildner, S. Yona, K. Kim, S. Jung Rehovot, Israel
W7.01.06 - Dynamic expression of co-stimulatory and co-inhibitory receptors regulates termination of T cell-DC interaction during CD8 T cell activation Mario Perro, J. Godec, S. Loughhead, I. Mazo, S. Henrickson, W.N. Haining, A.H. Sharpe, U.H. von Andrian Boston, USA
W4.12.04 - Fungal communities throughout the intestine and their role in intestinal inflammation Iliyan D. Iliev, V. Funari, D. Underhill Los Angeles, USA W4.12.05 - Diet and gut microbiota play a key role in autoimmune diabetes E. Marino, Eliana Marino Melbourne, Australia W4.12.06 - Probiotics as immune-regulators in the rat experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and myasthenia gravis models Chiara Cordiglieri, R. Marolda, M. Elli, R. Mantegazza, F. Baggi Milan, Italy
W7.01.03 - Comprehensive confocal imaging and 3D computer analysis of blood and lymphatic vascular channels across entire lymph nodes Inken Kelch, G. Bogle, A. Phillips, I.J. LeGrice, G.B. Sands, D.A. Gerneke, C.J. Mansell, P.R. Dunbar Auckland, New Zealand W7.01.04 - Skin patrol by tissue-resident CD8+ T cells Silvia Ariotti, J.B. Beltman, G. Chodaczek, M. Hoekstra, A.E. van Beek, R. Gomez-Eerland, L. Ritsma, J. van Rheenen, A. Maree, T. Zal Amsterdam, Netherlands
W1.12 - LECTINS AND GLYCOIMMUNOLOGY Chairs: Fu-Tong Liu (USA) Chitra Mandal (IND)
15.10-16.40 BROWN 2
15.10-16.40 AMBER 7+8
W4.12.01 - The molecular characterization of Helicobacter activated regulatory B cells and their role in gastric immunopathology Ayca Sayi Yazgan, M. Karayılan, N. Mansur, A. Müller Istanbul, Turkey
W7.01.02 - Role of colonic lymphoid patch dendritic cells in patrolling the colonic lumen, transporting antigen, and imprinting homing of T cells to the colon Jay A. Berzofsky, A. Dzutsev, A. Hogg, L. Koo, H. Yu, R. Goldszmid, J. Kabat, Y. Sui, O. Schwartz, G. Trinchieri Bethesda, USA
IL1.12.01 - Galectins in Inflammation and Immunity Fu-Tong Liu Taipei, Taiwan IL1.12.02 - Molecular interplay between sialic acids and siglecs in subversion of host innate immune response by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Chitra Mandal, B. Khatua Kolkata, India
W1.12.01 - C-type lectin MCL is a receptor for mycobacterial cord factor TDM and is critical for Mincle induction Yasunobu Miyake, K. Toyonaga, D. Mori, S. Kakuta, Y. Hoshino, Y. Iwakura, S. Yamasaki Fukuoka, Japan
W6.15.03 - Sub-visible particles in protein therapeutics - are they responsible for the induction of unwanted immune responses? Christian Lubich, M. Malisauskas, T. Prenninger, C. Lenk, E. Hopfner, F. Scheiflinger, B.M. Reipert Vienna, Austria
W1.12.02 - Targeting C-type lectin receptors on dendritic cells for neonatal adjuvant setting Sebastien Lemoine, B. Jaron, E. Deriaud, C. Leclerc, R. Lo-Man Paris, France
W6.15.04 - Assessing immune toxicity of engineered nanoparticles: modulation of inflammation in a novel in vitro model based on human primary monocytes Yang Li, P. Italiani, E. Caslas, V.F. Puntes, D. Boraschi Pisa, Italy
W1.12.03 - A novel role of beta-glucan in improving anti-tumor immunity by regulating monocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells Jie Tian, K. Ma, H. Guo, J. Chen, H. Xu, S. Wang Zhenjiang, China
16.40-18.15 SPACE 1
15.10-16.40 BROWN 2
Workshops August 27, 2013
W1.12.04 - Soluble CD52 is a negative regulator in the innate immune system Maryam Rashidi, Y. Zhang, E. Bandala-Sanchez, J.M. Wentworth, J. Vince, L.C. Harrison Melbourne, Australia
W6.15.06 - Molecular mechanisms associated to a new combined therapy for multiple sclerosis Giselle Pentón-Rol, N. Lagumersindez-Denis, M. Cervantes-Llanos M, V. Falcón-Cama, L. Muzio, M. Nazabal-Gálvez, T. Veliz, R. Furlan, A. Mantovani, E. Pentón-Arias Havana, Cuba
W1.12.05 - Galectin-3 promotes cell-to-cell transmission of HIV-1 S.F. Wang, D.K. Hsu, Y.M.A. Chen, Huan Y. Chen, F.T. Liu Taipei, Taiwan
W6.05 - PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION IN ALLERGY Chairs: Sergio Bonini (ITA) Revaz Sepiashvili (RUS)
W1.12.06 - Galectin 3 affects DCs:NKT cell interaction in the development of GalCer-induced hepatitis Vladislav B. Volarevic, M. Milovanovic, B. Simovic Markovic, S. Bojic, M. Stojanovic, N. Arsenijevic, G. Besra, M.L. Lukic Kragujevac, Serbia
IL6.05.01 - Allergy in the CIS-countries Revaz Sepiashvili, T. Slavyanskaya; Moscow, Russian Federation W6.05.01 - Application of HLA-II peptide tetramers vs. allergen-induced proliferation for identification of allergen-specific CD4 T cells in the model of mugwort pollen allergy Beatrice Jahn-Schmid, D. Van Hemelen, V. Mahler, I. Fae, G. Fischer, B. Bohle Vienna, Austria
16.40-18.15 SPACE 1
IL6.15.02 - Molecular mechanisms associated to a new combined therapy for multiple sclerosis Giselle Penton Rol, N. Lagumersindez-Denis, M. Cervantes-Llanos, V. Falcón-Cama, L. Muzio, M. Nazabal-Gálvez, T. Veliz, R. Furlan, A. Mantovani, E. Pentón-Arias Havana, Cuba W6.15.01 - L-GILZ forms a complex vith p53 and mdm2 and suppresses tumor growth through p53 activation Emira M. Ayroldi, M. Petrillo, A. Bastianelli, S. Ronchetti, C. Marchetti, G. Nocentini, L. Cannarile, C. Riccardi Perugia, Italy W6.15.02 - Bringing together the potential of immune cells and the power of new drugs to target cancers by nanoparticles Cinzia Garofalo, L. Izzo, R. Strong, V. Groh, R. Sottile, R. Tallerico, D. Pappalardo, E. Carbone Catanzaro, Italy
16.40-18.15 SPACE 2
Chairs: Giselle Penton Rol (CUB) Diana Boraschi (ITA) IL6.15.01 - Modelling human inflammation in vitro with human blood monocytes Diana Boraschi, P. Giungato, Y. Li, P. Italiani Pisa, Italy
W6.15.05 - Protein kinase C regulates inducible nitric oxide synthase expression through IRF1 Tiina Leppänen, R. Korhonen, M. Laavola, R. Nieminen, R.K. Tuominen, E. Moilanen Tampere, Finland
W6.05.02 - Antibodies specific for the junction of CH4 domain and CmX in membrane-bound IgE are potentially useful for down-regulating mIgE-B lymphocytes Chien-Jen Lin, N. Chen, J. Chen, Y. Shiung, C. Lu, A.F. Hung, P.C. Wu, T. Chang Taipei, Taiwan W6.05.03 - Mast cell-derived prostaglandin D2 suppresses intestinal mastocytosis in food allergy Tatsuro Nakamura, S. Matsumoto, K. Aritake, M. Hori, H. Ozaki, Y. Urade, T. Murata Tokyo, Japan W6.05.04 - Robust long-term tolerance in IgE-mediated allergy through transfer of allergen-expressing bone marrow cells Ulrike Baranyi, B. Linhart, A.M. Farkas, K. Hock, T. Rülicke, R. Valenta, T. Wekerle. Vienna, Austria W6.05.05 - Sublingual immunotherapy induces regulatory T cells in cervical lymph node of murine allergic rhinitis model Hideyuki Kawauchi, T. Yamada, M. Tongu, Q. Infei, N. Aoi, I. Morikura, T. Fuchiwaki, F. Takaiwa Izumo, Japan
16.40-18.15 SPACE 2
Workshops August 27, 2013 W6.05.06 - Effective suppression of grass-pollen induced asthma manifestations by subcutaneous and sublingual immunotherapy in a mouse model Laura Hesse, M. Nawijn, R. Gras, H. Oude Elberink, J. Brimnes, A. van Oosterhout Groningen, Netherlands
W3.10.02 - Transcriptional regulation of human Th17 cell differentiation Subhash K. Tripathi, Z. Chen, T. Äijö, A. Larjo, V. Salo, S. Tuomela, H. Lähdesmäki, R. Lahesmaa Turku, Finland W3.10.03 - Protein C receptor regulates pathogenic phenotype of Th17 cells Yasuhiro Kishi, C. Wang, C. Wu, N. Yosef, A. Regev, N. Joller, V. Kuchroo Boston, USA
Chairs: Franco Locatelli (ITA) Mauricette Michallet (FRA) W6.13.01 - PI3K-independent signal contributes to ICOS-mediated T-cell costimulation in acute GVHD in mice Jun Li, X. Yu Changsha, China
16.40-18.15 SPACE 4
W6.13.04 - Fetal membrane cells for treatment of steroid-refractory acute GVHD Helen Kaipe, T. Erkers, S. Nava, M. Uzunel, E. Iwarsson, R. Conrad, M. Westgren, J. Mattsson, O. Ringdén Stockholm, Sweden
W6.13.05 - CMV reactivation and kinetics of NK cell reconstitution in 439 patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation H. Moins-Teisserenc, Vissal David Kheav, R. Peffault de Latour, M. Busson, C. Scieux, G. Maki, A. Xhaard, G. Socié, A. Toubert, H. Moins-Teisserenc Paris, France
IL3.02.01 - Role of Lymph node structure in adaptive immunity to influenza virus M.C. Woodruff, C.H. Herndon, S.S. Turley, Michael C. Carroll Boston, United States
W6.13.06 - CD8+ T-cells expressing the homing receptors CCR7 and CD62L mediate the pathogenesis of GVHD A. Kreutzman, Ixaso Sainz Portero, M. Royg, V. Gómez García Soria, A. Ramirez, C. Muñoz Calleja Madrid, Spain
W3.10 - Th17 CELLS Chairs: Megan Levings (CAN) Pierre Miossec (FRA)
16.40-18.15 SPACE 4
W3.10.05 - Development and stability of human Th17 cells require endogenous NOS2 and cGMPc/GK-dependent NO signalling N. Obermajer, J. Wong, K. Chen, M. Scott, S. Khader, J. Kolls, K. Odunsi, R. Edwards, T. Billiar, Pawel Kalinski Pittsburgh, USA W3.10.06 - Evidence of a transient nature of the Th17 phenotype of CD4+CD161+ T cells in the synovial fluid of juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients Laura Maggi, L. Cosmi, V. Santarlasci, M. Capone, V. Querci, M. Rossi, F. Liotta, E. Maggi, F. Annunziato, S. Romagnani Florence, Italy
W6.13.03 - In vitro-generated myeloid-derived suppressor cells inhibit GVHD while preserving the graftversus-tumor effect Joanna J. Messmann, M.B. Lutz, F. Leithäuser, K.M. Debatin, G. Strauss Ulm, Germany
Chairs: Michael C. Carroll (USA) David Naor (ISR)
16.40-18.15 AMBER 1+2
16.40-18.15 SPACE 3
W6.13.02 - CD11b+ NK cells are the main effector NK cell subpopulation that impairs GVHD K. Meinhardt, I. Kroeger, R. Bauer, D. Dudziak, M. Rehli, A. Mackensen, Evelyn Ullrich Frankfurt, Germany
W3.10.04 - IL-17A secretion by CD8+ T cells supports Th17-mediated autoimmune encephalomyelitis Magdalena Huber, S. Heink, A. Pagenstecher, K. Reinhard, J. Ritter, A. Visekruna, A. Guralnik, T. Kamradt, M. Lohoff Marburg, Germany
IL3.02.02 - Stroma-derived Hyaluronan induces CD44dependent apoptosis in diabetic insulin-secreting cells David Naor, N. Assayag-Asherie, E.A. Turley, I. Raz Jerusalem, Israel W3.02.01 - Endocytosis and recycling of immune complexes by follicular dendritic cells enhances B cell binding and activation Balthasar A. Heesters, P. Chatterjee, Y. Kim, S.F. Gonzalez, M.P. Kuligowski, T. Kirchhausen, M.C. Carroll Boston, USA
IL3.10.01 - Contribution of IL-17 to the chronicity of inflammatory diseases Pierre Miossec Lyon, France
W3.02.02 - Dynamics of plasma cell survival niches in the bone marrow S. Zehentmeier, K. Roth, Ö. Sercan, H. Chang, Z. Cseresnyes, R. Niesner, A. Radbruch, Anja E. Hauser Berlin, Germany
W3.10.01 - Phosphorylation status determines the divergent roles of Smad2 and Smad3 as STAT3 cofactors in Th17 differentiation Jeong-Hwan Yoon, K. Sudo, S. Park, M. Kuroda, S. Nakae, T. Yamashita, J. Ju, K. Matsuzaki, T. Sumida, M. Mamura Tokyo, Japan
W3.02.03 - Galectin-1-expressing stromal cells constitute a specific niche for pre-BII cell development in mouse bone marrow Julie Tellier, F. Mourcin, C. Breton, P. Narang, L. Chasson, A. Jorquera, M. Coles, S. Mancini, C. Schiff Parkville, Australia
16.40-18.15 AMBER 1+2
W3.02.04 - Local complement activation abrogates the tumor-endothelial barrier and mediates T cell homing and tumor immune attack Andrea Facciabene, F. De Sanctis, K. Balint, P. Magotti, J. Lambris, G. Coukos Philadelphia, USA
Chairs: Vito Pistoia (ITA) Angelo Vacca (ITA) IL5.21.01 - Cytokines and B cell lymphoproliferative disorders Vito Pistoia, I. Airoldi Genova, Italy
W3.02.05 - Alterations in stromal cell compartment during thymus atrophy induced by P. brasiliensis infection Thiago Alves da Costa, R. Di Gangi, C. Francelin, R. Thomé, L. Verinaud Campinas, Brazil
W5.21.01 - Variation in B cell receptor signalling between stereotypic and heterogeneous chronic lymphocytic leukemia Alice F. Muggen, L.P. Kil, S. Yuvaraj, J.J.M. van Dongen, R.W. Hendriks, A.W. Langerak Rotterdam, Netherlands
W3.02.06 - A quasi clone specific mechanism for the regulation of the size of the primary CD8 T cell response Richard W. Dutton, T. Zou Worcester, USA
W5.21.02 - The bone-targeting of IL-27 is mediated by the poly-glutamic acid motif of its p28 subunit Aurélie Jeanne Tormo, L. Beaupré, G. Elson, S. Crabé, J. Gauchat Montreal, Canada
W5.21.03 - MIP-1/CCL3-mediated maintenance of leukemia initiating cells in the initiation process of chronic myeloid leukemia Naofumi Mukaida, T. Baba Kanazawa, Japan
W5.14.01 - Innate immune activation promotes autoimmune response in generalized pustular psoriasis Akiko Arakawa, S. Vollmer, B. Summer, Y. Kawakami, B. Petra, P. Thomas, A. Wollenberg, J. Schauber, T. Ruzicka, J.C. Prinz. Munich, Germany.
16.40-18.15 AMBER 3+4
W5.14.02 - PD-1 and other new molecules in the psoriatic infiltrate: an immunohistochemical and confocal laser microscopic study Daniele Fanoni, B. Vergani, S. Recalcati, S. Tavecchio, A.V. Marzano, A. Villa, E. Berti Milan, Italy W5.14.03 - Inhibition of keratinocyte differentiation by the synergistic effect of pro-inflammatory cytokines mimics psoriasis Aina Rabeony, I. Paris, J. Garnier, C. Barrault, N. Pedretti, K. Guilloteau, V. Huguier, F. Bernard, J. Lecron, F. Morel Poitiers, France W5.14.04 - In vivo induction of cutaneous inflammation results in the accumulation extracellular trap forming neutrophils expressing RORt and IL-17, while IL-17+ROR+ T cells remain absent R.R.M.C. Keijsers, P.E.J. van Erp, P.C.M. van de Kerkhof, I. Joosten, Hans J.P.M. Koenen Nijmegen, Netherlands W5.14.05 - Skin inflammation in Act1-deficient mice is T cell intrinsic and due to exaggerated Th17 derived IL-22 Ling Wu, C. Wang, V.K. Kuchroo, W. Ouyang, X. Li Cleveland, USA W5.14.06 - Autoreactive T cells in chronic idiopathic urticaria target the high-affinity IgE receptor I subunit (FcRI) Priscilla Auyeung, D. Mittag, P. Hodgkin, L. Harrison Melbourne, Australia
16.40-18.15 AMBER 5+6
Chairs: Giampiero Girolomoni (ITA) Andrea Cavani (ITA)
W5.21.04 - Detection of de novo IGHV mutations by ultra-deep sequencing from in vitro activated B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells: Evidence for activation-induced deaminase function Charles C. Chu, P.E.M. Patten, T. MacCarthy, X.J. Yan, J.E. Kolitz, S.L. Allen, J.C. Barrientos, K.R. Rai, N. Chiorazzi Manhasset, USA W5.21.05 - Early growth response gene 2 and 3 are essential for the regulation of tumour suppressor genes, Ikaros, Aiolos and FOXO3 Punamdip K. Bhullar, T. Miao, A.L.J. Symonds, E. Ghaffari, S. Li, P. Wang Uxbridge, United Kingdom W5.21.06 - CD27 signalling promotes the proliferation of human acute myeloid leukemia cells Carsten Riether, C. Schürch, A.F. Ochsenbein Bern, Switzerland
Workshops August 27, 2013 W1.05 - INNATE LYMPHOCYTES
W5.16.02 - A second generation therapeutic cellular vaccine for hepatitis C virus Branka Grubor-Bauk, P. Latour, J. Torresi, W. Yu, S. Roberts, B. Loveland, E. Gowans Adelaide, Australia
Chair: Paolo Dellabona (ITA) IL1.05.01 - Functional Education of iNKT Cells by Dendritic Cell Tuning of SHP-1 Paolo Dellabona, A. Napolitano, G. Casorati Milano, Italy
W5.16.03 - Gender predominance is mediated via testosterone in a mouse model of autoimmune cholangitis Dorothee Schwinge, A. Carambia, A. Quaas, C. Wegscheid, G. Tiegs, A.W. Lohse, J. Herkel, C. Schramm Hamburg, Germany
16.40-18.15 AMBER 7+8
W1.05.01 - TSLP induces corticosteroid resistance of natural helper cell and evokes severe asthma Kazuyo Moro, H. Kabata, K. Asano, S. Koyasu Yokohama, Japan W1.05.02 - Group 2 innate lymphocytes are critical for Th2 cell-mediated allergic lung inflammation T.Y.F. Halim, L. Matha, C.A. Steer, F. Takei, Itziar Martines Gonzales Vancouver, Canada
W5.16.04 - CD49a+DX5- NK cells are liver-resident and confer adaptive immunity in skin-contact inflammation Zhigang Tian, H. Peng, X. Jiang, Y. Chen, D. Sojka, H. Wei, R. Sun, W. Yokoyama Hefei, China
W1.05.03 - Identification of IL-17+RORT+CD34+ as lineage-committed progenitors of IL-22+NCR+RORT+ innate lymphoid cells Elisa Montaldo, L.G. Teixeira, L. Moretta, M.C. Mingari, C. Romagnani Genoa, Italy
W5.16.05 - Phenotypic evaluation of CD28 negative T cells in primary sclerosing cholangitis Evaggelia Liaskou, L. Jeffery, S. Suresh, P. Trivedi, T. Bruns, D.H. Adams, D.M. Sansom, G.M. Hirschfield Birmingham, United Kingdom
W1.05.05 - Reduced MAIT cell frequency associated with enhanced cell death in systemic lupus erythematosus Asako Chiba, N. Tamura, E. Hayashi, R. Matsudaira, T. Yamamura, Y. Takasaki, S. Miyake Tokyo, Japan
16.40-18.15 BROWN 1
W1.05.04 - T-bet is required for the development of NKp46+ innate lymphoid cells via a Notch-dependent pathway Lucille C. Rankin Parkville, Australia
W5.16.06 - Tumor-infiltrating IL-10 producing T cells are potent suppressors of the local anti-tumor immunity in patients with liver cancer Alexander Pedroza-Gonzalez, J. Kwekkeboom, E. Vargas-Mendez, C. Verhoef, J. de Jonge, J.N.M. IJzermans, H.L.A. Janssen, D. Sprengers Rotterdam, Netherlands
W1.05.06 - The SLAM family receptor Ly9 (CD229) is a negative regulator of marginal zone B cells response Marta Cuenca, X. Romero, J. Sintes, P. Engel Barcelona, Spain
W5.16 - LIVER IMMUNOLOGY Chairs: Pietro Invernizzi (ITA) Eli Pikarsky (ISR)
16.40-18.15 BROWN 1
IL5.16.01 - Progress in the genetics and epigenetics of primary biliary cirrhosis Pietro Invernizzi, M. Correnti, C. Mascheroni, A. Lleo, F. Bernuzzi, I. Bianchi Rozzano (MI), Italy IL5.16.02 - Constitutive IKK Activation Promotes Hepatocellular Carcinoma via Formation of Inflammatory Micro-niches Eli Pikarsky, S. Finkin, D. Yuan, I. Stein, K. Taniguchi, K. Rajewsky, M. Karin, Y. Ben-Neriah, M. Heikenwalder Jerusalem, Israel W5.16.01 - IL-17A produced by T cells promotes tumor growth in hepatocellular carcinoma S. Ma, Q. Cheng, Y. Cai, Y. Wu, X. Yu, Haiyan Liu Suzhou, China
Posters Session
Posters - August 23 Panel N°
Session Time: Friday, August 23, 13:20 -15:00 001
P1.01.01 - A defect in granulopoiesis in perforin-deficient mice Cassio C. Almeida, M.I.C. Gaspar-Elsas, T. Queto, B. Vieira, T. Vieira, D.M. Brito, P.P. Xavier-Elsas; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P1.01.02 - Different anti-HSP70 antibodies detect different dynamics of intracellular HSP70 content in heat shocked human neutrophils Anna Boyko, O. Shustova, A. Klinkova, A. Sapozhnikov, E. Kovalenko; Moscow, Russian Federation
P1.01.03 - Role of CD63, CD11b and CD14 as potential markers of granule release induced by propionate in bovine neutrophils Rafael A. Burgos, M.D. Carretta, M.A. Hidalgo; Valdivia, Chile
P1.01.04 - Photoconversion and in vivo imaging reveal a role for neutrophils in regulating adaptive immune responses H.R. Hampton, J. Bailey, M. Tomura, R. Brink, Tatyana Chtanova; Darlinghurst (Sydney), Australia
P1.01.05 - Different role of nitric oxide on adhesiveness and apoptosis of inflammatory granulocytes after burn injury Biljana Draskovic-Pavlovic, D. Vucevic, I. Majstorovic, B. Bozic, G. Zunic, M. Colic; Belgrade, Serbia
P1.01.06 - Glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ) promotes apoptosis in vitro in neutrophil-like cells Marie-Alix Espinasse, P. Piednoir, G. Dufour, P. Montravers, S. Chollet-Martin, M. Pallardy, A. Biola-Vidamment; Chatenay Malabry, France
P1.01.07 - In vivo induction of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps by Mycobacterium tuberculosis Georgina Filio-Rodriguez, I. Estrada, P. Arce-Paredes, S. Islas-Trujillo, B. Moreno-Altamirano, O. Rojas-Espinosa; Mexico City, Mexico
P1.01.08 - Activation of phagocytosis by a low molecular fraction (below 5 kDa) from cord blood in leukocytes after hypothermic storage or cryopreservation Anatoliy N. Goltsev, N.N. Moiseyeva, O.L. Gorina, J.S. Akhatova; Kharkov, Ukraine
P1.01.09 - Chemerin aggravates DSS-induced colitis associated with defective protective innate responses Rui He, Y. Lin, X. Yang, W. Yue, L. Zou, B. Li; Shanghai, China
P1.01.10 - Neutrophils as potential biomarkers in the differentiation of multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica Laura Hertwig, N. Borisow, K. Stürner, B. Seeger, C. Infante Duarte, F. Paul; Berlin, Germany
P1.01.11 - Kinase activity profiling of polymorphonuclear cells in critically ill patients Arie J. Hoogendijk, G.M. Fuhler, L.A. van Vught, M.A. Wiewel, H. Belkasim, M.A.M. Huson, B.P. Scicluna, J. Horn, M.J. Schultz, T. van der Poll; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P1.01.12 - The role of neutrophils upon infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania mexicana in C57BL/6 mice Benjamin Hurrell, S. Schuster, J. Alexander, M. Malissen, F. Tacchini-Cottier; Epalinges, Switzerland
P1.01.13 - Intercellular ROS signaling in granulocyte-mediated tumor cell destruction Morana Jaganjac, T. Matijevic, G. Bauer, R.J. Schaur, A.A. Latiff, N. Zarkovic; Doha, Qatar
P1.01.14 - Cyclophilin A stimulates recovery of the hematopoietic and the immune system of the organism after radiotherapy Anastasia Kalinina, N. Kulikova, D. Kazansky, Y. Silaeva, L. Khromykh; Moscow, Russian Federation
P1.01.15 - Effect of colchicine on expression of inflammation-related genes in neutrophils from healthy subjects and patients with familial Mediterranean fever Gayane Manukyan, M. Petrek, A. Martirosyan, Z. Navratilova, E. Kriegova; Yerevan, Armenia
P1.01.16 - Cross-talk between neutrophils and Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm. Role of MPO-halide system products Janusz Marcinkiewicz, M. Strus, M. Walczewska, E. Pasich, M. Ciszek-Lenda, A. Machul, D. Mikołajczyk; Kraków, Poland
P1.01.17 - Role of 5-lypoxygenase in the regulation of eosinophilopoiesis Daniela Masid-de-Brito, P.P. Xavier-Elsas, R.A. Luz, R. Lopes, C. Almeida-Da Silva, K. Pinnola, R. Ferreira, M.C. Gaspar-Elsas; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P1.01.18 - The p38-MSK1 signaling cascade influences cytokine production through bZIP transcription factors in human neutrophils Patrick P. McDonald, T.Z. Mayer, F.A. Simard, A. Cloutier; Sherbrooke, Canada
P1.01.20 - IL-4 derived from basophil play a pivotal role in cysteine protease-induced natural helper cell-mediated lung inflammation Yasutaka Motomura, H. Morita, K. Moro, S. Nakae, S. Koyasu, M. Kubo; Noda, Japan
Posters - August 23 020
P1.01.22 - The Dectin-1 ligand Beta-glucan triggers neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation via a signaling pathway requiring Src-family kinases and Syk Giorgio Berton Verona, Italy
P1.01.23 - Effects of proton pump inhibitors and H2-antagonists on neutrophil oxidative metabolism in patients with gastric and duodenal ulcer bleeding Natalia S. Obraztsova, O.N. Sulaieva, V.Y. Delii, S.O. Zarikov; Donetsk, Ukraine
P1.01.24 - IgE-armed basophils and their skin-infiltration are essential for acquired tick resistance Takuya Ohta, S. Yoshikawa, K. Ishiwata, K. Horiguchi, L. LI, Y. Kawano, H. Kanuka, N. Watanabe, Y. Minegishi, H. Karasuyama; Tokyo, Japan
P1.01.25 - IL-17A differential effects in murine bone marrow granulopoiesis in presence of GM-CSF or IL-5 in vitro Lysianne Pinto, T. Queto, D.M. Brito, C.L. Coutinho, B. Luca, B.M. Vieira, J.C. Alves Filho, F.Q. Cunha, M.I.C. Gaspar-Elsas, P.P. XavierElsas; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P1.01.26 - Effect of testosterone on the activity of inflammatory cells Amado Quintar, C. Leimgruber, N. Peinetti, C. Maldonado; Cordoba, Argentina
P1.01.27 - Reveiling the death pathway leading to eosinophil cytolysis Susanne Radonjic-Hoesli, C. Stoeckle, D. Simon, B. Styp-Rekowska, R. Hlushchuk, S. Yousefi, H. Simon; Bern, Switzerland
P1.01.28 - Basophils control T cell responses and limit disease activity in Experimental Murine Colitis Manuel Rodriguez Gomez, F. Hermann, K. Claudia, Y. Talke, I. Ketelsen, B. Reich, K. Renner, S. Syed, H. Bruehl, M. Mack; Regensburg, Germany
P1.01.29 - Sympathoadrenergic modulation of human neutrophils Angela Scanzano, L. Schembri, E. Rasini, R. Bombelli, M. Legnaro, A. Luini, M. Cosentino, F. Marino; Varese, Italy
P1.01.30 - Role of neutrophils in neovessel formation in atherosclerotic lesions: preliminary evidence in patients with carotid plaque Laura Schembri, A. Scanzano, M. Tozzi, E. Rasini, M. Legnaro, A. Luini, M. Cosentino, F. Marino; Varese, Italy
P1.01.31 - Blockage of histamine receptor 2 ameliorates the progression of sepsis in NOD diabetic mice Gabriela T. Scortegagna, P.H. Melo, D. Nascimento, V. Borges, F.O. Souto, D. Carlos, F.Q. Cunha; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P1.01.32 - Entry of Staphylococcal Superantigen-Like Protein 11 into neutrophils attenuating their recruitment Richard P. Sequeira, R.J. Langley, T. Proft, J.D. Fraser; Auckland, New Zealand
P1.01.33 - Effect of exercise on cytokine production by neutrophils Irina Shvydchenko, E. Bykovskaya, V. Romenskaya, G. Rozhkova, A. Simbirtsev; Krasnodar, Russian Federation
P1.01.34 - Role of nanoparticles in apoptosis and cytoskeleton rearrangement in human leukemia eosinophil like AML 14.3D10 cells Jean-Christophe Simard, F. Vallières, D. Girard; Laval, Canada
P1.01.35 - Orai1-mediated Ca2+ influx independent of SOCE is essential for LPS and C5a-induced neutrophil migration in acute inflammation Georgios Sogkas, T. Vögtle, B. Nieswandt, R. Schmidt, E. Gessner; Hannover, Germany
P1.01.36 - Soluble molecules from Trypanosoma cruzi are able to induce NETosis from human neutrophils in the absence of classical apoptosis and necrosis signals L.F.A. Diniz, P.S.S. Souza, M. Thomaz-Tobias, D. Sousa-Rocha, M.F. Costa, Karina A. Toledo; Assis, Brazil
P1.01.37 - Role of PI3K, PKC and ERK on neutrophil extracellular trap release induced by Leishmania amazonensis Thiago S.S. Vieira, A. Guimarães-Costa, M.T.C. Nascimento, R. Mariante, E.M. Saraiva; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P1.01.39 - Critical roles of DOCK2 and DOCK5 in neutrophil chemotaxis, ROS production, and NETs formation Mayuki Watanabe, A. Nishikimi, M. Terasawa, J. Côté, Y. Fukui; Fukuoka, Japan
P1.01.40 - Untouched isolation of functionally unaffected neutrophils from whole blood within 20 minutes C. Zyntek, J. Schmitz, Gregor Winkels; Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
Posters - August 23 P1.02 MAST CELLS
Session Time: Friday, August 23, 13:20 -15:00 038
P1.02.01 - Role of mast cells and histamine in local reaction induced by Potamotrygon motoro stingray venom in mice L.F. Kimura, J.P. Prezotto-Neto, M.M. Antoniazzi, S. Jared, C.F. Teixeira, M.L. Santoro, Katia C. Barbaro; São Paulo, Brazil
P1.02.02 - Cross reactivity of IL-3 between mouse and rat in the induction of mouse bone marrow derived mast cells J. Lee, K. Shin, C. Kim, K. Joo, Sung-Weon Cho; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P1.02.03 - OX40L-STIMulated inhibition of mast cell calcium influx Federica D’Incà, J. Almering, B. Frossi, H. Sandig, M. Freichel, S. Bulfone-Paus, C. Pucillo; Udine, Italy
P1.02.04 - Augmenting the effects of vaccine adjuvants by targeting mast cells Yu Fang, N. Lycke, Z. Xiang; Guiyang, China
P1.02.05 - Generation of mast cells from murine fetus liver and transcriptome analysis using next generation sequencer; a comparison of the profiles between bone marrow derived mast cells with fetus liver derived mast cells Nobuyuki Fukuishi, Y. Igawa, T. Kunimi, N. Matsui, M. Akagi; Tokushima, Japan
P1.02.06 - Mast cells induce invariant Natural Killer T cells to cytokine secretion and proliferation via CD1d: Another path to asthma? Nestor Gonzalez Roldan, S. Bulfone-Paus; Borstel, Germany
P1.02.07 - Mast cell CYP27B1 hydroxylase activity is required for 25OH vitamin D3-induced suppression of IgE-mediated activation Michele A. Grimbaldeston, K. Yip, C. Yu, N. Kolesnikoff, H. Taing, D. Goltzman, P.H. Anderson, M. Samuel, A. Lopez; Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
P1.02.08 - IgE-mediated allergic responses in human mast cells in humanized NOG mice expressing human IL-3 and GM-CSF Ryoji Ito, T. Takahashi, I. Katano, K. Kawai, S. Nunomura, C. Ra, A. Mori, S. Aiso, M. Ito; Kawasaki, Japan
P1.02.09 - Roles of basophils and mast cells infiltrating the lung in murine asthmatic responses induced by multiple antigen challenges Haruka Kida, A. Takiguchi, H. Wakamori, K. Ishihara, S. Akiba, N. Mizutani, S. Yoshino, D.D. Chaplin, S. Ohya, T. Nabe; Kyoto, Japan
P1.02.10 - Immune suppression following exposure to UV-radiation is associated with increases in mast cell densities in primary and secondary lymphoid tissues Lai Fong Kok, C. Beuagie, C. Chan, S. Sarchio, G. Halliday, S. Byrne; Sydney, Australia
P1.02.11 - Intravenous injection of particulate antigens larger than the intracellular gap of endothelial cells can induce mast cell-mediated systemic anaphylaxis Lihua Li, S. Yoshikawa, K. Horiguchi, T. Ohta, H. Deki, Y. Kawano, H. Karasuyama; Tokyo, Japan
P1.02.12 - The development of oral tolerance is inhibited by TLR2 agonists but not by IgE-mediated mast cell activation M. Tunis, I. Haidl, Jean S. Marshall; Halifax, Canada
P1.02.13 - Notch1 signaling confers antigen-presenting functions on mast cells Nobuhiro Nakano, C. Nishiyama, H. Yagita, K. Okumura, H. Ogawa; Tokyo, Japan
P1.02.15 - Involvement of transcription factors PU.1, GATA1 and GATA2 in the expression and function of human FcepsilonRI on mast cells Chiharu Nishiyama, E. Inage, K. Kasakura, T. Yashiro, M. Hara, H. Saito, T. Shimizu, H. Ogawa, K. Okumura; Tokyo, Japan
P1.02.16 - Identification of a molecule critical for degranulation of mast cells and anaphylactic reaction Kana Ogawa, Y. Tanaka, Y. Fukui; Fukuoka, Japan
P1.02.17 - C. albicans phagocytosis by mast cells via Toll like receptor-2: protection or immune escape? Karen H. Pinke, H.G. Lima, F.Q. Cunha, V.S. Lara; Bauru, Brazil
P1.02.18 - Deciphering the molecular immunobiology of anaphylactic shock - and the de novo paradigm shift Peter N. Pushparaj, L.A. Damiati, S.D. Kumar, J. Manikandan, M.H. Al-Qahtani; Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
P1.02.20 - The potential role of mast cells in the C-protein induced myositis model Kichul Shin, J. Choi, S. Jang, Y. Song; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P1.02.21 - IgE by itself affects, directly and indirectly, mast cell effector functions Aleksandra Słodka, E. Bąbolewska, P. Witczak, E. Brzeziłska-Błaszczyk; Łódź, Poland
Posters - August 23 057
P1.02.22 - Mast cells play a crucial role in non-IgE mediated experimental allergic enteropathy Masako Toda, M. Burggraf, H. Nakajima-Adachi, S. Hachimura, D. Dombrowicz, J. Kirberg, H. Kiyono, G. Hermann-Josef, S. Vieths; Langen, Germany
P1.02.23 - Mast cells support in vitro differentiation of Th17 cells Aurelia Walczak-Drzewiecka, M. Ratajewski, J. Dastych; Lodz, Poland
P1.02.24 - Maturation of mast cells by Wnt family proteins Tomoko Yamaguchi, K. Tashiro, H. Mizuguchi, K. Kawabata; Osaka, Japan
Session Time: Friday, August 23, 13:20 -15:00 060
P1.06.01 - T cell derived IL-3 enhances the pro- and anti-inflammatory properties of human macrophages dependent of the activation status Ronald M. Allen, N.A. Kittan, S. Mukherjee, A. Dhaliwal, S.L. Kunkel, C.M. Hogaboam; Ann Arbor, United States
P1.06.02 - Dissociation of innate immune responses in microglia infected with Listeria monocytogenes limits activation and neuronal damage Carmen Alvarez-Dominguez, E. Rodriguez-Del Rio, M. Lopez-Fanarraga; Santander, Spain
P1.06.03 - Copper nanoparticles inhibit LPS-mediated nitric oxide and IL-12p40 production in macrophages A. Barrientos, Sergio Arancibia; Santiago, Chile
P1.06.04 - Impact of acute and chronic stress on innate immune system in elderly Sarra Baëhl, G. Dupuis, D. Lorrain, F. Cabana, I. Viens, A. Svotelis, T. Fülöp; Sherbrooke, Canada
P1.06.05 - Modulation by lipoxin of tumor-associated macrophages profile Raphael Lourelro Simões, N.M. de Brito, I.M. Fierro Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P1.06.06 - The tyrosine kinase Abl is a component of macrophage podosomes and is required for podosome formation and macrophage migration A. Baruzzi, S. Remelli, Giorgio Berton; Verona, Italy
P1.06.07 - Oncogene-induced senescence in histiocytes: role of BRAFV600E in the pathogenesis of Erdheim-Chester disease Riccardo Biavasco, M. Cangi, L. Pecciarini, G. Grassini, G. Cavalli, C. Campochiaro, B. Guglielmi, M. Ferrarini, C. Doglioni, L. Dagna; Milan, Italy
P1.06.08 - Jacalin drives macrophage polarization toward an anti-tumor M1-like phenotype Gabriela S. Bisson, C.D. Polli, T.H. Geraldino, L.C. Veronez, L.P. Ruas, M.C. Roque-Barreira; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P1.06.09 - Modulation of NKG2D and NKG2A ligands expression during monocyte differentiation Giorgio Camilli, F. Paladini, A. Cassotta, R. La Scaleia, S. Battella, M. Fiorillo, G. Palmieri, A. Santoni, R. Sorrentino; Rome, Italy
P1.06.10 - Decoy receptor 3 enhances tumor progression via induction of tumor-associated macrophages S.K. Tai, Hsin C. Chang, K.L. Lan, C.T. Lee, C.Y. Yang, N.J. Chen, T.Y. Chou, D.C. Tarng, S.L. Hsieh; Taipei, Taiwan
P1.06.11 - PTPN22 modulates macrophage polarization and susceptibility to dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis Hui-Hsin Chang, S. Miaw, W. Tseng, Y. Sun, C. Liu, H. Tsao, I. Ho; Boston, United States
P1.06.12 - Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 regulates macrophage polarization in an obstruction-induced nephritis mouse model T. Luo, K. Tseng, W. Tsao, P. Lee, S. Hsieh, A. Chiu, T. Takai, T. Mak, D. Tarng, Nien-Jung Chen; Taipei, Taiwan
P1.06.13 - Polarized activation phenotypes of spontaneously differentiated human monocyte-derived macrophages: role of dexamethasone Andrea Cignarella, A. Toniolo, S. Tedesco, C. Bolego; Padova, Italy
P1.06.14 - Influence of the phagocytizing mononuclear system (PMS) stimulation on liver and kidney regeneration Irina Danilova, S. Medvedeva, I. Gette; Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
P1.06.15 - Modulation of macrophage function by growth hormone Maria D. dos Santos Reis, Y.M.O. dos Santos, L.F.A. Vieira, A.R.A. Brandão, I.M.M.N. Viana, S. Smaniotto; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P1.06.16 - The overexpression of glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ) protein in macrophages enhance lifetime in mouse septic shock model Mehdi Ellouze, F. Capel, O. Robert, A. Cassard-Doulcier, G. Perlemuter, M. Pallardy, F. Bachelerie, D. Emilie, V. Godot; Clamart, France
Posters - August 23 076
P1.06.17 - CD200R-dependent regulation of monocytes is subset- and tissue specific Mika A. Falck-Hansen; London, United Kingdom
P1.06.18 - Study of aminoacidic sequences of vitamin D binding proteins involved in macrophage activation Maria Giulia Fiore, S. Magherini, M. Gulisano, S. Pacini, M. Ruggiero; Firenze, Italy
P1.06.19 - Characterization of the murine CD163 receptor Lena Fischer-Riepe, K. Barczyk, D. Holzinger, M. Wolf, J. Roth; Muenster, Germany
P1.06.20 - Effects of biodegradable polylactic acid fibers and dexamethasone on classical and alternative activation pathways in macrophages Mari Hämäläinen, E.L. Paukkeri, A. Pekurinen, R. Nieminen, M. Kellomäki, T.L.J. Tammela, M. Talja, E. Moilanen; Tampere, Finland
P1.06.22 - Thymic cortical dendritic macrophages (TCDMs); professional scavengers of apoptotic thymocytes in the human thymus Atsushi Hayashi, Y. Miki, Y. Gion, K. Takahashi; Okayama, Japan
P1.06.23 - Tissue macrophages arise from fetal liver monocytes during late embryonic development Guillaume Hoeffel, J. Chen, P. See, D. Low, F. Almeida, D. Hashimoto, M. Merad, M. Poidinger, F. Ginhoux; Singapore, Singapore
P1.06.24 - Fighting chronic inflammation - CD64-specific elimination of M1 macrophages Dmitrij Hristodorov, R. Mladenov, V. von Felbert, M. Huhn, R. Fischer, S. Barth, T. Thepen; Aachen, Germany
P1.06.25 - The functional fate of human monocytes after engagement of various pattern recognition receptors Daniela C. Ifrim, J. Quintin, L.A.B. Joosten, N.A.R. Gow, D.L. Williams, J.W.M. van der Meer, M.G. Netea; Nijmegen, Netherlands
P1.06.26 - Intracellular chloride channel protein CLIC1 regulates macrophage functions via modulation of phagosomal acidification Lele Jiang, K. Salao, H. Li, J.M. Rybicka, R.M. Yates, D.A. Brown, L.J. Brown, P.M.G. Curmi, S.N. Breit; Sydney, Australia
P1.06.28 - Intestinal epithelial cell-derived Semaphorin 7A negatively regulates development of colitis via αvβ1 integrin Sujin Kang, A. Kumanogoh; Suita, Japan
P1.06.30 - The effects of silica nanoparticles in macrophage cells SeungJae Kim, I. Choi; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P1.06.31 - Alternatively Activated Macrophages - Cause or Consequence in Allergic Airway inflammation? Frank Kirstein, N. Nieuwenhuizen, F. Brombacher; Cape Town, South Africa
P1.06.32 - MyD88 and Stat3 signaling are fundamental to tumor associated macrophage function Franz Kratochvill, J.E. Qualls, L. Van De Velde, P. Kovarik, P.J. Murray; Memphis, United States
P1.06.33 - SHP-1/Src protein complex differentially regulates IL-12 and IL-23 cytokines in TLR4-activated signaling pathways in human macrophages Ashok Kumar, Y. Konarski, A. Busca, M. Kozlowski; Ottawa, Canada
P1.06.34 - DMXAA, a vascular disruptive agent, is a potent inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis Etsushi Kuroda, K. Ohata, K.J. Ishii; Suita, Japan
P1.06.35 - Myeloid cell expressed proprotein convertase Furin attenuates inflammation Zuzet Martinez Cordova, A. Oksanen, S. Hämäläinen, V. Taverniti, I. Junttila, M. Pesu; Tampere, Finland
P1.06.36 - The marine natural product Honaucin A inhibits innate inflammation Samantha Mascuch, H. Choi, F. Villa, M. Hensler, J. Olson, V. Nizet, F. Mahdi, D.G. Nagle, W. Gerwick, L. Gerwick; La Jolla, United States
P1.06.37 - Differential effect of cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on rat brain microglia-derived proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines Alejandro M. Mayer, D. Macadam, M.L. Hall, D. Feher, P. Williams; Downers Grove, United States
P1.06.38 - Pulmonary surfactant protein A strengthens IL-4-mediated proliferation and alternative activation of rat alveolar macrophages Carlos Minutti, B. García-Fojeda, C. Casals; Madrid, Spain
P1.06.39 - Characterization of the innate immune response in human macrophages by Mycobacterium bovis BCG Gabriela Molina-Olvera, A.I. Castllo-Rodal, Y. López-Vidal; México, Mexico
Posters - August 23 096
P1.06.40 - Regulation of macrophage complement receptor immunoglobulin (CRIg) expression by cytokines Usma Munawara, A. Quach, N.N. Gorgani, C. Abbott, A. Ferrante; Adelaide, Australia
P1.06.41 - Ubiquitin-like protein MNSFβ covalently binds to Bcl-G and enhances lipopolysaccharide (LPS)/interferon γ (IFNγ)-induced apoptosis in macrophages Morihiko Nakamura, M. Nakagawa; Izumo, Japan
P1.06.42 - T CD8+ suppressor lymphocyte-derived exosomes carrying miRNA150 impair macrophage ability to induce humoral immune response in mice Katarzyna Nazimek, M. Ptak, W. Ptak, K. Bryniarski; Krakow, Poland
P1.06.43 - The role of MAP kinase phosphatase-2 (MKP-2) in macrophage development and gene expression Thikryat Neamatallah, J. Schroeder, R. Tate, J. Alexander, R. Plevin; Glasgow, United Kingdom
P1.06.44 - Differential regulation of innate immunity in the lungs of smokers and non-smokers Johan Öckinger, M. Hagemann-Jensen, S. Kullberg, A. Eklund, J. Grunewald, J. Wahlström; Stockholm, Sweden
P1.06.45 - Notch Signaling Regulates Expression of Mcl-1 and Apoptosis in PPD-treated Macrophages Tanapat Palaga, S. Ratanabunyong, T. Pattarakankul, Y. Hadae, N. Sangphech, P. Kuenjinda; Bangkok, Thailand
P1.06.46 - Evaluation of the potency of CD137-activated macrophages in inhibiting tumor cell growth Wan Lu Pang, H. Schwarz; Singapore, Singapore
P1.06.47 - Statins mediate protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection by enhancing phagosomal maturation and autophagy Suraj P. Parihar, R. Guler, R. Khutlang, D. Lang, M. Mhlanga, H. Suzuki, D. Marais, F. Brombacher; Cape Town, South Africa
P1.06.48 - Metalloproteinase-9 production by monocytes from cutaneous leishmaniasis patients Sara Passos, T. Menezes, R. Costa, E.M. Carvalho, L.P. Carvalho; Salvador, Brazil
P1.06.49 - The importance of experimental milieu in regulation of macrophage activation Michaela Pekarova, A. Lojek, H. Martiskova, A. Klinke, T. Rudolph, M. Maceckova, R. Kuchta, J. Kadlec, Z. Kuchtova, L. Kubala; Brno, Czech Republic
P1.06.50 - The interaction of monocytes from Sjögren Syndrome patients with human salivary gland epithelial cells promotes an inflammatory microenvironment modulated by VIP V. Hauk, L. Fraccaroli, E. Grasso, A. Eimon, R. Ramhorst, O. Hubscher, Claudia Perez-Leiros; Buenos Aires, Argentina
P1.06.51 - Contribution of microRNAs to human macrophage polarization processes Matthieu Pesant, G. Sukubo, M. Locati; Rozzano, Italy
P1.06.53 - Altered Expression of CD200/CD200R1 Immunoinhibitory Proteins is Associated with the Dysregulated Microglial Response to Ischemic Stroke Injury in Aged Mice Rodney M. Ritzel, A. Patel, V. Scranton, L. McCullough, F. Liu; Farmington, United States
P1.06.54 - Age-and Location-Related Changes in the Immunoregulatory Status of Microglia Rodney M. Ritzel, A.R. Patel, F. Liu, L.D. McCullough; Farmington, United States
P1.06.55 - Modulation of FcgammaRs expression in macrophages derived from THP-1 cells (THP-1-MΦ) polarized to inflammatory, wound-healing and regulatory phenotypes Ana Diana Rivera Fuentes, E. Ortega Soto; Mexico, Mexico
P1.06.56 - Non-classical circulating monocytes are reduced in patients with systemic lupus erythematous (SLE) and they show regulatory functions on classical monocytes in healthy controls C. Burbano-Arciniegas, G. Vasquez-Duque, Mauricio Rojas-Lopez; Medellín, Colombia
P1.06.57 - Isolation of mouse alveolar macrophage using mixed primary culture from lungs P.M.C. Silva, I.T. Brandão, A.P. Masson, W.M. Rios, R.F. Rodrigues, C.L. Silva, Rogerio S. Rosada; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P1.06.58 - Mac-1 controls the pro-inflammatory phenotype of type 1 macrophages Kim C.M. Santegoets, M.H. Wenink, D.M. Lundvig, L. van Bon, A. Cambi, R.A. Benson, I. McInnes, W.B. van den Berg, F.A. Wagener, T.R.D.J. Radstake; Utrecht, Netherlands
P1.06.59 - The immunomodulatory effect of propolis and chlorhexidine on cytokine production by human monocytes Karina B. Santiago, B.J. Conti, E.O. Cardoso, J.M. Sforcin; Botucatu, Brazil
P1.06.60 - Polyporus alveolaris extract (PAE) have the ability to stimulate macrophages against tumor with unique manner Yasutaka Sasajima, M. Kawamura, T. Aradate, A. Muraguchi, T. Katagiri; Toyama city, Japan
Posters - August 23 116
P1.06.61 - Realtime analysis of monocyte migration in 3D synovial micromass tissue cultures Clemens Scheinecker, R. Byrne, K. von Dalwigk, A. Hladik, J.S. Smolen, H. Kiener; Wien, Austria
P1.06.62 - The sulfation level of glycosaminoglycans in monocytes and macrophages Maria Schönberg, U. Obeck, J. Flemmig, J. Arnhold; Leipzig, Germany
P1.06.63 - IRF8 and IRF3 cooperatively regulate rapid interferon-β induction in human blood monocytes P. Li, J. Wong, C. Sum, Wei-Xiang Sin, K. Chin; Singapore, Singapore
P1.06.64 - Resolving inflammation: M2 macrophages contribute to the resolution of postoperative ileus Kathy Stein, M. Lysson, S. Wehner, J. Kalff; Bonn, Germany
P1.06.65 - CX3CR1+ monocytes support P. gingivalis survival Orit Steinmetz, S. Hoch, L. Eli-Berchoier, G. Nussbaum; Jerusalem, Israel
P1.06.66 - Identification of RORC as regulator of polarized inflammation Laura Strauss, G. Szebeni, S. Morlacchi, M.G. Totaro, A. Bruno, D. Noonan, A. Anselmo, S. Sangaletti, M. Colombo, A. Sica; Rozzano (MI), Italy
P1.06.67 - Role of macrophages reaction in pathogenesis of duodenal ulcer bleeding Oksana N. Sulaieva; Donetsk, Ukraine
P1.06.68 - Effect of phytoestrogens on helper T cell and macrophage differentiation Masaya Takamoto; Matsumoto, Japan
P1.06.69 - Immune-modifying particles inhibit inflammatory monocyte migration to the central nervous system and improve outcomes in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Rachael L. Terry, D.R. Getts, N.J.C. King, S.D. Miller; Chicago, United States
P1.06.70 - E.coli upregulates CD39 expression in RAW264.7 macrophages Gábor Tör , B. Koscsó, B. Csóka, L. Virág, G. Haskó; Debrecen, Hungary
P1.06.71 - Pulmonary GM-CSF regulates alveolar macrophage population size and function via a reciprocal feedback mechanism Bruce C. Trapnell, T. Suzuki; Cincinnati, United States
P1.06.72 - Effect of CCL1 depletion on the tumoricidal monocyte generation in cultures of peripheral blood monocytes derived from patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) A. Asai, Yusuke Tsuchimoto, H. Ohama, S. Fukunishi, Y. Tsuda, A. Fukuda, M. Kobayashi, K. Higuchi, F. Suzuki; Takatsuki, Osaka, Japan
P1.06.73 - Regulation of complement receptor immunoglobulin (CRIg) expression in human macrophages by protein kinase Cα Kanchana Usuwanthim, Y. Ma, N.N. Gorgani, C. Hii, A. Ferrante; Adelaide, Australia
P1.06.74 - Modulation of phagocytosis in Mononuclear Phagocyte Cells by IL-21: Involvement of Spleen Tyrosine Kinase (Syk) Francis Vallières, D. Girard; Laval, Canada
P1.06.75 - Characterization of central macrophages in Anemia of Inflammation (AI): African trypanosomiasis as a model system Liese Vansintjan, B. Stijlemans, S. Philipsen, P.J.M. Leenen, P. De Baetselier; Brussels, Belgium
P1.06.76 - The immunomodulatory activity of glycerophosphoinositols Mariangela Vessichelli, P. Italiani, S. Mariggiò, P. Zizza, V. Evangelista, D. Boraschi, D. Corda; napoli, Italy
P1.06.77 - Salmonella autophagy Tzu-Yuan Wang, C. Chiu; Taoyuan, Taiwan
P1.06.78 - Regulation of myogenesis by differentially activated macrophages during human skeletal muscle regeneration Houda Yacoub-Youssef, M. Saclier, A. Mackey, L. Arnold, J. Chelly, R. Mounier, M. Kjaer, B. Chazaud; Paris, France
P1.06.79 - The role of a novel DEAD-box protein in LPS-induced NLRP3 inflammasome activation Chih-Hsiang Yang, S. Hsu, Y. Lai, L. Hsu; Taipei, Taiwan
P1.06.80 - Necrotic cells induce CD14-/CD68+ peritoneal exudate cells to proliferate and differentiate into macrophage-like cells Xiaolin Yuan, X. Li, Q. Zhang, C. Zhang, D. Li; Dalian, China
Posters - August 23 136
P1.06.81 - The Effect of Polyporus umbellatus(Chinese medicine)on LPS-induced Viability and Cytokine Expression in RAW264.7 cells Xing Zeng; Guangzhou, China
P1.06.82 - Suppression of PTRF inhibits TLR4 signaling: a novel regulator of sepsis Yijie Zheng, X. Liang, S. Wei, H. Moon, Y. Jin; Boston, United States
P1.11 TOLL-LIKE AND PATTERN RECOGNITION RECEPTORS Session Time: Friday, August 23, 13:20 -15:00 138
P1.11.001 - Neuinflam9/Toxo1 regulates the innate immune response after nerve injury and susceptibility to autoimmune neuroinflammation in rat Nada Abdelmagid, F. Al Nimer, J. Öckinger, R. Lindblom, X. Zhang, S. K. Bedri, A. Saoudi, G. Fournié, T. Olsson, M. Jagodic, F. Piehl, M. Diez; Stockholm, Sweden
P1.11.002 - The Toll-IL-1R member Tir8 modulates post-transplant kidney ischemia/reperfusion injury by inhibiting resident leukocyte expansion P. Cassis, Sistiana Aiello, N. Azzollini, S. Solini, G. Remuzzi, M. Noris; Ranica, Italy
P1.11.003 - Hematopoietic but not endothelial cell MyD88 contributes to host defense during gram-negative pneumonia derived sepsis Adam A. Anas, M.H.P. van Lieshout, S. Florquin, B. Hou, A.L. DeFranco, C. van t. Veer, A.F. de Vos, T. van der Poll; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P1.11.004 - Activation and regulation of Toll-like receptors by infestation with Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks Elen Anatriello, L.C. Ribeiro, I. Bueno, M.S.L. Nascimento, L.A. Sacramento, C.J. Oliveira, J.S. da Silva, I.K.F.d. Santos, B.R. Ferreira; University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P1.11.006 - Role of TIR8/SIGIRR in regulating TLR and IL-1R like-dependent platelet activation Achille Anselmo, C. Soldani, C. Soldani, S. Gentile, S. Gentile, M. Bacci, M. Bacci, A. Voza, A. Voza, M. Nebuloni, M. Nebuloni, L. Mendolicchio, L. Mendolicchio, A. Mantovani, A. Mantovani, F. Riva, F. Riva, C. Garlanda, C. Garlanda; Rozzano, Italy
P1.11.007 - Interaction of Bordetella pertussis filamentous hemagglutinin with human TLR2: identification of the TLR2-binding domain Hossein Asgarian-Omran, A. Amirzargar, S. Zeerleder, M. Mahdavi, G. van Mierlo, S. Solati, M. Jeddi-Tehrani, H. Rabbani, L. Aarden, F. Shokri; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P1.11.008 - S100A8 and S100A9 promote hyporesponsiveness of phagocytes in polytrauma and burn patients Judith Austermann, S. Fassl, B. Petersen, E. Faist, S. Zedler, T. Vogl, J. Roth; Muenster, Germany
P1.11.009 - Extended anti-cancer immunity by liposomes coencapsulating nucleic acid TLR-ligands and antigen Banu Bayyurt, G. Gucluler, D. Bayik, E. Alpdundar, S. Yildiz, B.H. Horuluoglu, M. Ozcan, M. Gursel, I. Gursel; Ankara, Turkey
P1.11.010 - R848, a Toll-like receptor 7/8 agonist, a potential therapy for allergic rhinitis patients Ghada Boghdadi, N. Hammad, A. Amer, S. Sammour, S. Sorour; Zagazig, Egypt
P1.11.011 - TLR4-induced activation of human monocyte cell line U937 by sickle patient’s mmLDL. Possible experimental model for atherosclerosis initial phase Beatriz E. Brito, M.A. Duarte, E.L. Romano, M.E. Marquez, L. Baute, O. Perez-Bandez, N. Torrez; Caracas, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
P1.11.012 - Fungal stimulated inflammatory response of gestation associated tissues Aled H. Bryant, R.H. Jones, N. Melo, S.E. Owens, L.B. Davies, G. Morgan, I.M. Sheldon, C.A. Thornton; Swansea, United Kingdom
P1.11.013 - Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (TREM)-1 and -2 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in pulmonary sarcoidosis Milan Buc, M. Suchankova, M. Bucova, E. Tibenska, E. Tedlova, J. Demian, I. Majer, H. Novosadova, M. Tedla, E. Paulovicova; Bratislava, Slovakia
P1.11.014 - Increased CD4 T cell survival during in vivo OVA-LPS presentation is partly inhibited by indomethacin and recovered by PGE2 analog Julia C. Campopiano, J.F. Jacysyn, M. Zenteno, T.B. da Costa, K.R. Bortoluci, G.P. Amarante-Mendes; São Paulo, Brazil
P1.11.015 - Optimal Immune Response Is Mediated by CD8-IFN Gamma Production and Macrophages-iNOS Expression in trigeminal ganglia, after Interactions of Toll Like Receptors in Herpes Simplex Virus -1 (HSV-1) Infection G.P. Zolini, G.K. Lima, N. Lucinda, M.G.A. Silva, S.R. Béla, L.R.V. Antonelli, N.L. Pessoa, B.C. Pizziolo, E.G. Kroon, Marco A. Campos; Belo Horizonte, Brazil
P1.11.016 - Monocyte-produced TLR2 and TLR4 but not prolactin are involved in both, late-onset autoimmune diabetes and type 2 diabetes development Pavlina Cejkova, V. Slukova, I. Nemeckova, J. Broz, M. Andel, M. Cerna; Prague 2, Czech Republic
Posters - August 23 153
P1.11.017 - Roles of an innate immune regulator TBK1-Associated Protein in Endolysosomes (TAPE) in the RIG-I-like receptor and DNA sensor pathways Kuan-Ru Chen, C. Chang, C. Huang, C. Lin, W. Lin, Y. Lo, C. Yang, A. Shiau, T. Tan, P. Ling; Tainan, Taiwan
P1.11.018 - Immunostimulatory activities of CpG-oligodeoxynucleotides in zebrafish D. Yeh, Y. Liu, Tsung-Hsien Chuang; Miaoli County, Taiwan
P1.11.019 - New molecular tools to investigate LPS recognition Roberto Cighetti, V. Calabrese, G. Damore, M. Piazza, F. Peri; Milano, Italy
P1.11.020 - The Q705K genetic variant in NLRP3 leads to inflammasome hyperactivation and contributes to invasive aspergillosis after stem cell transplantation Cristina Cunha, C. Galosi, M. Puccetti, F. Aversa, L. Romani, A. Carvalho; Perugia, Italy
P1.11.021 - The Role of TLRs in the Dogs Immunized with the Gentamicin-attenuated L. infantum Compared with Dogs Infected with Wild-type Parasites Maryam Davarpanah; Kerman, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P1.11.022 - Unbalanced cytokine production in inducible nitric oxide synthase-deficient neonate mice upon in vitro stimulation with TLR agonists Cyro A. de Brito, B.S. Shida, N.Z. Pereira, A.J.S. Duarte, M.N. Sato; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P1.11.023 - Myeloid-related protein (Mrp)-8/14 contributes to protective immunity in sepsis caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei and elevated levels correlate with poor outcome Hanna K. de Jong, T.A.F. Weehuijzen, A. Achouiti, L.M. Kager, G.C.K.W. Koh, J. Roth, T. Vogl, T. van der Poll, W.J. Wiersinga; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P1.11.024 - Response of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells to the combined effect of TLR3 and TLR7 agonists Tanja Dzopalic, A. Dragicevic, B. Bozic, I. Rajkovic, M. Colic; Nis, Serbia
P1.11.025 - Association of TLR4-D299G polymorphism with inflammation and overexpression of TLR4-CD14 in obese mexican patients C.O. De Loera-Rodriguez, J.E. Segura-Ortega, V. Delgado-Rizo, A. Alvarado-Navarro, Mary Fafutis-Morris; Guadalajara, Mexico
P1.11.026 - Potential role of tlr ligand in aethiopathogenesis of Tunisian endemic pemphigus foliaceus O. Abida, Raouia Fakhfakh, D. Bouzid, S. Krichen-Makni, N. Kharrat, A. Masmoudi, M. Abdelmoula, M. Ben Ayed, H. Turki, T. Sellami-Boudawara; Sfax, Tunisia
P1.11.027 - The C-type lectin receptors on dendritic cells participate in the recognition and modulatory effect of high molecular weight components of Ascaris suum extract B.C. Favoretto, P.A. Ranéia, J.A. Portes-Junior, J.F. Jacysyn, Eliana L. Faquim-Mauro; São Paulo, Brazil
P1.11.028 - Isolation and characterization of N-linked glycan structures from high molecular weight components of Ascaris suum extract Bruna C. Favoretto, J.F. Jacysyn, A. Casabuono, A.S. Couto, E.L. Faquim-Mauro; São Paulo, Brazil
P1.11.029 - Involvement of the nucleic acid recognizing Toll-like receptors TLR7 and TLR9 in the pathogenesis of erosive arthritis Anita Fischer, C. Böhm, S. Herman, V. Saferding, E. Goncalves-Alves, M. Koenders, W. van den Berg, G. Steiner; Vienna, Austria
P1.11.030 - Training modifies the innate immune response both in the airways and in blood in horses Linda Frellstedt, P. Gosset, C. Desmet, D. Pirottin, F. Bureau, I. Waldschmidt, M. Dupuis-Tricaud, P. Lekeux, T. Art; Liege, Belgium
P1.11.031 - The novel TLR7 agonist GS-9620 induces a diverse set of interferon stimulated genes Christian Frey, A. Palazzo, J. Hesselgesser, T. Cihlar, S. Pflanz; Foster City, United States
P1.11.032 - NOD-like receptor activation stimulates osteoclasts Sandra Y. Fukada Alves, M.R.F. Holanda, T.M. Taira, F.Q. Cunha; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P1.11.033 - Collapse of TLR7/TLR9 balance leads genetical background dependent phenotypes Ryutaro Fukui, K. Miyake; Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
P1.11.034 - Toll-like receptors 2, 4 and CD14 gene polymorphisms in Tunisian kidney transplantation Yousr Gorgi, H. Krichen, Y. Mechiri, I. Sfar, T. Dhaouadi, R. Bardi, M. Bacha, R. Kheder, E. Abderrahim, T. Ben Abdallah; Tunis, Tunisia
P1.11.035 - Polymorphisms of Toll-like receptor 4 and CD14 genes in systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis Yousr Gorgi, T. Dhaouadi, Y. Haouami, I. Sfar, L. Abdelmoula, S. Turki, L. Ben Hassine, R. Zouari, N. Khalfallah, T. Ben Abdallah; Tunis, Tunisia
Posters - August 23 172
P1.11.036 - D type CpG oligonucleotide loaded EG-7 exosomes act as strong vaccine adjuvant and anti-cancer agent Gozde Gucluler, T. Kahraman, D. Bayik, A. Gursel, M. Gursel, I. Gursel; Ankara, Turkey
P1.11.037 - CpG Oligodeoxynucleotide/cationic peptide nanorings as immunotherapeutic agents Bilgi Gungor, F.C. Ya cı, I. Gursel, M. Gursel; Ankara, Turkey
P1.11.038 - Mechanisms of MyD88- and TRIF-dependent downregulation of the glucocorticoid induced leucine zipper (GILZ) in macrophages - mRNA destabilization vs. microRNAs Nina Hachenthal, T. Stadter, P. Leidinger, F. Grässer, E. Meese, S. Bruscoli, C. Riccardi, A.K. Kiemer, J. Hoppstädter; Saarbruecken, Germany
P1.11.039 - Expression Analysis of Molecular Markers of Inflammation in Human Monocytic THP-1 cells Cultured with Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes Functionalized with Polyethylene Glycol (PEG-SWNT) Alireza Haghparast, M. Heidari Kharaji, M. Moghaddam Matin, A. Ahmadpour; Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P1.11.040 - Characterization of antibody responses to M13 phage vaccine: MyD88-dependent and T-cell independent IgG subclass responses Shuhei Hashiguchi, M. Toyonaga, Y. Shoji, T. Gotanda, K. Sugimura; Kagoshima, Japan
P1.11.041 - Card9 is essential for the CEACAM3 mediated Moraxella catarrhalis induced NF-kappaB activation in human granulocytes A. Heinrich, Kerstin A. Heyl, M.M. Müller, S. Bachmann, H. Slevogt; Jena, Germany
P1.11.042 - Immune complexes isolated from malaria patients activate TLR9 and promote caspase-1 activation Isabella Hirako, C. Gallego, H. Gravina, M. Ataíde, D. Pereira, B. Diamond, L.R. Antonelli, D.T. Golenbock, R.T. Gazzinelli; Belo Horizonte, Brazil
P1.11.043 - Identification of novel innate pattern recognition receptors for mycobacterium tuberculosis Ei’ichi Iizasa, T. Myamoto, T. Uematsu, T. Ishikawa, S. Yamasaki, G. Matsuzaki, H. Yoshida, H. Hara; Saga, Japan
P1.11.044 - Regulation of autoimmune responses by the innate immune system in response to bacterial infections Jincy M. Issac, Y. Mohammed, H.T. Nasser, M. Rabah, M.J. Fernandez-Cabezudo, W. Conca, B.K. al-Ramadi; Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
P1.11.045 - The humoral pattern recognition molecule PTX3 is a key component of innate immunity against urinary tract infection Sebastien Jaillon, F. Moalli, B. Ragnarsdottir, E. Bonavita, M. Nebuloni, A. Markotic, A. Montanelli, C. Svanborg, C. Garlanda, A. Mantovani; Rozzano, Italy
P1.11.046 - ER stress sensitizes TLR signaling and desensitizes LPS tolerance through IRE1 -mediated activation of GSK-3β S. Kim, Yeonsoo Joe, J. Shin, S. Ryter, H. Chung; Ulsan, Korea, Republic of
P1.11.047 - Investigation of kinase and inflammatory pathway modulation by I2PP2A inhibition in Prostate Cancer Progression Carol Johnson, F.J. Giles, F.J. Sullivan, M. Vitek, S.A. Glynn; Galway, Ireland
P1.11.048 - Toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV): a systematic review Nazanin A. Kazemi Sefat, G.E. Kazemi Sefat, S. Talebi; Kerman, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P1.11.049 - TLR-signaling induces Type I interferon responses in microglia and astrocytes and regulates leukocyte infiltration to the CNS Reza M.H. Khorooshi, T. Holm, C. Tue Berg, R. Truong Dieu, D. Dræby, S. Lienenklaus, T. Owens; Odense, Denmark
P1.11.050 - A reticulon family protein Nogo is an active component of TLR-triggered innate immune responses in macrophages Toshifumi Kimura, M. Inui, T. Takai; Sendai, Japan
P1.11.051 - Analysis of the B cell responsiveness to the TLR9 agonist CPG in malaria semi-immune versus malaria naïve individuals Younoussou Kone, K. Kassoum, A. Ongoiba, D. Safiatou N, D. Didier, M. Jacqueline, S. Portugal, P. Susan K., D. Ogobara K., C. Peter D.; Bamako, Mali
P1.11.052 - TLR9-mediated synergistic T-bet expression and its implication for antibody production Dorottya Kovesdi, G. Sarmay; Budapest, Hungary
P1.11.053 - RIG-I dependent cross-priming of CD8+ T-cells M. Bscheider, Diana Kreppel, J. Fischer, T. Franz, U. Kalinke, J. Ruland, C. Peschel, T. Haas, H. Poeck; Munich, Germany
P1.11.054 - Some features of cellular immunity in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria inducing reactivation of chronic EBV infection E.A. Sorokina, N.K. Akhmatova, E.A. Akhmatov, Olga V. Lebedinskaya; Perm, Russian Federation
Posters - August 23 191
P1.11.055 - Influence of the PAMPs of opportunistic microorganisms on the TLRs expression N.P. Utkina, E.A. Akhmatov, E.A. Ilinykh, E.V. Sorokina, E.A. Lebedinskaya, E.C. Marakasova, Olga V. Lebedinskaya, E.A. Kurbatova, N.K. Akhmatova; Perm, Russian Federation
P1.11.056 - Myeloid differentiation protein 2 as the target of curcumin analog in the inhibition of endotoxin LPS-induced TLR-4 activity Guang Liang, Y. Wang, L. Jiang, X. Shan; Wenzhou, China
P1.11.057 - Immunomodulatory effects of P-MAPA on TLR2, ROS and nitric oxide of blood mononuclear cells from canine with visceral leishmaniasis Valéria M. Lima, L.M. Melo, L.d. Sanches, J. Perosso, K.L.O. Silva; Araçatuba, Brazil
P1.11.058 - Dendritic cells differentiated using GM-CSF/IL-4 or FLT3L respond differently to TLR ligand maturation signals, affecting the quality of the primed CD8+ T-cell response Anna Lissina, O. Briceno, E. Martinuzzi, E. Gostick, D.A. Price, R. Mallone, V. Appay; Paris, France
P1.11.059 - Synergy in cytokine production induced by combinatorial TLR activation Qian Liu, J. Ding; Singapore, Singapore
P1.11.060 - The cationic lipid diC14-amidine and bacterial lipopolysaccharides both activate Toll-like receptor 4 pathways via different binding regions of TLR4 Caroline Lonez, K. Irvine, M. Gangloff, B. Caroyez, J. Ruysschaert, M. Vandenbranden, C.E. Bryant; Cambridge, United Kingdom
P1.11.061 - Dectin-1 induces efficient T cell immunity and prominent expansion of CD8+ IL-17+ cells in a pulmonary model of fungal infection Flávio V. Loures, V.L.G. Calich; São Paulo, Brazil
P1.11.062 - MSK1 and 2 inhibit LPS induced prostaglandin production via an IL-10 feedback loop Kirsty F. MacKenzie, M.M.W. van den Bosch, S. Naqvi, S.E. Elcombe, V.A. McGuire, A.D. Reith, P.J. Blackshear, J.L.E. Dean, S.C. Arthur; Dundee, United Kingdom
P1.11.063 - Functions of endogenous TLR4 ligands Yoshiro Maru; Tokyo, Japan
P1.11.064 - Similarities and differences of innate immune responses elicited by smooth and rough LPS Roberta Marzi, I. Zanoni, A. Broggi, R. Ostuni, M. Caccia, M. Collini, A. Venkatesh, R. Spreafico, G. Capuano, F. Granucci; Milano, Italy
P1.11.065 - Multi-step regulation of STAT1 phosphorylation in response to double-stranded RNA Tomoh Matsumiya, J. Dempoya, F. Xing, R. Hayakari, H. Yoshida, T. Imaizumi; Hirosaki, Japan
P1.11.066 - Hepatic TDO2-derived L-kynurenine controls acute inflammatory responses by engaging the Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor Giada Mondanelli, M. Gargaro, A. Bessede, D. Matino, M. Pallotta, C. Vacca, H. Funakoshi, U. Grohmann, P. Puccetti, F. Fallarino; Perugia, Italy
P1.11.067 - Expression of TLR2, 3, 9, MYD88 and TRIF in Kawasaki patients before and after IVIG therapy Hamid R. Mortazavi, S. Aleyasin, M. Babaei, R. Amin, M.H. Karimi; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P1.11.068 - CpG ODN ligation of TLR-9 stimulates IFN- and antinuclear antibody production in SLE patients Sahar Morteza Gholi, Z. Babaloo, P. Rahimzadeh, M. Ghayedi, H. Namdari, F. Gharibdoost, M. Taghadosi, E. Salehi; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P1.11.069 - Genetic polymorphisms in host innate immune sensor genes and the risk of Nasopharyngeal carcinoma in North Africa Khalid Moumad, J. Lascorz, M. Bevier, M. Khyatti, M. Ennaji, S. Huhn, S. Lu, L. Chouchane, M. Corbex, A. Försti; Heidelberg, Germany
P1.11.070 - The self-perpetuating mechanism of antiphospholipid antibody production depends on TLR7 activation and endosomal superoxide generation Nadine Müller-Calleja, P. Stein, A. Canisius, C. Orning, M. Radsak, K.J. Lackner; Mainz, Germany
P1.11.071 - Dual regulation of osteopontin production by TLR stimulation in dendritic cells Tiziana Musso, S. Scutera, V. Salvi, S. Rossi, M. Alessandria, D. Bosisio, S. Sozzani; Torino, Italy
P1.11.072 - Toll-like receptor genetic polymorphism influences susceptibility and severity to tuberculosis in the Indian Population Neelam Najmi, G. Kaur, S. Sharma, R. Mehra, N. Mehra; New Delhi, India
P1.11.073 - Association study between Toll-like receptor 4 single-nucleotide polymorphisms and bipolar disorder José Oliveira, W. Boukouaci, M. Bennabi, A. Dargél, B. Etain, C. Henry, F. Bellivier, J. Kahn, M. Leboyer, R. Tamouza; Créteil, France
Posters - August 23 210
P1.11.074 - Schistosome-activated B cell surface toll-like receptor-4 expression correlates with CD23 and IgM expression Daniel O. Onguru, A.V.O. Ofulla, L. Ganley-Leal, P.N. Mwinzi; Kisumu, Kenya
P1.11.075 - Toll-like receptor -2, -4 and -9 genetic variants in Mexican patients with amoebic liver abscess Oswaldo Partida-Rodriguez, E.G. Hernandez, C. Maldonado, U. Magaña, O. Valenzuela, M.E. Nieves-Ramirez, E. Gonzalez, A. Valadez, P. Moran, C. Ximenez; Mexico City, Mexico
P1.11.076 - The role of Damage Associated Molecular Patterns (DAMPs) in the genetic susceptibility towards cigarette smoke induced neutrophilic airway inflammation Simon D. Pouwels, I.H. Heijink, L.E. Den Boef, M.H. Boezen, M.C. Nawijn, A.J.M. van Oosterhout; Groningen, Netherlands
P1.11.077 - Friends of our enemy are our enemy: Bacteria modulate cancerous behavior of prostate cancer cell lines via TLR signaling Simin Rezania, N. Rashidi, O. Zarei, A. Kalantari, A. Zarnani; Graz, Austria
P1.11.078 - Using recombinant lactococci constructs as a molecular tool to dissect the immunomodulating capacity of surface piliation in Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG I. von Ossowski, T.E. Pietilä, Johanna Rintahaka, E. Nummenmaa, V. Mäkinen, J. Reunanen, R. Satokari, W.M. de Vos, I. Palva, A. Palva; Helsinki, Finland
P1.11.079 - LPR mice with TIR8 deficiency are prone to develop B-cell lymphomas Federica Riva, M. Ponzoni, S. Bertilaccio, N. Polentarutti, A. Anselmo, A. Innocenzi, F. Caligaris-Cappio, A. Mantovani, M. Muzio, C. Garlanda; Milano, Italy
P1.11.080 - Vav proteins mediate Syk-coupled C-type lectin receptor-induced innate immunity Susanne Roth, H. Bergmann, K. Neumann, V. Laux, C. Prazeres da Costa, V.L. Tybulewicz, X. Bustelo, J. Ruland; Munich, Germany
P1.11.081 - Cigarette smoke modulates the oral epithelial cell innate immunity Mahmoud Rouabhia, A. Semlali, M. Alanazi, J. Chakir; Quebec, Canada
P1.11.082 - The role of NF-κB oscillation in inflammatory responses to Salmonella infection Jiro Sakai, J. Wright, C.E. Bryant; Cambridge, United Kingdom
P1.11.083 - Characterization of SSc5D, a molecule of the Scavenger Receptor Cysteine-Rich Superfamily, as an innate immune receptor Rita Santos, C. Bessa-Pereira, C.M. Gonçalves, A.M. Carmo; Porto, Portugal
P1.11.084 - Essential role of IRF3 in microbiota-contributed Tslp induction and protection against intestinal inflammation Hana Sarashina, H. Negishi, S. Miki, T. Taniguchi; Tokyo, Japan
P1.11.085 - Investigating the deregulation of Toll-like receptors, pro-inflammatory cytokines and cationic peptides (Human Beta Defensins) in normal and colon cancer tissue Abdelhabib Semlali, A. AL Amri, H. Saeed, A. Aljebreen, O. Alharbi, M. Almadi, N. Ali Azzam, N. Reddy.P, M. Arafah, M. Rouabhia, M. Al-Anazi; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
P1.11.086 - Investigating the expression of Toll-like receptor-2,4 and 6 in normal and ovarian cancer tissue Y. Al-Anazi1, M. Al-Anazi, M. Al-Mutairi, M. Adar, M. Arafah, A. Warsy, S. Al-Daihan, M. Rouabhia, Abdelhabib Semlali; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
P1.11.087 - Proteolytic cleavage of human Toll-like receptor 3 by lysosomal proteases is required for receptor activation Jin-Won Seo, E. Yang, I. Choi; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P1.11.088 - TLR7 signalling in macrophages activates IRF3 and is dependent on the adaptor TRAM Enda Shevlin, S.M. Miggin; Kildare, Ireland
P1.11.089 - Inverse Correlation between Histamine Receptor Expression and Toll-like Receptor Activation in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells from Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Sylwia Smolinska, P. Konieczna, T. Lukienczuk, R. Olewinski, G. Nowak, M. Jutel, L. O’Mahony; Wroclaw, Poland
P1.11.090 - Plasmacytoid dendritic cells play a key role in tumor progression in LPS-stimulated lung tumor-bearing mice Rosalinda Sorrentino; Fisciano, Italy
P1.11.091 - Pam3CSK4, a TLR2 agonist, induces in vitro osteoclastogenesis RANKL-independently and resorbs calvarial and alveolar bone in vivo Keiko Suzuki, T. Arimoto, T. Morohashi, N. Sakai, A. Karakawa, H. Shinoda, S. Yamada; Tokyo, Japan
P1.11.092 - TLR3 recognizes single-stranded RNA with incomplete stem structures Megumi Tatematsu, F. Nishikawa, T. Seya, M. Matsumoto; Sapporo, Japan
Posters - August 23 229
P1.11.093 - Studies on the full-length human NOD-like receptor family CARD domain containing 5 (NLRC5) protein J.A. Mótyán, A. Varga, D. Varga, K. Matúz, S. Benk , József Tőzsér; Debrecen, Hungary
P1.11.094 - Activation of innate immunity through the CARD9 pathway is involved in severe influenza pneumonia Takayuki Uematsu, E. Iizasa, N. Kobayashi, H. Yoshida, H. Hara; Kitamoto City, Saitama, Japan
P1.11.095 - TLR3 as an Exacerbating Factor for Radiation-Induced Gastrointestinal Syndrome Satoshi Uematsu, N. Takemura, S. Akira; Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
P1.11.096 - AGE-BSA induces self- and cross-tolerance in the monocytic Mono Mac 6 cell line Florian Uhle, I. Magel, M.A. Weigand; Giessen, Germany
P1.11.097 - Role of the TLR7, 8 and 9 polymorphisms in the susceptibility to HIV-1 infection in southern Brazilian patients Jacqueline Valverde, B. dos Santos, V. Mattevi, R. Lazzaretti, E. Sprinz, R. Kuhmmer, J. Chies; Porto Alegre, Brazil
P1.11.098 - TLR9 enhances bacterial clearance and limits lung consolidation in murine MRSA pneumonia Anne J. van der Meer, A. Achouiti, S.S. Zeerleder, A.F. de Vos, T. van der Poll; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P1.11.099 - A TLR9/TRIF pathway induces tolerance via TGF-β and tryptophan catabolism in plasmacytoid dendritic cells Gloria Castellano Gonzalez, F. Fallarino, U. Grohmann, P. Puccetti; Perugia, Italy
P1.11.100 - Mannan-binding lectin inhibits Candida albicans-induced cellular responses of human THP-1 cells through toll-like receptor 2 and toll-like receptor 4 Mingyong Wang; Xinxiang, China
P1.11.101 - Rab7 GTPase negatively regulate inflammatory cytokine and type I interferon expression in LPS-stimulated macrophages via GTP-binding dependent manner Yuzhen Wang, J. Xie, X. Yun, W. Zhang, S. Dong, Y. Zheng, Y. Wan, J. Liu, P. Gong, S. Zhao, H. Kang; Hohhot, China
P1.11.102 - Both Toll-like receptor-2 and -4 contribute to signalling of Burkholderia pseudomallei’s lipopolysaccharide W. Joost Wiersinga, T. van der Vaart, L. Kager, S. Ngugi, J. Prior, T. van der Poll; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P1.11.103 - Toll-like receptor-5 contributes to protective immunity in Gram-negative sepsis caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei, independent of flagella presence W. Joost Wiersinga, M. van Lieshout, J. Roelofs, T. Schuijt, T. van der Poll; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P1.11.104 - A comparison of Pattern Recognition Receptor requirement for human and horse strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae Hannah Williams, G. Paterson, C. Bryant; Cambridge, United Kingdom
P1.11.105 - Molecular mechanisms regulating the synergism between IL-32γ and NOD ligands for the induction of adhesion molecules, cytokines and chemokines of eosinophils in allergic inflammation C K. Wong, J. Dong, C.W.K. Lam; Shatin, NT, Hong Kong
P1.11.106 - Up-regualtion of HuR was critical for TLR9 signaling induced repression of tumor suppressor miR-7 in human lung cancer cells Y. Li, Z. Liao, S. Zhu, Y. Hu, C. Chen, J. Luo, Lin Xu; Zunyi, China
P1.11.107 - Choreography and molecular strategy of dendritic cell-mediated NK cell activation in lipopolysaccharide-mediated inflammatory conditions Ivan Zanoni, R. Spreafico, C. Bodio, M. Di Gioia, C. Cigni, A. Broggi, T. Gorletta, M.P. Colombo, N. Garbi, F. Granucci; Milan, Italy
P1.11.108 - Lithium attenuates IFN-β production and antiviral response via inhibition of TBK1/IKK-ε kinase activity Wei Zhao, L. Wang, L. Zhang, C. Gao; Jinan, China
P1.11.109 - Mutated class II transactivator activates the IL-33-upregulated Th2 differentiation via the Nod2-involved NLR signal pathway Z.Q. Yang, P. Gu, Z.Q. Li, Y. Zhou, L.M. Lu, G- Y. Zhou; Shanghai, China
P1.11.110 - Involvement of toll like receptor 2/3/4 and 9 polymorphisms in the occurrence of cervical cancer in Tunisian women Sabrina ZIDI, H. Verdi, Y. Yilmaz-Yalcin, Y. Suer, E. Gazouani, A. Mezlini, F. Atac, B. Yacoubli-Loueslati; Manar I tunis, Tunisia
Posters - August 23 P1.13 FC AND FC-LIKE RECEPTORS
Session Time: Friday, August 23, 13:20 -15:00 247
P1.13.01 - CD16 aggregation induced by therapeutic antibody-opsonised targets impairs cytotoxic responses in human NK cells Cristina Capuano, M. Romanelli, C. Pighi, R. Molfetta, R. Paolini, A. Santoni, R. Galandrini; Rome, Italy
P1.13.02 - Streptococcus pneumoniae triggers platelet activation and platelet-leukocyte complex formation in a strain dependent and Toll-like receptor 2 independent manner Sacha F. de Stoppelaar, M.C.L. Schaap, T. van der Poll, R. Nieuwland, C. van ‘t Veer; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P1.13.03 - Association of FCRL3 genotypes with susceptibility of Iranian patients to rheumatoid arthritis Hossein Golmoghaddam, Z. Amirghofran, E. Aflaki, E. Kamali-Sarvestani, M. Shabani, Z. Esmaeilbeig, M. Rajabi; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P1.13.04 - Fca/mR (CD351) regulates inflammatory responses of marginal zone B cells against experimental septic shock Shin-ichiro Honda, K. Satoh, Y. Matsuoka, T. Matsushita, M. Fujimoto, A. Shibuya; Tsukuba city, Japan
P1.13.05 - Association of FCγRIIA(CD32) polymorphism with susceptibility to brucellosis Zahra Hosseini Khah, A. Rafiei; Sari, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P1.13.06 - The role of Prohibitin (PHB) in the initial reaction of the IgE Fc receptor signal from lipid raft Takahiro Ichii, T. Aradate, Y. Mitsuhashi, M. Hachiya, N. Tani, Y. Yamanoi, M. Kanamori, A. Muraguchi, T. Katagiri; Toyama city, Japan
P1.13.07 - Engagement of the IgM Fc receptor (FcµR) with its ligand occurs in cis rather than trans K. Honjo, Y. Kubagawa, J.F. Kearney, Hiromi Kubagawa; Birmingham, United States
P1.13.08 - Selective immunotherapy of lupus prone mice by biologically active peptides and simultaneous engagement of BCR and inhibitory B-cell receptors Nikolina M. Mihaylova, K. Nikolova-Ganeva, M. Nikolova, T. Todorov, A. Tchorbanov; Sofia, Bulgaria
P1.13.09 - FcγRIIa (CD32) polymorphism and anti-malarial IgG subclass pattern among Fulani and sympatric ethnic groups living in eastern Sudan Amre Nasr, N.C. Iriemenam, H.A. Giha, H.A. Balogun, R.F. Anders, M. Troye-Blomberg, G. ElGhazali, K. Berzins; Khartoum, Sudan
P1.13.10 - Greater number of activated T cells and enlarged germinal centers in the spleen of bovine FcRn transgenic mice in the background of the enhanced immune response Zita Schneider, A. Végh, J. Cervenak, P. Balogh, I. Kacskovics; Budapest, Hungary
P1.13.11 - Intravenous immunoglobulin treatment suppresses dendritic cell function in humans by stimulation of the IL-33-Th2 pathway Rogier van Gent, A.S.W. Tjon, H. Jadaar, M. van Hagen, L.J.W. van der Laan, P.A.W. te Boekhorst, H.J. Metselaar, J. Kwekkeboom; Rotterdam, Netherlands
P1.13.12 - FcgammaRIIA and FcgammaRIIIB polymorphisms in Brazilian systemic lupus erythematosus patients and associations with clinical manifestations Cleni Mara Marzocchi-Machado, J.E.T. Toller-Kawahisa, J.A.T. Pancoto, C.T. Mendes-Junior, E.Z. Martinez, E.A. Donadi, P. LouzadaJúnior, J.E.C. Del Lama; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Session Time: Friday, August 23, 13:20 -15:00 259
P1.17.01 - Parvalbumin: as a fish-allergen Syed H. Arif; Jazan, Saudi Arabia
P1.17.02 - Clock genes and eosinophil-specific mediators are expressed in a circadian manner in human eosinophils Anja Baumann, O. Froy, S.C. Bischoff, A. Lorentz; Stuttgart, Germany
P1.17.04 - Regulation of allergen-specific IgA and IL-17 responses by intestinal epithelial cell IKKβ reshapes allergic inflammation at distant sites A. Bonnegarde-Bernard, J. Jee, M.J. Fial, F. Aeffner, E. Cormet-Boyaka, I.C. Davis, M. Lin, D. Tomé, M. Karin, Prosper N. Boyaka; Columbus, United States
P1.17.05 - Regulation of human skin mast cell histamine release by PDE inhibitors Nahid Eskandari, R. Bastan, P. Peachell; Isfahan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P1.17.06 - Interferon-α antagonizes IL-3-mediated immunoregulatory functions of human basophils Björn Hagmann, A. Odermatt, A. Eggel, C.A. Dahinden, M. Fux; Bern, Switzerland
Posters - August 23 264
P1.17.07 - Serum IgE and Eosinophil level in patients Infected with giardiasis Morteza Hosseinzadeh, A. Khosravi, E. Sabbagh, K. Sayemiri; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P1.17.08 - Anti-TIM-4 mAb ameliorates allergic lung inflammation by inhibiting TIM-4-mediated mast cell stimulation Fumitaka Kamachi, M. Hara, N. Harada, Y. Katsura, Y. Kojima, K. Izawa, C. Nishiyama, K. Okumura, H. Akiba; Tokyo, Japan
P1.17.09 - Role of IL-6 in the development of dendritic cell-induced allergic inflammation Yen-Lin Lin, J. Wang; Tainan, Taiwan
P1.17.10 - Role of the CC-chemokine receptor CCR9 as a modulator of the inflammatory process during allergic airway inflammation Cynthia P. Lopez-Pacheco, G. Du Pont, G. Soldevila, E.A. García-Zepeda; Mexico, Mexico
P1.17.11 - Multiplex immunoassay for allergens using oligonucleotide tethering Robert S. Matson; Irvine, United States
P1.17.12 - Microfibrillar-associated protein 4 deficiency attenuates experimental allergic airway inflammation Bartosz Pilecki, A.T. Holm, A. Schlosser, H. Wulf-Johansson, J.B. Møller, J. Vestbo, C. Stevenson, U. Holmskov, G.L. Sorensen; Odense, Denmark
P1.17.13 - S1P/SphK signalling in mast cells: relevance to airway inflammation, asthma and anaphylaxis Peter N. Pushparaj, J. Manikandan, S.D. Kumar, L.A. Damiati, K. Gauthaman, M.H. Al-Qahtani; Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
P1.17.14 - Identification of a novel quantitative trait locus and candidate genes for airway hyperresponsiveness C. Kanagaratham, R. Marino, P. Camateros, R. Sladek, S. Vidal, Danuta Radzioch; Montreal, Canada
P1.17.15 - Circulating human basophils lack the features of professional antigen presenting cells Meenu Sharma, P. Hegde, V. Aimanianda, R. Beau, H. Sénéchal, P. Poncet, S.V. Kaveri, J. Bayry; Paris, France
P1.17.16 - Intratracheally administration Asian sand dust activates NF-kappaB in immune cells Yuan Song, T. Ichinose, T. Kanazawa, Y. Yoshida; Kitakyushu, Japan
P1.17.17 - Receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) - a central mediator of allergic sensitization Md. A. Ullah, Z. Loh, W.J. Gan, V. Zhang, J.M. Hughes, C.L. Armour, S. Phipps, M.B. Sukkar; Sydney, Australia
Session Time: Friday, August 23, 13:20 -15:00 275
P2.01.01 - Hydrophobic amino acid cluster in the cytoplasmic tail of interleukin-2 receptor β chain acts as a sorting signal for lysosome Yuji Amano, K. Kojima, K. Yoshino, T. Takeshita; Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan
P2.01.02 - Apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease1/redox factor-1 (Ape1/Ref-1) is essential for IL-21-induced signal transduction through ERK1/2 pathway F.M. Juliana, H. Nara, T. Onoda, M. Rahman, A. Araki, L. Jin, H. Fujii, N. Tanaka, T. Hoshino, Hironobu Asao; Yamagata, Japan
P2.01.03 - Notch receptors and ligands expression in human T cell development Luciana Bento-de-Souza, J. R. Victor, J.B. Oliveira Filho, A.C. Rangel-Santos, E. Pereira-Costa, L.C. Bento-de-Souza, M. Arrais-Santos, E. Raniero-Fernandes, M.I. Seixas-Duarte, A.J. da Silva Duarte; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P2.01.05 - Site-wide quantitative phosphoproteomics reveal non-redundant pathways regulated by IL-7 and IL-15 in memory CD8+ T cells Marlene J. Carrasco-Alfonso, S. Ficarro, Y. Zhang, W. Jiang, J. Marto, J. Luckey; Boston, United States
P2.01.06 - Quantifying differential T cell responses using tuneable material surfaces Susan N. Christo, B.R. Coad, G.T. Sarvestani, H.J. Griesser, K. Vasilev, R. Nordon, C.K. Fraser, M.P. Brown, K.R. Diener, J.D. Hayball; Adelaide, Australia
P2.01.07 - Levodopa-induced neutropenia in Parkinson’s disease Christian Cordano, B. Parodi, A. Uccelli, A. Schenone, L. Schembri, F. Marino, M. Cosentino; Genova, Italy
P2.01.08 - Correlation between low tyrosine phosphatase activity of inhibitory SHP-1 and high proliferation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) B-cells P. Delfani, Z. El-Schich, A. Rosén, Anette Gjörloff Wingren; Malmö, Sweden
P2.01.09 - Functional regions in the Ankyrin Repeat Domain 54/ Liar protein which regulate nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase (Btk) through a novel SH3-dependent interaction Manuela O. Gustafsson, A. Hussain, D.K. Mohammad, A.J. Mohamed, C. Smith, B.F. Nore; Huddinge, Sweden
Posters - August 23 283
P2.01.10 - Role of the long-chain fatty acids receptor GPR40 in bovine neutrophils activation Maria A. Hidalgo, J. Mena, C. Manosalva, D. Carroza, R.A. Burgos; Valdivia, Chile
P2.01.11 - Role of SLP-76, ADAP and Pyk2 on chemokine-stimulated T cell adhesion mediated by the integrin Alpha4-Beta1 Soledad Isern de Val, A. Dios-Esponera, J. Teixidó; Madrid, Spain
P2.01.12 - Regulation of apoptosis by CD45 in T cells Bruno Johnson, G. Dupéré-Minier, D. Bernier, J. Bernier; Montreal, Canada
P2.01.13 - The SNARE protein VAMP7 controls T cell activation by regulating recruitment and phosphorylation of Lat subsynaptic vesicles to the TCR activation sites Paola Larghi, D.J. Williamson, J. Carpier, S. Dogniaux, K. Chemin, A. Bohineust, L. Danglot, K. Gaus, T. Galli, C. Hivroz; Paris, France
P2.01.14 - Dual phosphorylation of Btk induced by Akt/PKB kinase regulating shuttling and attenuating signaling in B cells Dara K. Mohammad, B.F. Nore, M.O. Gustafsson, A. Hussain, A.J. Mohamed, C. Smith; Stockholm, Sweden
P2.01.15 - Role of SRC family kinases in the activation of ITK-SYK Abdulrahman J. Mohammed Hamasy, A. Hussain, D.K. Mohammad, M.O. Gustafsson, B.F. Nore, A.J. Mohamed, C. Smith; Stockholm, Sweden
P2.01.16 - CD137 Costimulation may compromise cytotoxic mediators of Natural Killer Cells Shadi Navabi, A. Hosseini, M. Jaberipour, M. Doroudchi, M. Habibagahi; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P2.01.17 - NFkB alternative pathway is activated in IgE class switching Hitomi Sakamoto, K. Tanabe, S. Inui; Kumamoto, Japan
P2.01.18 - Level of CD44 expression and its function distinguishes TH17 from TH1 cells Julia Schumann, K. Stanko, C. Appelt, B. Sawitzki; Berlin, Germany
P2.01.19 - CD28 and NKG2D-mediated costimulation regulates CD8+ T cell chemotaxis through different signaling pathways Esther Serrano-Pertierra, E. Cernuda-Morollón, C. López-Larrea; Oviedo, Spain
P2.01.20 - Inhibition of T cell receptor signaling by CD147 Verena Supper, H.B. Schiller, W. Paster, F. Forster, H. Stockinger; Vienna, Austria
P2.01.21 - IL4-induced IgE class switching is regulated by NFkB alternative pathway Kano Tanabe, H. Sakamoto, S. Inui; Kumamoto, Japan
P2.01.22 - During human T cell activation ERK binds to a panel of promoters and regulates the transcription of target genes Ubaid Ullah, N.C. Sahoo, P. Tripathi, R. Lahesmaa, K.V.S. Rao; Turku, Finland
P2.01.23 - Paracrine ATP signalling between T lymphocytes Chiuhui Mary M. Wang, F. Anselmi, J. Cibella, A. Viola; Rozzano (MI), Italy
P2.01.25 - The Rho Family Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor, FARP1 negatively regulates T cell response Yuji Yoshida, S. Kang, A. Kumanogoh; Osaka, Japan
P2.01.26 - Interaction between Siglec-9 and prohibitins down-regulates T cell receptor signaling Hajime Yurugi, H. Nakada; Kyoto, Japan
P2.01.27 - PD-1 - PD-L1 interaction does not affect the ability of dendritic-like cells to activate human lymphocytes in vitro Michał Zarzycki, K. Bocian, G. Korczak-Kowalska; Warsaw, Poland
P2.10 AUTOPHAGY AND CELL DEATH IN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Session Time: Friday, August 23, 13:20 -15:00 300
P2.10.01 - Elucidating the role of UVRAG in T cell biology Samia Afzal, H. Zhenyue, D. Brenner, T. Mak; Toronto, Canada
P2.10.02 - Galectin-1 is a novel component of cytotoxic granules and contributes to in vivo CTL killing Gustavo P. Amarante-Mendes, T.C. Machado, N.J. Vieira, M.J. Dominguez, T. Zorn, M. Dias-Baruffi, M.M. Rodrigues, S.J. Martin; São Paulo, Brazil
P2.10.03 - Autocrine and paracrine interferon- directly enhances CD8 T cell motility and contact-dependent cytotoxicity Purnima Bhat, G. Leggatt, N. Waterhouse, I. Frazer; Buranda, Australia
Posters - August 23 303
P2.10.04 - SLAMF-1 is a signaling receptor modulating autophagy in a subset of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with a good prognosis Cinzia Bologna, R. Buonincontri, S. Serra, T. Vaisitti, V. Audrito, D. Brusa, S. Deaglio; Turin, Italy
P2.10.05 - LPS induces intrinsic apoptosis of 6-sulfo LacNAc+ dendritic cells (slanDCs) Deseada Camuesco, F. Calzetti, M. Cassatella; Verona, Italy
P2.10.06 - Autophagy as a link between immunity and inflammation in idiopathic inflammatory myopathies Cristina Cappelletti, G.N.A. Vattemi, P. Tonin, F. Salerno, L. Maggi, L. Morandi, M. Mora, G. Tomelleri, R. Mantegazza, P. Bernasconi; Milan, Italy
P2.10.07 - O-linked N-acetylglucosaminyl transferase (Ogt) promotes the survival of mature B cells Ming-Feng Chiang, C. Wu, K. Lin; Taipei, Taiwan
P2.10.08 - Selective MHCII-mediated cell death as a potential mechanism for reversing inflammation in a chemically-induced mouse model of colitis Giuseppina F. Dusio, R.P. Tobin, L. Dao, S. Henderson, W. Cromer, H. Papacostantinou, M.K. Newell; Temple, United States
P2.10.09 - Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP-1) mediates autophagy and apoptosis caused by Helicobacter pylori VacA Toshiya Hirayama, K. Yahiro, M. Nakano, M. Noda, J. Moss; Nagasaki, Japan
P2.10.10 - Suppression of Mcl-1 via RNA interference sensitizes human U937cells towards apoptosis induction Mahdi Jafarlou, B. Baradaran, D. Shanehbandi, F. Othman; Serdang, Malaysia
P2.10.11 - Bcl-2 antagonist as an immunomodulatory drug for transplantation Andrew M. Lew, E.M. Carrington, I.B. Vikstrom, D.M. Tarlinton; Parkville, Australia
P2.10.12 - CD95 (Fas) and CD178 (Fasl) induce apoptosis in CD4+ and CD8+ cells from peripheral blood and spleen in dogs naturally infected by Leishmania spp Valéria M. Lima, B.B. Oliveira, L.M. Melo, J. Perosso, K.L.O. Silva; Araçatuba, Brazil
P2.10.14 - The effect of Z36 on Human T-cell Leukemia Tsukasa Nakanishi, Y. Song, J. Tsukada, T. Kanazawa, Y. Yoshida; Kitakyushu, Japan
P2.10.15 - An innovative method for assessing autophagy using the FlowSight imaging flow cytometer Haley R. Pugsley, R. Kong, S.L. Friend, B.E. Hall, D.A. Basiji, P. Morrissey; Seattle, United States
P2.10.16 - Accumulation of autophagic adaptor protein, p62/sequestosome 1, in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease Kunikazu Tanji, T. Matsumiya, A. Maruyama, S. Odagiri, F. Mori, K. Itoh, A. Kakita, H. Takahashi, K. Wakabayashi; Hirosaki, Japan
P2.10.17 - Interference of modified vaccinia virus Ankara with autophagy: implications for innate and adaptive immunity Kim A. Tappe, M.V. Stankov, T. Frenz, U. Kalinke, G.M.N. Behrens; Hannover, Germany
P2.10.18 - Mechanisms of cytotoxic effects of different monoclonal antibody to tumor-associated ganglioside GD2 Polina Vishnyakova, I. Kholodenko, I. Molotkovskaya, R. Kholodenko; Moscow, Russian Federation
P2.10.19 - Transcriptional control of FAS-ligand regulates the differential activation induced cell death of human Thelper cells Elisabetta Volpe, G. Ruocco, S. Santini, M. Cencioni, G. Borsellino, M. De Bardi, D. Barilà, L. Battistini; Rome, Italy
P2.10.20 - BCL3, induced by Tax and HTLV-1, inhibits NF-κB activation and promotes autophagy Hui Wang, J. Wang, Z. Niu, C. Gao, J. Han, X. Zhu, X. Song; Xinxiang, China
P2.10.21 - A protective role of autophagy as an anti-oxidant system in human primary T cells: a potential therapeutic strategy for autoimmune diseases Ryu Watanabe, H. Fujii, T. Shirai, S. Saito, T. Ishii, H. Harigae; Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
P2.10.22 - Restoration of ASC expression sensitizes colorectal cancer cells to genotoxic stress-induced caspase-independent cell death S. Hong, I. Hwang, S. Park, Je-Wook Yu; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P2.10.24 - Rapid Dynamic Exchange of LC3 in Intracellular Protein Aggregates but not in Autophagosomes L. Wang, Zhihong Zhang; Wuhan, China
Posters - August 23 P3.01 LYMPHOID ORGANOGENESIS AND LINEAGE COMMITMENT Session Time: Friday, August 23, 13:20 -15:00 322
P3.01.01 - The role of ADAM10 in B cell biology Natalia Chaimowitz, R. Martin, L. Dean, D. Conrad; Richmond, United States
P3.01.02 - Roles of Polycomb group proteins in the maintenance of T cell fate Tomokatsu Ikawa, H. Koseki, H. Kawamoto; Yokohama, Japan
P3.01.03 - The repression of myeloid genes by Bach family restricts common lymphoid progenitors fate to B cell lineage Ari Itoh-Nakadai, R. Hikota, M. Matsui-Watanabe, M. Kobayashi, A. Muto, K. Igarashi; Miyagi, Japan
P3.01.04 - FoxN1 is a Direct Transcriptional Regulator of Delta-like 4 in Thymic Stromal Cells Korosh Kianizad, H. Naik, D.K. Shah, M. Mohtashami, J.C. Zuniga-Pflucker; Toronto, Canada
P3.01.05 - Features of colony-forming cells-fibroblast precursors circulating in biological fluids Olga V. Lebedinskaya; Perm, Russian Federation
P3.01.06 - Protein kinase CK2beta is an essential regulator of peripheral B cell development Fortunato Zaffino, S. Manni, E. Mandato, L. Quotti Tubi, A. Brancalion, N. Compagno, B. Boldyreff, O. Filhol-Cochet, G. Semenzato, F. Piazza; Padova, Italy
P3.01.07 - Poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase-1 (PARP-1) negatively controls regulatory T cell differentiation F. Novelli, E. Bennici, F. Laudisi, M. Sambucci, Claudio Pioli; Rome, Italy
P3.01.08 - The critical role of NADPH oxidase on inducible bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue formation in newborn mice Ting-Jing Shen, Y. Lin, C. Shieh; Tainan, Taiwan
P3.01.09 - Plasticity of antigen-specific Th17 and Regulatory T Cells in response to environmental cues Gabriela P. Tejón, V. Manríquez, J.R. Mora, M.R. Bono, M. Rosemblatt; Santiago, Chile
P3.03 THYMIC SELECTION AND T CELL DEVELOPMENT Session Time: Friday, August 23, 13:20 -15:00 331
P3.03.01 - Role of sonic hedgehog in T cell development Amal Al-Shammary; London, United Kingdom
P3.03.02 - Analysing the role of E2F7 and E2F8 in peripheral T cells and during T cell development Jane Beil, R. Sapkota, A. Sledzinska, A. de Bruin, T. Buch; Munich, Germany
P3.03.03 - CCL2 chemokine in central tolerance Oriane Cédile, M. Løbner, H. Toft-Hansen, I. Frank, M. Irla, T. Owens; Odense, Denmark
P3.03.04 - Does citrullination occur in medullary thymic epithelial cells? Robby Engelmann, A. Biemelt, A. Johl, B. Müller-Hilke; Rostock, Germany
P3.03.05 - Significant involvement of NF-κB-inducing Kinase in shaping mature T cell repertoire Koji Eshima, N. Shinohara, K. Iwabuchi; Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan
P3.03.06 - Homeostatic properties and phenotypic maturation of murine CD4+ pre-thymic emigrants in the thymus Qing Ge, X. Xu, J. Dong; Beijing, China
P3.03.07 - Transcriptional modification induced in a human epithelial cell line by transfected AIRE Carolina Guitart, F. Reyes, I. Alvarez, S. Boltaña, D. Jaraquemada; Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
P3.03.08 - SOCS1 deficiency results in fatal inflammatory disease in the absence of thymic T cells Hiromi Honda, T. Ohkawara, M. Fujimoto, S. Lee, T. Kishimoto, T. Naka; Ibaraki, Osaka, Japan
P3.03.09 - Regulation of CD8 T cell function by the small GTPase Arl4d Julita Kaczmarek, L. Diehl; Bonn, Germany
P3.03.10 - Signal integration in thymocytes is crucial for thymic selection Sahamoddin Khailaie, A. Toker, J. Hühn, M. Meyer-Hermann; Braunschweig, Germany
Posters - August 23 341
P3.03.11 - Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Semaphorin 3A influence murine thymocyte migration in vitro Ekaterina P. Kisseleva, I.V. Lyamina; St.Petersburg, Russian Federation
P3.03.12 - Shaping of epitope-specific CTL precursor populations by thymic selection J. Guan, W. Kan, S.J. Turner, Nicole L. La Gruta; Parkville, Australia
P3.03.13 - CD8aa TCRab intraepithelial lymphocytes MHC restriction S. Mayans, D. Stepniak, S. Palida, A. Larange, H. Cheroutre, Florence Lambolez; La Jolla, United States
P3.03.14 - The role of WW domain-containing oxidoreductase in lymphocyte development Jui-Yen Lo, L. Hsu; Tainan, Taiwan
P3.03.15 - The investigation of the expression of P2Y1 and P2Y2 nucleotide receptors on thymocytes using monoclonal antibodies Milda Naciute, R. Kvietkauskaite, N. Gerasimcik, J. Jursenaite, M. Mauricas, I. Girkontaite; Vilnius, Lithuania
P3.03.16 - Role of Miz-1 (Myc-Interacting Zinc-finger protein-1) as a regulator of p53 dependent pathways during pre TCR selection Marissa Rashkovan, C. Kosan, T. Möröy; Montreal, Canada
P3.03.17 - Thymic nurse cells play an important role in MHC restriction and express progenitor markers associated with epithelial maintenance Michael D. Samms; New York, United States
P3.03.18 - TCRβ but not the TCRδ enhancer exerts transcriptional control on the TCR locus during development Ravindra M. Sapkota, A. Sledzinska, C. Uthoff-Hachenberg, B. Becher, T. Buch; Zurich, Switzerland
P3.03.19 - Pharmacological inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase 3 regulates T cell development in vitro Jan-Hendrik Schroeder, L. Bell, M. Janas, M. Turner; London, United Kingdom
P3.03.20 - Role of conserved MHC residues for interaction with T cell antigen receptors Daniel Silberman, P. Marrack, J.W. Kappler; Denver, United States
P3.03.21 - Generation of a conditional knock-out mouse for SATB1 to study its importance for CD4+ T cells Daniel Sommer, A. Peters, T. Wirtz, M. Mai, Y. Thabet, J. Degen, J.L. Schultze, M. Beyer; Bonn, Germany
P3.03.22 - Themis CABIT domains exert distinct functions in thymocyte positive selection Harumi Suzuki, T. Okada, T. Nitta, K. Kaji, H. Oda, M.S. Ppatrick; Ichikawa-shi, Chiba, Japan
P3.03.23 - Background of Primary Immunodeficiencies in Patients with Severe Atopic Dermatitis Babak Torabi Sagvand, A. Aghamohammadi, Z. Gholizadeh Moghaddam, B. Mirminachi, H. Abolhassani, Z. Hallaji, H. Mortazavi, H. Mortazavi, P. Mohammadinejad; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P3.03.24 - A single cell approach to investigating the role of asymmetric cell division in fate determination of CD8+ T cells Mohammed Yassin, R. Shimoni, K. Pham, J. Oliaro, M. Ludford-Menting, S. Russell; Melbourne, Australia
P3.03.25 - Thymectomy in early childhood: decrease of naive CD4+ T cells and diminished immune response after vaccination Manuela Zlamy, C. Gögele, R. Würzner, R. Geiger, L.B. Zimmerhackl, M. Prelog; Innsbruck, Austria
Session Time: Friday, August 23, 2013 1:20:00 PM - 3:00:00 PM 356
P4.13.01 - Host defense peptide CRAMP acts as a potent mast cell chemoattractant and mediator release stimulus Edyta Bolewska, P. Witczak, A. Słodka, A. Pietrzak, E. Brzezi ska-Błaszczyk; Łód , Poland
P4.13.02 - Chemerin is an antimicrobial agent in human epithelium Magdalena Banas, K. Zabieglo, M. Kapinska-Mrowiecka, J. Drukala, K. Murzyn, B.A. Zabel, E.C. Butcher, J.M. Schroeder, A. Schmidtchen, J. Cichy; Cracow, Poland
P4.13.03 - Bcl3 expression is increased in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) patients independently of IL-10 Caroll J. Beltrán, A.M. Madrid, C. Defilippi, K. Nally, S. Melgar, J.F. Cryan, T.G. Dinan, E.M. Quigley; Santiago, Chile
P4.13.04 - Soluble factor produced by Staphylococcus aureus modulates the cell cycle of eukaryotic cells Nadia Nadejda Berkova, E. Ladier, L. Alexseeva, M. Deplanche, S. Almeida, V. Azevedo, S. Even, F. Taieb, Y. Arlot-Bonnemains, Y. Le Loir; Rennes, France
Posters - August 23 360
P4.13.05 - Characterization of a lymphocyte inhibitor from Aedes aegypti saliva Bruna Bizzarro, M.S. Barros, A.D. Ramos, J. Campopiano, D.I. Gueroni, G.P. Amarante-Mendes, E. Calvo, J.M. Ribeiro, M.L. Capurro, A. Sá-Nunes; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.13.06 - Expression and regulation of TSLP in human oral mucosa and cultured oral keratinocytes Louise Bjerkan, O. Schreurs, L. Farkas, F. Jahnsen, E. Baekkevold, I. Blix, K. Schenck; Oslo, Norway
P4.13.07 - Induction of Interleukin-10 expression by the commensal microbiota in intestinal regulatory T-cells Julia Bollrath, M. Barnes, A. Johnson, M. Asquith, H. Waldmann, R. Flavell, S. Hori, K. Maloy, F. Powrie; Oxford, United Kingdom
P4.13.08 - Helicobacter pylori HP0175 promotes the production of IL-23, IL-6, IL-1β and TGF-β Chiara Della Bella, A. Amedei, F. Munari, E. Niccolai, M. Benagiano, G. Zanotti, M. de Bernard, M. Kundu, M.M. D’Elios; Florence, Italy
P4.13.09 - Mechanistic insights into Helicobacter pylori pathogenesis and host response Bow Ho; National University of Singapore, Singapore
P4.13.10 - Intestinal mucosal barrier in experimentally induced septic shock and gut inflammation Michaela Hornova, Z. Zakostelska, K. Klimesova, J. Hrdy, H. Tlaskalova - Hogenova, M. Kverka; Prague, Czech Republic
P4.13.11 - Homeostatic proliferation of naïve CD4+ T cells in mesenteric lymph nodes generates gut-tropic Th17 cells Takeshi Kawabe, S. Sun, A. Asao, T. Takahashi, T. So, N. Ishii; Sendai, Japan
P4.13.13 - The flagellin sensor NLRC4 mediates protection against a mucosal pathogen Sofia Nordlander, K.J. Maloy; Oxford, United Kingdom
P4.13.14 - Brucella abortus 2308 induce downregulation of the activation markers in murine B cells Maricela Ramírez-Saldaña, V. Paredes- Cervantes, M. Aguilar-Santelises, J.M. Hernández- Dominguez, M.C. Moreno-Lafont, R. LópezSantiago; México D.F., Mexico
P4.13.15 - Transcription factor Spi-B-dependent and -independent pathways for the development of Peyer’s patch M cells Shintaro Sato, S. Kaneto, H. Kiyono; Tokyo, Japan
P4.13.16 - Influenza virus infection induces long-term and compartmentalised derangement of airway and lung dendritic cell subsets Philip A. Stumbles, C. von Garnier, M. Smith, V. Fear, E. Bozanich, C. Berry, D. Strickland, P. Holt; Perth, Australia
P4.13.17 - Translation of Tollip is inhibited in the small but not large intestinal epithelial cells Yutaka Sugi, K. Takahashi, T. Kobayakawa, A. Hosono, S. Kaminogawa; Fujisawa-shi Kanagawa, Japan
P4.13.18 - Monoclonal intestinal IgAs are poly-reactive against commensal bacteria but recognize a single protein expressed by multiple bacteria Fumihito Usui, S. Okai, M. Hasegawa, R. Shinkura; Nagahama, Japan
P4.13.19 - Density of FOXP3+ T cells and CD11c+ dendritic cells in small bowel mucosa in children with atopic dermatitis, celiac disease and functional gastrointestinal disorders Tamara Vorobjova, K. Ress, K. Lepik, K. Luts, O. Uibo, R. Uibo; Tartu, Estonia
P4.13.20 - Foxp3+ regulatory T cells promote a protective Th17 cell response against intestinal infection with Citrobacter rodentium Zuobai Wang, S. Cording, S.C. Pohl, C. Friedrich, G. Eberl, T. Sparwasser, M. Lochner; Hannover, Germany
P4.13.21 - Toward prediction of immune signatures of health Nicholas P. West, P.L. Horn, D.B. Pyne, L. Lee, S. Asad, S.J. Lahtinen, M. Lehtinen, P.A. Fricker, B. Fazekas de St Groth, A.W. Cripps; Gold Coast, Australia
P5.01 CYTOKINE REGULATION IN DISEASE Session Time: Friday, August 23, 13:20 -15:00 376
P5.01.01 - Study of IL-23 expression level in liver transplanted patients Afsoon Afshari, R. Yaghoobi, M. Karimi, M. Darbouy; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.01.02 - Effects of dexamethasone on IL-6 and IL-8 expression induced by TGF-β1 in colon cancer cells Omair Al Shahrani, M. Alanazi, A. Semlali; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
P5.01.03 - Antitumor effect of a hydroalcoholic extract of Uncaria tomentosa in a murine C57BL/6- B16 melanoma model Yubell P. Alvarez Valdivia, I. Lozada-Requena, C. Núñez, S. Dávila, T. Ysmodes, A. Vaisberg, C. Acuña, J.L. Aguilar; Lima, Peru
Posters - August 23 379
P5.01.04 - Modulation of Oxido-Nitrosative Stress Induced Neuro-Inflammatory Cascade & Monoaminergic Pathway By Resveratrol In Reserpine Induced Pain Depression Dyad In Rats Vipin Arora, K. Chopra; Chandigarh, India
P5.01.05 - Maternal cytokine production patterns in women with pre-eclampsia Fawaz Azizieh, R. Raghupathy, M. Makhseed; Kuwait, Kuwait
P5.01.06 - Suppressive Role of IL-27 against Pro-inflammatory Role of IL-17A in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Zohreh Babaloo, R. Kh. Yeganeh, M. farhoodi, B. Baradaran, M. Boniadi; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.01.07 - Immune mechanisms in periodontitis - effect of IL-4 gene polymorphisms on cytokine production Jirina Bartova, P. Borilova Linhartova, S. Podzimek, K. Svobodova, T. Janatova, A. Fassmann, J. Duskova, L. Izakovicova-Holla; Prague, Czech Republic
P5.01.08 - Concentration Levels of IL -10 and TNF-α Cytokines in Patients with HPV DNA Positive and Negative Cervical Lesions Husham Y.M. Bayazed; Zakho, Iraq
P5.01.09 - The inflammatory cytokine TNFalpha cooperates with hyper-activated Ras in promoting metastasis and turns WT-Ras into an oncogenic entity T. Leibovich-Rivkin, Y. Liubomirski, T. Meshel, A. Abahidze, A. Abahidze, D. Brisker, H. Solomon, V. Rotter, M. Weil, Adit Ben-Baruch; Tel Aviv, Israel
P5.01.10 - Cytokines, depression, and anxiety in patients with colorectal cancer D.O. Miranda, L.R. Azevedo, T.A.S. Lima, O. Feres, J.J.R. Rocha, Gabriela S. Bisson; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P5.01.11 - IL-17 protects T cells from apoptosis and contributes to development of ALPS-like pictures Elena Boggio, N. Clemente, U. Ramenghi, U. Dianzani, A. Chiocchetti; novara, Italy
P5.01.12 - Haplotype analysis of interleukin-8 gene polymorphisms in chronic and aggressive periodontitis Petra Borilova Linhartova, J. Vokurka, H. Poskerova, A. Fassmann, L. Izakovicova Holla; Brno, Czech Republic
P5.01.13 - Analysis of Th17 cells and IL-17, IL-23 cytokines in peripheral blood from children with autoimmune thyroid disease Artur A. Bossowski, M. Moniuszko, M. Dabrowska, M. Jeznach, A. Bossowska, M. Rusak, A. Bo ena-Lukaszyk; Bialystok, Poland
P5.01.14 - Cryoglobulins are involved in pathomechanisms of altered immune response associated with schizophrenia and ischemic stroke Anna Boyajyan, A. Chavushyan, M. Hovsepyan, M. Hovhannisyan; Yerevan, Armenia
P5.01.15 - IL-17 plays a critical pathogenic role in lung cancer Seon Hee Chang, S. Mirabolfathinejad, A. Cumpian, C. Ochoa, L. Gong, S. Moghaddam, C. Dong; Houston, United States
P5.01.16 - Effects of imiquimod treatment on TNF expression in two-step skin carcinogenesis model in mice Anna A. Chashchina, S.V. Bozrova, R.V. Zvartsev, T. Kammertoens, V.A. Levitsky, S.A. Nedospasov, M.S. Drutskaya; Moscow, Russian Federation
P5.01.17 - Interferon gamma supresses collagen-induced arthritis through regulation of IL-17 : possible role of indoleamine 2,3 deoxygenase Mi-La Cho, J. Jhun, M. Lim, J. Lee, J. Lee, S. Park; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P5.01.18 - GLK controls Th17-mediated autoimmunity and NF-κΒ signaling by activating PKC-θ in T cells Huai-Chia Chuang, J. Lan, D. Chen, T. Tan; Zhunan Miaoli County, Taiwan
P5.01.19 - Immune response to a mixture of bacterial lysates in a rat model Dagoberto Cid Guerrero, J. Martinez Castillo, I. Vargas Rodriguez, S. Sanchez Rodriguez, R. Ramirez Santoyo, E. Lopez Robles; Zacatecas, Mexico
P5.01.20 - Regulation of lymphoma B cell proliferation by IL-31 and its receptor E. Ferretti, G. Pagnan, C. Guarnotta, G. Fraternali-Orcioni, S. Zupo, C. Tripodo, V. Pistoia, Anna Corcione; Genova, Italy
P5.01.21 - Evaluation of potential serum biomarkers for periodontal disease in type 1 diabetes mellitus children Cristiane Duque, M.F. Dib, F.S. Mariano, G.A.C.G. Camargo, N.H. Colombo, R.O. Mattos-Graner; Araçatuba, Brazil
P5.01.22 - Influence of TLR2 in the cytokine profile after S. schenckii infection Cristiane Duque, T.d. Negrini, L.S. Ferreira, P. Alegranci, M.C.P. Placeres, R.A. Arthur, L.C. Spolidorio, I.Z. Carlos; Araçatuba, Brazil
P5.01.23 - Lack of correlation between IL-21 and type I IFN signature suggests different roads to pathogenesis in Rheumatoid Arthritis Rachel Ettinger, J.L. Karnell, C.A. Morehouse, E. Grant, D. Taylor, M. Wilson, R. Goldbach-Mansky, Y. Yao, R. Herbst, L. Carter; Gaithersburg, United States
Posters - August 23 399
P5.01.25 - Expression of cytokine and Chemokine receptors on benign and malignant ovarian tissues Abbas Ghaderi, S. Rezaeifard, M. Razmkhah, M. Robati, M. Momtahan; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.01.26 - Role of transcription factor and chromatin remodeler interplay in the regulation of TNFα induced MHC-I gene expression Sadashib Ghosh, E. Sen; Gurgaon, India
P5.01.27 - BET bromodomain inhibition by JQ1 suppresses interleukin-6 secretion in myeloma cells Rohit R. Ghurye, H.J.S. Stewart, T.J. Chevassut; Brighton, United Kingdom
P5.01.28 - Dynamics of IL-1ά, IL-4 and IFN-γ in children with atopic asthma in therapy Leukinferon Naila M. Gulieva; Baku, Azerbaijan
P5.01.29 - Cellular responses to Staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin in chronic rhinosinnusitis with nasal polyps Takenori Haruna, M. Okano, S. Kariya, T. Koyama, K. Nishizaki; Okayama, Japan
P5.01.30 - Imbalance of homeostatic cytokines in APECED Nelli Heikkilä, S.M. Laakso, H. Jarva, T.P. Arstila; Helsinki, Finland
P5.01.31 - Substantially elevated plasma IL-1β levels and hyporeactivity to IL-1β in APECED Iivo Hetemäki, V. Veckman, H. Jarva, S. Matikainen, T.P. Arstila; Helsinki, Finland
P5.01.32 - Effects of Siegesbeckia orientalis ethanol extract on systemic and local inflammatory reactions Yong-Han Hong, J. Houng; Kaohsiung, Taiwan
P5.01.33 - Metformin modulates inflammatory response through AMPK-NF-κB signaling and restores atherogenic effects Bobae Hyun, S. Shin, A. Lee, S. Lee, Y. Song, K. Cho, K. Kim; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P5.01.34 - Immunomodulatory effects of N-(2-hydroxy phenyl) acetamide on pro-inflammatory cytokines and ROS in adjuvant-induced arthritic rats Huma Jawed, S. Jamall, S.U. Simjee; Karachi, Pakistan
P5.01.35 - Redox balance of mouse medullary CD4 single positive thymocytes Rong Jin; Beijing, China
P5.01.36 - Low level of TNF-alpa in cystic fluid is accompanied with low number of macrophages in cystic wall of odontogenic tumor Vladimir Jurisic, T. Terzic, M. Jurisic; Kragujevac, Serbia
P5.01.37 - Effect of immunoglobulin E on plasmacytoid dendritic cells in systemic lupus erythematosus pathogenesis through interferon-alpha downregulation Liliane Khoryati, I. Douchet, C. Contin-Bordes, P. Blanco, C. Richez; Bordeaux, France
P5.01.38 - Correlation of some Inflammation related cytokines and biochemical markers amongst individuals with high, medium and normal serum FBS levels Afra Khosravi, F. Nasiri, K. Sayemiri; Ilam, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.01.39 - Critical roles of oncostatin M receptor signaling on the polarization of macrophage phenotypes, adipose tissue inflammation, and the development of insulin resistance Tadasuke Komori, M. Tanaka, E. Senba, A. Miyajima, Y. Morikawa; Wakayama, Japan
P5.01.40 - Serum soluble IFNAR2 levels in autoimmune diseases suggest that chronic IFN signaling leads to elevated levels of sIFNAR2 T. Fatakdawala, M. Skawinski, T. Stauffer, J. Ferriera, Thomas B. Lavoie; Piscataway, United States
P5.01.41 - IL-4: a key cytokine in acutely rejected neo-antigen specific skin grafts Victoria M. Leb-Reichl, S. Kitzmueller, D. Peckl-Schmid, M. Ettinger, H. Hintner, J.W. Bauer; Salzburg, Austria
P5.01.42 - Aryl hydrocarbon receptor negatively regulates type I interferon production in murine lupus Soyoung Lee, R. Barry, I. Chinen, D. Millrine, T. Kishimoto; Osaka, Japan
P5.01.43 - Proinflammatory cytokines in patients with chronic traumatic encephalopathy Yevgeniya Lekomtseva, G. Gubina-Vakulik; Kharkiv, Ukraine
P5.01.44 - Effect of lithium carbonate treatment in mRNA levels of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and expression of Wnt/beta-catenin pathway genes in PBMC of bipolar patients Maria C.A. Luque, T.M. Ali, C. Moreira, B. Lafer, J. Kalil, E. Cunha-Neto; São Paulo, Brazil
Posters - August 23 419
P5.01.48 - Anti-inflammatory effects of high-dose IgG on TNF-α-, but not IL-1β-activated human coronary artery endothelial cells Akio Matsuda, H. Morita, H. Unno, K. Motomura, H. Saito, K. Matsumoto, J. Abe; Tokyo, Japan
P5.01.49 - Association of modulatory cytokine gene polymorphisms in resistance and susceptibility to polyparasitism infection in Zimbabwe Takafira Mduluza, N. Midzi, P. Chitongo, E. Gori, T. Ruwona, G. Mlambo, S.L. Mutambu, N. Kumar; Harare, Zimbabwe
P5.01.50 - Interleukin-17A involvement in host defense against Echinococcus granulosus infection Dalila Mezioug, C. Touil-Boukoffa; El-Alia, Algeria
P5.01.51 - Interleukin-17A involvement in host defense against Echinococcus granulosus infection Dalila Mezioug, C. Touil-Boukoffa; Algiers, Algeria
P5.01.52 - EBI3 functions as an intracellular molecule to regulate the development of colitis in naive CD4+CD25- T cells Izuru Mizoguchi, K. Mitobe, R. Tsunoda, K. Higuchi, J. Mizuguchi, T. Yoshimoto; Tokyo, Japan
P5.01.53 - Prostaglandin D2 represents contradicting roles in dermatitis H. Sarashina, Y. Tsubosaka, K. Aritake, T. Nakagawa, M. Hori, H. Ozaki, Y. Urade, Takahisa Murata; Tokyo, Japan
P5.01.54 - ST2/IL-33 signaling worsens immune-mediated hepatitis from drug haptens S. Goodman, J. Cho, L. Kim, M. Haham, Dolores Njoku; Baltimore, United States
P5.01.55 - Lack of TNF-Rp55 delays thrombus resolution in a stasis-induced DVT model through reduced MMPs and uPA expression Mizuho Nosaka, Y. Ishida, A. Kimura, Y. Kuninaka, N. Mukaida, T. Kondo; Wakayama, Japan
P5.01.56 - Impaired production of IL-10 in response to Staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin is closely associated with pathophysiology and postoperative outcome in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps Mitsuhiro Okano; Okayama, Japan
P5.01.57 - IL6 trans-signaling promotes functional recovery of hypofunctional phagocytes through STAT3 activation during peritonitis Tsuyoshi Onogawa, T. Saito-Taki, H. Yamamoto, T. Wada; Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan
P5.01.58 - Cytokines as molecular biomarkers for cancer cachexia Claudia Penafuerte, J. Sirois, M.L. Tremblay, B. Gagnon; Montreal, Canada
P5.01.59 - Cytokine profile changes following exposure to Hemiscorpius lepturus scorpion venom under experimental conditions Mohammad Hassan Pipelzadeh, A. Khodadadi, Y. Heike, M. Assarehzadegan, M. Assarehzadegan, B. Vazirianzadeh; Ahvaz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.01.60 - The knock-out of TWEAK receptor/Fn14 ameliorates lupus nephritis in MRL/lpr mice Y. Xia, L. Herlitz, L. Burkly, R. Pawar, S. Gindea, P. Wu, J. Michaelson, Chaim Putterman; Bronx, United States
P5.01.61 - Inhibiting TWEAK (TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis) signaling ameliorates neuropsychiatric disease in MRL/lpr mice Chaim Putterman; Bronx, United States
P5.01.63 - Serum level of immunoglobulins in patients with respiratory allergic diseases Badrossadat Rahnama, B. Hazhirkarzar, H. Ghaffari, M. Zamanlu; tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.01.64 - The electromagnetic fields affect T-helper balance in rats Badrossadat Rahnama, M. Zamanlu, B. Hajir Karzar, M. Bonyadi, A. Khaki; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.01.65 - TWEAK Affects Keratinocyte G2/M Growth Arrest and Induces Apoptosis through the Translocation of the AIF Protein to the nucleus Sanaa Sabour Alaoui; El Jadida, Morocco
P5.01.66 - PI3K/PTEN axis in APCs is regulating Th17-dependent autoimmune pathology Emine Sahin, V. Saferding, J. Brunner, J. Kral, N. Neuwinger, I. Kollmann, K. Thell, S. Blüml, G. Schabbauer; Vienna, Austria
P5.01.67 - Cytokine patterns during high-risk human papillomavirus and HIV co-infection in cervical cancer patients and controls in Kwazulu-Natal (South Africa) Devamani Sebastian, A.G. Assounga; Durban, South Africa
P5.01.68 - Mechanisms of immunosuppression and interleukin 2 in complex treatment of severe acute pancreatitis Mariya Shavarova, S. Chooklin; Lviv, Ukraine
Posters - August 23 439
P5.01.69 - Tuberculosis infection diagnosis by Quantiferon TB Gold In-Tube Test assessment in Namibian patients Jacob A. Sheehama, J.J. Nelongo, E.E. Nepolo, S.N. Iipinge; Windhoek, Namibia
P5.01.70 - Antiplatelets drugs reduces the immunoinflammatory response in a rat model of periodontal disease Luís Carlos Spolidorio, J. Steffens, M. Nicolas Muscará, C. Rossa Jr, D. Graves, L. Santana Coimbra; Araraquara, Brazil
P5.01.71 - Vitamin D and Interferon-beta act synergistically at physiological levels to modulate cytokine expression in vitro in peripheral blood mononuclear cells Niall J. Stewart, S. Simpson Jr., B. Taylor; Hobart, Australia
P5.01.72 - Carbon monoxide (CO) as a novel approach for treatment of islet-directed autoimmunity Stanislava Stosic-Grujicic, I. Nikolic, M. Vujicic, T. Saksida, F. Nicoletti, I. Stojanovic; Belgrade, Serbia
P5.01.73 - IL-2 induces robust inflammatory responses in the lung that synergize with influenza virus to exacerbate immunopathology Tara M. Strutt, K.K. McKinstry, S.L. Swain; Worcester, United States
P5.01.74 - Lnk/Sh2b3, an intracellular adaptor associated with celiac disease and autoimmune diabetes, regulates accumulation of inflammatory T cells and prevents intestinal villous atrophy T. Mori, H. Katayama, Y. Iwasaki, Y. Seki, M. Iseki, M. Ikutani, N. Yoshida, K. Takatsu, Satoshi Takaki; Ichikawa, Chiba, Japan
P5.01.76 - Role of TNF-α, their receptors and gene‘s polymorphism in patients with coronary atherosclerosis Ekaterina Turmova, A. Silaev, E. Shkorik, E. Markelova, R. Cromovoy; Vladivostol, Russian Federation
P5.01.78 - Aberrant CD200/CD200R1 expression and function in systemic lupus erythematosus contributes to abnormal T-cell responsiveness and dendritic cell activity Yufeng Yin, Y. Li, L. Zhao, S. Qian, L. Tong, D. Ba, W. He, X. Cao, X. Zhang, P. Lipsky; Beijing, China
P5.01.79 - BAFF induces IL-6 production in human monocytes through signaling pathways that involve NF-kB and PI3 kinase Keiko Yoshimoto, M. Tanaka, M. Kojima, H. Ogata, K. Suzuki, H. Kameda, T. Abe, T. Takeuchi; Tokyo, Japan
P5.01.80 - Increased levels of IL-6, TNF-a, MIF, IL-8, and MCP-1 in schizophrenia Roksana Zakharyan, S. Atshemyan, A. Boyajyan; Yerevan, Armenia
P5.01.81 - Assay of IL-22/IL-25 in serum, whole blood and peripheral blood mononuclear cells cultures of patients with severe asthma Alireza Zamani, E. Nadi, M. Arjipour, S. Sharifi; Hamadan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.01.82 - Status of cytokine line and morphological changes in endocrine glands of rats with tentative thyrotoxicosis Victoria Zdor (Lazanovich), E. Markelova, Y. Tikhonov; Vladivostok, Russian Federation
P5.01.83 - Lithium treatment reduced microglia activation and inflammation after irradiation to the immature brain Changlian Zhu, K. Zhou, C. Xie, K. Blomgren; Göteborg, Sweden
P5.02 CHRONIC INFLAMMATION AND FIBROSIS Session Time: Friday, August 23, 13:20 -15:00 452
P5.02.01 - IL-17 and IFNγ decrease in the gut of rats with experimental fibrosis. “Possible association with bacterial translocation” Miriam R. Bueno Topete, E. Sánchez, S. Zepeda Morales, E. Rodríguez, S. del Toro Arreola, L. García Benavides, M. Fafutis Morris, A. Domínguez, F. Muñoz Valle; Guadalajara, Mexico
P5.02.02 - Experimenrtal cholestasis is associated with increased IL-17 and IFN-γ expression S.M. Zepeda Morales, S. del Toro Arreola, M. Fafutis Morris, E. Bastidas Ramírez, V. Delgado Rizo, Miriam R. Bueno Topete; Guadalajara, Mexico
P5.02.03 - ITF2357 inhibits corneal fibrosis and inflammation via JAK/STAT3 signaling pathway Shyam S. Chaurasia, A. Tan, R. Lim, Y. Liu, J.S. Mehta; Singapore, Singapore
P5.02.04 - Osteopenia and inflammation in postmenopausal women L. Ginaldi, Fedra Ciccarelli, M. De Martinis; L’Aquila, Italy
P5.02.05 - Type 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells (ILC2) are present in mouse models of lung and skin fibrosis and their numbers correlate with disease severity Preeta Dasgupta, T. Burwell, R. Johnson, J. Bakken, R. Herbst, J. Connor, R. Lemaire; Gaithersburg, United States
P5.02.06 - Prevalence of skin sensitivity to aeroallergens in Iranian patients with nasal polyposis Mohammad Fereidouni, M. Bakhsahee, S. Nourani hasan kiadeh; Birjand, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Posters - August 23 458
P5.02.07 - Crucial role of basal p53 in attenuation of inflammation and fibrosis in hereditary glomerular nephritis, Alport syndrome Ryosuke Fukuda, K. Koyama, T. Koga, Y. Kai, K. Omachi, K. Motomura, M.A. Suico, T. Shuto, H. Kai; Kumamoto, Japan
P5.02.08 - Intramuscular administration of MMP-8 adenoviral vector reduces inflammation up-grade induced by vector delivery and allows prevention of liver fibrosis Jesus García-Bañuelos, E. Oceguera-Contreras, D. Gordillo-Bastidas, A. Sandoval-Rodríguez, B. Bastidas-Ramírez, J. González-Cuevas, J. Macias-Barragan, B. Gómez-Meda, J. Armendariz-Borunda; Guadalajara, Mexico
P5.02.09 - Mac-3 positive and enlarged foamy macrophage as an effector in radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis H. Park, Sung-Kee Jo, U. Jung; Jeongeup-si, Korea, Republic of
P5.02.10 - Mild electrical stimulation with heat shock ameliorates nephritis and proteinuria in mouse model of X-linked alport syndrome Yukari Kai, T. Koga, R. Fukuda, S. Morino-Koga, M.A. Suico, K. Koyama, T. Sato, T. Shuto, H. Kai; Kumamoto, Japan
P5.02.11 - Interleukin-17 isoforms are differentially expressed in the skin of Systemic Sclerosis and Morphea patients compared to healthy skin Paola Adele Lonati, N. Brembilla, L. Fontao, E. Laffitte, G. Kaya, P. Meroni, C. Chizzolini; Milan, Italy
P5.02.12 - IL-33 precursor drives inflammation without engaging T1/ST2 or Th2 Irina G. Luzina, V. Lockatell, N.W. Todd, S.P. Atamas; Baltimore, United States
P5.02.13 - 5-methyl-1-phenyl-2-(1H)-pyridone reveals immunomodulatory anti-fibrotic effects associated to antioxidant system activation in primary culture of human Hepatic Stellate Cells Jose Macias-Barragan, A. Caligiuri, E. Novo, M. Parola, J. Vera-Cruz, J. García-Bañuelos, S. Lucano-Landeros, M. Pinzani, J. Armendáriz-Borunda; Ameca, Mexico
P5.02.14 - Phenotypical characterization of the peripheral blood T cells in celiac disease patients Mohsen Masjedi, H. Hossein Nataj Arab, M. Emami, F. AlSahebfosoul, M. Mokhtari; Isfahan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.02.15 - GSK-3: a key mediator of the balance between matrix-metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs) in bleomycin (BLM) - induced pulmonary fibrosis Barbara Montini, F. Cinetto, M. Gnoato, N. Compagno, C. Gattazzo, F. Piazza, F. Lunardi, F. Calabrese, G. Semenzato, C. Agostini; Padova, Italy
P5.02.16 - Genes affecting MMP expression are down-regulated in patients with COPD and bronchial asthma Zdenka Navratilova, T. Krsjakova, E. Novosadova, J. Zatloukal, V. Kolek, M. Petrek; Olomouc, Czech Republic
P5.02.17 - Altered response of tympanosclerotic fibroblasts to interacting mast cells: implication for tissue remodeling Tadeusz K. Pawelczyk, M. Sakowicz-Burkiewicz, J. Kuczkowski; Gdansk, Poland
P5.02.18 - The crosstalk of kinin receptors on Experimental Focal and Segmental Glomerulosclerosis Rafael L. Pereira, R. Felizardo, M. Cenedeze, M. Hiyane, R.C. Silva, C.F. Aguiar, J.B. Pesquero, R.C. Araújo, A.P. Silva, N.O.S. Câmara; São Paulo, Brazil
P5.02.19 - M2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor modulates rat airway smooth muscle cell Proliferation Fabiola A. Placeres-Uray; Caracas, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
P5.02.20 - Periostin modulates the course of IL-13 dependent chronic inflammation and liver fibrosis Thirumalai R. Ramalingam, A. Talley, M.M. Mentink-Kane, T.A. Wynn; Bethesda, United States
P5.02.21 - In vivo multi-photon molecular imaging technique visualizes immune and inflammatory cell cross-talks in metabolic diseases Nishimura Satoshi, M. Nagasaki; Tokyo, Japan
P5.02.22 - Metformin modulates lipolysis and inflammation through the modulation of T cell priming in obese-induced Type II diabetic mice Seulmee Shin, B. Hyun, A. Lee, S. Lee, H. Kong, S. Han, Y. Song, K. Kim; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P5.02.24 - High-mobility group box 1, actively secreted by cardiac fibroblasts, might be a novel culprit of myocardial contractility dysfunction and cardiac collagen deposition Zhaoliang Su, J. Yin, R. Ma, T. Wang, F. Kong, H. Shen, H. Xu; Zhenjiang, China
P5.02.25 - Knee injury with concomitant osteochondral fracture is associated with increased synovial fluid concentrations of SPARC, IL-8 and TNF-α Per Swärd, A. Struglics, M. Englund, H. Roos, R. Frobell; Lund, Sweden
Posters - August 23 476
P5.02.26 - Implication of antigen-driven mechanisms in the pathogenesis of interstitial pneumonia associated with polymyositis Akira Takeda, Y. Fukushima, T. Matsutani, Y. Haji, R. Rokutanda, Y. Suyama, M. Kishimoto, K. Yamaguchi, M. Okada; Nasushiobara, Japan
P5.02.27 - Intrinsic epithelial activation in Primary Sjogren’s syndrome: Evidence of significantly reduced constitutive expression of PPAR-gamma in cultured non-neoplastic salivary gland epithelial cell lines Aigli G. Vakrakou, A. Kapogiannatou, V. Gourzi, E.K. Kapsogeorgou, M.N. Manoussakis; Athens, Greece
P5.02.28 - IL28B polymorphisms may be associated with Chlamydia pneumoniae infection in patients with cardiac disease Antonio C. Vallinoto, B. Brasil Santana, N. Almeida, R. Bezerra Hermes, R. Ishak, M.O.G. Ishak; Belem, Brazil
P5.02.29 - Accumulation of tolerogenic cells at the site of granulomatous foreign-body reaction Dragana Vucevic, S. Vasilijic, J. Djokic, B. Bozic, I. Majstorovic, S. Tomic, M. Vasiljevska, B. Draskovic-Pavlovic, M. Colic; Belgrade, Serbia
P5.02.30 - EBP-1 specific T cell responses correlate with liver damage in chronic hepatitis B Li Wang, l. Jiang, X. Chen, X. Chen, Y. Wu; Chongqing, China
P5.02.31 - Human kidney proximal tubule epithelial cells (PTEC) modulate autologous immune responses by contact dependent mechanisms Ray Wilkinson, S. Sampangi, A. Kassianos, X. Wang, H. Healy; Brisbane, Australia
P5.02.32 - Systemic inflammation in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) receiving different types of renal replacement therapy L.V. Solomatina, Iuliia Zhuravleva, E. Panshina, E. Gusev; Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
P5.08 ATHEROSCLEROSIS AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES Session Time: Friday, August 23, 13:20 -15:00 483
P5.08.01 - Elevated vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) levels in cardiovascular disease events Kristiina Aalto, M. Maksimow, S. Jalkanen, V. Salomaa, M. Salmi; Turku, Finland
P5.08.02 - ROS and RNS signaling in cardiovascular diseases: Could antioxidants be useful? Igor B. Afanas’ev; Porto, Portugal
P5.08.03 - Serum amyloid A stimulates macrophage foam cell formation via formyl peptide receptor 2 Yoe-Sik Bae, H. Lee, S. Kim, S. Baek, J. Choi, K. Cho, E. Cho, B.A. Zabel; Suwon, Korea, Republic of
P5.08.05 - Elevated CD14++CD16- monocytes predict cardiovascular events K.E. Berg, I. Ljungcrantz, L. Andersson, C. Bryngelsson, B. Hedblad, G.N. Fredrikson, J. Nilsson, Harry Björkbacka; Malmö, Sweden
P5.08.06 - T-helper 2 immunity is associated with reduced risk of myocardial infarction and stroke L. Andersson, D. Engelbertsen, I. Ljungcrantz, M. Wigren, B. Hedblad, J. Nilsson, Harry Björkbacka; Malmö, Sweden
P5.08.07 - Identification of NOD like receptors (NLRs) in human atheroma lesions R.T.D. Oliveira, M.F. Mineiro, R.M. Silva, M.R. Paiao, R.L. Mamoni, F.H. Menezes, Maria H.S.L. Blotta; Campinas, Brazil
P5.08.08 - Oral anti-CD3 antibody treatment ameliorates mHSP65-induced atherosclerosis C. Grundtman, Maja A. Buszko, H. Dietrich, G. Wick; Innsbruck, Austria
P5.08.09 - Study of endothelial progenitor cells as a non-invasive strategy to detect endothelial alterations in patients with idiopathic thromboembolism Francesca Calcaterra, S. Rambaldini, C. Lodigiani, D. Mavilio, S. Della Bella; Rozzano, Italy
P5.08.10 - A murine model of atherosclerosis, frequency and phenotype of the B cell subsets involved Diana Castaño, H. Rincón-Arévalo, J. Villa-Pulgarín, J.R. Ramírez-Pineda, G. Vásquez, L.M. Yassín; Medellin, Colombia
P5.08.11 - Specific oligoclonal T-cell recruitment within epicardial adipose tissue of patients with acute coronary syndrome: evidence for a local, immune-mediated, pathogenetic mechanism Gabriele Di Sante, G. Liuzzo, A. Severino, V. Pazzano, D. Pedicino, S. Tziopulos, N. Luciani, F. Glieca, F. Ria, F. Crea; Rome, Italy
P5.08.12 - Kinins promote aortic aneurysm through stimulation of neutrophil activation via the B2 receptor Tammy Dougan, C.S. Moran, C. Rush, R. Jose, L. Woodward, J. Golledge; Townsville, Australia
P5.08.13 - Increased levels of MDA-modified collagen type IV in symptomatic lesions - a possible marker of unstable lesions Pontus Dunér, H. Grufman, A. Edsfeldt, F. To, J. Nilsson, I. Goncalves, E. Bengtsson; Malmö, Sweden
Posters - August 23 495
P5.08.14 - Myd88 signalling in CD4+ T cells promotes atherosclerosis and Th17 responses Daniel Engelbertsen, M. Wigren, H. Björkbacka, J. Nilsson, E. Bengtsson; Malmö, Sweden
P5.08.15 - Loss of B-cell function in MRas- knock-out mouse and reduced macrophage infiltration in atherosclerotic plaques at the aortic root Jennifer Freyer, M. Behrensen, Z. Aherrahrou, J.F.P. Berbèe, H. Schunkert, J. Erdmann; Lübeck, Germany
P5.08.16 - Human carotid atherosclerotic plaques with high Interleukin 16 mRNA levels are associated with less clinical symptoms Caitríona Grönberg, M. Nitulescu, L. Hollender, A. Persson, M. Nilsson, G. Nordin Fredrikson, J. Nilsson, H. Björkacka; Malmö, Sweden
P5.08.18 - IgE and eosinophilia levels in peripheral blood of patients with cardiovascular disease Morteza Hosseinzadeh, A. Khosravi, A. Delpisheh, S. Safari, R. Kafashi; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.08.19 - Immunotherapy with tolerogenic Apolipoprotein B-100-loaded dendritic cells inhibits progression of atherosclerosis in hypercholesterolemic mice Daniel K. Johansson, D. Ketelhuth, A. Hermansson, M. Josefa Forteza de los Reyes, A. Ismail, K. Lindner, G.K. Hansson; Stockholm, Sweden
P5.08.20 - Apolipoprotein B100 danger-associated signal 1 (ApoBDS-1) is a potent platelet agonist that triggers procoagulant and proinflammatory responses A. Assinger, Y. Wang, L.M. Butler, G.K. Hansson, Z. Yan, C. Söderberg-Nauclér, Daniel F.J. Ketelhuth; Stockholm, Sweden
P5.08.21 - Study the correlation of haptoglobin phenotypes in acute heart attack patients Hossein A. Khazaei; Zahedan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.08.22 - Sublingual vaccination with Porphyromonas gingivalis GroEL elicits protective immunity against atherosclerosis M. Hagiwara, Tomoko Kurita-Ochiai, R. Kobayashi, T. Hashizume-Takizawa, M. Yamamoto; Matsudo, Chiba, Japan
P5.08.23 - IL-25 treatment inhibits atherosclerosis development in ApoE deficient mice Polyxeni T. Mantani, P. Dunér, E. Bengtsson, R. Alm, I. Söderberg, L. Sundius, F. To, J. Nilsson, H. Björkbacka, G. Nordin Fredrikson; Malmö, Sweden
P5.08.24 - Soluble Fc RIIIaMφ levels in plasma correlate with stenosis rate in patients examined with carotid ultrasonography Midori Masuda, K. Kouno, N. Nishimura, H. Masaki, T. Yokoi, Y. Komiyama, T. Iwasaka, H. Takahashi; Osaka, Japan
P5.08.25 - Atherosclerosis in rats after immunization with human native low-density lipoproteins Igor Menshikov, K. Fomina, L. Beduleva; Izhevsk, Russian Federation
P5.08.26 - Susceptibility to ischemic stroke and HPA4/Annexin5 polymorphisms Imen Mezni, M. Jeljeli, T. Dhaouadi, S. Younes, N. Benali, I. Bannour, I. Sfar, A. Boughammoura, A. Bahloul, M. Makhlouf; Tunis, Tunisia
P5.08.27 - Inhibition of IL-27 attenuates atherosclerosis by inducing regulatory T cells Ornelia H. Ramos, P.J. van Santbrink, I. Bot, M. Bot, R. van der Sluis, M. ter Borg, S.C. de Jager, J. Kuiper; Leiden, Netherlands
P5.08.28 - Splenectomy increases atherosclerotic lesions in apolipoprotein E deficient mice Alice B. Rezende, N.N. Neto, L.R. Fernandes, A.C. Ribeiro, J.I. Alvarez-Leite, H.C. Teixeira; Juiz de Fora, Brazil
P5.08.29 - IL-22 deficiency induces vascular remodeling and alterations in immune cell populations after carotid injury Sara Rattik, G. Roos, I. Söderberg, H. Björkbacka, G. Nordin-Fredrikson, A. Hultgårdh-Nilsson, J. Nilsson; Malmö, Sweden
P5.08.30 - The role of anti-apolipoprotein A1 autoantibodies in cardiovascular risk stratification Priscila C. Teixeira, P. Ferber, A. Ducret, S. Pagano, H. Gaertner, O. Hartley, H. Langen, N. Vuilleumier, P. Cutler; Basel, Switzerland
P5.08.31 - Platelet-derived microparticles may contribute to the thrombotic tendency in systemic lupus erythematosus by both procoagulant and immune-mediated mechanisms Konstantinos Tselios, P. Klonizakis, S. Gerou, D. Bougiouklis, A. Sarantopoulos, I. Gkougkourelas, P. Boura; Thessaloniki, Greece
P5.08.32 - GDF-15, ST-2 and Galectin-3 plasma levels and their potential relations in patients with coronary artery disease Elena Vianello, G. Dogliotti, E. Dozio, M.M. Corsi Romanelli; Milan, Italy
P5.08.33 - Aggravation of atherosclerosis by MHC class II antigen deficiency is associated with a loss of regulatory T cells but is independent on IL-10 Maria Wigren, S. Rattik, H. Björkbacka, G. Nordin Fredrikson, J. Nilsson; Malmö, Sweden
Posters - August 23 P5.12 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS AND OTHER INFLAMMATORY JOINT DISEASES Session Time: Friday, August 23, 13:20 -15:00 514
P5.12.01 - The investigation of Anti Centromer Antibodies in Autoimmune Diseases B. Karaayak Uzun, A. Sener, E. Tarhan, Ilhan Afsar, S. Kaya; Izmir, Turkey
P5.12.02 - Oxidative stress or NK cells: The combination is getting deadlier for rheumatoid arthritis Ashish Aggarwal, A. Sharma, A. Bhatnagar; Chandigarh, India
P5.12.03 - B-cell activating factor versus biopsy in lupus nephritis among Egyptians systemic lupus patients Shereen Algergawy, E. Abd Algwad, r. zakaria; Benha, Egypt
P5.12.05 - Anti-Interleukin-6 and anti-TNF-alpha treatment do not have a negative impact on the immune response against CMV, but disease status influences the balance and the cytokine profile in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients (JIA) Giovanni Almanzar, R. Trippen, K. Sustal, K. Höfner, M. Prelog; Würzburg, Germany
P5.12.06 - IL-1β membrane-bound receptors in health and in rheumatoid arthritis Alina Alshevskaya, F. Vasiliev, J. Lopatnikova, N. Shkaruba, O. Chumasova, A. Sizikov, S. Sennikov; Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
P5.12.08 - Performance of anti-CCP3 IgG/IgA (CCP3.1) test compared to anti-CCP2 IgG test Mounira Benidir, H. Amroun, S.S. Salah, G. Hamadi, O. Rendja, N. Attal, M.C. Abbadi; Algiers, Algeria
P5.12.09 - Rheumatoid arthritis: early thymic involution or increased proliferation rate? Elena A. Blinova, V.S. Kozhevnikov, A.E. Sizikov, V.A. Kozlov; Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
P5.12.10 - TNF receptor function is dispensable for generation of CD23+ CD21-high B cells in inflamed nodes I. Kuzin, E. Schwarz, Andrea Bottaro; Camden, United States
P5.12.11 - Biomarker of inflammation in juvenile idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) Juergen Brunner, T. Giner, G. Weiss, D. Fuchs; Innsbruck, Austria
P5.12.12 - APRIL, a TNF family member, can be a predictor of resistance to antigen-induced arthritis in mice Adriana Carvalho, R. Vasconcellos, C.E.C. Pinto, M. Hahne, W. Savino, D.M.S. Villa-Verde; Rio de Janero, Brazil
P5.12.13 - Optimization of “in vitro” culture conditions for human arthritis rheumatoid synovial fibroblasts Claudia Casnici, D. Lattuada, K. Crotta, O. Marelli; Milan, Italy
P5.12.14 - S100A8 plays an anti-inflammatory role in collagen-induced arthritis Annabelle Cesaro, N. Pagé, M.R. Tardif, A. Al-Shami, T. Oravecz, P.A. Tessier; Quebec, Canada
P5.12.15 - ERAP1 gene polymorphisms influence the risk of Spondyloarthritis in HLA-B27 positive Romanians M. Cherciu, L.O. Popa, M. Bojinca, M.I. Dutescu, V. Bojinca, R. Caisan, C. Bara, Olivia M. Popa; Bucharest, Romania
P5.12.16 - TWEAK Promotes Osteoclastogenesis in Rheumatoid Arthritis Mi-La Cho, J. Park, M. Lim, S. Kwok, J. Jhun, S. Park; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P5.12.17 - CD8+ T cell reactivity against apoptotic self-epitopes in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with etanercept Alessandra Citro, R. Scrivo, H. Martini, S. Piconese, F. Miranda, V. Barnaba, G. Valesini; Rome, Italy
P5.12.18 - The effect of the Slc11a1 gene on pristane-induced arthritis chronic phase Mara A. Correa, T. Canhamero, J.L. Guerra, A. Borrego, J.R. Jensen, W.H. Cabrera, N. Starobinas, O.G. Ribeiro, O.C. Ibanez, M. De Franco; São Paulo, Brazil
P5.12.19 - Role of the expression CCR7+CCR5+ CX3CR1+ CD95 +/- in the peripheral blood lymphocytes in systemic lupus erythematous patients Laila A. Damiati, A.M. Al-Dahlawi, M.F. El-Shal, S.M. Bahlas; Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
P5.12.20 - Role of CCRL2 in the pathogenesis of mouse experimental arthritis Annalisa Del Prete, S. Gonzalvo-Feo, L. Wang, C. Mazzon, E. Scanziani, A. Vecchi, S. Sozzani; Rozzano (MI), Italy
P5.12.21 - Collagen-specific TCR Repertoire usage in RA and cytokine secretion Gabriele Di Sante, A. Fedele, B. Tolusso, C. Nicolò, A. Carbonella, S. Bosello, E. Gremese, S. Canestri, F. Ria, G. Ferraccioli; Rome, Italy
P5.12.22 - Clinical and immunological characteristics of Senegalese patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA)diagnosed according to American College of Rhumatology criteria of 1987 Mamadou L. Diokh, M. Sylla Niang, B. Mbengue, A.C. Ndao Mbengue, F. Sow Faye, S. Ndongo, T.N. Dièye, A. Dièye; Dakar, Senegal
Posters - August 23 534
P5.12.23 - T676G polymorphims of the TNF receptor type II is associated with ankylosing spondylitis Ma D.J. Durán-Avelar, J. Gutiérrez-Franco, N. Vibanco-Pérez, F.D. Trejo-Ramírez, S. Peña-Virgen, J.F. Zambrano-Zaragoza; Tepic, Mexico
P5.12.24 - Cytokines in relation to autoantibodies before onset of symptoms in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) Catharina Eriksson, S. Rantapää Dahlqvist; Umeå, Sweden
P5.12.25 - Identification of myeloid dendritic cells and plasmacytoid dendritic cells in the peripheral blood of rheumatoid arthritis Svetlana A. Falaleeva, V. Kurilin, N. Shkaruba, O. Chumasova, A. Sizikov, S. Sennikov; Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
P5.12.26 - Extended characterization of human chondrocytes for establishment of co-culture systems with synovial fibroblasts under different culture conditions in the context of Rheumatoid Arthritis S. Möller, P. Kern, H. Joos, R. Brenner, Jens A.A. Fischer; Penzberg, Germany
P5.12.27 - Interplay of myeloid cells and synovial fibroblast boosts the inflammatory response P. Kern, B. Schwarz, M. Galm, L. Pradel, Jens A.A. Fischer; Penzberg, Germany
P5.12.28 - The candidate rheumatoid arthritis autoantigen aggrecan enhance IL-9 response in peripheral blood of Rheumatoid Arthritis’ patients Giuseppina Giardina; Palermo, Italy
P5.12.29 - Certolizumab Pegol in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Follow-up in latinoamerican experience Renato Antonio Guzman Moreno, G. Roa Montes, J. Cordoba, W. Rodriguez, W. Otero; Bogota, Colombia
P5.12.30 - Chondrocytes as mediators of citrullination and humoral immunity to citrullinated type II collagen in Rheumatoid Arthritis Sabrina Haag, N. Schneider, D.E. Mason, J. Tuncel, I.E. Andersson, E.C. Peters, H. Burkhardt, R. Holmdahl; Stockholm, Sweden
P5.12.31 - TNF-alpha and IL1-beta contribute to the increased severity of serum-induced arthritis in NOX2 deficient mice Ya-Fang Huang, P.A. Nigrovic, C. Shieh; Tainan, Taiwan
P5.12.32 - TNFα-induced adipose-related protein (TIARP) functions as a negative regulator of inflammatory process in arthritis Asuka Inoue, I. Matsumoto, N. Umeda, Y. Tanaka, C. Takai, S. Takahashi, T. Sumida; Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
P5.12.33 - Increase of PADI4 in the joints and anti-CCP antibody in the sera of a murine model for rheumatoid arthritis before the clinical onset of arthritis Katsuhiko Ishihara, A. Yahagi, T. Saika, H. Igarashi; Kurashiki, Japan
P5.12.34 - Promoter polymorphisms of the TNFα (-308 G/A) and IL-6 (-174G/C) genes predict therapeutic response to etanercept Ivan R. Jancic, N. Arsenovic -Ranin, M. Sefik-Bukilica, S. Zivojinovic , N. Damjanov, V. Spasovski, S. Srzenti , B. Stankovic, S. Pavlovic ; Belgrade, Serbia
P5.12.36 - Dendritic Cell ImmunoReceptor (DCIR) is a negative regulator in balancing bone metabolism Tomonori Kaifu, T. Maruhashi, G. Ma, R. Yabe, A. Seno, Y. Iwakura; Noda, Japan
P5.12.37 - Immunomodulatory role of Fasiola gigantica derived somatic antigens Yasir A. Khan, S. Umar, M.A.H. Khan, P.A.A. Shareef, R. Ullah, A. Rehman, S.M.A. Abidi; Aligarh, India
P5.12.38 - Fibrinogen induced inhibition of osteoclastogenesis is reversed by citrullination of fibrinogen by peptidylarginine deiminase Ji S. Kim, M.K. Choi, J.Y. Choi, J.Y. Kim, J.S. Song, H.J. Kim, K.H. Park-Min, L.B. Ivashkiv, Y.W. Song, E.Y. Lee; Seoul, Korea, Korea, Republic of
P5.12.39 - Caspase-5 inhibition suppresses inflammatory responses in fibroblast-like synoviocytes with rheumatoid arthritis Yong-Jin Kwon, J. Song, Y. Park, S. Lee, M. Park; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P5.12.40 - Significant reduction of the Cia25/Pia42 interval, a new arthritis severity and joint damage locus that regulates the invasive properties of synovial fibroblasts. Cia25/Pia42 M. Brenner, Teresina Laragione, P.S. Gulko; Manhasset, United States
P5.12.41 - The arthritis severity locus Cia4 is an early regulator of IL-6, IL-1b and genes implicated in NFkB activation in synovial tissues of rats with pristane-induced arthritis M. Brenner, Teresina Laragione, P.S. Gulko; Manhasset, United States
P5.12.43 - TRPV2 is new suppressor of arthritis severity and joint damage Teresina Laragione, C. Beeton, P.S. Gulko; Manhasset, United States
Posters - August 23 553
P5.12.42 - The nuclear receptor NR1D1 suppresses the invasive properties of synovial fibroblasts from rheumatoid arthritis Teresina Laragione, M. Brenner, P.S. Gulko; Manhasset, United States
P5.12.44 - Decreased heart rate variability in patients with Behcet’s disease JoungWook Lee; Busan, Korea, Republic of
P5.12.46 - Antibodies against TIF1gamma in cancer associated myositis precede cancer symptoms and persist after cancer removal Ingrid E. Lundberg, L. Dani, M. Dastmalchi, N. Martínez, M. Labrador-Horrillo, A. Selva O’Callaghan; Stockholm, Sweden
P5.12.47 - Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis patients W. Sakly, A. Mankai, W. Manoubi, Ibtsem Ghedira; Tunis, Tunisia
P5.12.48 - Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus A. Mankai, W. Sakly, Y. Thabet, A. Achour, W. Manoubi, Ibtsem Ghedira; Tunis, Tunisia
P5.12.49 - MiRNA expression profile of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from RA patients and their relationship with anti-TNF therapy Pier Luigi Meroni, M. Raimondo, M. Borghi, M. Mirolo, F. Pregnolato, F. Ambrogi, E. Biganzoli, M. Locati; Milan, Italy
P5.12.50 - Podoplanin is upregulated at the Th17-mediated inflammation in SKG arthritic mice Yoshiaki Miyamoto, H. Uga, M. Kadowaki, M. Ikeda, H. Kurata; Kobe, Japan
P5.12.51 - Allelic expression of 89G/A, 90T/C and 92G/C PADI4 polymorphisms in rheumatoid arthritis Salvador Muñoz-Barrios, L.I. Angel-Chávez, C.A. Palafox-Sánchez, E. Oregón-Romero, I. Parra-Rojas, Z. Reyes-Castillo, M. Vázquez-Villamar, J.F. Muñoz-Valle; Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
P5.12.52 - Evaluation of anti-PADI4 antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis: Association with clinical parameters Salvador Muñoz-Barrios, Z. Reyes-Castillo, M. Vázquez-Villamar, C.A. Palafox-Sánchez, E. Oregón-Romero, I. Parra-Rojas, L.I. Angel-Chávez, M.O. Guzmán-Ornelas, R.E. Navarro-Hernández, J.F. Muñoz-Valle; Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
P5.12.53 - Study of IGA1 O-Glycosylation in a multi-ethnic population of IGA Nephropathy patients in Kwazulu Natal, South Africa Prishani Nansook, A.G. Assounga; Durban, South Africa
P5.12.54 - The mesenchymal stem cell supernatant therapy improves symptoms of collagen-induced arthritis in rats Maryam Nezafat Firizi, T. Mousavi, E. Entezami; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.12.55 - A monoclonal CCP-antibody derived from RA patients binds to several citrullinated antigens in the human cellular components Tatsuhiko Ozawa, R. Tuda, E. Kobayashi, H. Hounoki, K. Shinoda, H. Taki, K. Tobe, H. Kishi, A. Muraguchi; Toyama, Japan
P5.12.56 - Complement Regulatory Protein MCP; CD46 in Rheumatoid Arthritis Roma Pahwa, U. Kumar, N. Das; New Delhi, India
P5.12.57 - Halofuginone ameliorates autoimmune arthritis by regulation the balance between Th17 and Tregs and the inhibition of osteoclastogenesis Sung-Hwan Park, M. Park, E. Park, D. Lee, S. Baek, E. Yang, J. Woo, S. Kwok, H. Kim, M. Cho; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P5.12.58 - Number of activated cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and natural killers in children with juvenile arthritis. Irina A. Pashnina; Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
P5.12.59 - Antibodies to citrullinated peptide in children with juvenile arthritis Irina A. Pashnina, I.M. Krivolapova; Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
P5.12.60 - The number of B-cells subpopulations and level of autoantibodies in children with juvenile arthritis Irina A. Pashnina, I.M. Krivolapova; Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
P5.12.61 - IL12B gene haplotype influences the risk of ankylosing spondylitis in Romanians Olivia Mihaela Popa, E. Kriegova, L. Popa, M. Cherciu, M.I. Dutescu, M. Bojinca, V. Bojinca, P. Schneiderova, C. Bara, M. Petrek; Bucharest, Romania
P5.12.63 - Angiogenic T cell depletion in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients Javier Rodriguez-Carrio, M. Alperi-López, P. López, S. Alonso-Castro, F.J. Ballina-García, A. Suárez; Oviedo, Spain
P5.12.64 - The +1858C>T/-1123G>C PTPN22 gen haplotypes and linkage disequilibrium in rheumatoid arthritis patients from Western Mexico Yeniley Ruiz-Noa, J.R. Padilla-Gutierrez, C.A. Palafox-Sánchez, Y. Valle, E. Oregón-Romero, G.E. Martínez-Bonilla, J.F. Muñoz-Valle; Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Posters - August 23 573
P5.12.65 - Anti-TNF treatment limits the prothrombotic features of platelets and neutrophils in rheumatoid arthritis M. Baldini, N. Maugeri, P. Rovere-Querini, E. Baldissera, G. Peretti, Maria G. Sabbadini, A.A. Manfredi; Milan, Italy
P5.12.66 - Comparative significance of YKL-40 in different types of arthritis M. Kazakova, A. Batalov, N. Mateva, Z. Kolarov, Victoria Sarafian; Plovdiv, Bulgaria
P5.12.67 - A positive feedback mechanism of IL-6 through phosphorylated and unphosphorylated STAT3 in inflammatory arthritis Mamdouh A.K. Sedhom, A.G. Pratt, A. Anderson, C. Routledge, J. Chay, J. Isaacs, R. Thomas; Woolloongabba, QLD, Australia
P5.12.68 - Anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin antibodies of IgA isotype during rheumatoid arthritis H. Ben Hassine, O. Khalifa, H. Ben Fraj, H. Zaglaoui, E. Bouajina, Rim Sghiri; Sousse, Tunisia
P5.12.69 - Genetic susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis in the Tunisian population: case of PADI4 and REL genes H. Ben Hassine, R. Zemni, O. Khalifa, H. Zaglaoui, E. Bouajina, F. Slama, J. Boukadida, Rim Sghiri; Sousse, Tunisia
P5.12.07 - Anti-C1q antibodies and systemic lupus erythematosus in the Tunisian population Hana Ben Hassine, B. Trad, M. Khalifa, N. Idriss, F. Slama, J. Boukadida, R. Sghiri; Sousse, Tunisia
P5.12.70 - The development of antibodies specific for carbamylated protein precedes disease onset in mice with collagen induced arthritis Jeroen N. Stoop, B. Liu, J. Shi, D.T.S.L. Jansen, T.W.J. Huizinga, L.A. Trouw, R.E.M. Toes; Leiden, Netherlands
P5.12.71 - Aryl hydrocarbon receptor genetic polymorphisms are associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis Jhimmy Talbot, R.S. Peres, R.D.R. Oliveira, J.R. Silva, B. Ryffel, T.M. Cunha, J.C. Alves-Filho, E.Y. Liew, P. Louzada-Junior, F.Q. Cunha; Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
P5.12.72 - Premolis semirufa caterpillar-bristles toxic components induce intense cellular and humoral immune responses I.M. Villas-Boas, R.M. Gonçalves de Andrade, C.C. Squaiella-Baptistão, O.A. Sant’Anna, Denise V. Tambourgi; São Paulo, Brazil
P5.12.73 - Association of the 22 genotype of enhancer HS1,2A of the Ig heavy 3 regulatory region (IgH3 RR-1) with non response to DMARDS and response to Rituximab in rheumatoid arthritis patients Barbara Tolusso, E. Gremese, A. Fedele, E. Serone, D. Frezza, M. Gigante, M. Nowik, S. Canestri, C. Di Mario, G. Ferraccioli; Rome, Italy
P5.12.74 - TRAF-6 dependent signaling pathway is essential for TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) induces osteoclast differentiation Hwei-Fang Tsai, H. Liao, P. Hsu; Taipei, Taiwan
P5.12.75 - Prevalence of hyperprolactinaemia in antiphospholipid syndrome Christina Tsigalou, T.G. Konstantinidis, E. Konstantinidou, T. Gioka, N. Galanopoulos, A. Tsirogianni, G. Kampouromiti; Alexandroupolis, Greece
P5.12.76 - Deficiency of prostaglandin D2 receptor CRTH2 deteriorates adjuvant-induced arthritis Yoshiki Tsubosaka, S. Matsumoto, H. Hirai, M. Hori, M. Nakamura, H. Ozaki, T. Murata; Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
P5.12.77 - Association of PD1.1 and PD1.6 polymorphisms with ankylosing spondylitis Norberto Vibanco-Pérez, J. Gutiérrez-Franco, M.D.J. Durán-Avelar, J.M. Agraz-Cirbian, M.A. Jiménez-Alvarez, S. Peña-Virgen, J.F. Zambrano-Zaragoza; Tepic, Mexico
P5.12.78 - IL-6R blockade enhances CD39+ efficient regulatory T cells in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Rita Vicente, Y. Pers, P. Portales, J. Quentin, J. Eliaou, C. Jorgensen, P. Louis-Plence; Montpellier, France
P5.12.79 - Prediction rheumatoid arthritis outcome in patients with unclassified arthritis considering enzymatic serum activity Marharyta Volkava, A. Kundzer; Vitebsk, Belarus
P5.12.80 - Nuclease IgG activity toward different DNA substrates in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Marharyta Volkava, A. Kundzer, I. Generalov; Vitebsk, Belarus
P5.12.81 - Reactive arthritis of Yersinia etiology: diagnostics and immunological analysis Olga P. Vostrikova, O. Portnyagina, A. Dubikov, O.D. Novikova; Vladivostok, Russian Federation
P5.12.82 - The protective role of intracellular reactive oxygen species in autoimmune arthritis Susann Winter, F. Laulund, M. Hultqvist, R. Holmdahl; Stockholm, Sweden
P5.12.84 - Association of the +49-A/G polymorphism of CTLA-4 in mexican patients with ankylosing spondylitis Jose F. Zambrano-Zaragoza, J. Gutiérrez-Franco, M.D.J. Durán-Avelar, B.V. de León-Amaral, S. Peña-Virgen, N. Vibanco-Pérez; Tepic, Mexico
Posters - August 23 593
P5.12.85 - Implication for the detection of the joint lesion associated factors and EBV infection in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Dong Q. Zhang, X. Chen, R. Xu; Shanghai, China
P5.12.86 - A CD19/CD3 bispecific TandAb, AFM11, facilitates safe and potent killing of CD19+ cells mediated by T-cells Eugene Zhukovsky, U. Reusch, C. Burkhardt, S. Knackmuss, M. Eser, I. Fucek, K. Ellwanger, F. McAleese, M. Little; Heidelberg, Germany
P5.17 AUTOINFLAMMATORY DISEASES Session Time: Friday, August 23, 13:20 -15:00 595
P5.17.01 - The proliferative response to PHA and SEB stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from oral lichen planus patients Tatiana F.A. Almeida, A.M. Mesquita, G.E.B. Alvim-Melo, E. Rocha-Vieira; Diamantina, Brazil
P5.17.03 - Endogenous IFN-γ prevents escalation of normal immunity into a Th17-driven inflammation reminiscent of systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis Anneleen Avau, T. Mitera, S. Put, K. Put, E. Brisse, A. Liston, G. Leclercq, A.D. Billiau, C.H. Wouters, P. Matthys; Leuven, Belgium
P5.17.04 - Risk factors of asthma in preschool children L. Aghebati Maleki, Behzad Baradaran, j. Majidi, A. Aghebati Maleki, F. Zare Shahneh, F. Zamani; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.17.05 - Pertussis toxin- driven IL-1β production is required for highly encephalitogenic GM-CSF+ T cell generation in EAE pathogenesis Camilla Basso, F. Ronchi, S. Preite, A. Reboldi, A. Lanzavecchia, F. Sallusto; Bellinzona, Switzerland
P5.17.06 - Expression of Suppressor of Cytokine Signalling (SOCS) 1 and 3 in Behçet’s Disease Lesley A. Bergmeier, M. Hamedi, E. Hagi-Pavli, G. Warnes, F. Fortune; London, United Kingdom
P5.17.07 - Analysis of neutrophil function in severe and moderately affected Chronic Fatigue Syndrome subjects S.L. Hardcastle, Ekua W. Brenu, D. Staines, S. Marshall-Gradisnik; Gold Coast, Australia
P5.17.08 - To investigate the roles of IL-12 family cytokines on islet graft rejection and tolerance Heng Yi Chen, F. Chou, H. Sytwu; Taipei, Taiwan
P5.17.09 - Characterization of tonsil infiltration and gene expression profile of innate sensors in PFAPA Syndrome Sabrina Chiesa, R. Caorsi, F. Penco, A. Bertoni, S. Borghini, A. Omenetti, A. Sementa, F. Bellora, A. Martini, M. Gattorno; Genova, Italy
P5.17.10 - Autoantibodies characteristics of patients with autoimmune liver disease in Uygur people Luo De Mei, Z. Jian Mei, S. Gulinaer; Urumqi, China
P5.17.11 - BAFF, κ and λ free light chains, C4d and IgG in serum and relations with peripheral blood lymphocyte populations in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome Irena Dumalakiene, A. Siaurys, D. Mieliauskaite, I. Butrimiene, D. Characiejus, M. Mauricas, G. Sudzius; Vilnius, Lithuania
P5.17.12 - Antinuclear antibodies without identified antigenic target: what is their diagnostic value? Sawsan Feki, F. Frikha, Y. Ben Haj Hmida, M. Ben Ayed, O. Abida, Z. Bahloul, H. Masmoudi; Sfax, Tunisia
P5.17.13 - Cyclophosfamide plus Rituximab treatment in a case of plurirefractory cutaneous sarcoidosis with large vessels vasculitis Valeria Ferri, N. Compagno, R. Scarpa, M. Gazzola, P. Tartaro, C. Agostini; Padova, Italy
P5.17.14 - CD8+ T cells in the pathogenesis of Systemic Sclerosis Patrizia Fuschiotti, A. Larregina, J. Ho, C. Feghali-Bostwick, T. Medsger Jr.; Pittsburgh, United States
P5.17.15 - Anti-BPI (bactericidal permeability increasing) in autoimmune vasculitis Sabiha N. Gadiri, H. Meriche, S. Brougui, A. Guermaz, M. Abbadi; Annaba, Algeria
P5.17.16 - Association of enhanced Tim-3 expression on monocytes with disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus B. Liu, X. Liang, C. Ma, Lifen Gao; Jinan, China
P5.17.17 - Effects of Vitamin D on regulatory T cells in lupus patients Mohsen Ghoryani, H. Reihani, M. Rastin, M. Mahmoudi, M. Sahebari, F. Lavi, F. Faraji, N. Tabasi, S. Zamani, M. Khazaee; Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.17.18 - Oral changes in Wegener granulomatosis(WG) Josipa Sanja Gruden Pokupec; Zagreb, Croatia
Posters - August 23 612
P5.17.20 - Dense fine speckled patterned antinuclear antibody in patients with fibromyalgia Hyun-Sook Kim; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P5.17.21 - Expression and function of the NLRP3 inflammasome in Behçet’s disease En Hyung Kim; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P5.17.22 - The cytokine production of peripheral blood mononuclear cells reflects the autoantibody profile of patients suffering from type 1 diabetes Jana Labiková, J. Vceláková, S. Kolousková, K. Stechová; Prague, Czech Republic
P5.17.24 - Accelerated spontaneous apoptosis of neutrophils in patients with familial Mediterranean fever Gayane Manukyan, A. Martirosyan, G. Hagobyan, R. Aminov, T. Davtyan; Yerevan, Armenia
P5.17.26 - The prevalence of wheezing and its relationship with some environmental factors in children aged 6-7 in Yazd Mojtaba Mirzaei, M. Mirzaei; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.17.27 - Psychoneuroimmunologycal study in Cuban in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus E. Noris- Garcia, M. Lánigan, N. Diaz, I. Corrales, A. Brito, N. Fresneda, D. Barberia, R. Rodríguez, S. Arce, Giselle Penton Rol; La Havana, Cuba
P5.17.28 - CAPS monocytes are highly susceptible to oxidative stress: effects on cytokine secretion, reversal by antioxidants Patrizia Piccioli, S. Carta, L. Delfino, F. Penco, A. Martini, M. Gattorno, A. Rubartelli; Genoa, Italy
P5.17.29 - Loci associated with N-glycosylation of human IgG show pleiotropy with autoimmune diseases and haematological cancers Maja Pucic Bakovic, G. Lauc, J. Huffman, J. Wilson, M. Wuhrer, A. Wright, P. Rudd, C. Hayward, H. Campbell, I. Rudan; Zagreb, Croatia
P5.17.30 - B-cell depletion in neuropsychiatric disease in MRL/lpr mice Chaim Putterman; Bronx, United States
P5.17.31 - Induction of immunoglobulin G Fc-sialylation is associated with disease remission in CIDP Isaak Quast, F. Cueni, M.A. Maurer, F. Nimmerjahn, M. Dalakas, J.D. Lünemann; Zürich, Switzerland
P5.17.33 - Antibody profile and their relationship with clinical manifestations in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Maryam Rastin, M. Mahmoudi, N. Tabasi, S. Zamani, M. Khazaee, M. Ghoriani, H. Reihani, F. Faraji, F. Lavi; Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.17.34 - 1,25 Dihydroxy vitamin D modulatory effects in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus Maryam Rastin, M. Mahmoudi, M. Sahebari, N. Tabasi, S. Zamani, D. Haghmorad, R. Nosratabadi; Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.17.35 - Effects of Vit D on Th17 cells and related cytokines in lupus erythematosus patients Hadi Reihani, M. ghoryani, M. Rastin, M. Mahmoudi, M. Sahebari, R. Nosratabadi, F. Faraji, F. Lavi, N. Tabasi, S. Zamani; Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.17.36 - Disease modeling and drug discovery using induced pluripotent stem cells from CINCA syndrome patients Megumu Saito; Kyoto, Japan
P5.17.37 - Distribution of peripheral blood lymphocyte populations in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome Gintaras Sudzius, D. Characiejus, D. Mieliauskaite, A. Siaurys, I. Butrimiene, I. Dumalakiene; Vilnius, Lithuania
P5.17.38 - Protease activation receptors - A new link between IgE mediated and non-IgE mediated inflammatory reactions Shanshan Sun, G. Mackay, A. Lopata; Townsville, Australia
P5.17.39 - Identification of a novel cold-associated autoantigen, heterogeneous nuclear RNP-K, in patients with secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon by proteomic approach. Ohkawara Tomoharu, L. Yang, H. Honda, S. Serada, M. Fujimoto, T. Naka; Osaka, Japan
P5.17.40 - Increased levels of IL-17F but not IL-17A in patients with immunosuppressive therapy for autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). P. Thomas-Dupont, L.A. Sanchez-Vargas, I.Y. Izaguirre-Hernandez, M. Maldonado-Renteria, A. Torre-Delgadillo, J.M. Remes-Troche, E. Bravo-Sarmiento, Hector Vivanco-Cid; Veracruz, Veracruz, Mexico
P5.17.41 - Amplification of T cell autoreactivity by OX40/OX40L functional complex on peripheral CD4+ T cells in Graves’ disease and clinical significance Qin Wang, X. Zhang, Y. Ma, X. Zhang; Suzhou, China
P5.17.42 - Increased frequency of Th17 cells in patients with dermatomyositis X. Tang, J. Tian, J. Chen, Y. Liu, Shengjun Wang; Zhenjiang, China
Posters - August 23 632
P5.17.43 - Plasma microparticles and LL-37 levels regulate Behcet’s Disease severity T. Kahraman, Fuat Cem Yagci, I. Gursel; Ankara, Turkey
6.03 PATHOGENESIS AND IMMUNOINTERVENTION IN DIABETES Session Time: Friday, August 23, 13:20 -15:00 633
P6.03.01 - B-1 cells produce a insulin-like factor and regulate blood glucose levels in STZ-induced diabetic mice Anuska M. Alvares, M.C.T. Novo, J.T. Maricato, A. Popi, M. Mariano; São Paulo, Brazil
P6.03.02 - Regulation of inflammasome activation and its implication in diabetes-induced microangiopathies Babak Baban, F. Lamoke, L. Di Renzo, J. Liu, A. Alvari, M. Bartoli; Augusta, United States
P6.03.03 - Autoimmune Anti-prothrombin Antibodies in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Filiz Bakar, U. Ünlütürk, N. Ba kal, S. Nebio lu; Ankara, Turkey
P6.03.04 - Ursolic acid effect on proinflammatory cytokines in response to diet-induced obesity in rats Blanca E. Bastidas-Ramírez, A.S. González-Ballesteros, A. López-Vázquez, J.J. García-Bañuelos, A.S. Sandoval-Rodríguez, J.F. Muñoz-Valle, M.R. Bueno-Topete, S. Del Toro-Arreola, R. Del Angel-Meza, J.S. Armendáriz-Borunda; Guadalajara, Mexico
P6.03.06 - Differential expression of microRNAs in type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes pinpointed miR-142-5p as potential biomarker for diabetes mellitus C.V.A. Collares, A.F. Evangelista, D.J. Xavier, D.M. Rassi, M.C. Foss-Freitas, M.C. Foss, E.T. Sakamoto-Hojo, G.A. Passos, Eduardo A. Donadi; RIbeirao Preto, Brazil
P6.03.07 - TCRγδ T cells in human type 1 diabetes: evidence or clue? Gian Maria Giamporcaro, A. Valle, A. Stabilini, M. Battaglia; Milan, Italy
P6.03.08 - Resistance of Diabetes in Aged NOD Mice is Mediated by CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ Regulatory T Cells Zhiguang Guo, B. Liu, L. Tian, B. Tian, A. Ansarullah, Y. Lu, M. Holstein, B. Deruyter; Sioux Falls, United States
P6.03.09 - The effect of induced hyperglycemia on the expression levels of TLR2 and TLR4 genes in the hippocampus of male Wistar rats during a time course induction of diabetes type 1 Alireza Haghparast, A. Dehghani Firoozabadi, S. Shojaei, M. Behnam Rasouli, N. Mahdavi Shahri; Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.03.10 - Appearance of beta cell autoantigen primed CD4+ T cells is synchronous to circulating islet autoantibodies in early pre-type 1 diabetes Denise Kuehn, A. Heninger, C. Wilhelm, A. Eugster, S. Dietz, A.G. Ziegler, E. Bonifacio; Dresden, Germany
P6.03.11 - Relationship between BKCa channel and the apoptosis of NIT-1 cells induced by IFN-γ/IL-1β treatment T. Yu, J. He, S. Huang, H. Zhu, G. Shen, F. Gong, Ping Lei; Wuhan, China
P6.03.12 - Anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic activities of the methanolic fraction of Centratherum anthelminticum seed in STZ-nicotinamide-induced type 2 diabetic rat Chung Yeng Looi, A. Arya, M. Mustafa; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
P6.03.13 - Can dietary intervention with whole grain decrease risk of type 2 diabetes by reducing inflammasome assembly and IL1β secretion by circulating human neutrophils? Rasmus B. Maerkedahl, S.B. Metzdorff, C.B. Nielsen, M. Stenbæk, R.J. Gøbel, M. Kristensen, L. Lauritzen, H. Frøkiær; Frederiksberg, Denmark
P6.03.14 - Carbon monoxide-releasing molecule CORM-A1 attenuates the development of autoimmune diabetes in mice induced by multiple low doses of streptozotocin Ivana Nikolic, T. Saksida, I. Stojanovic, F. Nicoletti, S. Stosic-Grujicic; Belgrade, Serbia
P6.03.15 - Activation of Natural Killer T Cells Promotes Th2 Immune Response in Adipose Tissue of Obese Galectin-3 Deficient Mice and Improves Systemic Glucose Homeostasis Jelena Pantic, N. Pejnovic, I. Jovanovic, G. Radosavljevic, G. Besra, N. Arsenijevic, M. Lukic; Kragujevac, Serbia
P6.03.16 - IL-2 and rapamycin in immunotherapy of type 1 diabetes: friends or foes? Louis Pérol, A. Baeyens, G. Fourcade, N. Cagnard, W. Carpentier, J. Woytschak, O. Boyman, A. Hartemann, E. Piaggio; PARIS, France
P6.03.17 - Treg CD39+ and Th17 cells in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients N. Cortez-Espinosa, S.E. Medellin-Garibay, J.D. Cortes-Garcia, A. Nuñez-Ruiz, R. González-Amaro, Diana P. Portales-Pérez; San Luis Potosí, Mexico
P6.03.18 - Immunohistochemical study of the pancreas of patients with long termed diabetes mellitus type 1 A. Proshchina, Yulia Krivova, V. Barabanov, S. Saveliev; Moscow, Russian Federation
Posters - August 23 650
P6.03.19 - ST2 deficiency enhances diet-induced inflammation in visceral adipose tissue and obesity in mice Gordana Radosavljevic, N. Pejnovic, J. Pantic, I. Jovanovic, I. Jeftic, N. Jovicic, N. Arsenijevic, M. Lukic; Kragujevac, Serbia
P6.03.20 - Oral administration of L. Lactis secreting hGAD65370-575 and hIL-10 can revert diabetes in recent-onset NOD mice when combined with low-dose anti-CD3 Sofie Robert, T. Takiishi, k. Van Huynegem, L. Steidler, H. Korf, C. Gysemans, T. Van Belle, P. Rottiers, C. Mathieu; Leuven, Belgium
P6.03.21 - Transfer of type 1 diabetes by bone marrow transplantation Eleonora Tresoldi, P. Monti, P. Piatti, B. Mfarrej, F. Onida, E. Bosi, M. Battaglia; Milan, Italy
P6.03.22 - Characterization of monoclonal ZnT8-specific antibody Julia Ustinova, D. Belitskin, E. Juronen, E. Zusinaite, M. Utt, R. Uibo; Tartu, Estonia
P6.03.23 - Autocrine CCL2, CXCL4, CXCL9 and CXCL10 signaling in retinal endothelial cells is enhanced in diabetic retinopathy Katrien Van Raemdonck, M.I. Nawaz, M. Gouwy, G. Mohammad, D. Kangave, J. Van Damme, A.M. Abu El-Asrar, S. Struyf; Leuven, Belgium
P6.03.24 - Protein S attenuates streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus Taro Yasuma, C. Gabazza, T. Matsumoto, A. Yasukawa, Y. Matsushima, L. C.G.Ayshwarya, Z. Roeen, M. Toda, Y. Yano, E. Gabazza; Tsu-city, Japan
P6.03.25 - Effects of OPN and its cleavage products on human monocyte differentiation and survival Maximilian Zeyda, K. Schuch, T.M. Stulnig; Vienna, Austria
Posters - August 24 Panel N°
Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 - 15:00 001
P1.10.01 - TLR4 and DC-SIGN receptors recognized Mycobacterium scrofulaceum promoting semi-activated phenotype on Bone Marrow Dendritic Cells M. Cruz, Antonia I. Castillo-Rodal, A. Schcolnik, L. Bonifaz, Y. López-Vidal; México, Mexico
P1.10.02 - NOD2 signaling promotes the Treg/Th17 imbalance and contributes to type 1 diabetes pathogenesis Frederico R.C. Costa, M.C.S. Françozo, J.S. Silva, D.C. Sartori; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P1.10.03 - Role of TREM1-DAP12 in renal inflammation during obstructive nephropathy I. Stroo, A. Tammaro, F. Blank, L. Butter, N. Claessen, T. Takai, M. Colonna, J. Leemans, S. Florquin, Mark Dessing; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P1.10.04 - A shortcut mechanism of innate immune defense by a solitary PRR Jeak L. Ding, B. Ho; Singapore, Singapore
P1.10.05 - Orchestration of tissue repair by the humoral pattern recognition molecule PTX3: linking microbe and matrix recognition Andrea Doni, M. Sironi, T. Musso, C. Castagnoli, M. Gobbi, S. Valentino, S. Tartari, B. Bottazzi, C. Garlanda, A. Mantovani; Rozzano, Italy
P1.10.06 - Dectin-1 exerts opposing roles in the activation of macrophages from resistant and susceptible mice to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection Claudia Feriotti, V.L.G. Calich; São Paulo, Brazil
P1.10.07 - Induction of antimicrobial peptides in primary cultures from diabetic foot ulcers with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and L-isoleucine Irma E. Gonzalez, V. Trujillo, A. Montoya, A. Enciso, K. Rincon, E. Avila, B. Rivas, B. Rivas-Santiago; Zacatecas, Mexico
P1.10.08 - Deficient antiviral responses to influenza in primary bronchial epithelial cells of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Alan Hsu, K. Parsons, I. Barr, P. Hansbro, P. Wark; Newcastle, Australia
P1.10.09 - Zinc-Finger Antiviral Protein Mediates RIG-I-Like Receptor-Independent Antiviral Response to Murine Leukemia Virus Hanna Lee, J. Komano, T. Saitoh, S. Akira; Osaka, Japan
P1.10.10 - Potential role of caveolin-1 in regulation of immune cell activation Michaela Maceckova, M. Pekarova; Brno, Czech Republic
P1.10.11 - Unbiased screen to identify novel host factors involved in the innate immune recognition of Streptococcus pneumoniae Barbara Maier, H. Stöckl, S. Knapp; Vienna, Austria
P1.10.12 - C-type lectin receptor Mincle recognizes amphiphilic acylglucoside derived from Helicobacter pylori Masahiro Nagata, M. Shimamura, E. Ishikawa, T. Nabeshima, S. Yamasaki; Fukuoka, Japan
P1.10.13 - Natural IgG is not non-reactive: it plays a vital role in innate immune response Saswati Panda, J.L. Ding; Singapore, Singapore
P1.10.14 - Antibodies against dengue NS1 and prM proteins increase the sensitivity of dengue diagnosis and differentiate Japanese encephalitis infection Gowri Sankar S, S. John Vennison, R. Paramasivan, K. Dhananjeyan, V. Thenmozhi, B. Tyagi; Tiruchirappalli, India
P1.10.15 - Cloning and characterization of cytosolic DNA in tumors Yujia Shen, S. Gasser; Singapore, Singapore
P1.10.16 - Expression and role of the long pentraxin PTX3 in lymphatic endothelial cells Marina Sironi, A. Doni, F. Pasqualini, S. Valentino, I. Laface, M. Nebuloni, C. Garlanda, B. Bottazzi, A. Vecchi, A. Mantovani; Rozzano, Italy
P1.10.17 - Inhibition of interferon expression with small interference RNA increases adenoviruses-GFP transduction and transgene expression in Huh7 cells Ana A. Sobrevilla Navarro, A.S. Sandoval Rodríguez, J.J. García Bañuelos, P. Sanchez Hernández, L.D. Hernández Ortega, J. Gaona Bernal, J. Armendáriz Borunda, A.M. Salazar Montes; Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico
P1.10.18 - ApoH an innate immune sensor and hunter that captures and scavenges infectious pathogens S. Tigrett, G. Dubois, E. Lucarz, I. Stefas, Francisco Veas; Montpellier, France
Posters - August 24 019
P1.10.19 - DAI (DLM-1/ZBP1) promotes lupus nephritis by activating calcium pathway Sidong Xiong, W. Zhang, W. Xu; Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China
P1.10.20 - Functional Analyses of Recombinant Mouse hepcidin-1 in Cell Culture and Animal Model Yazdani Yaghoub, N. Keyhanvar; Gorgan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 - 15:00 021
P1.15.02 - Molecular differences of NLRP3 inflammasome activation in LPS-activated human monocyte-derived macrophage subtypes M.M. Budai, J. Danis, Á. Becsei, A. Varga, L. Csernoch, J. T zsér, Szilvia Benkő; Debrecen, Hungary
P1.15.04 - The impact of Butyrate on the NOD-like receptor pyrin domain-containing protein 6 (NLRP6)-inflammasome in humans Katja Brunner, M. Enea, S. Holly, K. Nigel, B. Mona; London, United Kingdom
P1.15.05 - Activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome promotes the pathogenic Th1/Th17 responses in type 1 diabetes murine model Daniela Carlos, J.N.U. Yaochite, F.R.C. Costa, S.G. Ramos, F.Q. Cunha, D.S. Zamboni, N.O. Camara, J.S. Silva; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P1.15.06 - Caspase-1 and MyD88 are involved in adaptive immune response induced by cytosolic flagellin Thaís B. da Costa, C.L. Freitas, V.M. Gonçalves, K.R. Bortoluci; São Paulo, Brazil
P1.15.07 - A novel, Cyclosporine A (CyA)-sensitive P2RX7 SNP haplotype linked to survival of immature antigen presenting cells (APC) in autoinflammation Sarah Dagenbach, A. Altmann, M. Lorenz, H. Hohmann, K. Foehr, E.M. Schneider; University Hospital Ulm, Germany
P1.15.08 - Deregulation of NLRP3 inflammasome is involved in progression of hepatocellular carcinoma Lihui Han, Q. Wei, K. Mu, T. Li, Y. Zhang, W. Huai, X. Jia; Jinan, China
P1.15.09 - Mistletoe lectin-mediated mmunostimulatory effect implicates the activation of NLRP3 inflammasome Pushpa Hedge, A. Friboulet, J. Bayry, S.V. Kaveri; Paris, France
P1.15.10 - Fine mapping of the mouse Irm1 locus controlling interleukin-1beta production J.R. Jensen, A. Galvan, W.H.K. Cabrera, O.G. Ribeiro, M. De Franco, N. Starobinas, R. Piazza, M. Dugo, T.A. Dragani, Olga M. Ibañez; São Paulo, Brazil
P1.15.11 - ASC inflammassome mediates IL-1β production and host resistance to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Natalia Ketelut-Carneiro, F.A. Rocha, G.K. Silva, D.S. Zamboni, J.S. Silva; Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
P1.15.12 - ATP-mediated inflammasome activation is efficiently inhibited by acetylcholine Mira Kuellmar, A. Hecker, S. Wilker, S. Atanasova, A. Zakrzewicz, M. Meixner, A. Kaufmann, W. Kummer, W. Padberg, V. Grau; Giessen, Germany
P1.15.13 - Activation of NLRP3 inflammasome is associated with the progression of Alzheimer’s disease Francesca La Rosa, M. Saresella, E. Calabrese, I. Marventano, F. Piancone, D. Trabattoni, M. Biasin, M. Clerici; Milan, Italy
P1.15.14 - Cytosolic flagellin induces caspase-1/11-independent lysosomal cathepsins-mediated cell death that correlates to the control of S. typhimurium Silvia L. Lage, C.B. Lima, E.P. Amaral, K.C. Matteucci, M.M. Rodrigues, M.R. D’Império-Lima, G.P. Amarante-Mendes, K.R. Bortoluci; São Paulo, Brazil
P1.15.15 - Selective inhibition of the NLRP3 inflammasome by targeting to promyelocytic leukemia protein Ming-Zong Lai, Y. Lo, Y. Huang, Y. Wu, C. Tsai, S. Jiang, H. Shih; Taipei, Taiwan
P1.15.16 - Caspase-1-dependent iNOS activation require NF-κB and acts as a non-redundant effector mechanism agaisnt S. typhimurium Carina B. Lima, S.L. Lage, G.P.A. Mendes, K.R. Bortoluci; São Paulo, Brazil
P1.15.17 - NLRP3 inflammasome controls the cellular response to DNA damage during oxidative and genotoxic stress G. Licandro, H.L. Khor, O. Beretta, J. Lai, H. Derks, P. Ricciardi-Castagnoli, Alessandra Mortellaro; Singapore, Singapore
P1.15.18 - Intracellular Shigella remodels its LPS to dampen the innate immune recognition and evade inflammasome activation Ida Paciello, A. Silipo, L. Lembo-Fazio, G. Noel, V. Ciancarella, A. Zychlinsky, A. Molinaro, M. Bernardini; Rome, Italy
P1.15.19 - Molecular mechanisms of caspase-11-mediated NLRP3 inflammasome activation Vijay Rathinam, S. Kailasan Vanaja, L. Waggoner, A. Sokolovska, C. Becker, L. Stuart, J. Leong, K. Fitzgerald; Worcester, United States
Posters - August 24 038
P1.15.20 - NLRP3-driven IL-1 production by Cryptococcus neoformans infection Pedro H.V. Saavedra, K.G. Magalhães, M. Capparelli, D.S. Zamboni, A.H. Tavares, A. Casadevall, A.L. Bocca; Brasilia, Brazil
P1.15.21 - Inflammation triggered by oncogene KRas in pancreatic tumor cells Imran Siddiqui, F. Marchesi, S. Pesce, M. Erreni, A. Mantovani, H.M. Kocher, P. Allavena; Milan, Italy
P1.15.22 - Uric acid-induced NLRP3 inflammasome contribute to diabetic kidney injury Kim Su-Mi, K. Jeong, S. Lee, T. Lee, C. Ihm, S. Lim, J. Moon; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P1.15.23 - Transcriptional regulation of the anti-inflammatory NLRP12/Monarch-1 by NF-kB Sinem Tuncer, C. Camperio, G. Camilli, N. Porciello, E. Piccolella, M. Fiorillo, R. Sorrentino; Rome, Italy
P1.15.24 - The role of autophagy in macrophage-derived foam cells after Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium infection Tzu-Yuan Wang; Taoyuan, Taiwan
Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 - 15:00 043
P2.02.01 - A comparison of the biological features of prostate cancer with (PSA+,PSMA+) profile according to RKIP A. B. Jemaa, Y. Bouraoui, S. Sallami, Y. Nouira, R. Oueslati, Mouna Ben Azaiz; Bizerte, Tunisia
P2.02.02 - Matrix metalloproteinase 3 activates NFκB in cell nucleus during Dengue virus infection Jianfeng Dai; Suzhou, China
P2.02.03 - Tumor inflammatory environment modulates expression of PPAR-γ, inflammasome activation and triggers prostate cancer cell death in vitro Rafaela S. Fontenele, N.M. Vasconcelos, B.C. Guido, K.G. Magalhães, J.R. Corrêa; Brasilia, Brazil
P2.02.04 - Glucocorticoid receptor-dependent immunomodulatory effect of ursodeoxycholic acid on liver lymphocytes in mice Manabu Kinoshita, H. Miyazaki, H. Nakashima, M. Ikarashi, S. Seki; Tokorozawa, Japan
P2.03 EPIGENETIC CONTROL OF IMMUNE RESPONSES Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 - 15:00 047
P2.03.01 - Polycomb repressive complex-1 is critical for peripheral B cell differentiation and germinal center responses Federica Alberghini, L. D’Artista, F. Mainoldi, F. Pisati, C. Carrisi, H. Koseki, M. Vidal, S. Casola; Milano, Italy
P2.03.02 - The rheumatoid factor in idiotypic regulation of autoimmunity Liubov Beduleva, I. Menshikov, E. Stolyarova, O. Lobanova; Izhevsk, Russian Federation
P2.03.03 - Interleukin-10 suppresses CXCL8 gene transcription in LPS-stimulated monocytes via modulation of histone deacetylases (HDACs) recruitment Monica Castellucci, M. Rossato, N. Tamassia, S. Gasperini, F. Bazzoni; Verona, Italy
P2.03.05 - Methylation patterns near and inside of the TSLP promoter in an african descendent population of Colombia Luis Fang, A.J. Manrique, J.J. Builes, L. Hernandez, D.P. Aguirre, C. Muñoz, B. Martínez, J. Marrugo; Cartagena, Colombia
P2.03.06 - Tumor Necrosis Factor Gene Polymorphisms in Tunisian Patients with Non -Small Cell Lung Cancer Safa Kaabachi W.A.K. Fayçal Haj Sassi; Tunis, Tunisia
P2.03.07 - Locus-specific biochemical epigenetics / chromatin biochemistry by insertional chromatin immnoprecipitation (iChIP) Toshitsugu Fujita, H. Fujii; Suita, Osaka, Japan
P2.03.08 - The Research on IFN-γ,IL-4 Gene Methylation of Uighurs and Han Patients with Allergic Rhinitis in Xinjiang of China Li Gao, X.f. Jiang, Q. Yang, Q.Q. Zhang, N.R. Mu, F.T. Liu, Z.Z. Lou; Urumqi, China
P2.03.09 - Pronounced co-localization of immunoglobulin genes and their enhancers in transcription factories at the nuclear periphery in plasma cells S. Park, Y. Xiang, William T. Garrard; Dallas, United States
P2.03.10 - Testing the resource-reallocation hypothesis: influence of maternal testosterone on immune system of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) chicks Zuzana Kanková, M. Okuliarová, M. Zeman; Bratislava 4, Slovakia
Posters - August 24 056
P2.03.11 - Heterogeneity of Polycomb repressive complexes and long-noncoding RNA dictate the regulation network of thymic T cell development Masamoto Kanno, Y. Guo, K. Weng-Sheng, A. Nobukiyo, H. Inoue; Hiroshima, Japan
P2.03.12 - Epigenetic regulation of T cell Ig mucin 3 expression in Th1 cells reveals a novel control of adaptive immunity Chih-Chi Kuo, F. Chou, Y. Lin, H. Sytwu; Taipei, Taiwan
P2.03.13 - DNA methylation changes in allergic patients correlate with symptom severity and reflect altered CD4+ T-cell population structure Antonio Lentini, C.E. Nestor, M. Gustafsson, H. Wang, H. Zhang, S. Bruhn, F. Barrenäs, M. Benson; Linköping, Sweden
P2.03.14 - Targeted disruption of Calcium/NFAT signaling reveals a left-right determination disorder in the pharyngeal arch artery Yukihisa Miyachi; Suita, Japan
P2.03.15 - Activation of Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) triggers epigenetic and microRNA modulation and consequent differential regulation of Tregs and Th17 cells and amelioration of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE) Mitzi Nagarkatti, N.P. Singh, P. Nagarkatti; Columbia, United States
P2.03.16 - Epigenetic regulation of cytokine production in sepsis and endotoxin tolerance Claudia Reschke, D. Ibrahim, J. Hecht, H. Volk, G. Grütz; Berlin, Germany
P2.03.17 - Impact of Wnt pathway activation in liver infiltrating T lymphocytes Valeria Schinzari, C. Martire, M. Rossi, S. Brozzetti, V. Barnaba; Rome, Italy
P2.03.18 - Evidence for in vivo DNA demethylation at Interferon-γ promoter site CpG island during human endotoxemia Brendon P. Scicluna, M. Wevel, H. Belkasim, A. van der Meer, R. Lutter, T. van der Poll; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P2.03.19 - Differential effects of histone-deacetylase inhibition during lipopolysaccharide-induced lung inflammation in mice Anne J. van der Meer, S.S. Zeerleder, C. van ‘t Veer, T. van der Poll; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P2.04 MICRORNAS IN IMMUNE REGULATION Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 - 15:00 065
P2.04.01 - miR-146, miR-21, and miR-31 expression in patients with active tuberculosis and subjects with latent tuberculosis infection E. Alijani, A. Poorfatholah, B. Sharifi Mood, A. Ahmad Zavaran Hosseini, Soheila Ajdary; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P2.04.02 - MicroRNA-mediated regulation of the pattern recognition receptor PTX3 Elisa Barbati, L. Mori, L. Zammataro, M. Rubino, A. Mantovani, C. Garlanda, M. Locati; Rozzano, Milano, Italy
P2.04.03 - MiR-217 is an oncogene that enhances the germinal center reaction Nahikari Bartolomé-Izquierdo, V. G de Yébenes, R. Nogales-Cadenas, P. Pérez-Durán, D. F Robbiani, M. Cañamero, A. Pascual-Montano, A. R Ramiro; Madrid, Spain
P2.04.04 - The effect of tumor cell derived exosomes on mesenchymal stem cells A. Marton, M. Harmati, R. Katona, E. Gyukity-Sebestyén, I. Nagy, B. Horváth, C. Vizler, E. Duda, A. Borsodi, Krisztina Buzas; Szeged, Hungary
P2.04.05 - MicroRNA modulations in plasmacytoid dendritic cell hyperactivity in systemic lupus erythematosus Vera S. Chan, S. Yan, R.C.Y. Tam, N. Shen, C.S. Lau; Pokfulam, Hong Kong
P2.04.06 - MicroRNA profiling in giant cell arteritis: diagnostic and prognostic potential Stefania Croci, A. Zerbini, G. Pazzola, D. Nicoli, E. Farnetti, B. Casali, A. Cavazza, L. Boiardi, M. Parmeggiani, C. Salvarani; Reggio Emilia, Italy
P2.04.07 - MicroRNAs dysregulation in human Chagas cardiomyopathy Ludmila R.P. Ferreira, R.H. Santos, M.A. Baron, I. Navarro, P.C. Teixeira, N.A. Stolf, E. Bocchi, A. Fiorelli, J. Kalil, E. Cunha-Neto; São Paulo, Brazil
P2.04.08 - Does HCMV employ miRNA mediated regulation to counter the antiviral mechanisms to maintain long latency periods in Humans? An in silico study Sunil B. Gosipatala, S. Saxena; Lucknow, India
P2.04.09 - Anti-microRNA-378 Enhances Wound Healing Process by Up-regulating Vimentin and Integrin beta-3 Haoran Li, B. Yang; Toronto, Canada
Posters - August 24 074
P2.04.10 - Global effect of IL-10-induced modulation of miRNAs expression on cytokine production by LPS-stimulated human monocytes Barbara Mariotti, M. Rossato, M. Castellucci, S. Gasperini, F. Bazzoni; Verona, Italy
P2.04.11 - TNF influences microRNA expression during T cell activation Viktor Molnár, B. Molnár-Érsek, E. Buzás, A. Falus, G. Nagy; Budapest, Hungary
P2.04.12 - The miR-17-92 cluster is regulating naive T cell homeostasis as well as effector and memory differentiation Gwennaelle C. Monnot, J.C. Dudda, B. Salaun, D. Utzschneider, D. Zehn, P. Romero; Epalinges, Switzerland
P2.04.13 - Double stimuli by TLR7 and CD11c+ may change microRNA expression in murine plasmacytoids dendritic cells Everton Padilha, T. Malardo, I.C. Fontoura, J.C.C. Lorenzi, B.P. Moreira, C.L. Silva, A.A.M. Coelho-Castelo; Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
P2.04.14 - Anti-inflammatory function of miR-146a in human primary keratinocytes and atopic dermatitis Ana Rebane, T. Runnel, A. Aab, B. Rückert, J. Maslovskaja, M. Zimmermann, M. Plaas, L. Kemeny, K. Kingo, C.A. Akdis; Davos, Switzerland
P2.04.15 - Negative regulation of Toll-like receptor 4 signaling by the IL-10-dependent miR-146b Tiziana A. Renzi, G. Curtale, M. Mirolo, M. Locati; Rozzano, Italy
P2.04.16 - The role of microRNA 155 in innate immunity and arthritis Victoria Saferding, E. Goncalves-Alves, A. Puchner, J. Smolen, K. Redlich, S. Blüml; Vienna, Austria
P2.04.17 - Association of microRNA-146a target gene IRAK-1 polymorphism with enthesitis related arthritis category of juvenile idiopathic arthritis Sushma Singh, A. Aggarwal; Lucknow, India
P2.04.18 - Regulated expression of microRNA-21 is involved in memory T-cell survival Katarzyna Smigielska-Czepiel, A. van den Berg, P.G. Jellema, H. Maat, R.J. van der Lei, E. Brouwer, A.M.H. Boots, B.J. Kroesen; Groningen, Netherlands
P2.04.19 - Aged T cell subsets are characterized by a distinct microRNA signature Nato Teteloshvili, A. van den Berg, N. van der Geest, R.J. van der Lei, P. Jellema, E. Brouwer, A.M.H. Boots, B.J. Kroesen; Groningen, Netherlands
P2.04.20 - MicroRNA-mediated regulation of TLR4 by immunosuppressive agent increases susceptibility to bacterial infections Emilie Tourneur, C. Chassin; Paris cedex 18, France
P2.04.21 - Genome-wide identification of differentially expressed microRNAs in human plasma cell differentiation revealed crucial microRNAs involved Dong-Yan Tsai, S. Wu, C. Chung, A.C. Shih, K. Lin; Taipei, Taiwan
P2.04.22 - Evaluation of expression pattern of miRNA146a in Pakistani rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Sami Ullah, P. John, A. Bhatti; Islamabad, Pakistan
P2.04.23 - Functional analysis for microRNA involving in arthritis Tomo Yonezawa; Chiba, Japan
P2.04.24 - Mir-34a promotes the development of Plasmacytoid dendritic cell Jinping Zhang; Suzhou, China
P3.07 B CELL DEVELOPMENT AND PLASMA CELL DIFFERENTIATION Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 - 15:00 089
P3.07.01 - Differential expression of CD21 in different species Marek Šinkora, J. Šinkorová; Nový Hrádek, Czech Republic
P3.07.02 - Immunologic Alterations in Long-Term Divers Hassan Abolhassani, A. Aghamohammadi, N. Rezaei, K. Ghorban, B. Dormanesh; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P3.07.03 - Class Switch Recombination Process in Common Variable Immunodeficiency Asghar Aghamohammadi, H. Abolhassani, S. Moazzeni, A. Salek Farrokhi, P. Mohammadinejad, B. Mirminachi; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P3.07.04 - Class Switch Recombination Process in Common Variable Immunodeficiency Asghar Aghamohammadi, H. Abolhassani, P. Mohammadinejad, A. Salek Farrokhi, S. Moazzeni, B. Mirminachi; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Posters - August 24 093
P3.07.05 - Allelically included B cells with two specificities are eliminated in the periphery Leen Baudewijn, S. Gjoerup Saekmose, C. Dellgren, T. Barington; Odense, Denmark
P3.07.06 - High-throughput mutant mouse characterisation is a powerful tool to identify novel immune phenotypes Emma L. Cambridge, A.O. Speak, S. Clare, T. Sanger Mouse Genetics Project, R. Ramirez-Solis, D.J. Adams, G. Dougan, J.K. White; Cambridge, United Kingdom
P3.07.07 - Functional analysis of synaptobrevin family members in secretion of antibodies by human plasma cells L. Gómez-Jaramillo, L. Delgado-Pérez, F. Mora-López, R. Romero-García, G. Jiménez-Gómez, A. García-Poley, J.A. Brieva, Antonio Campos-Caro; Cádiz, Spain
P3.07.08 - B cell responses toward bacterial pathogens in human tonsils Elisa Faenzi, F. Buricchi, E. Viciani, G. Santoro, F. Bagnoli, M. Barocchi, F. Castellino, G. Del Giudice, A. Manetti, O. Finco; Siena, Italy
P3.07.09 - Ectonuclotidase activity in class switch recombination of murine B cells Caterina E. Faliti, R. Rigoni, M. Proietti, E. Traggiai, F. Grassi; Bellinzona, Switzerland
P3.07.10 - Primary Antibody Deficient Patients and ENT Complication Alireza Ghajar, A. Aghamohammadi, A. Kouhi, M. Tavakol, M. Afarideh, H. Abolhassani; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P3.07.11 - IL-4 promotes B cell maturation in synergy with BAFF and confers resistance to cell death in negative selection checkpoints Alessandra Granato, B. Baptista, M. Bellio, A. Nóbrega, E. Hayashi; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P3.07.12 - The hierarchical process of differentiation of long-lived antibody-secreting cells is dependent on integrated signals derived from antigen and IL-17A Lidiane Z. Grund, M. Lopes-Ferreira, C. Lima; São Paulo, Brazil
P3.07.13 - Granzyme B-secreting B cells: suicidal or lethal? Magdalena Hagn, D. Brasacchio, A. Brennan, J. Lopez, K. Thia, V. Sutton, J.A. Trapani; Melbourne, Australia
P3.07.14 - Participation of arginine methyltransferase 1 in B cell development and differentiation Kikumi Hata, N. Yanase, E. Takada, J. Mizuguchi; Tokyo, Japan
P3.07.15 - Distinct processing of the pre-B cell receptor and the B cell receptor J. Haimovich, S. Cohen, M. Toren, Nurit Hollander; Tel Aviv, Israel
P3.07.16 - A functional BCR in human IgA and IgM plasma cells D. Pinto, E. Montani, F. Sallusto, A. Lanzavecchia, David Jarrossay; Bellinzona, Switzerland
P3.07.17 - The surrogate light chain selects Mu heavy chain based on its DH CDR-H3 sequence Mohamed A. Khass, L. Watkins, Y. Zhuang, E. Capriotti, P.D. Burrows, H.W. Schroeder Jr.; Birmingham, United States
P3.07.18 - Therapeutic effects of anti-APRIL blocking antibody on murine IgA nephropathy Yang Gyun Kim, Y. Suzuki, H. Bertrand, H. Suzuki, M. Maikuma, M. Muto, S. Izui, S. Hirose, Y. Tomino; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P3.07.19 - SLAM-dependent and independent mechanism of IgE induction Akihiko Kitoh, N. Kusuba, Y. Miyachi, S. Sakaguchi, Y. Yanagi, K. Kabashima; Kyoto, Japan
P3.07.20 - Differences between IgG4+ and IgG1+ B cells provide insight into regulation of the IgG4 response Laura C. Lighaam, E. Vermeulen, E.L. Culver, K.J. Meijlink, T.H. den Bleker, P. Ooijevaar-de Heer, E. Barnes, R.C. Aalberse, S.M. van Ham, T. Rispens; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P3.07.21 - The role of the histone demethylase Jmjd3 in B-cell lymphopoiesis Rahmat Mahshid, T. Burgold, B. Khoramian, M. Caganova, F. Mainoldi, M. Reth, G. Natoli, G. Testa, S. Casola; Milano, Italy
P3.07.22 - Protease-activated receptor (PAR)1 and PAR2 have opposing effects on B-lymphocyte function during different stages of maturation Kelly J. McKelvey, Y. Chan, C.J. Jackson, M. Xue; St Leonards, Australia
P3.07.23 - Ataxia Telangiectasia Patients Presented by Class Switch Recombination Defect: Elevated Serum Levels of IgM Babak Mirminachi, A. Aghamohammadi, H. Abolhassani, S. Ghosh, A. Borkhardt; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P3.07.24 - B cell development undergoes profound changes during pregnancy Damián O. Muzzio, A.C. Zenclussen, F. Jensen; Magdeburg, Germany
Posters - August 24 113
P3.07.25 - Influence of Wnt5a treatment on B-1 cells viability in vitro Lika Osugui, M.C.T. Novo, M.F.L. Laurindo, A.F. Popi; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P3.07.26 - Effects of Ouabain on B and T lymphocytes at mice R.P.S. Barbosa, T.A.G. Vianna, J.M.C. Silva, K.M. Costa, F.B. Do Canto, V.R. Cabral, R. Fucs, Luciana S. Paiva; Niterói/RJ, Brazil
P3.07.27 - Combination effect of LPS and MDP on antibody production by mouse B cells S. Lee, Y. Yoo, J. Lee, P. Kim, G. Seo, Seok-Rae Park; Daejeon, Korea, Republic of
P3.07.28 - Immunization of Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) patients with Influenza induces increase in switched memory B cells and plasmablasts Maíra Pedreschi, A.K.B. Oliveira, M.T. Barros, A. Cohon, J. Kalil, C.M. Kokron; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P3.07.29 - CD38 ligation promotes proliferation and ERK phosphorylation of bone marrow B-cell precursors in mice Hector Romero-Ramirez, M. Morales-Guadarrama, R. Pelayo-Camacho, R. Lopez-Santiago, L. Santos-Argumedo; Mexico, Mexico
P3.07.30 - Patients with X-linked Agammaglobulinemia Survival Rate : Mortality and Morbidity A. Aghamohammadi, H. Abolhassani, F. Sefatgol, F. Shahriari, S. Sefatgol, Masoud Sefatgol; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P3.07.31 - Retinoic acid acts as a selective human IgA switch factor Goo-Young Seo, S. Park, J. Kim, Y. Jang, J. Lee, H. Han, S. Kang, S. Kim, B. Jin, S. An, J. Choe, P. Kim; Chuncheon, Korea, Republic of
P3.07.32 - Adaptor protein Swiprosin2/EFhd1 during early B cell development Merle Stein, S. Dütting, S. Brachs, W. Schuh, A. Turqueti-Neves, D. Vöhringer, H. Jäck, D. Mielenz; Erlangen, Germany
P3.07.33 - Serine/threonine phosphatase PP4 is required for pro-B cell development by promoting Ig VDJ recombination Yu-wen Su, T. Tan; Zhunan, Miaoli County, Taiwan
P3.07.34 - Y-Chromosome-linked B- and NK-cell deficiency in mice Shu-lan Sun, A. Asao, T. Takahashi, T. So, M. Kondo, N. Ishii; Sendai, Japan
P3.07.35 - ACKR3 (CXCR7) expression on late germinal center B cells Marcus Thelen; Bellinzona, Switzerland
P3.07.36 - Inhibition of germinal center formation and humoral immune responses by EB virus protein LMP1 Chiau-Yuang Tsai, T. Yasui, T. Minamitani, K. Morita, S. Sakakibara, H. Kikutani; Osaka, Japan
P3.07.38 - B cell-intrinsic role of DOCK2 in T cell-dependent humoral immunity Miho Ushijima, A. Nishikimi, Y. Fukui; Fukuoka, Japan
P3.07.39 - Impact of genetic deficiencies in the TLR signaling pathways on human IgM+IgD+CD27+ B cells Sandra Weller, S. Storck, L. Israel, S. Zhang, A. Puel, J.L. Casanova, C. Picard, J.C. Weill, C.A. Reynaud; Paris, France
P3.07.40 - Follicular dendritic cells induce a new class of myeloid cells with unique B cell stimulating activities: specific dependence on IL-34/CSF-1R signaling pathway Fumihiro Yamane, K. Matsui, H. Tanimoto, E. Iwasaki, M. Asakura, H. Tokumitsu, Y. Nishikawa, N. Kanayama, M. Magari, H. Ohmori; Okayama, Japan
P3.07.41 - The Non-Canonical function of UNG in AID induced Antibody Gene Diversification Ashraf S. Yousif, N.A. Begum, T. Honjo; Kyoto, Japan
Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 - 15:00 129
P3.11.01 - CD2 expression determines two lineages of γδ T cells in swine Marek Sinkora, K. Stepánová; Nový Hrádek, Czech Republic
P3.11.02 - IL-17-producing gamma-delta T cells are crucial for the development of autoimmune arthritis in IL-1 receptor antagonist-deficient mice Aoi Akitsu, H. Ishigame, S. Kakuta, S. Saijo, Y. Iwakura; Chiba, Japan
P3.11.03 - Changes in Granzyme B expression in gamma delta T-cell in (HTLV-1)-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis patients Raquel C. Albuquerque, O. Espindola, M.A. Lima, A.C.C. Leite, M.J. Andrada-Serpa, J. Echevarria-Lima; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Posters - August 24 132
P3.11.04 - Involvement of γδ-T cells in the pathogenesis of autoimmune skin disorder: Pemphigus vulgaris Vivek Anand, A. Raju, D. Das, S. Khandpur, V. Sharma, A. Sharma; New Delhi, India
P3.11.05 - Exploiting NKG2D and lymphoid stress surveillance response in seronegative spondyloarthritis Elisa Binda, A. Manzo, B. Vitolo, S. Bugatti, C. Montecucco; Pavia, Italy
P3.11.06 - T Cell Dysregulation in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Ekua W. Brenu, S.L. Hardcastle, T.K. Huth, L. Cosgrave, D.R. Staines, S.M. Marshall-Gradisnik; Gold Coast, Australia
P3.11.07 - In vivo IFN-alpha/ribavirin treatment modulates Vγ9Vδ2 T-cell function during chronic HCV infection Eleonora Cimini, C. Bonnafous, H. Sicard, C. Vlassi, G. D’Offizi, M. Capobianchi, F. Martini, C. Agrati; Rome, Italy
P3.11.08 - γδ T cells are required for the development of autoimmune anti myeloperoxidase glomerulonephritis Poh-Yi Gan, J.D. Ooi, S.A. Summers, D. Odobasic, A.R. Kitching, S.R. Holdsworth; Melbourne, Australia
P3.11.09 - Differentiation of human peripheral blood Vδ1 T cells expressing Natural Cytotoxicity Receptors: implications for immunotherapies and the understanding of γδ T cell function Kelly Hudspeth, D.V. Correia, M. Fogli, M. Gomes da Silva, J. Mikulak, A. Roberto, S. Della Bella, B. Silva-Santos, D. Mavilio; Rozzano, Italy
P3.11.10 - Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen specific changes of CDR3 length distribution of Vδ2 chain of human γδ T lymphocytes Baiqing Li, F. Ma, Y. Ding, Z. Wang, S. Guo, D. Xu, Y. Chen, J. Tang; Bengbu, China
P3.11.11 - Respiratory syncytial virus infection influences FasL-mediated apoptosis of γδ T cells in a murine model of allergen sensitization Beixing Liu, S. Zeng, J. Liu, F. Qi; Shenyang, China
P3.11.12 - Sensing cellular stress by γδ TCR Romain Marlin, H. Kaminski, S. Netzer, V. Pitard, C. Harly, E. Scotet, J. Moreau, J. Dechanet-Merville; Bordeaux, France
P3.11.14 - Understanding the crosstalk between γδ T cells and osteoclasts in patients with breast cancer Swati P. Phalke, V. Parmar, R. Badwe, S. Chiplunkar; Navi Mumbai, India
P3.11.15 - Toll-like receptor 2 ligand enhances effector function but not antigen presentation properties of gamma-delta T cells Desmond Poo, W. Wang, M. Teo, H. Toh; Singapore, Singapore
P3.11.16 - Phenotypic characterisation of Human Vγ9Vδ2 T-cells Paul L. Ryan, L.A. Bergmeier, D.J. Pennington; London, United Kingdom
P3.11.17 - Human peripheral Vδ1+ γδ T cells can develop into αβ T cells H. Ziegler, J. Haarer, M. Sterk, H. Rammensee, R. Handgretinger, Karin Schilbach; Tübingen, Germany
P3.11.18 - The regulatory role of TCR Vδ1+ ΝΚT cells in systemic sclerosis patients with interstitial pneumonia Segawa Seiji, D. Goto, M. Horikoshi, I. Matsumoto, T. Sumida; Ibaraki, Japan
P3.11.19 - γδ T cells react against the murine cytomegalovirus Sabrina Sell, M. Dietz, A. Schneider, M. Mach, T. Winkler; Erlangen, Germany
P3.11.20 - TCR requirements for γδ T cell development Nital Sumaria, D.J. Pang, J.F. Neves, K.V. Stoenchev, B. Silva-Santos, D.J. Pennington; Whitechapel, United Kingdom
P3.11.21 - CD30L/CD30 signaling plays a critical role in maintenance and activation of IL-17A-producing γδ T cells in mucosa-associated tissues in mice Xun Sun, E.R. Podack, Y. Yoshikai, C. Lu; Shenyang, China
P3.11.22 - Developing a protocol for large scale generation of antigen-pulsed gamma-delta T cells for cancer immunotherapy Who-Whong Wang, K. Poo, M. Teo, H. Toh; Singapore, Singapore
P3.11.23 - The role of phosphoantigen-expanded human γδ-T cells in the control of Epstein-Barr virus infection Zheng Xiang, J. Zheng, Y. Liu, G. Qin, Y. Liu, J. Guan, K. Lam, Y. Lau, W. Tu; Hong Kong, Hong Kong
P3.11.24 - Assessment of immune dysfunction in IgA-nephropathy patients Mariya Yurkevich, H. Ivanchik, S. Bagatka, K. Komissarov, V. Pilotovich, M. Zafranskay; Minsk, Belarus
Posters - August 24 P3.12 FOLLICULAR HELPER T CELLS
Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 - 15:00 152
P3.12.01 - MyD88 activated Monocyte-derived CD11b+ dendritic cells enhance Follicular Helper T cell differentiation Svetoslav Chakarov, N. Fazilleau; Toulouse, France
P3.12.02 - Regulation and B-cell help mediated by distinct subsets of IL-10-producing T-cells Federica Facciotti, B. Haeringer, N. Gagliani, M. Paroni, P. Gruarin, L. Pignataro, R. Flavell, S. Abrignani, J. Geginat; Milan, Italy
P3.12.03 - Role of Notch signal in the generation of follicular helper T cells (TFH) and memory T cell Yohsuke Harada, K. Tokoyoda, K. Miyauchi, Y. Harada, A. Hanazawa, S. Ohno, Y. Yanagi, T. Takemori, M. Kubo; Noda, Japan
P3.12.04 - Role of BCL6 and PD-1 in CD4 memory T cell development Kristin Hollister, H. Wu, A. Dent; Indianapolis, United States
P3.12.05 - B cell antigen presentation induces Tfh-differentiation from Th2 cells in vitro Shu Horiuchi, H. Takebuchi, S. Konishi, K. Haniuda, T. Moutai, S. Takatsuka, D. Kitamura; Noda-City, Chiba, Japan
P3.12.06 - ICOS is critical for maintenance of the T follicular helper phenotype R.K. Franke, J.P. Weber, F. Fuhrmann, M. Al Baz, D. Vu Van, H.W. Mages, R.A. Kroczek, Andreas Hutloff; Berlin, Germany
P3.12.07 - A positive feedback loop between splenic long-lived plasma cells and follicular helper T cells Eunkyeong Jang, W. Chp, J. Youn; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P3.12.08 - Roles of follicular helper T (TFH) cells in antibody based protective immunity in influenza virus vaccination Masato Kubo, K. Miyauchi, A. Sugimoto-Ishige, T. Kaji, Y. Takahashi, T. Takemori; Yokohama, Japan
P3.12.09 - Costimulation through GITR increases follicular helper T cell formation and leads to control of a chronic viral infection M.F. Pascutti, C. Brandao, R.W. van Olffen, T. Poplonski, R.A.W. van Lier, Martijn A. Nolte; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P3.12.10 - The implications of skin epidermal and dermal antigen-presenting cells in T follicular helper cell polarization Charles Nuttens, L. Chonco, O. Bonduelle, S. Munier, B. Verrier, B. Combadiere; Paris, France
P3.12.11 - Regulation of follicular helper T cells in Peyer’s patches by endoluminal ATP Andrea Romagnani; Bellinzona, Switzerland
P3.12.12 - TLR9 signaling acts on multiple elements of the germinal center to enhance antibody responses Derek Rookhuizen, A.L. DeFranco; San Francisco, United States
P3.12.13 - Antibody production and T forlicular helper response in mice immunized with modified HIV-1 envelope gp120 H. Yu, D. Tian, J. Wang, X. Wang, C. Guo, Y. Li, Min Zhuang, H. Ling; Harbin, China
P3.14 B CELLS IN AUTOIMMUNITY AND REGULATORY B CELLS Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 - 15:00 165
P3.14.01 - Immunoglobulins, Zn and NO in newly diagnosed children with type 1 diabetes Mourad Aribi, I. Benghalem, K. Labadi, L. Hamouda, W. Meziane, M. Lammani; Tlemcen, Algeria
P3.14.03 - FcγRIIb modulates IL-10 secretion by regulatory B cells: Implications for systemic sclerosis A. Ferrier, O. Aravena, K. Pino-Lagos, J. Aguillón, L. Soto, Diego F. Catalan; Santiago, Chile
P3.14.04 - Effects of fingolimod therapy on B cell biology in multiple sclerosis Nele Claes, J. Fraussen, B. Van Wijmeersch, P. Stinissen, R. Hupperts, V. Somers; Diepenbeek, Belgium
P3.14.05 - Altered lymphoid organogenesis yet normal development of T-cell mediated autoimmunity in mice with skewed B-cell differentiation Emanuela Colombo, P. Tentorio, S. Musio, K. Rajewsky, R. Pedotti, S. Casola, C. Farina; Milan, Italy
P3.14.06 - Accumulation of circulating autoreactive naïve B cells reveal defects of early B cell tolerance checkpoints in patients with Sjögren’s syndrome Elisa Corsiero, N. Sutcliffe, H. Wardemann, C. Pitzalis, M. Bombardieri; London, United Kingdom
P3.14.07 - Characterization of regulatory B cells in rodent model, able to transfer allograft tolerance via the TGFbeta pathway Justine Durand, C. Usal, E. Merieau, M. Heslan, E. Chiffoleau; Nantes, France
Posters - August 24 171
P3.14.08 - Protection from autoimmune nephritis in mice transgenic for BAFF, but lacking CD19 Kirsten A. Fairfax, F. MacKay-Fisson; Melbourne, Australia
P3.14.09 - BAFF polymorphisms in Tunisian systemic lupus erythematosus patients Yousr Gorgi, I. Sfar, T. Dhaouadi, N. Laamiri, S. Turki, L. Ben Hassine, T. Ben Abdallah; Tunis, Tunisia
P3.14.10 - Direct PD-1-mediated suppression of autoreactive B cells by regulatory T cells Janine Gotot, C. Gottschalk, P.A. Knolle, H. Yagita, C. Kurts, I. Ludwig-Portugall; Bonn, Germany
P3.14.11 - Zap70+ b cells and plasmablasts as markers of disease activity and remission in systemic lupus erythematosus renal involvement Elisa Gremese, M. Nowik, L. Petricca, M. Gigante, L. Messutti, S. Canestri, C. Di Mario, G. Marino, B. Tolusso, G. Ferraccioli; Rome, Italy
P3.14.12 - The precursor BCR suppresses T cell-dependent autoimmune responses Ola Grimsholm, W. Ren, A.I. Bernardi, N. Höök, B. Bergmann, A. Stern, N. Cavallini, A. De Riva, I. Gjertsson, I. Mårtensson; Gothenburg, Sweden
P3.14.13 - Functional properties of resident B cells in arterial walls of human atherosclerotic patients Moustafa Hamze, C. Desmetz, C. Guzman, P. Roger, M. Berthe, N. Boulle, P. Branchereau, E. Picard, C. Tolza, P. Guglielmi; Montpellier, France
P3.14.14 - Epigenetic manipulation of protective and pathogenic antibody responses with histone deacetylase inhibitors Edwin D. Hawkins, M. Waibel, A. Frew, M. Hibbs, J. Shortt, R. Tothill, D. Tarlinton, R. Johnstone; London, United Kingdom
P3.14.15 - Systemic immunoglobulin G to human dentin fractions decreases during orthodontic treatment Eiko N. Itano, C.E.O. Lima, L.A. Nagashima, M.S. Kaminami, F.A. Nakanishi-Ito, E.T. Carlotto, E.O. Tanaka, T.T.M.P. Costa; Londrina, PR, Brazil
P3.14.16 - Inhibition of formation of IgA1-containing immune complexes in IgA1 nephropathy Alena Kasperova, H. Ueda, M. Stuchlova-Horynova, B. Julian, J. Novak, M. Raska; Olomouc, Czech Republic
P3.14.17 - Can B cells induce the generation of regulatory T cells? H.H. Mohammed Ali, Anna Kowalik, E. Kiernozek, E. Kozlowska, N. Drela; Warsaw, Poland
P3.14.18 - IL-7 modulates B cells survival and activation by inducing BAFF and CD70 expression in T cells Rebecka Lantto, S. Sammicheli, N. Ruffin, N. Vivar, F. Chiodi, B. Rethi; Stockholm, Sweden
P3.14.19 - Bendamustine increases interleukin-10 secretion from B cells Lu Le, A. Morita, K. Yoshimoto, H. Kameda, T. Takeuchi; Tokyo, Japan
P3.14.20 - B-1 lymphocytes modify global gene expression by murine melanoma cells P. Xander, R.R. Novaes e Brito, E.C. Pérez, J.M. Pozzibon, C.F. Souza, R. Pelegrino, V. Bernardo, M.G. Jasulionis, M. Mariano, José D. Lopes; São Paulo, Brazil
P3.14.21 - A novel flow-cytometry-based method to evaluate autoreactivity enables the study of B cell tolerance checkpoints in mice Emiliano Marasco, N. Manjarrez-Orduño, T. Hopkins, A. Athanassiou, J. Kiridly, P. Gregersen, B. Diamond; Manhasset, United States
P3.14.22 - Strain-specific positive and negative regulatory roles for TLR9 in a mouse model of SLE Robyn E. Mills, V. Lam, A. Weiss, M.L. Hermiston; San Francisco, United States
P3.14.23 - Mast cells contribute to the expansion and differentiation of IL-10-producing B cells Francesca Mion, F. D’Incà, L. Danelli, B. Frossi, C. Guarnotta, A. Burocchi, C. Tripodo, M.P. Colombo, G. Vitale, C.E. Pucillo; Udine, Italy
P3.14.24 - Abnormal distribution of B-cells populations associated with impaired regulatory functions in the Chronic Humoral Rejection Alexandre Nouël, I. Segalen, A. Grall, J.O. Pers, Y. Le Meur, S. Hillion; Brest, France
P3.14.25 - The autoantibodies to GM-CSF found in pulmonary alveolar proteinosis are generated through somatic mutations Luca Piccoli, D. Corti, I. Campo, M. Luisetti, L. Varani, F. Sallusto, A. Lanzavecchia; Bellinzona, Switzerland
P3.14.26 - CD38 and splenic B lymphocytes involvement in autoimmune disease using a murine model for systemic lupus erythematosus H. Romero Ramirez, M. Dominguez Pantoja, A. Dominguez Rívas, L. Santos Argumedo, Juan C. Rodríguez Alba; Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico
P3.14.27 - Generation of autoreactive and poly-reactive antibody producing cells during gamma-herpesvirus infection Shuhei Sakakibara, T. Yasui, T. Minamitani, H. Jinzai, H. Kikutani; Suita, Osaka, Japan
Posters - August 24 191
P3.14.28 - B cell-derived IL-10 suppresses inflammatory disease in Lyn-deficient mice Patrizia Scapini, C. Lamagna, M.A. Cassatella, A.L. DeFranco, C.A. Lowell; Verona, Italy
P3.14.29 - B-cell delivery of tolerogenic fusion proteins via anti-CD20 targeting A. Zhang, David W. Scott; Bethesda, United States
P3.14.30 - CD19 expression on B cells controls type 1 diabetes (T1D) Robyn M. Slattery; Melbourne, Australia
P3.14.31 - Limited somatic hypermutation in IgA of transglutaminase 2 specific as well as gluten specific plasma cells of celiac disease intestinal lesions Øyvind Steinsbø, C. Dunand, L. Mesin, M. Huang, M. Ferrer, K. Lundin, J. Jahnsen, P. Wilson, L. Sollid; Oslo, Norway
P3.14.32 - Hydrodynamic DNA vaccination for induction of mouse monoclonal antibodies specifically reacting with N-acetylgalactosaminide 2,6-sialyltransferase II (ST6GalNAc II) M. Stuchlova Horynova, Alena Kasperova, Z. Smrzova, E. Weigl, H. Suzuki, J. Novak, M. Raska; Olomouc, Czech Republic
P3.14.33 - B cell extrinsic MyD88 and FcR common gamma chain control contraction of the autoreactive extrafollicular B cell response Rebecca A. Sweet, J.L. Cullen, M.J. Shlomchik; New Haven, United States
P3.14.34 - Renal Transplant Recipients lack circulating CD19+CD24hiCD38hi Interleukin-10 producing Regulatory B-Lymphocytes Bastian Tebbe, J. Wang, S. Dolff, A. Kribben, P. Hoyer, O. Witzke, A. Hoerning; Essen, Germany
P3.14.35 - Endosomal TLR triggering hyperactivates B cells, induces plasma cells differentiation, class switch and immunoglobulin production in Sjögren’s syndrome S. Brauner, M. Kvarnström, L. Folkersen, S. Görgen, K. Brokstad, R. Jonsson, C. Trollmo, V. Malmström, G. Nordmark, Marie Wahren-Herlenius; Stockholm, Sweden
P3.14.36 - The role of B cells as antigen presenting cells in allergic inflammation Tomasz Wypych; Bellinzona, Switzerland
P3.14.37 - Anti-thrombin antibodies induced by dengue virus with both anti-thrombotic and pro-fibrinolytic activities Trai Ming Yeh; Tainan, Taiwan
Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 - 15:00 201
P4.02.01 - A deficient translocation of CD3ζ, ZAP-70 and Grb2 to lipid raft, as a hallmark of defective adaptive immune response during chronic hepatitis B infection Luisa Barboza, S. Salmen, G. Teran-Angel, D.L. Peterson, L. Berrueta; Mérida, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
P4.02.02 - HCV genotype 3 infected patients: Resistant and the relapsers R.S.A. Khan, Qudsia Bashir, H. Bashir, I.A. Khawar, M.A. Rathore, A. Younis, S. Razak; Islamabad, Pakistan
P4.02.03 - Possible routes of transmission among HCV infected Pakistani subjects Qudsia Bashir, R.S.A. Khan, H. Bashir, I.A. Khawar, A. Younis, S. Razak; Islamabad, Pakistan
P4.02.04 - Surface receptors and cytokines in CD4+ T cells upon HCV core transduction Cecilia Matilde Fernández Ponce, M. Dominguez-Villar, J. Muñoz-Miranda, M. Duran, E. Aguado, F. Garcia-Cozar; Cadiz, Spain
P4.02.05 - Cytokine profiles are modulated through the STAT family and define distinct clinical courses during hepatitis A virus infection F.P. Castro-Garcia, G. Escobedo-Melendez, K. Corral, M.A. Sandoval-Hernandez, M. Realpe, S. Roman, Y. Rosenstein, A. Panduro, Nora A. Fierro; Guadalajara, Mexico
P4.02.06 - Transcriptome profile of HCV-specific CD8 cells in early HCV infection Paola Fisicaro, V. Barili, B. Montanini, A. Orlandini, E. Negri, F. Bianchi, G. Missale, S. Ottonello, C. Ferrari; Parma, Italy
P4.02.07 - The role of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in the inhibition of an adaptive immune response in a persistent HBV mouse model Yvonne A. Gäbel, L. Huang, N. Garbi, U. Protzer, P. Knolle; Bonn, Germany
P4.02.08 - Monoclonal antibodies to various epitopes of HBs antigen inhibit HBV replication Forough Golsaz Shirazi, H. Mohammadi, M. Amiri, K. Singethan, Y. Xia, A. Bayat, M. Bahadori, M. Jeddi –Tehrani, U. Protzer, F. Shokri; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Posters - August 24 209
P4.02.09 - Impact of cytokines and apoptosis genes polymorphisms on the outcome of hepatitis C virus infection in Tunisian hemodialysed patients Yousr Gorgi, L. Ksiaa Cheikh Rouhou, H. Aouadi, S. Jendoubi Ayed, I. Sfar, T. Ben Abdallah, K. Ayed; Tunis, Tunisia
P4.02.10 - Immunogenetic factors of chronic hepatitis C and hepatocellular carcinoma development observed in atomicbomb survivors Tomonori Hayashi, W. Ohishi, K. Imai, K. Yoshida, I. Hayashi, Y. Hu, J. Kajimura, S. Kyoizumi, Y. Kusunoki, K. Nakachi; Hiroshima, Japan
P4.02.11 - Prevalence of GBV-C/HGV and HCV among HIV infected populations in South Iran Mohammad Jafari, M. Mohsenzadeh, M.r. Fathi, A. Pirouzi; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.02.12 - Serum IP-10 profiles over time in treatment-experienced hepatitis C patients treated with a HCV NS3/4A protease inhibitor in combination with peginterferon and ribavirin Susanne Johansson, L. Vijgen, W. Talloen, M. Beumont-Mauviel, M. Peeters, O. Lenz, J. Aerssens; Beerse, Belgium
P4.02.13 - Infectious diseases: Viral infections prevalence among gastroenterology patients Iftikhar A. Khawar, R.S.A. Khan, H. Bashir, Q. Bashir, A. Younis, S. Razak; Kampala, Uganda
P4.02.14 - TLR-2 promotes both mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) replication and inflammatory responses in hepatocytes leading to fulminant hepatitis C. Bleau, M. Burnette, A. Jacques, M. Samson, C. Piquet-Pellorce, Lucie Lamontagne; Montréal, Canada
P4.02.15 - The altered phenotype of CD4+CXCR5+ T cells and B cells is associated with the chronic hepatitis B virus infection Yu Lei, T. Hu, X. Song, M. Chen, Z. Zhou, D. Zhang, H. Hu, P. Hu, H. Ren; Chongqing, China
P4.02.16 - Interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor- and interleukin -10 polymorphisms are associated with the cytokines serum levels of hepatitis C virus infection in Brazilian Population A.M. Tarragô, A.G. da Costa, J.P.D. Pimentel, S. Gomes, P. Lalwani, A.S. de Araújo, R.A. Marie, A.C. Vallinoto, A. Sadahiro, Adriana Malheiro; Manaus, Brazil
P4.02.17 - HHV-8 and hepatitis infections in pemphigus Kaouthar Mejri, M. Kallel Sellami, I. Zarraa, L. Laadhar, W. Tombari, M. Mokni, I. Mokhtar, B. Fazaa, M. Zitouni, S. Makni; Tunis, Tunisia
P4.02.18 - Epitope mapping and identification of mutated hepatitis B surface antigens by mouse monoclonal antibodies Hamed Mohammadi, F. Golsaz-Shirazi, A. Roohi, M. Amiri, A. Bayat, J. Mahmoudian, M. Jeddi-Tehrani, F. Shokri; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.02.19 - The diverse roles of necroptosis and inflammatory signaling during chronic overwhelming infections Simon P. Preston, G. Ebert, J.P. Cooney, M. Pellegrini; Melbourne, Australia
P4.02.21 - Polarized effector function of NK cells in chronic hepatitis C is partially dependent on the IL28B genotype Magdalena Rogalska-Taranta, A.A. Markova, S. Westhaus, S. Lunemann, A. Taranta, V. Schlaphoff, M.P. Manns, M. Cornberg, S. Ciesek, H. Wedemeyer; Hannover, Germany
P4.02.22 - Programmed hepatocytes cell death associated with FLIP dowregulation and Bid activation in response to extracellular PreS1/2 Siham Salmen, M.D. Rojas, D.L. Peterson, L. Berrueta; Merida, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
P4.02.23 - Detection of hepatitis B virus variants in Tunisian patients Latifa Satouri; Tunis, Tunisia
P4.02.24 - The Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Response to HLA-Cw08-restricted Envelope Epitope in Resolved Hepatitis B Infection Pimpayao Sodsai, A.T. Tan, N. Kirankarn, A. Bertoletti; Bangkok, Thailand
P4.02.25 - Association of MICA variants and hepatitis B virus induced hepatocellular carcinoma Hoang V. Tong, N.L. Toan, L.H. Song, T. Bock, P.G. Kremsner, V. TP; Tuebingen, Germany
P4.02.26 - Enhancement of anti-HCV T cell immunity by immunization with an adenoviral vector encoding a TLR4-targeted NS3 protein Lorea Villanueva, F. Aranda, A. Pereboev, L. Silva, D. Llopiz, A. Zabaleta, L. Arribillaga, J. Prieto, J.J. Lasarte, P. Sarobe; Pamplona, Spain
P4.02.27 - Fulminant hepatitis caused by virus infection was controlled by BTLA signaling Yuzhang Wu, Y. Chen, C. Yang, S. Wu; Chongqing, China
P4.02.28 - P300, but not PCAF, collaborates with IRF-1 in stimulating TRIM22 expression, that is independent on its histone acetyltransferase activity Sidong Xiong, B. Gao, W. Xu; Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China
Posters - August 24 228
P4.02.29 - Intrahepatic CXCR3-associated chemokines and circulating autoantibody profiles in patients chronically infected with hepatitis C virus Andy Q. Yu, M. Ghabril, Z. Meng, S. Hu, T. Amet, D. Byrd, J. Lan, N. Chalasani; Indianapolis, United States
P4.04 IMMUNITY TO BACTERIAL INFECTION (EXCLUDING MYCOBACTERIA) Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 - 15:00 229
P4.04.01 - Mice oral immunization against Vibrio cholera: Zot and Ace recombinant proteins used as a subunit vaccine Shaghayegh Anvari, S. Najar Peerayeh, A. Memarian, M. Behmanesh, S.D. Siadat; Gorgan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.04.02 - Antibodies against outer membrane proteins of Moraxella catarrhalis and nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae cross-react with various pathogens of human respiratory tract Daria Augustyniak, J. Bonarowska, P. Mackiewicz, Z. Drulis-Kawa; Wroclaw, Poland
P4.04.03 - Functionality of cross-reactive antibodies against Moraxella catarrhalis Daria Augustyniak, M. Piekut, G. Majkowska-Skrobek; Wroclaw, Poland
P4.04.04 - Secondary bacterial pneumonia following flu infection: Pathogenesis and protective immunity Mariana E. Bernui, H. Shen; Phladelphia, United States
P4.04.05 - Induction of Mast Cell Extracellular Traps by intracellular bacteria Marcia Campillo-Navarro, J. Serafín-López, I. Estrada-García, M. González-jimenez, A. Cerbulo-Vazquez, K. Leyva-Paredes, B. García-Pérez, L. Donis-Maturano, S. Estrada-Parra, R. Chacon-Salinas; Mexico city, Mexico
P4.04.06 - Plasmin Cleaves Human complement C3b and C5 Proteins in the Presence of Leptospira interrogans Proteins: A New Role of LigA and LigB for complement Immune Evasion Mónica M. Castiblanco-Valencia, T.R. Fraga, L.B. Silva, D. Monaris, P.A.E. Abreu, A.S. Barbosa, L. Isaac; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.04.07 - A murine air pouch model to study group A streptococcal pathogenesis and protective immunity Nico Chiappini, A. Seubert, P. Fontani, J.L. Telford, D. Serruto, G. Grandi, I.M. Y Ros, R. Janulczyk; Siena, Italy
P4.04.08 - Investigation of innate immunity genes on the japanese oak silkworm, Anthereae yamamai Kwangho Choi, S. Kim, S. Kim, S. Kang, T. Goo; Suwon, Korea, Republic of
P4.04.09 - An inhibitor of sirtuin 1 and sirtuin 2, cambinol, impairs MAPK signaling, inhibits inflammatory and innate immune responses and protects from septic shock Eleonora Ciarlo, J. Lugrin, A. Santos, G. Grandmaison, I. Dos Santos Pinheiro, D. Le Roy, T. Roger; Lausanne, Switzerland
P4.04.10 - Study of the impact of Sirtuin 2 knockout on innate immune responses and sepsis Eleonora Ciarlo, J. Lugrin, I. Dos Santos Pinheiro, D. Le Roy, N. Moulan, H. Yamamoto, H. Acha-Orbea, T. Calandra, J. Auwerx, T. Roger; Lausanne, Switzerland
P4.04.11 - Immune-response in lesional skin of secondary syphilis Marco Cusini, V. Merlo, L. Corti, R. Gianotti, L. Venegoni, E. Berti; Milan, Italy
P4.04.12 - The role of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) in the host defense against Gram-negative sepsis (melioidosis) Hanna K. de Jong, G.C.K.W. Koh, T.A.F. Weehuizen, A. Achouiti, F. Stephan, N.P.J. Day, S.J. Peacock, S. Zeerleder, T. van der Poll, W.J. Wiersinga; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P4.04.13 - Protease Activated Receptor 4 contributes to host defense in Streptococcus pneumoniae induced pneumonia Sacha F. de Stoppelaar, C. van ‘t Veer, F.E. van den Boogaard, R. Nieuwland, A.J. Hoogendijk, O.J. de Boer, J.J.T.H. Roelofs, T. van der Poll; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P4.04.14 - Streptococcus pneumoniae serine protease HtrA, but not SFP or PrtA, is a major virulence factor in pneumonia Sacha F. de Stoppelaar, H. Bootsma, A. Zomer, J.J.T.H. Roelofs, P.W. Hermans, C. van ‘t Veer, T. van der Poll; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P4.04.15 - Th9 and Th22 cytokines profiles expressed by TCD4+ lymphocytes activated with different Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans-serotypes Jaime Díaz-Zúñiga, S. Melgar-Rodríguez, C. Alvarez, R. Vernal; Santiago, Chile
P4.04.16 - Undernutrition and birth season influence the antibody response to B. pertussis in children of Northern Senegal Lobna Gaayeb; Saint-Louis, Senegal
P4.04.17 - Immuno-microbiological aspects of chronic apical periodontitis L.A. Mozgovaya, I.I. Zadorina, L.P. Bykova, Anatoliy P. Godovalov; Perm, Russian Federation
Posters - August 24 246
P4.04.18 - Thrombospondin 1 expression in THP-1 cells stimulated with periodontopathic bacteria Misa Gokyu, H. Kobayashi, H. Nanbara, Y. Changchang, Y. Izumi; Tokyo, Japan
P4.04.19 - Development of an in vitro infection model for the evaluation of viable, macrophage-engulfed Pseudomonas aeruginosa Laura K. Green, A.C. La Flamme, D.F. Ackerley; Wellington, New Zealand
P4.04.20 - Protective immunity of intranasally infected mice with Brucella Melitensis Delphine Hanot Mambres, E. Muraille, J. Letesson; Namur, Belgium
P4.04.21 - DAP12 impairs host defense in pneumococcal pneumonia Tijmen J. Hommes, A.A. Anas, M.C. Dessing, C. van ‘t Veer, A. de Vos, T. van der Poll; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P4.04.22 - TREM-1 improves host defense in pneumococcal pneumonia Tijmen J. Hommes, M.C. Dessing, M. Colonna, C. van ‘t Veer, A. de Vos, T. van der Poll; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P4.04.23 - Immune Evasion by Staphylococcal Superantigen-Like Protein 10 Weilin Hou, D. Patel, R.J. Langley, J.D. Fraser; Auckland, New Zealand
P4.04.24 - State of cellular immunity in children with Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infections before and after vaccination Pneumo23 and Influvac Rasima R. Isayeva; Baku, Azerbaijan
P4.04.25 - Long-term protective immunity of multi-antigen outer-membrane protein vaccine against Orientia tsutsugamushi WoonHee Jeung, S. Park, H. Chu, I. Cheon, B. Shim, S. Han, C. Yun; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P4.04.26 - Evaluation of antimicrobial effects of Silver, Zinc and Copper nanoparticles on different Bacillus species spores and vegetative cells Roya Khosravi Eghbal, A. Khanafari, A. Akhavan Sepahy; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.04.27 - Differential immune cell responses of infected lung tissues in mice strains with different susceptibility to Legionella pneumophila Seung Min Kim, Y. Yoon, J. Sohn, M. Kim; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P4.04.28 - Poly(I:C) sensitization induces a cytokine imprinting mechanism in dendritic cells and aggravates septic peritonitis Magdalena Kocur, J. Bauer, S. Kropp, S. Scheu; Duesseldorf, Germany
P4.04.29 - Cathepsin X inhibitor decrease the production of cytokines and monocyte microparticles on THP-1 macrophage-like cells stimulated with Helicobacter pylori Andreja N. Kopitar, S. Jeverica, J. Kos, A. Ihan; Ljubljana, Slovenia
P4.04.30 - Mechanisms underlying bacteria-infected macrophage cell death-mediated IFN-γ production by innate lymphocytes Koichi Kubota; Sagamihara, Japan
P4.04.31 - Mechanisms of NK cell-macrophage Bacillus anthracis crosstalk: a balance between stimulation by spores and differential disruption by toxins Mathieu Le Gars, M. Klezovich-Bénard, J. Corre, H. Jusforgues-Salkani, D. Fiole, N. Burjek, J. Tournier, P. Goossens; Paris, France
P4.04.32 - Autophagy and cell death pathways in Shigella-infected MoDCs: a difficult choice Luigi Lembo Fazio, A. Hermansson, V. Ciancarella, E. Mileti, G. Fimia, M. Rescigno, M. Bernardini; Rome, Italy
P4.04.33 - Group B Streptococcus and Streptococcus suis differently modulate bacterial interactions with dendritic cells and natural killer cells Paul Lemire, D. Roy, M. Segura; St-Hyacinthe, Canada
P4.04.34 - Immunoregulative mechanism of the Leydig cell in the infection by expression of IL-1, IL-6, TGF-β, Fas and FasL mRNA Weiyi Li, Y. XI, G. Chen; Shanghai, China
P4.04.35 - Differential inflammasome activation in human macrophages between Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Typhi Hsin-Hung Lin, C. Chiu; Taoyuan,, Taiwan
P4.04.36 - Oral infection with Brucella abortus 2308 induces systemic activation of B cells, but a downregulation of CD86 in intestine B cells K.E. Pineda-Benito, O. Rodríguez-Cortés, A. Gutiérrez-Hoya, D. Sandoval-Borrego, Rubén López-Santiago; Mexico DF, Mexico
Posters - August 24 265
P4.04.37 - The mechanism behind insufficient Streptococcus pyogenes clearance by autophagy in endothelial cells compared to epithelial cells ShiouLing Lu, Y. Lin, T. Yoshimori; NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan; Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
P4.04.38 - Detailed antibody-profile of Helicobacter pylori infected individuals revealed by peptide array screening Samuel B. Lundin, K. Thorell, I. Nookaew, T. Perkins; Gothenburg, Sweden
P4.04.39 - Mechanism of interleukin (IL)-17A-mediated enhancement of protective immunity against Listeria monocytogenes infection Goro Matsuzaki, Y. Okita, T. Shiono, S. Hamada, M. Umemura; Nishihara, Okinawa, Japan
P4.04.40 - PKF, a secreted serine protease, allows Acinetobacter baumannii to evade innate immune responses Larry S. McDaniel, L.B. King; Jackson, United States
P4.04.41 - Effect of the stimulation with different serotypes Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in the activity of the lymphocytes TCD4+ Samanta Melgar-Rodríguez, J. Díaz-Zúñiga, C. Álvarez, R. Vernal; Santiago, Chile
P4.04.42 - A neutrophil elastase inhibitor improves LPS-induced acute lung injury in burn-injured mice Hiromi Miyazaki, S. Ono, M. Kinoshita, R. Takahata, A. Kimura, D. Saitoh; Tokorozawa, Japan
P4.04.43 - Citrullination and proteolytic processing of chemokines by Porphyromonas gingivalis Eva A.V. Moelants, G. Loozen, A. Mortier, J. Van Damme, W. Teughels, P. Proost; Leuven, Belgium
P4.04.44 - Intracellular crosstalk in Wnt5a expression by LPS Hiromi Nanbara, Y. Yoshida, N. Wara-aswapati, T. Nagasawa, H. Kobayashi, Y. Izumi; Tokyo, Japan
P4.04.45 - The transformation of subpopulations CD64+CD16-CD32+CD11b+, CD64+CD16+CD32+CD11b+, CD64-CD16+ CD32+CD11b+ of monocytes in premature newborn with congenital pneumonia Irina V. Nesterova, G.A. Chudilova, L.V. Lomtatidze, O. Sapun, R.I. Sepiashvili; Moscow, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
P4.04.46 - Gestational hypothyroidism and its effects on the offspring immune response against infection: Evaluation in a murine model of pneumococcal pneumonia Pamela A. Nieto, F.J. Salazar, H.F. Peñaloza, B.M. Schultz, A.M. Kalergis, C.A. Riedel, S.M. Bueno; Santiago, Chile
P4.04.47 - Specific pulse-width mild electrical stimulation induces p53 activation via p38 MAPK and ameliorates LPS-induced inflammatory cytokine response R. Fukuda, Kohei Omachi, M.A. Suico, K. Koyama, Y. Kai, S. Matsuyama, K. Mitsutake, S. Morino-Koga, T. Shuto, H. Kai; Kumamoto-si, Japan
P4.04.48 - Legionella pneumophila thymidine auxotroph mutant promote a protective immunity dependent on the bacterial Dot/Icm secretion system and Myd88 signaling pathway against Legionella pneumophila flaAMarcelo Pereira, D.S. Zamboni; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P4.04.49 - A critical role for Interferon-gamma but not IL-17 in staphylococcal superantigen-mediated toxic shock syndrome A. Scheid, A. Tilahun, V. Chowdhary, Govindarajan Rajagopalan; Rochester, United States
P4.04.50 - Evaluation of the immune response against Brucella abortus in splenectomized mice Alice B. Rezende, N.N. Neto, O.H.M. Assis, C.S. Miranda, M. Mota, G.C. Macedo, H.C. Teixeira; Juiz de Fora, Brazil
P4.04.51 - Physiological significance of the sodium/proline transporter putP of Helicobacter pylori Araceli Rivera-Ordaz, S. Imrich, H. Jung; Martinsried, Germany
P4.04.52 - Protection from severe bacterial infection by injections of cytokine-gene transfected cells Tatsuo Saito-Taki, T. Onogawa, H. Kitasato; Sagamihara, Japan
P4.04.53 - The scavenger receptor CD36 downmodulates the early inflammatory response while enhancing bacterial phagocytosis during pneumococcal pneumonia Simona Saluzzo, O. Sharif, U. Matt, K. Lakovitz, S. Knapp; Vienna, Austria
P4.04.54 - Identification of functional polymorphisms of the macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) gene associated with morbidity and mortality in pneumococcal meningitis and sepsis Athina Savva, M.C. Brouwer, T. Roger, P. Bochud, D. Le Roy, A. van der Ende, D. van de Beek, T. Calandra; Lausanne, Switzerland
P4.04.55 - Phagocytic activity in antibiotic and bacteriophage therapy of peritonitis caused by Escherichia coli Ganna Siritsa, O. Kosilova, H. Khidwrbagi; Kharkov, Ukraine
Posters - August 24 284
P4.04.56 - Infection with invasive bacterial pathogens triggers distinct Nod-dependent autophagy and cytokine responses Matthew Sorbara, S. Girardin, D. Philpott; Toronto, Canada
P4.04.57 - Selective criteria and important features of protective monoclonal antibodies to tetanus toxin Ivana D. Stojicevic, E.M. Marinkovic, I.P. Zivkovic, V.Z. Petrusic, L.A. Dimitrijevic, M.M. Stojanovic; Belgrade, Serbia
P4.04.58 - Th1-Th17 cells mediate pelvic pain induced by uropathogenic Escherichia coli Praveen Thumbikat, L. Wong, M. Quick, J.D. Done, A.J. Schaeffer; Chicago, United States
P4.04.59 - Anti-alpha toxin mAb promotes both innate and adaptive immune response in a CA-MRSA USA300 mouse dermonecrosis model Christine Tkaczyk, X.P. Yang, M. Hamilton, V. Datta, J. Suzich, C.K. Stover, B.R. Sellman; Gaithersburg, United States
P4.04.60 - A novel polarized ex-vivo organ culture model to study gut inflammation and response to probiotics Aikaterini Tsilingiri, M. Rescigno; Milano, Italy
P4.04.61 - Study of the development of actinomycetoma during Nocardia brasiliensis infection in mice with partial genetic blockade of eNOS Anna Velia Vázquez-Marmolejo, M. Salinas-Carmona, L. Pérez-Rivera, A. Atilano-Díaz, D. Domínguez-Armendariz, H. Garza-Esquivel, J. López-Ulloa, L. Fernández-Carrizales; Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
P4.04.62 - Neutrophilic granulocyte subtype recruitment in human peritonitis Sibylle von Vietinghoff, L. Wang, S. Ge, M. Hiss, H. Haller; Hannover, Germany
P4.04.64 - Protective immunity against invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae infections by tissue-specific memory Th17 cells Yan Wang, B. Jiang, J.N. Weiser, H. Shen; Philadelphia, United States
P4.04.65 - Differential inflammasome activation by Salmonella strains expressing mutant forms of the NLRC4 ligands FliC and PrgJ John A. Wright, S. Man, G. Frazer, C.E. Bryant; Cambridge, United Kingdom
P4.04.66 - The effect of dietary oils on citrobacter rodentium induced colitis Xiujuan Wu, A. Hekmatdoost, V. Morampudi, S.M. Innis, K. Jacosbon; Vancouver, Canada
P4.04.67 - A mouse model of shigellosis by intraperitoneal infection Jin-Young Yang, S. Lee, M. Kweon; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P4.04.68 - Production and characterization of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies directed against tetanus toxin fragment C Mehdi Yousefi, F. Tahmasebi, V. Younesi, A. Razavi, J. Khoshnoodi, A. Bayat, E. Abbasi, H. Rabbani, M. Jeddi-Tehrani, F. Shokri; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.04.69 - Ephedrine hydrochloride inhibits PGN-induced inflammatory responses by promoting IL-10 production via PI3K/Akt/GSK3β pathway Yuejuan Zheng, Y. Yang, Y. Li, L. Xu, Y. Wang, H. Song, G. Ji, Y. Yu; Shanghai, China
P4.04.70 - Anaphylatoxin C5a promotes kidney infection caused by uropathogenic E. coli K. Li, N. Choudhry, Q. Peng, N. Wang, B. Lu, S. Sacks, Wuding Zhou; London, United Kingdom
P4.05 IMMUNITY TO MYCOBACTERIAL INFECTION Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 - 15:00 298
P4.05.02 - Regulation of granuloma formation in response to infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Neha Agrawal, U. Ullah, K.V.S. Rao; New Delhi, India
P4.05.03 - Role of Oxidative stress associated anemic prevalence among Leprosy Patients Abdul Azeez M. Ahamed, A.M. Pradeep, N. Vetrivel; Madurai, India
P4.05.04 - Immunotherapeutic effects of recombinant adenovirus encoding granulocyte-macrophage stimulating-colony factor in experimental pulmonary tuberculosis Francisco-Cruz Alejandro, M. Dulce, X. Zhou, H. Rogelio; Mexico, Mexico
P4.05.05 - Clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Argentina differentially induces respiratory burst via TLR2 and dectin-1 in neutrophils as possible mechanism of immune escape M. Romero, J.I. Basile, B. Lopez, V. Ritacco, L. Barrera, M.C. Sasiain, Mercedes Aleman; Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posters - August 24 302
P4.05.06 - P2X7 receptor activation by ATP released from necrotic cells is crucial to severity of tuberculosis caused by hypervirulent mycobacteria Eduardo P. Amaral, M.R.M. Andrade, S.C.M. Ribeiro, V.R. Lanes, F.M. Almeida, E.M. Salles, K.R. Bortoluci, J.M.M. Alvarez, E. Lasunskaia, M.R. D’Império-Lima; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P4.05.07 - Mixed DC /macrophage lineage phenotypes in activated lepromatous lesions during reverse reaction Priscila R. Andrade, T.P. Amadeu, A. Miranda, R.O. Pinheiro, J. Nery, E.N. Sarno; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P4.05.08 - In vitro TLR2 and CD14 gene silencing effect in the control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection Alma Y. Arce-Mendoza, F. Hernandez-Cabrera, A.G. Rosas-Taraco; Monterrey, Mexico
P4.05.09 - Pilot study: cytokine pattern in children under eight years with pulmonary tuberculosis Mónica Adriana Asturizaga Mallea, D. Correa, A. Escobar-Gutiérrez, Y. Flores-García, L. Pérez-Fernández, F. Cuevas-Schacht; Mexico, Mexico
P4.05.10 - Dynamics of the immune response to DosR and Rpf antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in house hold contacts of tuberculosis patients L. Arroyo, B. Ortiz, M. Rojas, L.F. García, T. Ottenhoff, Luis F. Barrera; Medellin, Colombia
P4.05.11 - Functional modulation by Cortisol and/or Dehydroepiandrosterone on THP1-derived macrophages infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis B. Bongiovanni, D. Mata Espinosa, R. Marquez Velasco, O.A. Bottasso, R. Hernandez Pando, María L. Bay; Rosario, Argentina
P4.05.12 - Assessment the activity of blood phagocytes at tuberculosis of lungs Olga V. Berdugina, S.N. Skornyakov, I.D. Medvinsky, A.V. Ershova, K.A. Berdugin; Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
P4.05.13 - Immunological assessment of inflammatory reaction at patients with different forms of tuberculosis of lungs Olga V. Berdugina, S.N. Skornyakov, I.D. Medvinsky, A.V. Ershova, K.A. Berdugin; Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
P4.05.14 - Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen-specific immune responses among tuberculosis lymphadenitis patients Kidist Bobosha, L. Wassie, M. Habtamu, M. Zewdie, J. Hussien, L. Yamuah, A. Aseffa; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
P4.05.15 - Integrin alpha2 beta1 modulates MMP-1 expression in Tuberculosis Sara Brilha, J.C. Porter, H. Zecchini, J.S. Friedland; London, United Kingdom
P4.05.16 - Degradation of cholesterol is essential for the pathogenicity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Marta Brzezinska, I. Szulc, M. Klink, A. Brzostek, M. Kielbik, Z. Sulowska, J. Dziadek; Lodz, Poland
P4.05.17 - Granzyme A is an additional marker for tuberculosis (TB) to discriminate between patients with active disease and subjects with latent infection Nadia Caccamo, V. Orlando, M. La Manna, D. Di Liberto, S. Cutrera, F. Dieli, V. Vanini, E. Petruccioli, D. Goletti; Palermo, Italy
P4.05.18 - Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing induces a tolerogenic phenotype in dendritic cells J. Reyes-Martínez, Alma D Chávez-Blanco, T. Santos-Mendoza, J. Serafín-López, C. Sandoval-Montes, L. Flores-Romo, S. Estrada-Parra, I. Estrada-García, R. Chacón-Salinas; Mexico City, Mexico
P4.05.19 - Macrophage exposure to crystalline silica promotes growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by deregulating cell death pathways Leslie Chávez-Galán, L. Torre-Bouscoulet, R. Pérez-Padilla, A. Ramírez-Venegas, I. Sada-Ovalle; Distrito Federal, Mexico
P4.05.20 - Mycobacterium tuberculosis impairs autophagic flux in human dendritic cells by ESX-1 M. Etna, A. Romagnoli, E. Giacomini, M. Pardini, M. Corazzari, R. Simeone, R. Brosch, G. Fimia, Eliana M. Coccia; Rome, Italy
P4.05.21 - Virulence, immunopathology and transmissibility of selected strains of M. tuberculosis from epidemiological studies in Colombia evaluated in a murine model María F. Cornejo, J. Robledo, D. Mata, B. Marquina, J. Barrios, L.F. García; Mexico City, Mexico
P4.05.22 - Induction of Transcription Factors involved in T lymphocyte differentiation in BCG vaccinated subjects and pulmonary Tuberculosis patients with antituberculosis therapy Nancy E. Corral-Fernandez, N. Cortez-Espinosa, M. Salgado-Bustamante, S. Romano-Moreno, S.E. Medellín-Garibay, B. Hernández-Castro, J.J. Macias-Mendoza, R. González-Amaro, D.P. Portales-Perez; San Luis Potosí, Mexico
P4.05.23 - A partly normalization in the immune-endocrine circulating profile of tuberculosis patients undergoing specific treatment A. Diaz, B. Bongiovanni, L. D’Attilio, N. Santucci, G. Dídoli, S. Radcliffe, N. Brandan, L. Nannini, O.A. Bottasso, Maria Luisa Bay; Rosario, Argentina
P4.05.24 - Mycobacterium bovis culture filtrate proteins induces expression of autocrine prolactin loop enhancing inflammatory response in monocytes THP1 Ciro Estrada, G. López, A. Pereira; Guadalajara, Mexico
Posters - August 24 321
P4.05.25 - Immunogenicity assessment of live TB vaccine candidates in human primary dendritic cells Marilena P. Etna, E. Giacomini, M. Pardini, M. Severa, D. Bottai, R. Brosch, E.M. Coccia; Rome, Italy
P4.05.26 - B cells are important to modulate the immune response against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) in mice Isabela C. Fontoura, A. Gembre, É. Padilha, T. Malardo, A.A.M. Coelho-Castelo; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P4.05.27 - Mycobacterium leprae DNA and cytokine profile of household contacts resident in Governador Valadares, MG, Brazil R.S. Gama, P. Marçal, R. Cypriano, A. Castelo Branco, E.N. Sarno, M.O. Moraes, Lucia A.O. Fraga; Governador Valadares , Minas Gerais, Brazil
P4.05.28 - Apoptotic body like liposomes carrying phosphatidic acid enhance antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory innate immune response E. Greco, M.B. Santucci, F. Taus, A. Serafino, A. Ciccaglione, N. Caccamo, R. Nisini, F. Dieli, T.H. Ottenhoff, Maurizio Fraziano; Rome, Italy
P4.05.29 - Proteomics reveals dynamic phagosomal environment during Mycobacterium -HIV co-infection Rakesh Ganji, S. Dhali, A. Rizvi, S. Rapole, S. Banerjee; Hyderabad, India
P4.05.31 - CD4+ and CD8+ T cells producing IL-17 specific-ESAT-6 or CFP10 M.tuberculosis antigens correlate with therapy successful in MDR-TB patients Yolanda Gonzalez, M.A. Vega Popotla, M. Muñoz-Torrico, M. Salazar Lezama, M. Torres; Mexico City, Mexico
P4.05.32 - Attenuation of BCG Delays Cell-to-Cell Spread in the Lung and Promotes its Clearance by T cells Patricia Grace, J. Ernst; New York, United States
P4.05.33 - IFN-α adjuvant effect in BCG-vaccinated mice against mycobacterial infections M. Godinez Flores, O. Rojas-Espinoza, S. Giovana, R. Hernandez Pando, L. Gabriele, Gloria G. Guerrero; Zacatecas, Mexico
P4.05.34 - Analysis of polymorphisms in TLRs and FcgRs in susceptibility to tuberculosis in a Mexican population Sujhey Hernández Bazán, B. Sánchez, E. Ortega; D. F., Mexico
P4.05.35 - Cathepsin S at the crossroads between innate and adaptive immunity to TB infection A. Lau, V. Singh, A. Talal, Zakaria Hmama; Vancouver, Canada
P4.05.36 - Prime-boost Mycobacterium smegmatis recombinant vaccination improves protection in mice infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis by enhancing humoral and cellular specific immune responses Ana Paula Junqueira-Kipnis, F.M. Oliveira, M.M. Trentini, J.A. de Araújo Fliho, A. Kipnis; Goiania, Brazil
P4.05.37 - Blockade of PD-1 signal pathway causes exacerbation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection via excessive IFN-γ production by antigen-specific Th1 type CD4+ T cells Ikuo Kawamura, M. Mitsuyama; Kyoto, Japan
P4.05.38 - Anti-Interferon-Gamma Autoantibodies in Adults with Disseminated Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections are Associated with HLA-DRB1*16:02 and DQB1*05:02 and the Reactivation of Latent Varicella-Zoster Virus Infection C. Chi, C. Chu, C. Lin, J. Liu, Cheng- L. Ku; Taoyuan, Taiwan
P4.05.39 - Mycobacterium tuberculosis Dos Regulon Gene Rv0079 Encodes a Putative, ‘Dormancy Associated Translation Inhibitor (DATIN)’ and Induce Proinflammatory Responses Ashutosh Kumar, M. Majid, A. Lewin, I.A. Qureshi, N. Ahmed; Hyderabad, India
P4.05.40 - Protection evaluation following vaccination with a Mycobacterium abscessus virulence factor in a pulmonary infection cftr-/- mice model Vincent Le Moigne, C. Goulard, B. Barteau, M. Rottman, A. Roux, B. Pitard, J. Herrmann, J. Gaillard; Montigny-le-Bretonneux, France
P4.05.41 - Association between DC-SIGN genetic variants and pulmonary tuberculosis in Chinese Uighurs Dan Liu, L. Zhang, C. Peng, Y. Min, H. Wang, H. Wang; Shanghai, China
P4.05.42 - Mycobacterium bovis culture filtrate proteins induces expression of autocrine prolactin loop enhancing inflammatory response in monocytes THP1 Gonzalo López, C. Estrada, A. Pereira; Guadalajara, Mexico
P4.05.43 - Suppression of immune regulation in a murine model of progressive pulmonary tuberculosis Vasti Lozano Ordaz, M.M.B. Moreno Altamirano, R. Hernandez Pando; México,DF, Mexico
P4.05.44 - Reduced frequency of BCG-specific IFN-γ Producing T Cells in Ugandan infants when Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccination is delayed from birth to 6 Weeks Of Age Fredrick Lutwama, B.M. Kagina, C. Day, A. Wajja, S. Kirimunda, M. Joloba, P. Musoke, T. Scriba, H. Mayanja-Kizza, W. Hanekom; Cape Town, South Africa
Posters - August 24 340
P4.05.45 - Effects of multi-drug therapy (MDT) on cellular immunity in patients with leprosy Patrick Marcinek, T. Engleitner, V. Thirumalaisamy Palanichamy; Tübingen, Germany
P4.05.46 - The role of CD137 ligand (CD137L) signaling pathway during M. tuberculosis infection Julia M. Martinez Gomez, V. Koh, W. Lin, M. Ang, Z. Zainul Rahim, H. Schwarz, S. Alonso; Singapore, Singapore
P4.05.47 - Prolactin modulate proinflammatory inmune response induced by culture filtrate protein from Mycobacterium bovis in THP1 cells through different signaling pathways Priscila A. Martinez-Neri, G. Lopez-Rincon, J.F. Muñoz-Valle, E.I. Lopez-Pulido, C. Estrada-Chavez, A.L. Pereira-Suarez; Guadalajara, Mexico
P4.05.48 - Human memory T cells in latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection are directed against three antigenic islands and are found in a CXCR3+CCR6+ Th1 subset Federico Mele, C. Lindestam Arlehamn, B. Peters, A. Lanzavecchia, A. Sette, F. Sallusto; Bellinzona, Switzerland
P4.05.49 - Plasma cytokines and chemokines differentiate between active disease and non-active tuberculosis infection Adane Mihret, Y. Bekele, K. Bobosha, M. Kidd, A. Aseffa, R. Howe, G. Walzl; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
P4.05.50 - Knockdown of suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 mediates killing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in THP1 derived macrophages Mradul Mohan, A. Misra; Lucknow, India
P4.05.51 - Association of SLC11A1 gene polymorphisms with susceptibility to Lepromatous Leprosy Margarita Montoya-Buelna, J. Becerra-Contreras, M. Fafutis-Morris, E. Ochoa-Martínez, T. Reddy, L. Sandoval-Ramírez; Guadalajara, Mexico
P4.05.52 - Mycobacterium tuberculosis P27 protein targets host cell mitochondria María M. Bertha M.B. Moreno-Altamirano, C. Espitia, I. Paredes-Gonzalez; Mexico, City, Mexico
P4.05.54 - The accumulation of highly differentiated Mtb-specific CD4 T cells is associated with lung tissue destruction during pulmonary tuberculosis Irina Y. Nikitina, A.V. Panteleev, R.B. Amansahedov, V.V. Ganusov, I.A. Vasilyeva, I.V. Lyadova; Moscow, Russian Federation
P4.05.55 - Mycobacterium tuberculosis adapts its immune-evasion mechanisms in dependence of the antigen presenting cell and shifting to dormancy Roberto Nisini, M. Pardini, M. Gagliardi, F. Giannoni, F. Lozupone, R. Teloni, M. Fraziano, S. Meschini, S. Mariotti; Rome, Italy
P4.05.56 - A novel therapeutic vaccine against tuberculosis using the cynomolgus monkey model and mice Masaji Okada, Y. Kita, S. Hashimoto, H. Nakatani, S. Nishimatsu, Y. Kioka, T. Nakajima, Y. Kaneda, M. Cang, D. McMurray; Sakai, Japan
P4.05.57 - Role of CD8+ T cells in triggering reversal reaction in HIV/leprosy patients Ariane L. Oliveira, T.P. Amadeu, A.C.d. Gomes, V.M. Menezes, J.A.d. Nery, R.O. Pinheiro, E.N. Sarno; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P4.05.59 - M2-like polarization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infected human macrophages by extracellular AMP Laetitia Petit-Jentreau, N. Dubois-Colas, L.B. Barreiro, S. Durand, G. Soubigou, K. Rezaï, F. Lokiec, J. Coppée, B. Gicquel, L. Tailleux; Paris, France
P4.05.60 - Differences in the levels of host markers detected in saliva and serum and their potential for diagnosing TB disease Khutso G. Phalane, M. Kriel, A.G. Loxton, A. Menezes, K. Stanley, G.D. van der Spuy, G. Walzl, N.N. Chegou; Cape Town, South Africa
P4.05.61 - Different immunosuppressive mechanisms in multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis and non-tuberculous mycobacteria patients Roberta O. Pinheiro, E.B. Oliveira, G. dos Santos, G.M. Sperandio da Silva, B.J.A. Silva, A. Milagres, E.N. Sarno, M.P. Dalcolmo, E.P. Sampaio; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P4.05.62 - Increase of Reactive Oxygen Species in Natural Killer cells from Pulmonary Tuberculosis patients D. Silva, M. Abreu, M. Ferreira-Teixeira, P. Couceiro, I. Ladeira, F. Viveiros, R. Duarte, H. Sá, Paulo Rodrigues-Santos; Coimbra, Portugal
P4.05.63 - Fatty acid, cytokines and chemokines profile in exhaled breath condensates (EBCs) of patients with Tuberculosis S. Mosquera-Restrepo, A. Caro-Zapata, C. Peláez-Jaramillo, Mauricio Rojas-Lopez; Medellín, Colombia
P4.05.64 - Profiles of fatty acids released during the differentiation of mononuclear phagocytes in the presence of mycobacterium tuberculosis - stearic acid effect on Differentiation A. Caro-Zapata, S. Mosquera-Restrepo, C. Pelaez-Jaramillo, Mauricio Rojas-Lopez; Medellín, Colombia
P4.05.65 - The combined use of M. tuberculosis-specific CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses is a powerful diagnostic tool of active tuberculosis Virginie Rozot, S. Viganò, J. Mazza-Stalder, C. Day, C. Lazor-Blanchet, W. Hanekom, D. Goletti, L. Nicod, G. Pantaleo, A. Harari; Lausanne, Switzerland
Posters - August 24 359
P4.05.66 - Functional and phenotypic characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis specific CD4+T cells in peripheral blood and at the site of infection Karima Sahmoudi, P. Ndishimye, M. Chair, A. El Habazi, J. Benamour, J. Bourkadi, K. Sadki, O. Lahlou, F. Seghrouchni, R. El Aouad; Rabat, Morocco
P4.05.67 - NOD2 triggers an IL-32 dependent human dendritic cell program in leprosy Mirjam Schenk, R.L. Modlin; Los Angeles, United States
P4.05.68 - The role of follicular helper T cells in mycobacterial infection Yoko Shimohakamada, T. Tamura, M. Makino, S.L. Nutt; Higashimurayamashi, Japan
P4.05.69 - Specific TCD8+IL-10+ and TCD8+TGF-beta+ cells in active tuberculosis patients Bruna Daniella S. Silva, M.M. Trentini, A.C. Costa, A.O. Costa-Júnior, A. Kipnis, A. Junqueira-Kipnis; Goiânia, Brazil
P4.05.70 - Deciphering Dendritic Cell Function during Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection by RNA Interference Jhalak Singhal, K. Natarajan; Delhi, India
P4.05.71 - Clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis exacerbate pulmonary inflammation in mice Elyara M. Soares, A. Secatto, C. Peres-Buzalaf, E.G. Soares, M. Palaci, C.L. Silva, L.H. Faccioli; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P4.05.72 - Role of Slc11a1 gene in macrophage activation during BCG infection P. Aguilar-Ramirez, W.H.K. Cabrera, J.R. Jensen, D. Rodriguez, L.C.C. Leite, O.G. Ribeiro, M. De Franco, O.C.M. Ibañez, Nancy Starobinas; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.05.73 - Development of a new point-of-care test for leprosy L.P.V. Cardoso, A.A. Freitas, E.M. Hungria, R.M. Oliveira, R.F. Dias, M. Collovati, S.G. Reed, M.S. Duthie, Mariane M. Stefani; Goiania, Brazil
P4.05.74 - The involvement of proteins of DNA double-strand breaks repair systems of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the infection of human macrophages Izabela Szulc, M. Brzezinska, M. Klink, A. Brzostek, M. Kielbik, Z. Sulowska, J. Dziadek; Lodz, Poland
P4.05.75 - The role of Mycobacterium tuberculosis secreted protein in the induction of Th1 immune response Toshiki Tamura, Y. Shimohakamada, M. Makino; Higashimurayama, Japan
P4.05.77 - The interaction of CD43 with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Cpn60.2 modulates cytokines production Alvaro Torres Huerta, C. Espitia, M.E. Cruz Muñoz, G. Pedraza Alva, Y. Rosenstein; Cuernavaca, Mexico
P4.05.78 - Combined detection of IFNγ, TGFα and IL-6 c n discriminate between active TB disease and latent infection Elena Vasilyeva, V. Verbov, I. Nikitina, I. Lyadova, A. Totolian; Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
P4.05.79 - Modelling human granuloma to study the mechanisms by which isoniazid inhibits Mycobacterium tuberculosis growth Lívia H. Yamashiro, N.M. de Souza, M.D. Garcia, C. Eto, A. Báfica; Florianópolis, Brazil
P4.05.80 - Aptamer against an immunosuppressive epitope-ManLAM inhibits virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in mice and rhesus monkeys Xiao-Lian Zhang, Q. Wang, Q. Pan, X. Xia, F. Luo; Wuhan, China
Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 - 15:00 373
P5.09.01 - Nanotherapy for drug addiction Ravikumar Aalinkeel, J. Reynolds, B. Nair, D. Sykes, W. Law, P. Prasad, S. Schwartz, S. Mahajan; Buffalo, United States
P5.09.02 - Immunofluorescence patterns in mouse cerebellum and kidney tissues revealed by seric antibodies of patients with various neuroinflammatory diseases D.L. De la Cruz-Aguilera, J.E. Pablo-Gopar, J.J. Flores-Rivera, T. Corona, A. González-Aguilar, Maria L. Aguirre-Cruz; México D. F., Mexico
P5.09.03 - Importance of the vagus nerve in immunodepression following stroke Levent Akyüz, C. Dames, O. Engel, K. Winek, H.D. Volk, C. Meisel, A. Meisel; Berlin, Germany
P5.09.04 - Expression of cytokines during the innate immune response in a model of hepatic amoebiasis in sympatectomized hamsters Manuel E. Avila-Blanco, M. Campos-Esparza, M.H. Muñoz-Ortega, A. Quintanar-Stephano, J. Ventura-Juarez; Aguascalientes, Mexico
Posters - August 24 377
P5.09.05 - Detection of ANCA (Anti Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies) by indirect immunofluorescence / ELISA and related neurological diseases: preliminary results on a Moroccan series Siham Aziz, N. Tahiri Jouti, R. Ibn Moufti, H. Fellah, A. Naya, I. Slassi, S. Zamiati; Casablanca, Morocco
P5.09.06 - Expression of the galanin system in immune cells: hypothetical key players of the immune response Rodolfo Bianchini, A. Koller, A. Lang, B. Brodowicz, E. Müller, B. Kofler; Salzburg, Austria
P5.09.07 - Blocking Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II Inhibited Glutamate Excitotoxicity and Regulated Immune Responses in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis So Jin Bing, D. Ha, G. Ahn, J. Kim, J. Cho, S. Ahn Jo, Y. Jee; Jeju, Korea, Republic of
P5.09.08 - A new concept to address inflammatory immune activation in neurological disorders Patricia Bolaños, M. Schneider, K. Bechter, P. Walther, H. Raventós; San José, Costa Rica
P5.09.09 - Astrocytes play a key role in EAE pathophysiology by facilitating CNS immune cell infiltration and suppressing remyelination Roberta Brambilla, J. Jopek Ashbaugh, P. Morton, S. Karmally, K.L. Lambertsen, J.R. Bethea; Miami, United States
P5.09.10 - A single dose of Pirfenidone attenuates neuronal cell death after excitotoxic kainic acid-induced in rat hippocampus through inhibition of microglial activation, but not TNF-ɑ and IL-1β production Rubén D. Castro Torres, V. Chaparro Huerta, M.E. Flores Soto, J. Armendáriz Borunda, C. Beas Zárate; Guadalajara, Mexico
P5.09.11 - Increased expression of Toll-like receptors 7 and 9 in Epstein-Barr virus-infected myasthenia gravis thymus Paola Cavalcante, S. Marcuzzo, S. Franzi, L. Maggi, C. Antozzi, F. Baggi, S. Berrih-Aknin, R. Mantegazza, P. Bernasconi; Milan, Italy
P5.09.12 - Contact Hypersensitivity To Oxazolone Provokes Vulvar Mechanical Hyperalgesia In Mice Devavani Chatterjea, T. Martinov, R. Glenn-Finer, E. Balsells; Saint Paul, United States
P5.09.13 - Expression of dopamine receptor D3 on CD4+ T-cells favors Th1-mediated immunity Francisco Contreras, C. Prado, H. González, D. Franz, D. Elgueta, R. Pacheco; Santiago, Chile
P5.09.14 - Prolactin is dispensable for the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Massimo Costanza, S. Musio, N. Binart, M. Abou-Hamdan, R. Pedotti; Milano, Italy
P5.09.15 - The immunogenicity of amyloid beta oligomers Indre Dalgediene, R. Lasickiene, R. Budvytyte, G. Valincius, R. Morkuniene, V. Borutaite, A. Zvirbliene; Vilnius, Lithuania
P5.09.16 - Enhanced susceptibility to pulmonary infections after experimental stroke Claudia Dames, L. Akyüz, O. Engel, K. Winek, H. Volk, A. Meisel, C. Meisel; Berlin, Germany
P5.09.17 - Regulatory T cells delay disease progression in a murine model of Alzheimer’s disease Cira Dansokho, C. Toly-Ndour, S. Aïd, T. Chaigneau, M. Holzenberger, P. Aucouturier, G. Dorothee; Paris, France
P5.09.18 - Possible role of nerve-glial antigen 2(NG2) in the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Giovanni Ferrara, S. Morando, F. Girolamo, M. Errede, N. Kerlero de Rosbo, R. Perris, R. Furlan, C. Bendotti, D. Virgintino, A. Uccelli; Genoa, Italy
P5.09.19 - Dopamine regulates the induction of Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte by stimulation of dopamine receptor D3 expressed on CD8+ T-cells and on dendritic cells Claudio A. Figueroa, F. Contreras, G. Fuentealba, C. Prado, R. Pacheco; Santiago, Chile
P5.09.20 - ATP-mediated interaction between astrocytes and T cells Fabia Filipello; Milan, Italy
P5.09.21 - Experimental studies of narcolepsy immunopathogenesis in HLA-DQB1*0602 transgenic mice Tobias L. Freitag, K. Zitting, A. Kipar, I. Julkunen, T. Hökfelt, T. Stenberg, S. Meri; University of Helsinki, Finland
P5.09.22 - Schizophrenia is associated with over-expression of the interleukin-2 receptor gamma gene Hovsep Ghazaryan, A. Boyajyan, R. Zakharyan, A. Melkonyan, Z. Navratilaova, P. Klevcova, M. Petrek; Yerevan, Armenia
P5.09.23 - Schizophrenia is not associated with changes in blood expression levels of complement factors B, H and I Hovsep Ghazaryan, A. Boyajyan, R. Zakharyan, A. Melkonyan, Z. Navratilaova, P. Klevcova, M. Petrek; Yerevan, Armenia
P5.09.24 - IL-18 and IL-18BP in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis P. Giungato, P. Italiani, P. Migliorini, G. Siciliano, B. Borroni, P. Bossù, Diana Boraschi; Pisa, Italy
Posters - August 24 397
P5.09.25 - Using the sodium salt of native DNA as an immunomodulator in the treatment of different diseases Anatoliy P. Godovalov, T.Y. Danielyan, N.A. Danielyan, A.A. Danielyan; Perm, Russian Federation
P5.09.26 - Prevalence and evolution of Autoimmune Diseases in patients with Cushing’s Syndrome compared to other Pituitary Tumors: a Multicenter Italian Study Federica Guaraldi, M. De Martin, C. Scaroni, M. Zilio, F. Pecori Giraldi, I. Karamouzis, S. Grottoli, L. Ghizzoni, E. Ghigo, E. Arvat; Turin, Italy
P5.09.27 - Measuring cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) immunoglobulins in neurological conditions Yael Hacohen, V. Forsyth, G. Swana, M. Absoud, M. Lim; Oxford, United Kingdom
P5.09.28 - Expression of selected Th1/Th2 transcription factors and immune-response genes in cerebral ischemia and senescence Anahit Hakobjanyan, A. Boyajyan, L. Hovsepyan, Z. Navratilova, P. Klevcova, M. Petrek; Yerevan, Armenia
P5.09.31 - Regulation of microglia activation mechanisms following chemical or mechanical stimulation Maria Kalognomou, C. Simitzi, I. Athanassakis; Heraklion, Greece
P5.09.32 - Macrophage migration inhibitory factor has an essential role in age-related hearing loss Shin Kariya, M. Okano, Y. Maeda, Y. Noyama, T. Haruna, T. Koyama, K. Nishizaki; Okayama, Japan
P5.09.33 - Evaluation of multiple sclerosis (MS) based on Antibody to Aquaporine-4(AQP-4) in urine and serum compared to total IgG antibody Afra Khosravi, M. Mohamad-Rashidi; Ilam, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.09.34 - The inner ear findings in macrophage migration inhibitory factor knockout mice Takahisa Koyama, S. Kariya, M. Okano, Y. Maeda, T. Haruna, Y. Noyama, K. Nishizaki; Okayama, Japan
P5.09.35 - Participation of cold sensitive TRPM8 ion channel in modulation of metabolism and immune response Tamara V. Kozyreva; Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
P5.09.36 - Chronic co-administration of risperidone (RIS) and fluoxetine (FLU) modulates behavior of mice in forced swimming test (FST) and cytokine production by splenocytes Justyna Kusmierczyk, E. Klimek, A. Roman, Z. Rogoz, I. Nalepa; Krakow, Poland
P5.09.37 - High prevalence of anti-neuronal antibodies in Tunisian psychiatric inpatients Lilia Laadhar, O. Sidhom, M. Zitouni, N. Sassi, M. Kallel-Sellami, Z. El Hechimi, S. Makni; Tunis, Tunisia
P5.09.38 - Usefulness of pituitary antibodies in the management non-tumoral pituitary diseases in Tunisian adults Lilia Laadhar, M. Chihaoui, M. Kallel-Sellami, N. Sassi, B. Ftouhi, H. Lahmar, F. Kanoun, H. Slimane, S. Makni; Tunis, Tunisia
P5.09.39 - Idiopathic hypertrophic cranial pachymeningitis: a rare inflammatory cause of chronic daily headache and progressive cranial neuropathies: a case report Mary Grace B. Laguerta, E.A. Esposo, B. Mariano, M. Martinez; Quezon city, Philippines
P5.09.40 - Immune signatures to predict the development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease: lymphocyte profiles Aurélie Y. Le Page, E.H. Frost, G. Dupuis, T. Fülöp; Sherbrooke, Canada
P5.09.41 - Patients with febrile infection-related epilepsy and other syndromes and microtubule-associated tau protein data Yevgeniya Lekomtseva, G. Gubina-Vakulik, T. Gorbach; Kharkiv, Ukraine
P5.09.43 - Activation of exploratory behavior in senescence accelerated OXYS rats by stimulation of cell-mediated immune response with BCG vaccine Evgeniya V. Markova, N.G. Kolosova, V.A. Kozlov; Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
P5.09.44 - Effects of transplantation of the immune cells treated with psycho modulators on the nervous system functional activity of recipients Evgeniya V. Markova, M.A. Knyazheva, V.A. Kozlov; Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
P5.09.45 - Characterization and role of the humoral response after transplantation of porcine neuroblasts in the rat brain Elodie Mathieux, V. Nerriere-Daguin, X. Leveque, S. Menoret, I. Anegon, I. Neveu, P. Naveilhan; Nantes, France
P5.09.46 - Neuronal toll-like receptor-4 signalling induces brain endothelial cell activation and neutrophil transmigration Samaneh Maysami, S. Leow-Dyke, C. Allen, A. Danes, O. Nilsson, A. Bowie, N. Rothwell, E. Pinteaux; Manchester, United Kingdom
P5.09.47 - TLR-2 but not TLR-9 is up-regulated in the Central Nervous System and Lymphoid Organs during Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis Guilherme D. Melo, F.G. Grano, J.E.S. Silva, A. Schweigert, J.R. Peiró, V.M.F. Lima, G.F. Machado; Araçatuba, Brazil
Posters - August 24 417
P5.09.48 - Impact of neurturin on allergic airway inflammation in mice M. Mauffray, O. Domingues, J. Zimmer, F. Hentges, D. Hanau, Tatiana Michel; Luxembourg, Luxembourg
P5.09.49 - Novel magnetic resonance imaging approaches for monitoring neuroinflammation Jason M. Millward, M. Taupitz, J. Schnorr, S. Wagner, J.T. Wuerfel, K. Riek, J. Braun, F. Paul, I. Sack, C. Infante-Duarte; Berlin, Germany
P5.09.50 - A forebrain-immune cell pathway for the maintenance of CNS immune tolerance Mohammad G. Mohammad, V.W.W. Tsai, H. Li, M.G. Hassanpour, S.N. Breit, P.H. Hart, P.E. Sawchenko, D.A. Brown; Sydney, Australia
P5.09.51 - Immunomodulatory effects of Interleukin-27 on active experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Mohammad S. Mojadadi Mehrabadi, M. Ebtekar, M. Golkar, H. Khan Ahmad; Sabzevar, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.09.52 - Synaptic deficits in sepsis: Role of glial cells Carolina A. Moraes, G. Santos, J. D’Avila, P. Perdigao, C. Benjamin, F. Bozza, F. Gomes; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P5.09.53 - Day and Night Alterations of serum melatonin, MIP-1α, MCP-1 and IL-17A levels in multiple sclerosis Ugur Musabak, G. Genc, S. Demirkaya, R.S. Ilikci, O. Kartal, M. Gulec, O. Sener; Etlik, Turkey
P5.09.54 - Identifying Biomarkers Associated with Pain in Swine using an In Vitro Inflammation Model C.M. Deaver, E. Kenyon, S.M. Peters, M. Prescott, H.L. Swaim, K. Tanke, H.F. Yancy, Michael J. Myers; Laurel, United States
P5.09.55 - Dopamine receptor D3 expressed on CD4+ T-cells favours neurodegeneration of dopaminergic neurons during Parkinson’s disease Rodrigo Pacheco, H. González, F. Contreras, C. Prado, D. Elgueta, D. Franz; Santiago, Chile
P5.09.56 - Clinical cases of immune-mediated partial epilepsy Tetiana Pertseva; Kharkiv, Ukraine
P5.09.57 - NMR Metabolomics: a Diagnostic Tool for Multiple Sclerosis T. Gebregiworgis, C. Massilamany, A. Gangaplara, H. Nielssen, M. Werth, D. Steffen, R. Zabad, Z. Illes, R. Powers, Jay Reddy; Lincoln, United States
P5.09.58 - Influence of LRRK2 G2019 mutation on peripheral B cells from Parkinson’s disease patients Gustavo R. Rossi, M. Kubo, M. Gonçalves, P. Rodrigues-Santos, C. Januário, F. Obata, R. de Carvalho, M. Souto-Carneiro; Curitiba, Brazil
P5.09.59 - Anti-ganglioside antibodies in Pandemrix®-induced narcolepsy Anna-Helena Saariaho, O. Vaarala, M. Partinen, S. Meri; Helsinki, Finland
P5.09.60 - Effects of vagotomy during inflammation and cytokine production in hamster amebic liver abscess Esperanza Sánchez Alemán, A. Quintanar-Stephano, M. Campos-Esparza, J. Ventura-Juarez; Aguascalientes, Ags., Mexico
P5.09.61 - Steroids hormones on neurofibromas development Alessandra Santos, M. Geller, S.G. Mezitis, M. Ribeiro, L. Oliveira, K. Cunha, A. Fonseca, R.S. Batista, A.P. Gomes, G. Darrigo; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P5.09.62 - Cocaine exposure, abstinence and relapse differentially affect dopaminergic, mu-opioid and CB2 receptors expression on immune cells Raquel Santos-Toscano, A. Higuera-Matas, M. Ucha, D. Roura-Martínez, J. Fernández-Ruiz, M. Miguéns, E. Ambrosio, M.A. Assis; Madrid, Spain
P5.09.64 - Immune response in dorsal root ganglion of mice infected with Herpes Simplex-1 (HSV-1) leads to the development of hyperalgesic behaviour Jaqueline R. Silva, A.H.P. Lopes, J. Talbot, R.F.O. França, B.A.L. Fonseca, T.M. Cunha, F.Q. Cunha; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P5.09.65 - IFN-ɣ is protective in EAE by activating CNS-resident microglia to phagocytose neurotoxic myelin debris Rebecca A. Sosa, A.E. Cardona, T.G. Forsthuber; San Antonio, United States
P5.09.66 - Influenza split vaccine in regulation of autoimmune processes in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Aleksandra Stojkovic, D. Kosanovic, N. Vukov, K. Jovanova-Nesic; Belgrade, Serbia
P5.09.67 - Evaluation of Tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) cascade in the brain of rat model of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) Roba M. Talaat, A.S. Abo-Elatta; Sadat city, Egypt
P5.09.68 - Microglia induced Foxp3+CD4+Treg through PD-L1 in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis J. Hu, H. He, G. Zhu, W. Song, B. Bai, Hua Tang; Taian, China P5.09.69 - Gene expression upregulation of TNF superfamily members in temporal lobe epilepsy-associated hippocampal sclerosis Marcelo A. Teocchi, L. D’Souza-Li; Campinas, Brazil
Posters - August 24 438
P5.09.71 - The effect of exogenously administered charged microparticles on the acute phase response Shiqing Wang, Y. Couch, G. Bort, B. Davis, D. Anthony; Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
P5.09.73 - The function of TREM2 mutants Yoshinori Yamanishi, M. Colonna; St. Louis, United States
P5.09.74 - Induction of upregulated expression of histamine receptors and increased release of inflammatory mediators from microglia by histamine Shu Zhang, X. Zeng, S. He; Nanjing, China
Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 - 15:00 441
P5.10.01 - The prokineticin system in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: possible novel targets for immune intervention Mhamad Abou-Hamdan, M. Costanza, E. Fontana, M. Di Dario, S. Musio, L. Negri, P. Poliani, C. Farina, G. Balboni, R. Pedotti; Milan, Italy
P5.10.02 - Immunopathological patterns in relapsing-remitting and chronic models of experimental autoimmune enchephalomyelitis and the therapeitc effect of glatiramer acetate Rina Aharoni, R. Eilam, R. Arnon; Rehovot, Israel
P5.10.03 - Association of SNP rs6897932 in CD127 gene in Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) patients compared to control group Fereshteh Alesahebfosoul, R. Salehi, A. Zavaran Hosseini, M. Etemadifar, M. Kazemi, M. Tajedin, B. Zarkeshfard; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.10.04 - Frequency of null allele of HLA-G Locus in East Azarbayjan patients with recurrent miscarriage Nazila Alizadeh Gharamaleki; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.10.05 - Th1/Th17 imbalance in clinical subtypes of Multiple Sclerosis: association with disability and unresponsiveness to IFN-β therapy in relapsing-remitting disease Gabriel Arellano, E. Acuña, L. Reyes, F. Vergara, R. Uribe, E. Ciampi, C. Cárcamo, R. Naves; Santiago, Chile
P5.10.06 - The role of STI-571 in the treatment of EAE Gholamreza Azizi, A. Mirshafiey; karaj, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.10.07 - Interleukin-17A and Interleukin-17F mRNA Expressions in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Farhad Babaei, Z. Babaloo, M. Farhoodi; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.10.08 - Inflammatory stimuli and oxidative stress alter mitochondrial transport in neurons Elena Bros, R. Niesner, F. Paul, C. Infante Duarte; Berlin, Germany
P5.10.09 - A systems biology approach to identify biomarkers and therapeutic targets in peripheral monocytes of multiple sclerosis patients Ilaria Burba, S. Baldassarri, A. Torri, S. Fumagalli, C. Ripamonti, D. Caputo, M. Rovaris, M. Foti; Milan, Italy
P5.10.10 - Micro/nanoparticles platforms for “inverse vaccination” in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE) Giuseppe Cappellano, A. Demeke Woldetsadik, Y. Shivakumar, M. Rizzi, F. Carniato, E. Orilieri, A. Chiocchetti, F. Renò, U. Dianzani; Novara, Italy
P5.10.11 - In-vitro up-regulation of Regulatory T cells markers with IFN-beta and c-Phycocyanin: pertinence of a combined treatment for Multiple Sclerosis Majel Cervantes-Llanos, R. Alonso-Ramírez, G. Martínez-Sánchez, J. Cabrera-Gómez, C. Valenzuela-Silva, A. Llópiz-Arzuaga, A. Milian-Jordan, E. De Armas, P. López-Saura, G. Pentón-Rol; La Habana, Cuba
P5.10.12 - Complex changes in invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells in patients with different clinical forms and treatments of multiple sclerosis Sara De Biasi, M. Nasi, A. Simone, D. Ferraro, F. Vitetta, L. Gibellini, M. Pinti, C. Del Giovane, P. Sola, A. Cossarizza; Modena, Italy
P5.10.13 - MBP85-99 specific TCR repertoire in DRB1*15 patients affected by Multiple Sclerosis Gabriele Di Sante, S. Rolla, A. Patanella, G. Migliara, A. Piermattei, M. Valentini, A. Batocchi, M. Mirabella, F. Novelli, F. Ria; Rome, Italy
P5.10.14 - Frequency of Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein (MOG) specific B cells in the blood and the CSF of patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Annie Elong Ngono, F. Guillot, A. Garcia, A. Genty, M. Salou, N. Degauque, A. Nicot, S. Brouard, D. Laplaud, J. Soulillou; Nantes, France P5.10.15 - Effector T cell depolarization after glucocorticoid treatment impairs migration and APC conjugate formation Henrike J. Fischer, N. Müller, H.M. Reichardt; Göttingen, Germany
Posters - August 24 456
P5.10.16 - The atypical antipsychotic agents, clozapine and risperidone, reduce disease severity in the animal model of multiple sclerosis Laura K. Green, M. Kharkrang, D. O’Sullivan, B. Conner, A.C. La Flamme; Wellington, New Zealand
P5.10.17 - Development and assessment of multifunctional gold nanoparticle system for dendritic cell targeting in the treatment of EAE D Haghmorad, M.B. Mahmoudi, M. Hosseini, N. Tabasi, S. Zamani, M. Rastin, M. Mahmoudi; Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.10.18 - 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in C57BL/6 mice D Haghmorad, M.B. Mahmoudi, A. Amini, N. Tabasi, S. Zamani, M. Rastin, M. Mahmoudi; Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.10.19 - miR-132 suppresses autoimmune encephalomyelitis by inducing cholinergic anti-inflammation: a novel Ahr-based exploration Hamza Hanieh, A. Alzahrani; Alhasa, Saudi Arabia
P5.10.20 - Study of the frequency of different CD8+ T cell subsets in patients with Multiple Sclerosis Maryam Izad, Z. Salehi, M. Sahraian, E. Janzamin, R. Doosti, P. Khosravani; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.10.21 - Biased Treg/Th17 balance away from regulatory toward inflammatory phenotype in relapsed multiple sclerosis and its correlation with severity of symptoms Azam Jamshidian, M. Gharagozloo, V. Shaygannejad, A. Pourazar, S. Zarkesh; Isfahan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.10.22 - Vav1 influences susceptibility to central nervous system autoimmunity Sahar Kassem, C. Colacios, A. Dejean, G. J Fournié, B. Malissen, A. Saoudi; Toulouse, France
P5.10.23 - Microglia are potent producers of IFNβ in the context of autoimmunity and microbial stimulation Magdalena Kocur, R. Schneider, A. Pulm, J. Bauer, S. Kropp, J. Alferink, T. Prozorovski, O. Aktas, S. Scheu; Duesseldorf, Germany
P5.10.24 - Month of Birth, Vitamin D and Risk of Immune Mediated Disease Elham Zare
P5.10.25 - NK cells are functionally defective in multiple sclerosis Alice Laroni, R. Gandhi, E. Armentani, I. Gandoglia, F. Ivaldi, G.L. Mancardi, H.L. Weiner, A. Uccelli; Genoa, Italy
P5.10.26 - Multiple sclerosis mesenchymal stromal cells exhibit a distinct gene profile and decreased immunosuppressive properties in relation to healthy control cells Gislane Lelis Vilela de Oliveirra, K.C.R. Malmegrim, K.W.A. Lima, D.G. Ribeiro, A. Colombini, D.T. Covas, J.C. Voltarelli, E.A. Donadi; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P5.10.27 - The regulation synthesis and hydrolysis of cGMP in brain cortex rats during the course of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) Natalia Lubina-D browska, G. Sulkowski, K. Turska, J. Langfort, A. St pie , M. Chalimoniuk; Warsaw, Poland
P5.10.28 - Natural killer cells in early multiple sclerosis Helena Mareckova, L. Skacikova, Z. Hruskova, D. Horakova, E. Havrdova; Prague 2, Czech Republic
P5.10.29 - Microvesicles derived from mesenchymal stem cells: potent organelles for induction of tolerogenic signaling Aram Mokarizadeh; Sanandaj, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.10.30 - The association of Epstein-Barr virus infection with multiple sclerosis Adeleh Najafipoor, R. Roghanian; Isfahan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.10.31 - Monomethyl fumarate induces a switch of activated microglia from a pro-inflammatory to a neuroprotective phenotype Benedetta Parodi, C. Cordano, D. Giunti, C. Usai, N. Kerlero De Rosbo, R.H. Scannevin, A. Uccelli; Genoa, Italy
P5.10.32 - Deficiency of CD8 effector memory T cells impairs response to Epstein-Barr virus in multiple sclerosis Michael P. Pender, P.A. Csurhes, C.M.M. Pfluger, S.R. Burrows; Brisbane, Australia
P5.10.33 - Investigating the causes of A20 down-regulation in Multiple Sclerosis: genetic mechanisms and hormonal modulations Simona Perga, S. Martire, N.D. Navone, F. Montarolo, P. Berchialla, A. Bertolotto; Orbassano, Italy
P5.10.34 - Increased CD8+ T Cell Response to Epstein-Barr Virus Lytic Antigens in the Active Phase of Multiple Sclerosis Eleonora Piras, B. Serafini, C. Gasperini, R. Mechelli, M. Salvetti, D. Centonze, G. Borsellino, F. Aloisi, L. Battistini, D. Angelini; Rome, Italy
P5.10.35 - Dysfunction of gene expression in B cells from patients with multiple sclerosis Claudia Policano, V. Annibali, R. Umeton, A. Annese, A. Palermo, R. Mechelli, M. Buscarinu, G. Mattei, G. Ristori, M. Salvetti; Rome, Italy
Posters - August 24 476
P5.10.36 - The role of Chlamydia pneumonia in Multiple Sclerosis Maryam Rahimi, R. Roghanian; Isfahan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.10.37 - T cell repertoire analyses and comparison between blood, CSF and CNS lesions in patients with Multiple Sclerosis M. Salou, A. Gainche-Salmon, L. Michel, D. Loussouarn, A. Garcia, S. Wiertlewski, J. Soulillou, S. Brouard, N. Degauque, D. Laplaud, Hoa Mai Le; Nantes, France
P5.10.38 - Expression of Th1/Th17-related genes in IFN-β-treated relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients Emina Savic, M. Markovic, J. Drulovic, I. Dujmovic Basuroski, S. Mesaros, V. Pravica, D. Popadic, M. Mostarica Stojkovic; Belgrade, Serbia
P5.10.39 - The vitamin D and expression of IL-10 and NF-KB genes in Iranian multiple sclerosis patients Zeinab Shirvani Farsani, M. Behmanesh, M. Sahraian, R. Doosti; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.10.40 - Alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH) inhibits the development and progression of autoimmune encephalomyelitis by generating functional regulatory T cells Nadine Sucker, L. Klenner, S. Laggies, C. Bürger, T. Luger, K. Loser; Münster, Germany
P5.10.41 - Regulatory T-cells in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients: Effect of disease activity and treatment regimens N. Dimisianos, M. Rodi, D. Kalavrizioti, A. Lastic, P. Sakellaraki, Anthi Tapeinou, T. Tselios, J. Matsoukas, P. Papathanasopoulos, A. Mouzaki; Patras, Greece
P5.10.42 - Plasma biomarkers can discriminate among multiple sclerosis clinical forms Marta Tejera-Alhambra, A. Casrouge, C. de Andrés, A. Seyfferth, R. Ramos-Medina, B. Alonso, J. Vega, M. Albert, S. Sánchez-Ramón; Madrid, Spain
P5.10.43 - Low DPP4 expression and activity in multiple sclerosis patients Marta Tejera-Alhambra, A. Casrouge, C. de Andrés, R. Ramos-Medina, B. Alonso, J. Vega, M. Albert, S. Sánchez-Ramón; Madrid, Spain
P5.10.44 - Andrographolide suppresses chronic and relapsing-remitting experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Juan E. Tichauer, E. Molina, E. Acuña, R. Burgos, J. Hancke, C. Cárcamo, R. Naves; Santiago, Chile
P5.10.45 - CD28 individual signals amplify pro-inflammatory cytokine production in relapse-remitting multiple sclerosis T lymphocytes Loretta Tuosto, C. Camperio, M. Muscolini, E. Volpe, R. Mechelli, S. Ruggieri, E. Piccolella, M. Salvetti, C. Gasperini, L. Battistini; Rome, Italy
P5.10.46 - Antigen-presenting cells in the central nervous system in EAE Agnieszka Wlodarczyk, M. Løbner, O. Cédile, T. Owens; Odense, Denmark
P5.10.47 - Transforming growth factor beta and interleukin-10 in multiple sclerosis patients after intravenous infusion of autologous mesenchymal stem cells Marina Zafranskaya, H. Ivanchik, D. Nizheharodava, M. Yurkevich, Y. Motuzova, E. Selezneva, A. Borisov; Minsk, Belarus
P5.10.48 - Characterization of immune cell infiltrates in the lesions of multiple sclerosis patients Stephanie E.J. Zandee, M.D. Leech, A. Williams, S.M. Anderton; Edinburgh, United Kingdom
P5.10.49 - Activated natural killer T cells recruit myeloid-derived suppressor cells to the central nervous system to suppress multiple sclerosis-like disease Daniel F. Zegarra Ruiz, V.V. Parekh, L. Van Kaer; Lima, Peru
P5.22 PRIMARY IMMUNODEFICIENCIES Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 -15:00 490
P5.22.01 - Identification of B-cell defects using age-defined reference ranges for in-vivo and in-vitro B-cell differentiation Daan J. aan de Kerk, M.H. Jansen, I.J.M. ten Berge, E.M.M. van Leeuwen, T.W. Kuijpers; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P5.22.02 - Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome in a patient with homozygous mutation associated to normal Fas expression Nourhen Agrebi, I. Ben Mustapha, M. Medhaffar, M. Ben Ali, B. Larguèche, R. Barbouche; Tunis, Tunisia
P5.22.03 - Evaluation of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ regulatory T cells function in patients with common variable immunodeficiency Nargess Arandi, A. Mirshafiey, M. Jeddi-Tehrani, H. Abolhassani, B. Sadeghi, M. Shaghaghi, A. Aghamohammadi; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.22.04 - AK2 deficiency in zebrafish recapitulates human reticular dysgenesis A. Rissone, J. Jagadeesh, K. Bishop, T. Blake, R. Sood, Fabio Candotti; Bethesda, United States
Posters - August 24 494
P5.22.05 - Monoclonal T proliferation associated with a diffuse and invalidant Sezary-like skin-infiltration in a patient with Hyper-IgM syndrome Speranza Antonia Di Maggio, A. Parolo, M. Gazzola, N. Compagno, V. Ferri, R. Scarpa, F. Cinetto, M. Putti, M. Alaibac, C. Agostini; Padova, Italy
P5.22.06 - Investigation of ITGB2 gene in 9 Iranian patients with LAD-1 with two new mutations Behnaz Esmaeili, M. Ghadami, M. Fazlollahi, M. Badalzadeh, Z. Alizadeh, L. Atarod, Z. Chavoshzadeh, S. Niroomanesh, Z. Moradi, Z. Pourpak; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.22.07 - Adenosine deaminase deficient severe combined immunodeficiency: evidence from three case reports Ferah Genel, E. Özbek, S. Keskin Gözmen, N. Gülez, O. Tascı, M. Hershfield; Izmir, Turkey
P5.22.08 - Plasmablasts in peripheral blood after antigen challenge serve as a diagnostic marker for assessing response to vaccination in CVID patients Ewelina Grywalska, J. Rolinski, A. Surdacka, A. Grafka; Lublin, Poland
P5.22.09 - Clinical features and immunological immunophenotyping in Hyper IgE syndrome patients Lucrezia Guadrini, M. Giacomelli, D. Moratto, S. Negri, A. Prandini, R. Kumar, O. Scomodon, A. Plebani, R. Badolato; Brescia, Italy
P5.22.10 - Long survival of a patient with IPEX syndrome (Immunodysregulation, Polyendocrinopathy, Enteropathy, X-linked) C. Felice, A. Papa, R. Bacchetta, A. Armuzzi, M. Marzo, G. Andrisani, D. Pugliese, I. De Vitis, G. Rapaccini, Luisa Guidi; Rome, Italy
P5.22.11 - Clinical features and immunological abnormalities of GATA2 deficiency in Japan Kenichi Honma, K. Imai, T. Kato, C. Kamae, S. Nonoyama; Tokorozawa, Japan
P5.22.12 - GATA 2 transcription factor deficiency predisposing to severe disseminated Coccidioidomycosis Tasnim F. Imran, C. Chongwei; Newark, United States
P5.22.13 - Common variable immunodeficiency classification by quantifying T-cell receptor and immunoglobulin κ-deleting recombination excision circles Chikako Kamae, N. Nakagawa, H. Sato, K. Honma, N. Mitsuiki, O. Ohara, H. Kanegane, T. Morio, K. Imai, S. Nonoyama; Tokorozawa, Japan
P5.22.14 - Candida antibiotic resistance in Primary Immunodeficiency Disease Samineh Kamali Sabzevari, Z. Pourpak, S. Roodbar Mohammadi, N. Fakhr Mousavi; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.22.15 - Subgroup of Common Variable Immunodeficiency patients with distinct clinical and biological features revealed by B-cell immunophenotyping Veronika Kanderova, E. Fronkova, J. Stuchly, M. Vlkova, I. Hermanova, L. Krol, O. Hrusak, A. Sediva, J. Litzman, T. Kalina; Prague, Czech Republic
P5.22.16 - Hax-1 deficiency in Turkish children Sara Sebnem Kilic, O. Gozukmez, D. Hafizoglu, C.Y. Aydogmus, F. Cipe, T. Yakut; Bursa, Turkey
P5.22.17 - Investigation on frequency of mutation in the gene segments of immunoglobulin in CD40 knockout mice Yuka Kodera, M. Matsushima, H. Ogiso, N. Ogasawara, K. Takemura, H. Nose, T. Yamaguchi, M. Shiga, T. Kawabe; Nagoya, Japan
P5.22.18 - Frequency of lymphomas in a cohort of Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) patients B.C. Sini, Cristina M. Kokron, D. Levy, J. Pereira, A.K.B.B. Marinho, A. Cohon, J. Kalil, S. Bydlowski, M.T. Barros; São Paulo, Brazil
P5.22.19 - Genetic analysis of the TNFRSF13B gene in a numerous Italian CVID population Vassilios Lougaris, M. Vitali, M. Baronio, G. Tampella, A. Bergbreiter, U. Salzer, A. Soresina, R. Badolato, A. Plebani; Brescia, Italy
P5.22.20 - Hypomorphic mutation in RAG2 gene affects dendritic cell distribution and migration Virginia Maina, V. Marrella, S. Mantero, B. Cassani, E. Fontana, A. Anselmo, A. Del Prete, S. Sozzani, L. Poliani, A. Villa; Milan, Italy
P5.22.21 - 8 patients of ataxia-telangiectasia in Azerbaijan Vafa R. Mammadova; Baku, Azerbaijan
P5.22.22 - Good’s syndrome: First case report in Algeria Nesrine Messaoudani, R. Djidjik, L. Baough, A. Nekhla, F. Benserai, M. Boubrit, F. Asselah, N. Zidouni, M. Ghaffor; Algiers, Algeria
P5.22.23 - Influence of genetic alterations in the WASP gene on the maturation of the B cell compartment D. Moratto, Gaetana Lanzi, L. Gazzurelli, C. Mazza, L.D. Notarangelo, S. Giliani; Brescia, Italy
P5.22.24 - A normal T cell receptor beta CDR3 length distribution in patients with APECED Heikki J. Niemi, T. Koivula, S.M. Laakso, P. Arstila, A. Tuulasvaara; Helsinki, Finland
Posters - August 24 514
P5.22.25 - Clinical and laboratory evaluation of patients with common variable immunodeficiency before and after immunization with polysaccharide and protein antigens Ana K.B. Oliveira, M. Pedreschi, A. Cohon, G.S. Brito, L.M. Fonseca, J. Kalil, M.T. Barros, C.M. Kokron; São Paulo, Brazil
P5.22.26 - Skin sarcoid-like lesions in CVID with poor outcome Roberto Paganelli, M.C. Turi, M. D’Urbano, E. Celletti; Chieti scalo, Italy
P5.22.27 - Severe combined deficiency of innate and acquired immunity caused by an IKBKB mutation Ulrich Pannicke, B. Baumann, S. Fuchs, P. Henneke, A. Rensing-Ehl, H. Schrezenmeier, T. Wirth, S. Ehl, M. Schroeder, K. Schwarz; Ulm, Germany
P5.22.28 - Reduced NK cell activity and abnormal expression of CCR7 and CXCR1 by NK cells analysis in patients with DOCK8 deficiency Silvia Parolini, G. Tabellini, S. Caracciolo, O. Patrizi, M. Benassi, S. Negri, M. Giacomelli, V. Lougaris, A. Plebani, R. Badolato; Brescia, Italy
P5.22.29 - Establishment of newborn screening for SCID / severe T lymphocytopenia in São Paulo Marilia Pyles Patto Kanegae, A. Miyashiro Nunes dos Santos, B. Tavares Costa Carvalho, I. Rugue Genov, A.L. Acquesta; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P5.22.30 - Targeted detection of chronic immunodeficiencies by flow cytometry Ulrich Sack, S. Borte, M. Borte, F. Kahlenberg, A. Boldt; Leipzig, Germany
P5.22.31 - A New Mutation associated to Bruton Amammaglobulinemia F.R. Mora, R. de la Varga, E. Garcia Moreno, C. Rodriguez, Almudena Sampalo; Cadiz, Spain
P5.22.32 - Clinical and Genetic heterogeneity of Chronic Mucocutaneus Candidiasis Disease in four Patients with Heterozygous STAT1 mutations Omar Scomodon, D. Vairo, M. Giacomelli, L. Tassone, G. Maggiore, A. Soresina, V. Lougaris, D. Dinwiddie, S. Kingsmore, R. Badolato; Brescia, Italy
P5.22.33 - T regulatory cells and Helios expression in patients with diGeorge syndrome Anna Sediva, K. Sismova, A. Klocperk, J. Grecova, A. Skalicka, R. Zachova; Prague, Czech Republic
P5.22.34 - B cell dysregulation in autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome Svetlana Sharapova, O. Pashchenko, A. Migas, I. Gyryanova, A. Nevmerzhitskaya, I.V. Kondratenko, M. Belevtsev; Minsk region, Belarus
P5.22.35 - Prevalence of Tuberculosis among HIV/AIDS Patients In Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex (OAUTHC). ILE -IFE Olarinde N. Olaniran
P5.22.36 - Antibody deficiency in Ataxia Telangiectasia is caused by disturbed B and T cell homeostasis and reduced immune repertoire diversity G.J.A. Driessen, H. IJspeert, C.M.R. Weemaes, Á. Haraldsson, A. Warris, N. Wulfraat, M. Taylor, J.J.M. Van Dongen, M. van Deuren, Mirjam van der Burg; Rotterdam, Netherlands
P5.22.37 - Expression of Bruton’s tyrosine kinase gene and endoplasmic reticulum stress markers in X-linked agammaglobulinemia V.D. Ramalho, M.A. Teocchi, B.M. Abramczuk, T.N. Mazzola, Maria M.S. Vilela; Campinas, Brazil
P5.22.38 - Up-regulation of LY6E expression on monocytes attenuates innate immunity by down-regulating CD14 and is associated with HIV disease progression Jianqing Xu, X. Zhang; Jinshan, Shanghai, China
P5.22.39 - Lymphoid Intestitial Pneumonia in CVID -oligoclonal expansion of lymphocytes with preferential CMV-specific immune response and lymphorpoliferative disease promotion. Successful rituximab therapy Przemyslaw Zdziarski, A. Lange, D. Dlubek, K. Suchnicki; Wroclaw-46, Poland
P6.01 IMMUNOMODULATION BY NUTRIENTS AND VITAMINS Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 - 15:00 529
P6.01.01 - Vitamin D deficiency increases macrophage polarization and inflammatory infiltrates in epicardial adipose tissue of atherosclerotic swine Devendra K. Agrawal; Omaha, United States
P6.01.02 - Impact of zinc supplementation on the production of IL-17 in perinatal stages Ana E. Aguilar, M.T.C. Sanchez, B. Muñoz, R. Pastelin; Mexico DF, Mexico
P6.01.03 - Uncaria tomentosa Willd. DC (Cat’s claw) immunostimulatory activity in splenic B lymphocytes D.F. Zegarra Ruiz, Jose L. Aguilar; Lima, Peru
Posters - August 24 532
P6.01.04 - Leucocytes and Oxidative Stress by Non-Thermal Plasma Sander Bekeschus, J. Kolata, K. Masur, K. Weltmann, B.M. Bröker; Greifswald, Germany
P6.01.05 - The sensitivity to different types of milk in patients with Ulcerative colitis Irina Besu, A. Konic-Ristic, N. Jojic, D. Popovic, Z. Juranic; Belgrade, Serbia
P6.01.06 - New therapeutic strategies using xCELLigence system in colon cancer Lorelei I. Brasoveanu, D. Hotnog, I. Iancu, C. Hotnog, A. Botezatu, M. Bostan, M. Mihaila, G. Anton; Bucharest, Romania
P6.01.07 - Beta-glucans Uptake by Human Dendritic Cells via a Variety of Endocytotic Mechanisms Jiamin Cao, G.C.F. Chan; Pokfulam, Hong Kong
P6.01.08 - Nourishment and its relation with immunitary response and oxidative stress Edelis Catellanos; La Habana, Cuba
P6.01.09 - Inflammatory pattern, vitamin D level and cognitive performance in adults and older adults Hala Darwish, S.J. Khoury; Beirut, Lebanon
P6.01.10 - Comparative study of the antiinflammatory effect of Inca Inchi oils (Plukenetia volubilis and Plukenetia huayllabambana) Silvia R. Dávila Paico, C. Pitot, D. Zegarra Ruiz, M.A. Cabello Napurí, F. Saldaña Morales, T. Ysmodes Nastasi, Y. Álvarez Valdivia, C. Ocampo Acuña, I. Lozada Requena, J. Aguilar Olano; Lima, Peru
P6.01.11 - Iron overload can suppress IL-23 expression from human monocyte-derived dendritic cells and subsequent downstream Th17 expansion C M.A. Dee, K.W. Cheung, J. Shen, G.C.F. Chan; Pokfulam, Hong Kong
P6.01.12 - Antioxidant compounds suppress activity of diamine oxidase (DAO) Johanna M. Gostner, K. Becker, F. Überall, D. Fuchs; Innsbruck, Austria
P6.01.13 - Ayurvedic myrobalane extracts inhibit LPS-induced tryptophan breakdown in THP-1 cells K. Becker, Johanna M. Gostner, A. Klein, S. Schröcksnadel, B. Magnus, M. Jenny, D. Fuchs, F. Überall; Innsbruck, Austria
P6.01.14 - Resveratrol enhances TNF-α production of human monocytes upon TLR-stimulation Guido Gualdoni, J. Kovarik, D. Doberer, F. Dose, P. Steinberger, M. Wolzt, G.J. Zlabinger; Vienna, Austria
P6.01.15 - Inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase-9 activity in a leukemic cell line by Mentha spicata extract in vitro Fatemeh Hajighasemi; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.01.16 - Labdane-type diterpene, constituent from myoga which are traditional Japanese food inhibit enzyme activity and gene expression of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 Shinjiro Imai, R. Yamamoto, Y. Yamamoto, M. Abe, Y. Ozawa, Y. Katayanagi, T. Nakayama, K. Saito; Suruga-ku, Shizuoka, Japan
P6.01.17 - HemoHIM, a novel composition of medicinal herbs, restores the lasting imbalance of Th1- and Th2-related immune response in gamma-irradiated mice and in aged mice Sung-Kee Jo, H. Park, U. Jung; Jeongeup-si, Korea, Republic of
P6.01.18 - Implications of the O-GlcNAc modification in the regulation of nuclear apoptosis in T cells Bruno Johnson, J. Bernier; Laval, Canada
P6.01.19 - Alliin diminished pro-inflammatory cytokines in supernatants of an in vitro model of adipose tissue Rocio I. Lopez-Roa, S.M. Quintero-Fabian, T.M. Garcia-Iglesias, J.M. Viveros-Paredes, D. Ortuño-Sahagun; Guadalajara, Mexico
P6.01.20 - The activity of autoreactive IgG antibodies may be blocked by human serum and breast milk immunoglobulins Iliyan Manoylov, I. Djoumerska-Alexieva, J. Dimitrov, A. Tchrobanov; Sofia, Bulgaria
P6.01.21 - Difference in reaction patterns of M1 and M2 macrophages induced by quercetin Miyoko Matsushima, A. Oomura, K. Mori, N. Ogasawara, K. Takemura, H. Nose, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Kodera, M. Shiga, T. Kawabe; Nagoya, Japan
P6.01.22 - Expression of cytokines that regulate immune responses in alpaca (Vicugna pacos) blood leukocytes stimulated by clostridial antigens and retinoic acid Juan More Bayona, A. Manchego, K. Chiok, R. Lázaro, N. Sandoval, H. Rivera, M. Ramírez; Lima, Peru
P6.01.23 - Expression of humoral and cellular immune response cytokines in alpacas (Vicugna pacos) treated orally with a combination of clostridial antigens and retinoic acid Juan More Bayona, A. Manchego, K. Chiok, D. Pezo, N. Sandoval, H. Rivera, M. Ramírez; Lima, Peru
Posters - August 24 552
P6.01.24 - Immune-modulatory properties of cinnamaldehyde are associated with the induction of apoptosis in immune cells Anna Moskovskich, C. Gomez-Casado, A. Willensdorfer, J. Singer, H.C. Fuchs, F. Roth-Walter, E. Jensen-Jarolim; Vienna, Austria
P6.01.25 - The effect of quercetin on the activated alveolar macrophages Haruka Nose, M. Matsushima, A. Oomura, K. Mori, N. Ogasawara, K. Takemura, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Kodera, M. Shiga, T. Kawabe; Nagoya, Japan
P6.01.26 - Cucumis sativus aqueous extract protects against different metabolic syndrome- associated pathologies Gabriela Rosas, P. Nuñez, A. Arteaga, M. Martínez, C. Trejo, A. Zamilpa, J. Tortoriello, G. Arrelín, E. Jimenez, G. Fragoso; Mexico, Mexico
P6.01.27 - Cytoprotective activity of Georgian Red Grapes Extract in mitogen-activated Jurkat cells Tamara Sanikidze, G. Sharashenidze, L. Ratiani; Tbilisi, Georgia
P6.01.28 - Chrysin regulates mast cell activation via HO-1-independent pathway Marika Shiga, M. Matsushima, A. Teranishi, H. Nose, N. Ogasawara, K. Takemura, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Kodera, T. Kawabe; Nagoya, Japan
P6.01.29 - Methanol extract of Origanum vulgare ameliorates autoimmune diabetes in mice Ivana D. Stojanovic, M. Vujicic, I. Nikolic, V. Kontogianni, P. Charisiadis, A.G. Tzakos, S. Stosic-Grujicic; Belgrade, Serbia
P6.01.30 - Evaluation of of crude extracts of sea cucumbers Holothuria lecospilota Genus in persion gulf effects on COX-2 and VEGF genes expression and PGE2, VEGF secretion levels in comparison with celecoxib on colorectal cancer cell line Maryam Taghdiri, A. Khodadadi, M. Assarehzadegan, N. Adibpour; Ahvaz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.01.31 - In vitro immunomodulatory and cytoprotective effects of Origanum vulgare methanol extract Milica Vujicic, I. Stojanovic, I. Nikolic, V. Kontogianni, P. Charisiadis, A.G. Tzakos, S. Stosic-Grujicic; Belgrade, Serbia
P6.02 METABOLISM AND IMMUNITY INTERFACES Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 - 15:00 560
P6.02.01 - Evaluation of the relationship between obesity and pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in postmenopausal breast cancer patients Rodrigo Andrade, H.C. do Nascimento, A.B. Santana, M.S.C. Gurgel, F.L.P. Costa, S. de Barros-Mazon; Campinas, Brazil
P6.02.02 - Arginine depletion during ocular autoimmune responses: in vitro study on bovine explants Houda Belguendouz, K. Lahmar-Belguendouz, L.M. Ahmedi, D. Messaoudene, Z. Djeraba, O.S. Lahlou-Boukoffa, C. Touil-Boukoffa; Algiers, Algeria
P6.02.03 - Respiratory complex III (CIII) or Adenin-Nucloeotide Transporter (ANT) inhibition diminishes human monocyte inflammatory capacity Esteban D. Cerezo, L.A. Flores-Mejía, F.J. Sánchez-García, C.R. López-Macías, A. Isibasi, L.A. Arriaga-Pizano; Mexico City, Mexico
P6.02.04 - The human intermediate monocyte subset can be further subdivided on the basis of HLA-DR expression revealing a distinct abnormality in obesity and diabetes M. C. Dennedy, E. Connaughton, S. Slevin, S.A. Hanley, T. O’Brien, R. Ceredig, M.D. Griffin; Galway, Ireland
P6.02.05 - Clinical-immunological assessment of therapy effect of the neuro-sensory-motor integration program of reflex patterns in airway chronic inflammatory diseases S.K. Masgutova, N.K. Akhmatova, Olga V. Lebedinskaya; Perm, Russian Federation
P6.02.06 - Diet enriched with small carbohydrate and saturated fat is able to alter immunological parameters in C57BL/6 mice M.C.G. Miranda, J.L. Goncalves, T.G. Moreira, L.G. Teixeira, A.L. Souza, D.C. Cara, Tatiani U. Maioli, A.C. Faria; Belo Horizonte, Brazil
P6.02.07 - Macrophages, but not adipocytes, express TNFa in diet induced visceral obesity Marcia F. McInerney, L.A. Ebke, B. Slotterbeck, A.L. Nestor-Kalinoski, A.G. Al Dieri, S. Ghosh, S.M. Najjar, H. von Grafenstein; Toledo, United States
P6.02.08 - Activation markers show greater expression on adipose tissue resident T-lymphocytes with increased adiposity R. Travers, Alexandre C. Motta, J. Betts, D. Thompson; Vlaardingen, Netherlands
P6.02.09 - Galectin-3 deficiency accelerates high-fat diet induced obesity and diabetes by amplifying metaflammation Nada Pejnovic, J. Pantic, I. Jovanovic, G. Radosavljevic, M. Milovanovic, I. Nikolic, N. Zdravkovic, A. Djukic, N. Arsenijevic, M. Lukic; Kragujevac, Serbia
P6.02.10 - P2X7 receptor expression and potential role in T cells in Type 1 Diabetes Lisa Perruzza, F. Grassi; Bellinzona, Switzerland
P6.02.11 - Insulin resistant obese individuals have increased frequency of CD14++CD16+ monocytes, what is modulated by a bout of aerobic exercise Etel Rocha-Vieira, M. Matos, T. Duarte, V. Ottone, K. Costa, G. Brito-Melo, F. Amorim; Diamantina, Brazil
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P6.02.12 - The regulatory role of amino acids in the immune response Nataliya Salyha; Lviv, Ukraine
P6.02.13 - The peptide hormone Insulin-like growth factor-1 affects the immune system during physiological and pathological inflammatory responses Susanne Sattler, B. Johannesson, J. Tonkin, E. Gallego-Colon, D. Bilbao, E. Semenova, N. Rosenthal; London, United Kingdom
P6.02.14 - Unsuspected relationship between Ferritin Heavy Chain and NK cells tumor susceptibility Rosa Sottile, F. Santoro, C.M. Faniello, C. Garofalo, R. Tallerico, F.S. Costanzo, E. Carbone; Catanzaro, Italy
P6.02.15 - Modulation of lipid metabolism and colon cancer cell growth by Cyclosporin A Miriam B.F. Werneck, M.C. Augustin, J.P.B. Viola, P.T. Bozza; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P6.02.16 - Enhanced glycogen synthase kinase 3beta phosphorylation modulates leukocyte Toll-like receptor-mediated cytokine secretion in obesity Chia-Liang Yen, C. Chang, C. Wu, C. Shieh; Tainan, Taiwan
P6.06 CANCER IMMUNOTHERAPY AND ANTI-TUMOR VACCINES Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 - 15:00 576
P6.06.001 - Inhibitory effects of single chain fragment variable (scFv) antibodies against prostate stem cell antigen (PSCA) on prostate and pancreatic cancer cell lines Soghra Abdi, F. Nejatollahi; Ilam, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.003 - GMP-production of an allogenic DC-based cancer vaccine (COMBIG-DC) for treatment of patients with metastatic renal cancer using the ELUTRA Platform Lars Adamson, R. Kiessling, B. Andersson, B. Näsman-Glaser, A. Karlsson-Parra; Stockholm, Sweden
P6.06.004 - Breast cancer immunopathology to immunotherapy in Northern Emirates of the United Arab Emirates Mohamad Alhomssi, A. Mohamad, H. Hamdy; Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
P6.06.005 - Generation and characterization of a new chimeric antibody against Her2 Mohammad M. Amiri, M. Jeddi-Tehrani, M. Bahadori, M. Hojjat-Farsangi, J. Khoshnoodi, H. Rabbani, F. Shokri; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.006 - Annexin A2 is a Glioma Damage-Associated Molecular Pattern Enriched in Physiologic Oxygen Brian M. Andersen, M.R. Olin, C.E. Seiler, X. Junzhe, A.L. Epstein, W. Chen, B.R. Blazar, J.R. Ohlfest; Minneapolis, United States
P6.06.007 - MHC I multimer assay: Optimized double staining for improved sensitivity in detection of low affine CD8+ antigen-specific T cells by flow cytometry Stig Henrik Andersen, K. Jacobsen, L. Brix, H. Pedersen; Copenhagen, Denmark
P6.06.008 - Increased efficacy of dendritic cells by protein components compared to total extract of Listeria monocytogenes in experimental tumor Immunotherapy Samaneh Arab, M. Motamedi, J. Hadjati; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.009 - Green tea polyphenols modulate certain indices of nonspecific anticancer resistance Anna B. Artamonova, S.P. Zaletok, O.V. Karnaushenko, A.V. Verbinenko; Kyiv, Ukraine
P6.06.010 - Polysaccharides of the Lentinus edodes modulate certain indices of specific anticancer resistance Anna B. Artamonova, V.O. Shlyakhovenko; Kyiv, Ukraine
P6.06.011 - Anti-Metastatic Effect of Anti-HER2 scFv Antibodies on Breast Cancer Cells Mahdi Asgharpour, F. Nejatollahi; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.012 - ImmTACs: bi-specific TCR-anti-CD3 fusions for potent re-directed killing of cancer cells Rebecca Ashfield, G. Bossi, D. Baker, J. Harper, J. Dukes, N. Liddy, Y. McGrath, A. Vuidepot, N. Hassan, B. Jakobsen; Abingdon, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
P6.06.013 - Oroxylin A affects frequency and function of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in experimental model of cancer Mahboubeh Ashourpour, A. Namdar, J. Hadjati; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.014 - T cell tolerance as function of tumor progression Meir Azulay, E. Tzehoval, E. Vadai, L. Eisenbach; Rehovot, Israel
P6.06.015 - TLR3/BATF3 axis in CD8α+DC induces anti-tumor CTLs by dsRNA Masahiro Azuma, M. Matsumoto, T. Seya; Sapporo, Japan
Posters - August 24 590
P6.06.016 - Anti-tumor effects of heat shock proteins, Bacillus Calmette-Guérin, angiogenesis inhibitor, Bifidobacterium and Immuno-Modulator Drug on fibrosarcoma in mice Behzad Baradaran, J. Majidi, T. Kazemi, L. Aghebati, M. Orangi; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.017 - Maternal immunization: transfer of a protective anti-tumor immunity from mothers to the offspring; a first evidence Giuseppina Barutello, M. Arigoni, C. Curcio, M. Spadaro, R. Clynes, R. Trovato, E. Bolli, F. Riccardo, F. Ria, F. Cavallo; Torino, Italy
P6.06.018 - The peripheral blood compartment of patients with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) at diagnosis is characterized by distinct phenotypic and functional Immunological alterations Simone Battella, S. Pelliccia, R. La Scaleia, A. Di Napoli, A. Porzia, L. Ruco, F. Mainiero, A. Santoni, M.C. Cox, G. Palmieri; Rome, Italy
P6.06.019 - Adenosine receptor blockade potently suppresses the metastasis of CD73+ tumours Paul A. Beavis, U. Divisekera, C. Paget, M.T. Chow, L.B. John, J. Stagg, M.J. Smyth, P.K. Darcy; Melbourne, Australia
P6.06.020 - Development of a DC-based therapeutic vaccine for AML patients: characterization of GMP-grade TLR-agonist matured 3-day DCs expressing the leukemia-associated antigens WT1 and PRAME Barbara Beck, C. Geiger, I. Bigalke, F.S. Lichtenegger, G. Kvalheim, M. Subklewe, D.J. Schendel; Munich, Germany
P6.06.021 - Development of new therapeutic antibodies formats directed against the folate receptor alpha Davide Bernareggi, E. Luison, A. Satta, B. Frigerio, M. Colombo, S. Canevari, M. Figini; Milan, Italy
P6.06.022 - Toxoplasma gondii protein fractions for the generation of dendritic cell based cancer vaccine Roobina Boghozian, A. Saei, R. Mirzaei, J. Hajati; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.023 - Comparison of DNA-based vaccine and non-pathogenic live vaccine strategies using the mini-chaperones for the prevention of HPV16 E7-overexpressing cancers Azam Bolhassani, S. Hosseinzadeh, A. Daemi; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.024 - Antitumor potential of novel betulin derivative on human A375 melanoma cells Mirna Bulatovic, M. Mojic, G. Kaluderovic , D. Miljkovic , S. Stosic -Grujicic , R. Paschke, S. Mijatovic , D. Maksimovic -Ivanic ; Belgrade, Serbia
P6.06.025 - Early growth response gene 2 acts as an intrinsic negative regulator of DC immunogenicity M.A. Miah, Se Eun E. Byeon, Y.S. Bae; Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Republic of
P6.06.026 - ENO1-DNA vaccine significantly delays pancreatic tumor progression by eliciting complement-dependent cytotoxicity Paola Cappello, S. Rolla, R. Curto, E. Tonoli, M. Principe, H. Carnevale, M. Giovarelli, F. Novelli; Torino, Italy
P6.06.027 - Enrichment of KIR+CD57+ highly cytotoxic NK cells in sentinel lymph nodes of melanoma patients Ennio Carbone, T. Hassan Ali, S. Pisanti, E. Ciaglia, R. Mortarini, A. Anichini, M. Santinami, E. Gulletta, C. Ietto, M. Galgani; Catanzaro, Italy
P6.06.028 - Multiple Myeloma cells in Vk*MYC mice are highly susceptible to WT1 and MAGE-A specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes Elena Cattaneo, A. Calcinotto, M. Grioni, A. Gasparri, M. Bianco, S. Bertilaccio, M. Chesi, L. Bergsagel, A. Corti, M. Bellone; Milan, Italy
P6.06.029 - Vaccination with human CSPG4 DNA induces an anti-tumor antibody response and prolongs survival in dogs with oral malignant melanoma F. Riccardo, S. Lorda Mayayo, S. Prestigio, S. Iussich, G. La Rosa, R. De Maria, S. Ferrone, P. Buracco, Federica Cavallo; Torino, Italy
P6.06.030 - Correlation between the high expression of cancer testis antigens and the prognosis in patients with esophageal carcinoma in China Xin-Feng Chen, J. Liu, M. Wang, Y. Zhang; Zheng Zhou, China
P6.06.031 - CD38 immunotherapy: killing two birds with one stone Antonella Chillemi, V. Quarona, G. Zaccarello, M. Ferracin, C. Ghimenti, A. Zito, M. Massaia, A.L. Horenstein, F. Malavasi; Torino, Italy
P6.06.032 - Combination immunotherapy with tumor-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells decreases CD8+ T cell exhaustion and augments therapeutic efficacy Sarah E. Church, S.M. Jensen, B.A. Fox; Portland, United States
P6.06.033 - A new pathway of tumor antigen loading of human dendritic cells via intercellular communication Mariarosa Ciranna, L. Morelli, C. Pozzi, G. Penna, M. Rescigno; Milan, Italy
P6.06.034 - A phase Ib clinical trial of cisplatin and pemetrexed in combination with the CD40 activating antibody CP-870,893 A. McDonnell, Alistair Cook, B.W.S. Robinson, R.A. Lake, J. Creaney, A. Hasani, M. Millward, A.K. Nowak; Perth, Australia
Posters - August 24 609
P6.06.035 - Optimising regulatory T cell (Treg) depletion in combination with chemotherapy for enhanced anti-tumour immunity Alistair Cook, B. Robinson, A. McDonnell, M. Millward, R.A. Lake, A.K. Nowak; Perth, Australia
P6.06.036 - Radiation therapy plus IL-2 in patients with metastatic melanoma is associated with release of danger associated molecular patterns when compared to IL-2 alone but not an increase in circulating inflammatory cytokines Marka R. Crittenden, M. Gough, B. Fox, S. Seung, B. Cottam, J. Walker, W. Urba, B. Curti; Portland, United States
P6.06.037 - RIL-21 combined with CD4-T cell depletion reprograms CD4+ T cells from an immune regulatory to an anti-tumor phenotype in syngeneic neuroblastoma Michela Croce, A. Brizzolara, V. Rigo, A. Orengo, B. Carlini, M. Corrias, S. Ferrini; Genoa, Italy
P6.06.038 - Pre-clinical development of an agonistic CD40 antibody (ADC-1013) for local immunotherapy of cancer Eva Dahlén, C. Furebring, S. Broos, T. Berggård, P. Norlén, M. Lindstedt, T. Tötterman, S. Mangsbo, P. Ellmark; Lund, Sweden
P6.06.039 - Th1/Th2/Th17 profile and T cell phenotype of an in vitro antigen presentation system in response to DC functionality, IL-2 and IGF-1 presence Anne-Lise de Lastic, M. Rodi, A. Mouzaki; Patras, Greece
P6.06.040 - The predictive role of αβ-double negative T cells in clinical outcome of patients with lymphoma: preliminary data Giacoma De Tullio, C. Minoia, S. Serratì, F. Merchionne, G. Loseto, A. La Pietra, A. Rana, A. Iacobazzi, P. Iacopino, A. Guarini; Bari, Italy
P6.06.041 - Deciphering adaptive anti-tumor immunity induced by anti-CD20 mAb treatment Claire Deligne, A. Metidji, J. Teillaud; Paris, France
P6.06.042 - The tumor microenvironment can vary with anatomical site to affect responses to therapy Christel Devaud, J.A. Westwood, L.B. John, J.K. Flynn, S. Paquet-Fifield, M.J. Smyth, P.K. Darcy, M.H. Kershaw; East Melbourne (VIC), Australia
P6.06.043 - Antitumor activity of PEGylated Fab-fragments of GD2-specific antibody Igor I. Doronin, I. Kholodenko, I. Molotkovskaya, R. Kholodenko; Moscow, Russian Federation
P6.06.045 - Chimeric protein of IL-2 linked to light chain of anti-IL-2 mAb S4B6 that structurally mimics IL-2/S4B6 immunocomplexes: design and production Barbora Dvorakova, J. Tomala, J. Kovarova, M. Kabesova, P. Votavova, H. Chmelova, B. Rihova, M. Kovar; Prague, Czech Republic
P6.06.046 - Enhanced efficacy of a cancer vaccine by blocking TGF-β-dependent induction of regulatory T cells with a retinoic acid receptor-α antagonist Lydia Dyck, K.C. Galvin, K.H.G. Mills; Dublin, Ireland
P6.06.047 - Lymphocyte imprinting with melanoma antigens acquired by trogocytosis facilitates identification of tumor-reactive T cells Galit Eisenberg, R. Uzana, A. Pato, S. Frankenburg, S. Merims, E. Yefenof, S. Ferrone, T. Peretz, M. Lotem, A. Machlenkin; Jerusalem, Israel
P6.06.048 - Inhibition of intercellular communication between prostate cancer cells by anti-STEAP-1 single chain antibody Alireza Esmaili, F. Nejatollahi; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.049 - Soluble MICA serum levels as predictive biomarkers of anti-CTLA-4 melanoma immunotherapy Joana Felix, R. Porcher, C. Pages, I. Sidina, V. Kheav, G. Maki, M. Viguier, A. Toubert, C. Lebbe, H. Moins-Teisserenc; Paris, France
P6.06.050 - Bispecific single-chain diabodies for T cell retargeting to solid tumors Sina Fellermeier, R.E. Kontermann; Stuttgart, Germany
P6.06.051 - Natural Killer adoptive cell transfer targeting bladder cancer stem cells: preliminary results for fine-tuning strategy Margarida Ferreira-Teixeira, B. Parada, F. Reis, C. Gomes, P. Rodrigues-Santos; Coimbra, Portugal
P6.06.052 - A Dendritic Cell (DC) microRNA signature predicts clinical outcome in Melanoma Patients treated with DC vaccine Laura Fiammenghi, E. Bandini, F. Fanini, M. Petrini, E. Pancisi, A.M. Granato, V. Ancarani, L. Ridolfi, M. Guidoboni, M. Fabbri; Meldola, Italy
P6.06.053 - Anti folate receptor Ab conjugated iron-oxide nanoparticles for tumor localization in an ovarian cancer models Mariangela Figini; Milan, Italy
P6.06.054 - Combining prime-boost anti-tumour vaccination with debulking surgery for the treatment of solid tumours Scott A. Fisher, A. Cleaver, A. Khong, T. Connor, B. Wylie, D. Lakhiani, C. Boylen, B.W.S. Robinson, R.A. Lake; Perth, Australia
Posters - August 24 628
P6.06.055 - Anti-PSMA scFv as theranostic tool for prostate cancer Barbara Frigerio, E. Luison, A. Satta, D. Bernareggi, F. Caroli, E. Bombardieri, G. Fracasso, S. Canevari, M. Figini; Milan, Italy
P6.06.056 - Generation of EBV/CMV bi-specific T cells using retroviral T cell receptor (TCR) gene transduction for adoptive immunotherapy Ahmed Z. Gad, X. Liang, A. Moosmann; Munich, Germany
P6.06.057 - Sub-lethal irradiation of human colorectal carcinoma cells imparts enhanced and sustained expression of important modulators of effector CTL activity Charlie Garnett-Benson, A. Kumari; Atlanta, United States
P6.06.058 - Differential regulation of B-cell proliferation by IL21 in different subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia Ghasem Ghalamfarsa, F. Jadidi-Niaragh, M. Hojjat-Farsangi, M. Yousefi, S. Razavi, A. Saboor-Yaraghi, H. Rabbani, M. Jeddi-Tehrani, F. Shokri; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.059 - Lysis-on-chip of single cells after programmed interaction with cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs) or natural killer (NK) cells on a dielectrophoresis (DEP) based array M. Abonnenc, M. Borgatti, F. Destro, N. Manaresi, G. Medoro, E. Lo Monaco, Patrizio Giacomini, R. Guerrieri, R. Gambari; Rome, Italy
P6.06.060 - Anticancerogenic and immunotropic properties of GA-40 preparation Alexsidze Giorgi; Tbilisi, Georgia
P6.06.061 - Chronic exhaustion of tumor-specific CD4+ T cells leads to recurrence of melanoma Stephen R. Goding, K.A. Wilson, K.M. Harris, P.A. Antony; Baltimore, United States
P6.06.062 - Effect of polychemotherapy on leukocytes under acute lymphoblast leukosis in children O.V. Lebedinskaya, N.B. Merzlova, Anatoliy P. Godovalov, I.A. Baranova, A.V. Proskuryakov; Perm, Russian Federation
P6.06.063 - Identification and validation of hypoxia-specific tumor associated antigens in prostate cancer T. Ma, A. Elkhattouti, S. Vuk-Pavlovi , Christian R. Gomez; Jackson, United States
P6.06.064 - A melanoma cell lysate induces CCR7 expression on human dendritic cells and its in vivo migration to draining lymph nodes Fermín González; Santiago, Chile
P6.06.065 - Low-dose conventional chemotherapeutics synergizes with dendritic cell - based immunotherapy in antitumor activity Alexander I. Gorbach, N.M. Khranovska, V.K. Pozur, O.V. Skachkova, N.M. Svergun, R.I. Sydor, V.V. Nikulina; Kyiv, Ukraine
P6.06.066 - Targeting effector CD8 T cells to the tumor using high dose radiation therapy in mice Michael Gough, K. Young, B. Cottam, T. Savage, P. Newell, K. Bahjat, M. Crittenden; Portland, United States
P6.06.067 - Vaccination with autologous glioma lysate induces tumor-reactive IgG antibody response and increases survival in dogs with glioma Michelle R. Goulart, B.M. Andersen, C.E. Seiler, M.A. Hunt, M.G. O’Sullivan, C. Johnson, Z. Zhang, J.R. Ohlfest, G.E. Pluhar; St. Paul, United States
P6.06.068 - “First AID” for T cell adoptive transfer: TCR affinity maturation by somatic hypermutation Yosi M. Gozlan, E. Tzehoval, L. Eisenbach; Rehovot, Israel
P6.06.069 - HPV-derived T-helper epitopes for therapeutic HPV vaccine design Agnieszka K. Grabowska, S. Hoppe, R. Blatnik, A.B. Riemer; Heidelberg, Germany
P6.06.070 - CpG-activated pDCs contribute as APCs in the generation of Th17 cells that control tumor growth Leslie Guery, J. Dubrot, C. Lippens, D. Brighouse, M. Irla, W. Reith, J. Waldburger, S. Hugues; Geneva, Switzerland
P6.06.071 - Role of B cells in anti-tumour immunity Thomas V. Guy, A.J. Buckley, J. Holst, R. Brink, B. Fazekas de St Groth, E. Shklovskaya; Sydney, Australia
P6.06.072 - Comparison of monocyte derived dendritic cells versus leukemic blasts derived dendritic cells for immunotherapy of AML Jamshid Hadjati, F. Masoumi, M. Nourizadeh, R. Mirzaei; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.073 - IMCgp100: a novel bi-specific biologic for the treatment of malignant melanoma Namir J. Hassan, G. Bossi, K. Adams, J. Harper, D. Baker, N. Steven, J. Evans, M. Middleton, Y. McGrath, B. Jakobsen; Abingdon, United Kingdom
Posters - August 24 647
P6.06.074 - RNActive - A novel mRNA-based vaccination technology induces strong T- and B-cell responses in phase I/IIa trials in non-small-cell lung cancer and prostate carcinoma patients Regina Heidenreich, M. Sebastian, B. Scheel, S.D. Koch, H. Kübler, A. Stenzl, A. Zippelius, W. Schultze-Seemann, A. Knuth, K. Kallen; Tübingen, Germany
P6.06.075 - Limitation of systemic exposure to transgenic interleukin-12 upon local treatment with armed oncolytic adenoviruses M. Bunuales, J. Quetglas, E. Garcia-Aragoncillo, R. Casado, S. Bortolanza, J. Prieto, Ruben Hernandez-Alcoceba; Pamplona, Spain
P6.06.076 - Isolation of T cell receptors specific for validated cancer epitopes for cancer immunotherapy Linda Hibbert, L.U. Wiegand, S. Paston, D.E. Baker, J.D. Dukes, J.V. Harper, G. Bossi, F.H. Grand, T.M. Mahon, B.K. Jakobsen; Abingdon, United Kingdom
P6.06.077 - Dichloromethane fractions of Scrophularia oxysepala induce apoptosis in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells Behnaz Sadat Hosseini, B. Baradaran, J. Majidiz Zolbanin, A. Pasdaran, T. Kazemi, M. Orangi, L. Mohamadnejad; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.078 - Targeted multivalent scTRAIL fusion proteins for tumor therapy Meike Hutt, M. Siegemund, O. Seifert, K. Pfizenmaier, R.E. Kontermann; Stuttgart, Germany
P6.06.079 - Long-term CTL induction and therapeutic tumor suppression by antigen- and adjuvant-carrying polymer nanoparticles Petr Ilyinskii, C. Roy, C. O’Neil, D. Altreuter, K. Kishimoto; Watertown, United States
P6.06.080 - Antitumor activity of Her2 liposomes M. Yazdani, A. Badiee, S. Jalali, Mahmoud R. Jaafari; Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.081 - Antitumor activity of HER2-MPL Liposomes S. Shariat, S. Mortazavi, A. Badiee, S. Jalali, Mahmoud R. Jaafari; Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.082 - Antitumor activity of Her2/CpG liposomes M. Mansourian, A. Badiee, S. Jalali, Mahmoud R. Jaafari; Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.083 - Apoptosis induction in head and neck squamous cell line with combined drug therapy N. Cruz de Victo, D. Pinto Junior, G. Amarante-Mendes, Jacqueline Jacysyn; São Paulo, Brazil
P6.06.084 - Murine CTL response using rHER2/neu-petide S. Jalali, H. Ghaffari –Nazari, S. Tahaghoghi-ghorbani, Arash Jafari, M.R. Jaafari; Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.085 - Synergistic effect of combined local irradiation and dendritic cell vaccine in murine fibrosarcoma tumor Arezoo Jamali, A. Amari, A. Pourgholaminejad, A. Saei, R. Boghozian, Z. Gheflati, N. Sepanlou, J. Hadjati; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.086 - Molecular diagnosis of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection in Tunisian women with various types of cervical lesions Mouna Jendoubi; Tunis, Tunisia
P6.06.088 - Immunostimulatory properties and antitumor activity of short double-stranded RNA against hepatocarcinoma G29 and melanoma B16 Tatyana O. Kabilova, L.V. Kovtonyuk, E.I. Ryabchikova, E.V. Zonov, N.A. Popova, V.P. Nikolin, M.A. Zenkova, V.V. Vlassov, E.L. Chernolovskaya; Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
P6.06.089 - EXOLIGOS: a CpG oligonucleotide loaded exosome nanovesicle delivery platform suitable for effective immune modulation Tamer Kahraman, G. Gucluler, D. Bayik, A. Gursel, I. Gursel; Ankara, Turkey
P6.06.090 - In vitro treatment of colon cancer cells with non-toxic concentration of 5-fluorouracil enhances the effectiveness of tumor RNA-transfected DC vaccine C.A. Araujo, J.C.L. Frederico, G.G. Romagnoli, M.B. Magalhães, J.P. Araujo Jr., Ramon Kaneno; Botucatu, Brazil
P6.06.092 - Harnessing the IgA Fc RI receptor for antibody therapy William Kelton, N. Mehta, T. Kang, J. Lee, T. Kojima, O. Lungu, M. Donkor, G. Georgiou; Austin, United States
P6.06.093 - A new method for in vitro expansion of cytotoxic Natural Killer cells in gastro intestinal cancer Ali Khodadadi, A. Asadirad, A. Talaiezadeh, A. Ghadiri, H. Galehdari, S. Mohaghegh hazrati, M. Oraki, G. Dinarvand, Y. Heike, A. Sheikhi; Ahvaz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.094 - KLF6-SV1 is overexpressed in T-cells from patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia Parviz Kokhaei, E. Mikaelsson, F. Mozaffari, A. Mosfegh, M. Hojat Farsangi, F. Pak, A. Österborg, H. Mellstedt; Stockholm, Sweden
Posters - August 24 666
P6.06.095 - ImMucin, anti-MUC1 therapeutic Vaccine: Interim analysis from a phase I/II study in myeloma patients Riva Kovjazin, O. Moran, I. Avivi, M.Y. Shapira, L. Carmon; Nes-Ziona, Israel
P6.06.096 - Enhanced tumor antigen specific T cells in prostate cancer patients received in situ gene therapy of repeated HSV-tk injection and ganciclovir administration Makoto Kubo, T. Satoh, K. Tabata, K. Matsumoto, N. Yanagisawa, M. Saegusa, I. Okayasu, M. Iwamura, S. Baba, F. Obata; Sagamihara, Japan
P6.06.097 - Development of the approach based on dendritic cells transfected with polyepitope DNA-construction for stimulation of antitumor cytotoxic response in colorectal cancer Ekaterina Kulikova, V. Kurilin, I. Obleuhova, Y. Shevchenko, V. Yakushenko, A. Sokolov, S. Sennikov; Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
P6.06.098 - Receiving mature dendritic cells in vitro in patients with tumors of different localization Vasily V. Kurilin, I.A. Obleuchova, E.V. Kulikova, J.N. Khantakova, J.A. Shevchenko, V.K. Yakuchenko, A.V. Sokolov, S.V. Sennikov; Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
P6.06.099 - Recombinant lipidated HPV E7 induces a Th-1-biased immune response and protective immunity against cervical cancer in a mouse model C. Huang, J.J. Chen, K. Shen, L. Chang, Y. Yeh, Y. Chen, P. Chong, S. Liu, Chih-Hsiang Leng; Zhunan Town, Miaoli,, Taiwan
P6.06.100 - In-vivo testing of PSMA-targeted T-cell immunotherapy for prostate cancer Zhe Liu, S. Papa, J. Morris, J. Maher; London, United Kingdom
P6.06.101 - Effects on apoptosis and cell cycle arrest contribute to the antitumor responses of interleukin-27 Lihua Liu, S. Baoen; Shijiazhuang, China
P6.06.102 - Anti-tumor effect of folate-conjugated chitosan nanoparticles containing the IP-10 gene in mice with hepatocellular carcinoma X. Yu, Y. Xie, C. Lai, J. He, Y. Peng, S. Zhou, X. Xie, G. Luo, N. Zhou, Y. Zhao, Xiaoling Lu; Nanning, China
P6.06.103 - Rapid and massive localization of multiple lymphocyte subsets to specific tissues following administration of Interleukin-15 Enrico Lugli, H. Welles, K. Song, B.R. Bryant, C.K. Goldman, S. Rao, K.C. Conlon, T.A. Waldmann, M. Roederer; Rozzano, Italy
P6.06.104 - Enhancing the effector functions of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes with a combination of new genetic adjuvants Alon Margalit, A. Pato, H. Weinstein-Marom, N. Levin, T. Peretz, A. Machlenkin, M. Lotem, G. Gross; Kiryat Shmona, Israel
P6.06.105 - Transgenic expression of soluble human CD5 enhances experimentally-induced autoimmune and anti-tumoral immune responses Vanesa G. Martinez, R. Fenutría, I. Simões, V. Gil, J. Sintes, C. Raman, P. Engel, M. Ramos-Casals, G. Soldevila, F. Lozano; Barcelona, Spain
P6.06.106 - T cell costimulation in cancer immunotherapy with anti-CD137 monoclonal antibodies is mediated by K63-polyubiquitin-dependent signals from endosomes Ivan Martinez-Forero, A. Arantza, B. Elixabeth, E. Nistal-Villan, A. Palazon, A. Teijeira, A. Morales-Kastresana, G. Perez-Chacon, J. Zapata, I. Melero; Pamplona, Spain
P6.06.107 - Chemokine-receptor modified Adoptive T cell Therapy (ACT) S. Garetto, A. Trovato, Elisa Martini, R. Angioni, C. Soldani, M. Kallikourdis; Rozzano, Italy
P6.06.108 - Competent dendrite cell maturation by cocktails containing TLR7/8 agonist for cancer immunotherapy Farimah Masoumi, M. Nourizadeh, A. Memarian, R. Mirzaei, J. Hadjati; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.109 - Therapeutic effect of anti- pan HLA-class II mAb 4713 on human lymphoma cells, including Hodgkin lymphoma and Adult T cell leukemia cell lines Shuji Matsuoka, Y. Ishii, A. Nakao, H. Yagita, M. Abe, N. Mizutani, O. Naomi, K. Terashima, O. Hino; Tokyo, Japan
P6.06.110 - Identification of unique colorectal cancer T-cell antigens by next generation sequencing of somatically mutated genes Daniele Mennonna, C. Maccalli, M. Romano, R. Bordoni, G. De Bellis, E. Orsenigo, L. Albarello, G. Casorati, G. Parmiani, P. Dellabona; Milan, Italy
P6.06.111 - Examination of an immunoregulator in a syngeneic animal model Giovanna Merchand-Reyes, M.A. Becerril-García, I. Gracia-Mora, S. Estrada-Parra, I. Estrada-Garcia, S.M. Perez-Tapia, C. SandovalMontes; Mexico City, Mexico
P6.06.112 - Evaluation of anti-proliferative activity of ruthenium (III) compounds on human cancer cell lines using RTCA - xCELLigence System Mirela A. Mihaila, M. Bostan, G.G. Matei, V. Uivarosi, L.I. Brasoveanu; Bucharest, Romania
P6.06.113 - Competent maturation of human dendritic cells by protein fractions of listeria monocytogenes Reza Mirzaei, A. Saei, R. Boghozian, B. Vaziri, J. Hadjati; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Posters - August 24 685
P6.06.114 - Cloning and expression of human L- Asparaginase and study of its anti growth effect on leukemia cell lines Leila Mohammadnejad, B. Baradaran, D. Shanehbandi, M. Pourhassan Moghaddam, S. Sadreddini; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.115 - Exosomes displaying high expression of CD24 and HSP90 induced cellular and humoral immune response “in vivo” Claudia Mongini, J. De Toro, P. Di Sciullo, F. Menay, M. Gravisaco, A. Vendrell, C. Waldner, L. Hershlik; Buenos Aires, Argentina
P6.06.116 - Imiquimod enhances anti-lymphoma response in a tumor cell lysate vaccine and inhibits tumor cells growth Claudia Mongini, J. De Toro, L. Hershlik, M. Gravisaco, C. Waldner, P. Di Sciullo; Buenos Aires, Argentina
P6.06.117 - Therapeutic activity of a combination of immunostimulatory monoclonal antibodies (anti-B7-H1, CD137 and OX40) on a c-myc-driven spontaneous transgenic model of hepatocellular carcinoma Aizea Morales-Kastresana, M.F. Sanmamed, I. Rodriguez, A. Palazon, I. Martinez-Forero, S. Labiano, S. Hervas-Stubbs, B. Sangro, C. Ochoa, A. Azpilikueta; Pamplona/Iruña, Spain
P6.06.118 - Establishment of human cancer stem-like cell targeting immunotherapy Rena Morita, Y. Hirohashi, T. Torigoe, A. Takahashi, T. Terui, Y. Tamura, S. Hashino, A. Taketomi, S. Todo, N. Sato; Sapporo, Japan
P6.06.119 - Schedule-dependent anticancer therapy by targeting TNF-alpha to tumor vessels in combination with melphalan and gemcitabine Lorenzo Mortara, P. Orecchia, P. Castellani, L. Borsi, B. Carnemolla, E. Balza; Varese, Italy
P6.06.120 - High-level expression of IGFBP-3 by recombinant vaccinia virus leads to its incorporation into IMV and affects virus replication and immunogenicity Jan Musil, L. Kutinova, K. Zurkova, P. Hainz, K. Babiarova, J. Krystofova; Prague, Czech Republic
P6.06.121 - Syntesis of matrix and matrix metalloproteases in 2D and 3D cultures of pancreatic cells Ekaterina V. Myrsikova, E.N. Kaliberda, E.V. Svirshchevskaya; Moscow, Russian Federation
P6.06.122 - Selective killing of activated B-cells and inhibition of antibody production with bispecific CD20 x CD95 antibodies Kristina Nalivaiko, M. Hofmann, L. Grosse-Hovest, P.H. Krammer, H. Rammensee, G. Jung; Tübingen, Germany
P6.06.123 - Modulating effects of different doses of 5-flurouracil (5-FU) on the maturation and function of dendritic cells (DC) in vitro Afshin Namdar, M. Hafezi, N. Khosravianfar, A. Rezaei, J. Hadjati; Isfahan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.124 - Outer membrane proteins and vesicle proteins targeted as new vaccine strategies for pathogenic gram negative bacteria through particulate delivery system Bismita Nayak, P.R. Rauta; Rourkela, India
P6.06.125 - Down-regulation of pro-angiogenic and pro-metastatic genes in scFvs treated breast cancer cells Foroogh Nejatollahi, V. Younesi, M. Asgharpour; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.126 - Down-regulation of Epidermal Growth Factor in a breast cancer cell line treated with anti-HER2 single chain antibodies Foroogh Nejatollahi, M. Asgharpour, V. Younesi; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.127 - IL-12 immunotherapy: characterization of a CD4+ effector population Megan E. Nelles, C.L. Furlonger, J.A. Medin, C.J. Paige; Toronto, Canada
P6.06.128 - EBV-transformed Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines as Vaccines against Cancer Testis Antigen-positive Tumors Frank Neumann, D. Kaddu-Mulindwa, T. Widmann, K.D. Preuss, G. Held, C. Zwick, K. Roemer, M. Pfreundschuh, B. Kubuschok; Homburg, Germany
P6.06.129 - ENO1-specific Tregs frustrate Th1/Th17 effector cells isolated from pancreatic cancer patients Elena Niccolai, P. Cappello, C. della Bella, M. Benagiano, F. Cianchi, L. Bencini, F. Novelli, M. D’Elios, A. Amedei; Florence, Italy
P6.06.130 - IgE as a new player in tumor surveillance Elisa Agnese Nigro, V. Yenagi, E. Soprana, A.T. Brini, A.G. Siccardi, L. Vangelista; Milan, Italy
P6.06.131 - First exploration of clinical value of telomerase expression in triple-negative breast cancer tissues Malyshev Nikolay, E. Gross, R. Napieralski, H. Jansen, F. Yang, M. Kiechle, M. Aubele, M. Schmitt; Munich, Germany
P6.06.132 - Tumor-associated antigen-specific CD4+ T-cell immunity augmented by CTL-epitopes vaccination in patients with malignant tumor Y. Tomita, A. Yuno, H. Tsukamoto, Y. Yoshitake, T. Tsunoda, Y. Nakamura, M. Shinohara, Yasuharu Nishimura; Kumamoto, Japan
Posters - August 24 704
P6.06.133 - Effect of mature dendritic cells primed with autologous tumor antigens, patients with epithelial ovarian cancer to stimulate the cytotoxic activity of mononuclear cells in vitro Irina Obleuhova, V. Kurilin, M. Goncharov, A. Tarkhov, S. Krasilnikov, S. Sennikov; Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
P6.06.134 - Immunotherapeutic and toxic effects of a triple fusion protein encompassing apolipoprotein A-I, interleukin-15 and the interleukin-15 receptor sushi domain Maria C. Ochoa, J. Fioravanti, R. Inmaculada, S. Hervas-Stubbs, A. Azpilicueta, G. Mazzolini, A. Gurpide, J. Prieto, P. Berraondo, I. Melero; Pamplona, Spain
P6.06.135 - Cytotoxic effect of methanolic fractions of Scrophularia oxysepala on MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line Mona Orangi, B. Baradaran, T. Kazemi, A. Pasdaran, J. Majidi Zolbanin, B. Hosseini, L. Mohammadnejad; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.136 - Discovery of chemotherapy induced ovarian cancer antigens by interrogating memory T cells Fabio Palombo, M. Paroli, F. Bellati, M. Videtta, T. Donato, C. Mancone, D. Accapezzato, S. Piconese, P. Benedetti Panici, V. Barnaba; Rome, Italy
P6.06.137 - G1-4A, a polysaccharide from T. Cordifolia induces killer phenotype and increases dendritic cell immunogenicity in murine lymphoma model Vipul K. Pandey, B. Shankar, K.B. Sainis; Mumbai, India
P6.06.138 - Bivalent CD28 agonistic aptamer: a novel adjuvant-vaccine for lymphoma Fernando Pastor, M.M. Soldevilla, H. Villanueva, S. Inoges, A.L. de Cerio, M. Bendandi; Pamplona, Spain
P6.06.139 - Abrogation of tumor-associated immunosuppression by targeting tumor-infiltrating regulatory T-cell function can restore impaired T cell responses in patients with liver cancer Alexander Pedroza Gonzalez, J. Kwekkeboom, S.P. Singh, E. Tjwa, W.G. Polak, D.J. Grünhagen, K. Biermann, J.N.M. Ijzermans, H.L.A. Janssen, D. Sprengers; Rotterdam, Netherlands
P6.06.140 - Cancer from hell: Devil Facial Tumour Disease Terry Pinfold, G. Brown, A. Kreiss, G. Woods; Hobart, Australia
P6.06.141 - Expression patterns of cancer/testis antigens constitute a stable patient-specific fingerprint in multiple recurrent lesions of evolving metastatic melanoma Zoltan Pos, J.R. Wunderlich, D.F. Stroncek, J.A. Malek, P.F. Robbins, L. Rivoltini, M. Maio, L. Chouchane, E. Wang, F.M. Marincola; Budapest, Hungary
P6.06.142 - Targeting Th17-associated cytokines with a bi-specific antibody improves anti-myeloma responses Rao H. Prabhala, M. Fulciniti, J. Bae, A. Nigroiu, S. Lee, J.F. Daley, M. Marelli, K. Grabstein, K.C. Anderson, N.C. Munshi; Boston, United States
P6.06.143 - Anti-tumor activities of human Vγ9Vδ2 T cells in combination with zoledronic acid in a pre-clinical model of neuroblastoma E. Di Carlo, P. Bocca, L. Emionite, M. Cilli, G. Cipollone, F. Morandi, L. Raffaghello, V. Pistoia, Ignazia Prigione; Genoa, Italy
P6.06.144 - Analysis of IL-10 serum levels in epithelial ovarian carcinoma in comparison to Ovarian benign Cyst S. Rezaeifard, Shahrzad Rahimifar, M. Razmkhah; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.145 - Equipotent antagonism towards both ligands and excellent anti-tumor efficacy with a peptide inhibitor of PD-1 immune check point pathway P.G. Sasikumar, R.K. Shrimali, L.K. Satyam, S. Adurthi, R. Ramachandra, S. Vadlamani, K.A. Reddy, D.S. Samiulla, K. Sunilkumar, Murali Ramachandra; Bangalore, India
P6.06.146 - Development of a monoclonal antibody against the canine CCR2 as a new targeted anticancer therapy in the scope of comparative oncology Teresa P. Raposo, D.J. Argyle, B.C.B. Beirao, I. Pires, F.L. Queiroga; Vila Real, Portugal
P6.06.147 - Anti EGFR monoclonal antibody inhibits prostate cancer PC3 cells growth Alireza Rezaiemanesh, J. Majidi, B. Baradaran, A. Movasaghpour, A. Nakhlband, J. Barar, Y. Omidi; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.148 - Characterization of a genetic mouse model of lung cancer: a promise to identify oncoantigens associated with different stages of NSCLC progression Federica Riccardo, M. Arigoni, M. Iezzi, D.L. Longo, M. Carrara, A. Fiore, G. Forni, R.A. Calogero, E. Quaglino, F. Cavallo; Torino, Italy
P6.06.149 - Tumour vaccine for oral cancer: prospects and challenges Gabriel Rodrigues; Manipal, India
P6.06.150 - Multifaceted immunotherapeutic effects of vitamin D-binding protein-derived macrophage activating factor (GcMAF) on human breast cancer and neuroblastoma cells Marco Ruggiero, S. Pacini, G. Morucci, J.J.V. Branca, E. Ward, R.J. Smith, L. Thyer, M. Gulisano; Firenze, Italy
P6.06.151 - In vitro cytotoxic effects of dichloromethane extract of Scrophularia atropatana on WEHI-164 cells Elham Safarzadeh, B. Baradaran, A. Delazar, T. Kazemi, M. Orangi, D. Shanehbandi, S. Esnaashari; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Posters - August 24 723
P6.06.152 - Tumour cell lysate loaded-Dendritic Cell vaccine induces biochemical and memory immune response in castration-resistant prostate cancer patients D. Reyes, C. Pereda, E. Castellón, R. Valdenevito, M. López, Flavio Salazar-Onfray; Santiago, Chile
P6.06.153 - Evaluation of anti-FoxP3 vaccine efficacy following DNA-protein prime-boost immunization in mice Morteza Samadi, A. Memarnejadian, R. Vahabpour, S. Sadat, M. Aghasadeghi, J. Hadjati; Yazd, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.154 - The relevance of heat shock protein 90 and its role in cancer treatment Alessandra Santos, B. Campostrini, M. Geller, A. Abrahão, L. Oliveira, K. Cunha, A. Fonseca, M. Ribeiro, M. Romero, E. Naliato; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P6.06.155 - Pseudo-exhaustion of CD8+ T cells in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) Frauke M. Schnorfeil, K. Emmerig, J. Neitz, F.S. Lichtenegger, R. Draenert, W. Hiddemann, M. Subklewe; Munich, Germany
P6.06.156 - Functionalized polyethyleneimine-based nanoparticles improve antigen cross-presentation of murine bone marrow derived macrophages and dendritic cells depending on size and zeta potential Matthias Schröder, A. Schallon, M. Wagner, M. Gottschaldt, U. Schubert, P. Knolle; Bonn, Germany
P6.06.157 - Immunopharmacodynamic response to blinatumomab in patients with relapsed/refractory B-precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) Andrea Schub, V. Nägele, G. Zugmaier, C. Brandl, Y. Hijazi, M.S. Topp, P. Kufer, A. Wolf, M. Klinger; Munich, Germany
P6.06.158 - Role of the transcription factor forkhead box P3 in breast cancer and metastasis Lucia Sfondrini, A. Cataldo, V. Uva, T. Triulzi, P. Casalini, E. Tagliabue, A. Balsari; Milan, Italy
P6.06.159 - Production of lacZ inducible T cell hybridoma specific for human and mouse gp10025-33 peptides Adi Sharbi-Yunger; Rehovot, Israel
P6.06.160 - Dendritic cells transfected with allel-specific polyepitope DNA-constructs stimulate cytotoxic response mononuclear cells of breast cancer patients in vitro Yulia A. Shevchenko, S. Sennikov, Y.N. Khantakova, V.V. Kurilin, Y.A. Lopatnikova, S.V. Sidorov, A.Z. Maksyutov, R.A. Maksyutov, E.V. Gavrilova, S.A. Zaytsev; Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
P6.06.161 - Supportive involvement of tumor-associated myeloid cells in RNA adjuvant therapy for cancer Hiroaki Shime, M. Matsumoto, T. Seya; Sapporo, Japan
P6.06.162 - The cross-talk between plasmacytoid DC and conventional DCs shapes the anti-tumor memory CD8+T cells Kanako Shimizu, S. Fujii; Yokohama, Japan
P6.06.163 - Immunization against tumor-associated macrophages - enhancement of DNA vaccine potency against legumain Michal Smahel, M. Duskova, I. Polakova, J. Musil, M. Petrackova; Prague, Czech Republic
P6.06.164 - New role for Toll-like receptor 9 agonists, CpG-ODN as cancer cell “chemosensitizer” Michele Sommariva, L. Sfondrini, L. De Cecco, E. Wang, E. Tagliabue, A. Balsari; Milan, Italy
P6.06.166 - Dual targeting by TCR-redirected T cells enables remission from autochthonous mouse prostate cancer and long-term disease-free survival T. Manzo, Tabea Sturmheit, V. Basso, R. Hess Michelini, I. Olvera Gomez, T. Schumacher, M. Bellone, A. Mondino; Milan, Italy
P6.06.167 - Targeting the self-antigen nucleolin for antibody immunotherapy of breast and other cancers Natalie Sutkowski, W. Sun, D. Fernandes, S. Rubinchik; Charleston, United States
P6.06.168 - Low dose radiation-mediated enhanced effector function regulated by the ERK1/2 pathway in human T cells Zsuzsanna Tabi, L.K. Spary, S. Al-Taei, J. Salimu, A. Clayton, J. Staffurth, M.D. Mason; Cardiff, United Kingdom
P6.06.169 - Enhancement of antigen-specific CTL inducing ability in the leukemic plasmacytoid dendritic cell line (PMDC11) by lentiviral vector-mediated transduction of caTLR4 gene Masuhiro Takahashi, M. Iwafuchi, A. Yamahira, N. Satoh, T. Uchiyama, S. Hashimoto, A. Bonehill, E. Faure-Kumar, N. Kasahara, M. Narita; Niigata, Japan
P6.06.170 - TAPCells based vaccination induce specific anti NY-ESO1 immune response in melanoma patients F. Tempio, P. Guerrero, F. Falcon-Beas, I. Flores, C. Falcon-Beas, J. Gatica, F. Salazar-Onfray, Mercedes N. Lopez; Santiago, Chile
P6.06.171 - HSV-1 activated plasmacytoid dendritic cells inhibit melanoma cell growth Sabrina Thomann, J.B. Boscheinen, B. Schuler-Thurner, S. Groß, B. Schmidt; Erlangen, Germany
P6.06.172 - Polysaccharide nanocomplexes harboring split vaccine and TLR ligands are potent vaccine carriers against influenza Gizem Tincer, C. Coban, K. Ishii, I. Gursel; Ankara, Turkey
Posters - August 24 743
P6.06.173 - Protein chimera of IL-2-S4B6 mAb exerts similar or even higher biological activity as IL-2/S4B6 mAb immunocomplexes in vivo Jakub Tomala, J. Kovarova, M. Kabesova, P. Votavova, H. Chmelova, B. Dvorakova, B. Rihova, M. Kovar; Prague, Czech Republic
P6.06.174 - Search for an association between JC virus (JCV) and colorectal cancer in Tunisian patients Wafa Toumi, A. Ripalti, L. Ricciardiello, A. Cherif, J. Kharrat, M. Jendoubi, F. Ghoul, L. Satouri, M. Zili, R. Khelifa; Tunis, Tunisia
P6.06.175 - Chemotherapy can enhance trastuzumab-mediated ADCC Tiziana Triulzi, L. Sfondrini, S. Varchetta, V. Regondi, M. Sasso, P. Casalini, G. Bianchi, G. Mariani, A. Balsari, E. Tagliabue; Milan, Italy
P6.06.176 - Osteosarcoma antigen PBF-derived peptides could elicit immunological response in patients with refractory osteosarcoma Tomohide Tsukahara, M. Emori, A. Takahashi, T. Torigoe, T. Yamashita, N. Sato, T. Wada; Sapporo, Japan
P6.06.177 - Tattoo delivery of Semliki Forest virus-based immunization strategies against cervical cancer Stephanie van de Wall, T. Daemen; Groningen, Netherlands
P6.06.178 - A new identified CD20-spliced protein as potential target for T cell-based immunotherapy in B-cell lymphoma/leukemia patients Charline Vauchy, C. Gamonet, E. Daguindau, C. Henry, P. Rohrlich, O. Adotevi, C. Borg, C. Ferrand, Y. Godet; Besançon, France
P6.06.179 - Immunotherapy for the liver metastases prevention with a vaccine strain of an attenuated Salmonella Typhi Alejandrina Vendrell, A. Tesone, J. De Toro, L. Herschlik, M. Gravisaco, J. Goin, G. Larotonda, C. Mongini, C. Waldner; Buenos Aires, Argentina
P6.06.180 - Antitumor activity of a Salmonella Typhi vaccine strain in a mouse model of T-cell lymphoma Alejandrina Vendrell, A. Tesone, J. De Toro, L. Herschlik, M.J. Gravisaco, J.C. Goin, G. Larotonda, C. Mongini, C.I. Waldner; Buenos Aires, Argentina
P6.06.181 - Lcn2 secreted from DCs induces CD8+ T-cell apoptosis, it is involved in T-cell priming, and upon DCs vaccination trigger a Th1 phenotype M. Floderer, M. Prchal, J. Warszawska, S. Knapp, T. Felzmann, Caterina Vizzardelli; Vienna, Austria
P6.06.182 - Allogeneic dendritic cells induce potent antitumor immunity by activating KLRG1+CD8 T cells Chao Wang, Z. Zhu, Y. Wu, X. Liu, Y. Wang, Z. Li, D. Peng, Z. Chang, X. Cao, M. Zhang; Beijing, China
P6.06.183 - Expression of cancer testis antigens (CTAs) and its correlation with clinical parameters in Chinese hepatocellular carcinoma Meng Wang, J. Li, Y. Zhao, D. Li, Z. Fan, Y. Sun, Z. Tang, Z. Li, S. Wu, Y. Zhang; Zhengzhou, China
P6.06.184 - Cell surface delivery of TRAIL strongly augments the tumoricidal activity of T-cells Valerie R. Wiersma, M. de Bruyn, D.F. Samplonius, W. Helfrich, E. Bremer; Groningen, Netherlands
P6.06.185 - NK depletion enhances the rejection of established melanoma by tumor-specific CD4+ T cells Kyle A. Wilson, S.R. Goding, K.M. Harris, H.R. Neeley, P.A. Antony; Baltimore, United States
P6.06.186 - IL-17A promotes immune cell recruitment in human esophageal cancers Jian-chuan Xia, L. Lv, K. Pan; Guangzhou, China
P6.06.187 - The effects of esomeprazole combined with classical cancer drugs on lung cancer cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells Arzu Yılmaztepe Oral, &. Korkmaz, F. Budak, G. Özkaya, E. Ulukaya, H. Oral; Bursa, Turkey
P6.06.188 - Establishment of a lymphoblastoid cell line with B1 cell characteristics derived from a chronic lymphocytic leukemia patient by in vitro EBV transformation Vahid Younesi, H. Nikzamir, M. Hojjat-Farsangi, S. Razavi, F. Shokri; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.06.189 - Identification of surface molecules with enzymatic and signaling proprieties as targets for mAb-immunotherapy of human prostate cancers Gianluca Zaccarello, A. Zitella, V. Quarona, L. Daniele, G. Chiorino, M. Bellò, A. Tizzani, A.L. Horenstein, G. Bisi, F. Malavasi; Torino, Italy
P6.06.190 - Modulation of tumor microenvironment associated with tumor regression in melanoma patients receiving adoptive cell transfer therapy Juhua Zhou, B. Xiao, J. Sun, Z. Liu, Y. Zhong, G. Zhang, X. Chi, Q. Huang; Yantai, China
P6.06.191 - A tumor vaccine against chronic lymphocytic leukemia Fang Zhu, R. Gorczynski, D.E. Spaner; Toronto, Canada
Posters - August 24 762
P6.06.192 - Construction and functional activity of shRNA targeting Wnt-1 gene hyperexpressed by Wnt-1 breast tumors in mice Dmitrii A. Zubkov, A.A. Lysenko, E.V. Smirnova, A.A. Zubareva, E.V. Svirshchevskaya; Moscow, Russian Federation
P6.16 BIOMARKERS AND CLINICAL PROFILING OF HUMAN IMMUNE RESPONSES Session Time: Saturday, August 24, 13:20 - 15:00 763
P6.16.01 - Slceroderma: from clinical classification to autoantibodies profile R. Assandri M. A. Montanelli; Rozzano, Italy
P6.16.02 - Biomarkers associated with treatment failure in Kawasaki disease Jun Abe, S. Fukuda, H. Masuda, N. Sakamoto, S. Oana, H. Kato; Tokyo, Japan
P6.16.03 - Is Basophil Activation Test as a Safe Diagnostic Tool for Immediate Drug Hypersensitivity to Proton-Pump Inhibitors? Nilgun Akdeniz, L. Pur Ozyigit, B. Ertek, B. Aydin, D. Unal, M. Demirturk, A. Gelincik, S. Buyukozturk, B. Colakoglu, G. Deniz; Istambul, Turkey
P6.16.04 - HLA-G 14-bp Deletion/Insertion, 3003C/T, 3010C/G and 3027A/C polymorphisms in HTLV-1 infection Daiani C.C. Alves, M. Rocha-Júnior, R. Haddad, W. Virginia, O. Takayanagui, D. Covas, S. Kashima, E.A. Donadi; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P6.16.05 - Different In vitro profiles of biologicals in human PBMC lymphocytes activation assay Filippo Andreetta, E. Vicentini, F. Zanderigo, E. Zambello, J. Chappell; Verona, Italy
P6.16.06 - Standardization of ELISPOT counts for accurate assessment of human T cell responses performed by 10 different laboratories Tameem Ansari, A.Y. Karulin, P.V. Lehmann, S. Sundararaman; Shaker Heights, United States
P6.16.07 - A novel mechanism for recognition of a small molecule carbohydarte immunotherapeutic by human myeloid cells: Potential for modulation of efficacy in the clinic Mary A. Antonysamy, M.I. Nelson, R. Walsh, N.R. Ottoson, B. Rathmann, W. Grossman; Eagan, United States
P6.16.08 - Surface Plasmon Resonance Imagery-based strategy to study hnRNPA2/B1 peptides as specific biomarkers in systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune hepatitis E. Beleoken, H. Leh, Eleonora De Martin, C. Johanet, D. Samuel, J. Duclos-Vallée, M. Buckle, E. Ballot; Villejuif, France
P6.16.09 - A novel cell-based assay for measuring neutralizing autoantibodies against type I interferons in patients with autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 Lars Breivik, E. Bratland, A. Hellesen, B. Oftedal, A.S. Bøe Wolff, E.S. Husebye; Bergen, Norway
P6.16.10 - Increased circulating levels of leukocytes, lymphocytes and atypical lymphocytes in patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever A.I.V. Fernandes, F.J. Rolim, L.H. Simões, Lucio R. Castellano; João Pessoa Paraíba, Brazil
P6.16.11 - Cancer Testis Antigens Expression: Sex and Multiple Myeloma Maurizio Chiriva-Internati, L. Mirandola, Y. Yu, M. Jenkins, J.A. Figueroa, E. Cobos; Lubbock, United States
P6.16.12 - Cancer treatment and diagnosis using cancer testis antigens for multiple myeloma Maurizio Chiriva-Internati, L. Mirandola, Y. Yu, F. Hardwicke, N. D’Cunha, L. Tijani, D.D. Nguyen, J.A. Figueroa, E. Cobos; Lubbock, United States
P6.16.13 - The cancer/testis antigens, SP17, AKAP4, and PTTG1 are expressed in non-small cell lung cancer: new biomarkers and vaccine targets Maurizio Chiriva-Internati, L. Mirandola, Y. Yu, C. Jumper, R. Alalawi, J.A. Figueroa, E. Cobos; Lubbock, United States
P6.16.14 - Proteomic analysis of aqueous humor from uveitis patients Pitipol Choopong, N. Tesavibul, V. Thongboonkerd; Bangkok, Thailand
P6.16.15 - Intracellular modulation, extracellular disposal and serum circulating increase of miR-150 upon lymphocyte activation Paola de Candia, A. Torri, T. Gorletta, E. Bulgheroni, M. Fedeli, L. Romanò, S. Esposito, G. Casorati, M. Pagani, S. Abrignani; Milan, Italy
P6.16.16 - Identification of biomarkers associated with treatment for latent tuberculosis by microarray Eleane de Oyarzabal, T. Herrera, L. Orozco, C. Rangel-Escareño, L. Ferreyra-Reyes, P. Cruz-Hebert, L. Garcia-Garcia, R.J. Wilkinson, E. Sada, M. Torres; Mexico, Mexico
P6.16.17 - Novel monoclonal antibodies against human Carbonic Anhydrase XII, a potential biomarker of tumor cells Dovile Dekaminaviciute, R. Lasickiene, M. Zilnyte, V. Jogaite, V. Michailoviene, S. Parkkila, D. Matulis, A. Zvirbliene; Vilnius, Lithuania
Posters - August 24 780
P6.16.18 - Tertiary lymphoid structures have features of an ongoing humoral immunity with a benefit for lung cancer patients Marie-Caroline Dieu-Nosjean, F. Tamzalit, C. Germain, A. Lepelley, R. Remark, A. Lupo, D. Damotte, P. Validire, W. Fridman, C. Sautès-Fridman; Paris, France
P6.16.19 - Assessment the immune responses in the microenvironment of breast cancer tissues Rahil Eftekhari, H. Shirzad, R. Esmaeili, K. Majidzadeh, J. Hadjati; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.16.20 - Molecular allergology : Component resolved diagnostics for managing cow’s milk allergy in West Algeria Kamel Eddine El Mecherfi, W. Hachelaf, G. Boudraa, H. Rabesona, Y. Choiset, J. Chobert, O. Kheroua, M. Touhami, T. Haertlé, D. Saidi; Oran, Algeria
P6.16.21 - Timing of blood sampling for CD4 T-cell count influences HAART decisions Yonas B. Feyissa; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
P6.16.22 - ACTC1, CCR5, TNF/LTA, CCL2, IL12B, IL10, MAL/TIRAP genes are associated to the development of Chronic Chagas disease cardiomyopathy Amanda F. Frade-Barros, P.C. Teixeira, M. Baron, B. Ianni, A.C. Pereira, C.W. Pissetti, V. Rodrigues, J. Kalil, C. Chevillard, E. Cunha-Neto; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P6.16.23 - Serological proteome analysis (SERPA) as a tool for the identification of tumor antigens capable of eliciting immune responses in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) Valentina Griggio, G. Mandili, C. Vitale, M. Capello, F. Novelli, M. Boccadoro, M. Massaia, M. Coscia; Torino, Italy
P6.16.24 - Impact of excipients and pH on the in vitro hemolysis by IgG solutions Andrea Heger, A. Zöchling, G. Kohla, T. Svae, J. Römisch; Vienna, Austria
P6.16.25 - Exhausted CD8 T cells in peripheral blood of breast cancer patients Joselin Hernandez-Ruiz, C. Lara-Gutierrez, H. Miranda-Hernandez, E. Gutierrez-Reyes; Mexico, Mexico
P6.16.26 - The impact of polymorphisms in the host immune response genes on the severity of chronic hepatitis C Xuan S. Hoang, M. Thelu, E.J. Marche, N. Sturm, V. Leroy, J.P. Zarski, P. Marche; Grenoble, France
P6.16.27 - Peptide Microarrays with Near Zero background enable high quality and massive data production from seroscreening of autoimmune diseases Mo Huang, Y. Lu, C. Liu, Z. Li, X. Liu, H. Ma; Suzhou, China
P6.16.28 - Chronic myeloid leukemia patients in prolonged remission after interferon monotherapy have constantly active NK-cells Mette M. Ilander, A. Kreutzman, P. Rohon, T. Melo, E. Faber, K. Porkka, J. Vakkila, S. Mustjoki; Helsinki, Finland
P6.16.29 - Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin in chronic heart failure Nilgun Isiksacan, M. Koser, M. Erturk, I. Akturk, S. Yazan, M. Yildirim, V. Ornek Diker, I. Bakir; Istanbul, Turkey
P6.16.30 - Post-traumatic Immunosuppression and its Reversal Nahidul Islam, M. Whitehouse, S. Mehandale, M. Hall, A. Blom, G. Bannister, J. Hinde, R. Ceredig, B. Bradley; GALWAY, Ireland
P6.16.31 - Monocyte surface antigen expression in severe sepsis Joel Jamsa, V. Huotari, E. Savolainen, H. Syrjala, T. Ala-Kokko; Oulu, Finland
P6.16.32 - Change in immune cells population following exposure to the venom from Hemiscorpius lepturus scorpion venom Ali Khodadadi, M. Pipelzadeh, Y. Heike, M. Assarehzadegan, B. Vazirianzadeh; Ahvaz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.16.33 - Clinical utility of interferon-γ releases assay (IGRAs) in new and retreated cases of Pott’s disease at a tertiary care hospital Manoj Kumar, R. Kumar, A.K. Srivastava, V.L. Nag, N. Krishnani, A.K. Maurya, T.N. Dhole, S.G. Babu; Lucknow, India
P6.16.34 - Collagen Triple Helix Repeat Containing 1 (CTHRC1) Acts via ERK-Dependent Induction of MMP9 to Promote Invasion of Colorectal Cancer Cells J. Kim, Y. Choe, B. Kim, K. Kim, J. Kim, S. Lee, Hee Gu Lee; Daejeon, Korea, Republic of
P6.16.35 - High expression of prolactin receptor is associated with cell survival of cervical cancer cells Edgar I. López-Pulido, R. Ascencio-Cedillo, J.F. Muñoz-Valle, S. Del Toro-Arreola, C. Estrada-Chávez, A.L. Pereira-Suárez; Guadalajara, Mexico
P6.16.36 - A standardized long-term culture assay to measure antigen-specific memory T cells Franco Lori, G. Cugia, C. Pisano, D. De Forni, T. Bitai, S.A. Calarota, J. Lisziewicz; Alghero, SS, Italy
Posters - August 24 799
P6.16.37 - Development of the MeDALL allergy-chip, an allergen micro-array comprising 176 components for sensitive detection of allergen-specific antibodies Christian Lupinek, E. Wollmann, J. Bousquet, J.M. Anto, C. Harwanegg, R. Valenta; Vienna, Austria
P6.16.38 - Association between reduction of plasma adiponectin levels and risk of bacterial infection after gastric cancer surgery Kazuhisa Maeda, H. Yamamoto, Y. Uji, H. Tsuchihashi, T. Shimizu, Y. Endo, A. Kadota, K. Miura, T. Ito, T. Tani; Suita, Osaka, Japan
P6.16.39 - Mitral valve proteomic analysis: novel insights into rheumatic heart disease mechanisms Carlo O. Martins, K.S. Santos, F.M. Ferreira, E. Cunha-Neto, J. Kalil, L. Guilherme; São Paulo, Brazil
P6.16.40 - Transient alteration in cytokine patterns following influenza vaccination detected by Ki-67 expression and automated multiparameter analysis of flow cytometry Tim R. Mosmann, D. Roumanes, I. Naim, A. Rosenberg, J. Weaver, Y. Qi, A.M. Livingstone, G. Sharma; Rochester, United States
P6.16.41 - Recurrent ulcerative stomatitis and its correlation with psychological factors Mohammad Naghavi - Behzad, A. Naghavi-Behzad, M. Ghojazadeh, R. Piri, F. Pournaghi Azar; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.16.43 - Serum hepcidin levels in patients with Brucellosis E. Yılmaz, A. Oguz Ayarcı, D. Sıgırlı, M. Öner Torlar, F. Budak, G. Göral, Haluk B. Oral; Bursa, Turkey
P6.16.44 - A unique endotoxin tolerance profile strongly predominates during clinical sepsis Olga M. Pena, D.G. Hancock, J. Xia, C.D. Fjell, R.E.W. Hancock; Vancouver, Canada
P6.16.45 - Changes in IgA and IgM in saliva and serum of newborns during the first 30 days of life Sandra Pineda-Martínez, J. Hernández-Islas, B. Tecuatl-Herrada, D. Correa; Mexico City, Mexico
P6.16.46 - Lipid profile analysis in spinal trauma patients shows severe distortion of AA/DHA after injury Danuta Radzioch, J.B. De Sanctis, G. Wojewodka, M. Radhakrishna, I. Makriyianni, S. Parent, J. Ouellet, S. David; Montreal, Canada
P6.16.47 - Kinetics of inflammatory markers following traumatic injuries to the spinal cord Danuta Radzioch, G. Wojewodka, S. David, I. Makriyianni, M. Radhakrishna, S. Parent, J. Ouellet; Montreal, Canada
P6.16.48 - Circulating IL-12 and response to therapy in HCV-infected patients: Potential biomarker for a non-favorable outcome? F.A. Pereira, L.A.O. Pereira, T.M.A. Carmo, R. Paraná, A.T. Carvalho, O.A. Martins-Filho, J. Hagan, E.A.G. Reis, Mitermayer G. Reis; Salvador/Ba- Brazil, Brazil
P6.16.49 - Association of IL28B (rs12979860) and IL-12B (rs3212227) polymorphisms with response to HCV-therapy inpatients with a mixed genetic background F.A. Pereira, L.A.O. Silva, T.M.A. Carmo, J. Hagan, R. Paraná, Mitermayer G. Reis; Salvador/Ba- Brazil, Brazil
P6.16.50 - HLA-G expression is an independent predictor for survival in high grade ovarian carcinomas Marianne J. Rutten, D. Meijer, M.R. Buist, M.J. Van de Vijver, G.G. Kenter, E.S. Jordanova; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P6.16.51 - Phenotypic signature of B cell subsets as a tool for the investigation of immunogenicity William J. Sanderson, E.C. Jury, J. Manson, C. Mauri; London, United Kingdom
P6.16.52 - Role of the immunity in the aggressive forms of breast cancer seen in Western Kenya Rispah T. Sawe; Eldoret, Kenya
P6.16.53 - Gastrointestinal autoimmunity to tryptophan hydroxylase in Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome type 1 (APS-1) Riccardo Scarpa, R. Alaggio, L. Norberto, B. Smith, M. Plebani, F. De Luca, M. Salerno, L. Ghizzoni, C. Betterle; Padova, Italy
P6.16.54 - Blood pulmonary tuberculosis biomarkers on diabetic individuals Carmen J. Serrano, R.A. González, L. Enciso, N. Macías, J.A. Enciso; Zacatecas, Mexico
P6.16.55 - Anti-carbamylated protein antibodies (Anti-CarP) precede the onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis Jing Shi, L.A. van de Stadt, E.W.N. Levarht, T.W.J. Huizinga, D. Hamann, D. van Schaardenburg, R.E.M. Toes, L.A. Trouw; Leiden, Netherlands
P6.16.56 - An innovative method to identify autoantigens expressed on the cell surface: SARF T. Shirai, Hiroshi Fujii, M. Ono, R. Watanabe, Y. Shirota, S. Saito, T. Ishii, H. Harigae; Sendai, Japan
P6.16.57 - Significant cancer-associated autoantibody signatures for early diagnosis and prognosis of gastric cancer Karina Silina, P. Zayakin, G. Ancans, Z. Kalnina, I. Meistere, A. Pismennaya, M. Leja, A. Line; Riga, Latvia
Posters - August 24 819
P6.16.58 - Rates of Persistent Positivity for Anti-Cardiolipin and Anti-Beta-2-Glycoprotein I Antibodies in Routine Clinical Practice Melissa R. Snyder, M.W. Ettore; Rochester, United States
P6.16.59 - The effect of dipeptidyl peptidase-IV inhibitor sitagliptin on the immune functions in patients with type 2 diabetes Lucie Sromova, P. Bušek, H. Mareckova, M. Andel, A. Sedo; Prague 2, Czech Republic
P6.16.60 - Tonsils of patients with IgA nephropathy contain cells producing aberrantly glycosylated IgA1 and anti-glycan antibodies: implications for tonsillectomy Hitoshi Suzuki, Y. Suzuki, H. Yanagawa, Y. Makita, J. Novak, Y. Tomino; Tokyo, Japan
P6.16.61 - Distribution of prostate specific antigen (PSA) among senegalese men with immunoenzymatic sandwich method Maguette D. Sylla Niang, B. Mbengue, N. Dramé, M. Jalloh, I. Labou, L. Niang, G. Woto Gaye, T.N. Dièye, S. Guèye, A. Dièye; Dakar, Senegal
P6.16.62 - A Peptide based approach for the serological diagnosis of Chikungunya fever Priyanka Verma, D.N. Rao; New Delhi, India
P6.16.63 - Kinetics of expression of CD62L and CXCR3 on CD8+ T cells during treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma with TACE Yanjun Wang, J. Zheng, B. Sun, D. Liu, L. Yan; Beijing, China
P6.16.64 - Cord blood graft composition and its impact on clinical outcome after allogeneic stem cell transplantation Helena Wikell, J. Gertow, M. Uhlin, J. Mattsson; Stockholm, Sweden
P6.16.65 - Characterising the effect of remote ischaemic preconditioning on the immune response in healthy volunteers Jenni M. Williams, J. Pilcher, R. Beasley, A.C. La Flamme; Wellington, New Zealand
P6.16.66 - Validation of in vitro human PBMC assay to determine Lymphocytes activation of new Biotherapeutics Erika Zambello, E. Vicentini, F. Andreetta, F. Zanderigo, J. Chappell; Verona, Italy
Posters - August 25 Panel N°
P1.07 EFFECTOR FUNCTIONS OF PHAGOCYTES Session Time: Sunday, August 25, 13:20 - 15:00 001
P1.07.01 - Diverse role of Plasmodium falciparum haemozoin towards anti-malarial innate response Selorme Adukpo, A.F. Feßer, T. Velavan; Tubingen, Germany
P1.07.02 - Modulation of Moraxella catarrhalis and nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae phagocytosis by neuropeptides NPY and CGRP Daria Augustyniak, J. Nowak, A. Jankowski; Wroclaw, Poland
P1.07.03 - Understanding innate immune functions of peripheral blood monocytes Dominic H. Banda, K.C. Jambo, D.G. Russell, R.S. Heyderman, H.C. Mwandumba; Blantyre, Malawi
P1.07.04 - Downregulation of dendritic cells functions by Neutrophil Extracellular Traps Lorena S. Barrientos, V. Marin-Esteban, L. de Chaisemartin, C. Sandré, R. Gorges, C. Gueguen, L. Mascarell, S. Kerdine-Römer, M. Pallardy, S. Chollet-Martin; Chatenay-Malabry, France
P1.07.05 - Immunological prognosing of complications of locomotors trauma Olga V. Berdugina, K.A. Berdugin; Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
P1.07.06 - Monocyte subsets and immunopathology in Leishmania braziliensis infection R. Costa, S. Passos, E.M. Carvalho, Lucas P. Carvalho; Salvador, Brazil
P1.07.07 - Modulation of Chitinases and CLPs during Macrophage Differentiation and Polarization M. Di Rosa, Michelino Di Rosa, M. Malaguarnera, C. De Gregorio, G. Malaguarnera, L. Malaguarnera; Catania, Italy
P1.07.09 - Effects of aging on phagocytic activity and nitric oxide production of peritoneal macrophages from elderly mice in response to Candida albicans Taiane P. Gardizani, K.H. Pinke, H.G. Lima, V.S. Lara; Bauru, Brazil
P1.07.10 - Functional analyses and cytochemical staining of leucocytes from lumpsucker (Cyclopterus lumpus L.), including IgM+ cells Gyri T. Haugland, A. Rønneseth, K. Ulven, N. Vestvik, H.I. Wergeland; Bergen, Norway
P1.07.11 - The differences in innate immune responses of Atlantic salmon, Atlantic cod and lumpsucker Gyri T. Haugland, A. Rønneseth, H. Wergeland; Bergen, Norway
P1.07.12 - The effects of anabolic steroids on dendritic cells L.M. Cosgrave, E.W. Brenu, Teilah K. Huth, B. Gray, S.M. Marshall-Gradisnik; Gold Coast, Australia
P1.07.13 - Inflammation driven functional differentiation of human macrophages in vitro Paola Italiani, E.M.C. Mazza, S. Bicciato, C. Gemelli, A. Grande, I. Cifola, C.M. Battaglia, P. Giungato, D. Boraschi; Pisa, Italy
P1.07.14 - Alveolar macrophage innate immune function in HIV-infected African adults Kondwani C. Jambo, D.H. Banda, D.G. Russell, R.S. Heyderman, H.C. Mwandumba; Blantyre, Malawi
P1.07.15 - The influence of T4 phage preparations on the activation of human monocytes in vitro Grazyna Korczak-Kowalska, P. Wierzbicki, K. Bocian, D. Kłosowska, M. Zarzycki, J. Borysowski, M. Pacek, B. Weber-Dąbrowska, A. Górski; Warsaw, Poland
P1.07.16 - 12/15-lipoxygenase mediates GC-induced anti-inflammatory mechanisms in monocytes Yvonne Kusche, L. Klotz, H. Wiendl, J. Roth, K. Barczyk; Münster, Germany
P1.07.17 - Synthetic immunomodulatory peptides IDR-HH2, IDR-1002 and IDR-1018 regulate neutrophil functions Francois Niyonsaba, L. Madera, K. Okumura, H. Ogawa, R.E.W. Hancock; Tokyo, Japan
P1.07.18 - Role of Circadian Rhythm in cell metabolism and macrophage function Jacqueline Oliva, B. Pineda Olvera, O. Rojas Espinosa, F. Sánchez García; Mexico, Mexico
P1.07.19 - Respiratory Syncytial Virus Fusion protein stimulates neutrophil extracellular traps formation Bárbara N. Porto, R.S. Czepielewski, A.P.D. Souza, C.B.C. Bonorino, R.T. Stein; Porto Alegre, Brazil
P1.07.20 - An inactive chromatin configuration at the IL-10 locus in human neutrophils Nicola Tamassia, M. Zimmermann, F. Bazzoni, G. Natoli, M.A. Cassatella; Verona, Italy
Posters - August 25 020
P1.07.21 - Ouabain affects human monocyte activation and function Mariana P.C. Teixeira, V.M. Rumjanek; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P1.07.22 - Test-system for observing heat shock protein 70kDa (Hsp70) effect on reactive oxygen species production by immune cells Natalia Troyanova, R. Mirzoev, A. Sapozhnikov; Moscow, Russian Federation
Session Time: Sunday, August 25, 13:20 - 15:00 022
P1.08.01 - Functional limitations of plasmacytoid dendritic cells limit type I interferon, T cell responses and virus control in early life Elodie Belnoue, P. Fontannaz, C. Tougne, A. Rochat, A. Bergthaler, P. Lambert, D. Pinschewer, C. Siegrist; Geneva, Switzerland
P1.08.02 - The role of Dendritic Cells and Monocytes in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Ekua W. Brenu, T.K. Huth, S.K. Hardcastle, L. Cosgrave, D.R. Staines, S.M. Marshall-Gradisnik; Gold Coast, Australia
P1.08.03 - Lag-3 expression and role in human plasmacytoid dendritic cells biology C. Camisaschi, A. De Filippo, V. Beretta, F. Rini, M. Tazzari, F. Arienti, F. Triebel, L. Rivoltini, Chiara Castelli; Milano, Italy
P1.08.04 - Distinct modulation of human myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells by anandamide in multiple sclerosis Valerio Chiurchiu, M. Cencioni, E. Bisicchia, M. De Bardi, C. Gasperini, G. Borsellino, D. Centonze, L. Battistini, M. Maccarrone; Rome, Italy
P1.08.05 - NF-kB/RelA subunit plays the critical roles on the functions of plasmacytoid dendritic cells to thymus Takahiro Doi, S. Mise, T. Fukazawa; Tsukuba, Japan
P1.08.06 - Diminished Memory T-cell Expansion due to Delayed Kinetics of Antigen Expression by Lentivectors Karina Furmanov, A. Hovav; Jerusalem, Israel
P1.08.07 - Migratory behavior of dendritic cells during the development of lupus María A. Gleisner, N. Crisóstomo, C. Fuentes, P. Reyes, M. Rosemblatt, M.R. Bono; Santiago, Chile
P1.08.08 - Differentially activated respiratory plasmacytoid and CD11b-high dendritic cells accumulate during sublethal Klebsiella pneumonia infection Holger Hackstein, S. Kranz, A. Wachtendorf, G. Michel, J. Lohmeyer, G. Bein, N. Baal, S. Herold; Giessen, Germany
P1.08.09 - Analysis of the characterization of bone marrow derived dendritic subsets Kahoko Hashimoto, T. Kawasaki, T. Yamamoto, K. Takahashi, M. Kojima; Narashino City, Chiba, Japan
P1.08.10 - Increased tubulointerstitial recruitment of human CD141hi CLEC9A+ and CD1c+ myeloid dendritic cells in fibrotic kidney disease Andrew J. Kassianos, X. Wang, S. Sampangi, K. Muczynski, H. Healy, R. Wilkinson; Brisbane, Australia
P1.08.11 - Human dendritic cell subpopulations show distinct behavior in their interaction with the pathogenic mould Aspergillus fumigatus Jasmin Kungl, T. Breitschopf, S. Krappmann, H. Einsele, J. Loeffler; Wuerzburg, Germany
P1.08.12 - CCR2+ monocyte-derived antigen-presenting cells from the genital tract promote Th1 and Th17 immunity after HSV-2 infection Su Hyun Lee, H. Yang, M. Kweon; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P1.08.13 - Interleukin-22 binding protein (IL-22BP) is constitutively expressed by a subset of conventional dendritic cells and is strongly induced by retinoic acid Jérôme C. Martin, G. Bériou, M. Heslan, C. Chauvin, L. Utrianen, A. Aumenier, C. Scott, A. Mowat, V. Cerovic, S. Houston, M. Leboeuf, F. Hubert, C. Hémont, M. Merad, S. Milling, R. Josien; Nantes, France
P1.08.14 - Human 6-sulfo LacNAc+/CD16+ dendritic cells are distinct from Tie-2+ monocytes Alessandra Micheletti, C. Costantini, F. Calzetti, W. Vermi, M.A. Cassatella; Verona, Italy
P1.08.15 - Distinct subsets of dendritic cells regulate the outcome of colonic inflammation A.R.B.M. Muzaki, Christiane Ruedl; Singapore, Singapore
P1.08.16 - Analysis of the expression of the inhibitory receptor ILT4 on dendritic cells from systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients Adriana E. Monsivais Urenda, P. Guerra de Blas, E. Zárate Hernández; San Luis Potosí, Mexico
Posters - August 25 038
P1.08.17 - Human conventional CD1c+ Dendritic Cells produce IL-12 and induce potent CD8+ T cell priming Giulia Nizzoli; Milan, Italy
P1.08.18 - Tumor cell-derived Ag cross-presentation in human DC induced by NK cells: Mechanisms and specialization of the BDCA-3+ DC subset Vincent Ollion, F. Deauvieau, A. Doffin, E. Verronese, I. Durand, J. Marvel, H. Vie, C. Caux, J. Valladeau-Guilemond; Lyon, France
P1.08.19 - IL-21 promotes plasmacytoid dendritic cell-NK cell cooperation through the production of granzyme B Valentina Salvi, W. Vermi, A. Cavani, S. Lonardi, T. Carbone, P. Seeger, D. Bosisio, F. Facchetti, S. Sozzani; Brescia, Italy
P1.08.20 - Intestinal Aldh1a2+CD103+CD8a+ DCs preferentially induce Th1 cells but not Tregs Bo-Gie Yang, E. Lee, J. Kim, M. Jang, C. Hong, M. Song, A. Kumanogoh, Y. Sung, C.D. Surh, M. Jang; Pohang, Korea, Republic of
P1.08.21 - Independence of ICOS-L expression on IL-10 production by DC and its impact on T cell subsets in respiratory tract infection Xiaoling Gao, J. Yang, X. Yang; Winnipeg, Canada
P1.14 CYTOKINES AND OTHER REGULATORY MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION Session Time: Sunday, August 25, 13:20 - 15:00 043
P1.14.01 - Can Serial Quantification of IL-1 in human peripheral blood predict Outcome of fracture healing? Sabir Ali, A. Singh, A.A. Mehdi, R.N. Srivastava; Lucknow, India
P1.14.02 - IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α gene’s expressions and receptor’s mutations in ovarian cancer tissues Maha M. Arafah, M. Al-Mutairi, S. Al-Daihan, Y. Al-Anazi, M. Al-Anazi, M. Adar, A. Warsy, A. Warsy, M. Rouabhia, A. Semlali; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
P1.14.03 - Relationship between selenium intake and inflammatory markers in newly-diagnosed patients with B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma Mourad Aribi, M. Zahzeh; Tlemcen, Algeria
P1.14.04 - Emerging roles of eosinophils and eosinophil-derived lipid mediators in the resolution of acute inflammation Makoto Arita; Tokyo, Japan
P1.14.05 - Fragmented but not integral collagen IV induces IL-10 in human monocytes Lourdes Andrea Arriaga-Pizano, L. Martínez-Sánchez, I. Mancilla-Herrera, A. Jiménez-Uribe, C. López-Macías, A. Isibasi; Mexico City, Mexico
P1.14.06 - Analysis of c reactive protein levels after an eccentric exercise Victor Barros Costa; Brasilia, Brazil
P1.14.07 - Immunomodulatory properties of bifidobacteria strains Jirina Bartova, A. Salakova, J. Drbohlav, P. Roubal, O. Sveda, I. Lisová; Prague, Czech Republic
P1.14.08 - Higher baseline tumor necrosis factor [TNF]-α and early postoperative interleukin [IL]-10 level are associated with postoperative sepsis in cardiac surgery: A preliminary study Mouna Ben Azaiz, R. Arbi, C. Romdhani, W. Ghothban, S. Haddad, I. Labbane, C. Kdous, S. Shnik, F. Mustapha, E. Ghazouani; Tunis, Tunisia
P1.14.09 - Early diagnostics of the slowed down bone consolidation Olga V. Berdugina, K.A. Berdugin; Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
P1.14.10 - Laboratory monitoring at hip arthroplasty Olga V. Berdugina, K.A. Berdugin; Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
P1.14.11 - Effect of human recombinant interleukin-33 on collagen mRNA expression in lung fibroblasts Alexander Bocharov, N. Filimonova, N. Sheveleva; Kharkov, Ukraine
P1.14.12 - Pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines from periferal blood mononuclear cells in elderly José Burgos, K.H. Pinke, B. Calzavara, P. Freitas-Faria, M.P.P. Nascimento, J. Venturini, V.S. Lara; Bauru, Brazil
P1.14.13 - Acute inflammation and anemia: hepcidin and innate immunity Maria Carrabba, M. Zarantonello, L. Duca, N. Campostrini, G. Fabio; Milan, Italy
P1.14.14 - SNARE proteins in the synaptic secretion of IL-12 and in tumor-induced immunosuppression of dendritic cells Giulia Chiaruttini, I. Soncin, P. Larghi, T. Galli, F. Benvenuti; Trieste, Italy
Posters - August 25 057
P1.14.15 - EMF Exposure Facilitates Wound Healing Events Modulating Cytokines Expression Erica Costantini, G. Vianale, C. D’Angelo, R. Muraro, M. Reale; Chieti, Italy
P1.14.16 - Interleukin-1β micro-environment promotes viability and proliferation of malignant glioma cell U87MG Nandakumar D Nanjaiah, H. Fathima K, P. Ramaswamy; Bengaluru, India
P1.14.17 - Clinical relevance of Cytokines Gene Polymorphism (CGP) in recovery of hemorrhagic shock patients Dablu L.G. D.L.G, D.N.R. D.N.Rao, S.K.B. Dr.Sanjeev; New Delhi, India
P1.14.19 - Acute inflammation loci influence tissue repair in mice T. Canhamero, M. Correa, J.G. Fernandes, A. Borrego, J.R. Jensen, W.H.K. Cabrera, O.G. Ribeiro, N. Starobinas, O.M. Ibañez, Marcelo De Franco; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P1.14.20 - Content of IL-15 in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome Nikolay Didkovski, I. Malashenkova, I. Zuykov, O. Gurskaya, J. Sarsania, G. Kazanova, N. Hailov, D. Ogurtzov; Moscow, Russian Federation
P1.14.21 - Phagocytosis of apoptotic or necrotic cells differentially regulates the expression of IL-12 and IL-35 subunits in human dendritic cells Karen O. Dixon, J. O`Flynn, S. van der Kooij, C. van Kooten; Leiden, Netherlands
P1.14.22 - Immunoproperties of hypothalamic proline-rich polypeptides for antibacaterial immune response Andranik Durgaryan, M. Matevosyan, A. Galoyan; Yerevan, Armenia
P1.14.23 - Targeting NO-driven Inflammation in Human Melanoma via IL-1s and CXCL-10 Suhendan Ekmekcioglu, K. Tanese, Y. Qin, E.A. Grimm; Houston, United States
P1.14.24 - Interleukin 6 and interleukin 8 in maternal serum as markers of bacterial infection and preterm delivery elimir P. Eri , V. Jerant Pati , M. Bogavac, A. Pati ; Banjaluka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
P1.14.25 - Constitutive STAT-3 activation with maintained responsiveness to IL-6 in peripheral lymphocytes of obese women D.H. Rhodes, V. Nguyen, M.E. Sullivan, S.L. Gomez, C. Braunschweig, Giamila Fantuzzi; Chicago, United States
P1.14.26 - Evaluation of the immunological reactivity of blood cells in early pregnancy for predicting of pregnancy outcomes Irina Gazieva; Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
P1.14.27 - Cytokine’s concentrations and monocyte HLA DR expression as markers defining the therapeutic strategy in contemporary behavior in patients with acute pancreatitis Minkov Georgi, Y. Yovtchev, A. Petrov, S. Nikolov, T. Vlaykova, K. Halacheva; Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
P1.14.28 - Macrophage migration inhibitory factor as a regulator of neonatal innate immune responses Eric Giannoni, M. Weier, L. Guignard, F.C.G.J. Sweep, T. Calandra, T. Roger; Lausanne, Switzerland
P1.14.29 - TNF-alpha, IL-4 and IL-10 cytokines induces changes in HO-1 and HDC expression in cervical cancer cells Paulina Gomez-Lomeli, P.C. Ortiz-Lazareno, A. Bravo-Cuellar, G. Hernandez-Flores, J.R. Dominguez-Rodriguez, L.F. Jave-Suarez, A. Aguilar-Lemarroy; Guadalajara, Mexico
P1.14.30 - To study the contribution of activated CD4+ and CD8+T cells arisen from B-T constructs of F1 and V antigens of Yersinia pestis for the antibacterial activity as an improved vaccine Geetanjali Gupta, D. Rao; Jodhpur, India
P1.14.31 - Resiniferatoxin exhibits anti-inflammatory property by inhibits pro-inflammatory mediators in endotoxin-challenged mice Oscar Gutierrez-Coronado, J. Viveros-Paredes, M. Miranda-Beltran, M. Perez-Vega, C. Soria-Fregozo, P. Villalobos Gutierrez; Lagos de Moreno, Mexico
P1.14.32 - Biomarkers of cardiovascular risk in psychiatric disorders Angelos Halaris; Maywood, United States
P1.14.33 - miRNAs in Sera of Tunisian Patients discriminate between inflammatory Breast Cancer and non-inflammatory Breast Cancer K. Hamdi, D. Goerlitz, M. Islam, B. Neili, F. Ben ayed, S. Chivi, C. Loffredo, I. Jilson, A. Benammar Elgaaied, J. Blancato, R. Marrakchi, Raja Triki; Tunis, Tunisia
P1.14.34 - Identification, function and mechanism of novel potential cytokines and membrane molecules of immune cells Wenling Han, P. Wang, D. Ma; Beijing, China
Posters - August 25 076
P1.14.35 - The effect of type I and III interferons on the adrenal cortex in the context of autoimmune Addison’s disease Alexander Hellesen, L. Breivik, K. Edvardsen, E. Husebye, E. Bratland; Bergen, Norway
P1.14.36 - Immune Senescence in an Innate Immunity Drosophila model Ana M. Hernandez, M. Tatar; Providence, United States
P1.14.37 - Inverse susceptibility to liver and lung carcinogenesis in mouse lines genetically selected for acute inflammatory response L.R. Carvalho, W.H.K. Cabrera, A. Borrego, A.M. Santos, O.G. Ribeiro, J.R. Jensen, N. Starobinas, M. De Franco, Olga M. Ibañez; São Paulo, Brazil
P1.14.38 - Platelet-activating factor enhances tumor metastasis via the reactive oxygen species-dependent protein kinase CK2-mediated NF-kB activation Suhn-Young Im, K. Kim, K. Cho, H. Kim, H. Lee, K. Jang, H. Kim; Gwangju, Korea, Republic of
P1.14.39 - Pathophysiological roles of the CX3CL1-CX3CR1 axis in chemical-induced skin carcinogenesis Yuko Ishida, M. Nosaka, A. Kimura, Y. Kuninaka, M. Kawaguchi, N. Mukaida, T. Kondo; Wakayama, Japan
P1.14.40 - Inflammatory and cytotoxic effect of silver nanoparticles on human endothelial cells Jiyoung Jang, I. Choi; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P1.14.41 - Involvement of collagen receptor DDR2 in cytokine production by dendritic cells Dae-Ki Kim, B. Poudel, Y. Lee; Jeonju-city, Korea, Republic of
P1.14.42 - The prenylated flavonoids and 2-arylbenzofurans from the root barks of Morus alba inhibit airway inflammation Hyun Pyo Kim, H. Lim, J. Lee, H. Jin, E. Woo, S. Lee; Chunchon, Korea, Republic of
P1.14.43 - Dynamic cross-talk model of innate immune response to double-stranded RNA: order emerging from noisy cell responses R. Bertolusso, B. Tian, Y. Zhao, L. Vergara, A. Sabree, M. Iwanaszko, T. Lipniacki, A.R. Brasier, Marek Kimmel; Houston, United States
P1.14.44 - Interleukin-33 promotes proliferation of primary human lung fibroblasts A. Bocharov, Olga Kornilova; Kharkov, Ukraine
P1.14.45 - Features of the allergic drug reactions in Russian patients: perspectives of a DNA bank development Ilya Kukes, T. Borisova; Moscow, Russian Federation
P1.14.46 - HMGB1 in an experimental model of acute lung injury Cilmery S. Kurokawa, J.R. Fioretto, J.P. Araújo Junior, R.B. Pires, M.A. Moraes, R.C. Bonatto, M.F. Carpi; Botucatu, Brazil
P1.14.47 - Prone positioning attenuates TNF-alpha production in rabbits with lung injury under protective conventional mechanical ventilation (CMV). Cilmery S. Kurokawa, R.B. Pires, J.R. Fioretto, S.O. Klefens, J.P. Araújo, M.A. Moraes, A.M. Lousada, R.C. Bonatto, M.F. Carpi; Botucatu, Brazil
P1.14.48 - A potential role for the X chromosome in the CD99 expression and proinflammatory cytokine secretion in response to TLR ligands Nicolas Lefèvre, F. Corazza, J. Duchâteau, A. Delbaere, G. Casimir; Brussels, Belgium
P1.14.49 - Study of immunosenescence through the production of cytokines by blood monocytes Heliton G. Lima, P. Freitas-Faria, K.H. Pinke, M.P.P. Nascimento, N.A. Vieira, V.C. Porto, V.S. Lara; Bauru, Brazil
P1.14.50 - Roles of IL-22 in the innate immune of chronic hepatitis B Y. Zheng, Zipei Liu, M. Li, J. Zhang, Q. Jing, K. Feng, J. Zhang; Beijing, China
P1.14.51 - TNF, autoantibodies and soluble receptors to TNF in health and rheumatoid arthritis Julia A. Lopatnikova, E.A. Golikova, N.S. Shkaruba, A.E. Sizikov, S.V. Sennikov; Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
P1.14.52 - Markers of cellular damage, inflammation and apoptosis in a model of endotoxic shock J. Martinez Castillo, D. Cid Guerrero, I. Vargas Rodriguez, S.H. Sanchez Rodriguez, R.M. Ramirez Santoyo, G.G. Guerrero M, Erendira E. Lopez Robles; Zacatecas, Mexico
P1.14.53 - Human acidic mammalian chitinase (AMCase); molecular cloning, protein expression, and production of monoclonal antibody Kanokwan Lowhalidanon, P. Meekrathok, S. Thongsom, W. Suginta, P. Khunkaewla; NakhonRatchasima, Thailand
P1.14.54 - CTRP4 Plays an Important Role in Endotoxin Shock Yang Luo, W. Tan, Z. Ma, L. Wang, D. Na, X. Wu, Y. Chen, Y. Zhang, D. Ma, L. Wang; Beijing, China
Posters - August 25 096
P1.14.55 - Endothelial cells enhances chemokines and reduces inflammatory cytokines release by human monocyte in vitro Ismael Mancilla-Herrera, J. Alvarado-Moreno, S. Estrada-Parra, C. López-Macías, A. Isibasi, L. Arriaga-Pizano; Mexico City, Mexico
P1.14.56 - Pro-inflammatory cytokines analysis in HPV-positive cancer cells Giorgio Mangino, S.M. Zangrillo, V.M. Chiantore, M. Iuliano, M. Severa, G. Fiorucci, E.M. Coccia, G. Romeo; Latina, Italy
P1.14.57 - IL-6, IL-6sr, TNF-α, IL-10 and IL-8 levels in patients with chronic periodontitis after periodontal therapy Patrizzia Mastromatteo-Alberga, M. Correnti, L. Escalona; Caracas, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
P1.14.58 - Deficiency of IL-10/IL-12 cytokine exacerbate systemic inflammatory responses in renal injury induced by ischemia and reperfusion Vanessa Nunes de Paiva, R. M. M. Monteiro, R. Assumpção Larocca, P. Semedo, M. A. dos Reis, A. Pacheco-Silva, N. O. S. Câmara; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P1.14.59 - HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor simvastatin improves organ dysfunction, inflammatory profile, bacterial clearance and cognitive damage after onset of sepsis Flora M.J. Oliveira, C.F. Gonçalves-de-Albuquerque, I.M. Medeiros-de-Moraes, P.A. Reis, P.T. Bozza, F.A. Bozza, A.R. Silva, H.C. CastroFaria-Neto; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P1.14.60 - Human mesenchymal stem cell adherence and invasivity in vitro after transfection with CD29 specific siRNA Carmen Panaitescu, L. Marusciac, F. Bojin, V. Paunescu; Timisoara, Romania
P1.14.61 - In vitro effect of Interleukin-33 on gastric adenocarcinoma cell line (AGS) and intestinal epithelial cancer cell line (Caco-2) Laura F. Pisani, L. Pastorelli, N. Munizio, M. Vecchi; Milan, Italy
P1.14.62 - In silico design of cytokine-trap peptides for modulation of the IL-13 signalling pathway in asthma Nicola J. Purdy, W. Walker, J.G.L. Mullins; Swansea, United Kingdom
P1.14.63 - Chemokines and biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction in chronic urticaria Ilaria Puxeddu, F. Panza, F. Pratesi, D. Bartaloni, V. Rocchi, I. Del Corso, P. Migliorini; Pisa, Italy
P1.14.64 - Role of Cytokine Response in Disease Progression and Severe Clinical Outcomes in Leptospirosis E.A.G. Reis, J. Hagan, G.S. Ribeiro, A.T. Carvalho, O.A. Martins-Filho, R.R. Montgomery, A.C. Shaw, A.I. Ko, Mitermayer G. Reis; Salvador/Ba- Brazil, Brazil
P1.14.65 - IL-33 signaling modulates the development of adriamycin-nephropathy Vanessa O. Reis, J. Nogueira-Neto, B.C. Vivanco, A.C. Keller; São Paulo, Brazil
P1.14.67 - Nitric Oxide tightly regulates Dendritic Cells life cycle and cytokines release under inflammatory conditions Chiara Ripamonti, S. Baldassarri, C. Storini, D. Miglietta, M. Foti; Milano, Italy
P1.14.68 - Correlation of magnesium levels with inflammatory markers in thiazide induced hypomagnesemic rats Sarah Sadiq, A. Naveed, T. Ahmed, S. Khan; Islamabad, Pakistan
P1.14.69 - Anti-inflammatory, immunostimulatory and antiviral effects of Coffee fruit (Coffea arabica) Fátima B. Saldaña Morales, I.A. Lozada Requena, D.F. Zegarra Ruiz, S.R. Dávila Paico, M.A. Cabello Napuri, J.L. Aguilar Olano; Lima, Peru
P1.14.70 - Proinflammatory Effect of the P2X7 Receptor during Sepsis Patricia T. Santana, C.F. Benjamim, C. Takiya, C. Caruso-Neves, R. Coutinho-Silva; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P1.14.71 - Role and correlation of inflammatory cytokines, angiogenic markers and insulin growth factors in post treatment (neoadjuvant chemoradiation) disease mapping in advanced stage carcinoma of uterine cervix Manoj Sharma, R. Khan, M. Aggarwal, A. Sharma; New Delhi, India
P1.14.72 - S100A8 and S100A9 induce the expression of cytokines and regulate the NLRP-3 inflammasome via ROS-dependent activation of NF-κB Jean-Christophe C. Simard, A. Cesaro, M. Tardif, F. Antoine, P.A. Tessier, D. Girard; laval, Canada
P1.14.73 - Mice selected for maximal inflammatory response display a higher lung inflammation induced by Tityus serrulatus scorpion venom P.G. Lara, T.R. Narcizo, A.F. Machado, V.D. Aiello, L.A. Benvenuti, F.C.V. Portaro, O.A. Sant Anna, N. Starobinas, O.G. Ribeiro, Monica Spadafora-Ferreira; São Paulo, Brazil
P1.14.74 - Melaleuca alternifolia and its main component, terpinen-4-ol, inhibit the production of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-4 and IL-10 by activated monocytes Denise P. Spolidorio, M.N. Nogueira, T. Bedran, M.F. Correia, L. Barbosa, C. Rossa Junior; Araraquara, Brazil
Posters - August 25 115
P1.14.75 - Inflammatory responses to low volume high load and high volume medium load protocols during dynamic leg press exercise Johanna K. Stenholm, S. Walker, G. Paulsen, K. Häkkinen, W.J. Kraemer, M. Hämäläinen, K. Vuolteenaho, E. Moilanen, A.A. Mero; Jyväskylä, Finland
P1.14.76 - Cytokines profile in a social defeat animal model of depression and effects of a novel anti-asthenic drug ladasten Anna V. Tallerova, L. Kovalenko, O. Kuznetsova, A. Durnev, S. Seredenin; Moscow, Russian Federation
P1.14.77 - sICAM-1 and sUPAR as Immune Markers for Treatment Response in Ethiopian TB-Patients with and without HIV Co-Infection Wegene Tamene, D. Kassa, Y. Alemayehu, G. Gebremicheal, A. Alemu, T. Messele; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
P1.14.78 - State of adaptive mucosal immunity among immunocompromised patients with allergic rhinosinusitis Nataly Tataurshchikova; Moscow, Russian Federation
P1.14.79 - High sensitivity C-reactive protein and insulin levels in obese and non-obese patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome Sadaf S. Uppal, A. Naveed, A. Majeed; Islamabad, Pakistan
P1.14.80 - HMGB1 is a major mediator of pathology in mice surviving sepsis Sergio I. Valdes-Ferrer, M. Rosas-Ballina, B. Lu, P.S. Olofsson, J. Roth, D.J. Antoine, U. Andersson, K.J. Tracey; Manhasset, United States
P1.14.81 - Association of polymorphism of TNF-alpha receptors genes with expression levels of membrane-bound receptors and serum levels of soluble receptors Filipp F. Vasilyev, S.V. Sennikov, J.A. Lopatnikova, A.N. Silkov; Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
P1.14.82 - Comparison of cytokine production in human lymphocytes and human tissue culture THP 1 stimulated by metallic ions Zora Venclikova, J. Bartova, J. Belacek; Prague, Czech Republic
P1.14.83 - TNF and IL-10 in a bitter-sweet battle in taste buds P. Feng, J. Chai, L. Huang, Hong Wang; Philadelphia, United States
P1.14.84 - The role of Notch signaling in IL-12 production in murine macrophages Wipawee Wongchana, B.A. Osborne, N. Boonyatecha, N. Sangphech, T. Palaga; Bangkok, Thailand
P1.14.85 - Cortex Magnolia Officinalis extract prevents gastric ulcer by stimulating CB2 gene expression and reducing IL-6 and TNF-alpha productions in stomach tissue Mei-Li Wu, H. Chaung, M. Hsieh, C. Chen, H. Chiu; Pingtung, Taiwan
P1.14.86 - An essential role for eosinophils in neutrophil accumulation in response to eotaxin Pedro P. Xavier-Elsas, R.A. Luz, L.C.G. Arcanjo, A.C. Faria, M.C. Gaspar-Elsas; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P1.14.87 - Interleukin-1 signaling prevents bacteremia in enteric infection with Citrobacter rodentium H. Yang, Mi-Na Kweon; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P1.14.88 - IL-27 affects helper T cell responses via regulation of PGE2 production by macrophages Y. Sato, H. Hara, S. Suzuki, T. Kaisho, Hiroki Yoshida; Saga, Japan
Session Time: Sunday, August 25, 13:20 - 15:00 129
P1.16.01 - Transcript levels of complement regulatory proteins (CD35 and CD59) in rheumatoid arthritis patients and their relationship with disease activity and prognosis Devyani Anand, U. Kumar, M. Kanjilal, S. Kaur, N. Das; New Delhi, India
P1.16.02 - Anti-mitochondria antibodies type 2 and neurological manifestations: Report of 5 cases Imen Ayadi, L. Laadhar, M. Kallel Sellami; Tunis, Tunisia
P1.16.03 - Immunotoxicity of work environment exposure in some welders: implications for occupational health Bosun Banjoko; Ile-Ife, Nigeria
P1.16.04 - Hereditary C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency in Tunisia: a seven years laboratory experience Ahlem Ben Hmid, H. Jouini, Y. Zerzeri, J. Sassi, L. Laadhar, M. Sallemi, S. Makni; Tunis, Tunisia
P1.16.05 - Humoral Immunity in the healthy population of the central region of Cuba L.C. Bequer Mendoza, T. Gómez Hernández, L. Salazar Torres, L. Perez de Alejo Rodriguez, V. Hernández Moreno, L. Molina Hernández, Oliver Perez; Santa Clara. Villa Clara, Cuba
Posters - August 25 134
P1.16.06 - Whole exome sequencing in a Finnish family with hereditary angioedema with normal C1 inhibitor Laura J. Bouchard, H. Jarva, A. Laukkanen, M.J. Savolainen, S. Meri; Helsinki, Finland
P1.16.07 - Effect of immune complex and cytokines on expression and modulation of neutrophil complement regulatory proteins in SLE Nibhriti Das, B. Biswas, U. Kumar, V. Arora, A. Kumar; New Delhi, India
P1.16.08 - Contribution of C5a measurement to explain some clinical biological discrepancies in monitoring of lupus Kamel Djenouhat, A. Tahiat, M. Boucelma; Algiers, Algeria
P1.16.09 - Complement activation in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus without nephritis A. Tahiat, Kamel Djenouhat, M. Boucelma, M.C. Abbadi; Algiers, Algeria
P1.16.10 - MASP2 and MBL: Dynamics and Intrathecal synthesis Alberto J. Dorta-Contreras, B. Padilla Docal, A. Arias Morales, O. Pérez, H. Reiber, J.C. Jensenius; Havana, Cuba
P1.16.11 - Human skin-derived mast cells express complement C3 and C5 Yoshihiro Fukuoka, M. Hite, A. Dellinger, L.B. Schwartz; Richmond, United States
P1.16.12 - Probiotic spores: a missing link between innate immunity and nutritional health E. Saball, M. Salvarrey, J. Moreno, N. Abraham, Roberto R. Grau; Rosario, Argentina
P1.16.13 - Hereditary complement C8 deficiency in a Turkish family found in a girl with recurrent meningitis and her asymptomatic sister Nesrin Gulez, F. Genel, L. Skattum, L. Truedsson; Izmir, Turkey
P1.16.14 - Complement component C3 variant (R102G) and the risk of neovascular age realated macular degeneration in a Tunisian population Imen Habibi, I. Sfar, A. Chebil, F. kort, R. Bouraoui, R. Limaiem, S. Ayed, T. Ben Abdallah, L. El Matri, Y. Gorgi; Tunis, Tunisia
P1.16.15 - The Yersinia pestis Outer Membrane Protein Ail Recruits C4b-Binding Protein Leading to Factor I-Mediated Inactivation of Covalently and Non-covalently Bound C4b Derek K. Ho, M. Skurnik, A. Blom, S. Meri; Helsinki, Finland
P1.16.16 - Neutralizing complement resistance improves cell-mediated killing (CDCC) of HER2 positive breast cancer cells by Trastuzumab and Pertuzumab S. Mamidi, S. Höne, Michael Kirschfink; Heidelberg, Germany
P1.16.17 - Dissecting the modular nature of properdin using recombinant thrombospondin repeats TSR4 and TSR5 Lubna Kouser, M. Abdul-Aziz, R.B. Sim, A.G. Tsolaki, U. Kishore; London, United Kingdom
P1.16.18 - Comparison of C3 and C4 with CH50 in North West of Iran Behzad Mansoori, A. Osali; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P1.16.19 - Myeloperoxidase directly interacts with properdin and induces alternative pathway complement activation Joseph O`Flynn, K. Dixon, M.C. Faber Krol, M.R. Daha, C. van Kooten; Leiden, Netherlands
P1.16.20 - Marine algae Bostrychia tenella fractions and extracts from associated endophytic microorganisms modulate the complement system J.C. Pereira, C.G. Nogueira-Santos, T.M.C. Ogasawara, R. de Felício, H.M. Debonsi, Luciana S. Pereira-Crott; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P1.16.21 - Developmental programming of low levels of C3 and C4 complement factors by gestational chronodisruption Jose M. Sarmiento, N. Mendez, H. Galdames, C. Spichiger, M. Seron-Ferre, H. Folch, C. Torres-Farfan, H. Richter; Valdivia, Chile
P1.16.22 - Dietary restriction and fasting downregulate complement activity via MBL-pathway Shushimita Shushimita, P. van der Pol, R. W. F. de Bruin, J. N. M. IJzermans, C. van Kooten, F. J. M. F. Dor; Rotterdam, Netherlands
Session Time: Sunday, August 25, 13:20 - 15:00 151
P2.06.01 - CCL17 deficiency is associated with beneficial CNS immune responses and prevents cognitive decline in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease K. Neitzert, Ö. Albayram, R. Göhrs, I. Karaca, A. Ramirez, J. Walter, F. Jessen, W. Maier, A. Zimmer, Judith Alferink; Bonn, Germany
Posters - August 25 152
P2.06.02 - T-cell immunoglobulin- and mucin-domain-containing molecule (Tim)-1 is a novel physiological ligand for P-selectin controlling activated T cell trafficking under inflammatory conditions Stefano Angiari, T. Donnarumma, B. Rossi, G. Piacentino, S. Dusi, S. Xiao, V.K. Kuchroo, P.D. Rennert, G. Constantin; Verona, Italy
P2.06.03 - Expression and function of selectins during human development in utero Kaisa Auvinen, S. Jalkanen, M. Salmi; Turku, Finland
P2.06.04 - Susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected CCR4 deficient mice is associated with a balance between lymphocytes and Foxp3+ regulatory cells Thaís B. Bertolini, A.R. Piñeros, R.Q. Prado, A.F. Gembre, J.C. Alves Filho, V.L. Bonato; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P2.06.05 - Pivotal role of Ccr1 in murine lupus nephritis Alexandre Bignon, F. Gaudin, P. Hémon, H. Tharinger, P. Loetscher, M. Peuchmaur, D. Berrebi, K. Balabanian; Clamart, France
P2.06.06 - Local and systemic effects of chronic peritonitis induced by pristane in the absence of galectin-3 Camila Brand, F.L. Oliveira, T.P. Costa, F.E.P.L. Abreu, R. Borojevic, R. Chammas, M.C. El-Cheikh; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P2.06.07 - CCR5-dependent T cell migration contribute to squamous cell carcinoma development C.E. Oliveira, T.H. Gasparoto, C.R. Pinheiro, K.A. Cavassani, G.P. Garlet, J.S. Silva, Ana P. Campanelli; Bauru, Brazil
P2.06.08 - The absence of chemokine signalling via CCR5 impairs sepsis outcome Fernanda V.S. Castanheira, F. Sonego, A. Kanashiro, P.G. Czaikoski, T.M. Cunha, J. Alves-Filho, F.Q. Cunha; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P2.06.09 - Melatonin regulates the migration of granulocytes into mouse peritoneal cavity via MT2 receptor Vitalij Cernysiov, M. Mauricas, I. Girkontaite; Vilnius, Lithuania
P2.06.10 - CLEVER-1 as a cell trafficking molecule Johannes Dunkel, P. Rantakari, M. Karikoski, O. Schulz, O. Pabst, S. Jalkanen; Turku, Finland
P2.06.12 - Phenotypic characterization of CLEVER-1 knock-out mice Kati Elima, M. Karikoski, P. Rantakari, M. Salmi, S. Jalkanen; Turku, Finland
P2.06.13 - Studies on the human primary amine oxidase/sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin -9 and -10 interactions Heli Elovaara, V. Parkash, R. Fair-Mäkelä, E. Bligt-Lindén, T.A. Salminen, S. Jalkanen; Turku, Finland
P2.06.14 - A novel role for GIRK channels in the immune system Erez S. Garty, A. Kaminitz, A. Ben-Nun, E. Reuveny; Rehovot, Israel
P2.06.15 - Integrin alpha 4 differentially affect the homing of effector and regulatory T cell subsets Simon Glatigny, R. Duhen, C. Arbelaez, S. Kumari, M. Oukka, E. Bettelli; Seattle, United States
P2.06.16 - Contribution of L-selectin to activated CD4 and CD8 T cell migration into dermal inflammation Thomas B. Issekutz; Halifax, Canada
P2.06.17 - Podoplanin (Aggrus)-bound CCL21 regulates adhesive migration of T lymphocytes on the cell surfaces of lymphatic endothelium Caname Iwata; Tokyo, Japan
P2.06.18 - TCR-Induced Activation of LFA-1 Involves Signaling through Tiam1 Farhana A. Jahan, M. Grönholm, C.G. Gahmberg; Helsinki, Finland
P2.06.19 - 17-parameter flow cytometry: immunophenotyping cellular infiltration during flavivirus encephalitis in the mouse T.M. Ashhurst, C. van Vreden, M. Karimi Azardaryany, K. Lundsten, S. Allen, S. Dervish, F. Kao, A. Smith, Nicholas Jonathan Cole King; Sydney, Australia
P2.06.20 - CD69 expression and leukocyte distribution in CD69-BAC transgenic mice Teresa Laguna, L. Notario, P. Lauzurica; Majadahonda, Spain
P2.06.21 - Induction of cytosolic phospholipase A2α is required for adipose neutrophil infiltration and hepatic insulin resistance early in the course of high fat feeding Rachel Levy, N. Hadad, O. Burgazliev, V. Elgazar carmon, A. Rudich; beer-Sheva, Israel
P2.06.22 - Deficiency of the leukocyte integrin inhibitor, Del-1 exacerbates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis through increased Th17 cells infiltration Jong-Hyung Lim; Dresden, Germany
Posters - August 25 172
P2.06.23 - Possible role of Myo1g in vesicular traffic of different molecules of B lymphocytes Orestes López-Ortega, J. Maravillas-Montero, G. Patiño-López, S. Shaw, L. Santos-Argumedo; México DF, Mexico
P2.06.24 - AChR-specific T cell trafficking in the thymus of chronic Experimental Autoimmune Myasthenia Gravis Roberta Marolda, C. Cordiglieri, P. Cavalcante, P. Bernasconi, R. Mantegazza, F. Baggi; Milan, Italy
P2.06.25 - Role of CD38 in regulating the migration of B cells in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Silvia Mele, S. Devereux, A. Ridley; London, United Kingdom
P2.06.26 - The autotaxin/lysophosphatidic acid is a regulator of lymphocyte extravasation at the high endothelial venules of lymph nodes Masayuki Miyasaka, E. Umemoto, A. Takeda, Z. Bai, L. Cai, E. Hata, K. Tohya, Y. Komai, P. Veeraveedu, Y. Sugiura; Suita, Japan
P2.06.27 - Langerhans cell penetration through the epidermal- dermal barrier Christine Moussion, M. Sixt; Klosterneuburg, Austria
P2.06.28 - Identification and Characterization of a Monocyte CXCL4 Receptor J.M. Fox, F. Kausar, A. Day, M. Osbourne, A. Mueller, T. Tsuchiya, S. Kanegasaki, James E. Pease; London, United Kingdom
P2.06.29 - Involvement of CXCR3 and CXCR4 in natural killer cell trafficking into bone marrow during multiple myeloma growth Andrea Ponzetta, G. Benigni, F. Antonangeli, G. Sciumè, G. Bernardini, A. Santoni; Rome, Italy
P2.06.30 - Natural posttranslational modification of CXC chemokines modifies their in vitro and in vivo activity Paul Proost, A. Mortier, E. Moelants, T. Loos, M. Gouwy, S. Struyf, G. Opdenakker, J. Van Damme; Leuven, Belgium
P2.06.31 - Non-hematopoietic endothelial LSP1 orchestrates CXCL2-sensitive motile neutrophil functions in vivo Syed M. Qadri, M. Hossain, N. Xu, L. Liu; Saskatoon, Canada
P2.06.32 - Sphingosine-1-phosfate receptors are involved in cell migration in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and lymphoma Carolina V.M. Rachid, J.P. Lemos, W. Savino, D.A. Mendes-da-Cruz; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P2.06.33 - A new mTOR-dependent, Akt-independent pathway differentiates the migratory behavior of regulatory and conventional T cells Giorgio Raimondi, L.C. Chen, B.R. Rosborough, A.W. Thomson; Baltimore, United States
P2.06.34 - Role of oxysterol EBI2 ligand pathway in inflammation Andrea Reboldi, T. Yi, J.G. Cyster; San Francisco, United States
P2.06.35 - CR3 and CR4 differently mediate the adherence to fibrinogen of human dendritic cells Noémi Sándor, C. Kriston, A. Erdei, Z. Bajtay; Budapest, Hungary
P2.06.36 - Angiotensin II-induced vascular dysfunction depends on aortic infiltration and mutual activation of NK cells and monocytes Melanie Schwenk, S. Kossmann, M. Hausding, M. Knorr, M.I. Schmidgen, S.H. Karbach, A. Daiber, T. Münzel, P. Wenzel, C. Becker; Mainz, Germany
P2.06.37 - Morphometric analysis of the distribution of decidua NK cells and macrophages in the neighborhood of the trophoblast invasion front Peter Sedlmayr; Graz, Austria
P2.06.38 - Endothelial- specific gene ablation of CD99L2 impairs leukocyte extravasation in vivo Ruth Seelige, C. Natsch, S. März, D. Jing, M. Frye, S. Butz, D. Vestweber; Muenster, Germany
P2.06.39 - PI3Kgamma confers resistance against Trypanosoma cruzi infection due to its important role in microbicidal activity of macrophages Maria C. Silva, R. Sesti, F.C. Dias, T.S. Medina, G.K. Silva, J.C.A. Filho, F.Q. Cunha, J.S. Silva, T.M. Cunha; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P2.06.40 - Nr4a1-dependent Ly6Clow monocytes monitor endothelial cells and orchestrate their disposal in the presence of nucleic acids L.M. Carlin, Efstathios Stamatiades, C. Auffray, R.N. Hanna, L. Glover, G. Vizcay-Barrena, C.C. Hedrick, H.T. Cook, S. Diebold, F. Geissmann; London, United Kingdom
P2.06.41 - Simultaneous analysis of multiple fluorescent proteins and fluorochromes by a novel spectral flow cytomete Micho Tomura, K. Futamura, M. Furuki; Kyoto-city, Japan
Posters - August 25 191
P2.06.42 - The atypical chemokine receptor D6 is mobilized from recycling endosome for adaptive up-regulation and chemokine degradation through a β-arrestin1/myosinVb-dependent mechanism Alessandro Vacchini, E.M. Borroni, C. Cancellieri, A. Mantovani, M. Locati, R. Bonecchi; Rozzano, Italy
P2.06.43 - LFA-1 is critical for T-cell mediated protective immunity elicited by heterologous prime-boost vaccination strategy against a systemic parasitic infection F. Virgilio, M. Mariana R. Dominguez, A. V. Machado, O. Bruna–Romero, R. Ricardo T. Gazzinelli, M. M. Rodrigues, José Ronnie C. Vasconcelos; São Paulo, Brazil
P2.06.44 - TNFR2 induces IRF-1 dependent IFNβ autocrine signaling in endothelial cells to promote monocyte recruitment Deepak Venkatesh, T. Ernandez, F. Rosetti, I. Batal, X. Cullere, F. Luscinskas, Y. Zhang, G. Stavraki, G. García-Cardeña, B. Horwitz, T. N Mayadas; Boston, United States
P2.06.45 - Role of CBAP in chemokine-induced zap70-mediated T-cell trafficking Y. Chiang, K. Ho, K. Ho, C. Sun, J. Chiu, F. Lee, F. Liao, H. Yang-Yen, Jeffrey J. Yen; Taipei, Taiwan
P2.09 MHC AND OTHER POLYMORPHIC GENES IN HEALTH AND DISEASE Session Time: Sunday, August 25, 13:20 - 15:00 195
P2.09.01 - New genetic variants of the CCR5 gene in the Omani population Ali A. Al-Jabri, S.H. Al-Mahroqi; Muscat, Oman
P2.09.03 - Possible involvement of polymorphisms in OAS2, OAS3, and CD209 genes, associated with severe forms of tick-borne encephalitis, in predisposition to hepatitis C in Russian population Andrey Barkhash, G. Kochneva, E. Chub, S. Mikhaikova, A. Romaschenko; Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
P2.09.04 - Role of paired immunoglobulin-like receptor B (PirB) and T CD8 lymphocytes during axonal regeneration following peripheral axotomy André L. Bombeiro, S.L.O. Nunes, B.M. Moreira, A.L.R. Oliveira; Campinas, Brazil
P2.09.05 - Possible roles of MICA and NKG2D and their interaction in the pathogenesis of autoimmune Addison’s disease Eirik Bratland, A. Hellesen, K. Edvardsen, E.S. Husebye; Bergen, Norway
P2.09.06 - Cross-presentation in renal transplant recipients Eytan Breman, P.P. van Miert, D. Roelen, F.H. Claas, C. van Kooten; Leiden, Netherlands
P2.09.07 - MHC Class I expression in hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cells regulates NK cell licensing and viral control Michael G. Brown, H. Wei; Charlottesville, United States
P2.09.08 - KIR-HLA interactions during pregnancy impact their population frequencies Jorg J.A. Calis, C. Kesmir; Utrecht, Netherlands
P2.09.09 - HLA-B*46:01 associated with oncogenic HPV persistence Hui-Chi Chen, Y. Chen, M. Pan, C. Lin, S. You, C. Chen; Taipei, Taiwan
P2.09.10 - Haplotypes of the HLA-G gene are associated TD1 R. S. de Albuquerque, N. Lucena-Silva, C.L. Silva, E. Castelli, Eduardo Donadi, C. Mendes-Junior; Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
P2.09.11 - Regulation of MHC class II expression in cancer cell lines involves the RNA binding protein EBP1 L. Pisapia, A. Cortese, P. Barba, Giovanna Del Pozzo; Naples, Italy
P2.09.12 - Major Histocompatibility Complex related LEI0258 allelic segregation in chicken Atefeh Esmailnejad, G. Nikbakht, F. Amini, N. Khazeni Oskoui; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P2.09.13 - Motifs of the naturally processed peptides presented by HLA-A*24:07 Marsia Gustiananda, D. Cox, C. McMurtrey, K.W. Jackson, D. Mojsilovic, W. Bardet, S. Cate, J. Yaciuk, S. Kaabinejadian, W.H. Hildebrand; Jakarta, Indonesia
P2.09.14 - Superior detection of antigen specific CD4+ T-cells using pMHC-II tetramers with altered C-terminal peptide flanking residues Christopher J. Holland, G. Dalton, D.K. Cole, A. Godkin; Cardiff, United Kingdom
P2.09.15 - Genetic variants of suppressor molecule BTLA in susceptibility to prostate cancer Lidia Karabon, A. Szczepanska, K. Tupikowski, A. Partyka, A. Tomkiewicz, A. Wojciechowski, E. Pawlak, J. Dembowski, R. Zdrojowy, I. Frydecka; Wroclaw, Poland
Posters - August 25 209
P2.09.16 - Association of HLA-G polymorphisms with gastric adenocarcinoma risk and clinical outcome Samaneh Khorrami, R. Malekzadeh, H. Poustchi, R. Rahimi, A. Zavaran Hosseini; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P2.09.17 - Frequencies of insertion/deletion polymorphism in HLA-G gene in non-small cell lung cancer patients and healthy controls in a Polish population sample Piotr Kusnierczyk, A. Wisniewski, R. Jankowska, A. Kowal, I. Porebska; Wroclaw, Poland
P2.09.18 - Association study among HLA, KIR, MICA, PARK2, and cytokine genes in patients with leprosy from Southern Brazil Priscila S. Mazini, D.S.A. Franceschi, C.C.C. Rudnick, P.G. Reis, M.T. Mira, A.M. Sell, V.M. Fava, J.E.L. Visentainer; Maringá, Brazil
P2.09.19 - Association of MICA gene with the development of chronic chagasic cardiopathy P.G. Reis, C.M. Ayo, C.F. Oliveira, Priscila S. Mazini, A.M. Sell, M.M.O. Dalalio, J.E.L. Visentainer; Maringá, Brazil
P2.09.20 - MIC and NKG2D genes polymorphism in Mexican population Miriam E. Nieves-Ramirez, E. Bravo-Flores, P.E. Alegre-Crespo, M. Tapia-Lugo, M.E. Perez-Rodriguez; Mexico City, Mexico
P2.09.21 - Association between the HLA-G molecule and lymph node metastasis in papillary thyroid cancer Larissa M. Nunes; El Paso, United States
P2.09.22 - MHC class I chain related gene A polymorphism and gastroduodenal lesions in Mexican population infected by Helicobacter pylori Oswaldo Partida-Rodriguez, M.E. Nieves-Ramirez, L. Flores, E. Lazcano, J. Torres, M.E. Perez-Rodriguez; Mexico City, Mexico
P2.09.23 - CTLA-4 and CD28 gene polymorphisms in renal cancer in the Polish population Anna M. Partyka, K. Tupikowski, L. Karabon, A. Kolodziej, R. Zdrojowy, A. Tomkiewicz, I. Frydecka; Wroclaw, Poland
P2.09.24 - Optimization of T-cell antigens for vaccine development Johanne Pentier, G.M. Dolton, J. Ekeruche, M. Clement, D.K. Cole, J.J. Miles, D.M. Lewinsohn, D.A. Price, L. Wooldridge, A.K. Sewell; Cardiff, United Kingdom
P2.09.25 - The HLA-DRB1*01 allele confers genetic susceptibility to lepromatous leprosy in Mexicans Rosalio Ramos-Payan, M. Escamilla-Tilch, N.M. Torres-Carrillo, M. Aguilar-Medina, M.I. Salazar, M. Fafutis-Morris, R. ArenasGuzmán, S. Estrada-Parra, I. Estrada-García, J. Granados; Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico
P2.09.27 - HLA-DRB1*11 is associated with Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome in Mexican patients carrying a novel cathepsin C mutation Jose G. Romero-Quintana, M. Aguilar-Medina, L.O. Frías-Castro, J.E. Dueñas-Arias, E. Arámbula-Meraz, J.G. Romero-Navarro, R. Ramos-Payán; Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico
P2.09.28 - Influence of TIM-1 haplotypes on CD4 counts in HIV seroprevalent North Indians Gaurav Sharma, G. Kaur, A. Kimura, T. Nakajima, H. Ohtani, T. Naruse, S.K. Sharma, M. Vajpayee, N.K. Mehra; New Delhi, India
P2.09.29 - Association studies of functional ICOS gene polymorphisms with schizophrenia disease in the Polish population Anna M. Tomkiewicz, L. Karabon, A.M. Partyka, D. Frydecka, A. Kiejna, A. Beszlej, I. Frydecka; Wroclaw, Poland
P2.09.30 - Change of C/A at the SNP −592 of human IL-10 gene increase serum IL-10 levels in patients with cervical lesions and cervical cancer Kirvis J. Torres Poveda, M. Bahena Román, A. Lagunas Martínez, K. Delgado Romero, D. Cantú, A. García Carrancá, V. Madrid Marina; Cuernavaca, Mexico
P2.09.31 - Comparison of the distribution of two promoter single nucleotide polymorphisms, -725C>G>T and -716T>G, in non-small cell lung cancer and healthy population sample Andrzej Wisniewski, R. Jankowska, A. Kowal, I. Porebska, M. Wagner, P. Kusnierczyk; Wroclaw, Poland P2.09.32 - Associations of IFN-alpha genetic variation with the functional phenotype of T subsets Jou-Hui Yu, H. Chang, Y. Li, M. Wu, W. Chung, H. Chaung; Pingtung, Taiwan
P3.04 GENETIC REARRANGEMENTS OF LYMPHOCYTE RECEPTORS Session Time: Sunday, August 25, 13:20 - 15:00 225
P3.04.01 - Construction and functional activity of fibronectin scaffold containing different chains of hypervariable complementarity determining regions of mouse antibody against human IgG4 Gregory V. Brovman, L.E. Petrovskaya, T.A. Yagudin, E.V. Svirshchevskaya; Moscow, Russian Federation
P3.04.02 - Bi-polarized function of the 3’ regulatory region at the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus F. Braikia, D. Haddad, A. Khamlichi, Caroline Conte; Toulouse, France
Posters - August 25 227
P3.04.03 - Specification of the Vκ gene repertoire at the mouse Ig gene locus Y. Xiang, S. Park, William T. Garrard; Dallas, United States
P3.04.04 - Reassessing HLA-DRB3, DRB4 and DRB5 expression in different cell types Europa A. Gonzalez-Navarro, R. Faner, E. Rigol-Monzó, X. Coll, E. Garcia, N. De Moner, L. Carretero, D. Archila, M. Juan; Barcelona, Spain
P3.04.05 - Intrinsic bias and public rearrangements in the human immunoglobulin VLambda light chain repertoire Kam Hon Hoi, G. Ippolito, G. Georgiou; Austin, United States
P3.04.06 - Defects in VDJ recombination and thymocyte development induced by T cell-specific deletion of protein phosphatase 4/PP4 E. Hsing, F. Liao, W. Hsou, Y. Lin, Y. Jhou, Ching-yu Huang; Zhunan, Miaoli County, Taiwan
P3.04.07 - XLF is required for the generation of junctional diversity by TdT Hanna IJspeert, I. Jerchel, R. Leite, N.S. Verkaik, J.J.M. van Dongen, D.C. van Gent, M. van der Burg; Rotterdam, Netherlands
P3.04.08 - High throughput sequencing data reveals the shape of the immunoglobulin repertoire Katherine J.L. Jackson, A.M. Collins; Sydney, Australia
P3.04.09 - Identifying factors responsible for maintenance of immunoglobulin class switch recombination Michael X. Le, S. Ramachandran, R.M. Nepal, A. Chopra, T. Ketela, J. Moffat, A. Martin; Toronto, Canada
P3.04.10 - Detection Of Interferon Alpha Receptor 2 in Interferon Resistant HCV Patients Suhail R. Marazi, A. Rashid, Q. Bashir; Rawalpindi, Pakistan
P3.04.11 - In vivo analysis of Aicda gene regulation: critical balance between upstream enhancer and intronic repressor for the appropriate expression L. Huong, M. Kobayashi, M. Nakata, G. Shioi, H. Miyachi, T. Honjo, Hitoshi Nagaoka; Gifu, Japan
P3.04.12 - T-cell receptor (TCR) profiling by next-generation sequencing Tal Oron, L. Marchand, Q. Li, C. Polychronakos; Montreal, Canada
P3.04.13 - AID expression in pancreas promotes an inflammatory response Arantxa Pérez-García, P. Pérez-Durán, F. X Real, A. Ramiro; Madrid, Spain
P3.04.15 - T cell receptor repertoire plasticity in peripheral CD8 T cells Paul G. Thomas, G. Wang, J.L. McClaren, M.Y. Morris, P.C. Doherty, P. Dash; Memphis, United States
P3.05 ANTIGEN PROCESSING AND PRESENTATION Session Time: Sunday, August 25, 13:20 - 15:00 239
P3.05.01 - Hypoxia directly enhances dendritic cell antigen presentation Sistiana Aiello, F. Rocchetta, N. Azzollini, P. Cassis, S. Solini, M. Mister, G. Remuzzi, M. Noris; Ranica, Italy
P3.05.02 - Synthetic immunoactive fragments of Survivin: selection and application for monomer and dimer detection Elena V. Akhidova, M.V. Kalintseva, T.D. Volkova, I.Y. Yakupov, D.O. Koroev, L.E. Zavalishina, O.M. Volpina; Moscow, Russian Federation
P3.05.03 - The impact of sub-cellular localization, dose, and expression pattern of tumour antigen on cross-presentation efficiency Chidozie Anyaegbu, S. Fisher, R.A. Lake, B.W.S. Robinson; Perth, Australia
P3.05.04 - High resolution mass spectrometry reveals unanticipated depth and diversity of HLA peptidomes Michal Bassani-Sternberg, M. Mann; Martinsried, Germany
P3.05.05 - Tumor associated MUC1 carried by microvesicles is cross-processed by Dendritic cells generating immunogenic MUC1 glycoepitopes and is cross-presented to CD8+T cells Federico Battisti, H. Rahimi, F. Belleudi, C. Napoletano, I. Zizzari, M. Antonilli, V. Visconti, F. Bellati, M. Nuti, A. Rughetti; Rome, Italy
P3.05.06 - Differential antigen-dependency of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells Anne C. Behrendt, H. Rabenstein, J. Ellwart, M. Horsch, J. Beckers, R. Obst; Munich, Germany
P3.05.07 - Immunoproteasome induction and MHC class I molecules presentation in motor neurons of a familial Amyotrophic Lateral Ssclerosis mouse model G. Nardo, R. Iennaco, M. Trolese, Caterina Bendotti; Milan, Italy
Posters - August 25 246
P3.05.08 - In vitro study of Thyroglobulin peptides associated to HLA-DR3 under thyroid antigen presentation conditions Teresa Ciudad, A. Kim, J. Alonso, E.A. James, W.W. Kwok, S. Sadegh-Nasseri, D. Jaraquemada; Cerdanyola del Valles, Spain
P3.05.09 - Epitopes of 21-hydroxylase targeted by autoreactive T cells in patients with autoimmune Addison’s disease are also targeted by T cells in mice immunized with 21-hydroxylase protein Kine Edvardsen, E. Bratland, A. Hellesen, E.S. Husebye; Bergen, Norway
P3.05.10 - Sub-optimal antigen presentation of CD8+ T cell epitopes by dendritic cells infected with Trypanosoma cruzi Jonatan Ersching, K.R. Bortoluci, M.M. Rodrigues; São Paulo, Brazil
P3.05.11 - Bone marrow endothelial cells of patients with multiple myeloma: antigen presenting functions and T cell regulation Arianna Ferrucci, P. Leone, R. Ria, V. Racanelli, A. Vacca; Bari, Italy
P3.05.12 - Inhibition of ERAP1 function promotes human NK cell immune responses against tumors: an innovative strategy of anticancer immunotherapy L. Cifaldi, P. Romania, D. Pende, F. Locatelli, Doriana Fruci; Rome, Italy
P3.05.13 - Human mesenchymal stromal cells derived from cervical neoplasisas down-regulate the expression of HLA class I molecules on cervical cancer cells Rosario García-Rocha, J.J. Montesinos, M.L. Mora-García, M.C. Moreno-Lafont, M.E. Castro-Manreza, B. Weiss-Steider, A. Monroy-García; México, Mexico
P3.05.14 - Effect of MBA on therapeutic protein immunogenicity Tal Gefen, J. Vaya, S. Khatib, D. Heller, E. Aizenstein, J. Pitcovski; Kiryat Shmona, Israel
P3.05.15 - Identification of gliadin peptides restricted by the HLA Class I B8 encoded by B*0801 allele in linkage with the celiac disease-associated DR3-DQ2 haplotype S. Picascia, J. Sidney, A. Camarca, G. Mazzarella, A. Sada, G. Iaquinto, S. Auricchio, A. Sette, R. Troncone, Carmen Gianfrani; Avellino, Italy
P3.05.16 - Identification of inducible lymphoid structures in the skin: a key site to elicit contact hypersensitivity responses Y. Natsuaki, G. Egawa, S. Nakamizo, S. Hanakawa, T. Hashimoto, Y. Miyachi, Kenji Kabashima; Kyoto, Japan
P3.05.17 - Novel antigenic MHC class I peptides are generated and presented in the absence of tapasin Takayuki Kanaseki, K. Camfield, N. Shastri, N. Sato; Sapporo, Japan
P3.05.18 - On the role of heparan sulfates in antigen cross-presentation Delphine Knittel, A. Savatier, J. Boulain, M. Léonetti; Gif-sur-Yvette, France
P3.05.19 - Porcine leukocyte antigen-derived peptides that are presented by human MHC molecules Chong-Kil Lee, C. Park, K. Kim, S. Im; Cheongju, Korea, Republic of
P3.05.20 - A new a high throughput method to assess quantitative and qualitative differences in the antibody response Alessandra Mariani, F. Buricchi, G. Volpini, S. Budroni, A. Di Domenico, F. Castellino, G. Del Giudice, D. Medini, O. Finco; Siena, Italy
P3.05.22 - Citrullination of myelin antigens increases binding to Multiple Sclerosis associated MHC class II molecules and enhances T cell responses Patrick C. Merky, M. Khademi, N. Abdelmagid, E.A. James, S. Haag, T. Olsson; Stockholm, Sweden
P3.05.23 - Thromboxane A2 controls primary T cell - DC interactions in vivo Federica Moalli, P. Halbherr, M. Pieczyk, S. Narumiya, J. Stein; Bern, Switzerland
P3.05.24 - Independent transport of MHC class II and H2-DM to processing compartments and convergence with molecules of distinct trafficking pathways Jonathan Cortés Alvarez, G. Pérez-Montesinos, C. Sánchez, L.C. Bonifaz, J. Moreno; Cuernavaca, Mexico
P3.05.25 - Ultrastructure of human autologous macrophage lymphocyte rosettes in Chagas disease Ivon T.C. Novak, A.D. Orquera; Cordoba, Argentina
P3.05.26 - The non-classical class II genes of the chicken, DMA and DMB, are similar to those of mammals, but a second DMB gene (DMB1) is differentially expressed with unusual regulatory and structural features Aimée Parker, K. Staines, C. Butter, J. Kaufman; Cambridge, United Kingdom
P3.05.28 - The wild-type hemochromatosis protein HFE inhibits MHC I antigen presentation Alexandre Reuben, M. Phénix, M.M. Santos, R. Lapointe; Montréal, Canada
Posters - August 25 265
P3.05.29 - Carbon monoxide decreases endosome-lysosome fusion and inhibits soluble antigen presentation by dendritic cells to T cells V. Tardif, Sebastián A. Riquelme, S. Remy, L.J. Carreño, T. Simon, C.A. Riedel, P. Blancou, S. Bueno, I. Anegon, A.M. Kalergis; Santiago, Chile
P3.05.31 - Stable antigen is most effective for eliciting CD8+ T cell responses after DNA vaccination and infection with recombinant vaccinia virus in vivo Christopher Schliehe, A. Bitzer, M. van den Broek, M. Groettrup; Vienna, Austria
P3.05.32 - The Mer Receptor Tyrosine Kinase promotes B-cell antigen processing through the IgD B-cell Receptor Wen-Hai Shao, Y. Zhen, F. Finkelman, P. Cohen; Philadelphia, United States
P3.05.33 - Genetic Regulation of the Bovine Immune System and Implications for Health Kathleen Thompson-Crispi, R. Ventura, F. Schenkel, F. Miglior, B. Mallard; Guelph, Canada
P3.05.34 - The influence of MHCII haplotypes on T cell priming and disease development in a chronic model of rheumatoid arthritis Jonatan Tuncel, S. Haag, D.E. Mason, S. Thordardottir, A.C.Y. Yau, E.C. Peters, R. Holmdahl; Stockholm, Sweden
P3.05.35 - Stem-cell transplantation restores CD8 T-cell immunity and corrects MHC class I deficiency Anthony P. Williams, Y. Gao, R. Carter, A. Cazaly, S.I. Khakoo, A. Mant, A.J. Cant, S. Gadola, P.D. Arkwright, T.J. Elliott; Southampton, United Kingdom
P3.05.36 - Systematic analysis of the antigen processing machinery in HPV-positive cell lines Jan Winter, A. Steinbach, K.M. Grabowska, A.K. Grabowska, A.B. Riemer; Heidelberg, Germany
Session Time: Sunday, August 25, 13:20 - 15:00 272
P3.08.01 - Chemokine receptor (CKR) expression on memory CD4+ Th2 cells in mice during an allergen-mediated exacerbation of allergic asthma Berislav Bosnjak, M.M. Epstein; Vienna, Austria
P3.08.02 - The role of CD244 in regulating M. tuberculosis antigen-specific CD4+ T cell function Xiaoxing Cheng, B. Yang, J. Jiang, X. Wang; Beijing, China
P3.08.03 - Dose-dependent differential effects of thrombin in allergic bronchial asthma Corina D’Alessandro-Gabazza, Y. Matsushima, A.L. Chelakkot Govindalayathil, Z. Roeen, T. Takagi, T. Yazuma, T. Kobayashi, M. Toda, E.C. Gabazza; Tsu, Japan
P3.08.04 - Serine protease inhibitor characteristics of human T helper 2 cells Sanna M. Edelman, T. Äijö, I. Koho, H. Kallionpää, S. Tuomela, R. Lahesmaa; Turku, Finland
P3.08.05 - New column-free procedure for the enrichment of human Th1(CD4+CXCR3+) cells from peripheral blood Maureen Fairhurst, J. Yu, S. de Jong, T. Thomas; Vancouver, Canada
P3.08.06 - Identification and characterization of the secreted form of TMEM98 that promotes Th1 cell differentiation both in vitro and in vivo Weiwei Fu, Y. Zhang, Y. Cheng, P. Wang, T. Li, W. Pan, D. Ma, W. Han; Beijing, China
P3.08.07 - NFκB attenuates IL-5 production and upregulates T-box transcription factors in Th2-like T cells Masaaki Hashiguchi, A. Kobayashi, Y. Kashiwakura, H. Kojima, Y. Kanno, T. Kobata; Tochigi, Japan
P3.08.08 - T-lymphocytes effectors/memory cells detection by intracellular cytokines staining in children of different age and adults Julia G. Lagereva, J.B. Beykin; Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
P3.08.09 - Generation of mutants forms of mite allergen Der p 5 with reduce IgE binding Sadjia Lahiani, S. Khemili, A. Bouaziz, I. Bitam, D. Gilis, M.E. Dumez, M. Galleni; Liège, Belgium
P3.08.10 - The role of neuronal adhesion molecule AMIGO2 in T cell function and inflammatory diseases Zhilin Li, J. Kuja-Panula, H. Rauvala, L. Tian; Helsinki, Finland
P3.08.11 - IL-27 regulates Th1 lymphocytes and induces Th17-dependent protection against experimental Trypanosoma cruzi infection Tiago Medina, G.K. Silva, D. Fonseca, R. Sesti, M.C. Silva, J.S. Silva; Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
Posters - August 25 283
P3.08.12 - IL-4 receptor alpha signalling on dendritic cells is required for optimal Th2 responses in house dust mite induced allergic airway disease and schistosomiasis Natalie E. Nieuwenhuizen, H.H. Ndlovu, F. Kirstein, R. Hurdayal, F. Brombacher; Berlin, Germany
P3.08.13 - Differential mechanisms of contact hypersensitivity development to dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) in rats Aleksandra Popov Aleksandrov, I. Mirkov, J. Djokic, M. Ninkov, D. Miljkovic, D. Kataranovski, M. Kataranovski; Belgrade, Serbia
P3.08.14 - A novel strategy for integrating gene expression profiles derived from multiple publicly available datasets highlights novel hub genes and pathways in mouse models of allergic asthma MIchela Riba, J.M. Garcia-Manteiga, B. Bosnjak, M.M. Epstein, E. Stupka; Milan, Italy
P3.08.15 - Expression of cytokines and transcription factors in CD4+ T cell in myasthenia gravis V. Yilmaz, P. Oflazer, F. Aysal, Y.G. Parman, F. Deymeer, Güher Saruhan-Direskeneli; Istanbul, Turkey
P3.08.16 - MiRNA expression and function in CD4 T cells from asthmatic airways Laura J. Simpson, G. Seumois, P. Vijayanand, P. Woodruff, M. Ansel; San Francisco, United States
P3.08.17 - Differences in the polarization of the inflammatory response of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) secondary to smoking and to biomass smoke exposure Helena Solleiro-Villavicencio, M.I. Vargas-Rojas, A. Ramírez- Venegas, R.H. Sansores-Martínez, M. Velázquez-Uncal, O. Pérez-Bautista, R. Quintana, R. Falfán-Valencia, I. Pupko-Sissa; Mexico City, Mexico
P3.08.18 - Transgenic Expression of Survivin Compensates the OX40-Deficiency in Driving Th2 Development and Allergic Inflammation Jim Song, D. Lei, R. Haque; Hershey, United States
P3.08.19 - Resistin, Tumor Necrosis Factor-α and Insulin Resistance in Normal Pregnancy Abdolreza Sotoodeh Jahromi, F. Mehdizadeh; Jahrom, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P3.08.20 - Identifying the T helper cell population involved in class-switching to IgE Sharrada Subramaniam, J. He, L. Jones, M. Curotto de Lafaille; Singapore, Singapore
P3.08.21 - Retrogenic expression of human TCR in HLA-DR4 transgenic NOG mice Takeshi Takahashi, I. Katano, R. Ito, M. Ito; Kawasaki, Japan
P3.08.22 - The effect of toll-like receptor 4 on the development of acquired immunity against Salmonella infection Panagiotis Tourlomousis, P. Mastroeni, K.A. Fitzgerald, D.J. Maskell, C.E. Bryant; Cambridge, United Kingdom
P3.08.23 - Formation of the utero-(pre) placental blood flow in pregnant women with threatened abortion in early pregnancy due to impaired immune-hormonal homeostasis Iryna I. Voronova, T.N. Demina; Donetsk, Ukraine
P3.08.24 - Myofibroblast Apoptosis, Removal from the Lungs and Attenuation of Fibrosis by FasL+ Immune Cells Shulamit B. Wallach-Dayan, L. Elkayam, R. Golan-Gerstl, R. Breuer; Jerusalem, Israel
P3.08.25 - Impact of immunosuppressive drugs on killing capacity and cytokine production of BKV-specific T cells Benjamin J.D. Weist; Berlin, Germany
P3.08.26 - Bromodomain-Containing-Protein 4 (BRD4) Regulates RNA Polymerase II Serine 2 Phosphorylation in Human CD4+ T Cells Joe, poh sheng Yeong, W. Zhang, P. Celine, C. Sum, N. Thiessen, S. Jones, S. Pettersson, S. Knapp, H. Yang, K. Chin; Singapore, Singapore - Moved to August 26 in P2.12: Signaling in immune cells in pag. 205
P3.08.27 - Effect of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) on some cytokines production of rats Alireza Zamani, I. Salehi, K. Ghazikhanlou Sani; Hamadan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P3.13 REGULATORY T CELLS: BASIC ASPECTS Session Time: Sunday, August 25, 13:20 - 15:00 299
P3.13.01 - Increased CD8+ regulatory T cells in breast cancer F. Riazi-Rad, Z. Saraf, R. Omranipour, M. Alimohammadian, Soheila Ajdary; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P3.13.02 - Regulatory T cells during tumor development in the APCmin/+ mouse model of colon cancer Paulina Akeus, V. Langenes, A. von Mentzer, S. Raghavan, M. Quiding-Järbrink; Gothenburg, Sweden
Posters - August 25 301
P3.13.03 - Asymptomatic Leishmania major-infected individuals exhibit lower frequency of regulatory T cells compared to the healed individuals Mohammad Hossein Alimohammadian, F. Bahrami, H. Darabi, F. Riazi-Rad, V. Khaze, S. Ajdary; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P3.13.04 - Analysis of the Treg cell proteome by differential quantitative mass spectrometry Melanie Barra, D. Richards, J. Hansson, M. Delacher, J. Krijgsveld, M. Feuerer; Heidelberg, Germany
P3.13.05 - Association between SNP rs 2234711 and tuberculosis Behnoush Beiranvand, S. abediankenari, M. Rezaei, E. beiranvand; Ahvaz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P3.13.06 - Prolactin Effect in Cd4+Cd25hicd127low/- Regulatory T Cell Function in Human Francisco Blanco-Favela, V. Legorreta-Haquet, K. Chávez-Rueda, E. Montoya-Diaz, L. Chavez-Sanchez, L. Arriaga-Pizano, E. ZentenoGalindo; México City, Mexico
P3.13.07 - Regulatory T-cells of mouse display distinctive surface glycosylation patterns and enhanced responsiveness to lectin-induced proliferation Joana Cabral, S. Hanley, J. Gerlach, L. Lokesh, T. Ritter, R. Ceredig, M.D. Griffin; Galway, Ireland
P3.13.08 - Immunological consequences of HIV co-infection with M. Leprae Karina I. Carvalho, F.R. Bruno, J. Tomimori, L. Nogueira, E. Moreira, E. Cunha-Neto, M.B. Xavier, J. Kalil, D. Nixon, E.G. Kallas; São Paulo, Brazil
P3.13.09 - PDCD5 negatively regulates autoimmunity by upregulating FOXP3+ regulatory T cells and suppressing Th17 and Th1 responses J. Xiao, C. Liu, G. Li, J. Hu, Y. Zhang, D. Ma, Yingyu Chen; Beijing, China
P3.13.10 - The endocannabinoid 2-Arachidonoylglycerol potentiates Foxp3 expression and Regulatory T cell functions through its metabolism Valerio Chiurchiu, M. Lanuti, M. De Bardi, N. Battista, E. Bisicchia, G. Borsellino, M. Maccarrone, L. Battistini; Rome, Italy
P3.13.11 - Altered expression of miR-146a and miR-155 in Th2 and IgG expressing B cells in the autoimmune disease pemphigus foliaceus Gabriel A. Cipolla, M. Petzl-Erler; Curitiba, Brazil
P3.13.12 - DX5+ CD4+ T cells modulate CD4+ T-cell response via inhibition of IL-12 production by DCs Hanane el Bannoudi, W.G. Han, J.N. Stoop, P. Louis-Plence, T.W.J. Huizinga, R.E.M. Toes; Leiden, Netherlands
P3.13.13 - T regulatory cells in cancer Eyad Elkord; Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
P3.13.14 - Regulatory T cells in acute lymphoblastic leukemia Mariana H. Garcia Hernandez, S. Godina Gonzalez, M.N. Medina Rosales; Zacatecas, Mexico
P3.13.15 - T Lymphocyte-mediated suppression of murine granulopoiesis by oral allergen pretreatment of sensitized/challenged mice Maria Gaspar-Elsas, T. Queto, B. de Luca, B. Vieira, C.L.C.A. Silva, R.A. Luz, R. Ferreira, P.P. Xavier-Elsas, D. Masid-de-Brito; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P3.13.16 - Augmented levels of CD4+CD25high Treg cells in peripheral blood of patients with acute and chronic brucellosis Hadi Ghazanfari, N. Hassannejad, A. Bahador, A. Bahador, J. Hajati; Isfahan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P3.13.17 - Association of circulating regulatory T cell number with the incidence and prognosis of diffuse large B cell lymphoma Magdalena Głowala-Kosi ska, A. Chwieduk, J. Nieckula, M. Sadu -Wojciechowska, S. Grosicki, A. Rusin, E. Nowara, S. Giebel; Gliwice, Poland
P3.13.18 - Maintenance of memory regulatory T cells in peripheral tissues Iris K. Gratz, M.D. Rosenblum, H. Truong, M.M. Maurano, A.K. Abbas; San Francisco, United States
P3.13.19 - Beta2 adrenergic receptor signaling in CD4+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells enhances their suppressive function in vitro Marcia G. Guereschi, L.P. Araujo, J.T. Maricato, M.C. Takenaka, V.M. Nascimento, B.C. Vivanco, V.O. Reis, A.C. Keller, A.S. Basso; São Paulo, Brazil
P3.13.20 - Role of cutatneous regulatory T cells in regulation of immune homeostasis and contact hypersensitivity reaction in the skin Sho Hanakawa, A. Kitoh, Y. Miyachi, K. Kabashima; Kyoto, Japan
P3.13.21 - Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling identifies hypomethylated genes with the Forkhead-binding motif in human regulatory T cells Y. Zhang, J. Maksimovic, G. Naselli, J. Qian, M.E. Blewitt, A. Oshlack, Leonard C. Harrison; Melbourne, Australia
Posters - August 25 320
P3.13.22 - Identification of PLAU as a critical gene for the suppressive function of memory-like CD4+ regulatory T cells Feng He, H. Chen, M. Probst-Kepper, R. Geffers, S. Eifes, A. del Sol, K. Schughart, A. Zeng, R. Balling; Esch-Belval, Luxembourg
P3.13.23 - CD2-mediated regulation of peripheral CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cell apoptosis accompanied by downregulation of Bim Yuji Kashiwakura, D. Sakurai, Y. Kanno, M. Hashiguchi, A. Kobayashi, A. Kurosu, S. Tokudome, T. Kobata, H. Kojima; Mibu, Shimotsuga, Tochigi, Japan
P3.13.24 - Diurnal changes in trafficking receptor expression on thymus-deriving natural regulatory T cells Ewelina Kiernozek, A. Kowalik, K. Niedzielska, M. Markowska, N. Drela; Warsaw, Poland
P3.13.25 - Dexamethasone dose-dependent effect on nTreg generation in vitro in thymocytes co-cultures with JAWSII cells Anna Kowalik, K. Gugala, E. Kiernozek, E. Kozlowska, N. Drela; Warsaw, Poland
P3.13.26 - Donor-specific regulatory t cells generated on donor b cells are superior to CD4+CD25high cells in controlling alloimmune responses in humanized mice Young-Seon Lee, F. Noyan, M. Hardtke-Wolenski, A. Knoefel, R. Taubert, U. Baron, M.P. Manns, E. Jaeckel; Hannover, Germany
P3.13.27 - TIP60 Positively Regulates ThPOK-Mediated Repression of Eomesodermin in Human CD4+ T Cells Bin Li, Y. Li; Shanghai, China
P3.13.28 - The effects of 5-azacytidine on the enhancement of CD4+CD25highFOXP3+ T cells from the cultures of human CD4+CD25- T cells Chun-Hao Lu, C. Wu, M. Kuo; Taoyuan, Taiwan
P3.13.29 - Ctirical roles of the transcriptional regulator IκB-ζ in regulatory T cells Takashi Maruyama, T. Muta; Sendai, Japan
P3.13.30 - Differential sialylation dictates the fate of regulatory T cells Santiago P. Mendez Huergo, T. D´Alotto Moreno, M. Toscano, J.P. Cerliani, D.O. Croci, K. Mariño, G.A. Rabinovich; Buenos Aires, Argentina
P3.13.31 - Thymic precursors of T regulatory cells are resistant to caspase/granzyme B mediated degradation of Linker for activation of T cells M. Klossowicz, B. Scirka, K. Marek-Bukowiec, P. Kisielow, Arkadiusz Miazek; Wroclaw, Poland
P3.13.32 - Effect of gestational age and mode of delivery on CD4+ T cells and regulatory T cells (Treg) in neonatal cord blood Dhriti Mukhopadhyay, L. Weaver, R. Tobin, D. Jupiter, M.K. Newell-Rogers, L. Perger; Temple, United States
P3.13.33 - Adenosine production through CD39 and CD73 mediates development of sepsis-induced immunossupression via A2a receptor Daniele C.B. Nascimento, P.H. Melo, R.G. Ferreira, R.S. Peres, D.S. Zamboni, F.Q. Cunha, J.F. Alves-Filho; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P3.13.34 - CD4+ regulatory T lymphocytes in preeclamptic women and in their newborns: preliminary results David Felipe Navarro Barquín, L. Daza Benitez, S. López Briones, A. Macías Rocha, P. González; León de los Aldamas, Mexico
P3.13.35 - The influence of regulatory T cells on the response to the measles and DTP vaccines in Gambian infants Jorjoh Ndure, F. Noho-Konteh, J. Adetifa, S. Rowland-Jones, E. Clarke, J. Sutherland, H. Whittle, M. Plebanski, M. Ota, K. Flanagan; Banjul, Gambia
P3.13.36 - Homeostatic competition of regulatory T cells in the peripheral compartment of syngeneic and semi-allogeneic hosts Jeane S. Nogueira, C.F.C.G. Nunes, F.B. Canto, P.H.O. Vianna, M.M.C. Ferreira, A. Nóbrega, M. Bellio, R. Fucs; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P3.13.37 - Regulatory T cells are preferentially preserved over non-Tregs within neonatal-derived T cells present in adult mice Caroline F. Nunes, J.S. Nogueira, F.B. Canto, P. Vianna, M. Martins, M. Bellio, A. Nóbrega, J. Mengel, R. Fucs; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P3.13.38 - Identification of an endogenous subpopulation of regulatory CD8+ T cells specific for a tissue-restricted tumor associated antigen in tumor-bearing TRAMP mice Sara Martina Parigi, N. Rigamonti, E. Degl’Innocenti, E. Jachetti, M. Grioni, M. Bellone; Milan, Italy
P3.13.39 - CD39 is highly involved in mediating the suppressive activity of tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T regulatory lymphocytes Alessia Parodi, F. Battaglia, F. Kalli, F. Ferrera, G. Conteduca, G. Borgonovo, P. Traverso, G. Carmignani, D. Fenoglio, G. Filaci; Genova, Italy
P3.13.40 - The hunt for a natural regulatory T cell ligand Matt Phillips, J. Scott-Browne, J. Kappler, P. Marrack; Denver, United States
Posters - August 25 339
P3.13.41 - CD8+ regulatory T cells recognize donor MHC class II-derived immunomodulatory epitopes in an allotransplantation model E. Picarda, S. Bézie, A. Delhumeau, K. Renaudin, E. Mérieau, I. Anegon, Carole Guillonneau; Nantes, France
P3.13.42 - Interferon-alpha plays complex roles in human regulatory T cell deprogramming into Th1-like cells Silvia Piconese, Y. Pacella, E. Timperi, D. Accapezzato, G. Labbadia, V. Barnaba; Rome, Italy
P3.13.43 - Inducible IL-10 secreting CD49b+Treg cells as cell based-therapy for rheumatoid arthritis Julie Quentin, R. Vicente, D. Martire, A. Mausset-Bonnefont, C. Jorgensen, P. Louis-Plence; Montpellier, France
P3.13.44 - Systems analysis of innate activation reveals IL-1 family members as key modulators of T cells susceptibility to regulation and novel targets for therapeutic intervention Giorgio Raimondi, Y.T. Nicholson, C. Ziraldo, R. Starzl, S. Schneeberger, A.W. Thomson, G. Brandacher, Y. Vodovotz; Baltimore, United States
P3.13.45 - CD39 expression on Treg cells is genetically determined and can be further modulated upon activation Anne Rissiek, A. Cuapio, I. Baumann, A. Dodge-Khatami, P.C. Arck, F. Koch-Nolte, F. Haag, E. Tolosa; Hamburg, Germany
P3.13.46 - ART2 blockade during cell preparation preserves the vitality and function of Tregs and iNKT cells Björn Rissiek, W. Danquah, F. Haag, F. Koch-Nolte; Hamburg, Germany
P3.13.47 - miR-21 transfection can differentiate human naïve T cells to regulatory phenotype Eisa Salehi, H. Namdari, M. Ghayedi, P. Rahimzadeh, S. Mortezagholi, Z. Gheflati, J. Hajati, B. Dolatshah Earaghi; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P3.13.48 - Nr4a nuclear orphan receptors are essential for thymic regulatory T cell development and immune homeostasis Takashi Sekiya, A. Yoshimura; Tokyo, Japan
P3.13.49 - CD8+CD122+CD49d- regulatory T cells maintain immune homeostasis by Fas/FasL pathway-mediated killing of activated T cells Haruhiko Suzuki, K. Akane, K. Isobe; Nagoya, Japan
P3.13.50 - Regulatory T cells in peripheral blood and tissue of active generalized vitiligo Manoj K. Tembhre, V.K. Sharma, A. Sharma, P. Chattopadhyay, S. Gupta; New Delhi, India
P3.13.51 - Characterization of the role of hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase in regulatory T cells Yasser Thabet, E. Schönfeld, M. Mai, T. Sadlon, K. Subbaramaiah, A.J. Dannenberg, T. Sparwasser, S.C. Barry, J.L. Schultze, M. Beyer; Bonn, Germany
P3.13.52 - Regulatory T cell plasticity in HCV-related liver inflammation and tumor Eleonora Timperi, Y. Pacella, M. Rossi, G. Grazi, S. Brozzetti, V. Barnaba, S. Piconese; Roma, Italy
P3.13.53 - Application of novel Brilliant Violet™ fluorophores for multicolor flow cytometric analysis: phenotyping of regulatory T cells and conventional T cell subsets by surface and intracellular staining Carsten Wiethe, E. Tolosa, D. Nguyen, J. Ransom, C. Monell, X. Xiang, N. Jiang, G. Lay; San Diego, United States
P3.13.54 - PPAR-alpha deficiency modulates Treg cell functions and contributes to inhibit tumor growth in mice Akadiri Yessoufou, A. Hichami, F. Salvadori, K. Moutairou, W. Wahli, N.A. Khan; Cotonou, Benin
P4.01 IMMUNITY TO VIRUS INFECTION Session Time: Sunday, August 25, 13:20 - 15:00 353
P4.01.001 - T-and B-cell responses to human rhinovirus infection Alar Aab, W. van de Veen, S. Söllner, O. Wirz, B. Stanic, M. Akdis, C. Akdis; Davos Platz, Switzerland
P4.01.002 - Tax-1-mediated HTLV-1 replication and NF-kB activation is inhibited by the MHC-II transactivator CIITA R. Abdallah, G. Forlani, Roberto S. Accolla, G. Tosi; Varese, Italy
P4.01.003 - Detection of the autoimmunity in primary Epstein-Barr virus infection by indirect immunofluorescence A. Sener, Ilhan Afsar, H. Er, B. Karaayak Uzun, S. Kaya; Izmir, Turkey
P4.01.004 - Human cytomegalovirus UL141 targets the TRAIL death receptors to inhibit host NK cell responses Rebecca J. Aicheler, P. Tomasec, W. Smith, E.C.Y. Wang, R.J. Stanton, C.A. Benedict, G.W. Wilkinson; Cardiff, United Kingdom
P4.01.005 - ERAP deficiency leads to absence of anti-influenza immune response to known immunodominant HLA-B27 peptide Ali Akram, R. Inman; Toronto, Canada
Posters - August 25 358
P4.01.006 - NF-kappaB1 is required for virus-specific CD8+ T cell responses, and prevents excessive inflammation and lethality during chronic infection Cody C. Allison, R. Gugasyan, S.P. Preston, J.P. Cooney, J.G. Toe, G. Ebert, M. Pellegrini; Melbourne, Australia
P4.01.007 - CD56+CD3+ T cells in relation to CMV infection in normal subjects and kidney transplant patients Mazen M. Almehmadi, S. Christams, B. Flangan, S. Heyworth, A. Hammad; Liverpool, United Kingdom
P4.01.008 - Involvement of NK cells in the acute lung injury of H1N1 influenza infection X. Zhang, W. Deng, L. Bao, M. Wen, B. Cao, C. Wang, Yunqing An; Beijing, China
P4.01.009 - Human cytomegalovirus viral IL-10 polarizes monocytes towards a deactivated M2c phenotype to repress host immune responses Selmir Avdic, J.Z. Cao, B.P. MsSharry, L.E. Clancy, R. Brown, M. Steain, D.J. Gottlieb, A. Abendroth, B. Slobedman; Sydney, Australia
P4.01.010 - Quantitation of mRNA cytokine levels in ferrets following influenza infection L.A. Carolan, J. Butler, S. Rockman, A.C. Hurt, A. Kelso, Ian G. Barr, K.L. Laurie; North Melbourne, Australia
P4.01.011 - Reproducibility of Pentamer and Streptamer staining of CMV-specific CD8+ T-cells: defining the optimal multimer concentration and incubation conditions Lorea Beloki, N. Ramirez, M. Ciaurriz, C. Mansilla, A. Zabalza, E. Bandres, M. Rodriguez-Calvillo, E. Olavarria; Pamplona, Spain
P4.01.012 - KIR2DL2 overexpression influences NK cell response to CpG Daria Bortolotti, A. Rotola, D. Di Luca, R. Rizzo; Ferrara, Italy
P4.01.013 - HLA-G influences nasal polyp relapse in HPV positive patients R. Rizzo, Daria Bortolotti, N. Malagutti, V. Gentili, A. Rotola, T. Pezzolo, C. Fabbri, C. Aimoni, S. Pelucchi, D. Di Luca; Ferrara, Italy
P4.01.014 - Beta-amyloidogenic peptides protect against Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (HSV-1) infections Karine Bourgade-Navarro, G. Giroux, C. Bocti, A. Le Page, G. Dupuis, E.H. Frost, T. Fülöp; Sherbrooke, Canada
P4.01.015 - HSV-1 infection causes reduced surface expression of MHCII and co-stimulatory molecules on infected DC and suppressed T cell activation in vitro Ramachandramouli Budida, M.V. Stankov, K. Doehner, A. Buch, B. Sodeik, G.M.N. Behrens; Hannover, Germany
P4.01.016 - Lethal immune mediated-disease after LCMV infection in STAT1 KO mice requires interferon regulatory factor 7 and is driven by type I interferon Iain L. Campbell, W. Li, M.J. Hofer; Sydney, Australia
P4.01.017 - Influenza vaccination leads to dramatic redistribution of lymph node resident dendritic cells into inter-follicular regions M.C. Woodruff, S. Turley, Michael C. Carroll; Boston, United States
P4.01.019 - Rapid T cell activation following Epstein-Barr virus transformed lymphoblastoid cell line co-culture with peripheral blood mononuclear cells from cytomegalovirus positive but Epstein-Barr virus naïve children Claudia Carvalho-Queiroz, S. Saghafian-Hedengren, N. Nagy, C. Nilsson, E. Sverremark-Ekström; Stockholm, Sweden
P4.01.020 - Seroprevalence against pandemic influenza virus A/H1N1/2009 in pregnant women Arturo Cérbulo-Vázquez, G. Cruz-Cureño, I. Garate-Bosco, C. López Macías, A. Isibasi, L. Arriaga-Pizano, J. Mancilla; Mexico City, Mexico
P4.01.021 - Role of CD48 in regulation of T-cell mediated immunity in HTLV-1 infection Chioma E. Chibueze, Y. White, M. Yoshimitsu, K. Uozumi, N. Arima; Kagoshima, Japan
P4.01.022 - Identification of Antiviral-related Genes Up-regulated in Response to Bombyx mori Nucleopolyhedrovirus T. Goo, S. Kim, Kwangho Choi, S. Kim, S. Park, S. Kang, E. Yun; Suwon, Korea, Republic of
P4.01.024 - Cross-reactive antibodies to swine influenza viruses in adults after vaccination with trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in Korea Jang-Hoon Choi, N. Lee, K. Shin, C. Kang; Osong-eup, Korea, Republic of
P4.01.025 - Pentamers and streptamers for the monitoring of CMV-specific CD8+ T-cell immune reconstitution after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: a comparative analysis Miriam Ciaurriz, N. Ramirez, L. Beloki, C. Mansilla, A. Zabalza, E. Bandres, M. Rodriguez, E. Olavarria; Pamplona, Spain
P4.01.026 - Targeted PGE2 inhibition enhances anti-influenza immunity through induction of type I IFN in Macrophages Maziar Divangahi, F. Coulombe, J. Jaworska, M. Verway, F. Tzalepis, G. Kobinger, P. Joubert, J.H. Fritz, Z. Xing, W.S. Powell; Montreal, Canada
Posters - August 25 377
P4.01.027 - Serological survey of BTV in Morocco Kamar Drif, O. Fassi Fihri, C. Loutfi, G. Sebbar, M. Moulay Ennaji, M. Elharrak; Rabat, Morocco
P4.01.028 - Prevalence of human papillomavirus subtypes in breast cancer in Moroccan woman Amal Elamrani, M. Ennaji, M. Benhassou, M. Attaleb, M. Mzibri, M. Corbex, M. Tomassino, T. Gheit, M. Khyatti; Casablanca, Morocco
P4.01.029 - Lung CD8+ T cell impairment during acute viral respiratory infection is associated with a unique gene expression profile John J. Erickson, P. Lu, P. Gilchuk, S. Joyce, Y. Shyr, J.V. Williams; Nashville, United States
P4.01.030 - The complement system has a critical role in the inflammatory reaction that follows influenza virus infection Santiago F. Gonzalez, C. Herndon, J. Ortin, M. Carroll; Bellinzona, Switzerland
P4.01.031 - Human cytomegalovirus directly supress CD4 T-lymfocyte activation and proliferation Olesja Fornara, J. Odeberg, Z. Khan, G. Stragliotto, I. Peredo, L. Butler, C. Söderberg Nauclér; Stockholm, Sweden
P4.01.032 - Narrowing of influenza A virus specific T-cell receptor alpha and beta repertoire with increasing age A. Gil, M.B. Yassai, Y.N. Naumov, Liisa K. Selin; Worcester, United States
P4.01.033 - Study of humoral immune response in patients with tick-borne encephalitis against the background of virus circulation Anatoliy P. Godovalov, L.P. Bykova; Perm, Russian Federation
P4.01.034 - Some liquorogic features of meningeal form of tick-borne encephalitis Anatoliy P. Godovalov, L.P. Bykova; Perm, Russian Federation
P4.01.035 - EBV infection leads to activation of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells and worsen clinical prognosis in CLL patients J. Rolinski, Ewelina Grywalska, A. Bojarska-Junak, P. Grabarczyk; Lublin, Poland
P4.01.036 - Activation of type III interferon response by human paramyxovirus infection Maria Guerrero-Plata, R. Banos-Lara, L. Harvey, A. Mendoza; Baton Rouge, United States
P4.01.037 - Influenza virus NS1 protein counteracts ZAPS function to evade RIG-I-mediated antiviral defence Sumio Hayakawa, T. Kameyama, T. Yamada, A. Takaoka; Sapporo, Japan
P4.01.038 - Virus-associated activation of innate immunity induces rapid disruption of Peyer’s patches in mice Simon Heidegger, D. Anz, N. Stephan, B. Bohn, T. Herbst, K. Eisenächer, C. Hotz, S. Endres, C. Bourquin; Munich, Germany
P4.01.039 - Aged-related changes in the immune response to influenza infection Esteban A. Hernandez-Vargas, T. Ebensen, S. Binder, C. Guzman, M. Meyer-Hermann; Braunschweig, Germany
P4.01.040 - Myeloid derived supressor cells restrain Natural Killer cell activity in CVB3 myocarditis Lisa M. Holz, M. Sauter, N. Ettischer, R. Kandolf, K. Klingel; Tuebingen, Germany
P4.01.041 - Influenza-specific B cell response in the human challenge model for influenza A virus Arthur K.Y. Huang, C. Li, C. Chui, T. Wilkinson, R. Lambkin-Williams, A. Gilbert, J. Oxford, A.J. McMichael, X. Xu; Taoyuan, Taiwan
P4.01.042 - Inhibition of monocyte differentiation into dendritic cells by HTLV-I-infected breast milk macrophages Shinichiro Inagaki, M. Takahashi, Y. Fukunaga, H. Takahashi; Tokyo, Japan
P4.01.043 - Dengue and other flavi virus specific T cell specific responses in healthy individuals in Sri Lanka Kamal C. Jeewandara, G.N. Malavige, T.N. Adikari, M. Salimi, M.H.J.D. Ariyaratne, M. Peellawate, V. Jayasuriya, G.S. Ogg; Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
P4.01.045 - Release of interleukin-1alpha from herpes simplex virus 1 infected keratinocytes provides a functional danger signal K.A. Milora, Liselotte E. Jensen; Philadelphia, United States
P4.01.046 - Elevated plasma soluble Sema4D/CD100 level in patients with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome: positive correlation with disease severity Boquan Jin, B. Liu, Y. Ma, J. Yi, Z. Xu, Y. Zhang, C. Zhang, R. Zhuang, J. Wang, Y. Zhang; Xi’an, China
P4.01.047 - Evaluation of the immune response of live attenuated mumps vaccines (RS-12 strain) produced with different stabilizers in guinea pigs Razieh Kamali Jamil, Z. Sadigh, M. Taqavian, M. Shahkarami, F. Esna-Ashari; Karaj, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Posters - August 25 397
P4.01.048 - A NK complex-linked locus restricts the spread of Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) in the central nervous system (CNS) of C57BL/6 mice Lorne F. Kastrukoff, A.S. Lau, F. Takei, A.A. Scalzo, F.R. Carbone; Vancouver, Canada
P4.01.049 - The importance of cross-strain protective human TCR signatures for universal immunity against influenza S. Valkenburg, S. Quinones Parra, L. Loh, S. Gras, L. Kedzierski, J. Rossjohn, P.C. Doherty, S. Turner, P.G. Thomas, Katherine Kedzierska; Parkville, Australia
P4.01.050 - T cell mediated mortality in neonatal mice upon LCMV infection Laurie L. Kenney, E.P. Carter, L.K. Selin; Worcester, United States
P4.01.051 - Association between IL-28B(rs12979860) polymorphisms of interferon-λ (IFN- λ) family with Hepatitis C virus infection outcome Rezvan Khajavi, A. Rafiei; Sari, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.01.052 - Regulatory T cells in persistently virus infected hosts influenced immune responses against superinfection with unrelated viruses J. Duppach, S. Francois, T. Sparwasser, U. Dittmer, Anke R.M. Kraft; Hannover, Germany
P4.01.053 - Granzyme B mediated T-cell immunity against small DNA viruses Arun Kumar, A. Kantele, L. Hedman, K. Hedman, R. Franssila; Helsinki, Finland
P4.01.054 - TLRs expression dynamics in patients with herpes-associated erythema multiforme due to immunotherapy E.A. Sorokina, N.K. Akhmatova, S. Skhodova, Olga V. Lebedinskaya; Perm, Russian Federation
P4.01.055 - Interferon-γ regulates contraction of the influenza-specific CD8 T cell response and limits the size of the memory population N. Prabhu, Debbie C.P. Lee, A.W. Ho, K.H.S. Wong, P.E. Hutchinson, Y. Chua, S. Baalasubramanian, D.M. Kemeny; Singapore, Singapore
P4.01.056 - Regulation of inducible expression of syncytin-1 following influenza A/WSN/33 virus infection Fang Li, C. Nellåker, A. Johansson, B. Owe-Larsson, S. Sabunciyan, H. Karlsson; Stockholm, Sweden
P4.01.057 - Profile of NAb responses in HIV-1-infected individuals in China and epitope analysis of viral envelope from broad neutralizers C. Ren, S. Liu, Y. Li, H. Yu, J. Wang, Z. Chen, F. Sun, W. Liu, S. Liang, P. Zhong, M. Zhuang, Hong Ling; Harbin, China
P4.01.058 - Delivery of human EV71 receptor by adeno-associated virus increase EV71 infection in adult mice Shih-Jen Liu, H. Shiao, A. Chou, S. Lin, I. Chen, P. Chong, M. Tao; Miaoli County, Taiwan
P4.01.059 - Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-induced IP-10/CXCL-10 production is augmented by Fas activation Caitriona Lyons, R. Moran, A. Houston, E. Brint; Cork, Ireland
P4.01.060 - Contribution of Hantaan virus-specific CD4+ T cells to anti-viral T-cell response in humans Ying Ma, B. Yuan, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, B. Liu, C. Zhang, R. Zhuang, B. Jin; Xi’an, China
P4.01.061 - CD200R1 is required for sustained HSV-1 infection and for HSV-induced and TLR2-dependent response Christopher R. MacKay, E. Kurt-Jones; Worcester, United States
P4.01.062 - α-defensin-induced MxA expression in healthy human periodontal tissue Rangsini Mahanonda, N. Sa-Ard-Iam, P. Rerkyen, A. Thitithanyanont, K. Subbalekha, S. Pichyangkul; Bangkok, Thailand
P4.01.063 - Immflammation in Influenza A H1N1 pandemic virus Pamela Martinez-Orellana, R. Almansa, B. Bidana, L. Cordoba, J. Martínez, J. Bermejo-Martin, M. Montoya; Barcelona, Spain
P4.01.064 - Strategies eliciting cross-reactive CD8+ T cell immunity by increasing cross presentation of nonreplicating viral immunogens Carmela Martire, B. Garulli, G. Di Mario, M.R. Castrucci, V. Barnaba, D. Accapezzato; Rome, Italy
P4.01.065 - mTOR-dependent regulation of mucosal CD8 T cell immunity R.T. Sowell, M. Rogozinska, C.E. Nelson, V. Vezys, Amanda L. Marzo; Chicago, United States
P4.01.066 - mTOR regulates protection against a lethal H5N1 influenza infection by modulating the antibody response Maureen A. McGargill, R. Keating, T. Hertz, M. Wehenkel, T.L. Harris, B.A. Edwards, J.L. McClaren, S.A. Brown, P.C. Doherty, P. Thomas; Memphis, United States
P4.01.067 - Influence of the factors OCT3/4, SOX2, KLF4 or c-Myc on cell transformation promoted by the oncoprotein tax from HTLV-I Gustavo E.A.B. Melo, K.T. Jeang, L. Zane, E.R. Vieira; Diamantina, Brazil
Posters - August 25 417
P4.01.069 - Immune deficiency in newborns and infants with cytomegalovirus infections Nushaba O. Mollayeva; Baku, Azerbaijan
P4.01.070 - APOBEC3 deaminases induce hypermutation in human papillomavirus 16 viral genomic DNA upon interferon-β stimulation Masamichi Muramatsu, Z. Wang, K. Wakae, K. Kitamura, M. Nakamura, S. Kyo, I. Kukimoto; Kanazawa, Japan
P4.01.071 - Rapid method to screen for CMV, EBV, and AdV specific T cells in multiple samples Michaela Niemöller, K. Lange, S. Weber-Lohmann, S. Höher-Peters, M. Assenmacher, A. Richter; Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
P4.01.072 - Polyfunctional T cells are generated concurrent with the establishment of immunodominance hierarchy during the evolution of the T cell responses to Epstein-Barr virus Jia Ning, K.H. Chan, A.K.S. Chiang; Hong Kong, China
P4.01.073 - Neuroimmunological characterization of children suffering from psychomotor retardation due to Cytomegalovirus infection E. Noris- Garcia, M. Interian, D. Padron, E. Aguero, M. Gonzalez, Giselle Penton Rol; La Havana, Cuba
P4.01.074 - Role of the FCGR2A Polymorphism in Susceptibility to Dengue in a Venezuelan Population Violeta Ogando, A. Guadarrama, E.V. Salazar, M.T. Fernandez-Mestre; Caracas, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
P4.01.075 - Poly-γ-glutamic acid, a polypeptide secreted by Bacillus sp., induces CD14-dependent type I interferon responses through the TLR4-MD2 complex W. Lee, H. Cho, Jong-Won Oh; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P4.01.076 - Phosphorylation dependent 14-3-3 protein interactions in innate immune response Tiina Öhman, S. Söderholm, P. Hintsanen, E. Välimäki, N. Lietzén, T. Aittokallio, S. Matikainen, T.A. Nyman; Helsinki, Finland
P4.01.078 - Expression of retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I)-like receptors (RLRs) in the human term placenta A. Jabło ska, P. Suski, M. Studzi ska, J. Kalinka, Edyta Paradowska; Łód , Poland
P4.01.079 - Immune response to Apeu virus (orthobunyavirus) infection in murine model Paulo C. Peregrino Ferreira, A.T. Chaves, A. Bozzi, J.G. Oliveira, F.C. Costa, J.R. Santos, O.A. Martins-Filho, E.G. Kroon, R. Correa-Oliveira; Belo Horizonte, Brazil
P4.01.080 - Vaccinia and Apeu virus activation of human double-negative T cells stimulated in vitro Paulo C. Peregrino Ferreira, F.N.A. Villani, T.E. Silva, E.G. Kroon, J.G. Oliveira, O.A. Martins-Filho, R. Correa-Oliveira; Belo Horizonte, Brazil
P4.01.081 - Mkk4 is not essential for negative selection but is required for optimal T cell activation and function during acute but not chronic infection Simon P. Preston, J.P. Cooney, M. Pellegrini; Melbourne, Australia
P4.01.082 - Human APOBEC3 cytidine deaminases: not simply antiviral defense? Ann-Mareen Räthe, T. Kehl, M. Löchelt; Heidelberg, Germany
P4.01.083 - An evidence for the pathogenic role for virus-specific T cells in the mouse model of coxsackievirus B3-induced myocarditis A. Gangaplara, C. Massilamany, D. Steffen, A. Pattnaik, S. Huber, Jay Reddy; Lincoln, United States
P4.01.084 - Effects of inoculum size on memory T cell inflation during cytomegalovirus infection Anke Redeker, S.P.M. Welten, R. Arens; Leiden, Netherlands
P4.01.085 - Investigation of ELISA and PCR for diagnosis of Infectious Mononucleosis R.T.S.S. Roghanian, R.T.S.S. Roghanian, Rasoul T.S.S. Roghanian; Isfahan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.01.086 - Virus detection within leucocytes of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) by flow cytometry Anita Rønneseth, G.T. Haugland, H.I. Wergeland; Bergen, Norway
P4.01.087 - Human papillomavirus-associated induction of human β-defensins in cervical intraepithelial lesions Cristina D. Rusanu, I. Iancu, A. Botezatu, I. Huica, G. Anton; Bucharest, Romania
P4.01.088 - PD-1 induces anti-viral T cell motility paralysis: the immunological synapse perspective. Catarina Sacristan, M. Cammer, B.H. Zinselmeyer, S. Heydari, D. Nayak, J. Herz, X. Cheng, S.J. Davis, M.L. Dustin, D.B. McGavern; New York, United States
P4.01.089 - Immunologic response among adults infected by different HIV-1 Subtypes who on anti-retroviral drugs in Northern Tanzania Elichilia R.P.N. Shao, B.M.R. Nyombi, J.B. Sabuni; Moshi, Tanzania, United Republic of
Posters - August 25 437
P4.01.090 - Development of a new generation smallpox vaccines Sergei N. Shchelkunov, R. Maksyutov, I. Kolosova, S. Yakubitskiy, E. Gavrilova, G. Shchelkunova; Koltsovo, Russian Federation
P4.01.091 - Plasticity of uterine Natural Killer cells during maternal cytomegalovirus infection N. Jabrane-Ferrat, Johan Siewiera; Toulouse, France
P4.01.093 - Severe tuberculosis is associated with a mixed (Th1, Th2, Th17) defective cytokine response to Mycobacterium.tuberculosis antigens in children M. Armand, V. Chhor, A. de Lauzanne, V. Guérin-El Khourouj, B. Pédron, P. Gressens, A. Faye, Ghislaine Sterkers; Paris, France
P4.01.095 - Expression profiles of Toll-like receptors 1-10 in human placenta during viral infection Patrycja Suski, J. Kalinka, M. Studzi ska, A. Jabło ska, Z. Le nikowski, E. Paradowska; Łód , Poland
P4.01.096 - Blimp-1 as a major transcription factor for the generation and function of cytotoxic CD4 effector T cells (ThCTL) Susan L. Swain, N.B. Marshall, M.D. Brauner, K. Kuang, L. Berg; Worcester, United States
P4.01.097 - Chronic exposure to IFNα reduces T helper-dependent antiviral CD8+ T cell responses Kahina Taleb, P. Villefroy, A. Hosmalin, A. Le Bon; Paris, France
P4.01.098 - Differential cytokine and chemokine signatures produced by human innate immune cells after in vitro infection with West Nile virus isolates Andrea Teixeira-Carvalho, L.M. Espina-Gomez, C. Chancey, A. Grinev, K. Bernard, L.D. Kramer, M. Rios; Bethesda, United States
P4.01.099 - Pro-apoptotic BH3-only proteins Noxa and Bim co-operate to negatively regulate CD8+ T cells during chronic active infection Jesse G. Toe, S.P. Preston, J.P. Cooney, H.W. Scott, G. Ebert, C.C. Allison, M. Pellegrini; Melbourne, Australia
P4.01.100 - Differential Responses of Immune Cells to Type I Interferon Contribute to Host Resistance to Viral Infection T. Baranek, T. Vu Manh, Y. Alexandre, M. Maqbool, J. Cabeza, Elena Tomasello, K. Crozat, G. Bessou, M. Dalod; Marseille, France
P4.01.102 - CytoDiffTM panel allowing monitoring effectiveness of the highly active antiretroviral therapy on HIV infected patients Vadim E. Tseylikman, I. Reshetnikov, G. Bouvier, S. Kvyatkovskaya, S. Kvyatkovskaya, D. Faye, &. Mirkina, E. Gautherot, &. Shatirko, E. Sukhacheva; Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
P4.01.103 - Universal influenza vaccine requires CD4 T cells for heterosubtypic protection Sophie A. Valkenburg, O.T.W. Li, L.L.M. Poon; Pokfulam, Hong Kong
P4.01.104 - BCG restores antiviral immune response in patients with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis by affecting dendritic cell differentiation Evelina Vetskova, T. Avramov, M. Muhtarova, T. Stefanova, M. Nikolova; Sofia, Bulgaria
P4.01.105 - The influence of antibodies on the immune response to respiratory syncytial virus infection Marloes Vissers, I. Schreurs, M.I. de Jonge, R. de Groot, G. Ferwerda; Nijmegen, Netherlands
P4.01.106 - Lipopolysaccharide stimulation inhibits viral infection of human macrophages with two distinct mechanisms Marloes Vissers, K.R. Short, P.W.M. Hermans, D.A. Diavatopoulos, G. Ferwerda; Nijmegen, Netherlands
P4.01.107 - A novel RSV genetic vaccine based on chimpanzee Adenovirus and MVA vectors is safe and highly immunogenic in animal model and fully protects cotton rats and newborn calves from RSV challenge Alessandra Vitelli, A. Pierantoni, S. Capone, S. Colloca, A. Folgori, E. Scarselli, G. Taylor, M. Thom, R. Cortese, A. Nicosia; Rome, Italy
P4.01.108 - Molecular characterization of rotavirus detected in diarrhoeic children less than five years of age in Kano State, Nigeria Aminu Wada-Kura, O.S. Olonitola, S. Mijatovic-Rustempasic, M.D. Esona, A.G. Abubakar, M.D. Bowen, M. Aminu; Abuja, Nigeria
P4.01.109 - A Critical Role of IL-17 in Modulating B Cell Response During H5N1 Influenza Virus Infection Xiaohui Wang, L. Lu; Hong Kong, China
P4.01.110 - Early growth response genes (Egr) -2 and -3 are essential for the activation of naïve B and T cell and primary response against virus infection Ping Wang; London, United Kingdom
P4.01.111 - Peripheral blood monocytes in acute and stable copd have impaired responses to respiratory viruses Peter Wark, H.V. See, J. Simpson, P. Hansbro; New Lambton, Australia
Posters - August 25 456
P4.01.112 - Distinct immunity between pandemic H1N1 and seasonal H3N2 influenza infections in humans Chi-Chen Wei, L. Wang, P. Huang, K.D. Yang; ChangHua, Taiwan
P4.01.113 - Role of host and viral factors in negative antibody response of seronegative occult hepatitis B virus infection Ratna S. Wijaya, S.I. Ie, Y. A, T. Turyadi, K.E. El-Khobar, A.R. Harahap, D.H. Muljono; Tangerang, Indonesia
P4.01.114 - Viral dsRNA and ssRNA analogues directly activate mast cells to cysteinyl leukotriene generation and modulate their IgE-dependent releasability Piotr Witczak, K. Wódz, E. B bolewska, A. Słodka, E. Brzezi ska-Błaszczyk; Łód , Poland
P4.01.115 - Secondary Streptococcus pnuemoniae infection impairs the immunity to influenza virus by down-regulating the adaptive immune response Yuet Wu, K.H. Chow, P.L. Ho, W. Tu, Y.L. Lau; Hong Kong, Hong Kong
P4.01.116 - Irreversibly skewed development of B cells towards terminal stages during HIV-1 infection and resulted in their functional impairment J. Yan, C. Qiu, L. Li, C. Qiu, J. Sun, J. Xu, Xiaoyan Zhang; Shanghai, China
P4.01.117 - Immunological pressure by monoclonal antibodies targeting glycoproteins of the 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) virus drives quasi-species with increased virulence in mice Hwajung Yi, M. Lee, C. Kang; Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea, Republic of
P4.01.118 - Adaptive Immunity Restricts Replication of Novel Murine Astroviruses Christine C. Yokoyama, J. Loh, G. Zhao, T.S. Stappenbeck, D. Wang, H.V. Huang, H.W. Virgin, L.B. Thackray; Saint Louis, United States
P4.01.119 - Hepatitis C virus-infected cells induce down-regulation of natural killer cell activating receptors through modulation of receptor traffic Joo Chun Yoon, D. Choi, J. Park, J. Lee; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P4.01.120 - The roles of Interferon regulatory factor members in virus infection sensitized IDO immunomodulation Ren-In You, S. Lo, C. Yang, M. Dai, T. Chao, Ching-Liang Chu; Hualien, Taiwan
P4.01.121 - Immunogenicity of two measles-mumps-rubella vaccines in Iranian pre-school children, a randomized controlled trial Saeed Zarei, M. Jeddi-Tehrani, H. Zeraati, F. Pourheidari, A.A. Ferydonfar, J. Nasernia, B. Tavangar, Y. Vojgani, M.M. Akhondi, F. Shokri; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.01.122 - HCV-specific CD8+ T-cells are abundant in HCV-seronegatives but show private TCR repertoires Shihong Zhang, R.K. Bakshi, P. Fytili, R. Jacobs, M.P. Manns, H. Wedemeyer, A. Kraft, M. Cornberg, V. Schlaphoff; Hannover, Germany
P4.01.123 - MAP kinase phosphatase 5 targets IRF3 to regulate type I interferon production in response to influenza infection Yongliang Zhang, S.J. James, H. Teh, H. Takahshi; Singapore, Singapore
P4.01.124 - 2009 H1N1 infection primes for strong immunological memory in human nasal-associated lymphoid tissue that offers cross-reactive immunity to H1N1 and avian H5N1 viruses W. Mahallawi, A. Kasbekar, M. McCormick, K. Hoschler, N. Temperton, S.C. Leong, H. Beer, F. Ferrara, P.S. McNamara, Qibo Zhang; Liverpool, United Kingdom
P4.01.125 - Impact of vaccination route and chosen adjuvant on immune responses and host-pathogen interplay during influenza infection Vanessa Zurli, M. Taccone, M. Brazzoli, S. Gallorini, C. Galeone, A. Bonci, D. Casini, B. Baudner, S. Bertholet, A. Seubert; Siena, Italy
P4.03 HIV PATHOGENESIS AND IMMUNITY Session Time: Sunday, August 25, 13:20 - 15:00 470
P4.03.01 - The MHC class II transactivator CIITA inhibits HIV-1 replication in monocytic cells G. Forlani, E. Vicenzi, S. Ghezzi, G. Poli, Roberto S. Accolla, G. Tosi; Varese, Italy
P4.03.02 - Antinuclear antibodies in HIV infected Turkish patients Ilhan Afsar, H.H. Er, A. Sener, S. Kaya; Karabaglar/Izmir, Turkey
P4.03.03 - HLA-A68 and HLA-B15 Alleles are Correlated with Poor Immune Response to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy among Omani AIDS Patients Ali A. Al-Jabri, M. El-Beeli; Muscat, Oman
P4.03.04 - HIV infection is associated with altered monocyte subset proportion and responsiveness to LPS stimulation Thomas A. Angelovich, A. Maisa, J. Zhou, S.M. Crowe, P.M. Smooker, A.C. Hearps, A. Jaworowski; Melbourne, Australia
Posters - August 25 474
P4.03.05 - Poor handling of bacterial antigens relate to functionally defective myeloid dendritic cells in advanced stage of HIV infection Sunil K. Arora, M. Sachdeva, A. Sharma; Chandigarh, India
P4.03.06 - No association between TNF-α genetic variants and lipodystrophy in a population of HIV-infected patients from South of Spain María J. Bravo, J.D. Colmenero, M. Delgado, F. Orihuela, P. Morata, A. Alonso, A. Caballero, N. Fernández; Málaga, Spain
P4.03.07 - Increased immune activation and susceptibility to HIV-1 of CD4+ T cells in children born to HIV-1 infected women Madeleine J. Bunders, J.L. van Hamme, M.H. Jansen, K. Boer, N.A. Kootstra, T.W. Kuijpers; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P4.03.08 - Phenotypic and functional characterization of CD4 stem-cell like memory cells in rhesus macaques Emily Cartwright, C. McGary, M. Paiardini, A. Chahroudi, G. Silvestri; Atlanta, United States
P4.03.09 - Association of DC-SIGNR genotypes with dendritic cells in HIV-1 infection Omkar Chaudhary, M. Bala, J. Singh, A. Hazarika, R. Kumar, K. Luthra; New Delhi, India
P4.03.10 - Systems methodologies for understanding the pathogenesis of HIV infection Valery A. Chereshnev; Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
P4.03.11 - Antiphospholipid antibodies in perinatally HIV infected children Liudmyla Chernyshova, Y. Stepanovskiy, B. Dons’koi, V. Chernyshov; Kiev, Ukraine
P4.03.12 - Mother-to-child anti-Nef antibody passage may protect HIV-1 vertically-infected children from AIDS disease Guillermo Corró, S.A. Marino, C.A. Rocco; Buenos Aires, Argentina
P4.03.13 - Inflammatory status in residual immunodeficiency under cART in HIV-infected patients Rebeca S. de Pablo-Bernal, E. Ruiz-Mateos, J. Delgado, R. de la Rosa, M. Leal, S. Ferrando-Martinez; Sevilla, Spain
P4.03.14 - Evaluation of Monocytes and Natural Killer cells activation, inflammatory parameters in Virologically Suppressed HIV infected Maraviroc treated patients Chiara Dentone, A. Di Biagio, A. De Maria, G. Cenderello, P. Fraccaro, A. Parodi, A. Signori, F. Bozzano, G. Filaci, D. Fenoglio; Genoa, Italy
P4.03.15 - Analysis of NKG2D ligand expression and release during HIV-1 infection: implication for NKG2D-mediated immunosurveillance G. Matusali, L. Vassena, E. Giuliani, Margherita Doria; Rome, Italy
P4.03.16 - Presence of HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies during pregnancy in relation to mother-to-child transmission blocking Sheron Dzoro, K. Bedi, S. Mpoloka, A. Chaillon, R. Musonda, S. Gaseitsiwe, V. Novitsky, M. Essex, F. Barin, T. Mduluza; Gaborone, Botswana
P4.03.17 - A more pro-inflammatory environment is generated in nervous cells cultures in the simultaneous presence of HIV-1 and Toxoplasma gondii, even with lower parasite replication Edwin E. Escobar, M.A. Alfonzo; Caracas, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
P4.03.18 - Enhancement of NK polyfunctional cells upon TLR-7/8 activation is dependent of CD62L expression in HIV-1 exposed non-infected individuals Josenilson Feitosa Lima, L. Mara Silva Oliveira, G. Eimi Mitsunari, A. José Silva Duarte, M. Notomi Sato; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.03.19 - Diminished immune response of M1 and M2 macrophages derived from HIV+ patients L.J. Galvão-Lima, M.S. Espindola, L.S. Soares, M.C. Cacemiro, F.A. Zambuzi, C. Fontanari, S.K. Haddad, V.R. Bollela, Fabiani G. Frantz; Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
P4.03.20 - NetFCM: A tool for Automated Flow Cytometric Data Analysis Juliet Frederiksen, M. Buggert, J. Tauriainen, A. Karlsson, O. Lund; Lyngby, Denmark
P4.03.21 - Divergent immunological and virological profile between HCV viremic HIV-1-infected injection drug users and former blood donors in China Wenqing Geng, H. Cui, H. Sun, H. Shang; Shenyang, China
P4.03.22 - Immunomodulatory effects of HIV-1 gp120 on human dendritic cells: role of STAT3/IL-6 axis M. Del Cornò, G. Donninelli, B. Varano, A. Masotti, L. Da Sacco, Sandra Gessani; Rome, Italy
P4.03.23 - Early appearance of an age-related, activated monocyte phenotype in young HIV+ individuals Anna C. Hearps, T.A. Angelovich, A. Maisa, G.F. Lichtfuss, C. Palmer, A.L. Landay, A. Jaworowski, S.M. Crowe; Melbourne, Australia
Posters - August 25 493
P4.03.24 - Lymphocytes TCD4+ and viral load in patient with premiere of aids that receive antirretroviral treatment Dayme D. Hernandez Requejo, J.J. Perez Avila; Habana, Cuba
P4.03.25 - Expression of CX3CR1 drives pro-inflammatory M-DC8+ (“slan-DC”) monocyte and NK cell accumulation into HIV-1-infected patient spleens S. Degrelle, C. Dutertre, S. Amraoui, J. Jourdain, K. Schaekel, B. Fabiani, L. Garderet, R. Cheynier, Y. RIchard, Anne Hosmalin; Paris, France
P4.03.26 - Change of cellular immunity in patients with HIV infection and tuberculosis Shalala H. Ibrahimova; Baku, Azerbaijan
P4.03.27 - Interleukin-7 facilitates HIV-1 transmission to cervico-vaginal tissue ex vivo Andrea Introini, C. Vanpouille, A. Lisco, J. Grivel, L. Margolis; Bethesda, United States
P4.03.28 - Cytokines found to be elevated in HIV elite controllers reduce HIV replication in vitro Evan S. Jacobs, S.M. Keating, K. Anastos, H. Crystal, R.M. Greenblatt, A.L. Landay, E.T. Golub, J.N. Martin, S. Deeks, P.J. Norris; San Francisco, United States
P4.03.29 - DRB1*01:01 gene mutation study in the second exon in patients with HIV/AIDS Diana Kasjko, V. Jasinskis, J. Eglite, E. Dobele, L. Kovalchuka, G. Sture, L. Viksna, A. Sochnevs; Riga, Latvia
P4.03.30 - Effect of HAART on reconstitution of memory versus naive T cells during tuberculosis treatment in HIV/active pulmonary tuberculosis individuals Sophie N. Kiyingi; Kampala, Uganda
P4.03.31 - The Human Leukocyte Antigen-G 3’UTR 14-bp deletion is associated with increased CD4 T-cell recovery during HAART in European HIV-infected women Margit H. Larsen, L.W. Thørner, C. Erikstrup, L.H. Harritshøj, G. Kronborg, C. Pedersen, C.S. Larsen, G. Pedersen, J. Gerstoft, N. Obel; Copenhagen, Denmark
P4.03.32 - Incomplete immune recovery of naïve CD4 T-cell subsets after antiretroviral treatment in HIV-1 infection I-Na Lu, F. Ahmad, N.T. Baerlecken, R. Jacobs, R.E. Schmidt, D. Meyer-Olson; Hannover, Germany
P4.03.33 - Dissociation of the nuclear pore complex during viral infection Kazuhiko Maeda, S.A. Almofty, S.K. Singh, M.M.A. Eid, M. Shimoda, N. Sakaguchi; Kumamoto City, Japan
P4.03.34 - The origin of emerged HIV after terminating anti-retroviral therapy (ART) Jiro Matsumura, M. Shimizu, E. Shinya, S. Oka, H. Takahashi; Tokyo, Japan
P4.03.35 - Viral load impact in HIV cellular immune response from children and adolescents Tais N. Mazzola, J. Bernachi, E. Anjos, A. Longhini, R. Lemos, S. Saad, S. Costa, M. Da Silva, M. Vilela; Campinas, Brazil
P4.03.36 - CCR5 expression reduces T-tropic HIV-1 strain infection by forming CD4/CXCR4/CCR5 oligomers L. Martínez-Muñoz, R. Barroso, S.Y. Dyrhaug, G. Navarro, B. Vega, P. Lucas, S.F. Soriano, J. Rodríguez-Frade, R. Franco, Mario Mellado; Madrid, Spain
P4.03.37 - T-lymphocyte/macrophage activation and HIV production upon toll-like receptor (TLRs) stimulation in naive and HAART-treated HIV+ patients according to CD4 lymphopenia Esther Merlini, C. Tincati, G.M. Bellistri, J. Sanchez-Martinez, G. Ancona, A. d’Arminio Monforte, G. Marchetti; Milan, Italy
P4.03.38 - Platelet activation and activation of cell death pathways in platelets isolated from HIV/AIDS patients Emersom C. Mesquita, E.D. Hottz, R.T. Amâncio, A.M. Japiassú, D.M. Medeiros, B.G.J. Grinsztejn, P.T. Bozza, F.A. Bozza; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P4.03.39 - Differential capacity of CCR5- and CXCR4-dependent HIV-1 strains to replicate in primary cord blood CD4+ T cells. A transcriptome analysis Mohammad Ali Moni, S. Mariani, E. Vicenzi, G. Poli, P. Liò; Cambridge, United Kingdom
P4.03.41 - Chemokine and chemokine receptor expression in HIV-infected individuals with tuberculosis on ATT and ART Kaustuv Nayak, L. Hanna, S. Subramanyam, S. Anbalagan, S. Swaminathan; New Delhi, India
P4.03.42 - DNA sensing and innate immune activation during HIV infection Sara K. Nissen, J.F. Højen, R.K. Berg, S.R. Paludan, M. Tolstrup, M.R. Jacobsen, T.H. Mogensen; Aarhus N, Denmark
P4.03.43 - Characterization of HIV-specific lymphocytes as a tool for patient management Valentina Orlando, S. Meraviglia, E. Lo Presti, P. Di Carlo, N. Caccamo, L. Titone, F. Dieli; Palermo, Italy
P4.03.45 - Development of a new multi-epitope HIV-1 tat/env/pol/gag vaccine candidate: a preliminary study on immunogenicity Roghaye Rahimi, M. Ebtekar, N. Arabi, M. Mahdavi; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Posters - August 25 513
P4.03.46 - Sub-optimal CD4 T-cell recovery in HIV-1 subtype C patients on antiretroviral therapy: A search for predictive biomarkers and baseline characteristics Gaone Retshabile, E.R. Kisanga, S. Gaseitsiwe, S. Moyo, H. Bussmann, J. Makhema, M. Essex, R. Marlink, R. Musonda; Gaborone, Botswana
P4.03.47 - CD4+ T cells lacking SAMHD1 expression are highly proliferative in vivo and decrease during HIV-1 infection Nicolas Ruffin, V. Brezar, D. Ayinde, O. Schwartz, J. Lelievre, Y. Levy, N. Seddiki; Créteil, France
P4.03.48 - The HIV Tat protein favors the activation of CD8 T cells thus contributing to HIV-related immune dysfunctions Fabio Sforza, F. Nicoli, V. Finessi, E. Gallerani, A. Caputo, R. Gavioli; Ferrara, Italy
P4.03.49 - HIV-1 Nef downregulates CD1a lipid-antigen presentation in dendritic cells via hemopoietic cell kinase (HCK) and p21 activated kinase 2 (PAK2) Eiji Shinya, M. Shimizu, A. Owaki, L. Mori, G. De Libero, H. Takahashi; Tokyo, Japan
P4.03.50 - Correlation between c-reactive protein and CD4+ cell count in HIV-infected and HIV/PTB co-infected patients at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH), Maiduguri, Nigeria Abdulrahman Tahir, H. Yusuph, B. Bakki, Y.B. Jibrin; Bauchi, Nigeria
P4.03.51 - Manipulation of rapid apoptosis for HIV-1 gp160-specific murine CD8+ CTLs by free antigenic peptide in vivo Hidemi Takahashi, M. Shimizu, Y. Norose, S. Takaku, M. Takahashi, Y. Nakagawa; Tokyo, Japan
P4.03.52 - Immunological, hematological and biochemical parameters are changed in asymptomatic HIV-infected patients, treated or not with antiretroviral drugs Karen I. Tasca, C.C. de Camargo, M. Gatto, M.B. Mendes, L.R. de Souza; Botucatu, Brazil
P4.03.53 - Can cytokine profiles in HIV patients be useful in clinical practice? Karen I. Tasca, M. Gatto, C.C. Camargo, S.A. Calvi, A. Sartori, L.R. de Souza; Botucatu, Brazil
P4.03.54 - Nef-HIV-1 dimerization domain plays a key role in p22-phox association and ROS modulation Guillermo Teran-Angel, J.C. Valencia-Molina, L. Barboza, D.L. Peterson, L. Berrueta, S. Salmen; Merida, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
P4.03.55 - Genital epithelial cells interferon-alpha production is associated with HIV-1 infection in Beninese female commercial sex workers Valérie Thibodeau, A. Labbé, M. Alary, J. Poudrier, M. Roger; Montreal, Canada
P4.03.56 - Membrane-binding domain from NEF-HIV-1 increases FOXP3 transcription factor expression on human monocytes Juan C. Valencia-Molina, G. Teran-Angel, L. Barboza, L. Berrueta, D.L. Peterson, S. Salmen; Merida, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
P4.03.57 - The role of immunological tolerance in humoral responses to the 2F5 epitope of HIV-1 Guang Yang, T.M. Holl, Y. Liu, T. Nojima, L. Verkoczy, J.L. VandeBerg, D. Kitamura, B. Haynes, G. Kelsoe; Durham, United States
P4.03.58 - Differences in the profile of antiviral response in mothers infected by HIV-1 and newborns Nátalli Zanete Pereira, E.C. Cardoso, G.E. Mitsunari, R.M.S.A. Ruocco, M. Zugaib, J.B. Oliveira-Filho, A.J.S. Duarte, M.N. Sato; São Paulo, Brazil
Session Time: Sunday, August 25, 13:20 - 15:00 526
P5.03.01 - Contribution of Lewis blood group types and their genes to genetic susceptibility and autoimmune response in Grave’s disease Khedhir H. Ali; Baghdad, Iraq
P5.03.03 - Association of LGALS3 gene polymorphism and Rheumatoid arthritis in Zahedan, southeast Iran Mahdi Atabaki, M. Hashemi, H. Daneshvar, Z. Zakeri; zahedan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.03.04 - Molecular Analysis of Interleukin-17A Gene Polymorphisms in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Zohreh Babaloo, R. Kh. Yeganeh, E. Sakhinia, M. Farhoodi, B. Baradaran; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.03.05 - Role of the GULP gene in renalglomerular macrophage phagocytosis in the autoimmune disorder Systemic Lupus Erythromatosus (SLE) model mice MRL/LPR mesangial cells Hirendra N. Banerjee, A. Alikhan, C. Krauss, C. Reilly; Kolkata, India
P5.03.06 - HLA DRB1-genotype in families with T1DM patients Margarita N. Boldyreva, L. Zilberman, T. Yankevic, L. Alexeev, I. Dedov; Moscow, Russian Federation
Posters - August 25 531
P5.03.07 - Epigenetic regulation of HLA class II genes and their role in autoimmune diseases Marie Cerná, P. Cepek, M. Zajacová, A. Kotrbova-Kozak; Prague, Czech Republic
P5.03.08 - Pristane-induced arthritis loci interact with Slc11a1 gene to determine susceptibility in mice selected for high inflammation Marcelo De Franco, M. Correa, A. Borrego, J.R. Jensen, W.H.C. Cabrera, N. Starobinas, O.G. Ribeiro, A. Galvan, T.A. Dragani, O.M. Ibañez; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P5.03.09 - Clinical relevance of typing HLA-DR7-DQ2 haplotype in celiac disease Juan Francisco Delgado de la Poza, M. Amengual Guedán, A. Veraguas Imbernon, E. Rodríguez Sánchez, M. De los Santos de Pelegrín, M. Guallarte Alias; Sabadell, Spain
P5.03.10 - Association of BANK-1 and Cytokine gene polymorphisms with Type 1 diabetes: A family-based and case-control study F. Zouidi, Mouna Dkhil, H. Fourati, O. Abida, J. Costa, M. Ben Ayed, T. Kammoun, M. Hachicha, C. Penha-Gonçalves, H. Masmoudi; Sfax, Tunisia
P5.03.11 - Causes of Multiple Sclerosis: a functional genomics approach Margaret A. Jordan, J. Field, G. Foo, L. Johnson, L. Laverick, M. Gresle, T. Spelman, H. Butzkeuven, A. Baxter; Townsville, Australia
P5.03.12 - Significance of single framework mutations for DNA-binding and hydrolyzing activity of antibodies from mice with autoimmune disorders Arina V. Kozyr, A.V. Kolesnikov, G.A. Savchenko, A.E. Khlyntseva, A.G. Bogun, I.G. Shemyakin, A.G. Gabibov; Obolensk, Russian Federation
P5.03.13 - CTLA4 +49G allele in combination with HLA-DR3 associates with type 1 diabetes as well as its onset in North Indians Neeraj Kumar, G. Kaur, U. Kanga, N. Tandon, S.C. Zucman, N.K. Mehra; New Delhi, India
P5.03.14 - TRIM39R, but not TRIM39B regulates type I interferon Riho Kurata, A. Tajima, T. Yonezawa, H. Inoko; Chiba, Japan
P5.03.15 - A “candidate-interactome” analysis of genome-wide association data in multiple sclerosis Rosella Mechelli, R. Umeton, C. Policano, V. Annibali, G. Coarelli, V.A.G. Ricigliano, A. Fornasiero, -. IMSGC WTCCC2, G. Ristori, M. Salvetti; Rome, Italy
P5.03.16 - Immunological relations between autoimmune diseases in Thyroid Screening with Vitiligo Vinit Mehrotra, G. Awasthi, A. Hamidy; Dehradun, India
P5.03.17 - Alteration of promiscuous gene expression in the thymus is associated to susceptibility to autoimmune type 1 diabetes mellitus in mice Ernna H. Oliveira, C. Collares, C. Macedo, E. Sakamoto-Hojo, E. Donadi, G. Passos; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P5.03.18 - Analysis of B-cell activating factor (BAFF) gene polymorphisms (-2841 T/C, -2704 T/C, -2701 T/A, -871 C/T) and soluble BAFF levels in primary Sjögren´s syndrome B.A. Treviño-Talavera, C.A. Palafox-Sánchez, J.F. Muñoz-Valle, M. Vázquez-Villamar, R.E. Navarro-Hernández, G. Orozco-Barocio, M. Vázquez-Del Mercado, Edith Oregon-Romero; Guadalajara, Mexico
P5.03.19 - Interleukin-10 gene polymorphisms (-1082 A/G, -819 C/T, -592 C/A) in primary Sjögren’s syndrome M. Vázquez-Villamar, Edith Oregon-Romero, D.C. Salazar-Camarena, B.A. Treviño-Talavera, G. Orozco-Barocio, J.F. Muñoz-Valle, Y. Valle, C.A. Palafox-Sánchez; Guadalajara, Mexico
P5.03.20 - Association between cytokine genes’ polymorphism and susceptibility to and severity of mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) Agnieszka Paradowska-Gorycka, A. Felis-Giemza, M. Jurkowska, M. Olesinska; Warsaw, Poland
P5.03.21 - Dysfunction of ABIN1 as genetic basis for lupus nephritis D. Caster, E. Korte, K. McLeish, P. Gaffney, I. Adrianto, S. Nanda, P. Cohen, David Powell; Louisville, United States
P5.03.22 - Neurotransmitter GABA-A MAY regulate immune system functions as detected by gene networks of peripheral blood TCD4+, TCD8+ and CD14+ cells of recently diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus D.M. Rassi, A.F. Evangelista, G. Martelli-Pallomino, J.O. Crispim, I.J. Wastowski, M. Foss-Freitas, M.C. Foss, E.T. Sakamoto-Hojo, G.A. Passos, Eduardo Antonio Donadi; Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
P5.03.23 - The PRL -1149 G/T polymorphism is associated with rheumatoid arthritis and anti-CCP antibodies in Mexican population Zyanya Reyes-Castillo, A.L. Pereira-Suárez, C.A. Palafox-Sánchez, E. Oregón-Romero, J.F. Muñoz-Valle; Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
P5.03.24 - Combinatorial control of Th17 and Th1 cell function by genetic variation at genes associated with the IL-23 signaling pathway in spondyloarthritis Magda Rybczynska, M. Coffre, M. Roumier, E. Sechet, H. Law, L. Gossec, M. Dougados, E. Bianchi, L. Rogge; Paris, France
Posters - August 25 549
P5.03.25 - Increased systemic autoimmunity in men with sex chromosome aneuploidy (47,XXY) reveals a X-chromosome dosage effect Ram R. Singh, R. Okorogu, P. Surampudi, I. Valera, C. Okereke, C. Wang, R. Swerdloff, R. Halder; Los Angeles, United States
P5.03.26 - Study of programmed cell death 1 (PDCD1) genepolymorphims in Iranian patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis Narjes Soleimanifar; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.03.27 - Endocrine orgam-specific autoimmunity in myasthenia gravis with thymoma related to defective function of the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) Anette S.B. Wolff, K. Kisand, J. Owe, N. Gilhus, M.M. Erichsen, B.E.V. Oftedal, N. Willcox, E.S. Husebye; Bergen, Norway
P5.03.28 - Behçet’s Syndrome in Iranian Azari People Fatemeh Zare Shahneh, B. Baradaran, S. Moradi, F. Hamzavi, B. Bayazi; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.06 REGULATORY T CELLS IN AUTOIMMUNITY AND ALLERGY Session Time: Sunday, August 25, 13:20 - 15:00 553
P5.06.01 - CD4+ T cells limit their own-pathogenicity by activating regulatory T cells by different mechanisms in different inflammatory conditions Audrey Baeyens, D. Saadoun, F. Billiard, Y. Grinberg-Bleyer, S. Gregoire, E. Piaggio, K. Loser, B.L. Salomon; Paris, France
P5.06.02 - Role of Follicular Regulatory T cells in Multiple Sclerosis Tessa Dhaeze, B. Broux, B. Van Wijmeersch, P. Stinissen, N. Hellings; Diepenbeek, Belgium
P5.06.03 - Monocytes drive the induction of CD8+FOXP3+ regulatory T cells via the production of membrane TNF-alpha Shawn D.P. Ellis, M.R. Ehrenstein, C.A. Notley; London, United Kingdom
P5.06.04 - Diverse T-cell profiles in children with type 1 diabetes and/or celiac disease Maria Faresjö, K. Åkesson, A. Kivling, A. Rydén; Jönköping, Sweden
P5.06.05 - + Foxp3 + Treg and its ICOS + Subsets in Patients with Myocardial Infarction Samira Ghorbani; Isfahan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.06.06 - Association between T cell immunoglobulin domain and mucin domain-1 gene polymorphisms with Allergic Rhinitis patients Hadi Hassannia, F. Hosseini, S. Abedian; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.06.07 - Glycogen synthase kinase-3 regulates IL-10 production in Th1 cells Elaine V. Hill, T.H.S. Ng, D.C. Wraith; Bristol, United Kingdom
P5.06.08 - Enhanced regulatory T cell function and attenuated DSS-induced colitis in the mice deficient with GPx1 and catalase Hyung-ran Kim, H. Kim, J. Seoh; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P5.06.09 - The extrinsic factors blocking regulatory T cell function in the pathogenesis of SLE Hyung-ran Kim, H. Kim, J. Seoh; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P5.06.10 - Targeting PAI-1 signaling results in the enhancement of iTreg and reduction of mortality in a mouse model of septic shock Hong H. Mu, M. Nourian, H. Jiang; Salt Lake City, United States
P5.06.11 - General control nonrepressed 2 (GCN2) kinase participation in the remission phase of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in mice Heloisa Orsini, L. Pires, J. Maricato, B.A. Castilho, M. Mariano, A.S. Basso; São Paulo, Brazil
P5.06.12 - Effect of fetal therapy on T-regulatory cells during development of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis Ievgeniia A. Porozhan, N.N. Babenko, M.V. Ostankov, A.N. Goltsev; Kharkov, Ukraine
P5.06.14 - IL-10 and NOx are associated with CD4(+)FoxP3(+) regulatory T-cell subsets in the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus patients Andrea A. Silva, A.L.B. Santos, N.F. Rosário, A.C.A. Pires, C. Gagliardi; Niteroi, Brazil
P5.06.15 - Activin-A-induced human regulatory T cells: novel controllers of allergic asthma Sofia Tousa, M. Semitekolou, I. Morianos, A. Banos, M. Kapasa, K. Samitas, M. Gaga, G. Paraskevopoulos, C. Hawrylowicz, G. Xanthou; Athens, Greece
Posters - August 25 567
P5.06.16 - Immune regulation in lupus nephritis: role of CD4+CD25high FOXP3+ T regulatory cells and related cytokines (IL-6, IL-10, TGFβ) Konstantinos Tselios, A. Georgiadou, P. Klonizakis, A. Sarantopoulos, I. Gkougkourelas, M. Pantoura, P. Boura; Thessaloniki, Greece
P5.06.17 - Intravenous immunoglobulin selectively enhances CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ Treg function in patients Rogier van Gent, A.S.W. Tjon, T. Tha-In, H.J. Metselaar, L.J.W. van der Laan, Z.M.A. Groothuismink, P.A.W. te Boekhorst, M. van Hagen, J. Kwekkeboom; Rotterdam, Netherlands
P5.06.18 - Deficient differentiation of Treg cells in a murine model of Sjögren’s syndrome Akiko Yamada, R. Arakaki, M. Kurosawa, T. Kondo, K. Yamada, Y. Kudo, Y. Hayashi, N. Ishimaru; Tokushima, Japan
Session Time: Sunday, August 25, 13:20 - 15:00 570
P6.07.01 - Repeated intra-muscular injections of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) promote donor-specific T-cell hypo-responsiveness but also induce allo-antibody Senthilkumar Alagesan, M. Creane, T. O’Brien, R. Ceredig, T. Ritter, M.D. Griffin; Galway, Ireland
P6.07.02 - Generation of tolerogenic monocyte-derived dendritic cells from patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome that suppress Ro/La specific T cell responses R. Volchenkov, J.G. Brun, R. Jonsson, Silke Appel; Bergen, Norway
P6.07.03 - Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) modulate the expression of adhesion molecules involved in activated T-lymphocyte extravasation into the central nervous system (CNS): contribution to the therapeutic effect of MSC in inflammatory CNS diseases? Federica Benvenuto, L. Vergani, F. Gualandi, N. Kerlero De Rosbo, A. Uccelli; Genoa, Italy
P6.07.04 - Umbilical cord blood T cells cultured with IL-7 in addition to IL-2 exhibit a higher degree of polyfunctionality and superior proliferation potential Sofia Berglund, J. Gertow, I. Magalhaes, J. Mattsson, M. Uhlin; Stockholm, Sweden
P6.07.05 - A simple and quick method for isolation of mononuclear cells from peripheral blood and buffy coat Sudhir Bhatia; Duisburg, Germany
P6.07.06 - Altered B cell development and fuctions in Adenosine Deaminase deficient patients Immacolata Brigida, A.V. Sauer, F. Ferrua, S. Giannelli, S. Scaramuzza, M.P. Cicalese, M. Casiraghi, E. Traggiai, M. Van der Burg, A. Aiuti; Milan, Italy
P6.07.07 - The effector function of antiviral T cells in stem cell donors is strongly impaired by G-CSF mobilization Carola Bunse, S. Borchers, S. Tischer, N. Moraw, C. Figueiredo, U. Köhl, A. Ganser, R. Blasczyk, E. Mischak-Weissinger, B. Eiz-Vesper; Hannover, Germany
P6.07.09 - Overexpression of galectin-9 in islets prolongs grafts survival via downregulation of Th1 responses Feng-Cheng Chou, C. Kuo, Y. Wang, H. Sytwu; Taipei, Taiwan
P6.07.10 - T and B cell restricted MOG expression through retroviral transduction of bone marrow stem cells mediates protection against EAE induction Jie Y. Chung, Z. Nasa, A. Joglekar, F. Mackay, F. Alderuccio; Melbourne, Australia
P6.07.11 - Intrathecal transplantation of neural stem/precursor cells hampers the CNS-confined immune response of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Donatella De Feo, A. Merlini, C. Laterza, B. Elena, F. Ruffini, G. Martino; Milan, Italy
P6.07.12 - Exploring the immunogenicity and efficacy of bone marrow-derived allogeneic cell therapy in vivo using a humanised mouse model Gang Feng, S. Menzies, A. Boyers, M. Rigby, A. Gutteridge, H. Fox, V. Owenson, O. Stevens, R. Deans, P. Whiting; Cambridge UK, United Kingdom
P6.07.13 - Performance characterization of a novel cell processing sorter: microchip sorting without aerosols in a closed system J. Lee, L. Pietrzyk, E. Rodriguez-Mesa, John Foster; Santa Barbara, United States
P6.07.14 - Purifying Tregs with a new closed sorter L. Pietrzyk, J. Dunne, John Foster; Santa Barbara, United States
P6.07.15 - Quality controls of Cell-Based therapies: Assessment of conditioned Dendritic Cells phenotypes by Global Gene Expression Profiles Maria Foti, C. Ripamonti, S. Baldassarri, J. Michalek; Milan, Italy
Posters - August 25 584
P6.07.16 - Improved monitoring and generation of HAdV-specific T cells by a newly identified A*02 MHC class I multimer and short-term in vitro expansion René Geyeregger; Vienna, Austria
P6.07.17 - Effect of myeloid-derived suppressor cells on dendritic cells maturation and function Najmeh Khosravianfar, A. Namdar, M. Hafezi, A. Razavi, J. Hadjati; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.07.18 - Cloning of human antigen-specific TCRs can confer the candidates for cancer gene therapy Eiji Kobayashi, E. Mizukoshi, H. Kishi, H. Hamana, T. Nagai, T. Ozawa, H. Nakagawa, A. Jin, S. Kaneko, A. Muraguchi; Toyama-shi, Japan
P6.07.19 - A novel methodology of immune regulation using pluripotent stem cells H. Kudo, H. Sasaki, H. Wada, S. Kojo, T. Chikaraishi, Ken-ichiro Seino; Kawasaki Kanagawa, Japan
P6.07.20 - The application of in vitro expanded CD4 Th1 cells in adoptive cell therapies Kunyu Li, F. Ronchese, M. Thorn, C. Jackson, S. Young; Dunedin, New Zealand
P6.07.21 - Chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells alters cellular immunogenicity in vitro and in vivo A.E. Ryan, Paul Lohan, L. O’Flynn, O. Treacy, C. Coleman, G. Shaw, M. Murphy, R. Ceredig, M.D. Griffin, T. Ritter; Galway, Ireland
P6.07.22 - Migration of human mesenchymal stem cells towards inflammatory lesions after transfection with CD29 specific siRNA Laura Marusciac, C. Panaitescu, F. Bojin, V. Paunescu; Timisoara, Romania
P6.07.23 - Treatment with EBV-Cytotoxic T-Lymphocytes of pediatric liver transplant recipients affected by EBV-related Post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disease in early phase Monica Miele, M. Sciveres, M. Di Bella, S. Riva, G. Amico, R. Liotta, A. Sonzogni, P. Grossi, P. Conaldi; Palermo, Italy
P6.07.24 - Immune system modulation during cytokine induced killer cells adoptive therapy in hematologic patients S. Coin, I. Cavattoni, V. Artusi, A. Pievani, I. Pusceddu, E. Tagliafico, S. Cortelazzo, A. Rambaldi, M. Introna, Vladia Monsurro; Verona, Italy
P6.07.25 - Toxicity evaluation of CD44v6-specific T cells in a xenograft model that fully recapitulates human hematopoietic development Margherita Norelli, M. Casucci, B. Camisa, L. Falcone, G. Oliveira, A. Saudemont, C. Bordignon, F. Ciceri, C. Bonini, A. Bondanza; Milan, Italy
P6.07.26 - TLR7/8 Ligand Is Necessary to Generate Potent Blast-Derived Dendritic Cells in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Maryam Nourizadeh, F. Masoumi, A. Memarian, K. Alimoghaddam, S. Moazzeni, J. Hadjati; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.07.27 - Mannose-α(1→2)-Mannose derivative for dendritic cell targeted delivery Juan S. Pappalardo, T.S. Levchenko, S. Salmaso, C.A. Langellotti, M. Vermeulen, M. Toniutti, T. Musacchio, V.P. Torchilin; Hurlingham, BA, Argentina
P6.07.28 - Therapeutic effect of bone marrow-derived clonal mesenchymal stem cells in DSS-induced colitis model J. Park, J. Kim, T. Yi, S. Song, Seok Hee Park; Suwoan, Korea, Republic of
P6.07.29 - Update on IPEX syndrome: new diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic perspectives Laura Passerini, F. Barzaghi, E. Rossi Mel, C. Sartirana, V. Lampasona, E. Bosi, G. Fousteri, L. Naldini, M.G. Roncarolo, R. Bacchetta; Milan, Italy
P6.07.30 - Investigation of mouse bone marrow Lin¯ cells regenerative properties in vitro and in vivo Giedre Ramanauskaite, D. Zalalyte, A. Vaitkuviene, V. Kaseta, G. Biziuleviciene; Vilnius, Lithuania
P6.07.31 - Promotion of corneal graft survival by donor bone marrow derived dendritic cells is mediated by creating an intragraft immunoregulatory milieu L. O’Flynn, O. Treacy, A.E. Ryan, M. Morcos, L. Joshi, J. Gerlach, M. Cregg, M. Nosov, Thomas Ritter; Galway, Ireland
P6.07.32 - Ex vivo generation and expansion of polyclonal human Treg E. Candia, C. Covian, F. Rodriguez, J. Morales, Mario Rosemblatt, J. Fierro; Santiago, Chile
P6.07.33 - Generation of highly effective and stable murine alloreactive Tregs by combined anti-CD4 mAb, TGF-β and RA treatment Ulrike Schliesser, M. Chopra, A. Beilhack, S. Vogel, J. Schumann, K. Wood, H. Volk, B. Sawitzki; Berlin, Germany
P6.07.34 - Generation and Characterization of WT1-specific T cells derived from healthy donors for adoptive tumor therapy S. Schmied, Anne Richter, M. Assenmacher; Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany
P6.07.35 - Constitutively CD40-activated B cells regulate CD8 T cell inflammatory response by IL-10 induction Michiko Shimoda, A. Bolduc, M. Takezaki, Y. Ametani, A.L. Mellor, M. Kamanaka, R.A. Flavell, T. Tsubata, P.A. Koni; Augusta, United States
Posters - August 25 604
P6.07.36 - Cell therapy of cancer with alloreactive intentionally mismatched IL-2 activated donor lymphocytes targeting anti-cancer killer NK & T cells using monoclonal and bispecific antibodies Shimon Slavin, C. Brodie; Tel Aviv, Israel
P6.07.37 - Distribution of the lymphoid cells of various functional activity after transplantation Anastasia O. Solovieva, A.F. Poveshchenko, K.E. Zubareva, O.V. Povesh henko, V.I. Konenkov; Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
P6.07.38 - Tumor associated fibroblasts are endowed with increased ability to support tumor development Marius Toma, R.A. Lazarovicz, O. Gavriliuc, C.A. Tatu, A. Gruia, C. Tatu, G. Tanasie, C. Panaitescu, F. Bojin, V. Paunescu; Timisoara, Romania
P6.07.39 - Mesenchymal stromal cell therapy prolongs corneal allograft survival in rats Oliver Treacy, L. O’Flynn, A. Ryan, M. Morcos, M. Wilk, S. Schu, M. Cregg, M. Griffin, M. Nosov, T. Ritter; Galway, Ireland
P6.07.40 - TLR5 signaling enhances the proliferation of human allogeneic CD40-activated-B-cell-induced regulatory CD4 T cells P. Chan, J. Zheng, Y. Liu, Z. Xiang, Wenwei Tu; Hong Kong, Hong Kong
P6.07.41 - Adoptive T cell therapy in patients with prostate cancer Katerina Vavrova, K. Zurkova, R. Horvath, J. Bartunkova; Prague, Czech Republic
P6.07.42 - Changes in T lymphocyte subsets accompany the clinical response to Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) therapy - first experience in irradiation-induced colitis Jan Voswinkel, J. Lataillade, S. Francois, M. Mohty, N. Gorin, M. Benderitter, A. Chapel; Paris, France
P6.07.43 - Genetically modified T cells expressing an affinity enhanced NYESO-1 T Cell Receptor in cancer therapy Daniel D. Williams, A.P. Rapoport, E.A. Stadtmauer, G.K. Binder-Scholl, J.E. Brewer, A.D. Bennett, M. Kalos, B.L. Levine, C.H. June, B.K. Jakobsen; Abingdon, United Kingdom
P6.07.44 - Exploring leukemia- and virus-reactive CD8+ T lymphocytes with stem-cell-like and central memory properties for effective immunotherapy in humanized mice Yan Xu, A. Mades, S.A. Khan, M. Theobald, U.F. Hartwig; Mainz, Germany
P6.07.45 - Intrapancreatic transplantation of allogeneic mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) decreases blood glucose levels in experimental type 1 diabetes Juliana N.U. Yaochite, L.S. Neto, C. Caliári-Oliveira, M.M. da Matta, K.C. Malmegrin, C.C.B.O. Menezes, D.T. Covas, J.C. Voltarelli, E.A. Donadi; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P6.07.46 - Generation of gene engineered mesenchymal stem cells and its efficacy against human breast cancer Fei Ling Yap, S. Cheong, R. Ammu, C. Leong; Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
P6.07.47 - Endothelial cells: new targets for MSCs-mediated immunomodulation in mouse Lucia Zanotti, C. Soldani, C. Ploia, F. Moalli, E. Dander, G. D’Amico, A. Sarukhan, A. Viola; Rozzano, Milan, Italy
P6.07.48 - Treatment of autoimmune hepatitis by inhibiting CD8+T cells using hepatic stroma-induced regulatory DCs Q. Wang, D. Chen, H. He, H. Tang, W. Song, Minghui Zhang; Beijing, China
P6.07.49 - Spatial distribution of transplanted bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in recipient’s organs in the B16 melanoma model Kristina E. Zubareva, A.O. Solovieva, A.F. Povesh henko, O.B. Gritsyk, E.A. Nechaeva, V.I. Konenkov; Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Session Time: Sunday, August 25, 13:20 - 15:00 618
P6.08.01 - Comparison of immunoregulatory properties of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells Khadijeh-minoo Adib, R. Alipour, B. Hashemi Beni; Isfahan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.08.02 - Production and characterization of murine monoclonal antibodies against human synthetic peptide of CD34 Leili Aghebati Maleki, J. Majidi, B. Baradaran, J. Abdolalizadeh, A. Movassaghpour; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.08.03 - The effect of TNF-α in differential gene expression pattern of CXCR4 on human marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells Maryam Banoo Ayatollahi, R. Ziaei, R. Yaghobi, Z. Sahraeian, B. Geramizadeh; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.08.04 - Association between T Reg marker polymorphism and tuberculosis Elham Beiranvand, S. Abediankenari, B. Beiranvand; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Posters - August 25 622
P6.08.05 - Developmental endothelial locus-1 (Del-1) is a negative regulator of GCSF-dependent hematopoietic stem cell mobilization Lan-Sun Chen, I. Mitroulis, N. Mende, G. Siegert, C. Waskow, G. Hajishengallis, T. Chavakis; Dresden, Germany
P6.08.06 - Differential efficacy of human mesenchymal stem cells on disease in murine lupus based on source of origin E.L. Collins, F. Gu, O. Naga, Gary Gilkeson; Charleston, United States
P6.08.07 - LT-beta receptor signaling promotes progression of chronic myeloid leukemia in mice Sabine Hoepner, C. Riether, C. Schürch, A.F. Ochsenbein; University of Bern, Switzerland
P6.08.08 - In vivo imaging approach for continuous monitoring of transplanted cells Zaruhi Karabekian, A. Popratiloff, N. Sarvazyan; Washington, United States
P6.08.09 - Preparation of a high affinity monoclonal antibody against morphine showing no cross reactivity with heroin Susan Kashanian; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.08.10 - Recombinant human Cyclophilin A supports differentiation of granulocytes Ludmila M. Khromykh, N.L. Kulikova, L.Y. Grivtsova, M.A. Frenkel, N.N. . Tupitsyn, A.A. Kalinina, D.B. Kazansky; Moscow, Russian Federation
P6.08.11 - Susceptibility of human cardiac progenitor cells to natural killer cell lysis Laura Lauden, W. Boukouaci, N. Dam, N. Jabrane-Ferrat, D. Charron, R. Tamouza, R. Al-Daccak; Paris, France
P6.08.12 - Properties of TiCaPCON-based nanostructured coating as bioimplant constituent A.N. Kopilov, N.Y. Anisimova, Olga V. Lebedinskaya, D.V. Shtansky, M.V. Kiselevsky; Perm, Russian Federation
P6.08.13 - Mass-production and characterization of anti-human CD34 monoclonal antibody in peritoneum of BALB/c mice Jafar Majidi, B. Baradaran, l. Aghebati Maleki, J. Abdolalizadeh, A. Movassaghpour; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.08.14 - Cell Cycle Analysis of Human Colorectal Cancer Stem Cells Reveals their Quiescent Nature Hamid Reza R. Mirzaei, H. Mirzaei, J. Jalili, M. Eghbali, N. Bagherpour; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.08.15 - NF-kB rela-deficient macrophages fail to support bone formation and maintain the microenvironment for hematopoiesis after X-ray irradiation and HSC transplanatation Setsuko Mise-Omata, T. Fukazawa, Y. Obata, T.S. Doi; Tsukuba, Japan
P6.08.16 - The effect of the Immunomodulatory functions of adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells on the expression of major transcription factors in CD4 T cell subsets Adel Mohammadzadeh, A. Pourfatolah, M. Soleymani, S. Moradi; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.08.17 - The effect of DiD on the immunosuppressive function and differentiation potency of Mesenchymal stem cells Maryam S. Mohtasebi, F. Nasri, E. Kamali Sarvestani; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.08.18 - Human mesenchymal stem cells modulation of alveolar macrophage polarization in vivo and in vitro A.D. Krasnodembskaya, Thomas Morrison, D. McAuley, M.A. Matthay; Belfast, United Kingdom
P6.08.19 - The characteristic of minor cell populations in multiple sclerosis patients after cell therapy Darya Nizheharodava, A. Borisov, E. Nazarova, E. Rudakovskaya, M. Zafranskaya; Minsk, Belarus
P6.08.20 - Immunoregulatory activity of Decidual/Endometrial Stromal Cells in humans Carolina Reyes-Perdomo, K. Torres, M. López, P. Silva, E. García-Olivares, O. Blanco Muñoz; Floridablanca, Colombia
P6.08.21 - Adipose Derived Stem Cells Isolated from Omentum: a Novel Source of Chemokines for Ovarian Cancer Growth Somayeh Rezaeifard, M. Razmkhah, M. Robati, M. Momtahan, A. Ghaderi; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.08.22 - Isolation and Characterization of Mesanchaymal Stem Cells from Mouse Decidua Bizhan Sadighimoghadam, S. Moazzeni; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.08.23 - The role of p15Paf oncogene in hematopoiesis Miloje Savic, L.K. Denzin; New Brunswick, United States
P6.08.24 - Cytotoxic CD8+ T cells regulate myelopoiesis by cytokine signals to bone marrow stromal cells Christian Schürch, C. Riether, A.F. Ochsenbein; Bern, Switzerland
P6.08.25 - Large zinc finger transcrition factor Schnurri-3 functions in the osteochondroprogenitor cell to regulate bone mass Anju Singh, C. Lester, L.H. Glimcher, D. Jones; Rockville, United States
Posters - August 25 P7.02 Systems and theoretical immunology Session Time: Sunday, August 25, 13:20 - 15:00 643
P7.02.01 - Emergence of tissue-level NF-kappaB dynamics during inflammation Christopher R. Boddington, J. Bagnall, L. Schmidt, D.G. Spiller, D.A. Jackson, M.R.H. White, P. Paszek; Manchester, United Kingdom
P7.02.02 - Cytokines prophyle in Gaucher disease type I patients with bone metabolic changes Alexandra M. Craciun, P. Grigorescu-Sido, A. Zimmermann; Cluj-Napoca, Romania
P7.02.03 - Clostridium difficile infected human signaling pathways: An integrated model Rajat K. De, N. Tomar; Kolkata, India
P7.02.04 - Systems Biology Approaches for Predicting and Controlling the Reactivity of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes Moran Hod-Marco, K. Oved, M. Besser, Y. Reiter; Haifa, Israel
P7.02.05 - Utilizing next-generation sequencing of the humoral repertoire for monoclonal antibody discovery Tarik A. Khan, A. Mirsky, S.T. Reddy; Basel, Switzerland
P7.02.06 - Therapeutic Potential of Inhibition of Complement Activity for Alleviating Degenerative Eye Diseases K. Valter, D. Garnett, J. Zhou, Girish J. Kotwal; Camps, Saint Kitts and Nevis
P7.02.07 - Hgshs Nisha Patel; Manchester, United Kingdom
P7.02.08 - A new model for estimation of cell proliferation dynamics using Carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE) data Cristina Peligero, J.M. Argilaguet, W.C. Thompson, H.T. Banks, A. Meyerhans; Barcelona, Spain
P7.02.09 - High-throughput antibody repertoire analysis in S. pneumoniae immunized mice U. Haessler, M. Tamborrini, S. Cook, G. Pluschke, Sai T. Reddy; Basel, Switzerland
P7.02.10 - Development of a bioinformatic framework for the study of high-throughput antibody repertoire data S. Cook, V. Greiff, A. Mirsky, Sai T. Reddy; Basel, Switzerland
P7.02.11 - Heterogenous differentiation patterns in individual CD8+ T lymphocytes Jan C. Rohr, C. Gerlach, L. Perie, N. van Rooij, J.W.J. van Heijst, A. Velds, J. Urbanus, S.H. Naik, J.B. Beltman, H. Jacobs, R. de Boer, T.N.M. Schumacher; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P7.02.12 - Thorough characterization of TCR-pMHC binding free energy estimated by string model and Miyazawa-Jernigan matrix Hiromichi Tsurui, S. Hirose; Tokyo, Japan
P7.03 STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY IN IMMUNOLOGY Session Time: Sunday, August 25, 13:20 - 15:00 655
P7.03.01 - Polyclonal T-cell Receptors recognise an unusually long tumour antigenic peptide complexed to HLA-B7 Kok-Fei Chan, S. Gras, L. Nielsen, J. McCluskey, J. Rossjohn, W. Chen; Melbourne, Australia
P7.03.02 - Use of The Alcoholic Extract of Alfalfa Root Instead of SLO for ASO Diagnostic Test Hamid Chegni, M. Oshaghi, B. Gharegozlou, B. Gharegozlou, B. Gharegozlou; Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P7.03.03 - Mapping the N- and O-glycome of mouse Peyer’s patches Chu-Wen Cheng, S. Yu, K. Khoo; Taipei, Taiwan
P7.03.04 - Disintegrin-like molecule isolated from snake venom induces endothelial cell migration and inhibits adhesion on extracellular matrix components I.C. Lima, J.C. Silva-Santos, M.S. Della-Casa, I.L. Santos, A. Moura-da-Silva, Patricia B. Clissa; São Paulo, Brazil
P7.03.05 - Pathological Characteristic of Experimental Colorectal Cancer Model in Three Rat Strains Shouzhi Gu, Z. Liu; Hamamatsu, Japan
P7.03.06 - Ubiquitin ligase MARCH I involves peptide discrimination for MHC II complex Yuko Kozono, R. Tanizawa, Y.C. Sasaki, S. Ishido, O. Kanagawa, H. Kozono; Noda, Japan
P7.03.07 - Structural analysis of the class II HLA molecule, DP5, in complex with the Cry j 1 antigen of Japanese cedar pollen Seisuke Kusano, M. Shirouzu, K. Yamamoto, T. Sasazuki, S. Yokoyama; Yokohama-city, Kanagawa, Japan
Posters - August 25 662
P7.03.08 - Structures of the Pore-Forming Toxin Monalysin solved by X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy Philippe Leone, C. Bebeacua, C. Kellenberger, O. Opota, B. Lemaitre, A. Roussel; Marseille, France
P7.03.09 - Homology modeling of the extracellular region of the B cell protein CD19 Mark Maloney, N. Nordgren, W. Nasir, P. Nyholm; Atlanta, United States
P7.03.10 - Assessing changes expression and presentation of NKG2D under the influence of serum factors in breast cancer patients Reyhaneh Roshani, a. khodadadi, m. Ghaforian Borujerdnia, a. Talezadeh; ahvaz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P7.03.11 - How T cells engage an EBV-associated cancer epitope Andrea J.A. Schauenburg, J.J. Miles, E. Gostick, D.K. Cole, L. Wooldridge, S.R. Burrows, P.J. Rizkallah, A.K. Sewell, D. Prize; Cardiff, United Kingdom
P7.03.12 - Human milk immunoglobulins contain various combinations of antigen-binding sites resulting in binding polyspecificity and catalytic polyreactivity Sergey Sedyh, V. Buneva, G. Nevinsky; Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
P7.03.13 - Synergistic inhibition of Her2 overexpressing tumor cells by a combination of anti Her2 monoclonal antibodies Fathollah Tahmasebi; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P7.03.14 - Nicotinic receptors in nervous and immune systems:identification and functional roles Victor I. Tsetlin, I.V. Shelukhina, I.E. Kasheverov, Y.N. Utkin, M.V. Skok; Moscow, Russian Federation
P7.03.15 - Rules that govern high TCR-CD3 cell surface expression Marleen M. van Loenen, R. de Boer, R.S. Hagedoorn, E.H.M. van Egmond, M. Griffioen, J. Falkenburg, M.H.M. Heemskerk; Leiden, Netherlands
Posters - August 26 Panel N°
Session Time: Monday, August 26, 13:20 - 15:00 001
P1.04.01 - CD2/CD3/CD28 stimulation augments Granzyme B-dependent tumor clearance of Ph+ B-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia by ex-vivo expanded human iNKT cells Claudia A. Alves de Araujo, W. Luszczek, C. Calabrese, G. Neale, A. Seth, A. Pillai; Memphis, United States
P1.04.02 - Interaction between iNKT and B-1 cells after P.acnes adjuvant stimulus Liane Butin, M. Gambero, M.E. Ishimura, D. Teixeira, A.C. Keller, I.M. Longo-Maugeri; São Paulo, Brazil
P1.04.03 - Phenotypic and functional dynamics of invariant Natural Killer T (CD3+6B11+iNKT) cells in patients with tobacco-related oral carcinoma A.K. Singh, N.K. Shukla, Satya N. Das; New Delhi, India
P1.04.04 - Role of excessive thymic differentiation of RORgt+NKT17 cells in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diabetes Caterina Di Pietro, A. Rezzonico, M. Fedeli, G. Casorati, M. Falcone; Milan, Italy
P1.04.05 - Interleukin-7 Receptor α-dependent thymopoiesis regulates thymic invariant natural killer T cell retention Michael B. Drennan, F. Pattyn, S. Govindarajan, K. De Wilde, S. Schlenner, C. Ware, S. Nedospasov, H. Rodewald, D. Elewaut; Ghent, Belgium
P1.04.06 - Difluoro substituted CD1d ligands as optimal adjuvants for the priming of multifunctional CD4 T cells Yifang Gao, B. Linclau, S. Gadola, T. Elliott, A. Williams; Southampton, United Kingdom
P1.04.07 - Dynamics of iNKT cell-mediated provision of B cell help for antibody production Yasmeen G. Ghnewa, G.S. Zeng, V.G. Lyons, D.G. Doherty; Dublin, Ireland
P1.04.08 - iNKT cells can promote differentiation of B cells into cells with regulatory B cell phenotypes Yasmeen G. Ghnewa, G.S. Zeng, V.P. O’Reilly, D.G. Doherty; Dublin, Ireland
P1.04.09 - Effective stimulation of invariant natural killer T cells by oligomannose-coated liposomes Mariko Ishii, N. Kokima; Hiratsuka, Japan
P1.04.10 - Sterol carrier protein 2 is required for the maturation of iNKT cells and their stimulation by endogenous lipids Lucia Mori, F. Facciotti, G.S. Ramanjaneyulu, R.B. Chan, M.R. Wenk, U. Seedorf, G. De Libero; Singapore, Singapore
P1.04.11 - Octaarginine-modified liposomes enhance α-galactosylceramide based antitumor therapy Takashi Nakamura, D. Yamazaki, J. Yamauchi, H. Harashima; Sapporo, Japan
P1.04.12 - Roles of NKT cells in human gastric cancer Carolina H. Ribeiro, F. Cristi, G. Pérez, K. Kramm, M. Bustamante, F. Gálvez, M. Garrido-Tapia, C.J. Hernández, J.C. Aguillón, M.C. Molina; Santiago, Chile
P1.04.13 - CD1d-restricted invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells mediate airway inflammation through IL-25 and IL-18 Hiroshi Watarai; Yokohama, Japan
P1.04.14 - Signal control of iNKT development and effector lineage differentiation Xiaoping Zhong, S. Wang, J. Shin, J. Wu; Durham, United States
P1.09 DENDRITIC CELL DIFFERENTIATION AND FUNCTION Session Time: Monday, August 26, 13:20 - 15:00 015
P1.09.01 - House dust mite-sensitized myeloid dendritic cells induce reduction of allergen-specific murine airway inflammation Luciana Aragão-França, F. Costa, D. Athanazio, N. Alcântara Neves, L. Pontes de Carvalho; Salvador, Brazil
P1.09.02 - E-cadherin contribution for Langerhans cell differentiation Hideko Azuma, N. Mayumi, E. Watanabe, Y. Norose, E. Watari, S. Kawahara, T.B.H. Geijtenbeek, H. Takahashi; Tokyo, Japan
P1.09.03 - Novel inducible immortalized dendritic cell line with entire properties of primary cells Joanna Bandola, C. Richter, S. Thieme, M. Laugsch, K. Anastassiadis, S. Brenner; Dresden, Germany
P1.09.04 - Age-associated shift in rat dendritic cell T-helper polarizing capacity Biljana Bufan, Z. Stojic -Vukanic , N. Arsenovic -Ranin, D. Kosec, I. Pilipovic, M. Perisic , J. Ðikic , G. Leposavic ; Belgrade, Serbia
Posters - August 26 019
P1.09.05 - Junctional Adhesion Molecules and Dendritic Cell Migration S. Roh, Se Eun Byeon, C. Yoon, Y. Bae; Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Republic of
P1.09.06 - CD300 molecules as regulators of dendritic cell responses Georgina J. Clark, R. Gasiorowski, P. Fromm, D.N.J. Hart; Sydney, Australia
P1.09.07 - Human monocyte-derived dendritic cells required direct contact with natural killer cells to induce a Th1 profile of response Maria A. Clavijo Salomón, R.N. Ramos, G.G. Romagnoli, B. Zelante, J.A.M. Barbuto; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P1.09.08 - Cytokine production by human dendritic cells treated with Brazilian propolis Bruno J. Conti, K.B. Santiago, E.O. Cardoso, J.M. Sforcin; Botucatu, Brazil
P1.09.11 - CD14 and NFAT mediate lipopolysaccharide-induced skin edema formation in mice Marco Di Gioia, I. Zanoni, R. Ostuni, S. Barresi, A. Broggi, B. Costa, R. Marzi, F. Granucci; Milan, Italy
P1.09.12 - Role of the Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1alpha and Akt on hypoxia-induced migratory program in dendritic cells Irene Filippi, C. Aldinucci, A. Pucci, S. Sozzani, F. Carraro, A. Naldini; Siena, Italy
P1.09.13 - Ceramide formation is involved in Lactobacillus acidophilus-induced IFN-β response in dendritic cell Eva Fuglsang, L. Henningsen, H. Frøkiær; Copenhagen, Denmark
P1.09.15 - T300A variant of autophagy ATG16L1 gene is associated with decreased antigen sampling and processing by dendritic cells in paediatric Crohn’s disease C. Strisciuglio, E. Miele, M.E. Wildenberg, A. Camarca, M. Barone, A. Staiano, R. Troncone, Carmen Gianfrani; Avellino, Italy
P1.09.16 - CD137 ligand generated dendritic cells are more potent than classical dendritic cells in inducing an antigen-specific T cell response Zulkarnain Harfuddin; Singapore, Singapore
P1.09.17 - Inflammation in the periphery and dendritic cell progenitors in the bone marrow Prue H. Hart, R.L.X. Ng, N.M. Scott, D.H. Strickland; Perth, Australia
P1.09.18 - Immune dysregulation in sickle cell disease Borys Hrinczenko, H. Mahtani, H. Rogers, R. Cleveland, L. Kass, P. Triozzi; East Lansing, United States
P1.09.19 - Characterization of Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells able to induce an E6/E7-specific, HLA I-restricted, cytotoxic activity Marco Iuliano, G. Mangino, S.M. Zangrillo, V.M. Chiantore, G. Fiorucci, G. Romeo; Latina, Italy
P1.09.20 - Inhibition of nitric oxide production and pro-inflammatory cytokines by several medicinal plants Fathollah Kalantar, Z. Amirghofran, S. Malek-Hossein, H. Golmoghaddam, M. Shabani; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P1.09.21 - Soluble TNFRp75 regulation of TNF-TNFRp55 dependent dendritic cell activation controls protective immunity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Roanne S. Keeton, N. Allie, N. Hsu, P. Randall, M. Jacobs; Cape Town, South Africa
P1.09.22 - SHIP-1 Expression maybe involved in the endocytic functions of early bone marrow-derived dendritic cells but not myeloid derived suppressor cells Ying Ying Kong, M. Fuchsberger, S. Xiang, M. Hibbs, V. Apostolopoulos, M. Plebanski; Melbourne, Australia
P1.09.23 - Tofacitinib, a JAK inhibitor, induces tolerogenic phenotype in human dendritic cells Satoshi Kubo, K. Yamaoka, S. Iwata, M. Kondo, Y. Tanaka; Fukuoka, Japan
P1.09.24 - Estrogen receptor signaling and X-chromosome complement both independently contribute to the enhanced TLR-7-mediated responses of woman plasmacytoid dendritic cells Sophie Laffont, N. Rouquié, C. Seillet, J. Plumas, C. Aspord, J. Guéry; Toulouse, France
P1.09.25 - Bovine lactoferrin induces CCL1 production in myeloid cells Daniela Latorre, P. Puddu, P. Valenti, S. Gessani; Bellinzona, Switzerland
P1.09.26 - Baicalin from Scutellaria baicalensis impairs Th1 polarization through the inhibition of dendritic cell maturation M. Kim, Jun Sik Lee; Gwangju, Korea, Republic of
P1.09.28 - LAMP-2, a novel endocytic receptor on human monocytes derived dendritic cells (MDDC). Dario Leone; Vienna, Austria
Posters - August 26 039
P1.09.29 - Role of muscarinic activation in regulation of human dendritic cells maturation process María G. Lombardi, G. Salamone, P. Martinez Pulido, M.S. Gori, L. Ariolfo, J. Pimentel, M.E. Sales; CABA, Argentina
P1.09.30 - Growth phase-dependent immune response to Staphylococcus aureus Lisbeth D. Lund, Y. Souwer, H. Frokiar, E.C. de Jong; Frederiksberg C, Denmark
P1.09.31 - ESAT-6 and HspX improve the effectiveness of Bacille Calmette-Guérin to induce human Dendritic Cells-dependent T cells and Natural Killer cells activation Laura Marongiu, M. Donini, L. Toffali, E. Zenaro, S. Dusi; Verona, Italy
P1.09.32 - Dendritic cell CCAAT/ enhancer binding protein delta modulates Th17/Treg responses in an IL-10 dependent manner Mohammad G. Mohammad, V.W.W. Tsai, S.N. Breit, P.E. Sawchenko, D.A. Brown; Sydney, Australia
P1.09.33 - Study of leukemic cell products and IL-1β as modulators of human dendritic cells Juliana M. Motta, A. Sperandio, M.T.L. Castelo-Branco, V.M. Rumjanek; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P1.09.34 - Evaluation of the effect of the 14kDa protein isolated from aged garlic extract on dendritic cells Hasan Namdar Ahmadabad, M. Zuhair, M. Nezafat Firizi; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P1.09.35 - IL-1 and IL-1 Receptor Antagonist Genes Polymorphism in ACPA Positive Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Nardjess Ouikhlef, I. Allam, N. Raaf, A. Abdessamed, N. Bahaz, A. Tahiat, K. Cherguelaine, A. Ladjouze, R. DjiDjik, M. Ghaffor; Algiers, Algeria
P1.09.37 - Dendritic cell reprogramming by endogenously produced lactic acid A. Nasi, T. Fekete, A. Krishnamurthy, S. Snowden, É. Rajnavölgyi, A.G. Rothfuchs, A.I. Catrina, C.E. Wheelock, N. Vivar, Bence Rethi; Stockholm, Sweden
P1.09.38 - CD1c+ DCs are superior at stimulating Th2 cytokine production upon grass pollen stimulation compared to circulating basophils and pDCs Frida Rydnert, K. Lundberg, L. Greiff, M. Lindstedt; Lund, Sweden
P1.09.39 - Absence of Estrogen Receptor Alpha Reduces the Number and Function of Bone Marrow derived PDCA1+ cells in Lupus Prone Mice Jennifer L. Scott, G.S. Gilkeson, M. Cunningham, O. Naga; Charleston, United States
P1.09.40 - Endogenous production of activin A acts as negative regulator of NK-DC functional interactions Pascal Seeger, D. Bosisio, S. Parolini, R. Badolato, A. Gismondi, A. Santoni, S. Sozzani; Brescia, Italy
P1.09.41 - CD8α+ DCs can be induced in the absence of transcription factors Id2, Nfil3 and Batf3 Cyril Seillet, J.T. Jackson, K.A. Markey, G.R. Hill, K.P.A. MacDonald, S.L. Nutt, G.T. Belz; Melbourne, Australia
P1.09.42 - β2 adrenergic receptor-mediated IL12p70 suppression in LPS-activated dendritic cells is IL-10and PKA-independent Maisa C.S. Takenaka, J.T. Maricato, V.M. Nascimento, M.G. Guereschi, L.P. Araujo, A.S. Basso; São Paulo, Brazil
P1.09.43 - Monocyte-derived dendritic cells pre-treated with TLR-3 and TLR-7 agonists express functional stability and Th17 polarization capacity in response to tumor conditioned media from colorectal cancer patients Sasa Vasilijic, D. Vucevic, I. Rajkovic, Z. Kostic, S. Jankovic, D. Mikic, M. Colic; Belgrade, Serbia
P1.09.44 - Agonistic anti-4-1BB mAb promotes the maturation and activation of hypoxic dendritic cells Qun Wang, C. Liu, Z. Dong, C. Guo, L. Zhang; Jinan, China
P1.09.45 - The equivalents of human blood and spleen DC subtypes can be generated in vitro from human CD34+ stem cells in the presence of Flt3L and TPO Li Wu, A. Proietto, D. Mittag; Beijing, China
P1.09.46 - Stat6 in dendritic cells negatively regulate IL-10 production and enhance arthritis Kunihiro Yamaoka, S. Kubo, M. Kondo, K. Maeshima, K. Nakano, K. Oshita, Y. Tanaka; Kitakyushu, Japan
P1.09.47 - PU.1 regulates CCR7 expression in dendritic cells Takuya Yashiro, M. Hara, K. Okumura, C. Nishiyama; Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
P1.09.48 - Specialized role of skin dendritic cell subsets in induction of antigen-specific cellular and humoral immunity following intradermal vaccination Marija Zaric, O. Lyubomska, C. Scott, R. Donnelly, A. Kissenpfennig; Belfast, United Kingdom
P1.09.49 - Unique features of sublingual mucosal dendritic cells after antigen application Chenyang Zhang, T. Ohno, M. Azuma; Tokyo, Japan
Posters - August 26 P2.05 IMMUNE RESPONSES IN AGING
Session Time: Monday, August 26, 13:20 - 15:00 059
P2.05.01 - How M. leprae Hsp65 influences the immune response in genetically selected aged mice? Estevam J. Baldon, E.B. Marengo, V. Bueno, M. De Franco, O.A. Sant’Anna; São Paulo, Brazil
P2.05.02 - Interferon signaling pathway: Intrahepatic expression of STAT 1 and interferon resistance in HCV patients Qudsia Bashir, A. Rashid, A. Naveed, R.S.A. Khan, S. Razak; Islamabad, Pakistan
P2.05.03 - Impact of Cytomegalovirus seropositivity on the lymphocytes counts in middle age individuals: increase of CD4+CD62L-CD28- lymphocytes in a sub-group of CMV+ individuals P. Apoil, B. Puissant-Lubrano, N. Congy-Jolivet, M. Peres, D. Bloom, F. Roubinet, Antoine Blancher; Toulouse, France
P2.05.04 - Reduced naïve CD8+ T-cell priming capacity in elderly and HIV infected individuals Olivia Y. Briceño, A. Lissina, G. Afonso, E. Gostick, D. Price, C. Katlama, U. Karrer, R. Mallone, D. Sauce, V. Appay; Paris, France
P2.05.05 - Is angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE) associated with immunosenescence? M.E. Ishimura, B. Viniauskas, D. Teixeira, J. Chagas, I.M. Longo-Maugeri, Valquiria Bueno; São Paulo, Brazil
P2.05.06 - SRC homology 2 domain-containing phosphatase-1 (SHP-1) is a negative T cell regulator of T lymphocyte responses associated with aging Tamas Fulop, A. Le Page, H. Garneau, N. Allard, K. Tsvetkova, A. Larbi, C. Fortin, G. Dupuis; Sherbrooke, Canada
P2.05.07 - MF59-induced ATP-signaling pathway is not impaired by immunosenescence thereby contributing to an efficient adjuvant activity in the elderly Marilena Gallotta, M. Taccone, M. Tortoli, M. Vono, A. Bonci, D. Casini, S. Bertholet, E. De Gregorio, D.T. O’Hagan, A. Seubert; Siena, Italy
P2.05.08 - The significance of thymic involution and the function of re-entryed T cells in thymus Yanan Gao, X. Pei, Y. Zhang; Beijing, China
P2.05.09 - Targeting macrophages rescues age-related immune deficiencies in geriatric mice Connie Jackaman, H.G. Radley-Crabb, Z. Soffe, T. Shavlakadze, M.D. Grounds, D.J. Nelson; Bentley, Australia
P2.05.11 - Crucial role of Menin in the regulation of CD4 T cell immunosenescence Makoto Kuwahara, T. Nakayama, M. Yamashita; Kisarazu-shi, Japan
P2.05.12 - Gender specific immune status differences in children and adults Julia Lagereva, S. Belyaeva; Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
P2.05.13 - Lipid laden multilocular cells in the aging thymus are phenotypically heterogeneous Larissa G.P. Langhi, L.R. Andrade, M.K. Shimabukuro, D.D. Taub, R. Borojevic, V. de Mello-Coelho; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P2.05.14 - Ageing impairs macrophage phagocytosis: impact of altered cellular microenvironment? Eimear Linehan, D.C. Fitzgerald; Belfast, United Kingdom
P2.05.15 - The effect of anti-CMV response differs in nonagenarians and young controls: a transcriptomic analysis Saara Marttila, J. Jylhävä, M. Jylhä, A. Hervonen, M. Hurme; Tampere, Finland
P2.05.16 - Fetal microchimerism induces positive effects on the immune system of elderly individuals Tapio Nevalainen, J. Jylhävä, S. Marttila, T. Kuparinen, M. Jylhä, A. Hervonen, M. Hurme; Tampere, Finland
P2.05.17 - Bone marrow T cells from the femur are similar to iliac crest derived cells in old age and represent a useful tool for studying the aged immune system Theresa Pritz, K. Landgraf-Rauf, D. Herndler-Brandstetter, R. Rauf, J. Lair, R. Gassner, B. Weinberger, M. Krismer, B. Grubeck-Loebenstein; Innsbruck, Austria
P2.05.18 - Association analysis between CTLA-4 polymorphisms and bipolar disorder Alireza Rafiei, Z. Hosseini Khah, M. Taheri, S. Hosseini, M. Vesali; Sari, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P2.05.19 - Survival, proapoptotic proteins and TNFR induced in senil cataract Atzin Robles-Contreras, M. Arredondo-Flores, J.L. Oliva-Ramirez, C. Palacio-Pastrana, L.L. Arroyo, O. Guerrero-Berguer, H.J. Perez-Cano; Mexico city, Mexico
P2.05.20 - CMV infection associates to the expansion of polyfunctional CD8+CD57+ T cells in young individuals A. Pera, C. Campos, B. Sanchez-Correa, C. Alonso, R. Tarazona, Rafael Solana; Cordoba, Spain
Posters - August 26 078
P2.05.21 - Association between early development of cellular immunity to cytomegalovirus and Graft-Versus Leukemia effect in pediatric transplantation V. Guérin-El Khourouj, R. Porcher, S. Leveillé, J. LeGoff, B. Pédron, A. Baruchel, J. Dalle, Ghislaine Sterkers; Paris, France
P2.05.22 - Age influences the systemic inflammatory response in patients with community-acquired pneumonia Lonneke A. van Vught, H. Endeman, S.C.A. Meijvis, B.P. Scicluna, A.H. Zwinderman, D.H. Biesma, T. van der Poll; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P2.05.23 - Age-related changes in cell surface markers of BALB/C mice: A flow cytometric analysis Emine Yavuz, S. Hasgur, E.U. Bagriacik; Ankara, Turkey
P2.05.24 - irradiation indeces immune modification in splenocytes Yasuhiro Yoshida, Y. Song, R. Okazaki, T. Kanazawa; Kitakyushu, Japan
P2.05.25 - Cytomegalovirus infection impacts the development of CD4 memory T cells in young individuals Zdenek Zadrazil, A. Larbi, A. Vasudev; Singapore, Singapore
Session Time: Monday, August 26, 13:20 - 15:00 083
P2.08.01 - Functional relevance of NTAL adaptor cleavage M.M. Arbulo-Echeverria, F.J. Garcia-Cozar, Enrique Aguado; Cadiz, Spain
P2.08.02 - Analysis of TCR-Vβ repertoire in lung and blood lymphocytes of pulmonary sarcoidosis patients reveals presence of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell expansions Kerstin M. Ahlgren, T. Ruckdeschel, A. Eklund, J. Wahlström, J. Grunewald; Stockholm, Sweden
P2.08.03 - The contribution of ligand affinity of the inhibitory coreceptor ILT2 to differential patterning of TCR at the immune synapse Mina O. Aletrari, K. Sabaratnam, R. Zhang, S. Dyball, S. Seyedmohammad, M. Purbhoo; London, United Kingdom
P2.08.04 - Tollip-induced down-regulation of MARCH1 Marie-Claude Bourgeois-Daigneault, A. Pezeshki, T. Galbas, M. Houde, M. Baril, K. Früh, A. Amrani, S. Ishido, D. Lamarre, J. Thibodeau; Montreal, Canada
P2.08.05 - Intrinsic binding of V genes to autoantigens may contribute to BCR repertoire A.Q. Maranhão, B.W. Costa, P.M.M. Vieira, L. Guedes, M.E.T. Walter, T. Raiol, Marcelo M. Brigido; Brasilia, Brazil
P2.08.06 - PAG (Cbp) as a positive reulator of mast cell signaling Viktor Bugajev, L. Dráberová, M. Machyna, P. Dráber; Prague 4, Czech Republic
P2.08.07 - The phosphatase JKAP inhibits T-cell receptor signaling and autoimmunity by inactivating Lck Huai-Chia Chuang, J. Li, J. Lan, D. Chen, C. Yang, J.W. Belmont, T. Tan; Zhunan Miaoli County, Taiwan
P2.08.09 - Higher sensitivity of restored human CD8 T-cells to virus- and tumor-derived antigens Julia Fischer, S. Stevanovic, G. Grigoleit, T. Hünig; Würzburg, Germany
P2.08.10 - Regulation of AP-1 activation in T cells by EGR-2 Emma L.M. Ghaffari, T. Miao, A.L.J. Symonds, P.K. Bhullar, S. Li, P. Wang; London, United Kingdom
P2.08.11 - VAV1 controls inflammation in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE) Andre O. Guerreiro-Cacais, M. N’Diaye, R. Berglund, A.D. Beyeen, M. Jagodic, T. Olsson; Stockholm, Sweden
P2.08.12 - Phage mini-antibodies and their use for detection of microbial cells by using electro-optical sensor Olga I. Guliy, l. Dykman, S. Staroverov, V. Bunin, O. Ignatov; Saratov, Russian Federation
P2.08.13 - Cdc42 controls cytokine secretion at the immune synapse Claire Hivroz, A. Bohineust, K. Chemin, S. Dogniaux, S. Guegan; Paris, France
P2.08.14 - OCILRP2 costimulates T cell activation by activating MAPK signaling pathway Yanzhong Hu; Kaifeng, Henan, China
P2.08.15 - Generation of LYPLA1 knockout Jurkat T cells by transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALEN) technology D. Biedenweg, U. Jehmlich, A. Alahmad, Matthias Hundt; Greifswald, Germany
Posters - August 26 097
P2.08.18 - A novel mechanism for the autonomous termination of pre-B cell receptor expression via induction of lysosomal-associated protein transmembrane 5 Yohei Kawano, R. Ouchida, J. Wang, S. Yoshikawa, D. Kitamura, H. Karasuyama; Tokyo, Japan
P2.08.19 - Detection of antigen-stimulated cytokine-secretion in human T-cells at single cell levels on a live cell chip Hiroyuki Kishi, A. Jin, H. Hamana, K. Tajiri, S. Hatakeyama, E. Kobayashi, T. Ozawa, T. Nagai, A. Muraguchi; Toyama, Japan
P2.08.20 - Recombinant P. aeruginosa outer membrane proteins and immune response A.V. Soldatenkova, L.A. Geiderova, E.A. Akhmatov, N.A. Mikhailova, N.K. Akhmatova, Olga V. Lebedinskaya; Perm, Russian Federation
P2.08.21 - Lck Mediates Signal Transmission from CD59 to the TCR/CD3 Pathway in Jurkat T Cells Anna M. Lipp, K. Juhasz, C. Paar, C. Ogris, P. Eckerstorfer, R. Thuenauer, J. Hesse, H. Stockinger, G.J. Schütz, U. Bodenhofer, Z. Balogi, A. Sonnleitner; Linz, Austria
P2.08.22 - The initiation of B cell receptor signaling is sensitive to the stiffness properties of the substrate presenting the antigens Wanli Liu, Z. Wan; Beijing, China
P2.08.23 - C-type lectin related protein OCILRP2 enhances development and functional differentiation of mouse bone marrow-derived dendritic cells Yuanfang Ma; Kaifeng, Henan China, China
P2.08.24 - Inhibition of PI3K/Akt pathway in antigen-stimulated B-lymphocytes and hybridoma cells induces their apoptotic death Yana Malyutina, Y. Makarova, A. Kabakov; Obninsk, Russian Federation
P2.08.25 - The actin and tetraspanin networks organize receptor nanoclusters to regulate B cell receptor-mediated signaling Pieta K. Mattila, C. Feest, D. Depoil, B. Treanor, B. Montaner, K.L. Otipoby, R. Carter, L.B. Justement, A. Bruckbauer, F.D. Batista; Turku, Finland
P2.08.26 - CD22 ligand-binding and signalling domains reciprocally regulate B-cell Ca2+ signalling Jennifer Müller, I. Obermeier, M. Wöhner, C. Brandl, S. Mrotzek, P. Maity, M. Reth, L. Nitschke; Erlangen, Germany
P2.08.27 - Germline TSC1 mutations are permissive for T lymphocyte development and homeostasis in Tuberous Sclerosis individuals Karolina Pilipow, V. Basso, N. Migone, A. Mondino; Milan, Italy
P2.08.28 - Ligation of human Fc receptor like-2 (FCRL2) by specific monoclonal antibodies downregulates B cell receptor mediated signaling Mahdi Shabani, A.A. Bayat, M. Jeddi-Tehrani, H. Rabbani, C. Ulivieri, Z. Amirghofran, C.T. Baldari, F. Shokri; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P2.08.29 - Cell membrane permeable phosphopeptides of Gab1 inhibit signaling in B cells by interacting with SHP-2 phosphatase Eszter Szarka, Á. Kertész, J. Varga, Á.S. Garai, G. Gógl, A. Reményi, T. Janáky, G. Váradi, G. Tóth, G. Sármay; Budapest, Hungary
P2.08.30 - Perturbing human TCR signaling pathway through superantigen from Staphylococcus aureus: Multi objective optimization under FBA Namrata Tomar, R.K. De; Kolkata, India
P2.08.31 - Suppression of T cells proliferation by A novel generated monoclonal antibody, COS3A Siriwan Wansook, S. Pata, K. Mahasongkram, W. Kasinrerk, P. Khunkaewla; Nakhonratchasima, Thailand
Session Time: Monday, August 26, 13:20 - 15:00 111
P2.12.01 - Symmetry breaking in reconstituted actin cortices Enas Abu Shah, K. Keren; Haifa, Israel
P2.12.03 - Identification of signalling cascades during the inflammatory activation of phagocytes induced by S100A8 and S100A9 Selina Fassl, J. Austermann, M. Riemenschneider, A. Witten, M. Stoll, J. Roth, T. Vogl; Muenster, Germany
P2.12.04 - Type-1 serine/threonine phosphatases and PI3K signaling contribute for the TLR antagonist effect of Natterins Marcio José Ferreira, C. Lima, M. Lopes-Ferreira; São Paulo, Brazil
P2.12.05 - T cell proliferation defect of DiGeorge syndrome patients is associated with impaired CrKL signaling Mauro Giacomelli, R. Kumar, A. Prandini, A. Soresina, D. Moratto, S. Negri, O. Scomodon, A. Plebani, R. Badolato; Brescia, Italy
Posters - August 26 115
P2.12.06 - CD38/CD203a/CD73 runs in human T lymphocytes a novel adenosinergic loop independent from CD39 Alberto L. Horenstein, A. Chillemi, G. Zaccarello, V. Quarona, A. Zito, F. Malavasi; Turin, Italy
P2.12.07 - Genetically engineered chimeric molecules targeting Influenza A viral antigen Iva I. Ivanova, N. Mihaylova, N. Kerekov, A. Erdei, J. Prechl, A. Tchorbanov; Sofia, Bulgaria
P2.12.08 - Experimental and computational study of ROS and RNS in endothelial and leukocyte interactions Mahendra Kavdia, J. Chen, S. Kar; Detroit, United States
P2.12.09 - Arhgap12 as a novel binding partner of GULP regulates Rac1 activity during Stablin-2-mediated cell corpse engulfment Sang-Yeob Kim, D. Bae, S. Kim, H. Choi, J. Pyo, S. Park, I. Kim; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P2.12.10 - Acetylation modulates Interleukin-2 receptor signaling Taku Kuwabara, M. Kondo; Ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan
P2.12.11 - Galphai2 and Galphai3 differentially regulate arrest and chemotaxis in neutrophils Yoshihiro Kuwano, M. Adler, H. Zhang, A. Groisman, K. Ley; Tokyo, Japan
P2.12.12 - RUNX transcription factors regulate the transcriptional activity of CD69 Teresa Laguna, L. Notario, P. Lauzurica; Majadahonda, Spain
P2.12.14 - The late endosomal transporter CD222 spatially regulates the distribution of proximal T cell signaling molecules Vladimir Leksa, K. Pfisterer, F. Forster, W. Paster, V. Supper, P. Eckerstorfer, C. Donner, H. Stockinger; Vienna, Austria
P2.12.15 - The activation and co-stimulatory functions of Fc receptor like 1 protein (FcRL1) in human B cells depend on phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase Chuen-Miin Leu, Y. Chen, T. Hsieh, G.R.A.A. Ehrhardt, M.D. Cooper; Taipei City, Taiwan
P2.12.16 - Sterile alpha motif (SAM) and individual H5 alpha helix mediates SLP-76 oligomer formation for microclusters and T-cell activation Hebin Liu, Y. Thaker, L. Stagg, H. Schneider, J. Ladbury, C.E. Rudd; SuZhou, China
P2.12.17 - Functionally Relevant phoshorylatable Serine Clusters targeted by Casein Kinase 2 on the Cytoplasmic region of the human CD6 Lymphocyte Surface Receptor L. Bonet, M. Farnós, M. Martínez-Florensa, V.G. Martinez, Francisco Lozano; Barcelona, Spain
P2.12.18 - Targeted mitochondrial antioxidant SkQ has anti-inflammatory properties in vitro and in vivo Alexander Lukashev, M. Skulachev; Moscow, Russian Federation
P2.12.19 - SAP-mediated inhibition of Diacylglycerol kinase alpha regulates TCR-induced diacylglycerol signaling and restimulation induced cell death in XLP patients G. Baldanzi, E. Ruffo, Valeria Malacarne, K.E. Nichols, L. Patrussi, C.T. Baldari, A. Snow, A. Graziani; Novara, Italy
P2.12.21 - The influence of calpain-calpastatin system in human lymphocyte - assessment of lymphocyte signaling process of centenarians and elderly people Anna Mikosik, A. Jasiulewicz, J. Frackowiak, J. Foerster, D. Schetz, J.M. Witkowski; Gdansk, Poland
P2.12.22 - CD157-extracellular matrix proteins interactions enhance integrin-mediated signalling cascade in monocytes Simona Morone, A. Giacomino, R. Parrotta, N. Lo Buono, M. Cuccioloni, E. Ortolan, A. Funaro; Torino, Italy
P2.12.23 - IL-21 isoform is a membrane-bound ligand and activates directly interacted cells Hidetoshi Nara, M. Rahman, A. Araki, L. Jin, Y. Takeda, H. Asao; Yamagata City, Japan
P2.12.24 - Differential TLR1/2 pro-inflammatory signaling during the first 9 months of life Elisa Nemes, M. Shey, W. Whatney, C. Riou, T. Scriba, W. Hanekom; Cape Town, South Africa
P2.12.25 - Dasatinib leads to a reduced number of B cells in mice and promotes apoptosis of human CD19+ peripheral blood B cells Morten P. Oksvold, C.B.F. Thien, S.A. Dagger, L. Forfang, J.H. Myklebust, E.B. Smeland, W.Y. Langdon; Oslo, Norway
P2.12.26 - Regulation of TCR trafficking and immune synapse assembly by Rab29 Anna Onnis, S. Spanò, F. Finetti, L. Patrussi, J.E. Galan, C.T. Baldari; Siena, Italy
P2.12.27 - A mutation in the moesin gene induces an alteration of T lymphocyte adhesion/migration process in a new combined immunodeficiency syndrome Farid Ouchani, C. Lagresle, S. Luce, K. Jacobs, C. Picard, A. Fischer, G. De Saint Basile, N. Jabado, M. Cavazzana-Calvo, I. André-Schmutz; Paris, France
Posters - August 26 135
P2.12.28 - Characterization of THEMIS as a novel attenuator of TCR signalling Wolfgang Paster, A. Bruger, C. Brockmeyer, G. Fu, A. Kabat, C. Wuelfing, N.R.J. Gascoigne, O. Acuto; Oxford, United Kingdom
P2.12.30 - Platelets and leukocytes reactivity in patients with ischemic stroke Iryna Prylutska, E. Barinov, O. Sulaieva, A. Kit; Donetsk, Ukraine
P2.12.31 - The chicken IFN- λ Receptor Complex Andreas Rohringer, K. Goossens, A. Ward, A. Bean; Geelong, Australia
P2.12.32 - A novel tool to isolate and analyze lipid rafts Philipp Schatzlmaier, J. Huppa, H. Stockinger; Vienna, Austria
P2.12.34 - IL-10 receptor and endoplasmic reticulum stress impairs STAT3 activation in type 1 diabetes patients and their healthy first degree relatives Mamdouh A.K. Sedhom, A. Cotterill, K. Irvine, R. Thomas; Woolloongabba, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
P2.12.35 - Enhanced expression of adenosine-producing ectonucleotidases in activated and memory T cells Ivan Shevchenko, A.V. Bazhin, V. Umansky; Heidelberg, Germany
P2.12.36 - Phenotypical analysis of transgenic mice expressing soluble human CD6 supports an immunomodulatory role for this protein Inês T. Simões, V.G. Martinez, R. Fenutría, J. Alberola-Ila, F. Lozano; Barcelona, Spain
P2.12.37 - Understanding signalling requirements of LTi cells in vivo and in vitro J. Wagner, Gleb Turchinovich, D. Finke; Basel, Switzerland
P2.12.38 - Elucidation of IL-17 signaling pathways Evgeny Varfolomeev, D. Vucic; South San Francisco, United States
P2.12.39 - Biological evaluation of human PBMC and Th17 cells using MILLIPLEX® MAP cell signaling and cytokine panels J. Hwang, T. Warmke, R. Keith, Rick Wiese; St Charles, United States
P3.08.26 - Bromodomain-Containing-Protein 4 (BRD4) Regulates RNA Polymerase II Serine 2 Phosphorylation in Human CD4+ T Cells Joe, poh sheng Yeong, W. Zhang, P. Celine, C. Sum, N. Thiessen, S. Jones, S. Pettersson, S. Knapp, H. Yang, K. Chin; Singapore, Singapore
Session Time: Monday, August 26, 13:20 - 15:00 146
P3.06.01 - The effect of a high intensity interval exercise on the proliferative response of lymphocytes R. Tossige-Gomes, Karine Beatriz Costa, S.M. Magalhães, V.O. Ottone, F.C. Magalhães, F.T. Amorim, E. Rocha-Vieira; Diamantina, Brazil
P3.06.02 - Regulatory T cells control Th1 priming by inhibiting the CD70/CD27 pathway Maxime Dhainaut, C. Coquerelle, S. Uzureau, V. Acolty, J. Denoeud, G. Oldenhove, E. Pays, M. Moser; Gosselies, Belgium
P3.06.03 - XCR1 promotes the activation of CD8+ T lymphocytes by optimizing their interaction with CD8a+ dendritic cells Sonia Ghilas, K. Crozat, M. Dalod; Marseille, France
P3.06.04 - The Inducible Costimulator (ICOS) facilitates interleukin-4 synthesis through phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling Mathieu Gigoux, A. Lovato, J. Leung, J. Leconte, N. Sonenberg, W. Suh; Montréal, Canada
P3.06.05 - Discovery of a novel immune checkpoint regulator of the B7 family that negatively modulates T cell activation Iris Hecht, J.R. Podojil, K. McNamee, I. Vaknin, A. Oren, A. Toporik, G. Cojocaru, G. Rotman, R. Williams, S.D. Miller; Tel Aviv, Israel
P3.06.06 - Nucleic acid-mediated T cell activation through a novel sensing mechanism induces Th2 responses Takayuki Imanishi, S. Akira, T. Saito; Yokohama, Japan
P3.06.07 - Semaphorin 4A regulates activation of CD8+ T cells Daisuke Ito, S. Nojima, A. Kumanogoh; Suita city, Japan
P3.06.08 - CD28 costimulates the CD4+ T cell tolerogenic response to exogenous antigen in vivo A. Jaekel, E. Mettke, Nele Reeg, Y. Yang, A. Hutloff, H. Mages, S. Gurka, R. Kroczek; Berlin, Germany
P3.06.09 - TIM-3 does not act as a receptor for galectin-9 Judith Leitner, K. Grabmeier-Pfistershammer, A. Rieger, W.F. Pickl, G. Zlabinger, P. Steinberger; Vienna, Austria
Posters - August 26 155
P3.06.10 - Endothelial-lymphocyte interaction causes proliferation and transient Foxp3 enrichment of CD4+ T lymphocytes Wen Chean Lim, E. Healy, T.M. Millar; Southampton, United Kingdom
P3.06.11 - Setting an intrinsic brake on T cell division number: Roles for TCR affinity and IL-2 concentration Julia M. Marchingo, S. Heinzel, C.J. Wellard, M.R. Dowling, P.D. Hodgkin; Melbourne, Australia
P3.06.12 - Role of metalloprotease ADAM17 in regulating ICOSL-mediated humoral immune response Joanna Marczynska, A. Ozga, A. Włodarczyk, D. Michalczyk, M. Bana , M. Kwitniewski, A. Hutloff, J. Scheller, S. Rose-John, J. Cichy; Kraków, Poland
P3.06.13 - IL-35 is induced in human T cells upon co-stimulation via CD43 and PD-1 Madhura Modak, M. Seyerl, R. Aigner, O. Majdic, D. Olive, G. Zlabinger, J. Stöckl; Vienna, Austria
P3.06.14 - High throughput generation of antibody secreting B-cell clones from peripheral blood of rabbits Sonja Offner, F. Ros, I. Thorey, G. Tiefenthaler, K. Kaluza, V. Lifke, J.A.A. Fischer, S. Klostermann, J. Endl, E. Kopetzki, A. Pashine, B. Kaluza, J. Platzer, S. Seeber; Penzberg, Germany
P3.06.15 - Co-stimulatory effects of PD-1 in sublingual mucosa-mediated CD4+ T cell responses Tatsukuni Ohno, C. Zhang, H. Yagita, M. Azuma; Tokyo, Japan
P3.06.16 - Combining molecular adjuvant or a sub-immunizing dose of inactivated Foot and Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) with plasmids encoding P12A3C or VP1 protein enhances DNA vaccine potency Erica Pereyra, V. Gnazzo, I. Soria, C. Langellotti, C. Bellusci, A. D´Antuono, M. Nora, V. Quattrocchi, P. Zamorano, C. Mongini; Buenos Aires, Argentina
P3.06.17 - The impact of CD27 signaling on Wnt-mediated T cell expansion Carla Ruckstuhl, C. Schürch, C. Riether, A. Ochsenbein; Bern, Switzerland
P3.06.18 - Constitutively active STAT3 acts as a tolerogenic factor in human CD4+ T-cells Klaus G. Schmetterer, A. Neunkirchner, D. Wojta-Stremayr, J. Leitner, P. Steinberger, W.F. Pickl; Vienna, Austria
P3.06.19 - Adapters TRIM and LAX regulate transport and surface expression of CTLA-4 via Rab8 vesicles Helga Schneider, M.C. Banton, K.L. Inder, E. Valk, C.E. Rudd; Cambridge, United Kingdom
P3.06.20 - Signaling through Flt3 on activated splenic B-cells drives plasma cell differentiation Mattias N.D. Svensson, K. Månsson, K.M.E. Andersson, M. Bemark, M. Brisslert, M. Bokarewa; Gothenburg, Sweden
P3.06.21 - PD-1 blockage reverses immune dysfunction and hepatitis B viral persistence in a mouse animal model Horng-Tay Tzeng, P. Chen, P. Hsu; Taipei, Taiwan
P3.06.22 - Convergent and divergent effects of costimulatory molecules in conventional and regulatory CD4+ T cells Ei Wakamatsu, R. Abe, D. Mathis, C. Benoist; Noda, Japan
P3.06.23 - The immunomodulatory potency of interleukin 2 applied as ‘natural adjuvant’ bound to virus-like nanoparticles is critically influenced by its membrane-anchor characteristics Daniela Wojta-Stremayr, A. Neunkirchner, K.G. Schmetterer, W.F. Pickl; Vienna, Austria
P4.06 IMMUNITY TO FUNGAL INFECTION Session Time: Monday, August 26, 13:20 - 15:00 169
P4.06.01 - Anti-aspergillus fumigatus IgY antibodies and their protective efficacy in immunocompromised BALB/c mice K. Kissoyan, N. Al-Akl, Alexander Abdelnoor; Beirut, Lebanon
P4.06.02 - HeNe laser increases the pro-inflammatory cytokines production and the in vitro phagocytosis of P. brasiliensis by macrophages Thiago Alves da Costa, R. Thomé, R. Di Gangi, C. Francelin, L. Verinaud; Campinas, Brazil
P4.06.03 - Cryptococcus gattii infection inhibits the induction of Th1 immune responses Pornpimon Angkasekwinai, M. Chayakulkeeree; Pathumthani, Thailand
P4.06.04 - Disentangling immunity and tolerance in candidiasis Antonella De Luca, A. Carvalho, C. Cunha, G. Giovannini, L. Bartolommei, S. Moretti, C. Massi-Benedetti, M. Puccetti, R.G. Iannitti, L. Romani; Perugia, Italy
P4.06.05 - Paracoccidioides brasiliensis induces neutrophil extracellular traps in vitro Tatiana F. Bachiega, R.K. Fernandes, D.R. Rodrigues, H.A. Balderramas, L.A. Dias-Melicio, Â.M.V.C. Soares; Botucatu, Brazil
Posters - August 26 174
P4.06.06 - Characterization of Regulatory T Cells in Pulmonary Paracoccidioidomycosis Using Foxp3-GFP Transgenic Mice Silvia Boschi Bazan, T. Costa, V. Calich; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.06.07 - Deciphering the class and specificity of the T cell response to C. albicans Simone Becattini, F. Mele, G. Gyuelveszi, L. Perez, A. Sette, A. Lanzavecchia, F. Sallusto; Bellinzona, Switzerland
P4.06.08 - Variability in autologous/heterologous binder serum activity anti-Candida albicans and relationship with oral presence of the yeast, in patients with risk factors Daniela Brito, N. Semprún- Hernández1, J. Puentes, S. Azuero; maracaibo, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
P4.06.09 - Granulomas developed in paracoccidioidomycosis in oral lesions of patients and in experimentally infected mice present similar patterns Eva Burger, M. Miyazawa, D.T. Oliveira, A.A.C. Pereira, M.L. deCarli, I. Felipe, J.A.C. Hanemann; Alfenas, Brazil
P4.06.10 - Cutaneous candidiasis in BALB/c mice Tacito G. Campois, A.Z. Zucoloto, G.F.S. Quirino, L.A. Custodio, I.C. Costa, E.E.J. Araújo, T.I.E. Svidzinski, I. Felipe; Londrina, Brazil
P4.06.11 - Immune response investigation in a murine model of sporotrichosis L. Souza Ferreira, L. Carolina de Abreu Ribeiro, D. Cardoso Geraldo Maia, T. de Cássia Negrini, P. Alegranci, D. Cordeiro de Matos, M. Bassi Quiles, M. Campos Polesi Placeres, Iracilda Zeppone Carlos; Araraquara, Brazil
P4.06.12 - Identification of NETs (neutrophil extracellular traps) in tegumentary lesions of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis Amanda M.D. Coletta, T.F. Bachiega, J.C.Q. Silva, B.R.S. Silva, S.A. Marques, M.E.A. Marques, J. Defaveri, A.M.V.C. Soares, L.A. Dias-Melicio; Botucatu, Brazil
P4.06.13 - High-throughput miRNA sequencing of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells confronted with Aspergillus fumigatus Kristin Czakai, I. Leonhardt, M. Walter, M. Bonin, O. Kurzai, H. Einsele, J. Loeffler; Wuerzburg, Germany
P4.06.14 - Involvment of Notch-TLR signaling in experimental paracoccidioidomycosis Lavínia M. Dal’Mas Romera, S.R. de Almeida; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.06.15 - Thymic alterations during Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection Rosaria Di Gangi, T. Alves da Costa, C. Francelin, R. Thomé, L. Verinaud; Campinas, Brazil
P4.06.16 - Anti-DEC-205 receptor carrying P10 induces protective response in experimental Paracoccidioidomycosis Suelen S. Dos Santos, E. Rampazzo, K.S. Ferreira, C.P. Taborda, S.B. Boscardin, S.R. Almeida; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P4.06.17 - Concanavalin-A induces IL-17 production during the course of Candida albicans infection Ionice Felipe, P.G.C. de Carvalho, L.A. Custodio, I. Conchon-Costa, C.G.T.J. Andrade, G.F.S. Quirino, E. Burger, R.S. Almeida; Londrina, Brazil
P4.06.18 - Inhibition of PGE2 and LTB4 production by dendritic cells induced by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is associated with the non maturation of these cells Reginaldo K. Fernandes, T.F. Bachiega, D.R. Rodrigues, M.A. Golim, L.A. Dias-Melicio, H.A. Balderramas, R. Kaneno, Â.M.V.C. Soares; Botucatu, Brazil
P4.06.19 - Therapy with scFv transfected-dendritic cells induce a decrease levels of specific IgG2b upon Paracoccidioides brasiliesnsis infection G.P.J. Jannuzzi, J.R.F.A. Almeida, S.R.A. Almeida, Karen S.F. Ferreira; Diadema, Brazil
P4.06.20 - In pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis, IDO exerts a protective effect to susceptible mice but a deleterious effect to resistant mice Eliseu Frank de Araujo, V.L.G. Calich; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.06.21 - Evaluation of infiltration with important acquired immune cells in kidney and spleen of mouse model in groups affected by systemic candidiasis, treated by etanolic extract of Zataria multiflora Boiss. in comparison to control groups Hadi Ghazanfari, N. Hassannejad, M. Bayat, P. Dehghan, S. Hejazi, S. Ghanadian; Isfahan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.06.23 - Differential immune reactivity of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis phylogenetic species S1, PS2 and P. lutzii antigens by paracoccidioidomycosis patients` sera Eiko N. Itano, A. Lenhard-Vidal, J.P. Assolini, A. Sano, C.S.O. Bredt, M.A. Ono; Londrina, PR, Brazil
P4.06.25 - Protein-based Mycosis Vaccines: Mechanism and Prospects for Future Human Use Markus Kalkum, D. Diaz-Arevalo, J. Champer, T.B. Hong, K. Vega, J.I. Ito; Duarte, United States
P4.06.26 - Preliminary evaluation of antigens from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis responsible for protective immune response induced in P. brasiliensis-infected mice by treatment with complete Freund’s adjuvant Taise N. Landgraf, F.F. Fernandes, G. Peron, A.A.M. Coelho-Castelo, A. Panunto-Castelo; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Posters - August 26 193
P4.06.27 - CD5 modulates the inflammatory response to fungal cell wall components Marc Orta, E. Carreras, R. Fenutría, I. Simões, C. Raman, F. Lozano; Barcelona, Spain
P4.06.28 - Host parasite interaction in Drosophila melanogaster Francesco Paparazzo, S. Hutter, A. Tellier, W. Stephan; Martinsried, Germany
P4.06.29 - Inhibition of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) by Cryptococcus neoformans: involvement of the capsular polysaccharide Glucuronoxylomannan (GXM) Juliana D.B. Rocha, M.M.T.C. Nascimento, M.P. Nunes, D. Decote-Ricardo, G.A. DosReis, E.M. Saraiva, C.G. Freire-de-Lima; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P4.06.30 - The resistance to infection by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis requires production of IL-6, IL-17 and IL-23 Fernanda A. Rocha, N. Ketelut-Carneiro, J.S. Silva; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P4.06.31 - In situ expression of regulatory cytokines in oral paracoccidioidomycosis lesions Denise B.R. Rodrigues, M.S. Araujo, P.M. Alves, S.A.L. Pereira, L.M.B. Lima, M.F. Silva, V. Rodrigues; Uberaba, Brazil
P4.06.32 - Interferon-gamma production by human neutrophils upon challenge with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Daniela R. Rodrigues, R.K. Fernandes, H.A. Balderramas, T.F. Bachiega, S.A. Calvi, L.A. Dias-Melicio, M. Penitenti, M.R.V. Ikoma, A.M.V.C. Soares; Botucatu, Brazil
P4.06.33 - Interaction between monocyte-derived dendritic cells from active and cured paracoccidioidomycosis patients and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigens: differences on phenotype, cytokines release and lymphoproliferation Paula K. Sato, T.M. Oshiro, É.C. Passos, C.L. Diogo, C.A. Fonseca, M.A. Shikanai-Yasuda; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.06.34 - Frequencies of Heterologous Serum Agglutination (FHSA) Heterologous Representativeness Index (HRI) and Autologous Reactivity as indicators of variability in binder activity anti-Candida albicans - Evaluation in age groups of healthy individuals carriers of the yeast in oral cavity Neomar Semprún Hernández, A. Bohórquez Visier, M. Ribas, R. Colmenares, S. Azuero; Cabimas, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
P4.06.35 - IL-18 does not modulate dectin-1 expression on human monocytes challenged with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis M.B. Cestari, T.F. Bachiega, R.K. Fernades, Juliana C.Q. Silva, M.A. Golim, A.M.V.C. Soares, L.A. Dias-Melicio; Botucatu, Brazil
P4.06.36 - Dectin-1 plays a prominent role in the immune response against the dermatophyte “Trichophyton rubrum” in murine model Fábio S.Y. Yoshikawa, S.R. de Almeida; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.06.37 - The role of IL-6 and IL-8 in vulvovaginal candidiasis in adolescent Girls Uktam K. Ziyadullaev; Tashkent, Uzbekistan
P4.07 IMMUNITY TO HELMINTH INFECTION Session Time: Monday, August 26, 13:20 - 15:00 204
P4.07.01 - Involvement of Treg and alternatively activated macrophages in evasion strategies during hydatidosis Manel Amri, C. Touil-Boukoffa; Algiers, Algeria
P4.07.02 - Galectin-like molecule in parasite inhibits remission of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by enhancing auto-reactive B cells So Jin Bing, D. Ha, S. Lee, J. Cho, S. Park, H. Yu, Y. Jee*; Jeju, Korea, Republic of
P4.07.03 - Anisakis simplex allergens remain biologically active after canning and simulated gastric fluid treatment of parasitized fish Noelia Carballeda-Sangiao, A. Rodríguez-Mahíllo, F. Olivares Ponce, M. Tejada, M. Careche, I. Moneo, M. Gonzalez-Muñoz; Madrid, Spain
P4.07.04 - Immunomodulatory effect of Toll-like receptor 7/8-agonist (imidazoquinoline Resiquimod) in experimental secondary hydatidosis infection Margherita Conchedda, V. Seu, A. Caddori, A. Caredda, F. Gabriele; Monserrato (Cagliari), Italy
P4.07.05 - Immunomodulation by TLR-7-agonist, IL-27 or IL-25 in Hymenolepis diminuta infection in rats Margherita Conchedda, V. Seu, S. Capra, A. Caredda, F. Gabriele; Monserrato (Cagliari), Italy
P4.07.06 - An essential role of galectin-1 in driving Th2-polarized responses during helminth infection Sebastian Dergan Dylon, J. Ilarregui, L. Rutitzky, M. Stadecker, G. Rabinovich; Buenos Aires, Argentina
P4.07.07 - The change of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells and related cytokines in mice infected with Echinococcus multilocular Jian-Bing Ding, X. Ma, H. Zhao, Y. Zhu, F. Zhang, H. Wen; Urumqi,Xinjiang, China
Posters - August 26 211
P4.07.08 - Heligmosomoides polygyrus L4 stage from inflammatory milieu effects on dendritic precursor JAWSII cells K. Donskow-Lysoniewska, K. Brodaczewska, Maria Doligalska; Warsaw, Poland
P4.07.09 - Chitosan stimulates lymphocyte proliferation during muscle phase of Trichinella spiralis infection in mice K. Brodaczewska, N. Wolaniuk, K. Donskow-Lysoniewska, Maria Doligalska; Warsaw, Poland
P4.07.10 - The role of TLR3 in the development of a protective immune response against Plasmodium Marion Draheim, J. Roland, S. Pied; Lille, France
P4.07.11 - Oral Fluids: utility in parasitic infections diagnosis Yousr Galaï, M. Benabid, F. Amri, K. Aoun, A. Bouratbine; Belvedere Tunis, Tunisia
P4.07.12 - Schistosomiasis vaccine discovery using high throughput schistosome tegument proteins microarray recognition Soraya T. Gaze Jangola, P. Driguez, J. Bethony, D. MacManus, D. Doolan, R. Correa-Oliveira, P. Felgner, A. Loukas; Belo Horizonte, Brazil
P4.07.14 - Differential expression of ovine TLR2 and TLR4 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells cultured with hydatid cyst derived antigens Alireza Haghparast, N. Soleymani, H. Borji, A. Naghibi, F. Taran, J. Mehrzad, M. Nazem Shirazi, M. Torabi; Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.07.15 - Induction of regulatory T cells by Opisthorchis viverrini Chamraj Kaewraemruaen, R.W. Sermswan, S. Wongratanacheewin; Khon Kaen, Thailand
P4.07.16 - Down regulation of NKG2D and Fc gamma receptor I in peripheral blood mononuclear cells induced by excretory-secretory antigens from the third stage Gnathostoma spinigerum larvae (L3) Yaowapa Maneerat, S. Benjathammaraksa, Y. Eshita, R. Kumsiri, K. Wetchabut, S. Nuamtanong, T. Kalambaheti, J. Waikagul; BKK, Thailand
P4.07.17 - Swiprosin-1/EFhd2 limits autoantibody and IgE levels by restricting co-stimulation dependent B cell activation S. Brachs, A. Turqueti-Neves, C. Lang, B. Brachvogel, M. Bösl, T. Winkler, D. Voehringer, H. Jäck, Dirk Mielenz; Erlangen, Germany
P4.07.18 - Regulation of intestinal immune response by selective removal of the anterior, posterior, or entire pituitary gland in Trichinella spiralis infected golden hamsters R. Hernández-Cervantes, A. Quintanar-Stephano, V. López-Salazar, L. López-Griego, R. Hernández-Bello, J.C. Carrero, K.E. Nava-Castro, Jorge Morales-Montor; México, D.F., Mexico
P4.07.19 - The effects of astaxanthin in improving age associated declines of Th2 immune responses Motoko Morimoto, S. Abe, N. Azuma, S. Kamei, K. Dewa; Sendai City, Miyagi, Japan
P4.07.20 - Dendritic cell capture and transfer of HIV-1 to CD4+ T lymphocytes is inhibited by helminth parasite antigens Emily E.I.M. Mouser, H.H. Smits, M. Yazdanbakhsh, E.C. de Jong, G. Pollakis, W.A. Paxton; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P4.07.21 - Helminth infection alters mood and short-term memory as well as neurotransmitter and cytokine levels in the mouse hippocampus Karen E. Nava-Castro, J. Morales-Montor, O. Picazo, H. Besedovsky, R. Hernández-Bello, L. López-Griego, E. Becerril, J. Moreno, L. Pavón, I. Camacho-Arroyo; México, D.F., Mexico
P4.07.22 - CD28 is required for protection against Nippostrongylus brasiliensis secondary infection and recall of memory responses in inducible CD28 deleting mice Hlumani H. Ndlovu, M. Darby, M. Froelich, W. Horsnell, F. Ludher, T. Hunig, F. Brombacher; Cape Town, South Africa
P4.07.23 - Analysis of Schistosoma mansoni candidate antigens as diagnostic targets for schistosomiasis P. O. Ogongo, A.R. Wilson, Thomas M. Kariuki; Nairobi, Kenya
P4.07.24 - Leukocyte adhesion to mesenteric endothelial cells mediated by P2Y1 receptor activation during schistosomiasis Suellen D.S. Oliveira, N.F. Oliveira, R. Coutinho-Silva, C.L.M. Silva; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P4.07.25 - Purinergic signaling in mesenteric endothelial cells and peritoneal macrophages in chronic inflammation Suellen D.S. Oliveira, N.F. Oliveira, J.R. Meyer-Fernandes, C.L.M. Silva, R. Coutinho-Silva; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P4.07.26 - Atopic responses among pre-school children in a schistosomiasis endermic community in Zimbabwe Noah H. Paul, N. Rujeni, F. Chidzwondo, N. Midzi, F. Mutapi, T. Mduluza, T. Mduluza, T. Mduluza, T. Mduluza, T. Mduluza, T. Mduluza; Harare, Zimbabwe
P4.07.27 - Impaired CXCR4/CXCL12 chemokine receptor/ligand axis limits filarial infection Nicolas Pionnier, E. Brotin, G. Karadjian, N. Vallarino-Lhermitte, A. Nieguitsila, P. Hémon, M. Aknin, F. Bachelerie, C. Martin; Paris, France
P4.07.28 - Opisthorchis viverrini induces Th17 cytokine responses in hamsters Supavadee Polyiam, Y. Huang, R. Anderson, S. Wongratanacheewin, R.W. Sermswan; Khon Kaen, Thailand
Posters - August 26 231
P4.07.29 - Study of nitric oxide metabolites(NOx) production during human hydatidosis: Relationship with cyst fertility Zeghir-Bouteldja Razika, T. Chafia; Algeria, Algeria
P4.07.30 - Evaluation of CCA urine test for diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infection in Brazil Alda M.S. Silveira, C. Caffrey, M.H. Hsieh, D. Ray, B. Suzuki, L.A.O. Fraga; Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, Brazil
P4.07.31 - High IL-4 production related to granuloma development in high-tolerogenic mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni Daniel A. Tavares, A.C. da Silva, A.M.L. Xavier; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P4.07.32 - Reduction of B lymphocytes production in mice genetically selected for humoral response and infected with Schistosoma mansoni Aurelizia M.L. Xavier, M.F.S. da Silva, E. Hayashi, A.C. da Silva, D.A.G. Tavares; Niteroi, Brazil
P4.07.33 - Ultrastructural alterations in adult Schistosoma mansoni harbored in low-inflammatory mice Aurelizia M.L. Xavier, M.F.S. da Silva, E.V. Guimarães, A.C. da Silva, A.H.A. Moraes Neto, D.A.G. Tavares; Niteroi, Brazil
P4.07.34 - Contribution of IL-33-activated type II innate lymphoid cells to pulmonary eosinophilia in Strongyloides venezuelensis-infected mice Koubun Yasuda, T. Muto, M. Matsumoto, Y. Sasaki, K. Matsushita, T. Yoshimoto, K. Nakanishi; Nishinomiya, Japan
P4.08 IMMUNITY TO PROTOZOAN PARASITE INFECTION Session Time: Monday, August 26, 13:20 - 15:00 237
P4.08.01 - CCL3, CCL4 and CXCL8 chemokines mRNA expression in human neutrophils in response to Leishmania infantum A. Hematzadeh, S. Pakzad, T. Naji, Soheila Ajdary; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.08.02 - Trypanosoma cruzi oral/intragastric infection in murine model: infection and immune response features of the host Juliana B. Albuquerque, D.S. Santos, L.R. Berbert, C.E. Carvalho-Pinto, A.R. Pérez, O. Botasso, E. Roggero, R. Manarin, W. Savino, J. de Meis; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P4.08.03 - Congenital infection with Trypanosoma cruzi primes cord blood Vδ2 T cells to proliferate in response to isopentenyl pyrophosphate Cristina Alonso-Vega; Cochabamba, Bolivia, Plurinational State of
P4.08.04 - Phenotypic and functional analysis of CD4+FoxP3+ regulatory T cells (TREG) in the early phase of murine infection with Trypanosoma cruzi B. Villas-Bôas, R.S. do Nascimento, M. D’Império-Lima, José M. Alvarez; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.08.05 - Phagocyte-derived from cells B1 (B1CDP) facilitate Leishmania major infection in vitro via IL-10 and PGE-2 secretion Angélica F. Arcanjo, I.F. La Roque de Freitas, J.D.B. Rocha, M.P. Nunes, A. Popi, M. Mariano, C. Bandeira-de-Melo, G.A. DosReis, D. Decote-Ricardo, C.G. Freire-de-Lima; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P4.08.06 - Analysis of Metalloproteinases and their Inhbitors in Chronic Chagas’Cardiomyopathy Monique A. Baron, P.C. Teixeira, R.H. Santos, E.C. Mairena, I.C. Navarro, N.A. Stolf, A. Fiorelli, J. Kalil, L.R.P. Ferreira, E.C. Neto; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.08.07 - Role of IL-9 in the intestinal inflammation induced after Toxoplasma gondii infection Luciana Benevides, M.S. Dias, M. Souza, D.M. Fonseca, J.S. Silva; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P4.08.08 - Splenic phagocytes shape the immunity to Plasmodium infection in distinct but complementary ways Henrique Borges Da Silva, P.J. Spence, S. Reece, J. Thompson, N. Van Rooijen, J. Langhorne, C. Tadokoro, M.R. D’Império Lima; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.08.09 - Neutrophil migration during placental malaria Stéphanie Boström, A. van der Does, B. Amulic, M. Troye-Blomberg; Stockholm, Sweden
P4.08.10 - Histopathological study in intestinal wall of dogs naturally infected with Leishmania in the intestines Wilma A. Buzetti, D.T. Silva, M.F. Neves, A.G.S. Lins; Ilha Solteira, Brazil
P4.08.11 - Comparative evaluation of rK39 and soluble antigen ELISA, IFAT and parasitological tests for Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis diagnosis D.T. Silva, Wilma A.S. Buzetti, M.F. Alves, M.S. Paixão, M.S. Tenorio; Ilha Solteira, Brazil
P4.08.12 - Role of L-arginine during acute phase of Chagas disease in pregnant Wistar rats infected with the Y strain of Trypanosoma cruzi Ana A. Carraro Abrahão, C.M. Bronzon da Costa, M.R. Barbosa de Freitas, V. Brazão, C.D. dos Santos, C.C. Kuehn, M.A. Sala, J.C. do Prado Júnior; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Posters - August 26 249
P4.08.13 - Zinc intake improves immune response during pregnancy in wistar rats infected with Y strain of Trypanosoma cruzi Ana A. Carraro Abrahão, C.M. Bronzon da Costa, M.R. Barbosa Freitas, V. Brazão, C.D. Santos, M.A. Sala, J.C. Prado Júnior; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P4.08.14 - T cell immunoglobulin- and mucin-domain-containing molecule-3 secretion by patients with active cutaneous leishmaniasis Lucio R. Castellano, D. Correia, M.V. Silva, H. Dessein, A. Dessein, V. Rodrigues; João Pessoa, PB, Brazil
P4.08.15 - Trypanosomiasis-associated modulation of B cell lymphopoiesis and immune function Jennifer Cnops, V. Bockstal, F. Kauffmann, P. Garside, M. Radwanska, C. De Trez, S. Magez; Brussels, Belgium
P4.08.16 - Towards an immunosense vaccine to prevent toxoplasmosis Hua Cong, Q. Yuan; Jinan, China
P4.08.17 - Effect of congenital toxoplasmosis on the uNKs cells population and their products in a mouse model Dolores Correa, A. Besné-Mérida, C. Cedillo-Peláez, C. Rico-Torres, F. García-Vázquez, J. Farfán-Morales, J. Vargas-Villavicencio; Mexico, Mexico
P4.08.18 - Metalloproteinases 2 and 9 are differentially expressed in patients with indeterminate and cardiac clinical forms of Chagas disease Rodrigo Correa-Oliveira, J.A.S. Gomes, L.R. Garzoni, M.M. Saraiva, R.M. Saraiva, R.M. Saraiva, L.C. Sangenis, M.C. Chambela, F.F. Araujo, A. Teixeira-Carvalho, M.P. Damasio, V.A. Valente, K.S. Ferreira, G.R. Souza, M.O.C. Rocha; Belo Horizonte, Brazil
P4.08.19 - Kinetics of the IgG antibodies acquisition in Plasmodium vivax infected individuals living in a low malaria transmission area in Brazil Maristela G. Cunha, M.M. Póvoa, E.S. Silva, A.M. Ventura, M.D. Ohnishi, N. Sepulveda, P.H. Corran, E. Riley, C. Drakeley; Belém, Brazil
P4.08.20 - Molecular basis of CD8+T cell’s protective response to Toxoplasma infection W. Gao, H. Chu, E. Robey, Shaodong Dai; Denver, United States
P4.08.21 - NOD2-dependent Th1 response impairs host survival during N. caninum infection Marcela Davoli Ferreira, C. Martins Mota, D. Morais da Fonseca, D. Lima Junior, J. Santana da Silva, T. Mineo; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P4.08.22 - Glucocorticoid mediated caspase-8 and caspase-9 activation promotes thymocyte apoptosis and thymus atrophy in Trypanosoma cruzi infection D.A. Farias-de-Oliveira, D.M.S. Villa-Verde, P.H.N. Panzenhagen, D.S. dos Santos, L.R. Berbert, W. Savino, Juliana de Meis; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P4.08.23 - Melatonin and lycopene role on immune system against Chagas’disease José Clóvis do Prado Júnior, M.D. Filipin, V. . Brazão, M.A. Toldo, F.H. Santello; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P4.08.24 - Impact of the absence of galectin-3 on the course of experimental Trypanosoma cruzi infection Danielle S. dos Santos, J.B. de Albuquerque, L.R. Berbert, D.A. Farias-de-Oliveira, L.V.C. Guillermo, W. Savino, J. de Meis, D.M.S. Villa-Verde; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P4.08.25 - Casein diets prevent experimental cerebral malaria by enhancing host pro-inflammatory immune responses during early stage Yonghui Feng, X. Sun, X. Wei, J. Liu, Y. Cao; Shenyang, China
P4.08.26 - Association of IL-1β in the severity of diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis Edith Fernández, C. Rangel, K. Carrillo, N. Salaiza, I. Becker; Mexico, Mexico
P4.08.27 - Oxidized ATP action on macrophage during infection with Leishmania amazonensis Vanessa R. Figliuolo da Paz, S.P. Chaves, G.F. Santoro, C.M.L.M. Coutinho, J.R. Meyer-Fernandes, B. Rossi-Bergmann, R. Coutinho-Silva; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P4.08.28 - Purinergic receptor functionality controls murine infection by L. amazonensis Vanessa R. Figliuolo da Paz, S.P. Chaves, L.E. Savio, É. Salles, H. Guedes, M.R. D’Império, B. Rossi-Bergmann, R. Coutinho-Silva; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P4.08.29 - A non-regulated Th1/Th2 inflammatory immune response is linked to clinical problems in congenital toxoplasmosis Yevel Flores-García, R. Figueroa-Damián, I. Cañedo-Solares, D. Correa; Mexico City, Mexico
P4.08.30 - Sero-immunoproteomics of Leishmania infantum: a reappraisal of the role of antibodies in protection to the development of kala-azar and antigen discovery for the design of bio-markers and vaccines Luiz G.A. Gardinassi, G.R. Garcia, S.R. Maruyama, F.O. Silva, C.H.N. Costa, R.P. Almeida, A.M.R. Jesus, I.K.F.M. Santos; Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
P4.08.31 - Myeloid-derived suppressor cells are key players to balance the exacerbated inflammatory response during acute Trypanosoma cruzi infection A. Arocena, L. Onofrio, A. Paroli, M. Aoki, Susana Gea; Córdoba, Argentina
Posters - August 26 268
P4.08.32 - Evaluation of immunological responses against cocktail DNA vaccine of Leishmania major genes in BALB/c mice Fatemeh Ghaffarifar, A. Dalimi, Z. Sharifi, Z.M. Hassan, O. Jorjani, F. Tabatabaie; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.08.33 - Role of arachidonic acid metabolites in Trypanosoma cruzi infection N.A. Guerrero, M. Fresno, Núria Gironès; Madrid, Spain
P4.08.34 - Role of B-1 cells in experimental Leshmania amazonensis infection Wagner F.K.M. Gonzaga, M.M. Geraldo, B.C. Vivanco, J.D. Lopes, P. Xander; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.08.35 - Identification of Toxoplasma gondii sequences of potential diagnostic value via cDNA library immunoscreening Hossein Hajghani; Kerman, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.08.36 - Effect of Phlebotomus papatasi saliva extracts on humoral and cellular immune response in individuals living in an endemic area for leishmania major infection Wafa Kammoun Rebai, I. Naouar, A. Toumi, A. Ben Salah, H. Louzir, A. Meddeb-Garnaoui; Tunis, Tunisia
P4.08.37 - Cytokine responses & parasite genotypes associated with pathogenesis of human African trypanosomiasis trypanosomiasis in North-eastern Uganda Charles D. Kato, P. Alibu, E. Matovu; Kampala, Uganda
P4.08.38 - Induction of protective immune responses against cutaneous leishmaniasis in BALB/c mice by a vaccine containing a new low pathogenic strain of Leishmania major along with imiquimod Vahid Khaze, M. Alimohammadian, S. Ajdary, B. Laamrad, F. Riazi-Rad, H. Darabi, F. Bahrami; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.08.39 - Antiparasitic effects of Foeniculum vulgare extracts against Toxoplasma gondii Fariba Khoshzaban, F. Ghaffarifar; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.08.40 - Serum nitric oxide levels in subjects with high bilirubin value in comparison of normal healthy control subjects Ramesh Kumar; Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India
P4.08.41 - CD4-CD8- T cells, B cells and complement are critical for resolution of Babesia microti infection in the absence of CD4 Maude Leveque, Z. Silver, C. Wilson, J. Su, S. Telford, J.A. Gelfand, P.J. Krause, E. Vannier; Boston, United States
P4.08.42 - Alteration of s-Fas and s-FasL ligand expression during canine visceral leishmaniasis Valéria M. Lima, J. Perosso, S.d. Ferreira, K.L.O. Silva, L.M. Melo; Araçatuba, Brazil
P4.08.43 - Phagocytosis of promastigotes of Leishmania amazonensis by B-1 cells M.M. Geraldo, F.M.C. Barbosa, W.F.K.M. Gonzaga, B.C. Vivanco, P. Xander, P. Xander, José D. Lopes; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.08.44 - A Mechanistic Insight Into Arabinosylated Lipoarabinomannan (Ara-LAM) Mediated Modulation Of IFN-γ signaling and Different Transcription Factors During Experimental Visceral Leishmaniasis Subrata Majumdar, S. Majumder, B. Paul Chowdhury; Kolkata, India
P4.08.45 - Leishmania-induced biphasic ceramide generation in macrophages is crucial for uptake and survival of the parasite Saikat Majumder, R. Dey, S. Bhattacharjee, A. Rub, G. Gupta, S. Bhattacharyya Majumdar, B. Saha, S. Majumdar; Kolkata, India
P4.08.46 - Leishmania infantum excreted/secreted proteins impairs differentiation and modulates cytokine production in human dendritic cells and monocytes Wafa Markikou-Ouni, S. Drini, M. Chenik, A. Meddeb-Garnaoui; Institut Pasteur de Tunis, Tunisia
P4.08.56 - Excreted/secreted proteins of Leishmania major induce production of IFN-g and granzyme B by CD4+T cells I. Naouar, T. Boussoffara, M. Ben Ahmed, N. Belhaj Hmida, A. Ben Salah, H. Louzir, Wafa Kammoun; Tunis Belvedere, Tunisia
P4.08.47 - Leishmania infantum excreted/secreted proteins impairs human dendritic cells differentiation and modulates cytokines production by human dendritic cells and monocytes W. Markikou-Ouni, S. Drini, M. Chenik, A. Meddeb-Garnaoui, Wafa Kammoun; Institut Pasteur de Tunis, Tunisia
P4.08.48 - Role of neutrophils in parasite persistence and in host immunity during the initial phase of L. chagasi experimental infection Claudia Marques, S. Falcão, F. Novais, D.M. Santos, A. Rodrigues, F. Passero, D. Mateus, G.M. Santos-Gomes, A. Barral, C.I. de Oliveira; Lisboa, Portugal
P4.08.49 - Salivary antigen SP32 is the immunodominant target of the antibody response to Phlebotomus papatasi bites in humans Soumaya Marzouki; Tunis, Tunisia
P4.08.50 - Role of P2X7 receptor in the response of phagocytes to Plasmodium chabaudi infection Maria Menezes, É. Salles, A. Cassado, E. Amaral, H. Silva, J. Álvarez, R. Coutinho-Silva, M. D’Império Lima; São Paulo, Brazil
Posters - August 26 288
P4.08.51 - Relationship between parasite load and renal lesion in acute experimental Chagas disease Camila B. Miguel, W.F. Rodrigues, J.R.D. Lemos, R.C. Parreira, R.B. Miguel, A.P. Rogério, C.J.F. Oliveira, J.E. Lazo-Chica; Uberaba, Brazil
P4.08.52 - Temporal transcriptomic dynamics of human macrophage response to Leishmania major infection Ghada Mkannez, K. Ghedira, F. Guerfali, I. Rabhi, A. Daskalaki, B. Trentin, R. Sghaier, H. Attia, S. Sysco Consortium, O. Collaboraters; Tunis, Tunisia
P4.08.53 - MAP kinases activation in macrophages during infection with Neospora caninum Caroline M. Mota, A.M. Oliveira, M.D. Ferreira, F.M. Santiago, P.S.C. Barros, J. Mineo, T.W.P. Mineo; Uberlândia, Brazil
P4.08.54 - Seroepidemiology of toxoplasmosis in childbearing women of eastern azarbaijan - iran Mohammad Naghavi - Behzad, A. Naghavi-Behzad, R. Piri, N. Nezami; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.08.55 - A successful safety trial of gentamicin-attenuated Leishmania infantum vaccine in an endemic area in Southeast of Iran Mohammad J. Namazi, H. Daneshvar, H. Kamyabi; Sabzevar, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.08.57 - Polymorphisms of cytokines genes associated with ocular toxoplasmosis Carlos Andrés Naranjo, J. Sepúlveda Arias, J. Gómez, A. De la Torre; Pereira, Colombia
P4.08.58 - Immunomodulation of Leishmania infection by murine mesenchymal stromal cells in vitro Ana P. Nazario, A.E. Vargas, A.P. Dagnino, P.S. Almeida, E. Engster, P.R.T. Romao; Porto Alegre, Brazil
P4.08.59 - Effect of Entamoeba histolytica calreticulin in the immune response of patients with acute amoebic liver abscess Miriam E. Nieves-Ramirez, E. Gonzalez, P. Moran, A. Valadez, M. Garcia, L. Rojas, O. Partida-Rodriguez, E. Hernandez, R. Cerritos, C. Ximenez; Mexico City, Mexico
P4.08.60 - Polymorphism of lcr1 gene in different Leishmania species Hamid M. Niknam, F. Firoozeh Abrishami, K. Kiana Fatemi, H. Azimian; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.08.61 - Analysis of the cardiac disorder caused by the intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii Kazumi Norose, T. Ishikawa, K.X. Li, T. Ogura, H. Nakaya, M. Furuya, M. Osawa; Chiba, Japan
P4.08.62 - Adoptive transfer of Treg (CD4+Foxp3+) cells to B6 mice during Toxoplasma gondii infection induces down-modulation of exacerbated inflammatory immune response but does not generate protection Jonadab E. Olguín, J. Fernández, C. Castellanos, J. Campuzano, N. Salinas, R. Saavedra; Ciudad de México, Mexico
P4.08.63 - Natural isotypic response against potential vaccine candidate Plasmodium falciparum Glutamate-Rich Protein (GLURP) in individuals living in Brazilian malaria-endemic area Lilian R. Pratt-Riccio, J.C. Lima-Junior, L.J.M. Carvalho, M. Theisen, F. Santos, J. Oliveira-Ferreira, C.T. Daniel-Ribeiro, D.M. Banic; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P4.08.64 - Th2-skewed response depends on Insulin-like growth factor I in Leishmania (Leishmania) major-infection Luiza C. Reis, E. Ramos-Sanchez, H. Goto; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.08.65 - Modulation of T helper immune response by photodynamic therapy in experimental leishmaniasis Virmondes Rodrigues, P.M. Alves, M.F. Silva, D.M. Souza, S.M.C.F. Carlos, M.V. Silva, T.P. Paulino, D.B.R. Rodrigues; Uberaba, Brazil
P4.08.66 - Th17 and Tc17 cells on pregnant women seroposite and seronegative for toxoplasmosis Virmondes J. Rodrigues, J.L.A. Silva, K.R. Oliveira; Uberaba, Brazil
P4.08.67 - Inflammatory response of a prostate stromal cell induced by live Trichomonas vaginalis Jae-Sook Ryu, S. Im, N. Gu, M. Ahn; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P4.08.68 - Do different T cell receptor sequences dictate the phenotype of memory CD8 T cells in the Toxoplasma gondii-infected brain? Anna Sanecka, E. Frickel; London, United Kingdom
P4.08.69 - Chagas’disease: evaluation of melatonin and lycopene influence on cytokines’profile during acute phase Fabricia H. Santello, M.D. Filipin, V. Brazão, M.A. Toldo, J. do Prado Júnior; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P4.08.70 - Increased levels of interleukin-4 (IL-4), interleukin-10 (IL-10) and IFN-γ in Iranian Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) Children Narges Seyfizadeh, Z. Babaloo, M. Bonyadi, N. Seyfizadeh, N. Mirsamadi; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.08.71 - Infection with Leishmania major induces a cellular stress response in tissue resident macrophages Ana Caroline C. Silva, A.A. Filardy, C.M. Koeller, K.G. Pinto, M. Menezes Passos Diniz, F.L. Ribeiro-Gomes, M.F. Lopes, C.G. Freire-de-Lima, M.P. Nunes, G.A. DosReis; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Posters - August 26 308
P4.08.72 - Identification of proteins in Leishmania amazonensis extract that may enhance the parasite infection Virgínia M.G. Silva, C.F. Araújo, C.M. Andrade, J.P.C. Cunha, F.K. Marchini, W.L.C. Santos, L.C.P. Carvalho; Jequié, Brazil
P4.08.73 - Theileria parva: Genotypic and antigenic diversity in buffalo and buffalo associated- cattle Tatjana Sitt, R. Pelle, L. Steinaa, W. Weir, I. Morrison, P. Toye; Nairobi, Kenya
P4.08.74 - Plasma cytokine as biomarker of cardiac morbidity in Chagas disease Giovane R. Sousa, J.A.S. Gomes, R.C.G. Fares, M.P.S. Damásio, A.T. Chaves, N.I. Medeiros, K.S. Ferreira, M.P. Nunes, R. Corrêa-Oliveira, M.O.C. Rocha; Belo Horizonte, Brazil
P4.08.75 - A new highly sensible method for division of patients with different forms of Chagas disease according to cytokine production Giovane R. Sousa, J.A.S. Gomes, R.C.G. Fares, M.P.S. Damásio, A.T. Chaves, K.S. Ferreira, N.I. Medeiros, M.P. Nunes, R. Corrêa-Oliveira, M.O.C. Rocha; Belo Horizonte, Brazil
P4.08.76 - High IL-17 expression is correlated with better cardiac function in human Chagas disease M.O.C. Rocha, Giovane R. Sousa, R.C.G. Fares, M.P.S. Damásio, A.T. Chaves, K.S. Ferreira, V.A.A. Valente, M.P. Nunes, J.A.S. Gomes, R. Corrêa-Oliveira; Belo Horizonte, Brazil
P4.08.77 - The effects of recombinant protein based on Trypanosoma cruzi P21-His6 treatment in infected mice with Leishmania amazonensis C.M. Luise Junior, T.L. Teixeira, F.C. Machado, A.P.N. Quintal, Maria A. Souza, C.V. Silva; Uberlandia, Brazil
P4.08.78 - Recombinant human thrombopoietin inhibits the development of murine experimental cerebral malaria by decreasing the inflammatory response Xiaodan Sun, Y. Pan, W. Xu, J. Liu, H. Shang, L. Cui, Y. Cao; Shen Yang, China
P4.08.79 - Patients with visceral leishmaniasis present an increased expression of TLR2 and TLR4 in lymphocytes and lipid and protein changes M. Gatto, M.M. Abreu, M.A. Golin, J.C. Simão, Karen I. Tasca, L. Gollino, C.M.C.B. Fortaleza, P.C.M. Pereira, S.A. Calvi; Botucatu, Brazil
P4.08.80 - Xanthine oxidase and inducible NOSynthase stress failed to efficiently suppress Leishmania major in BALB/c bone marrow dendritic cells Nabila Tounsi, S. Meghari, M. Moser, B. Djerdjouri; Alger, Algeria
P4.08.81 - Leishmania-reactive CD3+CD4-CD8- (Double negative) T cells display functional characteristics of memory T cells and protect against secondary challenge Z. Mou, I. Okwor, D. Liu, Jude E. Uzonna; Winnipeg, Canada
P4.08.82 - Molecular characterization T. gondii atypical strains isolated from pregnant women and their neonates in Southern Brazil Rogerio S. Vaz, V.T. Soccol; Curitiba - Paraná, Brazil
P4.08.83 - Unusual T. gondii strains associated to congenital toxoplasmosis Rogerio S. Vaz, V.T. Soccol; Curitiba - Paraná, Brazil
P4.08.84 - Serological prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in pregnant women from Southern Brazil R.S. Vaz, Rogerio S. Vaz; Curitiba - Paraná, Brazil
P4.08.85 - Congenital Toxoplasmosis: Current Brazilian public health policy Rogerio S. Vaz; Curitiba - Paraná, Brazil
P4.08.86 - Effect of Leishmania mexicana amastigotes in the regulation of L-arginine metabolism in classically and alternatively activated macrophages Arturo A. Wilkins-Rodríguez, A.R. Escalona-Montaño, M. Aguirre-García, L. Gutiérrez-Kobeh; México, D.F., Mexico
P4.08.87 - B-1 cells increase susceptibility to murine viscetal leishmaniasis Vanessa Xavier, B.C. Vivanco, W.F.K.M. Gonzaga, C.L. Barbieri, J.D. Lopes, P. Xander; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.09 MALARIA PATHOGENESIS AND VACCINES Session Time: Monday, August 26, 13:20 - 15:00 324
P4.09.02 - Targeting a Plasmodium vivax merozoite surface protein 1 fragment to the DEC205+ dendritic cell population elicits strong antibody and T cell responses Kelly N.S. Amorim, M.M. Yamamoto, S.B. Boscardin; São Paulo, Brazil
Posters - August 26 325
P4.09.03 - T Regulatory cell function in Lethal Plasmodium berghei ANKA and Non-Lethal Plasmodium yoelii infection: Role of Th17 Arindam Bhattacharyya; Kolkata, India
P4.09.04 - Systems immunology approach to identify the molecular profile of T cells during Plasmodium mono and mixed infections Julie G. Burel, S.H. Apte, J.M. McCarthy, D.L. Doolan; Brisbane, Australia
P4.09.05 - Immunogenicity and efficacy of Plasmodium falciparum MSP3-based immunogens in Saimiri sciureus monkeys C. Bianco-Jr, P.H. Castro, C. Faro, F.A. Alves, P. Druilhe, C.T. Daniel-Ribeiro, Leonardo J.M. Carvalho; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P4.09.06 - The response of P2X7 deficient and competent immune cells to Plasmodium chabaudi AS infection in chimeric mice Alexandra A. Cassado; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.09.07 - CD4+ T cell promote B cell polyclonal activation in an ICOS-dependent manner during Plasmodium chabaudi infection Sheyla I. Castillo-Méndez, S.M. Muxel, E.P. Amaral, C.A. Zago, É. Salles, L.R. Sardinha, N.O. Câmara, E. Faquim-Mauro, J.M. Álvarez, M.R. D´Império Lima; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.09.08 - Nitric oxide but not cytokine production by macrophages stimulated with malaria hemozoin is dependent on Nod2 activation Yolanda Corbett, N. Basilico, S. Parapini, S. D’Alessandro, D. Scaccabarozzi, B. Rocca, K. Fitzgerald, D. Golenbock, D. Taramelli; Milan, Italy
P4.09.09 - High levels of heme correlate with severe malaria pathology and morbidity in patients from endemic areas in India Esther Dalko, A. Panda, F. Herbert, R. Tripath, B. Ravindran, S. Sharma, B. Das, S. Pied; Lille, France
P4.09.11 - Cellular cytokine and chemokine responses associated with susceptibility to severe malaria in children in Papua New Guinea D. Stanisic, J. Cutts, Emily Eriksson, F. Fowkes, J. Taraika, M. Laman, L. Manning, T. Davis, I. Mueller, L. Schofield; Melbourne, Australia
P4.09.12 - Sexual hormones are involved in oxidative stress in mice infected with P. berghei ANKA Martha Legorreta-Herrera, N.A. Mosqueda-Romo; México, Mexico
P4.09.13 - Blood group O protects against complicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria by the mechanism of inducing high levels of anti-malarial IgG antibodies Amre Nasr, M. Eltoum, A. Yassin, G. ElGhazali; Khartoum, Sudan
P4.09.14 - Targeting the Plasmodium chabaudi MSP1(19) protein to the DEC205 dendritic cell population induces faster parasite clearence Raquel H. Panatieri, H.B. da Silva, M.M. Yamamoto, M. D’Imperio Lima, S.B. Boscardin; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P4.09.15 - Placental lesions as result of TLR4 activation by Plasmodium berghei are associated with low birth weight Aramys S. Reis, R. Barboza, S.B. Boscardin, S. Epiphanio, C.R.F. Marinho; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.09.16 - The P2X7 receptor contributes to protection and to ameliorate the clinical manifestations of blood-stage Plasmodium chabaudi malaria Érika M. Salles, M. Menezes, A. Cassado, E. Amaral, S. Castillo-Mendez, H. Silva, J. Alvarez, R. Coutinho-Silva, M. D’Império-Lima; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.09.17 - Polygenic control of human antibody responses to synthetic malaria vaccine Osvaldo A. Sant’Anna, M.V. Valero, A.G. Trezena, J. Kalil, M.E. Patarroyo; São Paulo, Brazil
P4.09.18 - Inflammatory factors and leucocytes are involved in the pathogenesis of malaria associated acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome in murine model Michelle K. Sercundes, L.d. Ortolan, D. Debone, E.H. Aitken, M. Russo, J.M. Alvarez, C.R.F. Marinho, S. Epiphanio; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P4.09.19 - Extracellular ATP accelerates malaria anemia Kazutomo Suzue, M. Nishimori, M. Hirai, T. Imai, T. Taniguchi, H. Okada, C. Shimokawa, S. Koyasu, H. Hisaeda; Maebashi, Gunma, Japan
P4.09.20 - The role of P2X7 receptor in hepatic necrosis caused by Plasmodium chabaudi AS infection Flavia Sarmento Vieira, A. Freitas do Rosario, M. D’Imperio Lima; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P4.09.21 - S-nitrosoglutathione prevents experimental cerebral malaria Graziela M. Zanini, Y.C. Martins, P. Cabrales, J.A. Frangos, L.J.M. Carvalho; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P4.09.22 - Pys48 and Pys25 DNA Vaccine supplement medicated the inhibitory development of Plasmodium yoelii gametocytes into gametes Li Zheng, Y. Cao; Shenyang, China
Posters - August 26 P5.18 INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES Session Time: Monday, August 26, 13:20 - 15:00 344
P5.18.01 - Modulation of macrophage differentiation by crotoxin from Crotalus durissus terrificus in acute intestinal inflammation in mice Caroline S. Almeida, J. Jacysyn, E.L. Faquim-Mauro; São Paulo, Brazil
P5.18.02 - The role of IFITM genes in the pathogenesis of the gastro-intestinal tract Zoya Alteber, E. Tzehoval, L. Eisenbach; Rehovot, Israel
P5.18.03 - Profile of ANCA (Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies) and ASCA (Anti-Saccharomyces Cerevisiae mannan Antibodies) in patients with IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Diseases): Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis Siham Aziz, N. Tahiri Jouti, W. Badre, A. Naya, Z. Serhier, R. Alaoui, S. Zamiati; Casablanca, Morocco
P5.18.04 - Glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ) regulates intestinal immune homeostasis and anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids Oxana Bereshchenko, M. Coppo, M. Biagioli, T. Frammartino, M. Cimino, A. Venanzi, D. Sorcini, M. Di Sante, S. Bruscoli, C. Riccardi; Perugia, Italy
P5.18.05 - Polymorphisms of NOD2/CARD15 and PTPN22 in Algerian adult inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Aziza Boukercha, A. Bouzidi, H. Saoula, F. Chemandji, M. Nakmouche, C. Touil-Boukoffa, H. Mesbah-Amroun; Algiers, Algeria
P5.18.06 - Autoimmune diseases association study with the KIAA1109-IL2-IL21region in a Tunisian population D. Bouzid, H. Fourati, A. Amouri, I. Marques, Olfa Abida, N. Tahri, C. Penha-Gonçalves, H. Masmoudi; Sfax, Tunisia
P5.18.07 - Frequency of NOD2/CARD15 and MDR1 gene polymorphisms in a cohort of Algerian pediatric Crohn’s disease patients Amira Bouzidi, A. Boukercha, F. Benhassine, W. Messadi, C. Touil-Boukoffa, H. Mesbah-Amroun; Algiers, Algeria
P5.18.08 - miR-132/212 cluster knockout ameliorated DSS-induced colitis Ichino Chinen, T. Nakahama, N.T. Nguyen, D. Millrine, S. Lee, T. Kishimoto; Suita, Japan
P5.18.09 - Overexpression of IL-9 and its receptor in Crohn’s disease Mircea T. Chiriac, N. Nalleweg, G. Hundorfean, M.F. Neurath, J. Mudter; Erlangen, Germany
P5.18.10 - Integrity of the splenic nerve is required to mediate the vagal anti-inflammatory effect on colonic inflammation in a murine DSS-induced model of colitis Léa M.M. Costes, B.J. Olivier, J. van der Vliet, W.J. de Jonge, G.E. Boeckxstaens, C. Cailotto; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P5.18.11 - Neutrophil gelatinase B-associated lipocalin - matrix metalloproteinase-9 (NGAL-MMP-9) complex as a surrogate serum marker for mucosal healing in ulcerative colitis Magali de Bruyn, I. Arijs, W. Wollants, K. Machiels, K. Van Steen, M. Ferrante, S. Vermeire, P. Rutgeerts, G. Opdenakker; Leuven, Belgium
P5.18.12 - Rip-2 mediated control of pathogenic and protective T cell function during chronic colitis Nichole K. Escalante, M. Cruz Tleugabulova, D. Philpott, T. Mallevaey; Toronto, Canada
P5.18.13 - Significance of IL-9 levels in inflammatory bowel disease C. Defendenti, Atzeni Fabiola, S. Saibeni, S. Bollani, S. Bruno, P. Almasio, P. Sarzi-Puttini; Milan, Italy
P5.18.15 - Vanin-1 (VNN1), an epithelial pantetheinase that regulates intestinal inflammation Thomas Gensollen, C. Bourges, F. Galland, P. Naquet; Marseille, France
P5.18.16 - Assessment of loss of response to Infliximab therapy in inflammatory bowel diseases using antibodies to Infliximab and trough Levels Luisa Guidi, M. Marzo, G. Andrisani, A. Papa, C. Felice, D. Pugliese, S. Canestri, B. Tolusso, E. Gremese, A. Armuzzi; Rome, Italy
P5.18.17 - Mannose receptor contributes to intestinal inflammation Sigrid E.M. Heinsbroek, R. Schilderink, A.A. te Velde, S. Gordon, W.J. de Jonge; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P5.18.18 - Microscopic colitis patients demonstrate a mixed Th17/Tc17 and Th1/Tc1 mucosal cytokine profile Ashok K. Kumawat, H. Strid, C. Tysk, J. Bohr, E. Hultgren Hörnquist; Orebro, Sweden
P5.18.19 - Involvement of mast cells in the development of colitis-associated colon cancer Young-Mi Lee, M. Xin, D. Kim; Iksan, Korea, Republic of
P5.18.20 - Whey and Soy protein supplements improves body composition in patients with Crohn`s disease under azathioprine and anti-TNF- α therapy Júlia F. Machado, V. Oya, C.S.R. Coy, A.M. Morcillo, M.M.S. Vilela; Campinas, Brazil
Posters - August 26 363
P5.18.21 - The role of FIBCD1 in intestinal homeostasis and inflammation Jesper B. Moeller, A. Schlosser, T. Bak-Thomsen, M. Hammond, L. Dubey, O. Nielsen, G.L. Sorensen, U. Holmskov; Odense C, Denmark
P5.18.22 - Protective role of HLADRB1*04 allele against ulcerative colitis in Iran Mojgan Mohammadi, M.M. Hayatbakhsh, H. Abdoli Sereshki, M.J. Zahedi, H. Rafatpanah, M. Rastin, A.R. Nicpoor; Kerman, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.18.23 - SHIP represses auto-inflammation and is required for intestinal immune homeostasis Eyler N. Ngoh, S.B. Weisser, H. Brugger, R. Jen, A. Hirschfeld, S. Turvey, L.M. Sly; Vancouver, Canada
P5.18.24 - Multispecific anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases: what does that mean? Branka Nikolic, M. Nikolic, S. Dobric, D. Popovic, S. Andrejevic; Belgrade, Serbia
P5.18.25 - Phenotypic and functional characterization of intraepithelial and lamina propria inflammatory cell infiltrate in autoimmune enteropathy Moira Paroni, G. Nizzoli, A. Magarotto, U. Gianelli, C. Ciafardini, D. Conte, S. Abrignani, J. Geginat, F. Caprioli; Milan, Italy
P5.18.26 - Decrypting the role of S1P/SphK axis in the dextran sulphate sodium-mediated colitis in mice Peter N. Pushparaj, L.A. Damiati, S.D. Kumar, K. Gauthaman, J. Manikandan, M.H. Al-Qahtani; Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
P5.18.27 - Systems immunological strategies to decipher the genomic expression patterns in dextran sulphate sodium-mediated acute colitis Peter N. Pushparaj, L.A. Damiati, J. Manikandan, K. Gauthaman, M.H. Al-Qahtani; Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
P5.18.28 - Dissecting the effect of resveratrol in dextran sulphate sodium-mediated colitis in Balb/c mice Peter N. Pushparaj, S.D. Kumar, L.A. Damiati, J. Manikandan, K. Gauthaman, M.H. Al-Qahtani; Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
P5.18.29 - TL1A/DR3 interaction is associated with pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease in adults and children Tomasz J. Slebioda, P.M. Wierzbicki, M. Stanislawowski, K. Celinski, P. Landowski, B. Kaminska, A. Bojarska-Junak, J. Rolinski, K. Adrych, Z. Kmiec; Gdansk, Poland
P5.18.30 - Anti-TNF-alpha monoclonal antibody therapy of crohn’s disease is associated with acute reduction of circulating classical and intermediate monocyte numbers Stephanie M. Slevin, C. Dennedy, A. Ribeiro, R. Ceredig, M.D. Griffin, L.J. Egan; Galway, Ireland
P5.18.31 - A crude extract of hydatid laminated layer prevents Dextran Sulfate Sodium induced-colitis in mice by Nitric Oxide Synthase2 down-regulation Imene Soufli, H. Rafa, M. Amri, R. Toumi, K. Abdelouhab, C. Touil-Boukoffa; Algiers, Algeria
P5.18.32 - Transfer of Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells from neonatal tolerized IL-10 gene-deficient mice protects from development of intestinal inflammation Beate C. Sydora, E.J. Albert, R.R. Foshaug, B.S. Sydora, R.N. Fedorak; Edmonton, Canada
P5.18.33 - Infiximab Simultaneously Restore Foxp3+Treg, Type 1-Like Treg and B cells in IBD Z. Li, S. Vermeire, D. Bullens, M. Ferrante, K. Van Steen, M. Noman, P. Rutgeerts, J. L. Ceuppens, Gert Van Assche; Leuven, Belgium
P5.18.34 - BCG-specific lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine in patients with Crohn`s disease under anti-TNF- α and azathioprine therapy. V. Oya, T. Davanço, C.S.R. Coy, M.T.N. da Silva, T.N. Mazzola, A.M. Morcillo, E.L.C. Pinto, Maria M.S. Vilela; Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
P5.18.35 - Prevalence of IgA anti-zein antibodies in Mexican patients with celiac disease (CD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) L.A. Sanchez-Vargas, J.M. Remes-Troche, G. Mellado-Sanchez, E. Bravo-Sarmiento, Hector Vivanco-Cid; Veracruz, Veracruz, Mexico
P5.18.36 - NDST4 deficiency enhances acute colitis and colitis-associated tumorigenesis in mice C.Y. Huang, M.H. Tsai, T.M. Jao, S.T. Tzeng, J.X. Lee, W.C. Lo, C.W. Chang, Y.L. Li, Ya C. Yang; Taipei, Taiwan
Session Time: Monday, August 26, 13:20 - 15:00 379
P5.19.01 - HLA antigens and anti-sperm antibody Gholamreza Azizi, A. Mirshafiey, M. Eslami, S. Namaki; Karaj, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.19.02 - Multiple immune accentuations predict implantation failure and mark target group among IVF patients for intravenous immunoglobulin therapy Viktor Chernyshov, I. Sudoma, B. Dons’koi, Y. Goncharova; Kiev, Ukraine
Posters - August 26 381
P5.19.03 - Features of the immune response and microbial colonization in children with extremely low birth weight Guzel Chistyakova; Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
P5.19.04 - Maternal-fetal immunotolerance from mice with pregnancy loss induced by adoptively transferring exosomes from T lymphocytes Cheng Cui, S. Hao, Y. Wang, M. Li, W. Lv; Shijiazhuang, China
P5.19.05 - The predominance of Th17 lymphocytes and decreased number and function of Treg cells are present in preeclampsia Dorota A. Darmochwal-Kolarz, M. Kludka-Sternik, B. Kolarz, J. Rolinski, J. Oleszczuk; Lublin, Poland
P5.19.06 - Effect of prenatal steroid treatment on the developing immune system Ines Dipenbruck, C.C. Much, A. Krumholz, R. Thieme, D. Thieme, M. Solano, P.C. Arck, E. Tolosa; Hamburg, Germany
P5.19.07 - HLA-G6 and reproductive immunology Faramarz Farzad, S. Abediankenari, I. Naghavian; Sari, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.19.08 - Automated clustering of flow cytometry data identifies a Th0 population induced by influenza vaccination in pregnant women Dzhamala Gilmandyar, D. Roumanes, J. Rebhahn, L. Thornburg, T.R. Mosmann; Rochester, United States
P5.19.09 - Inflammation as a cause of placental dysfunction in high-risk pregnancies Sylvie Girard, A.E.P. Heazell, H. Derricott, C.P. Sibley, S.M. Allan, R.L. Jones; Manchester, United Kingdom
P5.19.10 - Inhibition of TLR3 mediated direct natural killer cell activation by a macrolide antibiotic clarithromycin N. Hirohata, S. Komine-Aizawa, Satoshi Hayakawa; Tokyo, Japan
P5.19.11 - The export of T helper cells from thymus during pregnancy Sandra Hellberg, R.B. Mehta, M. Edström, A. Forsberg, G. Berg, O. Winqvist, M.C. Jenmalm, J. Ernerudh; Linköping, Sweden
P5.19.12 - Expression of LAG-3, but not PD-1, is enriched on double negative T cells at the female genital tract Jennifer Juno, J. Lajoie, C. Wachihi, M. Kimani, J. Kimani, F. Plummer, K. Fowke; Winnipeg, Canada
P5.19.13 - Reduced inhibitory NK cell receptors expression in women with recurrent spontaneous abortions (RSA) Vasiliki Kitsiou, S. Dendrinos, K. Psarra, E. Konsta, E. Grigoriou, G. Kreatsas, C. Papasteriades; Athens, Greece
P5.19.14 - Lipid bodies in preimplantation embryo health Christiana Kyvelidou, G.J. Tserevelakis, G. Filippidis, C. Fotakis, I. Athanassakis; Heraklion, Greece
P5.19.15 - Influence of THP-1 cells on endothelial cells tube formation in the presence of soluble placenta-derived factors Tatiana Y. Lvova, O.I. Stepanova, K.N. Furaeva, E.A. Potolicina, D.A. Korenkov, S.A. Selkov, D.I. Sokolov; Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
P5.19.17 - Effect of high-dose dexamethasone in early pregnancy on pregnancy outcome Hasan Namdar Ahmadabad, S. Moazzeni, M. Salehnia; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.19.18 - Genetic polymorphisms of KIR2DL4 and LILRB1 in spontaneous abortion and control women in Polish population Izabela Nowak, E. Barcz, A. Malinowski, J. Wilczynski, M. Banasik, E. Majorczyk, P. Kusnierczyk; Wrocław, Poland
P5.19.19 - Potential role of circulating microRNAs as a biomarker for unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion Weibing Qin, N. Yang, Y. Wang, Z. Miao, R. Cui, X. Wang; Guangzhou, China
P5.19.20 - Pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine production patterns in intra-uterine growth restriction (IUGR) Raj Raghupathy, M. Al-Azemi Majedah, F. Azizieh; Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait
P5.19.21 - Trophoblast cells induce and recruit iTregs by VIP production and through a TGF beta dependent pathway L. Fraccaroli, E. Grasso, V. Hauk, G. Mor, C. Perez-Leiros, Rosanna Ramhorst; Buenos Aires, Argentina
P5.19.22 - CD4(+) CD25(high) Foxp3(+) cells increased in the peritoneal fluid of patients with endometriosis Luiz V. Rizzo, S. Podgaec, L.F. Cordeiro Fernandes, E. Chada Baracat, M. Simoes Abrao; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P5.19.23 - Immune profile of Sudanese women with conception disorders: Possible role for T-helper cytokines Habab M.A. Saad; Khartoum, Sudan
P5.19.24 - Intravenous immunoglobulin treatment on expanded CD56+ cells in women with recurrent reproductive failure R. Ramos-Medina, A. Garcia-Segovia, A. Aguraron de la Cruz, J. Gil, J. Carbone, A. Seyfferth, J. Alonso, L. Ortiz-Quintana, E. Fernandez-Cruz, Silvia Sanchez-Ramon; Madrid, Spain
Posters - August 26 402
P5.19.25 - Expression profiling of vitamin D receptor in reproductive tissues of pregnant mice Mehdi Shabazi, A.h. Zarnani; Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.19.26 - Immune cells functional disorder in case of preeclampsia Dmitry Sokolov, Y. Onohina, V. Mikhaylova, O. Ovchinnikova, D. Korenkov, S. Selkov; St.Petersburg, Russian Federation
P5.19.27 - Influence of placental secretory factors to endothelial cell and monocyte phenotype and monocyte transendothelial migration activity Olga I. Stepanova, T. Lvova, K. Furaeva, E. Rebezova, A. Baldin, D. Sokolov, S. Selkov; Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
P5.19.28 - Parameters of cellular immunity in pregnant women with threatened abortion in early pregnancy, against the low level of progesterone Iryna I. Voronova, T.N. Demina; Donetsk, Ukraine
P5.19.29 - Polymorphisms -725 C>G>T, -716 T>G of the HLA-G gene in spontaneous abortion and control women in Polish population Marta Wagner, I. Nowak, E. Barcz, A. Malinowski, J. Wilczynski, M. Banasik, A. Wisniewski, E. Wisniewska, P. Kusnierczyk; Wroclaw, Poland
P5.19.30 - Spontaneous miscarriages are explained by the stress/glucocorticoid/lipoxin A4 axis Jie Zhao, X.Z. Ye, Z.H. Feng; Wuhan, China
P5.19.31 - The role of systemic inflammation in the development of pregnancy and obstetric complications Iuliia Zhuravleva, L. Solomatina, A. Brazhnikov, E. Gusev; Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
P5.20 TUMOR IMMUNITY AND IMMUNOSURVEILLANCE Session Time: Monday, August 26, 13:20 - 15:00 409
P5.20.001 - Anti-tumor specific T-helper cell priming by CIITA-driven MHC-II-positive tumor cells in dendritic cell-depleted transgenic mice L. Lombardo, G. Forlani, A. Tedeschi, Roberto S. Accolla; Varese, Italy
P5.20.002 - Domination of Th17 subpopulation of lymphocytes during tumor progression Maryam Ajami, R. Mansouri, J. Hadjati; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.20.003 - Relation between Hepatitis B virus DNA load and quantitative HBsAg in HBV infected patient’s sera Sohrab Alam, A. Afrin, A. Hye, S.K. Saha, S. Choudhury, S.A. Khan, Z.F. Rahman, M. Hossain, M.S. Hassan, I. Mahmud; Dhaka, Bangladesh
P5.20.004 - BRCA1 gene deletions and duplications in Omani Breast cancer cases Aliya Alansari, K. Al-Mawali, B. Al-Bahrani, M. Al-Moundhri; Al-Khoud, Oman
P5.20.005 - Interplay of Th17/Treg cells in immunopathogenesis of Urothelial carcinoma of bladder Vivek Anand, S. Chugh, L. Swaroop, A. Seth, A. Sharma; New Delhi, India
P5.20.006 - Association some of the major histocombatibility complex class II alleles with breast cancer among Jordanian females Manar F. Atoum, R.Q. Tanashat; Zarqa, Jordan
P5.20.007 - Expression of CD95 and caspases activity in peripheral blood lymphocytes during breast cancer development Uliana S. Bagina, K.S. Ignatyev, P.I. Kovchur, I.E. Bahlaev, T.O. Volkova; Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation
P5.20.008 - Serum Amyloid A impacts the growth of melanoma cells and may be a link between inflammation and cancer outcome Luziane P. Bellé, F.H. Knebel, R.C. Albuquerque, S.S. Maria-Engler, A. Campa; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P5.20.009 - A relationship between soluble MICA and anti-MICA-Abs in nasophayngeal carcinoma patients Arij Ben Chaaben, H. Abaza, H. Douik, T. Mamoghli, G. Kablouti, L. Harzallah, S. Gritli, D. Charron, F. Guemira, R. Tamouza; Tunis, Tunisia
P5.20.010 - Tertiary lymphoid tissue (TLT) in colorectal cancer: lymph node-like aggregates supporting the immune response Francesca Bergomas, G. Di Caro, F. Grizzi, A. Doni, P. Bianchi, A. Malesci, L. Laghi, P. Allavena, A. Mantovani, F. Marchesi; Rozzano (MI), Italy
P5.20.011 - Role of ATP and myeloid derived suppressor cells in neuroblastoma microenvironment Giovanna Bianchi, P. Pellegatti, D. Marimpietri, L. Emionite, I. Marigo, M. Cilli, F. Di Virgilio, V. Bronte, V. Pistoia, L. Raffaghello; Genoa, Italy
P5.20.012 - Antitumor activity of synthetic phosphoethanolamine in experimental melanoma L.C. Veronez, T.H. Geraldino, C.D. Polli, L.R. Azevedo, D.O. Miranda, R.O. Lopes, D.A. Maria, S.B. Garcia, Gabriela S. Bisson; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Posters - August 26 421
P5.20.013 - Proteomic identification of Annexin A4 as a novel renal cell carcinoma associated antigen Apollinariya V. Bogolyubova, C. Gouttefangeas, D.J. Kowalewski, A.T. Kopylov, A. Stenzl, S.A. Nedospasov, P.V. Belousov; Moscow, Russian Federation
P5.20.014 - Proliferative potential of double positive CD4+/CD8+ T lymphocytes in coculture with tumor cells Florina M. Bojin, L. Cernescu, A. Cean, G. Tanasie, C. Panaitescu, V. Paunescu; Timisoara, Romania
P5.20.015 - Cis-acting genetic elements at or near the Pas1 locus control Kras2 mutations and gene expression in lung tumors from mice selected for acute inflammatory response Andrea Borrego, A. Galvan, J.R. Jensen, W. Cabrera, O.G. Ribeiro, N. Starobinas, M. De Franco, O.M. Ibañez, G. Manenti, T.A. Dragani; São Paulo, Brazil
P5.20.016 - Inhibition of cell cycle progression and apoptotic activity of Ganoderma lucidum in oral cancer cell lines Marinela Bostan, M. Mihaila, G. Matei, L. Brasoveanu; Bucharest, Romania
P5.20.017 - Urethane-induced lung cancer and associated events D. Teixeira, G.N. Gomes, A.E. Hirata, Valquiria Bueno; São Paulo, Brazil
P5.20.018 - SIGIRR as a novel HER2-Regulated gene in breast tumors Luis Felipe I. Campesato, A.M. Silva, F.C.P. Navarro, M. Marçola, R.P. Markus, A. Lepique, E.T. Costa, A.A. Camargo; São Paulo, Brazil
P5.20.019 - ANGPTL4 is involved in the metastatic hepatoma cells’ survival in the third microenvironment Lili Cao, L. Han, Z. Zhang, W. Sun; Jinan, China
P5.20.020 - Identification of Early Pancreatic Cancer-Associated Autoantibodies in Mouse and Human Michela Capello, S. Ferri-Borgogno, P. Cappello, W. Zhou, G. Mandili, I. Sperduti, F.C. Linty, G. Maruccio, M. Milella, F. Novelli; Turin, Italy
P5.20.021 - CD4+CD25highFoxP3+ regulatory T lymphocytes in peripheral blood of gastric cancer patients during chemoradiotherapy Agata Chwieduk, A. Gdowicz-Kłosok, A. Namysł-Kaletka, P. Polanowski, R. Kawczynski, J. Wydmanski; Gliwice, Poland
P5.20.022 - Dendritic cells from mesothelioma patients are numerically and functionally impaired Scott M. Cornwall, M. Wikstrom, A. Nowak, J. Alvarez, D. Nelson; Bentley, Australia
P5.20.023 - High proportion of PMN-MDSCs within primary tumors correlates with disease aggressiveness in melanoma Laetitia Douguet, A. Pommier, R. Lengagne, M. Avril, B. Lucas, A. Prevost Blondel; Paris, France
P5.20.024 - IL-18-Binding Protein (BP) is expressed in human ovarian cancer and may limit IL-18 activity Silvano Ferrini, G. Carbotti, M. Fabbi, A. Orengo, A. Brizzolara, G. Barisione, D. Mezzanzanica, P. Pinciroli, M. Bagnoli, I. Airoldi; Genoa, Italy
P5.20.025 - Proteolytic machinery involved in MICA and MICB processing in cervical Cancer Mariel Garcia-Chagollan, M.R. Bueno-Topete, S. Fujimura-Hernandez, R.A. Franco-Topete, B.E. Bastidas Ramirez, M. Fafutis-Morris, S. del Toro-Arreola; Guadalajara, Mexico
P5.20.026 - Analysis of lymphocyte subpopulations in blood from gastric cancer patients during radiotherapy Agnieszka Gdowicz-Klosok, A. Chwieduk, A. Namysł-Kaletka, R. Kawczynski, P. Polanowski, J. Wydmanski; Gliwice, Poland
P5.20.027 - Involvement of the long pentraxin PTX3 in skin carcinogenesis Stefania Gentile, E. Bonavita, N. Polentarutti, F. Pasqualini, F. Feruglio, S. Tartari, M. Nebuloni, T. Schioppa, A. Mantovani, C. Garlanda; Rozzano, Italy
P5.20.028 - Intra-tumoral B cells are able to organize into tertiary lymphoid structures and to develop a protective humoral immune response in lung cancer patients Claire Germain, F. Tamzalit, S. Knockaert, S. Gnjatic, P. Validire, R. Remark, D. Damotte, W.H. Fridman, C. Sautes-Fridman, M.C. Dieu-Nosjean; Paris, France
P5.20.030 - The heterogeneity of lung metastasis immune microenvironment according to the primary tumor location Nicolas A. Giraldo, R. Remark, A. Lupo, D. Damotte, M. Alifano, I. Cremer, M.C. Dieu-Nosjean, C. Sautès-Fridman, W.H. Fridman; Paris, France
P5.20.031 - Azacytidine and Everolimus therapy reduces the high frequency of terminally differentiated CD38+HLADR- CD8 T cells in relapsed AML patients Chindu Govindaraj, P. Tan, P. Walker, A. Spencer, A. Wei, M. Plebanski; Melbourne, Australia
P5.20.032 - Panobinostat in combination with azacitidine reduces the frequency of TNFR2+ Tregs in newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia patients Chindu Govindaraj, P. Tan, P. Walker, A. Wei, A. Spencer, M. Plebanski; Melbourne, Australia
P5.20.033 - The effects of Cancer Associated Fibroblasts on mechanisms of immune evasion in a rat chemical mammary carcinoma model Gurcan Gunaydin, Y. Dolen, N. Unver, S. Kesikli, D. Guc; Ankara, Turkey
Posters - August 26 441
P5.20.034 - Effects of Silymarin on frequency and function of Myeloid-derived suppressor cells in animal model of tumor Morteza Hafezi, A. Namdar, N. Khosravianfar, A. Razavi, J. Hadjati; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.20.035 - Formation of vascular mimicry in human gastric cancer and the corelation with LOX and MMP-9 Mei Han, Y. Cao, H. Sun, R. Bai; Yinchuan, China
P5.20.036 - Aberrant expression of circulating PD-L1+CD14+HLA-DR-/low cells in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients: Immunosuppressive characteristics and tumor clinical relevance Haitao Huang, G. Zhang, G. Li, H. Ma, X. Zhang; Suzhou, China
P5.20.037 - Microparticles: a road to antitumor immunity Bo Huang; Beijing, China
P5.20.038 - Mapping on chromosome 17 a novel major locus determining kidney cancer susceptibility in mice J.R. Jensen, A. Galvan, M. Colecchia, W.H.K. Cabrera, O.G. Ribeiro, N. Starobinas, A. Borrego, M. De Franco, T.A. Dragani, Olga M. Ibañez; São Paulo, Brazil
P5.20.039 - Anti-tumor effect of BCG-LM via activated eosinophils. Toshihiro Ito, I. Yano, T. Nakayama; Chiba, Japan
P5.20.040 - Inducible nitric oxide synthase from prostate cancer stem/initiating cells inhibits T cell priming Elena Jachetti, M. Grioni, S. Mazzoleni, C. Brambillasca, R. Galli, M. Bellone; Milan, Italy
P5.20.041 - Inflammatory stress upregulates chemokine expression in uveal melanoma cell lines and increases monocyte migration Tina Jehs, H.B. Juel, C. Faber, I.H.G. Bronkhorst, M.J. Jager, M.H. Nissen; Copenhagen, Denmark
P5.20.042 - Interleukin-33/ST2 Axis Promotes Breast Cancer Progression and Angiogenesis by Intratumoural Accumulation of Immunosuppressive and Natural Helper Cells Ivan Jovanovic, N. Pejnovic, G. Radosavljevic, J. Pantic, M. Milovanovic, N. Arsenijevic, M. Lukic; Kragujevac, Serbia
P5.20.043 - The role of memory T lymphocytes during growth of SL2 tumours in DBA/2 mice Jurgita Jursenaite, I. Girkontaite, M. Mauricas, D. Characiejus; Vilnius, Lithuania
P5.20.044 - Myeloma with biclonal IgG lambda and IgD kappa in serum : a case report Sana Khlif, H. Hachicha, S. Ben jemaa, S. Feki, M. Medhaffer, M. Ben Ayed, S. Baklouti, M. Elloumi, H. Masmoudi; Sfax, Tunisia
P5.20.045 - Effect of SAA1, SAA2 and SAA4 knockdown on proliferation and invasion of glioblastomas multiformes cells Franciele H. Knebel, L.P. Bellé, R.B. Haga, G.H. Kaihami, A. Campa; São Paulo, Brazil
P5.20.046 - Inactivation of tumor-specific CD8+ CTLs within tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes by tumor-infiltrating immunosuppressive tolerogenic dendritic cells Hideki Kogo, H. Harimoto, M. Shimizu, T. Date, Y. Nakagawa, K. Nakatsuka, A. Wakabayashi, C. Sakamoto, E. Uchida, H. Takahashi; Tokyo, Japan
P5.20.047 - Systemic changes of cellular immune parameters as observed in patients with preinvasive/invasive cervical cancer before and after treatment Olga V. Kurmyshkina, P.I. Kovchur, I.E. Bakhlaev, T.O. Volkova, A.N. Poltorak; Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation
P5.20.048 - Repurposing Na+/K+ pump blockers for in vitro suppression of tumor development Radu Lazarovicz, M. Toma, O. Gavriliuc, L. Marusciac, A. Gruia, C. Tatu, G. Tanasie, C. Panaitescu, F. Bojin, V. Paunescu; Timisoara, Romania
P5.20.049 - Down-regulation of EMT signal and invasive properties of colon cancer cells by SOCS1 Choong-Eun Lee, W. Kim, S. Ahn, B. Yoo; Suwon, Korea, Republic of
P5.20.050 - B7-H4 modulates anti-tumor responses by limiting immunosuppression in the tumor microenvironment Joanne Leung, W. Suh; Montreal, Canada
P5.20.051 - DcR3 gene polymorphisms are associated with sporadic breast infiltrating ductal carcinoma in chinese northeast women:a case control study Z. Fu, D. Li, S. Chen, Dianjun Li; Harbin, China
P5.20.052 - HVEM gene polymorphisms are associated with sporadic breast cancer in Chinese women Dianjun Li, D. Li, Z. Fu, S. Chen; Harbin, China
P5.20.053 - Association of LTBR gene polymorphisms with sporadic infiltrative duct carcinoma in northeast Chinese Han population S. Chen, W. Yuan, Z. Fu, Dianjun Li; Harbin, China
Posters - August 26 461
P5.20.054 - Association Analysis between HLA-DRB1 Allelic Polymorphisms and Age to Identify Genes Promoting the Early Onset of Solid Cancers Hui Liu; Dalian, China
P5.20.055 - HLA-E is expressed and functional in melanoma but not melanocytes Elisa Lo Monaco, E. Tremante, P.G. Natali, M. Mottolese, P. Visca, M. Benevolo, P. Giacomini; Roma, Italy
P5.20.056 - Dendritic cell density and HMGB1 expression in non-small cell lung carcinomas Jose S. Lopez-Gonzalez, D. Aguilar-Cazares, M. Meneses-Flores, H. Prado-Garcia, V. Rojo-Leon, L. Islas-Vazquez; Mexico city, Mexico
P5.20.057 - Studies on immunogenetic mechanism of hepatocellular carcinoma caused by Fas gene polymorphism Haiting Mao, J. Zhang, Y. Yang, J. Sun, C. Ma, W. Gao, B. Song, Q. Shao, X. Qu; Jinan, China
P5.20.058 - Identification and characterization of candidate MDSCs in PBMCs of patients with lymphoproliferative malignancies Olivia Marini, M.A. Cassatella, G. Pizzolo, P. Scapini, C. Tecchio; Verona, Italy
P5.20.059 - Degree and organization pattern of lymphocyte populations within the active border of human colorectal cancer liver metastases: association between immunological imprint and survival Anastasia Meshcheryakova, D. Tamandl, M. Svoboda, E. Bajna, J. Stift, D. Heiden, T. Grünberger, E. Jensen-Jarolim, M. Bergmann, D. Mechtcheriakova; Vienna, Austria
P5.20.060 - Melanoma cells produce adenosine through a CD38/CD73 pathway and suppress CD4+ T cell proliferation Fabio Morandi, A.L. Horenstein, B. Morandi, P. Carrega, A. Chillemi, G. Zaccarello, M.C. Mingari, V. Pistoia, F. Malavasi; Genoa, Italy
P5.20.061 - Nasopharyngeal carcinoma-derived exosomes recruit, expand and up-regulate biological activities of human regulatory T cells Dhafer Mrizak, O. Moralès, N. Martin, Y. De Launoit, P. Busson, N. Delhem; Lille, France
P5.20.062 - Evaluation of the use of the CA-15-3 in monitoring of Breast cancer in A B U teaching hospital, Zaria, northern Nigeria Bolanle O.P. Musa, D.A. Dawotola, L.M.D. Yusufu, V.I. Odigie; Zaria, Nigeria
P5.20.063 - Prediction of Radix Astragali immunomodulatory effects of CD80 expression on THP-1 cells from chemical chromatograms by Quantitative Pattern-Activity Relationship (QPAR) Chun-har Michelle Ng, T. Lau, K. Fan, Q. Xu, F. Chau, M. Sze; Hong Kong, Hong Kong
P5.20.064 - Myeloid-derived suppressor cells attenuate Th1 development through IL-6 production to promote tumor progression H. Tsukamoto, S. Senju, Yasuharu Nishimura; Kumamoto, Japan
P5.20.065 - Evaluation of a hydroalcoholic extract of Uncaria tomentosa on dendritic cells and Th1/Th2/Th17 profile, IL-12 in breast cancer patients C.E. Nuñez, Cesar E. Nuñez, I.A. Lozada-Requena, T.P. Ysmodes, S.R. Davila, Y.P. Alvarez, C. Ocampo, J.L. Aguilar Olano; Lima, Peru
P5.20.066 - Allelic variants in promoter region of FOXP3 gene as a protective factor in breast cancer development Julie M.M. Oda, K.B. de Oliveira, R.L. Guembarovski, C.E.C. de Oliveira, P.M.M. Ozawa, B.K.B. Hirata, C.B. Ariza, C.Z. Campos, D.R. Derossi, M.A.E. Watanabe; Londrina, Brazil
P5.20.067 - Modeling leukemia immunoediting in mouse-human chimeras Giacomo Oliveira, C. Toffalori, J.M. Garcia-Manteiga, B. Camisa, A. Bondanza, E. Stupka, F. Ciceri, K. Fleischhauer, C. Bonini, L. Vago; Milano, Italy
P5.20.068 - Breast and kidney-expressed chemokine (CXCL14) in breast cancer Zhou Luo Ou, X. Gu, F. Lin, X. Yang, Y. Guo, Z. Shao; Shanghai, China
P5.20.069 - Role and potential application of chemokine-binding proteins in breast cancer Zhou Luo Ou, X. Zeng, F. Lin, X. Yang, Y. Guo, Z. Shao; Shanghai, China
P5.20.070 - Genetic variation in DNA repair genes: ERCC4 and XRCC3 and cervical squamous cell carcinoma risk Edyta A. Pawlak-Adamska, M. Bartosinska, I. Wlodarska-Polinska, A. Ignatowicz-Pacyna, J. Kornafel, I. Frydecka; Wroclaw, Poland
P5.20.071 - Silencing of claudin-10 expression on B-1 cells impaired the increased metastatic behavior of melanoma cells an in vitro coculture system Elizabeth C. Pérez, P. Xander, M.F. Laurindo, R. Novaes e Brito, B. Vivanco, L. Osugui, M. Mariano, J.D. Lopes; São Paulo, Brazil
P5.20.072 - Role of STAT3 signaling in MDSC-mediated immune suppression Laura Pinton, S. Solito, L. Perilli, V. Damuzzo, S. Francescato, P. Zanovello, V. Bronte, S. Mandruzzato; Padova, Italy
Posters - August 26 480
P5.20.073 - Inhibition of Th17 cells and induction of regulatory T cells is mediated by SOCS-1 in the tumor microenvironment of breast cancer patients Arash Pourgholaminejad, R. Eftekhari, R. Mirzaei, J. Hadjati; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.20.074 - Characterization of Th17 cells and regulatory T cells in pleural effusions of lung cancer patients Heriberto Prado-Garcia, S. Romero-Garcia, J. Orozco-Gaytan, J.S. Lopez-Gonzalez, A. Arreola-Morales; Mexico City, Mexico
P5.20.075 - Expression of at least one desmoglein is essential for multicellular tumor spheroid (MCTS) formation Alexander V. Prokhorov, E.V. Svirshchevskaya; Moscow, Russian Federation
P5.20.076 - Polyomavirus BK large tumor antigen exerts tolerogenic signatures with immunodominant p53-binding regions in prostate cancer Maurizio Provenzano; Zurich, Switzerland
P5.20.077 - Role of G-protein coupled receptor 120 in tumor-promotion of human colorectal cancer Q. Wu, Liu Qian, M. Jin, J. Liu, Y. Zhang; Shanghai, China
P5.20.078 - Role of ectoenzymes in the interaction between myeloma, bone cells and immune effectors: the potential role of adenosine and the oxytocin/oxytocin receptor Valeria Quarona, M. Lazzaretti, A. Chillemi, A. Zito, G. Zaccarello, A.L. Horenstein, F. Saccucci, V. Pistoia, N. Giuliani, F. Malavasi; Torino, Italy
P5.20.079 - Mesenchymal sterm cells (MSCs) in head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC) Valentina Querci, V. Santarlasci, L. Maggi, M. Capone, M. Rossi, L. Cosmi, F. Liotta, F. Annunziato; Florence, Italy
P5.20.080 - Defective IL-23/IL-17 axis protects p47phox-/- mice from colon cancer Cornelia Richter, J. Bandola, M. Herrero San Juan, B. Weigmann, H. Bonig, S. Brenner, H.H. Radeke; Dresden, Germany
P5.20.081 - Epigenetic modifications of the long pentraxin PTX3 in human colorectal cancer Marcello Rubino, C. Greco, S. Vetrano, E. Barbati, L. Laghi, R. Papait, A. Mantovani, C. Garlanda; Rozzano (MI), Italy
P5.20.082 - Targeting colon cancer cell NF-кB regulates tumor-associated macrophage polarization and enhances anti-tumor immune response A.E. Ryan, A. Colleran, A. O’Gorman, L. O’Flynn, J. Pindjacova, P. Lohan, M. Nosov, C. Mureau, M.D. Griffin, L.J. Egan, Oliver Treacy; Galway, Ireland
P5.20.083 - Tumor-specific Th17 cells orchestrate anti-tumoral responses Juan J. Sáez, S. Nuñez, F. Flores, D. Fernández, M. Rosemblatt, M.R. Bono, D. Sauma; Santiago, Chile
P5.20.084 - The Inhibitory effects of Metformin on tumor cell growth in hypoxia conditions Zohreh Safari, M.H. Seyedzadeh, A. Zare, J. Arasteh, R. Safaralizadeh, G.A. Kardar; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.20.085 - Cooperation between adenosinergic and hypoxic axes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells (CLL) Sara Serra, T. Vaisitti, A.L. Horenstein, F. Malavasi, S. Deaglio; Torino, Italy
P5.20.086 - Oxidative stress induces a temporary initial decrease of HSP70 content in EL4 lymphoma cells Olga Shustova, A. Boyko, A. Klinkova, N. Troyanova, E. Kovalenko, A. Sapozhnikov; Moscow, Russian Federation
P5.20.087 - Cancer/testis antigen HCA587 promotes the metastatic behavior of melanoma cells Xiao Song, J. Hao, J. Chen, W. Song, Y. Li, Y. Zhang, Y. Yin; Beijing, China
P5.20.088 - Immunophenotypes of Burkitt’s lymphoma cell lines alter at different EBV infection latency types Irina Spaka, A. Spaks, S. Kozireva, J. Osmjana, M. Upmane, R. Birkenfelde, V. Kalnina, S. Lejniece, I. Kholodnyuk; Riga, Latvia
P5.20.089 - CD11b+Ly6G+Ly6Cint myeloid-derived suppressor cells become expanded by medroxiprogesterone acetate in mammary tumor bearing hosts and suppress NK cell effector functions R.G. Spallanzani, T. Dalotto, D. Avila, A. Ziblat, C. Domaica, M. Fuertes, X. Raffo Iraolagoitia, G. Rabinovich, M. Salatino, Norbeto Walter Zwirner; Buenos Aires, Argentina
P5.20.090 - IL-12p40, IL-23 and IL-10 production from monocytes of patients with colorectal cancer: effect of inhibition of JNK signaling pathway Noyko S. Stanilov, S.A. Stanilova, Z. Dobreva; Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
P5.20.091 - Association of -1082 A/G promoter polymorphism of IL-10 gene with colorectal cancer development Noyko S. Stanilov, J.P. Jovchev, L.D. Miteva, Z.G. Dobreva, T.S. Deliysky, A.V. Avramova, S.A. Stanilova; Stara zagora, Bulgaria
P5.20.092 - Can humoral immunity enhance development of skin tumors? A.A. Lavezo, L.R. Carvalho, T. Canhamero, A. Borrego, W.H.K. Cabrera, J.R. Jensen, M. De Franco, O.G. Ribeiro, O.M. Ibañez, Nancy Starobinas; São Paulo, Brazil
Posters - August 26 500
P5.20.093 - CMTM3 inhibits cell migration and invasion and correlates with favorable prognosis in gastric cancer Yu Su, Y. Lin, L. Zhang, B. Liu, X. Wang, H. Li, X. Xing, X. Cheng, B. Dong, Y. Hu; Beijing, China
P5.20.094 - Essential involvement of tumor-derived IDO in ovarian cancer progression Yuko Tanizaki, A. Kobayashi, T. Yahata, M. Yamamoto, M. Shiro, Y. Mabuchi, S. Minami, M. Nosaka, T. Kondo, K. Ino; Wakayama, Japan
P5.20.095 - Immune profiling of lung cancer tissues associated with COPD Elena Tassi, C. Vegetti, P. Baldassari, A. Molla, G. Sozzi, U. Pastorino, A. Anichini; Milan, Italy
P5.20.096 - Targeted-Therapy attenuates local and systemic immune suppression in Solitary Fibrous Tumor patients Marcella Tazzari, T. Negri, F. Rini, B. Vergani, C. Camisaschi, A. Villa, S. Stacchiotti, L. Rivoltini, S. Pilotti, C. Castelli; Milan, Italy
P5.20.097 - Flow cytometric analysis of the tumour microenvironment during immune mediated tumour rejection or persistence Alexandra M. Terry, A. Buckley, J. Holst, B. Fazekas de St Groth, E. Shklovskaya; Camperdown, Australia
P5.20.098 - Antitumor and immunological effects of Nilotinib combined with Interleukin-2 in the B16 melanoma model involve IFN-g producing CD27+ NK cells K. Geisler, A. Reischer, B. Jacobs, I. Kroeger, K. Meinhardt, R. Bauer, A. Mackensen, B. Ryffel, Evelyn Ullrich; Frankfurt, Germany
P5.20.100 - Tumors with processing defects display novel tumor antigens via the non-classical HLA-E E. Doorduijn, C. Oliveira, B. Querido, M. Sluijter, Thorbald van Hall; Leiden, Netherlands
P5.20.101 - NLRP3 inflammasome activation is involved in breast cancer cell death in vitro Nathalia M. Vasconcelos, R.S. Fontenele, B.C. Guido, K.G. Magalhães, J.R. Correa; Brasília, Brazil
P5.20.102 - Influence of natural killer cells in mammary tumor in female dogs A. Matsui, M.B. Bandarra, G.M. Magalhães, P.R.R. Moreira, A.C. Alessi, D.P. Munari, Rosemeri O. Vasconcelos; Jaboticabal, Brazil
P5.20.103 - Antitumor activity of synthetic phosphoethanolamine in experimental colon cancer Luciana C. Veronez, L.R. Azevedo, D.O. Miranda, T.H. Geraldino, R.O. Lopes, S.B. Garcia, G.S. Bisson; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P5.20.104 - CCR5-expressing B-1 cells attract CD8 T cells to melanoma millieu and decrease tumor aggressiveness Bruno C. Vivanco, J.D. Lopes, E. Perez, P. Xander, M. Guereschi, F.T.d. Konno; São Paulo, Brazil
P5.20.105 - Devil Facial Tumour Disease, a devil of a cancer that is transmissible and fails to induce an immune response Greg M. Woods, A. Kreiss, H. Siddle, L. Howson, T. Kobayashi, G. Brown, C. Tovar, J. Murphy, L. Corcoran, J. Kaufman; Hobart, Australia
P5.20.106 - Co-existence of HLA class I expression and CD8+ T cell infiltration is associated with favorable clinical outcomes in Ewing’s sarcoma family of tumors (ESFT) Hiroki Yabe, T. Tsukahara, S. Kawaguchi, T. Torigoe, N. Sato, H. Morioka, H. Yabe; Saitama City, Japan
P5.20.107 - The Immunology of Ovarian Cancer Anhar Yassin; Edinburgh, United Kingdom
P5.20.108 - Critical role of interleukin-27 in tumor immunology Zhinan Yin; Tianjin, China
P5.20.109 - The role of the CXCR3 receptor ligand system in the immune escape of multiple myeloma Claudia Zelle-Rieser, S. Thangavadivel, M. Lechner, A. Brunner, R. Greil, K. Jöhrer; Innsbruck, Austria
P5.20.110 - A Novel Subset of Tumor-infiltrating B7-H3+CD14+HLA-DR-/low Myeloid-derived Suppressor Cells Foster Immune Privilege and Tumor Progression in NSCLC Guangbo Zhang, H. Huang, X. Zhang; Suzhou, China
Session Time: Monday, August 26, 13:20 - 15:00 517
P6.09.01 - Commensal bacteria-derived membrane vesicles supress Th-1 dominated immune responses in vaccinated and tumor-bearing mice Esin Alpdundar, S. Yildiz, B. Bayyurt, M. Ozcan, G. Gucluler, D. Bayik, B. Gungor, I. Gursel, M. Gursel; Ankara, Turkey
P6.09.02 - Immunomodulatory cytokine gene expression profiles and lymphoprolifration response in hamsters vaccinated by leptospiral vaccine with several adjuvants Reza Banihashemi, M. Tebianian, J. Majidi, B. Baradaran, A. Jabbari, K. Tadayyon, S. Jalali, M. Sekhavati, R. Ghaderi, G. Shokri; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Posters - August 26 519
P6.09.03 - Intradermal and subcutaneous adjuvant effects of type I enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) heat-labile toxin derivatives Catarina J.M. Braga, J.F. Rodrigues, S.B. Boscardin, L.C.S. Ferreira; São Paulo, Brazil
P6.09.04 - Investigating Layered Double Hydroxides (LDHs) as Designer Inorganic Vaccine Adjuvants Hannah C. Buckley, S. Preston, G. Williams, O. Rysnik, D. Lunn, B. Lambrecht, D. O’Hare, J. Austyn; Oxford, United Kingdom
P6.09.05 - A novel allergen-adjuvant conjugate suitable for allergen-specific Th2 redirection E. Cardilicchia, Lucia Filì, A. Casini, L. Maggi, C. Manuelli, E. Occhiato, F. Boscaro, S. Romagnani, E. Maggi, P. Parronchi; Florence, Italy
P6.09.06 - Helix pomatia Hc (HpH) hemocyanin as protein-carrier and bio-adjuvant of bacterial and viral proteins Stela Chausheva, V. Gesheva, N. Mihaylova, K. Idakieva, L. Doumanova, A. Tchorbanov; Sofia, Bulgaria
P6.09.07 - Novel vaccine adjuvant for induction of cellular and humoral immunity Sandrine Crabe, J. Nitcheu, V. Serra; Evry, France
P6.09.09 - Long-term antigen-specific antibody responses against RSV glycoprotein by an osmotic active nanocarrier via enhanced phagocytosis Jannatul Firdous, M.A. Islam, S. Park, B. Shim, M. Song, J. Chang, D. Boraschi, S. Han, C. Cho, C. Yun; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P6.09.10 - Autologous hsp70 enhances the expression of adhesion, fusion receptors, HLA and costimulatory molecules on murine peritoneal macrophages in a T cell lymphoma Pramod K. Gautam, P. Deepak, S. Kumar, A. Acharya; Varanasi, India
P6.09.11 - Mast cells redirect the differentiation of dendritic cells away from tolerance and towards immunogenicity S. Karaki, F. Capel, A. Biola-Vidamment, T. Barbin, G. Schlecht-Louf, T. Tran, M. Dy, M. Arock, F. Bachelerie, Veronique Godot; Creteil, France
P6.09.12 - Adjuvant potential of QS-21 on protective efficacy of DPT vaccine Camy Goyal, S. Mishra, M. Gautam, S. Gairola, B. Patwardhan; Lalru, India
P6.09.13 - An adjuvant, fungal immunomodulatory protein (FIP)-fve, potentiates the immune response by engaging the co-stimulatory molecules, CD27 and CD134 (OX-40) Ong Haris, K. I-Chun, H. Chiung-Hui; Singapore, Singapore
P6.09.14 - SCE 350ET: A plant derived adjuvant inducing Th1 and Th2 type immune response Bindhya Jayashankar, K.P. Mishra, D. Singh, S. Murthy, R.K. Tulswani, K. Udayasankar, K. Mishra, L. Ganju, S.B. Singh; Delhi, India
P6.09.15 - Oligomannose-coated liposome as a novel antigen-delivery vehicle and an adjuvant for induction of cellular immune responses Naoya Kokima, M. Ishii, Y. Kawauchi; Hiratsuka, Japan
P6.09.16 - Fucoidan effect on mononuclear leukocyte immunophenotype and lymphoid organ morphology in mice Olga V. Lebedinskaya, E.A. Lebedinskaya, N.K. Akhmatova, I.D. Makarenkova; Perm, Russian Federation
P6.09.17 - Chitosan effect on the inactivated influenza vaccine immunogenicity N.K. Akhmatova, S.S. Markushin, E.A. Akhmatov, L.A. Geiderova, E.V. Sorokina, N.P. Utkina, E.A. Ilinykh, Olga V. Lebedinskaya; Perm, Russian Federation
P6.09.18 - Functional and immunophenotype characteristics of peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes from healthy donors under sodium nucleinate effect Olga V. Lebedinskaya, E.A. Lebedinskaya, N.K. Akhmatova; Perm, Russian Federation
P6.09.19 - Studies with novel synthetic immunogens as a tool for efficient antibody generation J. Malik, G. Dunau, G. Casi, C. Cattaneo, C. Fessele, M. Soukupova, S. Dziadek, Valeria Lifke; Penzberg, Germany
P6.09.20 - EDA-streptavidin fusion protein conjugated to biotinylated HCV-NS3 protein for the induction of T cell immune responses against NS3 Teresa Lozano, L. Arribillaga, L. Villanueva, M. Gorraiz, M. Durantez, N. Casares, F. Borras-Cuesta, P. Sarobe, J. Prieto, J. Lasarte; Pamplona, Spain
P6.09.21 - Development of a new microparticle vaccine adjuvant with the ability to deliver peptides to dendritic cells Francesco Mainini, S. Young, D. Larsen, G. Webster, M. Eccles; Dunedin, New Zealand
P6.09.22 - PolyICLC increases the immunogenicity and efficacy of the filovirus virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine Karen O. Martins, T.K. Warren, J. Wells, A. Bergeron, J. Steffens, S. van Tongeren, S. Bavari; Frederick, United States
P6.09.23 - Physicochemical and immunological parameters of the anti-allergic adjuvanted vaccine PROLINEM-DS Arelis Más Quintero, W. Ramírez, A. Labrada, Y. Oliva, M. Mateo, V. Bourg, D. Torralba, J. Llama; Mayabeque, Cuba
Posters - August 26 539
P6.09.24 - Immunogenic and adjuvant properties of OmpS1 and OmpS2 porins Mario A. Moreno-Eutimio, R. Pastelin-Palacios, C. Perez-Shibayama, C. Gil-Cruz, M. Fernández-Mora, A. Isibasi, E. Calva, C. Lopez-Macias; Mexico City, Mexico
P6.09.25 - The role of alum-induced host DNA release in antigen-presenting cell activation and T cell priming Laura E. Noges, A.S. McKee, J. Kappler, P. Marrack; Denver, United States
P6.09.26 - Salmonella typhi porins are adjuvants on the specific immune responses to co-inmunized antigens Marisol Pérez-Toledo, R. Pastelin-Palacios, C. Gil-Cruz, C. Pérez-Shibayama, M. Moreno-Eutimio, A. Cunningham, M. Pérez-Tapia, L. Bonifaz, A. Isibasi, C. López-Macías; Mexico City, Mexico
P6.09.27 - Therapeutical effects of a novel nDer p2-conjugated TLR7 in a mouse model of lung inflammation Sara Pratesi, F. Nencini, G. Petroni, P. Parronchi, E. Maggi, A. Vultaggio; Florence, Italy
P6.09.28 - Inhibitory effects of silibinin on invasive properties of human breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB-231, through suppression of the proteolytic cascade of cathepsin B/ urokinase-type plasminogen activator Shahrzad Rahimifar, M. Yousefi, M. Momeny, A. Emami; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.09.29 - Effective mucosal protection against sexually-transmitted viral infections is provided by MEC/CCL28 Veronica Rainone, G. Dubois, L. Gissmann, V. Temchura, K. Uberla, M. Nebuloni, D. Trabattoni, F. Veas, M. Clerici; Milan, Italy
P6.09.30 - Adjuvants as possible solution to polysaccharide unconjugated vaccines B. Romeu, M. Lastre, M. Cuello, O. Cabrera, E. González, D. González, A. Mandariote, L. García, D. Cardoso, Oliver Pérez; Havana, Cuba
P6.09.31 - Influence of phosphate salts and alum content on to the immunogenicity and stability of a Dermatophagoides siboney adjuvanted vaccine Roxana Samalea, W. Ramírez, B. Tamargo, D. Torralba, A. Morejón, D. Martínez, A. Más, J.F. Infante, V. Bourg, A. Labrada; Mayabeque, Cuba
P6.09.32 - GM-CSF enhances the cellular immune response elicited by a DNA vaccine against HIV even in a low dose approach. Vinicius C. Santana, R.R. Almeida, S.P. Ribeiro, D.S. Rosa, J. Kalil, E. Cunha-Neto; São Paulo, Brazil
P6.09.33 - Proteus mirabilis flagellin, neither a good adjuvant nor a protective antigen against urinary tract infection Paola Scavone, A. Umpiérrez, A. Rial, J.A. Chabalgoity, P. Zunino; Montevideo, Uruguay
P6.09.34 - Circulating influenza-specific CD4+ ICOS1+ IL-21+ expand after vaccination, exert helper function and predict antibody responses in humans Fabiana Spensieri, E. Borgogni, L. Zedda, M. Bardelli, F. Buricchi, G. Volpini, S. Tavarini, O. Finco, G. Del Giudice, F. Castellino; Siena, Italy
P6.09.35 - Immunological characterization of M13 phage vaccine Kazuhisa Sugimura, T. Osako, S. Kawabata, R. Miyahara, T. Tsurumaru, R. Oda, D. Tomari, R. Shioya, S. Hashiguchi; Kagoshima, Japan
P6.09.36 - New proteoliposomevaccineformulation from N. meningitidisserogroup B, without aluminum hydroxide, retains its antimeningococcalprotectogenic potential as well as Th-1 adjuvant capacity Beatriz Tamargo; Habana, Cuba
P6.09.37 - Evaluation of the Adjuvant properties for Chitosan-Polyvinylpyrrolidone-based Nanoparticles I.Y. Izaguirre-Hernández, A.Y. Tenorio-Barajas, V.M. Altuzar-Aguilar, C.O. Mendoza-Barrera, Hector Vivanco-Cid; Veracruz, Veracruz, Mexico
P6.09.38 - A Non-lytic form of Listeriolysin O induces Human Dendritic Cells to produce IL-12 and IL-23 K. Hernandez-Flores, P. Thomas-Dupont, F. Mijangos-Zamudio, Y. Paterson, Hector Vivanco-Cid; Veracruz, Veracruz, Mexico
P6.09.39 - Adjuvant-induced muscle ATP release potentiates response to vaccination Maria Vono, M. Taccone, P. Caccin, M. Gallotta, M. Pallaoro, R. Rappuoli, E. De Gregorio, F. Di Virgilio, C. Montecucco, A. Seubert; Padova, Italy
P6.09.40 - Effect of monogalactosyldiacylglycerol from different marine macrophytes on conformation and immunogenicity of hemagglutinin of Influenza A virus H1/N1 A/California/07/2009 Vladimir N. Vorontsov, N.M. Sanina, E.Y. Kostetsky, A.V. Tsybulsky, L.A. Davydova, A.N. Mazeika, N.S. Vorobieva, V.L. Shnyrov; Vladivostok, Russian Federation
P6.09.41 - Cyclic-di-GMP based immune stimulatory formulations as novel vaccine adjuvants and anti-cancer agents Soner Yildiz, E. Alpdundar, B. Bayyurt, M. Ozcan, G. Gucluler, D. Bayik, B. Gungor, I. Gursel, M. Gursel; Ankara, Turkey
Posters - August 26 P6.10 MUCOSAL VACCINES
Session Time: Monday, August 26, 13:20 - 15:00 557
P6.10.01 - Determinants of immune responses to mucosal delivery of a malaria parasite protein on Lactococcus lactis cell walls and co-administration of an inducer strain Sivagowry Anavarathavinayagamoorthy, R. Ramasamy; Colombo, Sri Lanka
P6.10.02 - Mucosal delivery of ACNPV baculovirus driving expression of the Gal-lectin LC3 fragment confers protection against amoebic liver abscess in hamster Julio C. Carrero, D.M. Meneses-Ruiz, J.H. Aguilar-Diaz, J. Hernandez-Ruiz, A. Luz-Madrigal, L. Vaca, J.P. Laclette; Ciudad de México, Mexico
P6.10.03 - Mucosal influenza vaccine comprising of M2e-HSP70 formulated with N-Trimethyl chitosan(TMC) particles induces strong M2e specific immune responses Mehran Dabaghian, S. Ebrahimi, M. Tebianian, G. Nikbakht Brujeni; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.10.04 - Beta-glucan particles as novel antigen delivery systems: towards oral vaccination Rebecca De Smet, S. Verschuere, T. Demoor, L. Allais, M. Dierendonck, B.G. De Geest, C. Pilette, C. Cuvelier; Ghent, Belgium
P6.10.05 - Hsp65-producing Lactococcus lactis prevents experimental colitis by IL-10- and TLR2-dependent pathways Ana M.C. Faria; Belo Horizonte, Brazil
P6.10.06 - Prime-boost strategies in mucosal immunization affect local IgA production and the type of Th response Fabio Fiorino, E. Pettini, G. Pozzi, D. Medaglini, A. Ciabattini; Siena, Italy
P6.10.07 - Nanogel-based PspA nasal vaccine induces S. pneumoniae -specific neutralizing antibody immune responses in nonhuman primates Yoshiko Fukuyama, Y. Yuki, Y. Katakai, H. Takahashi, S. Sawada, H. Shibata, M. Mejima, S. Kurokawa, K. Akiyoshi, H. Kiyono; Tokyo, Japan
P6.10.08 - Immunisation using a sustained release vaccine generates functional CD8 T cell memory Andrew J. Highton, S. Hook, R. Kemp; Dunedin, New Zealand
P6.10.09 - In vitro Inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus Isolates by Anti-Anti-Idiotypic Antibodies to Staphylococcal Protein A (SpA) Angel A. Justiz Vaillant, P. Akpaka, M. Smikle, N. McFarlane-Anderson; Saint Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
P6.10.10 - Nanogel-based pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA) intranasal vaccine prevents invasive disease and nasal colonization by pneumococcus Ilgyu Kong, A. Sato, Y. Yuki, T. Nochi, H. Takahashi, S. Sawada, M. Mejima, K. Okada, K. Akiyoshi, H. Kiyono; Tokyo, Japan
P6.10.11 - The protective activity of the bacterial antigens in mucosal route of immunization in mice Olga V. Lebedinskaya, N.P. Utkina, N.K. Akhmatova; Perm, Russian Federation
P6.10.13 - T-cell priming characterisation through a systems biology approach E. Pettini, Gennaro Prota, A. Ciabattini, A. Boianelli, F. Fiorino, G. Pozzi, A. Vicino, D. Medaglini; Siena, Italy
P6.10.15 - Encapsulation of antigens in whole plant cells functions as a combined production and delivery platform for oral vaccines Robert P. Shepherd, A.M. Walmsley; Clayton, Australia
P6.10.16 - Establishment of murine norovirus S7 infection system for vaccine development Natsumi Takeyama, Y. Chen, Y. Tohya, K. Oroku, H. Kiyono, Y. Yuki; Ome, Tokyo, Japan
P6.10.17 - Maternal antibodies enhance systemic and local immune responses after early mucosal immunization in a porcine model Marco A. Vega-Lopez, E.R. Guzman-Bautista, C.E. Garcia-Ruiz, A.L. Gama, C. Ramirez-Estudillo, O.I. Rojas; Mexico, D.F., Mexico
P6.10.18 - M-cell targeting strategy improved the immunogenicity of viral myocarditis-specific mucosal DNA vaccine Yan Yue, S. Xiong, W. Xu; Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China
P7.05 EVOLUTION OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM AND COMPARATIVE IMMUNOLOGY Session Time: Monday, August 26, 13:20 - 15:00 573
P7.05.01 - Innate immunity of the Mytilus galloprovincialis mussel and environmental pollution: Study of some parameters and interactions Younes Bouallagui, R. Ben Younes, R. Oueslati; Bizerta, Tunisia
Posters - August 26 574
P7.05.02 - The role of bidirectional activity of NWC promoter in the evolution of RAG transposon L. Sniezewski, A. Laszkiewicz, L. Bzdzion, M. Kasztura, S. Walach, P. Kisielow, Malgorzata Cebrat; Wroclaw, Poland
P7.05.03 - Amyloidogenesis as protective response in invertebrates and vertebrates Magda de Eguileor, R. Girardello, A. Grimaldi, D. Malagoli, L. Pulze, G. Tettamanti, E. Ottaviani, R. Valvassori; Varese, Italy
P7.05.04 - Innate immunity and evolution of antioxidant defenses: the methionine sulfoxide reductase genes in the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila Diana Ferro, F. Cattalini, O. Coppellotti, R. Bakiu, E. Piccinni, G. Santovito; Padova, Italy
P7.05.05 - Evolution of the complement system: ancient molecules and new evidences from tunicates Nicola Franchi, L. Ballarin, N. Parrinello; Palermo, Italy
P7.05.07 - Characterization of the IL-17 and IL-17 receptor families in lampreys Qifeng Han, M. Hirano, M. Cooper; Atlanta, United States
P7.05.08 - Genomic analysis in inbred mice provides insights into the evolutionary history of NKG2D ligand genes Mizuho Kondo, J. Kasamatsu, Y. Sarada, N. Otsuka, T. Takada, A. Toyoda, A. Fujiyama, T. Shiroishi, M. Kasahara; Sapporo, Japan
P7.05.09 - Cranial base (CB)/brain and immune system of the fetus and neonate in concert in evolutionary development Alexandra Kunz, C. Iliadis; Boston, United States
P7.05.10 - A Research Coordination Network in Ecological Immunology Lynn B. Martin, D.M. Hawley, D.R. Ardia; Tampa, United States
P7.05.11 - Functional analyses of lymphocytes and granulocytes isolated from the thymus, spiral valve intestine, spleen, and kidney of juvenile Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri Mohammad G. Mohammad, M.H. Golakani, J. Joss; Sydney, Australia
P7.05.12 - The introduction of monoclonal antibody Institute: the region’s largest student center Mohammad Naghavi - Behzad, M. Ghojazadeh, A. Naghavi-Behzad, R. Piri; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P7.05.13 - The cattle germline IGHV repertoire is very limited Mikael Niku, J. Liljavirta, K. Durkin, E. Schroderus, A. Iivanainen; Helsinki, Finland
P7.05.14 - Risk Factors Associated with the Acquisition of HIV/STIs in Female Sex Workers (FSWs) in Lagos Nigeria Ngozi M. Otuonye, O. Enabulele Onmoiwu, H. Aliyu, C. Onwuamah; Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria
P7.05.15 - Boosting heterosubtypic neutralization antibodies in recipients of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza vaccine Chao Qiu, Y. Huang, Y. Hu, Z. Yuan, X. Zhang, J. Xu; Shanghai, China
P7.05.16 - R4 regulators of G-protein signaling share a common ancestry with the MHC paralogons Jaanus Suurväli, J. Robert, P. Boudinot, S. Rüütel Boudinot; Tallinn, Estonia
P7.05.17 - Comparative study on primary structure and function of rhesus monkey and human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor Ze Tao, H. Yang, D. Jia, L. Wan, J. Cheng, X. Lu; Chengdu, Sichuan, China
P7.05.18 - The Drosophila immune response to Invertebrate Iridescent Virus 6 Cara C. West, W. Theurkauf, N. Silverman; Worcester, United States
Session Time: Monday, August 26, 13:20 - 15:00 590
P7.07.02 - Tumoral necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukine 1 alpha (IL-1 alpha) expression in intestinal mucosa of young alpacas (vicugna pacos) with histological diagnostic of necrotic enteritis Carla Bardález, A. Manchego, K. Chiok, N. Sandoval, J. More, M. Ramírez, H. Rivera; Lima, Peru
P7.07.03 - Dynamics of T and B cells in lymphoid organs during the experimental infection of specific-pathogen free (SPF) layers with Fowl adenovirus (FAdV) serotype 4 Ivan Best, W. Medina, E. Choque, M. Fernández-Sánchez, M. Fernández-Díaz; Chincha, Peru
P7.07.04 - Immunological assessment of Aleuria Aurantia Lectin Gesa M. Bindke, F. Roth-Walter, J. Singer, K. Jaeger, R. Brunthaler, K. Köhler, A. Willensdorfer, E. Jensen-Jarolim; Vienna, Austria
Posters - August 26 593
P7.07.05 - Immunodiagnosis of porcine cysticercosis: Identification of accurate antigens through immunoproteomics Raúl J. Bobes, Y. Diaz Masmela, G. Fragoso, J. Ambrosio, G. Rosas, K.J. Estrada, J.C. Carrero, E. Sciutto, J.P. Laclette; Mexico City, Mexico
P7.07.06 - Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 polymorphisms influence T cell proliferation and T subsets Hsiu-Luan Chang, H. Chaung, J. Yu, Y. Li, S. Liu, W. Chung; Pingtung, Taiwan
P7.07.07 - Soluble FliC fusion protein cloned from Salmonella Enteritidis stimulates TLR7 and TLR8 expressions Hso-Chi Chaung, Y. Lien, M. Wu, L. Hung, W. Chung; Pingtung, Taiwan
P7.07.08 - Gentamicin-attenuated Leishmania infantum vaccine: protection of dogs against canine visceral leehmaniasis in endemic areas of southeast of Iran Hamid Daneshvar, M. Namazi, M. Molaie, H. Kamiabi, S. Phillips, R. Burchmore; Kerman, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P7.07.09 - Bm86 and Hd86 anti-Hyalomma scupense tick vaccine trials in cattle, efficacy and limits Yousr Galaï, M. Ben Saïd, M. Gharbi, M. Jedidi, J. de la Fuente, M. Darghouth; Belvedere Tunis, Tunisia
P7.07.10 - Evaluation of vaccines against foot and mouth disease in the mouse model, correlation with efficacy in cattle Victoria Gnazzo, E. Pereyra, V. Quattrocchi, I. Soria, C. Langellotti, C. Mongini, V. Lopez, E. Smitsaart, P. Zamorano; Capital Federal, Argentina
P7.07.11 - Producing Anti-Somatostatin-14 in Eggs of Immunized Chickens and Evaluating Antibody by ELISA Fariba Golchinfar, R. Madani; Karaj, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P7.07.12 - Development of monoclonal antibodies against (PPR) virus Fariba Golchinfar, R. Madani, T. Emami; Karaj, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P7.07.13 - Participation of Treg cells in equine Recurrent Airway Obstruction Claudio Henriquez, G. Morán, B. Perez, N. Morales, H. Folch; Valdivia, Chile
P7.07.14 - Emetic potential of newly identified staphylococcal superantigens Ken’ichi Imanishi, K. Omoe, H.K. Ono, H. Kato, K. Shinagawa, J. Yagi, A. Nakane, T. Uchiyama, D. Hu; Tokyo, Japan
P7.07.15 - The technique for large-scale production of CpG DNA adjuvant and applications in avian vaccines H. Chaung, L. Hung, Y. Tsai, Yi-Yang Lien; Pingtung, Taiwan
P7.07.16 - Development of an ELISA for determination of potency in snake anti venoms Rasool Madani, F. Golchinfar, T. Emami; Karaj, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P7.07.17 - Determination of lymphocytes subpopulations in peripheral blood cells of dogs with atopic dermatitis Alicja Majewska, K. Dembele, M. Gajewska, T. Motyl; Warsaw, Poland
P7.07.18 - Human anti-langerin (CD207) polyclonal antibodies detect epidermal Langerhans-like cells in the sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) Fernando A. Muñoz, J. Calderon-Amador, A. Negrete-Philippe, L. Flores-Romo; San Luis Potosí, Mexico
P7.07.19 - Isolation and characterization of recombinant single chain fragment variable antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii surface antigen Mohadese Nakhaei Moghadam, M. Golchin; Kerman, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P7.07.20 - Failures of immunization in animals with reference to the West Africa sub-region Moses O. Odugbo; Vom, Nigeria
P7.07.21 - Polyspecific antigen binding by bovine immunoglobulin heavy- and light-chain variable domains Yfke Pasman, A.K. Kaushik; Guelph, Canada
P7.07.22 - Pathogenesis of pancytopenia in canine visceral leishmaniasis: bone marrow morphological alterations and IGF-I and IL-7 mRNA expressions Flaviane A. Pinho, S.I. Miyashiro, L.S. Silva, E.M. Ramos-Sanchez, F.A.L. Costa, H. Goto; São Paulo, Brazil
P7.07.23 - Booster BCG vaccination modulates response against Mycobacterium bovis-PPD in dairy herds with tuberculosis Elsa Ramírez, C. Estrada, A. Ruiz, H. Esquivel, L. Higareda, G. López, L. Bojórquez; Guadalajara, Mexico
P7.07.24 - Improvement in bovine haemorrhagic septicaemia vaccine potency and efficacy by aluminium nanoparticles and keyhole limpet hemocyanin, and an approach to develop a DIVA strategy Susim M. Ray; Hisar,Haryana, India
Posters - August 26 613
P7.07.25 - TIR8/SIGIRR is expressed in tissues of adult and embryo chicken Federica Riva, G. Manarolla, L. Turin; Milan, Italy
P7.07.26 - Infection and immunity during leptospirosis disease in Golden Syrian Hamster: approaching for vaccine biological models Luis Alfredo Rosario Fernandez; Havana, Cuba
P7.07.28 - Ocular infectious bronchitis virus vaccination induces different immune responses in the mucosal and systemic immune compartment Frederik W. van Ginkel, R.S. Gurjar, N. Orr, S.L. Gulley; Auburn, United States
P7.07.29 - Expression of TNF-alpha mRNA in canine mammary tumors as a potential marker for tumor evolution T.L.L. Castanheira, E. Garrido, F.S. Fernando, M.C. Rosolem, H.J. Montassier, Rosemeri O. Vasconcelos; Jaboticabal, Brazil
P7.07.30 - Novel dendrimeric peptide: Immune response and protection against Foot and Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) induced by synthetic peptides in cattle I. Soria, V. Quattrocchi, C. Langellotti, S. Digiacomo, D. Buscafusco, B. Garcia de la Torre, D. Andreu, F. Sobrino, E. Blanco, Patricia Zamorano; Buenos Aires, Argentina
P7.07.31 - Establishment and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against tumor-associated antigen(s)in Mc29 virus-transformed chicken hepatoma cells Tanya Zhivkova, R. Alexandrova; Sofia, Bulgaria
P7.07.32 - Expression of the novel antigen receptor (IgNAR) in the bamboo shark and isolation of antigen-specific IgNAR domains from shark antibody repertoires Stefan Zielonka, M. Empting, P. Ockelmann, M. Lierz, H. Kolmar; Darmstadt, Germany
Posters - August 27 Panel N°
Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 001
P1.03.01 - Sp1 transcription factor is involved in the regulation of NKG2D ligands in tumor cells and during tumor Progression Andrea Acebes Huerta, L. Huergo Zapico, A. Lopez Soto, A. Fernandez Guizán, M. Villa Álvarez, S. González Rodríguez; Gijón, Spain
P1.03.02 - A novel immunological approach to prevent HCV recurrence in liver transplantation Ester Badami, P. Pizzillo, D. Galvagno, M. Spada, B. Gridelli, P. Conaldi; Palermo, Italy
P1.03.03 - D56+ cells in demyelinating polyneuropathies Irina P. Balmasova, O.L. Timchenko, R.I. Sepiashvili, N.D. Yushchuk; Moscow, Russian Federation
P1.03.04 - Assessment of natural killer receptors and activity in severe and moderate Chronic Fatigue Syndrome S.L. Hardcastle, Ekua W. Brenu, D. Staines, S. Marshall-Gradisnik; Gold Coast, Australia
P1.03.05 - Host response to murine CMV in class I MHC disparate mice reveals primacy of licensed NK cells in viral control Michael G. Brown, J. Prince, A. Lundgren, M.D. Stadnisky, S.D. Turner, W.T. Nash, A. Beeber; Charlottesville, United States
P1.03.06 - ADAM10 contributes to MICA/B shedding from multiple myeloma cells in response to genotoxic stress Francesca Cecere, A. Zingoni, R. Molfetta, A. Soriani, C. Fionda, M.T. Petrucci, M.R. Ricciardi, R. Paolini, M. Cippitelli, A. Santoni; Rome, Italy
P1.03.07 - Sustained effector function of IL-12/15/18-preactivated NK cells against established tumors J. Ni, Mathias Miller, A. Cerwenka; Heidelberg, Germany
P1.03.08 - N6-isopentenyladenosine, an endogenous isoprenoid end product, directly affects cytotoxic and regulatory functions of human NK cells through FDPS modulation Elena Ciaglia, S. Pisanti, P. Picardi, C. Laezza, A. Malfitano, A. D’Alessando, P. Gazzerro, E. Carbone, M. Bifulco; Fisciano, Italy
P1.03.09 - NK cells in dasatinib-treated chronic myeloid leukemia patients are terminally differentiated effector cells lacking homing and KIR receptors Beatriz Colom-Fernandez, A. Kreutzman, B. Maestro Gutiérrez, V. López Huete, V. García-Gutiérrez, J. Steegmann, C. Muñoz Calleja; Madrid, Spain
P1.03.10 - Induction of functional NK receptors on peripheral blood CD8+ T cells Margareta Correia, M. Miller, A. Stojanovic, A. Cerwenka; Heidelberg, Germany
P1.03.11 - Receptors of NK cells and lymphocytes subsets in patients stage II and III breast cancer L.J. Najar Acosta, A. Daneri Navarro, G. Ramirez Rosales, R.A. Franco Topete, A. Oceguera Villanueva, J.M. Castro Cervantes, E. Salas Gonzalez, J.C. Canton Romero, A. Quintero Ramos, Alicia del Toro Arreola; Guadalajara, Mexico
P1.03.12 - An approach to the immunophenotypic signature of selected CD4+NKG2D+ T cell subsets M. Garcia-Chagollan, M. Bueno-Topete, L. Jave-Suarez, S. Fujimura-Hernandez, A. Cid-Arregui, A. Aguilar-Lemarroy, Susana del Toro-Arreola; Guadalajara, Mexico
P1.03.13 - HMPV infection, immune evasion and its elimination Mohammad Diab, A. Vitenshtein, O. Mandelboim; Jerusalem, Israel
P1.03.14 - Neuroblastoma-derived transforming growth factor (TGF) β1 modulates the chemokine receptor repertoire of human resting Natural Killer Cells Alessandra Dondero, F. Bellora, L. Moretta, A. Castellano, F. Locatelli, M.V. Corrias, A. Moretta, C. Bottino, R. Castriconi; Genova, Italy
P1.03.15 - Related Human Cytomegalovirus Genes US18 and US20 Target MICA for Lysosomal Degradation Ceri A. Fielding, V. Prodhomme, R. Aicheler, S. Seirafian, J. Davies, R. Stanton, A. Davison, P. Lehner, P. Tomasec, G. Wilkinson; Cardiff, United Kingdom
P1.03.16 - Abundant stage-dependent Ly49E expression by liver NK cells is not essential for their differentiation and function Jessica Filtjens, S. Taveirne, A. Van Acker, E. Van Ammel, M. Van Hees, T. Kerre, T. Taghon, B. Vandekerckhove, J. Plum, G. Leclercq; Ghent, Belgium
P1.03.17 - Inhibition of Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 increases NKG2D Ligand MICA expression and sensitivity to NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity in Multiple Myeloma cells: role of STAT3 Cinzia Fionda, G. Malgarini, A. Soriani, A. Zingoni, F. Cecere, M. Iannitto, M. Ricciardi, M. Petrucci, A. Santoni, M. Cippitelli; Rome, Italy
P1.03.18 - Do NK cells play a role in the possible association between natalizumab treatment and the development of melanoma? Ilaria Gandoglia, A. Laroni, P. Carrega, G.L. Mancardi, G. Ferlazzo, A. Uccelli; Genoa, Italy
Posters - August 27 019
P1.03.19 - Elucidating the role of the natural killer cell receptor, Ncr1, in controlling melanoma metastases using in vivo reflectance confocal microscopy Ariella Glasner, A. Levi, J. Enk, T. Neuman, C.D. Enk, O. Mandelboim; Jerusalem, Israel
P1.03.20 - The receptor KIR3DS1 expressed by NK cell is associated with HCV viral clearance Rafael Gonzalez, A. Rivero-Juarez, B. Manzanares, Á. Camacho, M. Frías, A. Martínez, L. Castro, A. Rivero, J. Peña; Córdoba, Spain
P1.03.21 - Measurement of natural killer cell apoptotic inducing lytic proteins in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and isolated natural killer cells Teilah K. Huth, E.W. Brenu, K.J. Ashton, D. Staines, S.M. Marshall-Gradisnik; Gold Coast, Australia
P1.03.22 - Functional NK cells developed from human hematopoietic stem cell in human interleukin-2 transgenic NOG mice Ikumi Katano, R. Ito, T. Takahashi, M. Ito; Kawasaki, Japan
P1.03.23 - Multi-step defect in NK cells and acute myeloid leukemia interaction Zena Khaznadar, N. Setterblad, G. Henry, S. Agaugue, E. Raffoux, N. Boissel, H. Dombret, A. Toubert, N. Dulphy; Paris, France
P1.03.24 - Differential requirements of activating and inhibitory Ly49 receptors in recognition of MCMV-infected cells M. Babic-Cac, V. Juranic-Lisnic, M. Pyzik, B. Popovic, S.M. Vidal, S. Jonjic, Astrid Krmpotic; Rijeka, Croatia
P1.03.25 - Spinal Cord Injury-induced Immune Depression Syndrome - the role of NK and T cells Inês Laginha; Berlin, Germany
P1.03.26 - Cytomegalovirus regulation of mouse PVR Tihana Lenac Rovic , N. Stanietsky, S. Jordan, V. Juranic Lisnic , A. Tomic, M. Babic, A. Krmpotic, P. Tsukerman, O. Mandelboim, S. Jonjic ; Rijeka, Croatia
P1.03.27 - Regulatory roles of novel NK-like CD56brightCD11c+ cells on expansion of γδ T cells and memory CD8+ T cells Wen Li, H. Yammamoto, K. Yamanishi, H. Yamanishi, H. Okamura; Nishinomiya, Japan
P1.03.28 - Structure of the human activating receptor NKp65 bound to its keratinocyte ligand KACL (CLEC2A) reveals basis for genetically linked recognition in the natural killer gene complex Yili Li, Q. Wang, S. Chen, P.H. Brown, R.A. Mariuzza; Rockville, United States
P1.03.29 - Crosstalk between Dendritic Cells and NK cells in the Immune Response against the dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Larissa N.A. Longhi, M.C. Ferreira, M.H.S.L. Blotta, R.L. Mamoni; Campinas, Brazil
P1.03.30 - Interleukin-21 promotes the differentiation of a population of natural killer lymphocytes expressing CD86 and HLA-DR with the ability to activate naive CD4 T cells Romain Loyon, E. Picard, A. Claude, J. Pallandre, O. Adotevi, Y. Godet, C. Borg; Besançon, France
P1.03.31 - NK cell reconstitution following manipulated or un-manipulated haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in leukemia patients Raffaella Meazza, M. Falco, C. Tuberosa, F. Loiacono, M. Mingari, A. Moretta, A. Bacigalupo, L. Moretta, F. Locatelli, D. Pende; Genova, Italy
P1.03.32 - Simultaneously expression of NKG2DL MICA/MICB and NKG2D receptor on human cervical cancer cells J-F Mendoza-Rincon, S.B.C. Bautista-Castillo, C.M.R. Mendoza-Rodriguez; Mexico City, Mexico
P1.03.33 - Characterisation of chicken NK cell receptors El Kahina Meziane, N. Potts, T. Pizzari, D. Richardson, K. Watson, T. Goebel, J. Kaufman; Cambridge, United Kingdom
P1.03.34 - Dopaminergic D5 Receptor-mediated inhibition of NK cell proliferation and production of IFN-γ Joanna Mikulak, L. Bozzo, A. Roberto, P. Tentorio, S. Bonaldo, D. Mavilio; Rozzano (MI), Italy
P1.03.35 - Helicobacter pylori increases NK cell response increasing ULBP2 surface expression in adenocarcinoma gastric cell lines María C. Molina, C.J. Hernández, C.H. Ribeiro, M. Garrido-Tapia, K. Kramm; Santiago, Chile
P1.03.36 - Adenosine produced by a CD38-mediated pathway in CD56bright CD16- NK cells inhibits autologous CD4+T cell proliferation Fabio Morandi, A.L. Horenstein, A. Chillemi, G. Zaccarello, F. Malavasi, V. Pistoia; Genoa, Italy
P1.03.37 - Correlation between natural killer cells functionality and response to trastuzumab treatment in HER2+ breast cancer patients Lapo Morelli, M. Ciranna, G. Curigliano, G. Penna, M. Rescigno; Milan, Italy
Posters - August 27 038
P1.03.38 - Modulation of activatory and inhibitory receptors of NK cells by CD137 costimulation Shadi Navabi, N.H.J.H. Doroudchi, M; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P1.03.39 - Natural killer cells in upper respiratory airway Kazunari Okada, S. Sato, A. Sato, Y. Inoue, T. Yabe, H. Kiyono; Tokyo, Japan
P1.03.40 - Expression of Ly6C defines two subsets of mature mouse NK cells Ai Omi, T. Kiniwa, Y. Enomoto, A. Miyajima; Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
P1.03.41 - Cervical cancer cells treated with EGCG inhibitor induces changes in IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and perforin secretion in NK-92 cells Pablo C. Ortiz-Lazareno, A. Bravo-Cuellar, P. Gomez-Lomeli, G. Hernandez-Flores, J.R. Dominguez-Rodriguez, L.F. Jave-Suarez, A. Aguilar-Lemarroy; Guadalajara, Mexico
P1.03.42 - Multidisciplinary approaches to enhance BRAF targeted therapy in Melanoma Pradeepa Narayana Pangigadde, T. Tan, S. Ferrone, K. Karre, F. Colucci, E. Carbone; Stockholm, Sweden
P1.03.43 - KIR2DS1-dependent acquisition of CCR7 and migratory properties by human NK cells interacting with allogeneic HLA-C2+ DC or T cell blasts SIlvia Pesce, S. Sivori, S. Carlomagno, L. Moretta, A. Moretta, E. Marcenaro; Genova, Italy
P1.03.44 - Regulation of NKG2D and DNAM-1 ligand expression in HCMV infected fibroblasts: role of the DNA damage response pathway and of viral replication Benedetta Pignoloni, V. Dell’Oste, G. Gribaudo, M. Cippitelli, G. Malgarini, C. Fionda, A. Zingoni, S. Landolfo, A. Santoni, C. Cerboni; Rome, Italy
P1.03.45 - Deletion of IL-33 receptor reduces NK cell and CD8 T cell responses to herpesvirus infection Branka Popovic, M. Milovanovic, A. Krmpotic, M. Lukic, S. Jonjic; Rijeka, Croatia
P1.03.46 - Down-regulation of the NKG2D receptor is differentially controlled by MICA and ULBP2 ligands Linda Quatrini, R. Molfetta, F. Gasparrini, C. Capuano, A. Zingoni, R. Galandrini, A. Santoni, R. Paolini; Rome, Italy
P1.03.47 - Expression of ligands for NK cell receptors NKG2D and DNAM-1 on drug-induced senescent Multiple Myeloma cells depends on redox signaling Biancamaria Ricci, A. Soriani, M. Iannitto, C. Fionda, M. Cippitelli, S. Morrone, M. Petrucci, M. Ricciardi, A. Santoni; Rome, Italy
P1.03.48 - Tumour-Priming of Natural Killer Cells May S. Sabry, M.W. Lowdell; London, United Kingdom
P1.03.49 - Association of activating kir genes with the late-onset crohn’s disease Suzanne Samarani, D. Mack, C. Bernstain, C. Deslandres, C. Faure, D. Amre, A. Ahmad; Montreal, Canada
P1.03.50 - In vitro culture with IL-15 increases NK cell degranulation and enhances NK cell-mediated dendritic cell maturation B. Sanchez-Correa, J.M. Bergua, C. Campos, M.J. Arcos, H. Bañas, S. Morgado, S. Sanchez Mateos, J.J. Gordillo, J.G. Casado, Raquel Tarazona; Caceres, Spain
P1.03.51 - Immunosuppressed pre-metastatic niches are caused by hypoxic tumour-derived factors Jaclyn Sceneay, M.T. Chow, D.D.L. Bowtell, M.J. Smyth, A. Moeller; Melbourne, Australia
P1.03.52 - Characterization of activated and expanded natural killer cells for the use in cancer therapy M. Granzin, S. Müller, B. Gerstmayer, S. Tomiuk, A. Jacobs, B. Wollscheid, V. Huppert, Jürgen Schmitz; Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
P1.03.53 - Conserved cellular miRNA-viral mRNA interactions in influenza A/H1N1: a bioinformatical approach Einat Seidel, M. Seidel, O. Mandelboim; Jerusalem, Israel
P1.03.54 - Improvement of NK cells functional activation after long-term IL-2 stimulation in vitro from ovarian neoplasia patients Rodrigo F. Silva; Campinas, Brazil
P1.03.55 - Role of HLA-I molecules on NK cells’ phenotype and functions Marwan C. Sleiman, N. Brons, T. Kaoma, F. Bernardin, J. Zimmer; Luxembourg, Luxembourg
P1.03.56 - Impairment of natural killer cell function in HIV-1 infected individuals from Brazil Luana S. Soares, M.S. Espíndola, L.J.G. Lima, M.C. Cacemiro, C. Fontanari, L.H. Faccioli, S.K. Haddad, V.R. Bolela, F.G. Frantz; Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
P1.03.57 - Influence of age and pro-inflammatory state on the frequency of NK cells subpopulations C. Campos, A. Pera, B. Sanchez-Correa, S. Morgado, I. López, C. Alonso, R. Tarazona, Rafael Solana; Cordoba, Spain
Posters - August 27 058
P1.03.58 - NKG2D ligand expression in glomeruli correlates with renal NK cell infiltration in the MRL mouse model Roberto Spada, S. Perez, D.F. Barber; Madrid, Spain
P1.03.59 - Phenotypic and functional characterization of the CD56dimCD16lowNK cell subset in bone marrow and peripheral blood of healthy donors Helena Stabile, S. Morrone, D. Pagliara, F. Locatelli, A. Santoni, A. Gismondi; Rome, Italy
P1.03.60 - CD28 and CTLA-4 are expressed by mouse NK cells and differentially control NK cell IFN-γ production in response to mature dendritic cells Ana Stojanovic, N. Fiegler, M. Brunner-Weinzierl, A. Cerwenka; Heidelberg, Germany
P1.03.61 - CRACC-CRACC interaction enhances NK cell-mediated liver injury via Kupffer cells Rui Sun, Y. Li, Z. Tian; Hefei, China
P1.03.62 - Immunoregulatory effects of Natural Killer cells in Multiple Sclerosis Ilhan Tahrali, U. Kucuksezer, E. Aktas Cetin, N. Okumus Akdeniz, A. Yilmaz, U. Uygunoglu, A. Altintas, G. Deniz; Istanbul, Turkey
P1.03.63 - NK cell degranulation against human melanoma cell lines is correlated with the expression of NKG2D ligands S. Morgado, B. Sanchez-Correa, J.G. Casado, F. Sierra, E. Durán, S. Sanchez Mateos, J.J. Gordillo, A. Pera, R. Solana, Raquel Tarazona; Caceres, Spain
P1.03.64 - Phenotypic Evaluation of NK and NKT-like cells in peptic ulcer and gastric adenocarcinoma caused by Helicobacter pylori infection Mohsen Tehrani, A. Ajami, M. Shadman, A. Rafiei, H. Hussein-Nattaj, V. Hosseini, T. Taghvaei, H. Mesali, H. Asgarian; Sari, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P1.03.65 - Fluorescent tagged NK cell receptors expressed in vivo using retrogenic mice to study the delivery of signals in NK cells David Tomaz, N. Guerra, J. Dyson, K. Gould; London, United Kingdom
P1.03.66 - MiR-10b downregulates the stress-induced cell surface molecule MICB, a critical ligand for cancer cell recognition by natural killer cells Pinchas Tsukerman, O. Mandelboim; Jerusalem, Israel
P1.03.67 - Phenotypic and functional assays based on NK cells to address the diagnosis of X-linked lymphoproliferative disease 1 Claudia Tuberosa, R. Meazza, M. Falco, V. Cetica, C. Bottino, M. Aricò, M. Mingari, A. Moretta, L. Moretta, D. Pende; Genoa, Italy
P1.03.69 - The human cytomegalovirus induces the CEACAM1 expression to escape immune elimination Alon Vitenshtein, O. Mandelboim; Jerusalem, Israel
P1.03.70 - The Rac activator DOCK2 regulates natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity through the lytic synapse formation Toyoshi Yanagihara, Y. Sakai, Y. Tanaka, Y. Fukui; Fukuoka city, Japan
P1.03.71 - Dimerization of NKp46 receptor is essential for NKp46-mediated lysis: characterization of the dimerization site by epitope mapping Rami Yossef, M. Jaron-Mendelson, A. Porgador; Beer-Sheva, Israel
Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 071
P1.05.01 - Role of γδ T cells in neuronal injury Katja Derkow, C. Krüger, S. Lehnardt; Berlin, Germany
P1.05.02 - IL-22 promotes bacteria-driven colon cancer Fanny Franchini, S. Kirchberger, N. West, D.J. Royston, F.M. Powrie; Oxford, United Kingdom
P1.05.03 - B1 cells provide immunosurveillance of healthy and inflamed skin Skye A. Geherin, M.H. Lee, R.P. Wilson, G.F. Debes; Philadelphia, United States
P1.05.04 - Activating receptor engagement elicits inflammatory signatures in RORγt+ innate lymphoid cells Timor Glatzer, M. Killig, I. Ommert, M. Luetke-Eversloh, M. Babic, D. Paclik, J. Gröne, J. Meisig, K. Stölzel, C. Romagnani; Berlin, Germany
P1.05.05 - The regulatory effect of IL-4 on the anti-tumor immune response mediated by human γδ T cells Y. Mao, J. Zhang, Y. Hu, L. Cui, N. Kang, Wei He; Beijing, China
P1.05.06 - Intestinal epitherial NK cells produce α-defensin, but convetional NK cells do not Tetsuji Hori, N. Nagaoka, M. Yamamoto, M. Ando, S. Matsumoto; Tokyo, Japan
Posters - August 27 077
P1.05.07 - TCRγδ signal activation is required to overcome inhibition by ubiquitin ligase Cbl-b during γδT cell cytotoxicity S. Yin, J. Zhang, L. Cui, Y. Hu, Ning Kang, W. He; Beijing, China
P1.05.08 - Innate lymphoid cells mediate IL-33 dependent fibrosis Tamar Mchedlidze, S. Pflanz, M. Schuchmann, M. Neurath, S. Wirtz; Erlangen, Germany
P1.05.09 - Morphologic, flow cytometric, functional, and molecular analyses of S100B positive lymphocytes, unique cytotoxic lymphocytes containing S100B protein Yukari Miki, Y. Gion, Y. Mukae, A. Hayashi, K. Takahashi; Kagawa, Japan
P1.05.10 - Type I Interferon signaling in a mouse de novo glioma model Takayuki Ohkuri, A. Ghosh, A. Kosaka, J. Zhu, M. Ikeura, S.C. Watkins, H. Okada, S.N. Sarkar; Pittsburgh, United States
P1.05.11 - Insight into interaction innate immune response: Role for Asn40Asp allele of OPRM1 gene Anuradha Pal, S. Kapur; Hyderabad, India
P1.05.12 - Human B-1 cell frequency and aging from cord blood to the elderly Ali A. Pourfathollah, M. Jazayeri; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P1.05.13 - An innate-like CD4+ T cell expressing complement receptor 1 Brian Reilly, K. Rasberry, J. Atkinson; Lubbock, United States
P1.05.14 - The C-terminal region of the Activation Induced Cytidine Deaminase (AID) is required for the gene conversion and mediates the end joining during class switch recombination Somayeh Sabouri, M. Kobayashi, T. Honjo; Kyoto, Japan
P1.05.15 - HIV infection inhibits the crosstalk between monocytes-derived dendritic cells and Vγ9 2δ cells Alessandra Sacchi, N. Tumino, R. Casetti, A. Rinaldi, F. Turchi, F. Martini; Rome, Italy
P1.05.16 - Type 2 Innate Lymphoid cells (ILC2) reside in the human skin and contribute to atopic dermatitis Maryam Salimi, J.L. Barlow, S.P. Saunders, L. Xue, D. Gutowska-Owsiak, X. Wang, D. Johnson, S.C. Scanlon, A.N.J. McKenzie, P.G. Fallon, G.S. Ogg; Oxford, United Kingdom
P1.05.17 - The role of gamma-delta T lymphocytes in the switch of Ig isotypes in B-1 cells under the influence of TI-2 antigens Nadezda Snegireva, M. Gavrilova, E. Sidorova; Moscow, Russian Federation
P1.05.18 - Innate protective responses of B1 cells dependent on activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) and interleukin-13 Natsuo Yamamoto, N. Nakazawa, S. Kerfoot, C. DelaCruz, M. Majewska-Szczepanik, M. Szczepanik, Y. Abe, N. Ohana, K. Kanemitsu, P. Askenase; Fukushima, Japan
P1.12 LECTINS AND GLYCOIMMUNOLOGY Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 089
P1.12.01 - The interaction of complement-activating lectins with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Marcin A. Bartlomiejczyk, A.S. Swierzko, A. Brzostek, J. Dziadek, M. Cedzynski; Lodz, Poland
P1.12.02 - Pseudo-mannosylated compounds inhibit DC-SIGN mediated HIV infection by competitive inhibition and by interfering with DC-SIGN signal Angela Berzi, N. Varga, P. Antonazzo, I. Cetin, M. Biasin, D. Trabattoni, A. Bernardi, M. Clerici; Milan, Italy
P1.12.03 - Treatment with interferon beta-1a reduces alpha-2,3-sialylation of CD4+ helper T cells J. Piel, K. Friebe, Felix Bischof; Tübingen, Germany
P1.12.04 - Jacalin has distinct immunomodulatory effects on early and late stages of experimental colon carcinogenesis Gabriela S. Bisson, T.H. Geraldino, P. Modiano, L.C. Veronez, R.O. Lopes, S.B. Garcia; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P1.12.05 - The change in the glycosylation of human leukocytes in immunosuppressive environment Katarzyna Bocian, E. Pocheć, M. Dolińska, G. Korczak-Kowalska; Warsaw, Poland
P1.12.06 - Anti-Polygalacturonic acid antibodies in diagnosis and pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis Hui Dai, X. Gao; Beijing, China
P1.12.07 - Interaction of Siglec-7 and -9 with their ligands inhibit NK cell anti-tumor immune responses Kayluz Frias Boligan, C. Schneider, O. Chijioke, C. Jandus, C. Münz, S. von Gunten; Bern, Switzerland
Posters - August 27 096
P1.12.08 - Dectin-1 expressed on human pulmonary epithelial cells is an important pattern recognition receptor for the detection of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae Kerstin A. Heyl, T.E. Klassert, B.B. Singer, A. Heinrich, M.M. Müller, R. Bals, H. Slevogt; Jena, Germany
P1.12.10 - CLEC4F is a Kupffer Cells-Specific C-type Lectin Induced in F4/80-positive Cells upon Entry to Liver Shie-Liang E. Hsieh; Taipei, Taiwan
P1.12.11 - Characterization of carbohydrate preference of SIGNR1 as pathogen uptake receptor using carbohydratecoated liposomes Yoko Kawauchi, N. Kojima; Hiratsuka, Japan
P1.12.12 - The role of membrane lectins from subcellular fractions of human prostate in intracellular transformation at different pathologies Nino Kvitsinadze, I. Megrelishvili, R. Solomonia, E. Davitashvili; Tbilisi, Georgia
P1.12.13 - The C-type lectin receptor SIGN-R3 binds to commensal microbiota and influences immune regulation in experimental colitis M. Eriksson, T. Johannssen, D. von Smolinski, A.D. Gruber, P.H. Seeberger, Bernd Lepenies; Potsdam, Germany
P1.12.14 - Role of galectin-7 in psoriasis by regulating the skin inflammatory response through keratinocytes Chia-Hui Lo, C. Yen, H. Chen, Y. Lo, H. Chen, F. Liu; Taipei, Taiwan
P1.12.15 - R-MC 17 antigen - a rat homologue of DEC-205 antigen? Ivana Majstorovic, D. Vucevic, V. Ilic, S. Gasic, B. Draskovic-Pavlovic, M. Colic; Belgrade, Serbia
P1.12.16 - Mannose receptor plays a key role in Th1 polarization of Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM stimulated dendritic cells Ronja Mathiesen, L. Henningsen, E. Fuglsang, H. Frøkiær; Copenhagen, Denmark
P1.12.18 - Increased sialylation of a recombinant IgG mutant produced in human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells Yusuke Mimura, K. Ronan, L. Unwin, S. Albrecht, Y. Mizukami, M. Goodall, T. Matsumoto, R. Jefferis, P.M. Rudd; Ube, Japan
P1.12.19 - C-type lectin receptor Mincle and MCL mediate acquired immunity induced by mycobacterial glycolipid TDM Daiki Mori, Y. Miyake, K. Toyonaga, Y. Yoshikai, S. Yamasaki; Fukuoka, Japan
P1.12.20 - Anti-inflammatory drugs from bugs: Mycobacterium tuberculosis gives us a hand E. Blattes, A. Vercellone, H. Eutamène, C. Turrin, V. Théodorou, J. Majoral, A. Caminade, J. Prandi, Jérôme Nigou, G. Puzo; Toulouse, France
P1.12.21 - Galectin-3 regulates dendritic cell responses and hematopoietic cell mobilization during acute peritonitis induced by pristane Felipe L. Oliveira, C. Brand, D. Hsu, L. Fu-Tong, R. Borojevic, R. Chammas, M.C. El-Cheikh; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P1.12.22 - Galectin-8 knockout mice have sex-dependent altered homeostasis of t and b lymphocytes and autoimmune features Evelyn Pardo, D. Valenzuela, A. Soza, A. González; Santiago, Chile
P1.12.23 - The binding specificity of H. pylori LPS to DC-SIGN receptor Karolina Rudnicka, E. Miszczyk, A. Matusiak, M. Chmiela; Lodz, Poland
P1.12.24 - Galectin-3 plays a role in murine NK cell-mediated INF-γ production E. Kim, B. Choi, J. Lee, Hee-Jong Woo; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P1.12.25 - The MBL paradox: is functional MBL deficiency may be advantageous Tatjana Zaharov; Odense C, Denmark
P2.07 PERIPHERAL TOLERANCE AND LYMPHOCYTE ANERGY Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 112
P2.07.01 - Anergy in CLL B lymphocytes: implications for the biology and the therapy of the disease Benedetta Apollonio, S. Cristina, M. Bertilaccio, E. ten Hacken, L. Scarfò, F. Stevenson, G. Packham, P. Ghia, M. Muzio, F. Caligaris Cappio; Milano, Italy
P2.07.02 - Immune regulation mediated by soluble MHC-II targeting CD4+ T-cells Katerina Bakela, M. Grigoriou, P. Petroulakis, E. Gizeli, I. Athanassakis; Heraklion, Greece
Posters - August 27 114
P2.07.03 - Hepatocyte growth factor attenuates in vitro murine cytotoxic T-lymphocyte activity Mahdia Benkhoucha, N. Molnarfi, G. Schneiter, R. Vuilleroy De Silly, P. Walker, P. Lalive; Geneva, Switzerland
P2.07.05 - T cell receptor modulation in peripheral CD8 T cells to influenza infection Pradyot Dash, J.L. McClaren, P.C. Doherty, P.G. Thomas; Memphis, United States
P2.07.06 - Activation induced split anergy: a mechanism for persistence of autoimmune T cells Shweta Dubey, R.R. Singh; Noida, India
P2.07.07 - Ectopic expression of IL-35Ig by dendritic cells induces IDO-related tolerance in vivo Marco Gargaro, M. Belladonna, C. Volpi, R. Bianchi, F. Fallarino, C. Orabona, M. Pallotta, D. Matino, U. Grohmann, P. Puccetti; Perugia, Italy
P2.07.08 - Abnormal transcriptional regulation of the E3 ligase Cbl-b by early growth response genes 2 and 3 in systemic lupus erythematosus patients D. Gomez-Martin, J. Romo-Tena, K. Santana-de Anda, Jorge Alcocer-Varela; Mexico city, Mexico
P2.07.09 - Olfactory exposure to Tokishakuyaku-san (TJ-23) prolonged cardiac allograft survival and generated regulatory cells Xiangyuan Jin, M. Uchiyama, Q. Zhang, L. Yu, M. Niimi; Tokyo, Japan
P2.07.10 - Combination of anti-BTLA antibody (6B2) and anti-PD-1 antibody (PIM-2) induced indefinite survival of fully MHC-mismatched murine cardiac allograft Xiangyuan Jin, M. Uchiyama, L. Yu, H. Bashuda, H. Yagita, M. Niimi; Tokyo, Japan
P2.07.11 - Tolerogenic human IL-10-modulated dendritic cells as inducers of regulatory T cells: analysis of mature CD83highCCR7highHLA-DRhigh and immature CD83lowCCR7negativeHLA-DRlow DC subpopulations Fanny Kryczanowsky, E. Graulich, K. Rost, K. Steinbrink; Mainz, Germany
P2.07.12 - A humanized mouse model for the study of B cell tolerance in human lymphocytes Julie Lang, M. Kelly, D. Nemazee, B. Freed, R. Torres, R. Pelanda; Denver, United States
P2.07.13 - Serial transfere of anergy status induced by TSST-1 into newly stimulated T cells Naoko Negishi, T. Sato, Y. Kametani, S. Hori, K. Okumura, S. Habu; Tokyo, Japan
P2.07.14 - The role of GRAIL in anti-cancer immune responses Roza Nurieva, J. Wang, A. Sahoo, A. Alekseev; Houston, United States
P2.07.15 - The soluble cytoplasmic tail of CD45 (ct-CD45) induces a non-canonical form of anergy in human T cells Alexander E. Puck, M. Seyerl, S. Hopf, O. Majdic, G. Zlabinger, J. Leitner, P. Steinberger, J. Stöckl; Vienna, Austria
P2.07.16 - Characterization of the molecular regulatory pathways involved in MDSC-mediated tolerance Samantha Solito, L. Pinton, V. Damuzzo, L. Perilli, G. Basso, P. Zanovello, V. Bronte, S. Mandruzzato; Padova, Italy
P2.07.17 - PD-L1 expression induced by the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus impairs the human T cell response Nuriban Valero-Pacheco, L. Arriaga-Pizano, E. Ferat-Osorio, R. Pastelin-Palacios, M. Villasís-Keever, C.M. Alpuche-Aranda, L.E. Sánchez-Torres, A. Isibasi, L.C. Bonifaz, C. López-Macías; Mexico City, Mexico
P2.07.18 - Induction of allogeneic immune tolerance by simultaneously blocking ICOS and OX40 costimulatory pathways Yu-liang Wang; Tianjin, China
P3.02 ROLE OF THE STROMA IN INNATE AND ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 129
P3.02.01 - Thymocyte selection regulates the homeostasis of IL-7-expressing thymic cortical epithelial cells in vivo A.R. Ribeiro, P. Rodrigues, C. Meireles, J.P. Di Santo, Nuno L. Alves; Porto, Portugal
P3.02.02 - Host-derived osteopontin drives the metastatic spread of breast cancer tuning the immunesuppressive microenvironment of the lung niche Claudia Chiodoni, C. Tripodo, S. Sangaletti, I. Torselli, M.P. Colombo; Milan, Italy
P3.02.03 - In vivo evidence on mesenchymal stromal cells modulates the lymphomyeloid lineage commitment Shiu-Huey Chou; New Taipei City, Taiwan
P3.02.04 - Thymic Nurse Cells from diabetic mice present phenotypic and functional alterations and express leptin receptor Carolina Francelin, R. Di Gangi, I. Geniseli, P. Nagib, J. Gameiro, T. Alves da Costa, R. Thomé, D. Villa-Verde, L. Verinaud; Campinas, Brazil
Posters - August 27 133
P3.02.05 - CD49b regulates the establishment and maintenance of T helper cell memory Asami Hanazawa, K. Tokoyoda; Berlin, Germany
P3.02.06 - Effects on vaccine memory after Doxorubicin treatment of healthy Rhesus Macaques Hanna Ingelman-Sundberg, S. Eksborg, K. Haanstra, M. Jonker, A. Nilsson; Stockholm, Sweden
P3.02.07 - Expression of IL-4 Receptor alpha on smooth muscle cells is not necessary for development of experimental allergic asthma Frank Kirstein, W.G.C. Horsnell, A.L. Lopata, D. Kuperman, D.J. Erle, F. Brombacher; Cape Town, South Africa
P3.02.08 - Skin-resident fibroblasts create unique niches for regulating ATP-mediated mast cell activation Yosuke Kurashima, T. Amiya, K. Fujisawa, S. Sato, Y. Kogure, J. Kunisawa, H. Kiyono; Tokyo, Japan
P3.02.09 - PI3K p110δ controls stromal cell distribution and is expressed in gp38+ stromal cells in secondary lymphoid organs T.M. Zotes, S. Pérez-Yagüe, Roberto Spada, C.O. Sorzano, K. Okkenhaug, B. Vanhaesebroeck, A.C. Carrera, D.F. Barber; Cantoblanco (Madrid), Spain
P3.02.10 - Prostate cancer-associated stroma induces immunosuppressive monocytes Lisa K. Spary, J. Salimu, M.D. Mason, Z. Tabi; Cardiff, United Kingdom
P3.02.11 - Analysis of tumor microenvironment and immune responses against cancer stem cells and application to cancer immunotherapy Toshihiko Torigoe, Y. Hirohashi, R. Morita, K. Yasuda, A. Takahashi, T. Kanaseki, N. Sato; Sapporo, Japan - Moved to August 26 in P5.20: Tumor immunity and immunosurveillance
P3.02.12 - Aggregates of B cells and platelet MPs circulate in the human peripheral blood Fatemeh Yari, M. Esmaeili, Z. Sharifi, M. Nikougoftar; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P3.10 TH17 CELLS
Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 141
P3.10.01 - New light of the il23/th17 in pemphigus foliaceus Olfa Abida, S. Krichen-Makni, D. Bouzid, A. Masmoudi, M. Abdelmoula, M. Ben Ayed, T. Sellami-Boudawara, H. Turki, H. Masmoudi; Sfax, Tunisia
P3.10.02 - Differential mucosal expression of Th17 related genes between inflamed and non-inflamed colon of patients with Crohn’s disease Ahmed Abidi, N. Lidiraa, M. Fekih, N. Ben Mustapha, K. Hamdi, B. Neili, A. Gati, A. Filali, A. Ben Ammar-Elgaaied, R. Marrakchi; Tunis, Tunisia
P3.10.03 - The role of β2 adrenergic receptor signaling during the reciprocal differentiation of Th17 and Foxp3+ Treg cells Leandro P. Araujo, M.G. Guereschi, M.C. Takenaka, V.M. Nascimento, J.T. Maricato, A.S. Basso; São Paulo, Brazil
P3.10.04 - Regulation of cytokine gene expression in human T helper cells: role of IL-2 and pSTAT5 in the activation-dependent down-regulation of IL-17 production Dominik Aschenbrenner, F. Mele, A. Lanzavecchia, F. Sallusto; Bellinzona, Switzerland
P3.10.05 - Identification of a novel subset of human circulating memory CD4(+) T cells that produce both IL-17A and IL-4 Manuela Capone, L. Cosmi, L. Maggi, V. Santarlasci, V. Querci, F. Liotta, P. Parronchi, E. Maggi, S. Romagnani, F. Annunziato; Florence, Italy
P3.10.07 - Role of Notch receptor signaling in CD4+ T helper 1 and T helper 17 cell differentiation Manuel Coutaz, F. Auderset, S. Schuster, F. Radtke, F. Tacchini-Cottier; Epalinges, Switzerland
P3.10.08 - Defective Th17 development in human neonatal T cells involves reduced RORC2 mRNA content Sytze De Roock, A. Stoppelenburg, R. Scholman, S. Hoeks, J. Meerding, B. Prakken, M. Boes; Utrecht, Netherlands
P3.10.09 - Phagocytosis of different source of infected apoptotic cells: does a trigger to Th17 or Th1 differentiation? Naiara N. Dejani, F.F. Verdan, V.E. Nino, F.N. Dias, A.C.G. Salina, A.I. Medeiros; Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
P3.10.10 - Cytokine regulation of immunopathology in Echinococcus multilocularis X. Ma, L. Luo, Jian B. Ding, Y. Zhu, N. Pang, H. Wen; Urumqi,Xinjiang, China
P3.10.11 - Pharmacological modulation of epigenetic regulation of Treg and Th17 differentiation in vitro Macarena Fritz, C. Doñas, V. Manriquez, G. Tejon, M. Bono, A. Loyola, M. Rosemblatt; Santiago, Chile
P3.10.13 - Transfection of human naïve CD4+ T-cells with mir-326 and study of their differentiation to Th-17 cell Mojgan Ghayedi, P. Rahimzadeh, S. Morteza Gholi, H. Namdari, F. Noorbakhsh, E. Salehi; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Posters - August 27 152
P3.10.14 - Activation of TGF-β-induced non-Smad signaling pathways during Th17 differentiation Steffen Haupeltshofer, M. Hasan, B. Neumann, K. Angstwurm, R. Gold, I. Kleiter; Bochum, Germany
P3.10.15 - The aryl hydrocarbon receptor: differential contribution to Th17 and Tc17 development Mark D. Hayes, V. Ovcinnikovs, I. Kimber, R.J. Dearman; Manchester, United Kingdom
P3.10.16 - T cell-dependent IgA induction by plastic Th17 cells Keiji Hirota, M. Villa, J. Turner, J.H. Duarte, J. Demengeot, O.M. Steinmetz, B. Stockinger; London, United Kingdom
P3.10.17 - A novel assay format for ELISA measurement of antigen-specific human IL-21 production by peripheral mononuclear cells Jenny Y. Huang, C. Ehrnfelt, T. Bengtsson, S. Paulie, N. Ahlborg; Stockholm, Sweden
P3.10.18 - Ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 7 controls Th17 cell responses through regulation of luminal ATP in the small intestine Hisako Kayama, T. Kusu, K. Takeda; Suita, Japan
P3.10.19 - Human Th17 cells: a unique cell type in health and disease Kerry Ko, M.S. Powell, E. Orlowski, S. Prickett, D. Krumbiegel, P. Hogarth; Melbourne, Australia
P3.10.20 - Therapeutic effect of RORγt-DNA-binding domain in TH17-mediated Autoimmune diseases Sang Kyu Lee, T. Park, S. Park, J. Cho, N. Kim; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P3.10.21 - Distinctive features of classic and nonclassic (Th17 derived) human Th1 cells Alessio Mazzoni, L. Maggi, V. Santarlasci, M. Capone, M. Rossi, V. Querci, F. Liotta, E. Maggi, L. Cosmi, F. Annunziato; Florence, Italy
P3.10.22 - Discovery of potent and selective retinoid related orphan receptor gamma (ROR-Gamma) inverse agonists for the treatment of Th17 mediated diseases Kavitha Nellore, M. Bejugam, A. Ramanathan, S. Mukherjee, A. Lakshminarasimhan, S.S. Dodheri, N. Rao, R. Damarla, S. Samajdar, H. Subramanya; Bangalore, India
P3.10.23 - Unravelling the transcriptional circuit regulating IL-10 production in human Th17 cells Samuele Notarbartolo, D. Aschenbrenner, A. Lanzavecchia, F. Sallusto; Bellinzona, Switzerland
P3.10.24 - Differential regulation of T cell responses and disease severity by mycoplasma and its superantigen in autoimmune diabetic mice Maziar M. Nourian, H. Mu; Salt Lake City, United States
P3.10.25 - Th17 and IL17 expression in Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome Type 1 and Addison disease: what’s the difference? Anna Parolo, R. Scarpa, C. Agostini, C. Betterle; Padova, Italy
P3.10.26 - The kinase PKCα selectively upregulates interleukin-17A during Th17 cell immune responses M. Meisel, N. Hermann-Kleiter, R. Hinterleitner, T. Gruber, K. Wachowicz, Christa Pfeifhofer-Obermair, F. Fresser, M. Leitges, C. Soldani, A. Viola; Innsbruck, Austria
P3.10.27 - IL-17 is predominantly expressed by neutrophils, but Th17 cells are associated with survival in cervical cancer Simone Punt, E. Kritikou, G. Fleuren, E.S. Jordanova, A. Gorter; Leiden, Netherlands
P3.10.28 - Characterisation of a population of human CCR6 TH1 cells expressing RORC S.M. Restorick, L. Durrant, M. Voice, P. Moss, S. John Curnow; Birmingham, United Kingdom
P3.10.29 - Rarity of human T helper 17 cells is due to retinoic acid orphan receptor-dependent mechanisms that limit their expansion Veronica Santarlasci, L. Maggi, M. Capone, V. Querci, D. Cavalieri, F. Liotta, R. De Palma, E. Maggi, L. Cosmi, F. Annunziato; Florence, Italy
P3.10.30 - Disequilibrium of Tregs and TH17 cells in the pathogenesis of autoimmune skin disorder: Pemphigus vulgaris Alpana Sharma, A. Raju, V. Anand, S. Khandpur; New Delhi, India
P3.10.31 - Characterization of the immune mechanisms involved in periodontal disease in obese rats Dagmar R. Stach-Machado; Campinas, Brazil
P3.10.32 - The histamine H4 receptor mediates inflammation in models of arthritis via inhibition of Th17 Robin L. Thurmond, J.M. Cowden, F. Yu, M. Zhang, P. Ling, S. Nguyen, M. Farahani, J. Zhu, J.P. Riley, P.J. Dunford; San Diego, United States
P3.10.33 - IL-2 interferes with CD4+ T cell homing by reducing the expression of the 4 integrin Julia Triebus, D. Engelbert, A. Hamann; Berlin, Germany
Posters - August 27 172
P3.10.34 - Infected apoptotic adherent or non-adherent cells instruct DCs to trigger Th17 differentiation Felipe F. Verdan, N. Dejani, V.E. Niño, F.N. Dias, A.C.G. Salina, A.I. Medeiros; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P3.10.35 - Protein Kinase C θ regulates Th1/Th17 plasticity Katarzyna Wachowicz, N. Kleiter, N. Thuille, G. Baier; Innsbruck, Austria
P3.10.36 - Myeloid-derived suppressive cells promote Th17 cell differentiation and IL-17 production Xiang-Yang Wang, H. Yi, C. Guo, X. Yu; Richmond, United States
P3.10.37 - Runx1-deficiency in CD4+ T Cells Causes Fatal Autoimmune Inflammatory Lung Disease due to Spontaneous Hyperactivation of Cells Won F. Wong; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
P3.10.38 - The effects of traditional Chinese medicine type on Th17 cells in chronic hepatitis C patients received antivirval therapy Shimin Wu, Z. Xiaolian; Wuhan, China
P3.10.39 - Distinct Th17 inductions contribute to the gender bias in CVB3-induced myocarditis Sidong Xiong, Z. Li, Y. Yue, W. Xu; Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China
P3.10.40 - The predominant Th17 phenotype in gastric cancers may be associated with HLX expression decrease blocking Th1 cell specific T-box transcription factor Z. Su, T. Wang, P. Zhang, X. Ji, Huaxi Xu; Zhenjiang, China
P3.10.41 - A probiotic strain of Lactobacillus L casei stimulates gene expression in PBMC in obese people M. Zarrati, Eisa Salehi, F. Shidfar, K. Bidad, F. Najafi, Z. Gheflati, M. Meydani, M. Hosein Zadeh, V. Mofid; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P3.10.42 - Antagonistic regulation of human Th17 and GM-CSF-producing T helper cells R. Noster, R. Riedel, M. Mashreghi, A. Radbruch, Christina E. Zielinski; Berlin, Germany
Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 181
P3.15.01 - In vivo imaging of calcium signaling in B cells of mice expressing the genetically encoded YC3.60 calcium indicator Takahiro Adachi, S. Yoshikawa, H. Karasuyama; Tokyo, Japan
P3.15.02 - A triple positive staining to capture B cells expressing anti-tetanus toxoid IgG in human blood Eduardo Aliprandini, W. Quintilio, J. Kalil, S.B. Boscardin, A.M. Moro; São Paulo, Brazil
P3.15.03 - Ex vivo analysis of human memory B lymphocytes specific for A and B influenza hemagglutinin by polychromatic flow-cytometry Liliana Alleri, F. Angiolini, F. Buricchi, E. Degl’Innocenti, I. Isnardi, E. Fragapane, G. Del Giudice, F. Castellino, G. Galli, M. Bardelli; Siena, Italy
P3.15.04 - Innate signals control the binary cell fate choice between CD8+ effector and memory T cell differentiation via Notch R.A. Backer, C. Helbig, M. Willemsen, A. Kent, A. van Kampen, K. van Gisbergen, J. Magarian Blander, Derk Amsen; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P3.15.05 - Optimized fluorescent labeling to identify memory B cells specific for Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B antigens ex vivo N. Nair, E. Faenzi, F. Buricchi, Laura Bonoli, F. Castellino, O. Finco, R. Rappuoli, G. Del Giudice, G. Galli, M. Bardelli; Siena, Italy
P3.15.06 - Modulation of heme oxygenase (HO)-1 enzyme activity by metalloporphyrins affects the antiviral T-cell response V. Fortmeier, Carola Bunse, S. Tischer, N. Moraw, C. Figueiredo, E. Zilian, R. Blasczyk, S. Immenschuh, B. Eiz-Vesper; Hannover, Germany
P3.15.07 - Pou6f1 is dispensable for mouse T cell development and virus-specific memory CD8+ T cell generation Marlene J. Carrasco-Alfonso, W. Jiang, J. Luckey; Boston, United States
P3.15.08 - Unique features of protective cytotoxic T cell response during chronic T. gondii infection Hamlet Chu, N. Shastri, E. Robey; Berkeley, United States
P3.15.09 - Dividing and non-dividing CD27low and CD27high human memory B-cells are differently induced depending on the stimulus Antonio Clemente, J. Pons, N. Lanio, N. Matamoros, J.M. Ferrer; Palma de Mallorca, Spain
P3.15.10 - Distinct memory T- cell-subsets secrete IFN- and IL2 in response to CD4+ T-cell HIV-1 epitopes from a vaccine candidate A.C.S. Borgo, L. Marti, S.L. Moraes, A. Segurado, L. Fonseca, E.G. Kallas, J. Kalil, E. Cunha-Neto, Simone G. Fonseca; Goiania, Brazil
Posters - August 27 191
P3.15.11 - Higher cytotoxic capacity in peripheral blood of sarcoidosis patients Helena Forsslund, T. Enger, D. Lorenz, R. Rao, J. Rahman, A. Eklund, M. Sköld, S. Brighenti, J. Grunewald, J. Wahlström; Stockholm, Sweden
P3.15.12 - Interleukin-33 is dispensable for the maintenance of memory CD8 T cells Anja Froehlich, W.V. Bonilla, S. Nakae, D.D. Pinschewer, M. Loehning; Berlin, Germany
P3.15.13 - Phenotypic and functional heterogeneity of circulating CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets and their age related changes N.D. Marín, M. Rojas, S.C. París, Luis F. García; Medellín, Colombia
P3.15.14 - Lung APCs of influenza memory mice challenged with influenza virus contain less virus compared to primary infected mice Kjell-Olov Grönvik, A. Daggfeldt; Uppsala, Sweden
P3.15.15 - Single cell tracking reveals the segregation of early memory CD8+ T cells from the effector pool by slowing down cell cycle Ichiko Kinyjo, J. Qin, P. Mrass, C.J. Wellard, M. Tomura, O. Kanagawa, A. Miyawaki, P.D. Hodgkin, W. Weninger; Sydney, Australia
P3.15.16 - Molecular mechanisms for memory B-cell development and function Daisuke Kitamura, K. Haniuda, S. Fukao, S. Horiuchi, S. Takatsuka, T. Moutai, T. Nojima; Noda, Chiba, Japan
P3.15.17 - Isolation of mouse B cells and T cell subsets in as little as 15 minutes Andy I. Kokaji, V. Posarac, L. Tonelli, J.W. Dixon, D.W. Kellerman, P.T. Morin, S. Clarke, M.A. Fairhurst, K.L. McQueen, T.E. Thomas; Vancouver, Canada
P3.15.18 - AID dependent memory response in unimmunized mice Simon Le Gallou, R. Fritzen, J. Weill, C. Reynaud; Paris, France
P3.15.19 - In vivo IL-6 inhibition using anti-IL-6 receptor antibodies modulates double negative (CD19+IgD-CD27-) B cells in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients Zafar Mahmood, K. Muhammad, P. Roll, M. Schmalzing, T. Dörner, H. Tony; Würzburg, Germany
P3.15.20 - Characterising PI16-positive T helper cells Arunesh P. Mohandas, H. Zola, S. Barry, D. Krumbiegel; Adelaide, Australia
P3.15.21 - Functional genomic characterization of murine CD8+ CD103+ tissue resident memory T cells Barbara Molnár-Érsek, E. Buzás, T. Simon, A. Nagy, B. Bagita, A. Falus, Z. Pós; Budapest, Hungary
P3.15.22 - Identification of dominant B & T cell epitopes of E2 glycoprotein:a way towards vaccine preparation for chikungunya Pradeep K. Nagar; New Delhi, India
P3.15.23 - Comparison of four established cell culture conditions to assess antigen-specific memory B cell responses in humans and nonhuman primates Sathit Pichyangkul, U. Kum-Arb, A. Limsalakpetch, K. Yongvanitchit, E. Angov, E.S. Bergmann-Leitner, R. Im-Erbsin, C. Ockenhouse, C.J. Mason, D.L. Saunders; Bangkok, Thailand
P3.15.24 - Evaluation of IgA antibody, Melatonin and Cortisol levels in diurnal and nocturnal colostrum samples from healthy puerperae that delivery by vaginal and caesarean partum Gerlandia N. Pontes, M.M.S. Carneiro-Sampaio, R.P. Markus; São Paulo, Brazil
P3.15.25 - High frequency of T memory stem cells precedes T cell immune-reconstitution following human bone marrow transplantation Alessandra Roberto, L. Castagna, S. Gandolfi, P. Tentorio, M. Roederer, D. Mavilio, E. Lugli; Rozzano (MI), Italy
P3.15.26 - Regulation of epigenetic modifications for AID-accession to the IgV-locus by histone acetyltransferase activity of GANP in germinal center B-cells Nobuo Sakaguchi, S.K. Singh, M.M.A. Eid, S.A. Almofty, M. Shimoda, K. Maeda; Kumamoto City, Japan
P3.15.27 - Expression of TCR transgenic b-chain leads to contraction of T lymphocytes pools with surface phenotypes of effector and central memory cells Yulia Silaeva, A. Kalinina, M. Vagida, L. Khromykh, A. Deikin, T. Ermolkevich, E. Sadchikova, I. Goldman, D. Kazansky; Moscow, Russian Federation
P3.15.28 - Modulation of mTOR by Respiratory Syncytial virus and its contribution to CD8 T cells memory differentiation Ana Souza, R. Czepielewski, S. Muraro, B. Porto, M. Cunha, C. Bonorino, R. Stein; Porto Alegre, Brazil
P3.15.29 - Tsc2 controls the generation of virus-specific memory CD8 T cells Ryan T. Sowell, M. Rogozinska, A.L. Marzo; Chicago, United States
Posters - August 27 210
P3.15.30 - Memory B Cell and Plasma Cell Development in Response to Vaccination David Tarlinton, V. Peperzak, I. Vikstrom, D. Zotos; Parkville, Australia
P3.15.31 - Newly identified MHC class I epitopes from common human Adenovirus serotypes to improve diagnostic and therapeutic options in adoptive T-cell therapy Sabine Tischer, C. Bunse, N. Moraw, M. Kramer, A. Heim, R. Geyeregger, R. Blasczyk, B. Maecker-Kolhoff, B. Eiz-Vesper; Hannover, Germany
P3.15.32 - Histamer-based selection and separation of functionally active ADV-specific CD8+ T lymphocytes Sabine Tischer, T. Kaireit, N. Moraw, C. Bunse, C. Figueiredo, O. Hiller, B. Maecker-Kolhoff, S. Immenschuh, R. Blasczyk, B. Eiz-Vesper; Hannover, Germany
P3.15.33 - Evaluation of B cell subpopulations over time upon immunization against Streptococcus pneumoniae in HIV-1 patients - A 48 week study Olga Tsachouridou, L. Skoura, S. Metallidis, P. Zembekakis, D. Pilalas, A. Margariti, A. Kourelis, N. Malisiovas, P. Nikolaidis; Thessaloniki, Greece
P3.15.34 - Blockade or deletion of FcγR2B (CD32) prevents FVIII-specific memory B cells response in Haemophilia A mouse model Nadine Vollack, M. von Hornung, K. Kalippke, A. Trummer, A. Ganser, A. Tiede, S. Werwitzke; Hanover, Germany
P3.15.35 - CD8 T cell effector and memory fate decisions are differentially regulated by CD27 and 4-1BB costimulation Jane E. Willoughby, J.P. Kerr, V.Y. Taraban, A. Rogel, S.L. Buchan, P.W. Johnson, A. Al-Shamkhani; Southampton, United Kingdom
P3.15.36 - Analysis of factors that induce memory T cells Tomoyoshi Yamano, T. Soh, Y. Oki, K. Fukuda, H. Kishimoto; Munich, Germany
P3.15.37 - Identification of T-lymphocyte responses and long-term immunological memory in survivors of ebolavirus infection S. Mulangu, H. Marcus, J. Ledgerwood, N. Kisalu, M. Roederer, R. Koup, B. Graham, J. Muyembe, Nancy J. Sullivan; Bethesda, United States
P4.12 MICROBIOME, GUT FLORA AND INFLAMMATION Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 218
P4.12.01 - Tuberculosis and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Elham Beiranvand, S. Abediankenari, M. Rezaei, B. Beiranvand, A. Khalili; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.12.02 - Characterization of commensal bacteria based on their effects on human dendritic cell-induced T-lymphocyte polarization Krisztian Bene, M. Toth, N. Boiko, E. Rajnavolgyi; Debrecen, Hungary
P4.12.03 - Staphylococcus aureus affect T-regulatory cell phenotype and FoxP3-expression Sophia Björkander, Y. Haileselassie, L. Hell, S. Roos, U. Holmlund, E. Sverremark-Ekström; Stockholm, Sweden
P4.12.04 - Enterococcusdurans EP1 modulates inflammation in a DSS-induced colitis model in mice Paula Carasi, S.M. Racedo, C. Jacquot, M. Serradell, M.C. Urdaci; La Plata, Argentina
P4.12.05 - Butyric acid in the gingival tissue induces mitochondrial oxidative stress while acutely increasing caspase-9 activity Marni E. Cueno, K. Imai, N. Matsukawa, T. Tsukahara, K. Ochiai; Tokyo, Japan
P4.12.06 - Homology modeling and structural analyses of the six Porphyromonas gingivalis FimA variants Marni E. Cueno, K. Nagano, K. Imai, F. Yoshimura, K. Ochiai; Tokyo, Japan
P4.12.08 - The intestinal microbiota triggers epithelial Toll-like receptor expression and impairs neuropilin-1 processing and hedgehog signaling in the small intestinal mucosa Nives Hörmann, J. Hahlbrock, I. Brandao, F. Bäckhed, U. Walter, C. Reinhardt; Mainz, Germany
P4.12.09 - Is IutA from Escherichia coli a type 1 Thymus-independent antigen? Taise N. Landgraf, F.F. Fernandes, A.A.M. Coelho-Castelo, A. Panunto-Castelo; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P4.12.11 - The protective role of the intestinal microbiota in the host defense against Streptococcus pneumoniae-induced pneumonia T. Schuijt, Jacqueline M. Lankelma, T. van der Poll, W.M. de Vos, W.J. Wiersinga; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P4.12.12 - Probiotics promote protective immunity against enteric bacteria infection by gut immune maturation Se Na Lee, J. Yang, S. Lee, M. Kweon; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P4.12.13 - Modulation of Enteropathogen-mediated immunity by Sodium Butyrate Enea Milioris, V. Iebba, N.K. Klein, M. Bajaj-Elliott; London, United Kingdom
Posters - August 27 229
P4.12.14 - Relation between IL-17 gene polymorphisms and H. pylori associated gastric diseases Ali Moravej, M. Rasouli, A. Kouhpayeh, M. Kalani; Fasa, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.12.15 - Phenotype and function of lymphocytes in normal and inflamed appendix Ghasem Mosayebi, S. Alizadeh, A. Ghazavi, M. Okhovat; Arak, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P4.12.16 - High fat diet impairs respiratory tolerance in a mouse model of allergic asthma Angela Pizzolla, D.Y. Oh, J. Rolland, R. O’Hehir, C. Hardy; Melbourne, Australia
P4.12.17 - Link between Western diet and intestinal inflammation: role of TLRs/NLRs Claudia Sardi, P. Luchini, A. Emanuelli, L. Manara, E. Martini, M. Kallikourdis, A. Balsari, C. Rumio; Rozzano, Italy
P4.12.18 - Immunoregulatory mechanisms associated with Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 exopolysaccharides Elisa Schiavi, M. Gleinser, P. Konieczna, R. Ferstl, D. Patsch, M. Ziegler, R. Frei, L. O’Mahony; Davos, Switzerland
P4.12.19 - Epigenetic control of host genes in intestinal epithelial cells by commensal bacteria Kyoko Takahashi, Y. Sugi, T. Kobayakawa, A. Hosono, S. Kaminogawa; Kanagawa, Japan
P4.12.20 - Fibre, short-chain fatty acids and microbiota combat the development of asthma Alison N. Thorburn; Clayton, Australia
P4.12.22 - Remodeling of stromal architecture in the gut mucosa as a mirror of immunological changes under various conditions (germ-free animals, colitis and cancer) Luca Vannucci, J. Krizan, O. Chernyavskiy, R. Stepankova, F. Caja, D. Stakheev, L. Rajsiglova, J. Dvorak, P. Rossmann; Prague 4, Czech Republic
P4.12.23 - The Microbial Landscape Of Breast Cancer: Examination At The Site Of Disease C. Xuan, J. Shamonki, A. Chung, P.A. Sieling, Delphine J. Lee; Santa Monica, United States
P4.12.24 - Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of 8-substituted phenyl xanthines for asthma therapy Rakesh Yadav, D. Yadav, A. Kuhad, R. Bansal; Banasthali, India
P4.12.25 - Comparative fecal microbiome of Holstein and Nelore bovines: differential bacterial composition can be related to susceptibility to ectoparasites Amanda F. Zangirolamo, T.M. Banin, I.K.F.M. Santos, S.R. Maruyama; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P5.05 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS IN AUTOIMMUNITY AND ALLERGY Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 240
P5.05.01 - Nutrition has relation with lifetime asthma diagnosis in middle-aged Mahdi Akhbardeh, A. Sadeghi; Hawthorn, United States
P5.05.02 - High psychological stress in children may alter the immune response Emma Carlsson, A. Frostell, J. Ludvigsson, M. Faresjö; Jönköping, Sweden
P5.05.03 - Infection with the respiratory pathogen Bordetella pertussis modulates the course of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Sarah Edwards, S.C. Higgins, N. McGuinness, K.H.G. Mills; Dublin, Ireland
P5.05.04 - Bisphenol A suppresses interferon-gamma production and related biochemical pathways in human PBMC E. Raggl, S. Geisler, H. Schennach, J.M. Gostner, Dietmar Fuchs; Innsbruck, Austria
P5.05.05 - Epicutaneous exposure to nanoparticles is potential initiator of IgE-mediated hypersensitivity induced by IgG reduction Toshiro Hirai, Y. Yoshioka, H. Takahashi, K. Ichihashi, N. Nishijima, T. Yoshida, S. Tsunoda, K. Higashisaka, Y. Tsutsumi; Osaka, Japan
P5.05.06 - Serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in rats exposed to car exhaust and cigarette smokin Morteza Hosseinzadeh, A. Khosravi, K. Sayemiri, M. Motavali; tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.05.07 - Autoimmune pulmonary alveolar proteinosis and exposure to industrial spray paint Tasnim Imran, Z. Al-Khateeb, P. Jiang; Newark, United States
P5.05.08 - The investigation of prevalence of allergic rhinitis and single nucleotide polymorphisms of STAT6, IL-4R in Xinjiang of China Xiao f. Jiang, G. Li, Y. Qing, D.J. hong, M.N. re, Z. Xiu, L.F. tai; Urumqi, China
Posters - August 27 248
P5.05.09 - Immunological analysis of allergic reactions to the carbohydrate α-Gal Dagmar Kollmann, C. Ebner, W. Emminger, A. Mangold, H.J. Ankersmit, B. Bohle; Vienna, Austria
P5.05.10 - Both reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species participate in the redox-regulation of toluene diisocyanate-induced lung inflammation Pei-Chi Lo, C. Shieh; Tainan, Taiwan
P5.05.11 - Screening for celiac disease in patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis S. Hamdane, Amani Mankai, W. Sakly, M. Chadli-Chaieb, I. Ghedira; Tunis, Tunisia
P5.05.12 - The influence of Professional Contact to Fungal Allergens on developing Respiratory Allergy Disorders in workers of bakeries in Georgia Nunu Mitskevich, K. Machavariani, A. Telia, G. Khechinashvili; Tbilisi, Georgia
P5.05.13 - Lack of association between serotonin transporter gene polymorphisms and asthma Mozhgan Moghtaderi, S. Farjadian, S. Aleyasin, S. Kashef; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.05.14 - Effect of the indoor air pollutant 2-ethyl-hexanol on immune cells Kentaro Morita, Y. Song, T. Nakanishi, Y. Yoshida; Fukuoka, Japan
P5.05.15 - Therapeutic potential of Allium cepa L. and the flavonoid quercetin in an experimental model of respiratory allergy Tatiane Oliveira Teixeira, K. M Dourado, A. Cerqueira-Lima, E. da Silva Velozo, L. C Pontes de Carvalho, N. Maria Alcântara Neves, C. Alexandrina Viana de Figueiredo; Salvador, Brazil
P5.05.16 - Characteristics of effector and regulatory T cell subsets in the lungs of smoking and non-smoking healthy individuals Mahyar Ostadkarampour, M. Müller, S. Kullberg, A. Eklund, J. Grunewald, J. Wahlström; Stockholm, Sweden
P5.05.17 - Immune markers in oral discomfort patients before and after elimination of oral galvanism Stepan Podzimek, M. Tomka, J. Bartova, J. Prochazkova; Prague, Czech Republic
P5.05.18 - Prolonged exposure to type-I IFN inhibits IL-10 signaling in memory and regulatory T cells: a new mechanism contributing to the development of autoimmune diseases Giorgio Raimondi, Y.T. Nicholson, L.C. Chen; Baltimore, United States
P5.05.19 - Novel immunoregulatory function of the carcinogen Acrolein: inhibition of allergic sensitization and promotion of tumor growth in BALB/c mice Franziska Roth-Walter, A. Willensdorfer, C. Stremnitzer, C. Schultz, S. Diesner, K. Szalai, J. Fazekas, A. Moskovskich, H. Birnleitner, E. Jensen-Jarolim; Vienna, Austria
P5.05.20 - Effect of petrochemical pollutants on Avicennia marina pollens allergenicity Mandana Salehi, Z. Pourpak; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.05.21 - Treatment of patients with severe Pneumonia and Pneumonia associated with Diabetes Tatyana Slavyanskaya, R. Sepiashvili; Moscow, Russian Federation
P5.05.22 - From gut immune regulation to self-tolerance: preventing autoimmune diabetes in the gut mucosa Chiara Sorini, V. Usuelli, D. Cavalieri, K. Honda, E. Bosi, M. Falcone; Milan, Italy
P5.05.23 - Thymic Atrophy Induced by Malaria Infection Aggravates Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE) Rodolfo Thomé, L.K. Issayama, T. Alves da Costa, R.D. Gangi, C. Francelin, A.d. Farias, L.M.B. Santos, L. Verinaud; Campinas, Brazil
P5.05.24 - Natural tolerance towards peanuts in African allergic patients Eva Wollmann, E. Sibanda, C. Hamsten, A. Önell, D. Gallerano, C. Lupinek, R. Valenta, M. van Hage; Vienna, Austria
P5.05.25 - Resveratrol modulates collagen-induced arthritis by inhibiting Th17 and B-cell function Damo Xu, x. Gao, M. Komai-Koma, B.P. Leung, I.B. McInnes; University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
P5.07 ANIMAL MODELS OF AUTOIMMUNITY Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 265
P5.07.01 - Biochemical studies on glyoxal mediated glycated histones; Implications for presence of serum antibodies against the glycated histones in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus Nadeem A. Ansari, D. Dash; Lucknow, India
Posters - August 27 266
P5.07.02 - Effect of IL-7 on T cell differentiation during autoimmunity Carlos A. Arbelaez; Seattle, United States
P5.07.03 - Systemic autoimmunity caused by a chronic innate response to intracellular nucleic acids Rayk Behrendt, B. Hiller, T. Schumann, K. Peschke, M. Achleitner, N. Schubert, R. Naumann, A. Dahl, W. Mueller, A. Roers; Dresden, Germany
P5.07.04 - Lack of T-bet does not inhibit dendritic cell ability to initiate an immune response in a dendritic cell driven model of experimental eutoimmune encephalomyelitis Helen E. Cambrook, R.J. Mellanby, R.C. McPherson, D.G. Turner, M.D. Leech, R.A. O’Connor, S.M. Anderton; Edinburgh, United Kingdom
P5.07.05 - Genistein derivatives down-modulates pro-inflammatory cytokines in activated J774A.1 cells and reverses clinical signs of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Sandra B.R. Castro, C.O.R. Junior, C. Souza Alves, A.T. Dias, M.A. Juliano, M.C.M.N. Castanon, M.V. Almeida, H.C. Teixeira, A. Ferreira; Juiz de Fora, Brazil
P5.07.06 - Genistein modulates TLR3, TLR4 and TLR9 in antigen presenting cells and delayed clinical signs of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis A.T. Dias, Sandra B.R. Castro, C. Souza Alves, L.C. Silva, M.G. Evangelista, M.A. Juliano, A. Ferreira; Juiz de Fora, Brazil
P5.07.07 - Prolactin levels correlate with abnormal B cell maturation in MRL and MRL/lpr mouse models of systemic lupus erythematosus-like disease Adriana K. Chavez-Rueda, F. Blanco-Favela, M.V. Legorreta-Haquet, R. Flores-Fernandez, L. Chávez-Sánchez; Mexico, Mexico
P5.07.08 - Vitamin D does not boost MOG therapeutic effect in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Fernanda Chiuso-Minicucci, S.F.G. Zorzella-Pezavento, L.L.W. ISHIKAWA, T.G.D. França, P.M. Colavite, L.C. Rosa, A. Sartori; Botucatu, Brazil
P5.07.09 - Galectin-9 contributes to enhanced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Jinhee Cho, S. Bing, S. An, A. Kim, Y. Jee; Jeju, Korea, Republic of
P5.07.10 - Neutrolphils infiltration, increased IL-1 production and SAPHO syndrome-like phenotype in PSTPIP2 deficiency mice I-Tsu Chyuan, H. Liao, C. Wu, M. Yen, H. Tsai, P. Hsu; Hsinchu City, Taiwan
P5.07.11 - Induction of SLE-like syndrome in Balb/c mice by immunization with active chromatin Fatemeh Faraji, F. Lavi Arab, M. Mahmoudi, M. Rastin, M. Ghoryani, H. Reihani, D. Haghmorad, R. Nosratabadi, N. Tabasi, S. Zamani Taghizadeh Rabe; Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.07.12 - X-ray irradiation suppresses SLE-like morbidity in NZBWF1 mice Kazuko N. Fujita, B. Wang, T. Kuwabara, K. Tanaka, I. Kamata, Y. Akasaka, T. Ishii; Tokyo, Japan
P5.07.13 - Autoantibody repertoire and inflammatory myeloid cell expansion drive the transition from autoreactivity to autoimmunity in a novel mouse model of systemic lupus erythematosus Si-Han V. Hai, V.C. Lam, B. Cook, A. Weiss, M.L. Hermiston; San Francisco, United States
P5.07.14 - Specificity of antinuclear antibodies in Swiss Webster mice following exposure to gold salts and mercury Said Havarinasab; Linköping, Sweden
P5.07.15 - Effect of mercury (Hg) and silver (Ag) in mice model of autoimmunity- Re-challenging of mice by additional heavy metal exposure leads to acceleration of the autoimmune response Said Havarinasab; Linköping, Sweden
P5.07.16 - Human parvovirus B19 NS1 protein aggravates hepatic fibrosis in NZB/W F1 mice Tsai-Ching Hsu, B. Tzang, C. Tsai, C. Chiu; Taichung, Taiwan
P5.07.17 - RORγt transgenic mice developed spontaneous sialadenitis like Sjögren’s syndrome Mana Iizuka, H. Tsuboi, H. Asashima, Y. Kondo, S. Takahashi, I. Matsumoto, T. Sumida; Tsukuba, Japan
P5.07.18 - Early local IL-12p40/p(40)2 production and intensity of peritoneal inflammation correlate with susceptibility to pristane induced arthritis C. Rossato, L.L. Albuquerque, O.G. Ribeiro, N. Starobinas, M. Spadafora-Ferreira, W.H.K. Cabrera, A. Borrego, O.M. Ibañez, M. De Franco, José R. Jensen; São Paulo, Brazil
P5.07.19 - Immune regulation of monophasic experimental autoimmune uveitis influencing relapsing disease Ulrike Kaufmann, M. Diedrichs-Möhring, G. Wildner; Munich, Germany
P5.07.21 - Spatial learning and memory impairment in an acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Dejana Kosanovic, A. Stojkovic, N. Vukov, K. Jovanova-Nesic; Belgrade, Serbia
Posters - August 27 285
P5.07.23 - Assessment of vitamin D effects in lupus- like syndrome induced mouse model Fahimeh Lavi Arab, F. Faraji, M. Mahmoudi, M. Rastin, M. Ghoryani, H. Reihani, D. Haghmorad, R. Nosratabadi, N. Tabasi, S. Zamani Taghizadeh Rabe; Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.07.24 - B lymphocyte-induced maturation protein 1 (BLIMP-1) attenuates autoimmune diabetes and encephalomyelitis by suppressing Th1 and Th17 cells Ming-Hong Lin, L. Yeh, H. Chiou, S. Fu, K. Lin, S. Chen, D. Chang, H. Sytwu; Taipei, Taiwan
P5.07.25 - Dominancy of encephalitogenic peptide itself directs sustainable remission of a model of multiple sclerosis, through later expansion of ‘armoured’ effector regulatory T cells: possibility of vaccination for autoimmune disease Youwei Lin, S. Miyake, T. Yamamura; Tokyo, Japan
P5.07.26 - Aged IRF-4-deficient lupus-prone MRL/lpr mice show peripheral B-cell deficiency with elevated serum IFN-γ levels and increased expression of IFN-γ-receptor-1 on B cells Takeshi Machida, N. Sakamoto, K. Honma, T. Matsuyama, K. Yui, H. Sekine; Fukushima, Japan
P5.07.27 - Temporal lineage tracing of Aire-expressing cells reveals a requirement of Aire for their maturation program Mitsuru Matsumoto, Y. Nishikawa, Y. Mouri, H. Nishijima; Tokushima, Japan
P5.07.28 - Natural killer cells promote induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis but are protective at the acute stage of disease Niamh Mc Guinness, L.S. Dungan, S. Edwards, S.C. Higgins, M.A. Lynch, K.H.G. Mills; Dublin, Ireland
P5.07.29 - Expression of CXCR3 on specific T cells is essential for homing to the prostate gland in an experimental model of autoimmune prostatitis M.L. Breser, Rubén D. Motrich, V.E. Rivero; Córdoba, Argentina
P5.07.30 - Analysis of the immune response and the prostate-reactive T cell repertoire in a mouse model of experimental autoimmune prostatitis in NOD mice Ruben D. Motrich, M.L. Breser, V.E. Rivero; Cordoba, Argentina
P5.07.31 - Establishment of collagen-induced arthritis in cynomolgus monkeys, a model for rheumatoid Arthritis Jia Ni, J. Liu, J. Deng, G. Cui, L. Le, S. Wang, K. Zhang; Shanghai, China
P5.07.32 - Activation of T cells around the blood brain-barrier illuminated by a fluorescent NFAT marker Marija Pesic, I. Bartholomäus, N.I. Kyratsous, V. Heissmeyer, H. Wekerle, N. Kawakami; Martinsried, Germany
P5.07.33 - A mouse model for paraneoplastic neurological syndrome: when efficient anti-tumoral immunity leads to autoimmunity in the CNS Béatrice Pignolet, C. Gebauer, G. Martin-Blondel, C. Dalard, S. Desbois-Beaumel, D. Brassat, R.S. Liblau; Toulouse, France
P5.07.34 - Induction of systemic lupus erythematosus-like syndrome in BALB/c mice leads to disturbance in peripheral T cell subpopulations Parisa Rahimzadeh, M. Ghayedi, S. Morteza Gholi, H. Namdari, A. Mirshafiey, E. Salehi; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.07.35 - TLR8-deficiency accelerates autoimmunity in a spontaneous lupus mouse model N. Tran, Marie-Laure Santiago-Raber; Geneva, Switzerland
P5.07.36 - Conditional mouse model to study the tissue- and time specific effects of NADPH oxidase 2 -derived reactive oxygen species during arthritis Outi Sareila, P. Rantakari, C. Hagert, S. Jalkanen, M. Poutanen, R. Holmdahl; Turku, Finland
P5.07.37 - Lack of IRF-1 accelerates development of tubulointerstitial nephritis and pulmonary granulomas with predominant Th2 polarity in lupus-prone MRL/lpr mice T. Machida, N. Sakamoto, E. Suzuki, X. Zhang, C. Reilly, G. Gilkeson, Hideharu Sekine; Fukushima, Japan
P5.07.38 - Novel anthraquinone derivatives reduce inflammatory cytokines in vitro and ameliorate clinical signs of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Caio Cesar Souza Alves, S.B.R. Castro, C.F. Costa, T.A. Correa, M.V. Almeida, A. Ferreira; Juiz de Fora, Brazil
P5.07.39 - The up-regulation of innate immune response can be observed by expression of TLR3, TLR4 and TLR9 by antigen-presenting cells in EAE model M.G. Evangelista, S.B.R. Castro, A.T. Dias, Caio Cesar Souza Alves, M.A. Juliano, A. Ferreira; Juiz de Fora, Brazil
P5.07.40 - Mouse SCID Models of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Andrey I. Tchorbanov, N. Kerekov, N. Mihaylova; Sofia, Bulgaria
Posters - August 27 303
P5.07.41 - Reduced disease severity in an APRIL-deficient lupus mouse model Ngoc Lan Tran, M. Santiago-Raber; Geneva, Switzerland
P5.07.42 - Effects of Cystamine on CD4+/CD25+ regulatory T cells in lupus-prone mice Bor-Show Tzang, T. Hsu, C. Chiu, Y. Wang; Taichung, Taiwan
P5.07.43 - Autoantibody induction by DNA-containing immune complexes requires HMGB1 with TLR2/miR-155 pathway Sidong Xiong, Z. Wen, W. Xu; Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China
P5.07.44 - Differential Modulation of Effector and Regulatory T Cells Leads to Attenuation of Autoimmune Diabetes in Ptpn22 Transgenic Nonobese Diabetic Mice Li-Tzu Yeh; Taipei, Taiwan
P5.07.45 - Adoptive cell transfer from multiple low dose streptozotocin diabetic donors can induce diabetes in healthy young C57/BL6 mice Nemanja S. Zdravkovic, S. Pavlovic, M.L. Lukic; Kragujevac, Serbia
P5.07.46 - Downmodulation of peripheral MOG-specific immunity by pVAXhsp65 treatment during EAE do not reach the CNS Sofia F.G. Zorzella-Pezavento, F. Chiuso-Minicucci, T.G.D. França, L.L.W. Ishikawa, L.C. Rosa, P.M. Colavite, C. Marques, M.R.V. Ikoma, C.L. Silva, A. Sartori; Botucatu, Brazil
Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 309
P5.14.01 - Genome-wide linkage scan for psoriasis susceptibility loci in multiplex Tunisian families Myriam Ammar, C. Bouchlaka, I. Zaraa, C. Helms, C. Jordan, N. Doss, R. Marrakchi, A. El Gaied, M. Mokni, A. Bowcock; Tunis, Tunisia
P5.14.02 - Absence of functional or quantitative defects of peripheral regulatory T lymphocytes in patients with Alopecia areata Ahlem Ben Hmid, N. Belhaj Hmida, M. Mokni, H. Louzir, I. Zaraa, M. Ben Ahmed; Tunis, Tunisia
P5.14.03 - Atypical pemphigus Emilio Berti, L. Venegoni, D. Fanoni, L. Lunardon, R. Fiorani, S. Muratori; Milan, Italy
P5.14.04 - Neutrophil depletion by two different antibodies in a hapten-induced inflammation model in mice Anne Deen Christensen, S. Skov, C. Haase; Copenhagen, Denmark
P5.14.05 - Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) controls the immunogenicity of DNA deposits in psoriasis Joanna Cichy, J. Skrzeczynska-Moncznik, A. Wlodarczyk, K. Zabieglo, M. Banas, M. Kapinska-Mrowiecka, A. Dubin; Krakow, Poland
P5.14.06 - Skin inflammation is induced by weathered marine crude oil exposure J.M. Kemp, L.R. Luckett-Chastain, W.M. McShan, Randle M. Gallucci; Oklahoma City, United States
P5.14.07 - The Ying & Yang of p40 in psoriatic plaque formation in mice Stefan Haak, P. Kulig, S. Pantelyushin, G. Gyülvészi, F. Sallusto, B. Reizis, B. Becher; New York, United States
P5.14.08 - Essential role of ITAM-Syk-IL-1 axis in skin dendritic cells for the sensitization of allergic contact dermatitis Hiromitsu Hara, S. Yasukawa, H. Yoshida, M. Furue; Saga, Japan
P5.14.09 - αE integrin augments Arthus reaction by modulating the function of CD8+ T cells Takafumi Kadono, D. Yamada, Y. Masui, Y. Asano, Y. Tada, M. Sugaya, S. Sato; Tokyo, Japan
P5.14.10 - IRF-2 haploinsufficiency and a TLR 7/8 stimulator synergize in the development of psoriasis-like skin inflammation Makiko Kawaguchi, S. Makoto, K. Takayuki, M. Sohshi, S. Hiraku, K. Takafumi, S. Shinichi; Bunkyo-ku, Japan
P5.14.11 - High B-cell-activating factor (BAFF) levels in Tunisian pemphigus patients Lilia Laadhar, K. Mejri, M. Kallel Sellami, I. Zarraa, H. Lahmar, M. Mokni, I. Mokhtar, B. Fazaa, M. Zitouni, S. Makni; Tunis, Tunisia
P5.14.12 - IgE levels and immune response in bullous pemphigoid and mucous membrane pemphigoid Luisa Lunardon, D. Fanoni, M. Riboldi, F. Vaira, S. Muratori, E. Berti; Milan, Italy
P5.14.13 - Keratinocyte-restricted Rabgef1 gene deletion results in the development of lesions resembling atopic dermatitis, as well as systemic inflammation, in vivo Thomas Marichal, L.L. Reber, P. Starkl, S. Tam, M. Tsai, S.J. Galli; Stanford, United States
Posters - August 27 322
P5.14.14 - Evidence for vitamin D deficiency and increased prevalence of fractures in autoimmune bullous skin diseases A.V. Marzano, V. Trevisan, C. Eller-Vainicher, P. Beck-Peccoz, C. Crosti, I. Chiodini, Emilio Berti; Milan, Italy
P5.14.15 - Expression of pemphigus vulgaris antigen desmoglein 3 on pancreatic cells Elena V. Matushevskaya, A.V. Prokhorov, E.V. Svirshchevskaya; Moscow, Russian Federation
P5.14.16 - Activation-induced cytidine deaminase promotes oncogenesis of ultraviolet light-independent squamous cell carcinoma of the skin Taichiro Nonaka, M. Uemura, H. Hiai, N. Minato, T. Honjo, K. Kinoshita; Kyoto, Japan
P5.14.17 - Role of Interleukin-1 processing and signaling in imiquimod-induced psoriasis-like skin inflammation Hanitriniaina Rabeony, P. Vasseur, I. Paris, J. Jégou, B. Ryffel, F. Bernard, J. Lecron, F. Morel; Poitiers University, France
P5.14.19 - Role and mechanisms of action of fibroblast growth factors in epidermal barrier function: Implications for inflammatory skin disease Jitka Sulcova, E. Guiducci, M. Meyer, M. Kopf, H. Rodewald, S. Werner; Zurich, Switzerland
P5.14.20 - Di methyl fumarate (DMF), is there a possibility for broader use in psoriasis treatment? Sahar Tahvili, B. Zandieh, Z. Amirghofran, F. Hanjani; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.14.21 - An orally bioavailable CCR6 antagonist confers protection against IL17-mediated inflammation Joanne B. Tan, Z. Miao, R. Berahovich, K. Ebsworth, J. Powers, M. Leleti, T. Schall, J. Jaen, M. Walters; Mountain View, United States
P5.14.22 - The inhibitory effects of yuzu seed oil to atopic dermatitis model mice by oral administration Ken-ichiro Terashita, Y. Watanabe, K. Asano, K. Yamawaki, S. Aoki, E. Takahashi, M. Toutani, S. Mizobuchi; Nankoku, Japan
P5.14.23 - IL-17A-producing CD8+ T cells in psoriasis: correlation with psoriasis severity and relationship with MAIT cell lineage Marcel B.M. Teunissen, N. Yeremenko, D. Baeten, S. Chielie, P.I. Spuls, M.A. de Rie, P.C.M. Res; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P5.14.24 - Skin involvement in cutaneous and systemic vasculitis Pamela Vezzoli, A.V. Marzano, E. Berti; Bergamo, Italy
P5.14.25 - Topical application of the yuzu seed oil inhibits mite-antigen induced atopic dermatitis in NC/Nga mice Kyouko Yamawaki, Y. Watanabe, K. Asano, S. Aoki, K. Terasita, E. Takahashi, M. Toutani, S. Mizobuchi; Nankoku, Japan
Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 333
P5.16.01 - Contribution of quanta-lite® M2 EP (MIT3) test in primary biliary cirrhosis immunological diagnosis Mounira Benidir, S.S. Salah, A. Aït-Kaci, S. Kebbab, S. Semmane, M.C. Abbadi; Algiers, Algeria
P5.16.02 - Interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein are overexpressed in the liver of perinatal deaths diagnosed with fetal inflammatory response syndrome L.H.M. Pereira, J.R. Machado, J.G.P. Olegário, L.P. Rocha, M.V. Silva, C.S.O. Guimarães, M.A. Reis, Lucio R. Castellano, F.S. Ramalho, R.R.M. Corrêa; João Pessoa Paraíba, Brazil
P5.16.03 - Critical role of invariant natural killer T cells in xenobiotic induced murine model of primary biliary cirrhosis C. Chang, H. Jen, Y. Chen, Ya-Hui Chuang; Taipei, Taiwan
P5.16.04 - Deranged neutrophil phagocytic capacity on cirrhosis and hyperammonemia is recovered by the blue agave inulin effect on cirrhotic patient gut microbiota A.J. Tovar-Cuevas, J.E. Segura-Ortega, G.E. Hernandez-González, J. Ríos-Bojorquez, V. Delgado-Rizo, Mary Fafutis-Morris; Guadalajara, Mexico
P5.16.05 - Disruption of chemokine-glycosaminoglycan interactions protects the liver in the murine Concanavalin A-induced acute hepatits model Rafael Fernandez-Botran, Q. Xie, L. Gobejishvili, Z. Zhang, S. Joshi-Barve, C. McClain, S. Barve; Louisville, United States
P5.16.06 - Development of a new murine model for autoimmune hepatitis useful for pathogenic studies and preclinical trials Irene Gil Fariña, M. di Scala, N. Zabaleta, E. López-Franco, C. Olagüe, Á. Vales, L. Guembe, J. Prieto, G. González-Aseguinolaza; Pamplona, Spain
P5.16.07 - High frequency of antiphospholipid antibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis A. Mankai, W. Manoubi, W. Sakly, A. Achour, Y. Thabet, Ibtissem Ghedira; Tunis, Tunisia
P5.16.08 - CD8 T cell responses to T cell apoptosis-derived antigens as a marker of chronic immune activation and liver inflammation in chronic HCV infection Helene Martini, A. Citro, S. Piconese, G. Labbadia, G. D’Ettorre, V. Vullo, V. Barnaba; Rome, Italy
Posters - August 27 341
P5.16.09 - Activation of CD11b+ Kupffer cells/macrophages as a common cause for exacerbation of TNF/ Fas-ligand-dependent hepatitis in hypercholesterolemic mice Hiroyuki Nakashima, Y. Ogawa, S. Shono, M. Kinoshita, M. Nakashima, A. Sato, M. Ikarashi, S. Seki; Saitama, Japan
P5.16.10 - In vitro infection with Hepatitis C Virus increases the phenotype and the suppressive activity of the human regulatory T cell Laurissa Ouaguia, O. Morales, M. Senechal, C. Wychowski, A. Carpentier, L. Aoudjehane, Y. Calmus, Y. de Launoit, F. Conti, N. Delhem; Lille, France
P5.16.11 - Disproportionate decline of liver infiltrating regulatory T cells under therapy for autoimmune hepatitis Richard Taubert, M. Hardtke-Wolenski, F. Noyan, A. Wilms, A. Baumann, J. Schlue, S. Olek, M. Manns, E. Jaeckel; Hannover, Germany
P5.16.12 - IFNγ/STAT1-mediated tissue factor expression contributes to T cell-mediated hepatitis via induction of hypercoagulation in mice Hiroko Tsutsui, R. Uchiyama; Nishinomiya, Japan
P5.21 MYELO- AND LYMPHO-PROLIFERATIVE DISORDERS Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 345
P5.21.01 - Myeloid cell-derived reactive oxygen species trigger ERK pathway-dependent parthanatos in human lymphocytes Ali A. Akhiani, J. Aurelius, O. Werlenius, C. Movitz, A. Martner, K. Hellstrand, F.B. Thorén; Göteborg, Sweden
P5.21.02 - Notch signalling controls leukemic cells Mariastefania Antica, M. Paradžik, M. Kunšti , M. Konjevi , M. Matuli ; Zagreb, Croatia
P5.21.03 - Vasculitis associated myelodysplasia in a prospective 4 year study Cristina Belizna, A. Ghali, D. Henrion, J. Voswinkel, N. Ifrah; Angers, France
P5.21.04 - CD137 ligand reverse signalling induces differentiation of primary acute myeloid leukaemia cells Kin Cheng, S. Wong, Y. Linn, L. Ho, H. Schwarz; Singapore, Singapore
P5.21.05 - Serum free light chains assays (sFLC) in immunoglobulin light chain monoclonal gammopathies diagnosis and assessment: an Algerian study Khaled Cherguelaine, N. Messaoudani, R. Djidjik, M. Ghaffor; Algiers, Algeria
P5.21.06 - Detection of two distinct MLL-AF4 fusion transcripts in a neonatal acute leukemia case undergoing a rapid lineage switch after diagnosis Vlad A. Cianga, E. Caranfil, M. Zlei, I.C. Ivanov; Iasi, Romania
P5.21.07 - Immune reconstitution with subcutaneous immunoglobulin in patients with lymphoproliferative disease and secondary hypogammaglobulinemia after anti-CD20 mAb therapy Nicolò Compagno, F. Cinetto, C. Agostini; Padova, Italy
P5.21.08 - Rituximab in the treatment of EBV-positive low grade B-cell lymphomas. Is there additive benefit regarding EBV infection? Panagiotis T. Diamantopoulos, K. Polonyfi, M. Sofotasiou, V. Papadopoulou, K. Zervakis, T. Vassilakopoulos, M. Angelopoulou, M. Siakantaris, G. Pangalis, N. Viniou; Athens, Greece
P5.21.09 - Severe phenotype of IgD multiple myeloma with acute renal insufficiency: report of 2 cases Kamel Djenouhat, H. Messaoudi, M. Chahi; Algiers, Algeria
P5.21.10 - CD27+IgM+IgD+ B cells in Persistent Polyclonal B-cell Lymphocytosis are hyperproliferated memory B cells with a distinctive immunophenotype M. Berkowska, Christina Grosserichter-Wagener, H. Adriaansen, D. de Ridder, K. Pagano Mirani-Oostdijk, H. Agteresch, S. Boettcher, A. Orfao, J. van Dongen, M. van Zelm; Rotterdam, Netherlands
P5.21.11 - Effect of a calcium channel blocker on matrix metalloproteinase-9 activity in human monocytic THP1 cells Fatemeh Hajighasemi, N. Kakadezfuli; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.21.12 - Downregulation of IL17 producing T cells is associated with regulatory T cells expansion and disease progression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia Farhad Jadidi-Niaragh, G. Ghalamfarsa, A. Memarian, H. Asgarian-Omran, S. Razavi, A. Sarrafnejad, F. Shokri; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.21.13 - Common genetic variants of BAFF, APRIL, TACI, BCMA and BAFF-R genes and B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia risk Monika Jasek, A. Bojarska-Junak, M. Wagner, K. Radomska, B. Wilczynska, A. Pietkiewicz-Sworowska, I. Kania, J. Rolinski, I. Frydecka, P. Kusnierczyk; Wroclaw, Poland
Posters - August 27 358
P5.21.14 - Monoclonal component revealed by a cryoglobulinemia Sarah Kechoud, K. Cheguelaine, D. Messaoudane, N. Ouari, A. Abdessmed, R. Djidjik, M. Ghaffor; Alger, Algeria
P5.21.15 - Evaluation of urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor (uPAR), soluble uPAR, and β1 integrin in patients with Hodgkin’s lymphoma Shirin Kouhpayeh, M. Gharagozloo, N. Esmaeil, A. Rezaei, M. Adib, A. Andalib; Isfahan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.21.16 - In vivo imaging of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia extravasation through high endothelial venules in lymph nodes Fanny Lafouresse, E. Bellard, C. Moussion, L. Ysebaert, J.P. Girard; Toulouse, France
P5.21.17 - The PI3K/ERK dual inhibitor AEZS-136 triggers a potent antitumor activity agains Hodgkin limphoma cells through a ROS-dependent mechanism Silvia L. Locatelli, L. Rubino, S. Tartari, A. Santoro, C. Carlo-Stella; Rozzano, Italy
P5.21.18 - IgD multiple myeloma: Presenting clinical and biological features Review of 17 cases Yasmine Lounici, C. Khaled, Y. Berkouk, R. Djidjik, M. Ghaffor; Algiers, Algeria
P5.21.19 - Upregulation of CD200 is associated with Foxp3+ regulatory T-cell expansion and disease progression in acute myeloid leukemia Ali Memarian, M. Nourizadeh, F. Masoumi, S. Anvari, A. Emami, K. Alimoghaddam, M. Mirahmadian, M. Jeddi-Tehrani; Gorgan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.21.20 - The multiple myeloma in the region of Annaba (Algeria) Hacene Meriche; Annaba, Algeria
P5.21.22 - Significance of immunoglobulin B-cell receptor features in tumor dynamics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia Karla Plevova, H. Skuhrova Francova, K. Brazdilova, S. Pavlova, K. Burckova, M. Doubek, Y. Brychtova, B. Tichy, S. Pospisilova; Brno, Czech Republic
P5.21.23 - Prevalence of monoclonal gammopathy detected in the Noor pathobiology lab of Iran M. Mohammadnia, Abdolfattah Sarrafnejad, M. Ghavami Adel, Z. Matin, S. Bagheri; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P5.21.25 - Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) presenting during maintenance therapy for acquired hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) of unknown origin: a case report Pietro Tartaro, M. Gazzola, A. Branca, F. Cinetto, R. Marcolongo, F. Dalla Valle, C. Agostini; Padova, Italy
P5.21.26 - Defining antibody responses in normal and non-malignant human aging populations Sarah M. Tete, G. Horst, K. Wilting, M. Klijn, J. Westra, A. de Haan, H. Kluin-Nelemans, S. Sahota, M. Bijl, N.A. Bos; Groningen, Netherlands
P5.21.28 - High polyunsaturated fatty acids diet promote myelopoiesis through regulating matrix metalproteinases in bone marrow Sheng Xia; Zhenjiang, China
P5.21.29 - Effect of garlic consumption on AgNORs (argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions) pattern in splenocytes and thymocytes of rats Alireza Zamani, M. Hoseinipanah, H. Madadi, M. Arjipour; Hamadan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.04.01 - Modulation of the oxido-inflammatory and immunomodulatory cascade contributes to the anti-arthritic activity of curcumin loaded solid lipid nanoparticles in CFA-induced arthritis in rats Ravi Arora, A. Kuhad, K. Chopra, I. Kaur; Chandigarh, India
P6.04.02 - Efficacy and safety of biologic agents in adult-onset Still’s disease: a long-term follow-up of 19 patients at a single referral Center Giulio Cavalli, S. Franchini, A. Berti, C. Campochiaro, B. Guglielmi, M. Sabbadini, E. Baldissera, L. Dagna; Milano, Italy
P6.04.03 - Modulations in the Expression of Leukocyte Complement Receptors (CR1 and CR2) in Rheumatoid Arthritis Rozaleen Dash, U. Kumar, M. Kanjilal, B. Biswal, N. Das; New Delhi, India
P6.04.04 - APL-1, an altered peptide ligand derived from HSP60 in combination with methotrexate, attenuates murine collagen induced arthritis associated with an increment of regulatory T cells M.M. Dominguez-Horta, M.M. Dominguez-Horta, Maria del Carmen Dominguez-Horta; Havana, Cuba
Posters - August 27 375
P6.04.05 - Interplay between TWEAK and IL-17 biology: a novel therapeutic concept for treatment of autoimmune diseases (e.g. RA and Lupus) Jens A.A. Fischer, W. Baum, M. Galm, C. Kitson, S. Wilson, A. Hueber, A.C. Tissot, J. Auer, S. Lorenz, S. Seeber, A. Pashine, M. Bader, G. Schett; Penzberg, Germany
P6.04.06 - Generation of recombinant antibodies with TCR-like specificity directed toward autoimmune epitopes Anna Fridman, R. Dahan, Y. Reiter; Haifa, Israel
P6.04.07 - Therapeutic effects of adiponectin-mediated trimeric sTNFRII on collagen-induced arthritis Jimin Gao, M. Luo, Z. Hu; Wenzhou, China
P6.04.09 - TRAIL reduced joint inflammation, osteoclast activation and bone loss in experimental arthritis H. Liao, H. Tsai, Ping-Ning Hsu; Taipei, Taiwan
P6.04.10 - Diacerein ameliorates the evolution of inflammatory periodontal bone loss by inhibiting RANKL-induced o steoclastogenesis Ren-Yeong Huang, J. Chen, W. Yang, C. Chu; Taipei city, Taiwan
P6.04.11 - Therapeutic effect of proteoglycan/vitamin D association in experimental arthritis Larissa L.W. Ishikawa, L.C.B. Tavares, P.M. Colavite, L.C. Rosa, S.F.G. Zorzella-Pezavento, T.G.D. França, F. Chiuso-Minicucci, A. Sartori; Botucatu, Brazil
P6.04.12 - Metformin downregulates Th17 cells differentiation and attenuates murine autoimmune arthritis Kwi Young Kang, Y. Hong, J. Ju; Incheon, Korea, Republic of
P6.04.13 - Sinomenine inhibits osteoclastogenesis and attenuates LPS-induced osteolysis L. He, H. Duan, S. Wang, X. Li, L. Liu, S. Liu, Xiaojuan Li; Guangzhou, China
P6.04.14 - Carbon monoxide exposure improve immune function in lupus prone mice Juan P. Mackern, C. Llanos, L.J. Carreño, S.H. Jacobelli, I. Anegon, A.M. Kalergis; Santiago, Chile
P6.04.15 - Prostaglandin D2 in inflammatory arthritis and synovial myeloid dendritic cells as a source of hematopoietic prostaglandin D-synthase Mahin Moghaddami, E. Ranieri, M. James, J. Fletcher, L.G. Cleland; Adelaide, Australia
P6.04.16 - Immunomodulatory activity of vitamin D on dendritic cells in patients with inflammatory arthritis Mahin Moghaddami, M. James, L.G. Cleland; Adelaide, Australia
P6.04.17 - Diagnostic value of Immunoblotting assay for determination of anti nuclear antibody (ANA) concentration in rheumatologic diseases Mohammad Naghavi - Behzad, M. Ghojazadeh, R. Piri, A. Naghavi-Behzad; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.04.18 - In vitro evaluation of infliximab-specific T cells in patients with acute infusion reaction Francesca Nencini, A. Vultaggio, S. Pratesi, G. Petroni, A. Matucci, E. Maggi; Florence, Italy
P6.04.19 - Immunological mechanism of IL-7R antibody on collagen II-induced arthritis Hong Nie, Y. Wang, X. Huang, X. Hu; Shanghai, China
P6.04.21 - Development and kinetic of anti-Infliximab antibodies: their high levels are related to adverse infusion reactions Giulia Petroni, S. Pratesi, F. Nencini, M. Milla, E. Maggi, A. Matucci, A. Vultaggio; Florence, Italy
P6.04.22 - Interleukin-6 targeting strategy for immune-mediated diseases Toshio Tanaka, A. Ogata, A. Kumanogoh, T. Kishimoto; Suita, Japan
P6.04.23 - Rheumatoid arthritis: physical activity and disease-activity scores Paola Triggianese, P. Conigliaro, F. Ippolito, R. Perricone; Rome, Italy
P6.04.24 - Combination therapy of methotrexate with ellagic acid attenuates the over expression of Pro-inflammatory Cytokines and modulates antioxidant status in collagen induced arthritis Sadiq Umar, S. Ahmad, C.K. Katiyar, H.A. Khan; New Delhi, India
P6.05 PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION IN ALLERGY Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 393
P6.05.01 - The Role of Bioinformatics in Allergenicity Assessment of Recombinant Proteins Najaf Allahyari Fard; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Posters - August 27 394
P6.05.02 - A hypoallergenic vaccine based on a hepatitis PreS fusion protein incorporating peptides from the major allergen, Der p 23, for immunotherapy of house dust mite allergy Srinita Banerjee, I. Swoboda, M. Focke-Tejkl, M. Weber, K. Blatt, P. Valent, R. Valenta, S. Vrtala; Vienna, Austria
P6.05.03 - Assessment of physiochemotoxic reactions after the injection of contrast media Mojtaba Barzegar, S. Yazdan parast, F. Saeedi; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.05.04 - Microwave irradiation of bovine milk reduces allergic response in mouse model of food allergy Ismahan Bouayad Debbagh, H. Kaddouri, K. El Mecherfi, H. Negaoui, A. Chekroun, L. Amier, O. Khéroua, D. Saidi; Oran, Algeria
P6.05.05 - Effect of static magnetic field on pollen-induced allergic airway inflammation in a murine model Anikó Csillag, B.V. Kumar, K. Szabó, K. Pázmándi, É. Rajnavölgyi, J. László, A. Bácsi; Debrecen, Hungary
P6.05.06 - Allergy-protective activation of dendritic cells by the cowshed bacteria L. lactis G121 requires endosomal acidification in vitro and in vivo K. Stein, S. Brand, O. Holst, M. Kauth, Holger Heine; Borstel, Germany
P6.05.07 - Chitosan-alginate core-shell caged vaccines for allergy Treatment Elena I. Kashirina, P.D. Reshetov, R.S. Grynevich, A.V. Prokhorov, D.Y. Ryazntsev, T.V. Dimitrieva, V.M. Berzhets, E.V. Svirshchevskaya; Moscow, Russian Federation
P6.05.08 - Selective elimination of allergen-specific B lymphocytes with chimeric protein-engineered molecules Nikola S. Kerekov, A. Michova, M. Nikolova, G. Nikolov, M. Muhtarova, B. Petrunov, A. Tchorbanov; Sofia, Bulgaria
P6.05.09 - Bet v 1 and homologous food allergens are similarly processed by antigen-presenting cells but differ in T cell reactivity Claudia Kitzmueller, N. Zulehner, A. Roulias, P. Briza, F. Ferreira, B. Bohle; Vienna, Austria
P6.05.10 - Influence of administration route and polysaccharide addition on adjuvanticity of AFPL1 to allergens of Dermatophagoides siboney Miriam Lastre, E. Facenda, A. Labrada, V. Bourg, G. Sierra, O. Pérez; Havana, Cuba
P6.05.11 - Is allergy to peanut important in Cuba? Mateo Maytee, R. Cruz, R.L. Castro, M. Reyes, D. Torralba, Y. Oliva, A. Labrada; Mayabeque, Cuba
P6.05.12 - Tamoxifen a new therapeutic approach for allergy airway disease Gabriel Moran, H. Folch, B. Perez, N. Morales, J. Sarmiento, C. Henriquez, J. Galecio; Valdivia, Chile
P6.05.13 - Effect of depletion of 33D1+ dendritic cells on allergic airway sensitization in mouse model Ryosuke Murakami, Y. Nakagawa, A. Wakabayashi, Y. Kumagai, K. Ohkubo, H. Takahashi; Bunkyoku,Tokyo, Japan
P6.05.14 - Characterization of airway inflammation and hyperreactivity induced by sole aeroallergen exposure in humanized allergy mice expressing a human mugwort-specific T-cell receptor and HLA-DR1 Alina Neunkirchner, D. Wojta-Stremayr, K.G. Schmetterer, L.F. Mager, V.M. Leb-Reichl, E. Rosloniec, G. Dekan, B. Jahn-Schmid, B. Bohle, W.F. Pickl; Vienna, Austria
P6.05.15 - Development and affinity maturation of human scFvs against IL-4 and IL-13 by phage display Siji Nian, Q. Yuan, L. Huang, Y. Ye, Y. Wu; Luzhou, China
P6.05.16 - Induction of Th1 immune response and suppression of IgE via immunotherapy with recombinant hybrid molecule encapsulated in Liposome-protamine-DNA nanoparticles in a model of experimental allergy Hamid R. Nouri, J.M. Davies, M. Jaafari, A. Varasteh, F. Vahedi, M. Sankian; Babol, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.05.17 - IgE epitopes of Tri a 37, a new wheat food allergen, are not of the conformational type Sandra Pahr, C. Constantin, N.G. Papadopoulos, S. Giavi, M. Mäkelä, S. Scheiblhofer, J. Thalhamer, I. Mittermann, S. Vrtala, R. Valenta; Vienna, Austria
P6.05.18 - Gene expression of innate cytokines in response to probiotic treatment in allergen-sensitized mice as an experimental model Abbas Pishdadian, M. Sankian, A. Varasteh; Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.05.20 - Differences in the IgE- and IgG-reactivity profile of asthmatic and non-asthmatic house dust mite-allergic patients revealed with micro-arrayed HDM allergens Yvonne Resch, S. Michel, M. Kabesch, R. Valenta, S. Vrtala; Vienna, Austria
P6.05.22 - Oxygen therapy of a murine model of atopic dermatitis H. Kim, S. Lee, H. Kim, E. Choi, B. Moon, J. Kim, M. Jang, J. Kie, Ju-Young Seoh; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
Posters - August 27 413
P6.05.23 - Effects of JSP-TCM on IL-13 and IL-17 levels in a murine model of asthma Chao Bin Shen, H. Wang, Q. Dai, H. Cai, Q. Wang, X. Ding, S. Wang; Shanghai, China
P6.05.24 - Efficacy of experimental allergen-specific immunotherapy in mouse model of atopic dermatitis Nadezda Shershakova, A. Babakhin, E. Bashkatova, I. Shilovskiy, S. Andreev, M. Khaitov; Moscow, Russian Federation
P6.05.25 - Maternal allergen immunization in mice: prevention of offspring allergy is possible mediated by Breg and Th17 cells Jefferson R. Victor, L.M. Oliveira, A.A.L. Lira, B.P. Muniz, A.J.S. Duarte, M.N. Sato; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P6.05.26 - H. pylori induced immune suppression Senta M. Walton, B.J. Marshall, M. Benghezal, A. Fulurija; Nedlands, Australia
P6.05.27 - Construction of a naive human phage scFv library and selection, identification of human scFvs Qing Yuan, S. Nian, X. Guo, Y. Gao, J. Liu; Luzhou, China
P6.05.28 - Establishment of a simple method for Japanese cedar pollinosis and sublingual immunotherapy in mice Chenyang Zhang, S. Yanagisawa, T. Tomoda, S. Kang, T. Ohno, M. Azuma; Tokyo, Japan
P6.11 VACCINATION AND IMMUNOTHERAPY FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 419
P6.11.01 - Induction of the activation of innate and adaptive immunity by lipidated peptide vaccine: robust and enduring protective memory Th17 cells against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Javed N. Agrewala, U. Gowthaman, W. Zeng, D.C. Jackson; Chandigarh, India
P6.11.02 - Pre-clinical isolation and expansion of CMV specific T-cells for adoptive immunotherapy based either on IFN-γ production or activation-dependent expression of CD154 Elena Albiero, K. Chieregato, M.A. Cassatella, F. Rodeghiero, G. Astori; Vicenza, Italy
P6.11.03 - Broad and cross-clade CD4+ T-cell responses elicited by a DNA vaccine encoding highly conserved and promiscuous HIV-1 M-group consensus peptides Rafael R. Almeida, D.S. Rosa, S.P. Ribeiro, V.C. Santana, E.G. Kallás, J. Sidney, A. Sette, J. Kalil, E. Cunha-Neto; São Paulo, Brazil
P6.11.04 - Long-term expression of interferon alpha fused to apolipoprotein A-I allows the development of vaccine-induced adaptive immune responses Fernando Aranda, M. Vasquez, N. Ardaiz, J. Fioravanti, I. Echeverria, P. Sarobe, M. Di Scala, G. González-Aseguinolaza, J. Prieto, P. Berraondo; Pamplona, Spain
P6.11.05 - HLA-G5 expression in isolated adipose derived stem cells (ASCs) from breast cancer patients compared to normal breast tissues Behdokht Bahrami, M. Razmkhah, A. Ghaderi; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.11.06 - Immunogenicity of a Clostridium-difficile DNA based anti-toxin vaccine in an aging mouse model Mariana E. Bernui, S. Baliban, J. Jacobson, S. Wells, M. Kutzler; Phladelphia, United States
P6.11.07 - Targeting the non-structural protein 1 from dengue virus to a dendritic cell population confers partial protective immunity to lethal virus challenge H.R. Henriques, E.V. Rampazo, A.J.S. Gonçalves, J.H. Amorim, R.H. Panatieri, K.N.S. Amorim, M.M. Yamamoto, L.C.S. Ferreira, A.M.B. Alves, Silvia B. Boscardin; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P6.11.08 - Expression and biological characterization of a recombinant monoclonal antibody, scFv, against BaP1, a P-I metalloproteinase from Bothrops asper snake venom Juciane Castro, A. Ohashi, M. Caporrino, T.S. Oliveira, J. Gutiérrez, A. Rucavado, O.H.P. Ramos, G.S. Magalhães, I. Fernandes, E.L. Faquim-Mauro; São Paulo, Brazil
P6.11.09 - Leishmania major large Rab GTPase (LmlRab) protects BALB/c mice against a L. major challenge and is highly immunogenic in individuals immune to cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis Rym Chamakh, A. Garnaoui, K. Aoun, M. Chenik; Tunis, Tunisia
P6.11.10 - Recombinant lipidated dengue-2 envelope protein domain III induces durable neutralizing antibodies and reduces the risk of antibody-dependent enhancement Hsin-Wei Chen, C. Chiang, C. Pan, C. Hsieh, J. Tsai, M. Chen, H. Liu, S. Liu, P. Chong, C. Leng; Miaoli, Taiwan
P6.11.11 - Human monoclonal ScFv that blocks sodium ion activity of tetrodotoxin Monrat Chulanetra, K. Bangphoomi, N. Sookrung, J. Thanongsaksrikul, P. Srimanote, H. Kurasano, K. Choowongkomon, W. Chaicumpa; Bangkok, Thailand
Posters - August 27 430
P6.11.12 - Broadly neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies: a novel resource against influenza viruses Elena Criscuolo, F. Cappelletti, N. Clementi, N. Mancini, G.A. Sautto, R.A. Diotti, M. Clementi, R. Burioni; Milan, Italy
P6.11.14 - Recombinant Vesicular Stomatitis Virus-based Vaccine Protects Mice against Viral Myocarditis Chunsheng Dong; Suzhou, China
P6.11.15 - Cell penetrable human ScFv specific to influenza A virus matrix protein, M1, mitigates influenza severity Fonthip Dongdinon; Naknon Pathom, Thailand
P6.11.16 - Phylogenetic study of BTV in Morocco since 2004 : determination of new reassortants Kamar Drif, O. Fassi Fihri, G. Sebbar, N. Chafiai, C. Loutfi, M. Ennaji, M. Elharrak; Rabat, Morocco
P6.11.17 - IFN-α improves TAPCells-based immunotherapy by inducing a highly activated dendritic cells in vitro Felipe Falcon-Beas, C. Falcon-Beas, F. Tempio, C. Perez, I. Flores, C. Pereda, F. Salazar-Onfray, M.N. Lopez; Santiago, Chile
P6.11.18 - Directed evolution of human single-chain Fv antibody fragment (scFv) anti-crotoxin, the main toxin of Crotalus durissus terrificus snake venom T.S. Oliveira, J.A. Castro, M. Caporrino, O.H.P. Ramos, E.L. Faquim-Mauro, G.S. Magalhães, Irene Fernandes; São Paulo, Brazil
P6.11.19 - Data-driven approach reveals molecular and physiological events underlying synergistic effects of DNAhsp65 immunotherapy associated to conventional chemotherapy in experimental tuberculosis Rodrigo Ferracine Rodrigues, C.R. Zárate-Bladés, W. Martin Rios, L. da Silva Soares, P. Rodrigues Marques de Souza, I. Tincani Brandão, A.P. Masson, S. Gusmão Ramos, G. Chiocchia, C. Lopes Silva; Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
P6.11.20 - Efficient neutralization of Respiratory Syncytial Virus activity via novel anti-F/G bispecific antibodies concepts: treatment paradigm for severe RSV infections P. Kern, Y. Nie, H. Duerr, K. Kaluza, S. Bohini, S. Offner, G. Tiefenthaler, I. Thorey, C. Jie, Jens A.A. Fischer; Penzberg, Germany
P6.11.21 - A mucin-like peptide induces protection against Fasciola hepatica infection Teresa Freire, V. Noya, N. Brossard, E. Rodriguez, D. Mazal, P. Berasain, C. Carmona; Montevideo, Uruguay
P6.11.22 - Immunological characterization of non-responsiveness to routine vaccination - role for regulatory immune cells and IL10 Erika Garner-Spitzer, A. Wagner, M. Paulke-Korinek, H. Kollaritsch, F.X. Heinz, M. Redlberger-Fritz, K. Stiasny, G.F. Fischer, M. Kundi, U. Wiedermann; Vienna, Austria
P6.11.23 - Epitope mapping of the human antibody response to filamentous hemagglutinin of Bordetella pertussis Maryam Golara, S. Abdolmaleki, H. Asgarian-Omran, J. Khoshnoodi, A. Hemmati, M. Jeddi-Tehrani, F. Shokri; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.11.24 - StreptInCor a S. pyogenes candidate vaccine increases the number of natural regulatory T cells in peripheral blood from rheumatic fever patients K.F. Köhler, C.F. Freitas, J. Kalil, Luiza Guilherme; São Paulo, Brazil
P6.11.25 - The monovalent pandemic influenza A/H1N1vaccine induces a significant CD8+T cells and antibodies response did not reach the threshold necessary for successful vaccination in Mexican hospital employees Maria T. Herrera, Y. González, E. Juárez, F. Hernández, C. Carranza, M. Sarabia, M. Manjarrez, S. Guzmán, E. Sada, M. Torres; México, Mexico
P6.11.26 - Viral vector-based vaccines encoding multiple epitopes of Hepatitis C virus induce robust and protective T cells responses Peng Peng Ip, A. Boerma, H.W. Nijman, J. Wilschut, T. Daemen; Groningen, Netherlands
P6.11.27 - DNA vaccine encoding Hantavirus glycoprotein N-terminal, targeted to the major histocompatibility complex II compartment by lysosome-associated membrane protein, significantly elicits both specific humoral and cellular immune responses and induces immune protection against Hantavirus challenge in Balb/c mice Dongbo Jiang, Y. Sun, L. Cheng, C. Dong, K. Yan, F. Zhang*, K. Yang*; Xi’an, China
P6.11.28 - Antibody-driven vaccine design: a human cytomegalovirus pentameric vaccine selectively eliciting potent neutralizing antibodies Anna Kabanova, D. Lilleri, S. Becattini, G. Agatic, G. Gerna, D. Corti, A. Lanzavecchia; Siena, Italy
P6.11.29 - Human alpha-1-antitrypsin therapy blocks multiple organ dysfunction syndrome and diminishes bacterial load in a mouse bacterial sepsis model Ziv Kaner, D.E. Ochayon, G. Shahaf, B.M. Baranovski, M. Mizrahi, E.C. Lewis; Beer-Sheva, Israel
P6.11.30 - In silico prediction of promiscuous Leishmania infantum KMP-11, H1, LeIF, CPA, CPB peptides and experimental validation of eliciting CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell specific responses M. Agallou, O. Koutsoni, E. Dotsika, Evdokia Karagouni; Athens, Greece
Posters - August 27 448
P6.11.31 - Recombinant polyepitop-forming chimera protein derived from Borrelia burgdorferi OspC variants induces specific antibodies recognizing wide spectrum of antigenic variants of pathogenic Borreliae Michal Krupka, J. Masek, R. Cahlikova, B. Knoppova, E. Weigl, M. Sebela, J. Turanek, M. Raska; Olomouc, Czech Republic
P6.11.32 - Microparticulate-encapsulated antigen with split topical CpG oligodeoxynucleotide adjuvant as a single-injection immunization strategy Jacqueline C. Lai, T.V. Esposito, U.O. Häfeli, J.P. Dutz; Vancouver, Canada
P6.11.33 - An animal model serum cytokine profile (Th1 & Th2) for new formulation of Leishmania major post challenging Afshineh Latifynia, A. , Khamesipour, S. , Bokaie, M. Gharagozlou, M. Vojgani, N. Khansari; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.11.35 - Characterization of CMV-specific T-cell receptors for clinical application Xiaoling Liang, S. Ameres, S. Krebs, L. Schirrmann, H. Blum, A. Moosmann; Munich, Germany
P6.11.36 - Long-term follow-up study to the Fiji Pneumococcal Project: Investigation of immune hyporesponsiveness following a 12-month pneumococcal polysaccharide booster Paul V. Licciardi, E. Clutterbuck, A. Balloch, Z. Toh, K. Bright, F.M. Russell, M.L.K. Tang, A. Pollard, E.K. Mulholland; Melbourne, Australia
P6.11.37 - Improvement in clinical signs and cellular immunity of dogs with visceral leishmaniasis using the immunomodulator P-MAPA Valéria M. Lima, M.B. Santiago, L.S. Neto, M.A. Somenzari, P.C. Ciarlini; Araçatuba, Brazil
P6.11.38 - A novel tool for induction of specific T-cell immune responses: Complexes of streptavidin-fused antigens with biotinylated antibodies targeting receptors on dendritic cell surface O. Stanek, Irena Linhartova, L. Majlessi, P. Jinoch, F. Skrob, C. Leclerc, P. Sebo; Prague, Czech Republic
P6.11.39 - Vaccine-mediated B cells responses to S. aureus hemolysin, and effect of different boosting intervals on functional humoral responses Giuseppe Lofano, F. Mancini, M. Fiorillo, S. Bertholet; Rome, Italy
P6.11.40 - Efficacy of Flu SAM (HA) vaccine against Influenza infection in mice M. Brazzoli, Diletta Magini, S. Buccato, A. Bonci, D. Casini, S. Mangiavacchi, L. Brito, D. Maione, A. Geall, S. Bertholet; Siena, Italy
P6.11.42 - DNA vaccine encoding hepatitis C virus proteins NS3-NS5B induces more effective immune response in comparison with DNAs expressing individual nonstructural genes Olga V. Masalova, E.I. Lesnova, A.V. Ivanov, A. Pichugin, K.Y. Permyakova, R.I. Ataullakhanov, A.A. Kushch; Moscow, Russian Federation
P6.11.43 - Vaccination with recombinant empty capsids of foot-and-mouth disease virus triggered an immune response that surpassed the viral challenge in a mice model Ana C. Mignaqui, V. Ruiz, V. Gnazzo, A. Sammarruco, S. Perret, G. St-Laurent, Y. Durocher, A. Wigdorovitz; Hurlingham, Argentina
P6.11.44 - A novel HPV-16 L1 based chimeric virus-like particle containing HPV 16 E6 and E7 epitopes elicits a persistent specific antibody immune response and tumor regression Alberto Monroy-García, M.A. Gómez-Lim, J. Hernández-Montes, B. Weiss-Steider, R. García-Rocha, M. Mora-García; Mexico D.F, Mexico
P6.11.45 - TELL ME project for an effective communication during infectious outbreaks Emilio Mordini, M. Green, D. Greco, B. De Mei, R. Satolli, N. Gilbert; Rome, Italy
P6.11.46 - Selection of neutralizing scFv antibodies against glycoprotein B of Herpes simplex virus type1 Foroogh Nejatollahi, V. Bagheri, M. Motamedifar; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.11.47 - Vaccination with MenAfriVac, a serogroup A conjugate meningococcal vaccine, induces salivary antibodies that could prevent pharyngeal colonization P.A. Kristiansen, L. Nome, K. Sinnadurai, R. Ouédraogo, F. Diomandé, D. Caugant, Lisbeth M. Ness; Oslo, Norway
P6.11.48 - Interferon- and immunotherapy in immunocompromised children with associated viral-viral infections: recurrent acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and various herpesviral infections Irina V. Nesterova, S.V. Kovaleva, O. Shinkareva, L.N. Kokova; Krasnodar, Russian Federation
P6.11.49 - Influence DNA-vaccines encoding antigens of CCHFV on immune system in mice Olesya V. Nosareva, T.A. Panova, A.E. Nesterov, S.V. Seregin, V.S. Petrov; Koltsovo, Russian Federation
P6.11.50 - Adeno-associated virus (AAV) based Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) vaccine induces humoral and cellular immune response in mice Angela Nowag, J. Rybniker, K. Demant, S. Winter, H. Janicki, H. Büning, P. Hartmann; Cologne, Germany
P6.11.51 - Evaluation of E. coli DNA vaccine expressing OmpT and Ag43 gene in BALB/c mice Angel A. Oñate, P. Fernández, A. Retamal, R. Vidal; Concepción, Chile
Posters - August 27 467
P6.11.52 - An unbiased genome-wide Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene-expression approach to discover new antigens for human T cells that are expressed during pulmonary infection Tom Ottenhoff; Leiden, Netherlands
P6.11.53 - Cationic Poly-D, L-lactide-co-glycolide (PLG) Microparticles Enhance the T Cell Response to Naked DNA and Protect Mice from Tumor Challenge Chien-Hsiung Pan, H. Chung, H. Hu, S. Wu, Y. Hsiao; Zhunan Town, Miaoli County, Taiwan
P6.11.54 - Production of human monoclonal ScFv that bind to different functional domains of M2 and inhibit H5N1 influenza virus replication Tippawan -. Pissawong, S. Maneewatch, P. Srimanote, F. Dong-din-on, T. Songserm, K. Bangphoomi, W. Chaicumpa; Bangkok, Thailand
P6.11.57 - The TB vaccine recombinant BCG-LTA-K63 induces higher Th1 immune responses in mice Dunia Rodriguez, I.P. Nascimento, L.C.C. Leite; São Paulo, Brazil
P6.11.58 - Influence of different adjuvant formulations in humoral responses after immunization with a HIV envelope glycoprotein trimer J.S. Apostólico, S.B. Boscardin, M.M. Yamamoto, J. Kalil, E. Cunha-Neto, Daniela S. Rosa; São Paulo, Brazil
P6.11.59 - Immunogenic properties of the lettuce-derived C4(V3)6 multiepitopic HIV protein D. Govea-Alonso, N. Rubio-Infante, A. Garcia Hernandez, J. Varona Santos, S. Korban, L. Moreno Fierros, Sergio Rosales Mendoza; San Luis Potosi, Mexico
P6.11.60 - Efficacy and safety of a nanoproteoliposomic vaccine candidate against epidemic serovars of Leptospira spp Luis Alfredo Rosario Fernandez; Havana, Cuba
P6.11.61 - The effect of papilloma virus vaccine in the Th17 differentiation Mariana Salgado-Bustamante, Y. Cataño-Canizalez, D. Portales-Pérez, R. González-Amaro; San Luis Potosi, Mexico
P6.11.62 - Engraftment of plasma membrane vesicles into liposomes: A new method for designing of liposome-based vaccines Afshin Samiei, S. Kamali Sarvestani; Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.11.63 - Protective activity of antibodies generated by the immunization of the mixture of LPPG from E. histolytica with the OmpC porin from S. typhi, as a bivalent vaccine against amebic liver abscess by E. histolytica and infection by S. typhi Ismael Sánchez-González, B. Cocom-Chan, I. Wong-Baeza, A. Isibasi; Mexico City, Mexico
P6.11.64 - Broadly anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) cross-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed against the HCV/E2 glycoprotein and not subjected to Ab-mediated interference Giuseppe A. Sautto, N. Mancini, G. Gorini, R.A. Diotti, N. Clementi, E. Criscuolo, M. Castelli, F. Cappelletti, M. Clementi, R. Burioni; Milan, Italy
P6.11.65 - Severity of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)-induced infectious mononucleosis (IM) correlates with the frequency of crossreactive influenza A virus-M1 and EBV-BMLF-1-specific CD8 T cells Liisa K. Selin, L.B. Watkin, K. Luzuriaga, N. Aslan; Worcester, United States
P6.11.66 - Differential proteomics approach to identify putative protective antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis presented during early stages of macrophage infection Shingar Sharma, A. Kumar, P. Sharma, A. Bhaskar, A. Singh, A.K. Tyagi, K.V.S. Rao, V. Manivel; New Delhi, India
P6.11.67 - Skewing of SAG mediated therapy for a predominant Th1 during Visceral Leishmaniasis on triggering CD2 epitope Sukrat Sinha, S. Bimal, S. Sundaram; Allahabad, India
P6.11.68 - Analysis of Brucella abortus mutant strains Δbmfp and Δomp19 as potential live vaccines against brucellosis Job A. Souza Fh, V.P. Martins, F.O. Oliveira, P.C. Campos, S.L. Cravero, S.C. Oliveira; Belo Horizonte, Brazil
P6.11.69 - Inhibition of the entry of Streptococcus pyogenes in epithelial and endothelial cells by disintegrins Yu F. Su, W.J. Chuang; Tainan, Taiwan
P6.11.70 - Immunophenotypic features of peripheral blood in case of severe adverse event associated to yellow fever vaccination Andrea Teixeira-Carvalho, M. Luiza-Silva, A. Campi-Azevedo, R.M. Martins, R. Galler, M.d. Maia, M.d. Freire, S.M. Eloi-Santos, O.A. Martins-Filho; Bethesda, United States
P6.11.71 - E2 multimeric scaffolds displaying HIV-1 Envelope regions elicit V3 and MPER-specific neutralizing antibody and T cell responses when combined with gp160 plasmid DNA Maria Trovato, S.J. Krebs, S. McBurney, C. Smith, P.J. Jaworski, W.F. Sutton, R. Sartorius, L. D’Apice, P. De Berardinis, N.L. Haigwood; Naples, Italy
P6.11.72 - A S. agalactiae protein of heterologous expression, an interesting alternative for vaccine development Abel E. Vasquez, J. Soto, M. Barrientos, D. Soto, V. Valenzuela, S.E. Illanes; Santiago, Chile
Posters - August 27 486
P6.11.73 - Passive immunotherapy with modified intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg) improves survival in experimental sepsis by attenuating inflammatory and coagulation pathways Tchavdar Vassilev, I. Djoumerska-Alexieva, J. Dimitrov, L. Roumenina, E. Voynova, I. Nina, K. Srini; Sofia, Bulgaria
P6.11.74 - Protection in mice by administrating antibodies against C-terminal modified nonstructural protein 1 in dengue virus infection Shu-Wen Wan, Y. Lin; Tainan, Taiwan
P6.11.75 - Single cell cloning of antigen specific monoclonal antibodies from macaque plasmablasts E. Silveira, Y. Kovalenkov, Jens Wrammert; Atlanta, United States
P6.11.76 - A clinical trial on anti-HBV-DC vaccine combined with thymosin- 1 in the HBeAg negative patients of chronic hepatitis B virus infection Bang-Fu Wu, J. Yang, Y. Liu, X. Wang, X. Huang, Z. Xiao, X. Li, M. Yang, Y. Zhou, H. Huang; Dongguan, China
P6.11.77 - A clinical study on anti-HBV-DC-MTL in the HBeAg negative chronic hepatitis B virus infection Bang-Fu Wu, J. Yang, Y. Liu, X. Wang, X. Huang, Z. Xiao, X. Li, M. Yang, Y. Zhou, Q. Qiu; Dongguan, China
P6.11.78 - A clinical study on hepatitisi B vaccine triple-therapy in chronic hepatitis B virus infection Bang-Fu Wu, J. Yang, Y. Liu, X. Wang, X. Huang, Z. Xiao, X. Li, M. Yang, H. Huang; Dongguan, China
P6.11.79 - Human monoclonal ScFv specific to NS1 protein inhibits replication of influenza viruses across types and subtypes Rungrueang Yodsheewan, S. Maneewatch, P. Srimanote, K. Thueng-in, T. Songserm, F. Dong-din-on, K. Bangphoomi, N. Sookrung, K. Choowongkomon, W. Chaicumpa; Bangkok, Thailand
P6.11.80 - 3-dimensional laser structured Si scaffolds improve macrophage adherence and antigen-specific response Ioanna Zerva, C. Simitzi, A. Ranella, E. Stratakis, C. Fotakis, I. Athanassakis; Heraklion, Greece
Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 494
P6.12.01 - The effect of atorvastatin on skin allograft survival and growth of B16F10 melanoma cells in mice N. Zeidan, F. El-Rami, Alexander Abdelnoor; Beirut, Lebanon
P6.12.02 - The -318C/T, -1722T/C and +49A/G polymorphisms at the CTLA-4 gene in kidney allograft tolerance Daiani C.C. Alves, F.C. Dias, J.C.O. Crispim, G.E.B. Silva, R.S. Costa, L.T. Saber, E.A. Donadi; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P6.12.03 - KIR & their HLA ligand and aGVHD incidence post HSC TX Aliakbar Amirzargar, s. Hosseinian, M. Mahmoudi, M. Ostadali, K. Alimoghadam, A. Masoud; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.12.04 - Clinical Relevance of HLA and MICA Antibodies in Live Related Renal Transplantation Deepali K. Bhat, J.A. Siddiqui, S. Goswami, A. Baranwal, G. Kaur, S. Agarwal, N. Mehra; New Delhi, India
P6.12.05 - Kidney donor MICA antigens and MICA antibody specificities detected in renal transplant recipients Milan Buc, J. Tirpáková, Z. Žilinská, S. Chrenová, V. Durmanová, D. Kuba, M. Sapák; Bratislava, Slovakia
P6.12.06 - Detection of lymphocyte subsets in kidney transplant patients receiving induction with basiliximab or thymoglobulin: impact on kidney function Abelardo Caballero, P. Ruiz-Esteban, M. Leon, E. Palma-Merida, D. Burgos, M. Cabello, M. Gonzalez-Molina, A. Torres, D. Hernandez; Malaga, Spain
P6.12.07 - Evolution in kidney transplant recipients of the expression of skin-homing receptors in the different CD4+ T cell subsets Abelardo Caballero, P. Ruiz-Esteban, M. Leon, E. Palma-Merida, D. Burgos, M. Cabello, M. Gonzalez-Molina, A. Torres, D. Hernandez, D. Hernandez; Malaga, Spain
P6.12.08 - Pretransplant interferon-gamma secretion by CMV-specific CD8+ T cells informs the risk of cytomegalovirus replication after transplantation Sara Cantisán, J. Torre-Cisneros, R. Lara, J. Redel, A. Rodríguez-Benot, J. Gutiérrez-Aroca, M. Montejo, L. Bueno, A. Rivero, R. Solana; Cordoba, Spain
P6.12.09 - Role of toll like receptors in sensing endogenous danger signals released during hepatocyte cold storage or upon warming-up Chiranjeevi Chebrolu, U. Rauen, J. Buer, T. Scholtysik, S. Schimanski, C. Kirschning; Essen, Germany
P6.12.10 - Relationship between human leukocyte antigen genotypes and cytomegalovirus infection in kidney transplantation Lucia Dican, L. Loga, R. Stan; Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Posters - August 27 504
P6.12.11 - Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy to improve nerve function in a rat limb transplant model Emilie Fitzpatrick, M. DeHart, J. Tercero, T. Brown, S. Salgar; Tacoma, United States
P6.12.12 - Monoclonal Antibody Therapy does not Abrogate Rejection Risk in Renal Transplant Recipients Sanjeev Goswami, N. Mehra; New Delhi, India
P6.12.13 - Related organ transplantation - how voluntary is the act? Ida C. Gubert, C.S. Rocco, M.G. Bicalho, C. Cunico; Curitiba, Brazil
P6.12.14 - Dysregulated innate immunity is associated with Post-Transplantational Diabetes Mellitus in renal transplantation Kyunghwan Jeong, J. Moon, Y. Kim, T. Lee, C. Ihm; Seoul, Korea, Republic of
P6.12.15 - Mechanisms of HLA class I antibody in inducing endothelium inflammation Fatmah M.A. Naemi, V. Carter, A. Mulder, F.H.J. Claas, J.A. Kirby, S. Ali; Newcastle, United Kingdom
P6.12.16 - Dynamic changes of T-regulatory/dendritic cell subsets and IL-17/TGF-β gene expression in stable kidney transplanted patients Hassan Nikoueinejad, A. Amirzargar, M. Nafar, B. Einollahi; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.12.17 - Crosstalk between inflammation, ADAM10 proteolytic activity and Notch signaling in antibody-mediated rejection and endothelial dysfunction A. Pabois, C. Toquet, N. Gérard, S. Pattier, C. Laboisse, B. Charreau, Thomas Simon; Nantes, France
P6.12.18 - Calculated Panel-Reactive Antibody: comparison of different approaches to calculate it Elisabet Rigol-Monzó, E.A. González, C. Serra-Pagès, G. Ercilla, J. Martorell; Barcelona, Spain
P6.12.20 - Relationship between the number of NK cell subsets and Chronic Allograft Nephropathy (CAN) Adel Sepanjnia, S. Asadi, A. Amirzargar, P. Ahmadpour, F. Purrezagholi; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.12.21 - Cardiomyocyte and P19 embryonic stem cell Raha Setorg, S. Abediankenari, M. Malekzadeh, N. Rezaei, M. Alipour; Sari, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.12.22 - Clinical relevance of cytokine gene polymorphism on the development of acute rejection episodes and chronic allograft nephropathy following live donor renal transplantation Jamshaid A. Siddiqui, G. Kaur, D. Bhowmik, S. Guleria, N. Mehra; New Delhi, India
P6.12.23 - Short term survival of the related alive donor’s renal implant and the compatibility HLA Y. Trujillo Alvarez, A. Brito Garcia, E. Noris Garcia, N. Diaz Baez, N. Peña Fresneda, D. Barberia Torres, R. Viguera Lopez, S. Arce Bustabad, Giselle Penton Rol; La Habana, Cuba
P6.12.24 - Relationship of Serum Soluble Interleukin-2 Receptor (IL-2) & CD 30 with the Renal Allograft Rejection- A Hospital Based Experience in Renal Transplant Patients of Kashmir Valley Roohi Rasool Wani; Srinagar, India
P6.12.25 - Frequencies of CTLA4+, FoxP3+ and CD127low T cells within the CD4+CD25high population early after lung transplantation predict the incidence of chronic rejection after two years Gregor Warnecke, J. Salman, A. Knoefel, W. Sommer, C. Kuehn, I. Tudorache, M. Avsar, T. Fuehner, J. Gottlieb, T. Welte; Hannover, Germany
P6.13 BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION AND GRAFT VERSUS HOST DISEASE Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 518
P6.13.01 - Correlation between reconstitution of differentiated effector, effector memory and regulatory T cells populations and insulin independence in type 1 diabetes patients after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Lucas C.M. Arruda, J.T.C. Azevedo, R.M. Bolzoni, D.T. Covas, J.C. Voltarelli, K.C.R. Malmegrim; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P6.13.02 - Immunotherapy of xeno-graft versus host disease with ICOS monoclonal antibodies in immunodeficient mice Aude Burlion, N.Y. Petit, G. Fourcade, M. Mattei, O. Brégerie, S. Pastor, D. Olive, G. Marodon; Paris, France
P6.13.03 - Identification of hematopoietic minor H antigens using leukemia reactive T cells and genetic linkage analysis Boidinh Chung-Ueck, J. Castle, J. Albrecht, M. Frey, R. Voss, E. Distler, W. Herr; Mainz, Germany
P6.13.04 - Monitoring early CMV-specific CD8+ T-cell responses after allogeneic stem cell transplantation by HLA-multimers Miriam Ciaurriz, L. Beloki, N. Ramirez, C. Mansilla, A. Zabalza, E. Bandres, M. Rodriguez, E. Olavarria; Pamplona, Spain
P6.13.05 - Mesenchymal Stem Cells as an Immunotherapy for Chronic graft-versus-host disease Claudia De la Mata, C. Olmedo, L. Moratalla, E. Lopez, A. Hernandez, S. Gomez, S. Garzón, R. Saldaña, C. Solano, M. Jurado; Granada, Spain
Posters - August 27 523
P6.13.06 - Acute myeloid leukemia (AML)-reactive CD4+ T-cell clones isolated from 10/10 HLA match donors recognize HLA-DP mismatch antigens and eliminate leukemia blasts in NSG mice in vivo Yvonne Eichinger, E. Distler, M. Frey, S. Khan, U. Hartwig, W. Herr; Mainz, Germany
P6.13.07 - Fetal membrane cells promote regulatory T cells and suppress alloreactivity in a cell contact dependent manner Tom Erkers, S. Nava, J. Yosef, O. Ringdén, H. Kaipe; Stockholm, Sweden
P6.13.08 - Circulating human Thymic Seeding Progenitors expand after allogeneic HSCT in parallel with a decrease of CXCR4 expression Salomé Glauzy, I. André-Schmutz, J. Larghero, S. Ezine, R. Peffault de Latour, S. Servais, G. Socié, E. Clave, A. Toubert; Paris, France
P6.13.09 - In vivo rapamycin-induced Tregs do not traffic to the bone marrow: preservation of the GVL effect after T-cell replete HLA-haploidentical HSCT Fabiana Gullotta, J. Peccatori, M. Carbone, M. Noviello, M. Battaglia, M. Bernardo, F. Locatelli, F. Ciceri, C. Bonini, A. Bondanza; Milan, Italy
P6.13.10 - Basophils as regulators of CD4 T cells in graft versus host disease Fabian Hermann, Y. Talke, M. Rodriguez Gomez, I. Ketelsen, K. Renner, M. Mack; Regensburg, Germany
P6.13.11 - Innate memory CD4 T cells suppress autoimmune graft-versus-host disease Weishan Huang, Q. Qi, J. Hu, F. Huang, T.M. Laufer, A. August; Ithaca, United States
P6.13.12 - Establishment of a protocol for evaluating human mesenchymal stem cell efficacy on GvHD treatment Myung-Shin Jeon, H. Yoo, K. Na, T. Yi, Y. Cho, S. Kim, W. Kim, S. Song; Incheon, Korea, Republic of
P6.13.13 - HLA-G: a possible biomarker for Graft versus Host Disease Uma Kanga, M. Mourya, T. Seth, P. Sood, S.K. Gupta, L. Kumar, A. Sharma, M. Mahapatra, P. Mishra, N.K. Mehra; New Delhi, India
P6.13.14 - Expression profile of candidate immune response genes in patients after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation Petra Klevcova, F. Mrazek, R. Fillerova, Z. Navratilova, A. Vitek, M. Doubek, M. Petrek; Olomouc, Czech Republic
P6.13.15 - KIR-ligand mismatch on allograft outcome Barbara Manzanares, R. González, C. Martín, M. Frías, C. Martínez, L. Castro, R. Rojas, P. Gómez, J. Peña; Córdoba, Spain
P6.13.17 - Comparison of immunosuppressive effect on lymphocytes of bone marrow, umbilical cord blood and placenta mesenchymal stromal cells M. Castro-Manrreza, A. Monroy, E. Flores-Figueroa, H. Mayani, Juan José Montesinos; D. F., Mexico
P6.13.18 - In vitro effect of rhG-CSF on cytokine production of cultured mononuclear cells M.A. Dueñas-Sanchez de Tagle, O. Rodríguez-Cortés, L. Montiel-Cervantes, J. Oliva-Ramírez, J. Vela-Ojeda, Martha C. Moreno-Lafont; Mexico DF, Mexico
P6.13.19 - Mobilization effect on CD8+ T cells and their contribution in controlling the development of GVHD A. Gutiérrez-Hoya, R. López-Santiago, J. Vela-Ojeda, O. Rodríguez-Cortés, L. Montiel-Cervantes, Martha C. Moreno-Lafont; Mexico DF, Mexico
P6.13.21 - Reduced serum levels of soluble Interleukin-7 receptor during graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in children and adults Lalit S. Rane, T. Poiret, M. Remberger, N. Vudattu, R. Ahmed, I. Ernberg, J. Winiarski, I. Magalhaes, O. Ringden, M. Maeurer; Stockholm, Sweden
P6.13.22 - Accelerated B cell recovery characterizes haploidentical T-repleted bone marrow transplantation Alessandra Roberto, L. Castagna, S. Gandolfi, P. Tentorio, M. Roederer, D. Mavilio, E. Lugli; Rozzano (MI), Italy
P6.13.23 - Cell Subset Chimerism after HSCT - Clinical case K. Gendzekhadze, David Senitzer; Duarte, United States
P6.13.24 - Chimerism patterns of long-term stable mixed chimeras post-HSCT in patients with non-malignant diseases Arwen Stikvoort, J. Gertow, M. Sundin, M. Remberger, J. Mattsson, M. Uhlin; Stockholm, Sweden
P6.13.25 - Changes in the TCR repertoire in type 1 diabetes patients after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Júlia Teixeira Cottas de Azevedo, G. Lelis Vilela de Oliveira, N. Moreira Santos, G. Trentin Scortegana, L. Guilherme, D. Tadeu Covas, J. Voltarelli, K. Ribeiro Malmegrim; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P6.13.26 - Analysis of the circulating Th1/Th17 lymphocyte repertoire after hematopoietic stem cell transplant may reveal opportunistic fungal infections rather than GvHD reaction Chiara Vitale, E. Montaldo, G. Morreale, P. Ambrosini, L. Moretta, M. Mingari; Genova, Italy
P6.13.27 - Nonmitogenic form of acidic fibroblast growth factor protects against graft-versus-host disease without accelerating leukemia Yi Wang, H. Wang, Y. Yang, X. Li; Wenzhou, China
Posters - August 27 543
P6.13.28 - Post-Transplant Lymphocyte Reconstitution and Viral Reactivation in Paediatric Patients with Leukaemia Frances Yeap, S. Bansal, M. Villegas, P. Tan; Singapore, Singapore
P6.13.29 - Human T cell progenitors generated in vitro from stem cells facilitate thymus engraftment JC Zuniga-Pflucker; Toronto, Canada
P6.14 IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE AND TOLEROGENIC TREATMENTS Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 545
P6.14.01 - Hsp70 inhibits the direct allorecognition, downregulating MHC class II through IL-10 driven MARCH-I expression via TLR2-ERK-STAT3 pathway Thiago J. Borges, F.D. Machado, R.L. Lopes, N.G. Pinho, R.F. Zanin, A.D. Souza, C. Bonorino; Porto Alegre, Brazil
P6.14.02 - Glucosamine modulates T helper cells differentiation via the blockade of N-linked glycosylation pathway Ming-Wei Chien, S. Huang, H. Sytwu; Taipei, Taiwan
P6.14.03 - Dextromethorphan modulates the immune function of dendritic cells Ching-Liang Chu, D. Chen, P. Song, C. Lin; Taipei, Taiwan
P6.14.04 - Inhibition of human allogeneic skin graft inflammation by ex vivo expanded human Treg in a humanized PBMCSCID/Skin allograft model V.L. de Oliveira, M. Peppelman, E. Fasse, P.C.M.M. van der Kerkhof, P. van Erp, I. Joosten, Hans Koenen; Nijmegen, Netherlands
P6.14.05 - An increase in B cell and cytotoxic NK cell proportions in peripheral blood of Natalizumab-treated patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis Måns Edström, J. Mellergård, M.C. Jenmalm, C. Dahle, M. Vrethem, J. Ernerudh; Linköping, Sweden
P6.14.06 - Refractory amyopathic dermatomyositis (CAMD) with interstitial lung disease (ILD) successfully treated with Rituximab Marco Gazzola, V. Ferri, C. Gurrieri, S. Di Maggio, C. Agostini, R. Marcolongo; Padova, Italy
P6.14.07 - mTOR inhibitors therapy after liver transplantation allows a sustained increase in regulatory T cells while preserving their suppressive capacity Khaldoun Ghazal, F. Stenard, L. Aoudjehane, G. Bisch, Y. Calmus, F. Conti; Paris, France
P6.14.08 - Cyclophosphane effect on peripheral blood leukocytes and organs of immune system in experimental animals O.V. Lebedinskaya, E.A. Lebedinskaya, Anatoliy P. Godovalov, D.V. Suvorov, A.N. Razdobreeva, A.V. Khorinko; Perm, Russian Federation
P6.14.09 - Influence of immunosuppressive drugs on regulatory T cells Anna C. Gronert Alvarez, P. Fytili, V. Schlaphoff, M.P. Manns, M. Cornberg, H. Wedemeyer; Hannover, Germany
P6.14.10 - Oral tolerance improves transgene persistence in gene therapy setting Romain Hardet, B. Chevalier, L. Drouot, L. Jean, D. Pannetier, A. Salvetti, O. Boyer, S. Adriouch; Rouen, France
P6.14.11 - Targeting PKC in human T cell using sotrastaurin (AEB071) stabilizes regulatory T cells and prevents IL-17 production Xuehui He, H. Koenen, R.L. Smeets, R. Keijsers, E. van Rijssen, P.C. van de Kerkhof, A.M. Boots, I. Joosten; Nijmegen, Netherlands
P6.14.12 - Searching for an adenosinergic loop in immune privileged human corneal tissues Alberto L. Horenstein, F. Sizzano, F.G. Besso, G. Zaccarello, G. Chiorino, F. Malavasi; Torino, Italy
P6.14.13 - Immunomodulatory properties of new conjugates muramyldipeptides derivatives with adenosine M. Samsel, Dorota Iwaszkiewicz-Grzes, K. Dzierzbicka, P. Trzonkowski; Gdansk, Poland
P6.14.14 - New potent IMPDH inhibitors Dorota Iwaszkiewicz-Grzes, G. Cholewinski, K. Dzierzbicka, P. Trzonkowski; Gdansk, Poland
P6.14.15 - The response to anti-TNF ab therapy is variable in patients with psoriasis Kazuhiro Komura; Tsuruga, Japan
P6.14.16 - Interleukin-35 mediated supression on neutrophilic airway inflammation with the IL-17/IFN-γ dominant phenotype C. Huang, E.X. Loo, G. Soh, L. Chua, H. Wen, K. Chua, I-Chun Kuo; Singapore, Singapore
P6.14.17 - Immunohistochemical characterization of leukocyte infiltrates in minimally invasive gastric cancer I.N. Kabanovskaya, Olga V. Lebedinskaya, A.E. Vydrina, V.V. Mochalnikova; Perm, Russian Federation
Posters - August 27 562
P6.14.18 - Influence of Stimforte on the immunologic characteristics of mice against induced immunosuppression E.A. Lebedinskaya, E.V. Fadeeva, Olga V. Lebedinskaya, N.K. Akhmatova, D.G. Maldov, M.V. Kiselevsky; Perm, Russian Federation
P6.14.19 - Triptolide ameliorates autoimmune diabetes and prolongs islet graft survival in nonobese diabetic mice S. Huang, Gu-Jiun Lin, C. Chu, J. Yu, T. Chen, Y. Chen, M. Chien, C. Chu, H. Sytwu; Taipei, Taiwan
P6.14.20 - Highly suppressive and non-toxic Trichosanthin-derived peptide induces skin transplantation tolerance via expanding CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ Tregs Li M. Lu, Q. Li, L. Zhou, K.Y. Chou; Shanghai, China
P6.14.21 - Effects of cyclosporine A and rapamycin on the ability of dendritic cells to activate T cells Maja Machcinska, K. Bocian, G. Korczak-Kowalska; Warsaw, Poland
P6.14.22 - Mir-142-3p target sequences reduce transgene directed immunogenicity following intramuscular AAV vector-mediated gene delivery Anna Majowicz, P. Maczuga, K.L. Kwikkers, S. van der Marel, R. van Logtenstein, H. Petry, S. van Deventer, P. Konstantinova, V. Ferreira; Amsterdam, Netherlands
P6.14.23 - Induction of antigen-specific regulatory T cells as a therapy for autoimmune diseases Anna M. Malara, C. Finlay, A.M. Stefanska, K.H.G. Mills; Dublin, Ireland
P6.14.24 - PD-1 dependent exhaustion of autoaggressive effector T cells following tolerogenic peptide administration Rhoanne C. McPherson, J.E. Konkel, M.D. Leech, A.J. Drake, S.M. Anderton; Edinburgh, United Kingdom
P6.14.25 - Role of calcineurin/NFAT signalling in myeloid cell haematopoiesis and function Alexandra Mertes, J. Fric, C.X.F. Lim, H. Tay, T. Zelante, J. Chen, P. Ricciardi-Castagnoli; Singapore, Singapore
P6.14.26 - CD6-targeted therapy validation with Itolizumab in autoimmune diseases Enrique Montero, R. Melarkode, P. Nair, P. Hernandez, C.G. Prasanna, C. Rodriguez, A. Bhatnagar, A. Castillo, I. Cuenca, J. Iyer; Havana, Cuba
P6.14.27 - Erythrina abyssinica reduces astrocytosis in T.brucei chronic mouse model Johnson Nasimolo, S.G. Kiama, J. Kagira, A. Makanya, P.K. Gathumbi; Nairobi, Kenya
P6.14.28 - Intravenous immunoglobulins in the treatment of toxic epidermal necrolysis due to omeprazole in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus Milos Nikolic, M. Gajic-Veljic, B. Bonaci-Nikolic; Belgrade, Serbia
P6.14.29 - Salivary evaluation of pediatric patients with cancer, before and after antineoplastic treatment R.N.M. Guerra, Joao de J. Oliveira Jr, J.E. Mouchrek Filho, S.A. Liberio, D.B. Schmidt, C.X.L. Brito, C. Mendonca, F.R.F. Nascimento, A.L.A. Pereira; São Luís, Brazil
P6.14.30 - IVIg suppresses allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reactions by induction of anti-inflammatory monocytes (CD14LOW, HLA-DRHIGH) with CD80LOW and PDL1HIGH expression Lauriane Padet, R. Bazin; Québec, Canada
P6.14.31 - A comprehensive and quantitative analysis of the specificities in rabbit antithymocyte globulin preparations Irene Popow, J. Leitner, K. Grabmeier-Pfistershammer, O. Majdic, G.J. Zlabinger, M. Kundi, P. Steinberger; Vienna, Austria
P6.14.32 - CD38 and PC-1 pathway leading to the production of adenosine: a rescue pathway for the immune system at the maternal-fetal interface Valeria Quarona, M. Cecati, M. Emanuelli, S.R. Giannubilio, F. Malavasi, A.L. Tranquilli, F. Saccucci; Torino, Italy
P6.14.33 - Regulatory T cell epitopes in IgG (Tregitopes) suppress immune responses without skewing toward TH2 Y. Su, L.P. Cousens, A.S. De Groot, David W. Scott; Bethesda, United States
P6.14.34 - An immunotherapy study to compare immunomodulatory properties of Mesenchymal Cells derived from bone marrow and adipose tissues for application in non-human primate kidney transplantation Fattah Sotoodehnejadnematalahi, N. Aghdami, H. Baharvand; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.14.35 - Oral Tolerance through Treg cells promotes reduction of inflammatory lesions in mice infected with Leishmania amazonensis Daniel A.G. Tavares, A.M.L. Xavier, J.O. Santos, M. Bellio, A.C. da Silva, A.F.B. Andrade; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P6.14.36 - Immunosuppressive circular plant peptides Kathrin Thell, R. Hellinger, E. Sahin, C. Gründemann, G. Schabbauer, C. Gruber; Vienna, Austria
P6.14.38 - Apolipoprotein E attenuates acute rejection of experimental renal allografts Anna Zakrzewicz, S. Atanasova, D. Zakrzewicz, G. Fuchs-Moll, S. Wilker, K. Petri, W. Padberg, V. Grau; Giessen, Germany
Posters - August 27 582
P6.14.39 - Production of mmLFA3-Ig with immunosuppressive activity by recombinant expression in Pichia pastoris Jian Zhu, S. Zhu, H. Yang, J. Cheng, X. Lu, L. Wan; Chengdu, China
Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 583
P6.15.01 - Production of TNF-α-specific monovalent and bivalent variable domain of llama heavy-chain antibody fragment in transgenic rice Michiyo Abe, Y. Yuki, M. Mejima, S. Kurokawa, E. Park, J. Scheller, U. Nakanishi, H. Kiyono; Osaka, Japan
P6.15.02 - Involvement of histamine H2-receptors in gastric tissue inflammation and oxidative stress induced after scorpion envenomation Sonia Adi-Bessalem, A. Lamraoui, F. Laraba-Djebari; Algiers, Algeria
P6.15.03 - Novel anti-inflammatory strategies through protein engineering of Evasins Pauline Bonvin, M. Déruaz, I. Severin, C. Power, A. Proudfoot; Plan-Les-Ouates, Switzerland
P6.15.04 - Eugenol bronchodilator potential on il-13-induced hyper-reactivity of murine tracheal smooth muscle Keina Campos, T. Teixeira, A. Cerqueira-Lima, L. Pontes de Carvalho, N. Alcantara Neves, D. Silva, C. Figueiredo; Salvador, Brazil
P6.15.05 - In vitro treatment with ganciclovir restores the functionality of exhausted T cells from cancer patients Chia-Ming Chang, C. Wu, I. Chen, K. Hsu, H. Ho, I. Chuang, Y. Lu; New Taipei, Taiwan
P6.15.06 - Direct and natural killer cell-mediated antitumor effects of CB1 receptor antagonist rimonabant in human glioblastoma Elena Ciaglia, S. Pisanti, P. Picardi, C. Laezza, G. Torelli, P. Gazzerro, M. Bifulco; Fisciano, Italy
P6.15.07 - Towards predictive pharmacogenetic profiling for azathioprine treatment: characterization of SNPs in TPMT and XDH genes Lara Colleoni, D. Kapetis, S. Franzi, L. Maggi, G. Camera, E. Canioni, F. Baggi, C. Antozzi, R. Mantegazza, P. Bernasconi; Milan, Italy
P6.15.08 - Molecular characterization and valorization of cuban natural products, in particular Vimang® and its naturally Glucosylxanthone Mangiferin, for therapeutic applications against cancer and Inflammation René Delgado, D. García-Rivera, I. Hernandez, I. Rodeiro-Guerra, N. Bougarne N, G. Haegeman, W. Vanden Berghe; Havana, Cuba
P6.15.09 - Study of the immunomodulatory role of heteroglucan on a 3D tumor spheroid and macrophage co-culture milieu K. S.P. Devi, T.K. Maiti; Kharagpur, India
P6.15.10 - Specific targeting of extracellular Cyclophilins for treatment of inflammatory diseases Klaus M. Dinkel, M. Baumann, B. Klebl, M. Malesevic, P. Nussbaumer, G. Rühter, G. Fischer; Dortmund, Germany
P6.15.11 - Selective targeting of the immunoproteasome for treatment of autoimmune diseases Klaus M. Dinkel, A. Unger, C. Degenhardt, B. Klebl, P. Nussbaumer, U. Koch, G. Zischinsky, R. Huber; Dortmund, Germany
P6.15.12 - Role of protein phosphatases in the functional desensitization of β-adrencoceptor-mediated responses in human lung mast cells Nahid Eskandari, R. Bastan; Isfahan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.15.13 - ImmuDrug platform: high throughput screening for novel immunomodulators Stefan Frischbutter, S. Schuengel, A. Hamann; Berlin, Germany
P6.15.14 - B7H triggering inhibits the migration of tumor cell lines C.L. Gigliotti, C. Dianzani, S. Occhipinti, M. Giovarelli, L. Conti, E. Boggio, Erika Tóth, G. Baldanzi, A. Chiocchetti, U. Dianzani; Novara, Italy
P6.15.15 - Effect of beta-adrenoceptor agonist and antagonist on immune response under thyrotoxicosis Anatoliy P. Godovalov, J.I. Shilov; Perm, Russian Federation
P6.15.16 - Effect of hexoprenaline sulphate on the immunoglobulin production in the presence of thyroxine and hydrocortisone in vitro D.J. Shilov, Anatoliy P. Godovalov, J.I. Shilov; Perm, Russian Federation
P6.15.17 - Study of adverse events reported to the center of health surveillance related to the use of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) Ida C. Gubert, V.C. Zanetti, M.M.A. Santos; Curitiba, Brazil
Posters - August 27 600
P6.15.18 - Inflammatory pathogenesis induced by scorpion venom: In vitro and in vivo analysis of immune cells activation Djelila Hammoudi-Triki, D. Khemili, K. Zerrouti, L. Bechohra, F. Laraba-Djebari; Algiers, Algeria
P6.15.19 - The immuno-modulatory effects of heparin and LMW-heparin in mite-allergic mice model Jing-Ning Huang, L. Fu; Taichung, Taiwan
P6.15.20 - Cimetidine enhances delayed-type hypersensitivity responses and serum interleukin (IL)-2, IL-10, IL-12, and IL-17 levels after thermal trauma in an animal model Abdollah Jafarzadeh, M. Nemati, M.T. Rezayati, M. Ebrahimi, Z.M. Hassan; Rafsanjan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.15.21 - A single dose of rituximab does not deplete B cells in secondary lymphoid organs, but alters phenotype and function E. Kamburova, H.J. Koenen, K. Borgman, I. ten Berge, Irma Joosten, L. Hilbrands; Nijmegen, Netherlands
P6.15.23 - Effect of (E)-2-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-4-oxo -4H-chromen-7-yl-3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl) acrylate on the development of atopic dermatitis-like lesions In Sik Kim, J. Lee; Daejeon, Korea, Republic of
P6.15.24 - Immunostimulatory activity of low-molecular weight components of lysates of probiotic bacteria Eva Kmonickova, P. Kostecka, A. Dusilova, M. Kverka, Z. Zidek; Prague, Czech Republic
P6.15.25 - The efficient use of the anti-inflammatory cyclic peptide Tnp in the treatment of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Evilin N. Komegae, M. Lopes-Ferreira, C. Lima; Sao Paulo, Brazil
P6.15.27 - Cyclophosphane-induced in vitro phagocyte activity of peripheral blood leukocytes from healthy donors E.A. Lebedinskaya, Olga V. Lebedinskaya, A.P. Godovalov, Y.N. Troynich, A.E. Malykina; Perm, Russian Federation
P6.15.28 - Phycocyanobilin positively modulates inflammatory genes in acute cerebral hypoperfusion in rats J. Marín-Prida, N. Pavón-Fuentes, A. Llópiz-Arzuaga, J.R. Fernández-Massó, A. Cruz-Ramírez, N. Polentarutti, F. Riva, E. Pentón-Arias, A. Mantovani, Giselle Pentón-Rol; Havana, Cuba
P6.15.29 - Nitro-oleic acid regulates the classical and alternative activation of macrophages Hana Martiskova, G. Ambrozova, L. Kubala, T.K. Rudolph, A. Klinke, T. Ravekes, L. Bino, J. Navratilova, H. Kolarova, S. Gajdova, M. Pekarova; Brno, Czech Republic
P6.15.30 - A non toxic concentration of ethyl acetate extract of Cordia verbenacea D.C. reduces the expression of proinflammatory cytokine IFN-γ in human peripheral blood lymphocytes M.G. Santos, J.A.T. Santos, B.A.A. Freitas, V.G. Almeida, C.F.F. Grael, Gustavo E.A.B. Melo; Diamantina, Brazil
P6.15.31 - Pseudobrickellia brasiliensis (Spreng) R. M. King & H. Rob. (Asteraceae) aqueous extract decreases IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha expression on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, in vitro V.G. Almeida, J.A.T. Santos, B.A. Avelar, M.G. Santos, H. Lopes, M.L.L. Amorim, C.F.F. Grael, E.R. Vieira, Gustavo E.A.B. Melo; Diamantina, Brazil
P6.15.32 - Silymarin Normalizes Immune Dysfunction in Beta-Thalassemia Major Patients Hamid Reza R. Mirzaei, H. Mirzaei, B. Bagherpour, M. Eghbali, J. Jalili, N. Bagherpour; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.15.33 - Establishment of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis in Cynomolgus Monkeys, A Model for Multiple Sclerosis Jia Ni, J. Liu, G. Cui, S. Wang, J. Deng, L. Le, K. Zhang; Shanghai, China
P6.15.34 - Novel S1P1 receptor agonist, CP9531, has desirable characteristics as a next generation agonist Tomohisa Ninomiya, S. Yoshida, S. Sugimoto, Y. Yagi, K. Kato, C. Yoshida, K. Suzuki, T. Kikkoji; Yokohama, Japan
P6.15.36 - Effects of venoms from five Brazilian snake species on the viability of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells J. Ruiz, F.O.F. Castro, L. Dobrachinski, M. Maineri, A.S. Stival, S.G. Fonseca, Irmtraut A.H. Pfrimer; Goiania, Brazil
P6.15.37 - Activation of telomerase by novel compounds in human lymphocytes Esther Priel, L. Ben-Yakov, A. Gazit, S. Slavin; Beer-Sheva, Israel
P6.15.38 - HLA-B allele frequencies in the Thai population Apichaya Puangpetch, C. Sukasem, S. Santon, M. Chamnanphol, T. Jantararoungtong, N. Koomdee, S. Promas; Bangkok, Thailand
P6.15.39 - Cationic liposomes bearing IL -2 induce cytotoxic lymphocytes Rosalva Rangel-Corona, K. Ortiz-Medrano, B. Weiss-Steider; México, Mexico
Posters - August 27 619
P6.15.40 - Activity of beta-adrenergic receptors in vascular lesions associated with proteins inflammatory in the periodontal disease Wellington F. Rodrigues, C.B. Miguel, J.E. Lazo-Chica, J.T.C. Napimoga, C.J.F. Oliveira, M.H. Napimoga; Uberaba, Brazil
P6.15.41 - A new immunomodulatory therapy to treat pathologies related to a defective cell-mediated immunoresponse Giacomo Rossi, S. Scarpona; Matelica (MC), Italy
P6.15.42 - Ageratum fastigiatum essencial oil compounds decrease the expression of proinflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha in peripheral blood leukocytes stimulated with Phorbol Myristate Acetate (PMA) in vitro B.A.A. Freitas, Josué A.T. Santos, V.G. Almeida, M.G. Santos, C.F.F. Grael, L.E. Gregório, E.R. Vieira, G.E.A.B. Melo; Diamantina, Brazil
P6.15.44 - Immunotropic drugs for local use in stomatology Narine G. Sarkisian, G.I. Ron’, I.N. Shtan’ko, T.G. Khonina, I.A. Tuzankina, A.S. Simbirtsev; Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
P6.15.45 - T-cell Electrophysiology Dynamics Christine D. Schmeitz, M.E. Meyer-Hermann; Braunschweig, Germany
P6.15.46 - Study of Curcumin anti-inflammatory effects on Astrocyte cell line: relevance to multiple sclerosis Mir H. Seyedzadeh, Z. Safari, A. Zare, M.R. Korramizadeh, G.A. Kardar; Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.15.47 - Daphanetin prevents acute inflammatory lung injury in mice via a TNFAIP3-dependent mechanism Liyun Shi, W. Yu, Y. Kang, D. Wang, D. Chen; Hangzhou, China
P6.15.48 - Proteasome inhibition by bortezomib increases IL-8 expression in ovarian cancer cells by IKK and EGR-1 dependent mechanism B. Singha, S. Manna, T. Chang, S. Sanacora, A. Vancura, Ivana Vancurova; Queens, United States
P6.15.49 - Safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics (PK) of human immune globulin subcutaneous (IGSC), 20%: interimanalysis of a phase 2/3 study in patients with primary immunodeficiencies (PI) G. Kriván, M. Borte, L. Maródi, T. Harrer, R. Ganschow, W. Engl, H. Leibl, B. McCoy, Leman Yel; Westlake Village, United States
P6.15.50 - Tolerability, efficacy and pharmacokinetics (PK) of facilitated-subcutaneous infusion of human immunoglobulin G, 10% (IGSC) and recombinant human Hyaluronidase (rHuPH20) [IGHy] in adult patients with primary immunodeficiency (PI): results from a Phase 3 study M. Stein, R.L. Wasserman, I. Melamed, A. Rubinstein, J. Puck, S. Gupta, W. Engl, H. Leibl, Leman Yel, R. Schiff; Westlake Village, United States
P6.15.51 - In vitro cytotoxic activity of four plants used in Persian Traditional medicine Fatemeh Zare Shahneh, B. Baradaran, S. Moradi; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.15.52 - Inhibition of growth and induction of apoptosis in fibrosarcoma cell lines by Echinophora platyloba DC: In vitro analysis Fatemeh Zare Shahneh, B. Baradaran, S. Moradi; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.15.53 - Apoptotic and cytotoxic activities of Ferulago Angulata extract on panel cancer cell line by induction of apoptosis Fatemeh Zare Shahneh, B. Baradaran, S. Moradi, A. Azadmehr, R. Hajiaghaee; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.15.54 - Studies on inhibitory and cytotoxic activities of Salvia officinalis L. extract on cancer cells by induction of apoptosis Fatemeh Zare Shahneh, B. Baradaran, S. Moradi, A. Azadmehr, R. Hajiaghaee; Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of
P6.15.55 - Immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory properties of pyrimidine derivatives Zdenek Zidek, E. Kmonickova, Z. Janeba, V. Kolman, P. Jansa; Prague, Czech Republic
P7.01 IMAGING OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 634
P7.01.01 - Malnutrition and thymic hypoplasia in the infancy Edelis Catellanos; La Habana, Cuba
P7.01.02 - TIM-1 Protein Trafficking Toward Cell-Cell Contacts Meriem Echbarthi; Madrid, Spain
P7.01.03 - Cell death detection using antibody-based microarrays and digital holography microscopy on lymphocytic cell lines Zahra El-Schich, E. Nilsson, C. Wingren, A.G. Wingren; Malmö, Sweden
Posters - August 27 637
P7.01.04 - Imaging studies of immunological synapse formation and signaling events using the FlowSight and ImageStream imaging flow cytometers Sherree L. Friend, H.R. Pugsley, B.E. Hall, D.A. Basiji; Seattle, United States
P7.01.05 - Monitoring immunological dynamic processes using large-area high-speed multicolor nonlinear optical microscopy H. Li, Q. Cui, Q. Luo, Ling Fu; Wuhan, China
P7.01.06 - Optimization of single- and double-staining indirect immunofluorescence for the detection of anti-pituitary (APA) and anti-GH-producing cells Federica Guaraldi, S. Grottoli, L. Ghizzoni, F. Settanni, E. Ghigo, E. Arvat; Turin, Italy
P7.01.07 - Development of a novel system to visualize basophil degranulation Kayo Horiguchi, S. Yoshikawa, A. Saito, L. Li, T. Ohta, Y. Kawano, H. Karasuyama; Tokyo, Japan
P7.01.08 - Bull’s-eyes immunological synapses(ISs),but not multifocal ISs is formed between dendritic cells and T cells Wei Lin, Z. Fan, X. Wei, Y. Chu; Shanghai, China
P7.01.09 - Dynamic intravital analysis of T cell activation in the tumor parenchyma and stroma Francesco Marangoni, T.T. Murooka, E. Carrizosa, T. Manzo, E.Y. Kim, N.M.C. Elpek, T.R. Mempel; Charlestown, United States
P7.01.10 - Quantitative analysis of single cell distribution inside entire lymph nodes using laser sheet microscopy Aleksandra J. Ozga, J. Ripoll, M. Hons, J. Meyer, J. Swoger, J. Sharpe, J.V. Stein; Bern, Switzerland
P7.01.11 - Imaging T-cell signal transduction by integrative and correlative nanoscopy Thierry Rose, A. Salles, B. Tamarit, P. Bochet, M. Cumont; Paris, France
P7.01.13 - Imaging innate immune response in non-human primates after DNA vaccination against HIV Biliana Todorova, F. Martinon, L. Adam, R. Boisgard, T. Kortulewski, R. Le Grand, C. Chapon; Fontenay-aux-Roses, France
Session Time: Tuesday, August 27, 13:20 - 15:00 646
P4.01.018 - HTLV-1 infected thymic epithelial cells convey the virus to CD4+ lymphocytes Luciana R. Carvalho, K. Ramos-Pedroza, F.M. de Castro, N. Santucci, L.L. Lacerda, M. Ribeiro-Alves, W. Savino; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P1.06.52 - Effective macrophage expression strategy Clare Pridans, S. Lillico, T. King, B. Whitelaw, D.A. Hume; Edinburgh, United Kingdom
P1.06.27 - Glucocorticoids and IL-4 synergize in M2 polarization of macrophages Katharina Jörß, H.M. Reichardt; Göttingen, Germany
P1.01.19 - Down-modulation of activated human neutrophil by LMW-fucoidan: role of microparticles João A. Moraes, A.C. Frony, P. Barcellos-de-Souza, C. Boisson-Vidal, C. Barja-Fidalgo; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
P2.07.04 - Characterisation of a Novel Transmembrane Protein (NTP) in primary human CD4 positive T-Cells Katherine L. Crossland, A.E. Anderson, C.M.U. Hilkens, D.A. Young, J.D. Isaacs; Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
P1.02.14 - Candida albicans activates mast cells in vitro Alejandro U. Nieto-Patlán, S. Estrada-Parra, I. Estrada-Garcia, O. Rodríguez-Cortes, S. Muñoz-Cruz, J. Serafín-López, R. Chacón-Salinas; Distrito Federal, Mexico
P5.12.62 - Decrypting the genomic signatures associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A systems immunological approach Peter N. Pushparaj, L.A. Damiati, S.M. Bahlas, J. Manikandan, K. Gauthaman, M.H. Al-Qahtani; Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
P5.12.83 - Anti-inflammatory effect of palm tocotrienol fractions in arthritis Zaida Zainal, Z. Shahrim, S. Abdul Hafid; Bandar Baru Bangi, Kajang, Malaysia
P5.12.04 - Carotid intima media thickness, plaques , IL-6 and disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis patients among Egyptians Shereen Algergawy, A. Shamsaldeen, M. Rifat, K. Belal; Benha, Egypt
P1.14.66 - Degradation of IL-1 beta by the Human Papilloma Virus: novel mechanism of innate immune escape Bladimiro B. Rincon-Orozco; Heidelberg, Germany
Posters - August 27 656
P4.02.20 - Human APOBEC3 Cytidine Deaminases: not simply antiviral defense? Ann-Mareen Räthe, T. Kehl, M. Löchelt; Heidelberg, Germany P6.07.08 - Tie2 monocyte-mediated delivery of interferon-alpha to the liver as a novel treatment for colorectal carcinoma liver metastases Mario Catarinella, G. Escobar, R. Aiolfi, A. Fiocchi, M. De Palma, A. Esposito, L. Naldini, L.G. Guidotti, G. Sitia; Milan, Italy P1.15.01 - Malaria-induced NLRP12/NLRP3-dependent caspase-1 activation mediates inflammation and hypersensitivity to bacterial superinfection Marco A. Ataide, W.A. Andrade, D.S. Zamboni, D. Wang, M. Ribeiro, M. Souza, F.S. Martins, K. Fitzgerald, D.T. Golenbock, R.T. Gazzinelli; Belo Horizonte, Brazil
P6.04.20 - Regulatory T cells are essential for the anti-arthritic effects of Methotrexate in experimental arthritis Raphael S. Peres, F.Y. Liew, J. Talbot, V. Carregaro, L.G. Pinto, J.S. Silva, T.M. Cunha, J.C. Alves-Filho, P. Louzada-Junior, F.Q. Cunha; Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
P6.04.08 - Compliance with the NICE and EULAR Guidelines for Rituximab Use Among Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Treated In Community-Based Rheumatology Clinic in United Kingdom Simona Gindea, S. Medley, D. Sreerangaiah, S. Srirangan; Orpington, United Kingdom
P5.07.20 - Restriction of TCR diversity in NOD mice inhibits the development of Type I Diabetes but not Sjögren’s syndrome Joanna M. Kern, R. Drutel, R. Pacholczyk; Augusta, United States
P1.03.68 - Establishment of a humanized mouse model to investigate the impact of mixed xenogeneic hematopoietic chimerism on the tolerance of human NK cells to pig cells Paresh Vishwasrao, H. Li, M. H lzl, G. Choi, M. Sykes; New York, United States
P6.13.20 - The Nlrp3-inflammasome regulates acute graft-versus-host disease D. Jankovic, J. Ganesan, M. Bscheider, N. Stickel, J. Fischer, T. Haas, C. Peschel, J. Ruland, L. French, Hendrik Poeck, E. Contassot, R. Zeiser; Munich, Germany
P3.10.12 - Independent molecular control of IL-17 and IL-22 in the human Th17 response M. Cardone, L. Provezza, E. Zoratti, O. Poffe, A. Dzutsev, E. Wang, G. Batoni, G. Carra, G. Trinchieri, Franca Gerosa; Verona, Italy
P6.15.26 - GKS284 ameliorates inclusion formation in a primary neuronal model of SBMA Erica Larsen; Chadds Ford, United States
P6.15.35 - Evaluation of toxicity of the dichloromethane and ethyl acetate extracts from Ageratum fastigiatum in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells Marcelo H.F. Ottoni, V.G. Almeida, B.A. Avelar-Freitas, M.G. Santos, C.F.F. Grael, L.E. Gregório, G.E.A. Brito-Melo; Diamantina, Brazil
P2.08.16 - B cells in patients with end-stage renal disease Aleksandra Jasiulewicz, K. Lisowska, J. Witkowski; Gda sk, Poland
P2.08.08 - Downregulation of IRF3-IFNa/b pathway is crucial for the differentiation block induced by the leukemogenic fusion protein TEL/AML1 Angela de Laurentiis, A. Myriam; Milano, Italy
P5.14.18 - TSLP and CD40-ligand promote IL-23 production in human psoriasis E. Volpe, C. Martinez-Cingolani, L. Pattarini, M. Touzot, S. Meller, B. Homey, Vassili Soumelis; Paris, France
P6.06.165 - Study of the anti-tumor effect of X- radiation in combination with DC vaccine Shuxia Song, L. Chang, L. Wei; Shijiazhuang, China
P6.06.002 - Application of palm-tocotrienol adjuvanted dendritic cell in cancer therapy Sitti Rahma Abdul Hafid, K. Nesaretnam, S. Chakravarthi, A.K. Radhakrishnan; Bandar Baru Bangi, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
P6.06.044 - Generating Stronger T cells for Adoptive Immunotherapy Connie P.M. Duong, J.A. Westwood, C.S.M. Yong, C. Devaud, L.B. John, P.K. Darcy, M.H. Kershaw; East Melbourne, Australia
P1.09.36 - CD40-ligand signal response diversity through dendritic cell state modification Lucia Pattarini, A. Cappuccio, E. Volpe, V. Soumelis; Paris, France
P3.07.37 - B cell progenitors and precursors change their microenvironment in fetal liver during early development Motokazu Tsuneto, K. Tokoyoda, E. Kajikhina, A. Hauser, T. Hara, S. Tani-ichi, K. Ikuta, F. Melchers; Berlin, Germany
Posters - August 27 675
P1.11.005 - Combined Action of Nucleic Acid-Sensing Toll-Like Receptors and TLR11/TLR12 heterodimers imparts host resistance to Toxoplasma gondii Warrison A. Andrade, M.C. Souza, E.R. Martinez, K. Nagpal, S. Ghosh, D.T. Golenbock, R.T. Gazzinelli; Belo Horizonte, Brazil
P6.09.08 - Designing small molecules as optimal vaccine adjuvants T.Y.H. Wu, M. Singh, Ugo D’Oro, A.T. Miller, S. Valentini, E. De Gregorio, M.L. Mbow, D.T. O’Hagan, M.P. Cooke, N.M. Valiante; Siena, Italy
P5.06.13 - Regulatory T cell depletion reveals a large polyclonal population of self-reactive T cells in the normal peripheral T cell repertoire David M. Richards, E. Ruggiero, A. Joschko, J.P. Sefrin, M. Schmidt, C. von Kalle, M. Feuerer; Heidelberg, Germany
P4.04.63 - Suppression of IFN-γ signaling by Src homology-2 domain-containing phosphatase 2 during Helicobacter pylori infection Yu-Chih Wang, C. Lin; Tainan, Taiwan
P6.03.05 - Syngenic anti-idiotypic and anti-anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibodies raised against the rat monoclonal autoantibody IC2 and their role in prevention of autoimmune diabetes K.L. Jensen, C.P. Engmose, K. Engkilde, Carl-Henrik Brogren; Copenhagen N, Denmark
P5.08.17 - Regulation of endothelial cell survival by the MEKK3-GAPDH axis Charles S. Hii, A. Ferrante; Adelaide, Australia
P6.08.26 - The advent of mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells from iPSCs opens a novel avenue for immunology Hiroshi Wakao, K. Yoshikiyo, U. Koshimizu, K. Enomoto, T. Tanaka, Y. Yasutomi, H. Fujita; Kita-ku Sapporo-shi, Japan
P2.10.23 - Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG modulates autophagy function in T cells and myeloid cells as mechanism for adjuvant effect in rotavirus vaccine induced effector T cell responses Lijuan Yuan, K. Wen, E. Giri-Rachman, G. Li, J. Kocher, X. Yang, H. Wang, T. Bui, M. Weiss; Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, United States
P2.09.02 - TNF-α gene promoter polymorphisms in Algerian patients with ankylosing spondylitis Habiba Amroun, S. Salah, A. Toudert, F. Dehri, R. Allat, F. Mecabih, A. Alliouche-Kerboua, H. Djoudi, R. Tamouza, M.C. Abbadi; Alger, Algeria
P3.11.13 - Human Vγ9Vδ2 T cells can selectively promote TH1 or TH2 responses via interactions with dendritic cells or B cells in vitro Andreea Petrasca, D.G. Doherty; Dublin, Ireland
P1.12.09 - Crystal structure of the tetrameric fibrinogen-like recognition domain of FIBCD1 A.K. Shrive, J.B. Moeller, I. Burns, J.M. Paterson, A.J. Shaw, A. Schlosser, G.L. Sorensen, T.J. Greenhough, Uffe Holmskov; Odense, Denmark
P4.06.22 - Dectin-2 mediated adaptive immunity to Candida glabrata Daniela C. Ifrim, J. Quintin, L.A.B. Joosten, I. Verschueren, N.A.R. Gow, H. van Krieken, J.W.M. van der Meer, M.G. Netea; Nijmegen, Netherlands
P4.06.24 - FIBCD1 binds to Aspergillus fumigatus PAMPs and modulates the inflammatory response Christine E.S. Jepsen, L.K. Dubey, J.B. Moeller, M.A. Hammond, O. Nielsen, A. Schlosser, G.L. Sorensen, U. Holmskov; Odense, Denmark
P5.03.02 - Functional study of TNF-α gene promoter polymorphisms in Algerian patients with ankylosing spondylitis Habiba Amroun, N. Kechout, R. Allat, S. Salah, A. Alliouche-Kerboua, F. Mecabih, H. Djoudi, R. Tamouza, M.C. Abbadi; Alger, Algeria
P3.05.21 - Cooperative effects of ankylosing spondylitis-associated ERAP1 polymorphisms in the generation and destruction of HLA-B27 ligands Adrián Martin-Esteban, C. Gomez-Molina, A. Sanz-Bravo, J. Lopez de Castro; Madrid, Spain
P2.12.20 - Food contaminant mycotoxin Fumonisin B2 regulates the mTOR kinase signaling pathways in brain lymphocytes: implication for neurological disorders Elena A. Martinova; Moscow, Russian Federation
P2.12.13 - Identification of a novel immunoregulatory signaling pathway exploited by M. tuberculosis in dendritic cells Janne Marie Laursen, E. Schoof, J.N. Søndergaard, R. Linding, S. Brix; Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
P2.12.33 - Regulation of soluble IL-15 complexes after irradiation, chemotherapy, and VSV infection S.M. Anthony, M.E. Howard, S.W. Stonier, Z. Dai, W.W. Overwijk, Kimberly S. Schluns; Houston, United States
P5.20.099 - Tumor antigen-specific CD4+ T effectors are highly enriched at ovarian cancer sites and co-exist with, but are distinct from, tumor-associated Treg M. Ayyoub, P. Pignon, J. Classe, K. Odunsi, Danila Valmori; Nantes-Saint Herblain, France
Posters - August 27 694
P2.06.11 - Collective organization confers chemotactic prowess to lymphoid cells G. Malet-Engra, W. Yu, A. Oldani, N. Gov, G. Scita, Loic Dupre; Toulouse, France
P7.01.14 - Contrasting quiescent G0 phase with mitotic cell cycling in the mouse immune system Micho Tomura, A.S. Sawano, A. Hata, O. Kanagawa, A. Miyawaki; Kyoto, Japan
P5.01.75 - Molecular Regulation of IL-10 during Antibody-dependent Enhancement of Dengue Virus Infection is Important for Viral Replication Tsung-Ting Tsai, C. Lin; Tainan, Taiwan
P5.17.02 - Posttranscriptional Gene Regulation of IL-17 by the RNA-binding Protein HuR Ulus Atasoy, J. Chen, J. Cascio, J. Magee, P. Techasintana, M. Gubin, G. Dahm, R. Calaluce; Columbia, United States
P5.17.19 - Epidemiology study of patients with suspected and diagnosed Celiac Disease Laura Herráiz-Nicuesa, L. Martín-Martín, S. Sánchez-Ramón, M. Rodriguez-Mahou; Madrid, Spain
P4.01.044 - Release of interleukin-1alpha from herpes simplex virus 1 infected keratinocytes provides a functional danger signal K.A. Milora, Liselotte E. Jensen; Philadelphia, United States
P5.17.25 - Comparison between enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay and multiplex assay for serological markers of Celiac Disease detection Lydia Martín-Martín, L. Herráiz-Nicuesa, Y. Oleo-Pérez, S. Sánchez-Ramón, M. Rodriguez-Mahou; Madrid, Spain
P5.17.32 - Expression QTL analysis from primary immune cells of a multi-ethnic cohort identifies novel disease-causing regulatory effects Towfique Raj, K. Rothamel, C. Ye, S. Mostafavi, M. Lee, J. Replogle, D. Koller, A. Regev, N. Hacohen, B.E. Stranger, P.L. De Jager, C. Benoist, .. Immunological Variation Consortium; Boston, United States
P5.22.35 - Linking the endosome to primary immunodeficiency - a congenital neutrophil defect syndrome associated with mutations in VPS45 T. Vilboux, A. Lev, M. Malicdan, A. Simon, N. Amariglio, G. Rechavi, Y. Anikster, C. Klein, W. Gahl, Raz Somech; Tel Hashomer, Israel
P5.02.23 - The role of surfactant protein D in cigarette smoke-induced pulmonary pathology H. Wulf-Johansson, C. Støttrup, S. Hansen, A. Schlosser, C.H. Nielsen, N. Palaniyar, J. Vestbo, C.S. Stevenson, U. Holmskov, Grith L. Sorensen; Odense, Denmark
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Latin American Association of Immunology VB37
Arinex - Professional Conference Organiser for ICI
Mabtech AB E36
2016 VB11
Merck Millipore E16 E18
Beckman Coulter C9 C11
Meso Scale Discovery D16
Bellanti's Immunology IV: A New State-of-the-Art
Miltenyi Biotec C24 D23
Book of Basic/Clinical Immunology VB1
Nature Publishing Group D13
BD Biosciences C30 C32 D25 D27 D29 D31
Novus Biologicals F25
BioLegend D12 E13
Octapharma AG E8 E10 E12 F7 F9 F11
Bio-Rad Laboratories E24 F23
Ozgene D11
Biotest AG C8 C10
Partec B16 C21
British Society for Immunology VB39
PBL InterferonSource D15
Cedarlane Corporation C12
Peprotech D19
Cell Press VB5
Prisys Biotechnologies C20
Cell Signaling Technology C39
Proimmune C22
CellGenix E22
Proteintech Group C26
Charles River Laboratories Italia C28
Quantiscientifics C16
CIS - Russia MOSCOW - 2019 VB41
R&D Systems C34 C36 C38 C40
CTL Europe E6
Randox Laboratories Limited D7
eBioscience, an Affymetrix company D10 E11
European Congress of Immunology 2015 VB13
Singaporean Society for Immunology VB33
European Federation of Immunological Societies - EFIS
Sino Biological Inc E28
VB15 VB17
Société Française d'Immunologie VB25
European Research Council VB35
Sony Biotechnologies Inc. B6 B8
EXBIO Antibodies E26
STEMCELL Technologies Inc. B2 C1
FloCyte F5
Suzhou SJ biomaterials Co., Ltd D17
Frontiers Media SA VB21
Thermo Scientific E14
German Society for Immunology VB9
The American Association of Immunologists VB7
Hycult Biotech D33
The Turkish Society of Immunology VB27
Immudex E20
Wiley F13
InvivoGen D9
Wisepress Medical Bookshop VB29 VB31
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsors
Other Sponsors
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A.C.R.A.F. Angelini Francesco SpA Abcam AbD Serotec a Bio-Rad Company Adaptive Biotechnologies Corp. AID GmbH Associazione Italiana di Neuroimmunologia - AINI Beckman Coulter Bellanti’s Immunology IV: A New State-of-the-Art Book of Basic/Clinical Immunology BD Biosciences BioLegend Bio-Rad Laboratories Biotest AG British Society for Immunology Campoverde srl Cedarlane Corporation Cell Press Cell Signaling Technology CellGenix Charles River Laboratories Italia CIS - Russia MOSCOW - 2019 CTL Europe Dompé spa eBioscience, an Affymetrix company Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung European Congress of Immunology 2015 European Federation of Immunological Societies - EFIS European Research Council EXBIO Antibodies FloCyte Fondation Acteria Fondazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla Onlus Frontiers Media SA German Society for Immunology Hycult Biotech Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Immudex Intercept Pharmaceuticals International Congress of Immunology 2016, Melbourne, Australia International Union of Immunological Societies - IUIS
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InvivoGen Istituto Superiore di Sanità Jackson ImmunoResearch Europe Ltd Janssen Pharmaceutica NV JPT Peptide Technologies GmbH KOMA Biotech Latin American Association of Immunology Mabtech AB Merck Millipore Meso Scale Discovery Miltenyi Biotec Nature Publishing Group Novartis Novus Biologicals Octapharma AG Ozgene Partec PBL InterferonSource Peprotech Prisys Biotechnologies Proimmune Proteintech Group Quantiscientifics R&D Systems Randox Laboratories Limited Roche S.p.A SIICA Singaporean Society for Immunology Sino Biological Inc Société Française d'Immunologie Sony Biotechnologies Inc. STEMCELL Technologies Inc. Suzhou SJ biomaterials Co., Ltd Swedish Orphan Biovitrum s.r.l. Thermo Scientific The American Association of Immunologists The Turkish Society of Immunology Università degli Studi di Milano Wiley Wisepress Medical Bookshop
Speakers Index A. Montanelli R. Assandri 158 Aab Alar 180 Aalinkeel Ravikumar 137 Aalto Kristiina 108 Aan de Kerk Daan 143 Abbas Abul 26, 28 Abdelmagid Nada 90 Abdelnoor Alexander 206, 257 Abdi Soghra 148 Abdul Hafid Sitti Rahma 266 Abe Jun 158 Abe Michiyo 262 Abe Yoshihiro 32 Abels Chloé 32 Abida Olfa 216, 238 Abidi Ahmed 238 Abolhassani Hassan 122 Abou-Hamdan Mhamad 141 Abrignani Sergio 39 Abu Shah Enas 203 Accolla Roberto 219 Accolla Roberto 180, 186 Acebes Huerta Andrea 231 Acuto Oreste 29 Adachi Takahiro 240 Adamson Lars 148 Adib Khadijeh-minoo 194 Adi-Bessalem Sonia 262 Adjobimey Tomabu 65 Admon Arie 55 Adorini Luciano 27, 52, 62 Adukpo Selorme 162 Afanas'ev Igor 108 Afsar Ilhan 110, 180, 186 Afshari Afsoon 102 Afzal Samia 98 Aggarwal Ashish 110 Aghamohammadi Asghar 122 Aghebati Maleki Leili 194 Agostini Carlo 74 Agrawal Devendra 44, 145 Agrawal Neha 133 Agrebi Nourhen 143 Agrewala Javed 253 Aguado Enrique 202 Aguilar Ana 145 Aguilar Jose 145 Aguirre-Cruz Maria 137 Ahamed Abdul Azeez 133 Aharoni Rina 141 Ahlgren Kerstin 202 Ahmed Rafi 28 Aicheler Rebecca 180 Aiello Sistiana 90, 174 Aiuti Alessandro 51 Ajami Maryam 219 Ajdary Soheila 121, 177, 210 Akdeniz Nilgun 158 Akdis Cezmi 26, 71 Akeus Paulina 177 akhbardeh mahdi 243 Akhiani Ali 249 Akhidova Elena 174 Akieda Yuki 36 Akira Shizuo 28
Akitsu Aoi 124 Akkoç Tunç 58 Akram Ali 180 Akyüz Levent 137 Al Sayed Mohamad 63 Al Shahrani Omair 102 Alagesan Senthilkumar 192 Alam Sohrab 219 Alansari Aliya 219 Alberghini Federica 120 Albert Matthew 28, 60 Albiero Elena 253 Albuquerque Juliana 210 Albuquerque Raquel 124 Alcocer-Varela Jorge 237 Al-Daccak Reem 58 Alejandro Francisco-Cruz 133 Aleman Mercedes 133 Alesahebfosoul Fereshteh 141 Aletrari Mina 202 Alferink Judith 169 Algergawy Shereen 110, 265 Alhomssi Mohamad 148 Ali Khedhir 189 Ali Sabir 164 Alimohammadian Mohammad Hossein 178 Aliprandini Eduardo 240 Alizadeh Gharamaleki Nazila 141 Al-Jabri Ali 172, 186 Allahyari Fard Najaf 251 Allavena Paola 29 Allegretti Marcello 52 Allen Judith 61 Allen Ronald 86 Alleri Liliana 240 Allison Cody 181 Allison James 39, 60 Almanzar Giovanni 110 Almehmadi Mazen 181 Almeida Caroline 216 Almeida Cassio 83 Almeida Rafael 253 Almeida Tatiana 114 Aloisi Francesca 40, 52 Alon Ronen 71 Alonso-Vega Cristina 210 Alpdundar Esin 224 Al-Shammary Amal 100 Alshevskaya Alina 110 Alt Fred 28, 39 Alteber Zoya 216 Altman Efrat 32 Alvares Anuska 116 Alvarez José 210 Alvarez Valdivia Yubell 102 Alvarez-Dominguez Carmen 86 Alvarez-Navarro Carlos 59 Alves da Costa Thiago 80, 206 Alves Daiani 158, 257 Alves de Araujo Claudia 198 Alves Nuno 237 Amadori Alberto 67 Amadori Massimo 68
Amano Yuji 97 Amaral Eduardo 134 Amarante-Mendes Gustavo 98 Amigorena Sebastian 51 Amiri Mohammad 148 Amirzargar Aliakbar 257 Ammar Myriam 247 Amodio Giada 68 Amorim Kelly 214 Amri Manel 208 Amroun Habiba 267 Amsen Derk 240 An Yunqing 181 Anand Devyani 168 Anand Vivek 125, 219 Anas Adam 90 Anatriello Elen 90 Anavarathavinayagamoorthy Sivagowry 227 Andari Tameem 158 Andersen Brian 148 Andersen Stig Henrik 148 Andersson Sofia 76 Andrade Luis 52 Andrade Priscila 134 Andrade Rodrigo 147 Andrade Warrison 267 Andreetta Filippo 158 Angelovich Thomas 186 Angiari Stefano 53, 170 Angkasekwinai Pornpimon 206 Annunziato Francesco 61 Ansari Nadeem 244 Anselmo Achille 90 Antica Mariastefania 249 Antonysamy Mary 158 Anvari Shaghayegh 130 Anyaegbu Chidozie 174 Apollonio Benedetta 236 Appanna Ramapraba 42 Appel Silke 192 Apte Ron 63 Arab Samaneh 148 Arafah Maha 164 Aragão-França Luciana 198 Arai Satoko 47 Arakawa Akiko 80 Arancibia Sergio 86 Aranda Fernando 253 Arandi Nargess 143 Araujo Leandro 238 Arbelaez Carlos 245 Arcanjo Angélica 210 Arce-Mendoza Alma 134 Arellano Gabriel 141 Aribi Mourad 126, 164 Arif Syed 96 Ariotti Silvia 77 Arita Makoto 164 Arora Ravi 250 Arora Sunil 187 Arora Vipin 103 Arriaga-Pizano Lourdes Andrea 164 Arruda Lucas 258
Speakers Index Artamonova Anna Arulanandam Bernard Asao Hironobu Aschenbrenner Dominik Asgarian-Omran Hossein Asgharpour Mahdi Ashfield Rebecca Ashourpour Mahboubeh Asturizaga Mallea Mónica Adriana Atabaki Mahdi Ataide Marco Atasoy Ulus Athanasopoulos Vicki Atoum Manar Augustyniak Daria Auphan-Anezin Nathalie Austermann Judith Auvinen Kaisa Auyeung Priscilla Avau Anneleen Avdic Selmir Avila-Blanco Manuel Avolio Carlo Ayadi Imen Ayatollahi Maryam Banoo Aychek Tegest Ayroldi Emira Ayyoub Maha Aziz Siham Azizi Gholamreza Azizieh Fawaz Azulay Meir Azuma Hideko Azuma Masahiro Babaei Farhad Babaloo Zohreh Baban Babak Bbolewska Edyta Babolin Chiara Bachiega Tatiana Badami Ester Badolato Raffaele Bae Yoe-Sik Baëhl Sarra Baeyens Audrey Bagina Uliana Bagnall James Bahrami Behdokht Bajic Goran Bajoghli Baubak Bakar Filiz Bakela Katerina Bakema Jantine Baldari Cosima Balderas Robert Baldon Estevam Balkwill Francis Ballarin Loriano Balmasova Irina Banas Magdalena Banda Dominic Bandini Silvio Bandola Joanna Banerjee Hirendra
148 68 97 238 90 148 148 148
134 189 266 56, 268 44 219 130, 162 63 90 170 80 114 181 137 30 168 194 77 77 72 138, 216 141, 217 103 148 198 148 141 103, 189 116 101 43 206 231 44 108 86 191 219 31 253 59 72 116 236 36 45 52 201 62, 70 65 231 101 162 63 198 189
Banerjee Srinita 252 Banihashemi Reza 224 Banjoko Bosun 168 Bär Eva 67 Baradaran Behzad 114, 149 Baranyi Ulrike 78 Barbaro Katia 85 Barbati Elisa 121 Barbouche Ridha 39 Barboza Luisa 128 Bardález Carla 228 Barkhash Andrey 172 Barnaba Vincenzo 27, 39, 60 Baron Monique 210 Bar-On Yotam 73 Barr Ian 181 Barra Melanie 178 Barrera Luis 134 Barrientos Lorena 162 Barros Costa Victor 164 Barry Simon 57 Bartlomiejczyk Marcin 235 Bartolomé-Izquierdo Nahikari 121 Bartova Jirina 103, 164 Barutello Giuseppina 149 Barzegar Mojtaba 252 Bashir Qudsia 128, 201 Bassani-Sternberg Michal 174 Basso Camilla 114 Bastiaans Jeroen 33 Bastidas-Ramírez Blanca 116 Battella Simone 149 Battisti Federico 174 Battistini Luca 30, 43 Baudewijn Leen 123 Baudino Lucie 57 Bauman Yoav 42 Baumann Anja 96 Bay María 45 Bay Maria Luisa 134 Bayazed Husham 103 Bayyurt Banu 90 Bazan Silvia Boschi 207 Bazzoni Flavia 45 Beavis Paul 149 Becattini Simone 207 Beck Barbara 149 Beduleva Liubov 120 Behrendt Anne 174 Behrendt Rayk 245 Beil Jane 100 Beiranvand Behnoush 178 Beiranvand Elham 194, 242 Bekeschus Sander 146 Belgiovine Cristina 33 Belguendouz Houda 147 Belizna Cristina 249 Belkaid Yasmine 71 Bellé Luziane 219 Bellio Maria 56, 73 Belnoue Elodie 163 Beloki Lorea 181 Beltrán Caroll 101 Ben Azaiz Mouna 120, 164
Ben Chaaben Arij 219 Ben Hassine Hana 113 Ben Hmid Ahlem 168, 247 Ben Mkaddem Sanae 36 Benati Daniela 53 Ben-Baruch Adit 103 Bendotti Caterina 174 Bene Krisztian 242 Benevides Luciana 210 Benidir Mounira 110, 248 Benkhoucha Mahdia 75, 237 Benk Szilvia 119 Bento-de-Souza Luciana 97 Benvenuto Federica 192 Berberich-Siebelt Friederike 44 Berdugina Olga 134, 162, 164 Bereshchenko Oxana 216 Berglund Sofia 192 Bergmeier Lesley 114 Bergomas Francesca 219 Bergthaler Andreas 47 Berkova Nadia Nadejda 101 Bernareggi Davide 149 Bernui Mariana 130, 253 Berry Jody 72 Berti Emilio 62, 247, 248 Bertolini Thaís 170 Berton Giorgio 54, 84, 86 Berzi Angela 235 Berzofsky Jay 41, 77 Best Ivan 228 Besu Irina 146 Bhat Deepali 257 Bhat Purnima 98 Bhatia Sudhir 192 Bhattacharyya Arindam 215 Bhullar Punamdip 80 Bianchi Giovanna 219 Bianchini Rodolfo 138 Biavasco Riccardo 86 Bignon Alexandre 170 Binda Elisa 125 Bindke Gesa 228 Bing So Jin 138, 208 Biondi Andrea 71 Biron Christine 28, 39 Bischof Felix 235 Bisson Gabriela 86, 103, 219, 235 Biswas Subhra 31 Bittner Stefan 33 Bizzarro Bruna 102 Bjerkan Louise 102 Björkander Sophia 242 Björkbacka Harry 108 Blancher Antoine 68, 201 Blanco-Favela Francisco 178 Blander Julie Magarian 61 Blinova Elena 110 Blois Sandra 68 Blomberg Bonnie 65, 75 Blotta Maria 108 Bluestone Jeffrey A. 29, 38, 62 Bobes Raúl 229 Bobosha Kidist 134 Bocharov Alexander 164
Speakers Index Bocian Katarzyna 235 Boddington Christopher 196 Bodduluri Haribabu 77 Boggio Elena 103 Boghdadi Ghada 90 Boghozian Roobina 149 Bogolyubova Apollinariya 220 Bohle Barbara 56 Bojin Florina 220 Bokarewa Maria 37 Bolaños Patricia 138 Boldison Joanne 75 Boldyreva Margarita 189 Bolhassani Azam 149 Bollrath Julia 102 Bologna Cinzia 99 Bombardieri Michele 76 Bombeiro André 172 Bonaccorsi Irene 64 Bonavita Eduardo 57 Bondanza Attilio 76 Bonini Sergio 78 Bonoli Laura 240 Bonvin Pauline 262 Bootz Anna 36 Boraschi Diana 77, 138 Bordoni Veronica 54 Borges da Silva Henrique 210 Borges Thiago 260 Borhis Gwenoline 54 Borilova Linhartova Petra 103 Borrego Andrea 220 Bortolotti Daria 181 Bortoluci Karina 46 Boscardin Silvia 253 Bosnjak Berislav 176 Bossowski Artur 103 Bostan Marinela 220 Boström Stéphanie 210 Bottaro Andrea 110 Bottino Cristina 73 Botto Marina 51 Bouallagui Younes 227 Bouayad Debbagh Ismahan 252 Bouchard Laura 169 Boukercha Aziza 216 Bourgade-Navarro Karine 181 Bourgeois-Daigneault Marie-Claude 202 Bourke Claire 65 Bouvier Marlene 59 Bouzidi Amira 216 Boyajyan Anna 103 Boyaka Prosper 96 Boyer Olivier 35 Boyko Anna 83 Bozza Patricia T. 32 Braga Catarina 225 Brambilla Roberta 138 Brambillasca Chiara Svetlana 63 Brand Camila 170 Brasoveanu Lorelei 146 Bratland Eirik 172 Bravo María 187 Breivik Lars 158
Breman Eytan 75, 172 Brenner Michael 39 Brenner Sibylle 34 Brenu Ekua 114, 125, 163, 231 Briceño Olivia 201 Bridges Lou 57 Brigida Immacolata 192 Brigido Marcelo 202 Brignall Ruth 77 Brilha Sara 134 Brito Beatriz 90 Brito Daniela 207 Broady Raewyn 35 Brodsky Frances 54, 71 Broggi Achille 53 Brogren Carl-Henrik 267 Brombacher Frank 64 Bronte Vincenzo 61, 62 Bros Elena 141 Brovman Gregory 173 Brown Gordon 28, 29 Brown Michael 172, 231 Brunner Juergen 110 Brunner Katja 119 Bruno Antonino 74 Bryant Aled 90 Brzezinska Marta 134 Buc Milan 90, 257 Buchholz Veit 76 Buckley Hannah 225 Budida Ramachandramouli 181 Bueno Topete Miriam 106 Bueno Valquiria 201, 220 Bufan Biljana 198 Bugajev Viktor 202 Bulatovic Mirna 149 Bunders Madeleine 187 Bunse Carola 192, 240 Burba Ilaria 141 Burel Julie 215 Burger Eva 207 Burgos José 164 Burgos Rafael 83 Burlion Aude 258 Busslinger Meinrad 39 Buszko Maja 108 Butin Liane 198 Butt Danyal 37 Buzas Krisztina 121 Buzetti Wilma 210 Byeon Se Eun 149, 199 Caballero Abelardo 257 Cabral Joana 178 Caccamo Nadia 134 Calcaterra Francesca 108 Calcinotto Arianna 56 Calderon Boris 64 Calich Vera 67 Calis Jorg 172 Calmette Joseph 64 Cambridge Emma 123 Cambrook Helen 245 Cameron Garth 69 Camilli Giorgio 86 Campanelli Ana 170
Campbell Iain 181 Campesato Luis Felipe 220 Campillo-Navarro Marcia 130 Campois Tacito 207 Campopiano Julia 90 Campos Keina 262 Campos Marco 90 Campos-Caro Antonio 123 Camuesco Deseada 99 Canali Magdalena 55 Cancellieri Cinzia 54 Candotti Fabio 143 Canonica Walter 71 Cantisán Sara 257 Cantisani Rocco 65 Cantor Harvey 71 Cantorna Margherita 44 Cantrell Doreen 29 Cao Jiamin 146 Cao Lili 220 Cao Xuetao 50 Capello Michela 220 Capitani Nagaja 67 Capone Manuela 238 Capozzo Alejandra 69 Cappellano Giuseppe 141 Cappelletti Cristina 99 Cappello Paola 149 Capuano Cristina 96 Carambia Antonella 74 Carasi Paula 242 Carballeda-Sangiao Noelia 208 Carbone Ennio 149 Carlos Daniela 119 Carlos Iracilda Zeppone 207 Carlsson Emma 243 Caronni Nicoletta 32 Carrabba Maria 164 Carraro Abrahão Ana 210, 211 Carrasco-Alfonso Marlene 97, 240 Carrega Paolo 74 Carrero Julio 227 Carroll Michael 57, 181 Carroll Michael C. 79 Cartwright Emily 187 Carvalho Adriana 110 Carvalho Agostinho 49 Carvalho Karina 178 Carvalho Leonardo 215 Carvalho Lucas 162 Carvalho Luciana 265 Carvalho-Queiroz Claudia 181 Casali Paolo 58 Casanova Jean Laurent 39, 40 Casnici Claudia 110 Casola Stefano 48 Caspi Rachel R. 71 Cassado Alexandra 215 Cassani Barbara 44 Cassatella Marco 29, 50 Castanheira Fernanda 170 Castaño Diana 108 Castellano Gonzalez Gloria 95 Castellano Lucio 158, 211, 248 Castelli Chiara 163
Speakers Index Castellucci Monica Castiblanco-Valencia Mónica Castillo-Méndez Sheyla Castillo-Rodal Antonia Castro Juciane Castro Sandra Castro Torres Rubén Catalan Diego Catarinella Mario Catellanos Edelis Cattaneo Elena Cavalcante Paola Cavalli Giulio Cavallo Federica Cavani Andrea Cebrat Malgorzata Cecere Francesca Cédile Oriane Ceeraz Sabrina Cejkova Pavlina Cérbulo-Vázquez Arturo Cerezo Esteban erná Marie Cernysiov Vitalij Cerutti Andrea Cervantes-Llanos Majel Cesaro Annabelle Chaimowitz Natalia Chaiyaroj Sansanee Chakarov Svetoslav CHAMAKH Rym Chan Kok-Fei Chan Vera Chang Chia-Ming Chang Hsin Chang Hsiu-Luan Chang Hui-Hsin Chang Seon Hee Chang Tsung-Hao Chaouat Gérard Chapman Daniel Chapoval Svetlana Charlton Kim Chashchina Anna Chatenoud Lucienne Chatterjea Devavani Chaudhary Omkar Chaudhuri Jayanta Chaung Hso-Chi Chaurasia Shyam Chausheva Stela Chávez-Blanco Alma D Chávez-Galán Leslie Chavez-Rueda Adriana Chebrolu Chiranjeevi Chegni Hamid Chen Heng Yi Chen Hsin-Wei Chen Huan-Yuan Chen Hui-Chi Chen Kuan-Ru Chen Lan-Sun Chen Nien-Jung Chen Xin-Feng
120 130 215 118 253 245 138 126 266 146, 264 149 138 250 149 80 228 231 100 74 90 181 147 190 170 71 141 110 100 68 126 253 196 121 262 86 229 86 103 34 68 59 35 48 103 29 138 187 58 229 106 225 134 134 245 257 196 114 253 78 172 91 194 86 149
Chen Yingyu Cheng Chu-Wen Cheng Kin Cheng Xiaoxing Chereshnev Valery Cherguelaine Khaled Chernyshov Viktor Chernyshova Liudmyla Cheroutre Hilde Chiang Ming-Feng Chiappini Nico Chiaruttini Giulia Chiba Asako Chibueze Chioma Chien Ming-Wei Chiesa Sabrina Chillemi Antonella Chinen Ichino Chiodoni Claudia Chiplunkar Shubhda Chiriac Mircea Chiriva-Internati Maurizio Chisari Frank Chistyakova Guzel Chiurchiu Valerio Chiuso-Minicucci Fernanda Cho Jinhee Cho Mi-La Cho Sung-Weon Choi Jang-Hoon Choi Ka-Yee (Grace) Choi Kwangho Choopong Pitipol Chou Feng-Cheng Chou Shiu-Huey Chovanova Lucia Chowdhury Ankita Christensen Anne Deen Christo Susan Chtanova Tatyana Chu Charles Chu Ching-Liang Chu Hamlet Chuang Huai-Chia Chuang Shih-Yi Chuang Tsung-Hsien Chuang Ya-Hui Chulanetra Monrat Chung Jie Chung-Ueck Boidinh Church Sarah Chwieduk Agata Chyuan I-Tsu Ciaglia Elena Cianga Vlad Ciarlo Eleonora Ciaurriz Miriam Ciccarelli Fedra Cichy Joanna Cid Guerrero Dagoberto Cieri Nicoletta Cighetti Roberto Cignarella Andrea Cimini Eleonora Cipolla Gabriel
178 196 249 176 187 249 217 187 71 99 130 164 81 181 260 114 149 216 237 63 216 158 47 218 163, 178 245 245 103, 110 85 181 76 130, 181 158 192 237 56 54 247 97 83 80 186, 260 240 103, 202 46 91 248 253 192 258 149 220 245 231, 262 249 130 181, 258 106 247 103 41 91 86 125 178
Ciranna Mariarosa Citro Alessandra Ciudad Teresa Claes Nele Clark Georgina Clavijo Salomón Maria Clemente Antonio Clerici Mario Clissa Patricia Cnops Jennifer Coccia Eliana Codolo Gaia Coffman Robert Cohen Irun Cohen-Fredarow Adva Cole david Cole King Nicholas Jonathan Coletta Amanda Colleoni Lara Colombo Emanuela Colombo Mario Colom-Fernandez Beatriz Colonna Marco Cominelli Fabio Compagno Nicolò Conchedda Margherita Condomines Maud Cong Hua Conte Caroline Conti Bruno Contreras Francisco Cook Alistair Cook Laura Cook Matthew Cooper Max D. Corbett Yolanda Corbi Angel Corcione Anna Cordano Christian Cordiglieri Chiara Cornejo María Cornwall Scott Corral-Fernandez Nancy Correa Dolores Correa Mara Correa-Oliveira Rodrigo Correia Margareta Corró Guillermo Corsiero Elisa Cortés Alvarez Jonathan Cossarizza Andrea Costa Frederico Costa Karine Beatriz Costantini Erica Costanza Massimo Costes Léa Coutaz Manuel Crabe Sandrine Craciun Alexandra Cremel Magali Cresswell Peter Crisci Elisa Criscuolo Elena Crittenden Marka
149 110 175 126 199 199 240 39 196 211 134 42 61 43 64 56 170 207 262 36, 126 61 231 28, 38, 60 66 249 208 41 211 58, 173 199 138 149, 150 72 44 60 215 29 103 97 77 134 220 134 211 110 211 231 187 126 175 53 118 205 165 138 216 238 225 196 74 38, 51 69 254 150
Speakers Index Croce Michela Croci Stefania Crossland Katherine Csillag Anikó Cuenca Marta Cueno Marni Cui Cheng Cunha Cristina Cunha Fernando Q. Cunha Maristela Cunha-Neto Edecio Curin Serbec Vladka Curnow S. John Cusini Marco Czakai Kristin D Nanjaiah Nandakumar D.L.G DABLU da Costa Thaís Dabaghian Mehran Dagenbach Sarah Daha Mohammed Dahlén Eva Dai Hui Dai Jianfeng Dai Shaodong D'Alessandro-Gabazza Corina Dalgediene Indre Dalko Esther Dalla Favera Riccardo Dal'Mas Romera Lavínia Dalod Marc Dames Claudia Damiati Laila Damlund Dina Danese Silvio Daneshvar Hamid Danilova Irina Dansokho Cira Darmochwal-Kolarz Dorota Darwish Hala Das Nibhriti Das Satya Dasgupta Preeta Dash Pradyot Dash Rozaleen Davarpanah Maryam Dávila Paico Silvia Davis Mark Davoli Ferreira Marcela De Andrea Marco De Battista Davide De Berardinis Piergiuseppe De Biasi Sara de Brito Cyro de Bruyn Magali de Candia Paola de Eguileor Magda De Feo Donatella De Franco Marcelo de Jong Hanna de la Hera Belen De la Mata Claudia de Lalla Claudia de Lastic Anne-Lise
150 121 265 252 81 242 218 91 54 211 35 52 239 130 207 165 165 119 227 119 39 150 235 120 211 176 138 215 60 207 56 138 110 37 66 229 86 138 218 146 169 198 106 237 250 91 146 70 211 32 53 34 141 91 216 158 228 192 165, 190 91, 130 46 258 63 150
de Laurentiis Angela 266 De Libero Gennaro 29 De Luca Antonella 206 de Martin Eleonora 158 De Mei Luo 114 de Meis Juliana 211 De Nardo Dominic 47 de Oyarzabal Eleane 158 de Pablo-Bernal Rebeca 187 De Rajat 196 De Roock Sytze 238 De Salvo Carlo 66 De Smet Rebecca 227 de Stoppelaar Sacha 96, 130 De Tullio Giacoma 150 De Vos Alex 49 Dee C 146 Dejani Naiara 238 Dekaminaviciute Dovile 158 Deki Hayato 37 Del Giudice Giuseppe 61 Del Pozzo Giovanna 172 Del Prete Annalisa 110 del Toro Arreola Alicia 231 del Toro-Arreola Susana 231 Delaloye Julie 42 Delgado de la Poza Juan Francisco 190 Delgado Gabriela 64 Delgado René 262 Deligne Claire 150 Della Bella Chiara 102 Dellabona Paolo 81 Delpoux Arnaud 53 Demaria Sandra 41 Deniz Gunnur 37, 73 Dennedy M. 147 Dentone Chiara 187 Dergan Dylon Sebastian 208 Derkow Katja 234 Deroost Katrien 67 Descatoire Marc 43 Descoteaux Albert 59 Desmet Christophe 57 Dessing Mark 118 Devaud Christel 150 Devi K. 262 Dhaeze Tessa 191 Dhainaut Maxime 205 Dhavalkumar Patel 30 Di Dario Marco 44 Di Gangi Rosaria 207 Di Gioia Marco 199 Di Liberto Diana 45 Di Maggio Speranza Antonia 144 Di Meglio Paola 77 Di Pietro Caterina 198 Di Rosa Francesca 71 Di Rosa Michelino 162 Di Sante Gabriele 76, 108, 110, 141 Di Scala Marianna 47 Diab Mohammad 231 Diamantopoulos Panagiotis 249 Díaz-Zúñiga Jaime 130
Dican Lucia Didkovski Nikolay Dieli Francesco Dieu-Nosjean Marie-Caroline
257 165 51
159 Dinarello Charles 38 D'Incà Federica 85 Ding Jeak 118 Ding Jian 238 Ding Jian-Bing 208 Dinkel Klaus 262 Diokh Mamadou 110 Dipenbruck Ines 218 Divangahi Maziar 45, 181 Dixit Vishva 28, 38 Dixon Karen 55, 165 Djenouhat Kamel 169, 249 Dkhil mouna 190 do Prado Júnior José Clóvis 211 Doherty Peter C. 38, 50 Doi Takahiro 163 Doligalska Maria 209 Dominguez Claudia 76 Dominguez-Horta Maria del Carmen 250 Donadi Eduardo 116 Donadi Eduardo Antonio 172, 190 Dondero Alessandra 231 Dong Chunsheng 254 Dongdinon Fonthip 254 Doni Andrea 118 Dorè Joel 71 Dorhoi Anca 45 Doria Margherita 187 D'Oro Ugo 267 Doronin Igor 150 Dorta-Contreras Alberto 169 dos Santos Danielle 211 dos Santos Reis Maria 86 Dos Santos Suelen 207 Dougan Tammy 108 Douglas Alexander 67 Douguet Laetitia 220 Doxaki Christina 31 Draheim Marion 209 Draskovic-Pavlovic Biljana 83 Drennan Michael 198 Drif Kamar 182, 254 Dubey Shweta 237 Duda Erno 69 Dudeck Anne 34 Dumalakiene Irena 114 Dunér Pontus 108 Dunkel Johannes 170 Dunn-Walters Deborah 65 Duong Connie 266 Dupre Loic 268 Duque Cristiane 103 Durán-Avelar Ma 111 Durand Justine 126 Durandy Anne 39 Durgaryan Andranik 165 Dusio Giuseppina 99 Dustin Michael 71 Dutertre Charles-Antoine 54
Speakers Index Dutton Richard Dvorakova Barbora Dyck Lydia Dzopalic Tanja Dzoro Sheron Ebert Gregor Echbarthi Meriem Edelman Sanna Edinger Matthias Edström Måns Eduljee Cyrus Edvardsen Kine Edwards Sarah Eftekhari Rahil Eichinger Yvonne Eisenberg Galit Ekmekcioglu Suhendan el Bannoudi Hanane El Mecherfi Kamel Eddine Elamrani Amal El-Gohary Ahmed Elima Kati Elkord Eyad Ellestad Kristofor Ellis Shawn Ellouze Mehdi Elong Ngono Annie Elovaara Heli El-Schich Zahra Engel Pablo Engelbertsen Daniel Engelmann Robby English Karen Erb Ulrike Erdei Anna Eri Elimir Erickson John Eriksson Catharina Eriksson Emily Erkers Tom Erreni Marco Ersching Jonatan Escalante Nichole Escobar Edwin Eshima Koji Eskandari Nahid Esmaeili Behnaz Esmaili Alireza Esmailnejad Atefeh Espeli Marion Espinasse Marie-Alix Estrada Ciro Etna Marilena Ettinger Rachel F. Gonzalez Santiago Fabiola Atzeni Facciabene Andrea Facciotti Federica Faenzi Elisa Fafutis-Morris Mary Fagarasan Sidonia Fairfax Kirsten Fairhurst Maureen Fakhfakh Raouia Falaleeva Svetlana
80 150 150 91 187 47 264 176 51 260 38 175 243 159 259 150 165 178 159 182 41 170 178 66 191 86 141 170 264 52 109 100 55 75 57 165 182 111 215 259 43 175 216 187 100 96, 262 144 150 172 48 83 134 135 103 182 216 80 126 123 91, 248 71 127 176 91 111
Falck-Hansen Mika Falcon-Beas Felipe Faliti Caterina Fallarino Francesca Falorni Alberto Fancke Ben Fang Luis Fang Yu Fanoni Daniele Fantuzzi Giamila Faquim-Mauro Eliana Faraji Fatemeh Faresjö Maria Faria Ana Farzad Faramarz Fassl Selina Favoretto Bruna Fayçal Haj Sassi Safa Kaabachi
87 254 123 54 52 56 120 85 80 165 91 245 191 227 218 32, 203 91
120 Fazekas de St. Groth Barbara 53 Fedeli Maya 69 Feitosa de Lima Josenilson 187 Feki Sawsan 114 Feldmann Marc 38, 50, 62 Felipe Ionice 207 Felix Joana 150 Fellermeier Sina 150 Feng Gang 192 Feng Yonghui 211 Fereidouni Mohammad 106 Ferguson Brian 48 Feriotti Claudia 118 Ferlazzo Guido 63 Fernandes Irene 254 Fernandes Reginaldo 207 Fernández Edith 211 Fernández Ponce Cecilia Matilde 128 Fernandez-Botran Rafael 248 Ferracine Rodrigues Rodrigo 254 Ferrante Antonio 44 Ferrara Giovanni 138 Ferreira Karen 207 Ferreira Ludmila 121 Ferreira Marcio José 203 Ferreira-Teixeira Margarida 150 Ferri Valeria 114 Ferrini Silvano 220 Ferro Diana 228 Ferrucci Arianna 175 Feyissa Yonas 159 Fiala Gina 67 Fiammenghi Laura 150 Ficara Francesca 37 Fiegler Nathalie 74 Fielding Ceri 231 Fierro Nora 128 Figini Mariangela 150 Figliuolo da Paz Vanessa 211 Figueroa Claudio 138 Filì Lucia 225 Filio-Rodriguez Georgina 83 Filipello Fabia 138 Filippi Irene 199 Filtjens Jessica 231
Finn Olja 39, 60 Fionda Cnzia 231 Fiore Maria Giulia 87 Fiorino Fabio 227 Firdous Jannatul 225 Fischer Alain 28 Fischer Anita 91 Fischer Henrike 141 Fischer Jens 111, 251, 254 Fischer Julia 202 Fischer-Riepe Lena 87 Fisher Scott 150 Fisicaro Paola 128 Fitzpatrick Emilie 258 Flaczyk Adam 68 Flavell Richard 60 Flores Carlos 34 Flores-García Yevel 211 Flores-Mejía Luis 42 Foerster Reinhold 71 Folgori Antonella 73 Fonseca Simone 240 Fontana Raffaella 45 Fontenele Rafaela 120 Fontenot Jason 58 Fontoura Isabela 135 Fornara Olesja 182 Forsslund Helena 241 Fossati-Jimack Liliane 56 Foster John 192 Foti Maria 55, 192 Fourmentraux-Neves Emmanuelle 63 Fousteri Georgia 34 Frade-Barros Amanda 159 Fraga Lucia 135 Fraga Tatiana 42 Francelin Carolina 237 Franchi Nicola 228 Franchini Fanny 234 Frank De Araujo Eliseu 207 Franklin Bernardo 46 Frantz Fabiani 187 Frasca Daniela 65, 73 Frassoni Francesco 57 Fraziano Maurizio 135 Frederiksen Juliet 187 Fredrikson Gunilla 35 Freire Teresa 254 Freitag Tobias 138 Frelinger Jeoffrey 59 Frellstedt Linda 91 Frey Christian 91 Freyer Jennifer 109 Frias Boligan Kayluz 235 Fridman Anna 251 Fridman Wolf H 26, 61 Friend Sherree 264 Frigerio Barbara 151 Frischbutter Stefan 262 Fritz Jorg 31 Fritz Macarena 238 Froehlich Anja 241 Fruci Doriana 175 Fu Ling 264 Fu Weiwei 176
Speakers Index Fuchs Dietmar 243 Fueyo Juan 41 Fuglsang Eva 199 Fujihashi Kohtaro 57 Fujii Hiroshi 160 Fujita Kazuko 245 Fujita Teizo 51 Fujita Toshitsugu 120 Fukada Alves Sandra 91 Fukuda Ryosuke 107 Fukui Ryutaro 91 Fukuishi Nobuyuki 85 Fukuoka Yoshihiro 169 Fukuyama Yoshiko 227 Fulop Tamas 201 Furlan Roberto 30 Furmanov Karina 163 Fuschiotti Patrizia 114 Gaayeb Lobna 130 Gäbel Yvonne A. 128 Gabrielli Armando 43 Gabrilovich Dmitry 60, 61, 62 Gad Ahmed 151 Gadiri Sabiha 114 Gagliardi Maria 68 Galaï Yousr 209, 229 Galdiero Maria Rosaria 63 Galli Stephen 70 Gallotta Marilena 201 Gallucci Randle 247 Galon Jerome 61 Gan Poh-Yi 125 Gandoglia Ilaria 231 Ganji Rakesh 135 Gao Jimin 251 Gao Li 120 Gao Lifen 114 Gao Xiaoling 164 Gao Yanan 201 Gao Yifang 198 Garcia Hernandez Mariana 178 García Luis 241 Garcia Santana Carlos 53 García-Bañuelos Jesus 107 Garcia-Chagollan Mariel 220 García-Rocha Rosario 175 Gardinassi Luiz 211 Gardizani Taiane 162 Gargaro Marco 237 Gargett Tamsin 65 Garlanda Cecilia 48 Garner-Spitzer Erika 254 Garnett-Benson Charlie 151 Garofalo Cinzia 77 Garrard William 48, 120, 174 Garty Erez 170 Gaspar-Elsas Maria 178 Gattinoni Luca 57 Gautam Pramod 225 Gaze Jangola Soraya 209 Gazieva Irina 165 Gazzinelli Ricardo 50 Gazzola Marco 260 Gdowicz-Klosok Agnieszka 220 Ge Qing 100
Ge Shuwang 32 Gea Susana 211 Gefen Tal 175 Geherin Skye 234 Geissmann Frederic 60 Genel Ferah 144 Geng Wenqing 187 Gensollen Thomas 216 Gentile Stefania 220 Georgi Minkov 165 Gergely Krivan 40 Germain Claire 220 Germain Ronald 70, 71 Gerosa Franca 266 Gershwin Eric 51, 52 Gessani Sandra 187 Geyeregger René 193 Ghaderi Abbas 104 Ghaffari Emma 202 Ghaffarifar Fatemeh 212 Ghajar Alireza 123 Ghalamfarsa Ghasem 151 Ghayedi Mojgan 238 Ghazal Khaldoun 260 Ghazanfari Hadi 178, 207 Ghazaryan Hovsep 138 Ghebrehiwet Berhane 57 Ghedira Ibtissem 112, 248 Ghilas Sonia 205 Ghnewa Yasmeen 198 Ghorbani Samira 191 Ghoryani Mohsen 114 Ghosh Sadashib 104 Ghosn Eliver 36 Ghurye Rohit 104 Giacomelli Mauro 203 Giacomelli Stefano 66 Giacomini Patrizio 151 Giamporcaro Gian Maria 116 Gianfrani Carmen 59, 175, 199 Giannoni Eric 165 Giardina Giuseppina 111 Gigoux Mathieu 205 Gil Fariña Irene 248 Gilkeson Gary 194 Gilliet Michel 56 Gilmandyar Dzhamala 218 Gindea Simona 266 Ginhoux Florent 32 Giorgi Alexsidze 151 Giraldo Nicolas 220 Girard Sylvie 218 Girolomoni Giampiero 62, 80 Gironès Núria 212 Gistera Anton 35 Gjörloff Wingren Anette 97 Glasner Ariella 232 Glatigny Simon 170 Glatzer Timor 234 Glauzy Salomé 259 Gleisner María 163 Głowala-Kosiska Magdalena 178 Gnazzo Victoria 229 Goc Jérémy 63
Goding Stephen Godot Veronique Godovalov Anatoliy
151 225 130, 139, 151, 182, 260, 262 Gokyu Misa 131 Golara Maryam 254 Golay Josée 41 Golchinfar Fariba 229 Goldman Michel 62 Golenbock Douglas 50, 61 Golmoghaddam Hossein 96 Golsaz Shirazi Forough 128 Goltsev Anatoliy 83 Gomez Christian 151 Gomez-Lomeli Paulina 165 Gonzaga Wagner 212 González Fermín 151 Gonzalez Irma 118 Gonzalez Rafael 232 Gonzalez Roldan Nestor 85 Gonzalez Yolanda 135 Gonzalez-Navarro Europa 174 Goodnow Chris 70 Gorbach Alexander 151 Gordon Siamon 38, 50 Gorgi Yousr 91, 127, 129 Gosipatala Sunil 121 Gostner Johanna 146 Goswami Sanjeev 258 Gotot Janine 127 Gough Michael 151 Goulart Michelle 151 Govindaraj Chindu 220 Goyal Camy 225 Gozlan Yosi 151 Grabowska Agnieszka 151 Grace Patricia 135 Gracey Eric 42 Granato Alessandra 123 Granucci Francesca 29 Gras Stephanie 59 Gratz Iris 178 Grau Roberto 169 Grau Veronika 75 Gray David 71 Green Laura 131, 142 Gregori Silvia 57 Gremese Elisa 127 Grice Elizabeth A. 71 Griggio Valentina 159 Grimbacher Bodo 26, 39 Grimbaldeston Michele 85 Grimsholm Ola 127 Grönberg Caitríona 109 Gronert Alvarez Anna 260 Grönvik Kjell-Olov 241 Gropp Roswitha 32 Gross Olaf 46 Grosserichter-Wagener Christina 249 Grubor-Bauk Branka 65, 73, 81 Gruden Pokupec Josipa Sanja 114 Grund Lidiane 123 Grywalska Ewelina 144, 182
Speakers Index Gu Shouzhi 196 Guadrini Lucrezia 144 Gualdoni Guido 146 Guaraldi Federica 139, 264 Gubert Ida 258, 262 Gucluler Gozde 92 Guereschi Marcia 178 Guerreiro-Cacais Andre 202 Guerrero Gloria 135 Guerrero Israel 74 Guerrero-Plata Maria 182 Guery Leslie 151 Guggino Giuliana 33 Guidi Luisa 144, 216 Guidotti Luca 71 Guilherme Luiza 254 Guillonneau Carole 180 Guitart Carolina 100 Gulez Nesrin 169 Gulieva Naila 104 Guliy Olga 202 Gullotta Fabiana 259 Gunaydin Gurcan 220 Gungor Bilgi 92 Günther Claudia 34 Guo Yanxia 45 Guo Zhiguang 37, 116 Gupta Geetanjali 165 Gupta Nimesh 75 Gustafsson Manuela 97 Gustiananda Marsia 172 Gutierrez-Coronado Oscar 165 Guy Thomas 151 Guzman Moreno Renato Antonio 111 Haag Sabrina 111 Haak Stefan 247 Habets Marrit 36 Habibi Imen 169 Hachenthal Nina 92 Hackstein Holger 163 Hacohen Yael 43, 139 Hadjati Jamshid 151 Hafezi Morteza 221 Hafler David 28, 51 Hagenlocher Yvonne 44 Hägerbrand Karin 63 Haghmorad D. 142 Haghparast Alireza 92, 116, 209 Hagmann Björn 96 Hagn Magdalena 123 Hai Si-Han 245 Hajghani Hossein 212 Hajighasemi Fatemeh 146, 249 Hajishengallis George 57 Hakobjanyan Anahit 139 Halaris Angelos 165 Halder Ramesh 69 Hamaguchi Masahide 53 Hämäläinen Mari 87 Hamilton John 29, 50 Hammerling Gunter 39 Hammoudi-Triki Djelila 263 Hamze Moustafa 127
Han Jonathan Han Lihui Han Mei Han Qifeng Han Wenling Hanakawa Sho Hanazawa Asami Hanekom Willem Hanieh Hamza Hanot Mambres Delphine Hansbro Phil Hansen Wiebke Hans-Hartmut Peter Hansson Goran Hara Hiromitsu Harada Yohsuke Harada Yousuke Harandi Ali Hardet Romain Hardtke-Wolenski Matthias Harfuddin Zulkarnain Haris Ong Harrison Leonard Hart Prue Hartung Evelyn Haruna Takenori Hashiguchi Masaaki Hashiguchi Shuhei Hashimoto Kahoko Hassan Namir Hassannia Hadi Hata Kikumi Haugland Gyri Haupeltshofer Steffen Hauser Anja Havarinasab Said Hawkins Edwin Hawtin Rachael Hayakawa Satoshi Hayakawa Sumio Hayashi Atsushi Hayashi Tomonori Hayday Adrian Hayes Mark He Feng He Rui He Wei He Xuehui Hearps Anna Hecht Iris Heesters Balthasar Hegde Pushpa Heger Andrea Heidegger Simon Heidenreich Regina Heikkilä Nelli Hein Wayne Heine Holger Heinsbroek Sigrid Heinzel Susanne Hellberg Sandra Hellesen Alexander Henriquez Claudio Herman Sonja Hermann Clemens
47 119 221 228 165 178 238 51 142 131 35 63 40 34 247 126 54 65 260 75 199 225 37, 178 199 73 104 176 92 163 151 191 123 162 239 79 245 127 57 218 182 87 129 46 239 179 83 234 260 187 205 79 119 159 182 152 104 68 252 216 33 218 166 229 35 59
Hermann Fabian Hernandez Ana Hernández Bazán Sujhey Hernandez Requejo Dayme Hernandez-Alcoceba Ruben Hernandez-Ruiz Joselin Hernandez-Vargas Esteban Herold Manfred Herráiz-Nicuesa Laura Herrera Maria Hertwig Laura Hertzog Paul Hervas-Stubbs Sandra Hesse Laura Hetemäki Iivo Hetland Geir Hettinger Jan Heyl Kerstin Hibbert Linda Hidalgo Maria Highton Andrew Hii Charles Hill Adrian Hill Elaine Hirai Toshiro Hirako Isabella Hirayama Toshiya Hirose Sachiko Hirota Keiji Hirsch Emilio Hivroz Claire Hmama Zakaria Ho Bow Ho Derek Hoang Xuan Hod-Marco Moran Hoeffel Guillaume Hoepner Sabine Hoffmann Jules Hogquist Kristin A. Hoi Kam Hon Holland Christopher Holland Steven M. Hollander Nurit Hollister Kristin Holmskov Uffe Holz Lisa Hommes Tijmen Honda Hiromi Honda Kenya Honda Shin-ichiro Hong Yong-Han Honjo Tasuku Honma Kenichi Hoogendijk Arie Hoppstädter Jessica Horejsi Vaclav Horenstein Alberto Hori Tetsuji Horiguchi Kayo Horiuchi Shu Hörmann Nives Hornova Michaela Hosmalin Anne Hosseini Behnaz Sadat
259 166 135 188 152 159 182 56 268 254 83 51, 70 41 79 104 44 72 92, 236 152 98 227 267 61 191 243 92 99 75 239 33 202 135 102 169 159 196 87 194 27 29 174 172 39 123 126 267 182 131 100 71 96 104 38 144 83 31 33 204, 260 234 264 126 242 102 188 152
Speakers Index Hosseini Khah Zahra Hosseinzadeh Morteza
96 97, 109, 243 Hou Weilin 131 Hrinczenko Borys 199 Hristodorov Dmitrij 87 Hsieh Shie-Liang 236 Hsu Alan 118 Hsu Ping-Ning 251 Hsu Tsai-Ching 245 Hu Yanzhong 202 Huang Arthur 182 Huang Bo 221 Huang Ching-yu 174 Huang Haitao 221 Huang Jenny 239 Huang Jing-Ning 263 Huang Mo 159 Huang Ren-Yeong 251 Huang Weishan 259 Huang Ya-Fang 111 Huber Magdalena 79 Hudspeth Kelly 125 Hundt Matthias 202 Hunig Thomas 58 Hurdayal Ramona 64 Hurrell Benjamin 83 Huss David 46 Huth Teilah 162, 232 Hutloff Andreas 126 Hutt Meike 152 Hyun Bobae 104 Iannacone Matteo 77 Ibañez Olga 119, 166, 221 Iborra Salvador 64 Ibrahimova Shalala 188 Ichii Takahiro 96 Ifrim Daniela 87, 267 Iizasa Ei'ichi 92 Iizuka Mana 245 IJspeert Hanna 174 Ikawa Tomokatsu 100 Ilander Mette 159 Iliev Iliyan 77 Ilyinskii Petr 152 Im Suhn-Young 166 Imai Shinjiro 146 Imanishi Ken'ichi 229 Imanishi Takayuki 205 Imran Tasnim 144, 243 Inaba Kayo 55 Inagaki Shinichiro 182 Infantino Simona 33 Inforzato Antonio 68 Ingelman-Sundberg Hanna 238 Inoue Asuka 111 Inoue Shigeaki 75 Introini Andrea 188 Invernizzi Pietro 52, 81 Ip Peng Peng 254 Irie Atsushi 66 Isayeva Rasima 131 Isern de Val Soledad 98 Ishida Yuko 166 Ishihara Katsuhiko 111
Ishii Mariko Ishikawa Larissa Isiksacan Nilgun Islam Nahidul Issac Jincy Issekutz Thomas Italiani Paola Itano Eiko Ito Daisuke Ito Ryoji Ito Toshihiro Itoh-Nakadai Ari Iuliano Marco Ivanova Iva Ivashkiv Lionel Iwakura Yoichiro Iwaszkiewicz-Grzes Dorota IWATA Caname Iyer Anita Izad Maryam Jaafari Mahmoud Jachetti Elena Jack Hans-Martin Jackaman Connie Jackson Katherine Jacobs Evan Jacysyn Jacqueline Jadidi-Niaragh Farhad Jafari Arash Jafari Mohammad Jafarlou Mahdi Jafarzadeh Abdollah Jaganjac Morana Jahan Farhana Jahn-Schmid Beatrice Jaillon Sebastien Jakobsen Bent Jamali Arezoo Jambo Kondwani Jamsa Joel Jamshidian Azam Jani Ivan Jang Eunkyeong Jang Jiyoung Jankovic Dragana Janova Hana Jaraquemada Dolores Jarrossay David Jasek Monika Jasiulewicz Aleksandra Jawed Huma Jayashankar Bindhya Jeewandara Kamal Jefferies Wilfred Jehs Tina Jendoubi Mouna Jenkins Marc Jenkins Misty Jenne Craig Jensen José Jensen Kristoffer Jensen Liselotte Jeon Myung-Shin Jeong Kyunghwan Jepsen Christine
198 251 159 159 92 170 162 127, 207 205 85 42, 221 100 199 204 39 29 260 170 73 142 152 221 30, 45 201 174 188 152 249 152 129 99 263 83 170 78 92 55 152 162 159 142 111 126 166 56 31 59 123 249 266 104 225 182 55 221 152 71 33 47 245 55 182, 268 259 258 267
Jerala Roman Jeung WoonHee Jiang Dongbo Jiang Lele Jiang Xiao Jin Boquan Jin Niyun Jin Rong Jin Xiangyuan Jirillo Emilio Jo Sung-Kee Joe Yeonsoo Johansson Daniel Johansson Susanne Johnson Bruno Johnson Carol Joller Nicole Jonjic Stipan Jönsson Friederike Joosten Irma Jordan Margaret Jörß Katharina Jovanovic Ivan Juno Jennifer Junqueira-Kipnis Ana Paula Jurisic Vladimir Jursenaite Jurgita Justiz Vaillant Angel Jylhävä Juulia Kabanova Anna Kabashima Kenji Kabelitz Dieter Kabilova Tatyana Kaczmarek Julita Kadono Takafumi Kaewraemruaen Chamraj Kagan Jonathan C. Kahraman Tamer Kai Yukari Kaifu Tomonori Kaipe Helen Kalantar Fathollah Kalil Jorge Kalinina Anastasia Kalinski Pawel Kalkum Markus Kalognomou Maria Kam Ngar Kamachi Fumitaka Kamae Chikako Kamali Jamil Razieh Kamali Sabzevari Samineh Kammoun Rebai Wafa Kammoun Wafa Kanaseki Takayuki Kanayama Naoki Kanderova Veronika KANENO RAMON Kaner Ziv Kang Kwi Young Kang Ning Kang Sujin Kanga Uma Ka ková Zuzana Kanno Masamoto
48 131 254 87 243 182 37 104 237 47 107, 146 92 109 129 98, 146 92 53 39 36 263 190 265 221 218 135 104 221 227 65 254 175 46 152 100 247 209 31 152 107 111 79 199 61, 72 83 41, 79 207 139 35 97 144 182 144 212 212 175 58 144 152 254 251 235 87 259 120 121
Speakers Index Karabekian Zaruhi 194 Karabon Lidia 172 Karagouni Evdokia 254 Kariuki Thomas 209 Kariya Shin 139 Kärre Klas 61 Karunakaran Mohindar Murugesh 66 kashanian susan 194 Kashirina Elena 252 Kashiwakura Yuji 179 Kasjko Diana 188 Kasperova Alena 127, 128 Kassa Fikregabrail 67 Kassem Sahar 142 Kassianos Andrew 163 Kastrukoff Lorne 183 Katano Ikumi 232 Kato Charles 212 Katsikis Peter D. 39 Kaufmann Stefan H. E. 27, 38, 52, 72 Kaufmann Ulrike 245 Kavdia Mahendra 204 Kawabe Takeshi 102 Kawaguchi Makiko 247 Kawamoto Shimpei 44 Kawamura Ikuo 135 Kawano Yohei 203 Kawauchi Hideyuki 78 Kawauchi Yoko 236 Kayama Hisako 239 Kazemi Sefat Nazanin 92 Kechoud Sarah 250 Kedzierska Katherine 183 Kedzierski Lukasz 41 Keeton Roanne 199 Kelch Inken 77 Kelton William 152 Kenney Laurie 183 Kerekov Nikola 252 Kern Joanna 266 Ketelhuth Daniel 109 Ketelut-Carneiro Natalia 119 Khailaie Sahamoddin 100 Khairallah Camille 47 Khajavi Rezvan 183 Khan Tarik 196 Khan Yasir 111 Khass Mohamed 123 Khattar Mithun 37 Khawar Iftikhar 129 Khazaei Hossein 109 Khaze Vahid 212 Khaznadar Zena 232 Kheav Vissal David 79 khlif Sana 221 Khodadadi Ali 152, 159 khorooshi Reza M. H. 92 Khorrami Samaneh 173 Khoryati Liliane 104 Khoshzaban Fariba 212 Khosravi Afra 104, 139 khosravi eghbal Roya 131 Khosravianfar Najmeh 193 Khromykh Ludmila 194
Kianizad Korosh Kida Haruka Kidd Marie Kiernozek Ewelina Kilic Sara Sebnem Kim Dae-Ki Kim En Hyung Kim Hyun Pyo Kim Hyung-ran Kim Hyun-Sook Kim In Sik Kim Ji Kim Sang-Yeob Kim Seung Min Kim SeungJae Kim Yang Gyun Kimmel Marek Kimura Tetsuya Kimura Toshifumi King Cecile King Nicholas Kinoshita Manabu Kinyjo Ichiko Kirschfink Michael Kirstein Frank Kishi Hiroyuki Kishi Yasuhiro Kishimoto Tadamitsu Kisielow Pawel Kisseleva Ekaterina Kitamura Daisuke Kitoh Akihiko Kitsiou Vasiliki Kitzmueller Claudia Kiyingi Sophie Klareskog Lars Klavinskis Linda Klein John Kleinewietfeld Markus Kleist Christian Klevcova Petra Kmonickova Eva Knebel Franciele Knittel Delphine Ko Kerry Kobayashi Eiji Kobayashi Koichi Kobayashi Toshihiko Kobiyama Kouji Kocur Magdalena Kodera Yuka Koenen Hans Koga Marianna Kogo Hideki KOJIMA Hidefumi Kok Lai Fong Kokaia Zaal Kokaji Andy Kokhaei Parviz Kokima Naoya Kokron Cristina Kolaczkowska Elzbieta Kollmann Dagmar Komegae Evilin Komori Tadasuke
100 85 58 179 144 166 115 166 191 115 263 111 204 131 87 123 166 47 92 44 73 120 241 52, 169 87, 238 203 79 60 33 101 241 123 218 252 188 29 73 75 76 55 259 263 221 175 239 193 31 31 65 131, 142 144 80, 260 64 221 53 85 30 241 152 225 144 36 244 263 104
Komura Kazuhiro Kondo Mizuho Kone Younoussou Kong Ilgyu Kong Ying Ying Kopitar Andreja Korczak-Kowalska Grazyna Korf Hannelie Kornete Mara Kornilova Olga Kosanovic Dejana Kottyan Leah Kotwal Girish Kouhpayeh Shirin Kouser Lubna Kovesdi Dorottya Kovjazin Riva Kowalik Anna Koyama Takahisa Koyasu Shigeo Kozono Yuko Kozyr Arina Kozyreva Tamara Kraft Anke Krammer Peter Kratochvill Franz Kreppel Diana Krivova Yulia Krmpotic Astrid Krocova Zuzana Kronenberg Mitchel Krüger Anne Krummel Matthew Krupka Michal Kryczanowsky Fanny Krzych Urszula Krzyzowska Malgorzata Ku Cheng-L. Kubagawa Hiromi Kubo Makoto Kubo Masato Kubo Satoshi Kubota Koichi Kuchroo Vijay Kuehn Denise Kuellmar Mira Kufer Thomas Kukes Ilya Kulikova Ekaterina Kumar Arun Kumar Ashok Kumar Ashutosh kumar Manoj Kumar Neeraj Kumar Ramesh Kumar Rashmi Kumawat Ashok Kungl Jasmin Kunisawa Jun Kunz Alexandra Kuo Chih-Chi Kuo I-Chun Kurashima Yosuke Kurata Riho Kurilin Vasily
260 228 92 227 199 131 162 32 58 166 245 56 196 250 169 92 153 127, 179 139 64 196 190 139 183 50 87 92 116 232 42 29 31 36 255 237 67 42 135 96 153 126 199 131 61, 70 116 119 59 166 153 183 87 135 159 190 212 58 216 163 68 228 121 260 238 190 153
Speakers Index Kurita-Ochiai Tomoko Kurmyshkina Olga Kuroda Etsushi Kurokawa Cilmery Kusano Seisuke Kusche Yvonne Kusmierczyk Justyna Kusnierczyk Piotr Kuwabara Taku Kuwahara Makoto Kuwano Yoshihiro Kvitsinadze Nino Kweon Mina Kweon Mi-Na Kwitniewski Mateusz Kwon Yong-Jin Kyewski Bruno Kyvelidou Christiana La Flamme Anne La Gruta Nicole La Rosa Francesca Laadhar Lilia Labiková Jana Laffont Sophie Lafouresse Fanny Lage Silvia Lagereva Julia Laginha Inês Lagresle-Peyrou Chantal Laguerta Mary Grace Laguna Teresa Lahesmaa Riitta Lahiani Sadjia Lai Jacqueline Lai Ming-Zong Lambolez Florence Lambrecht Bart Lambris John Lamontagne Lucie Lan Yuk Yuen Landgraf Taise Landolfo Santo Lang Julie Lang Philipp Langhi Larissa Lankelma Jacqueline Lanna Alessio Lantto Rebecka Lanzavecchia Antonio Lanzi Gaetana Laragione Teresina Larghi Paola Laroni Alice Larsen Erica Larsen Margit Lastre Miriam Latifynia Afshineh Latorre Daniela Latz Eicke Lauden Laura Laudisi Federica Laursen Janne Marie Lauterbach Henning Lavi Arab Fahimeh Lavieri Rosa
109 221 87 166 196 162 139 173 204 201 204 236 68 168 47 111 29 218 64 101 119 139, 247 115 45, 46, 199 250 119 176, 201 232 44 139 170, 204 48 176 255 119 101 71 51 129 49 207, 242 32 237 59 201 242 33 127 50 144 111, 112 98 142 266 188 252 255 199 40, 46 194 46 267 73 246 31
Lavoie Thomas 104 Lazarovicz Radu 221 Le Gallou Simon 241 Le Gars Mathieu 131 Le Lu 127 Le Michael 174 Le Moigne Vincent 135 Le Page Aurélie 139 Lebedinskaya Olga 92, 93, 100, 147, 183, 194, 203, 225, 227, 260, 261, 263 Leb-Reichl Victoria 104 Lee Chong-Kil 175 Lee Choong-Eun 221 Lee Debbie 183 Lee Delphine 243 Lee Hanna 118 Lee Hee Gu 159 Lee JoungWook 112 Lee Jun Sik 199 Lee Sang kyu 239 Lee Se Na 242 Lee Soyoung 104 Lee Su Hyun 163 Lee Young-Mi 216 Lee Young-Seon 179 Leeansyah Edwin 69 Lefèvre Nicolas 166 Lefkovits Ivan 28 Legorreta-Herrera Martha 215 Lehuen Agnes 69 Lei Ping 116 Lei Yu 129 Leitner Judith 205 Lekomtseva Yevgeniya 104, 139 Leksa Vladimir 204 Lelis Vilela de Oliveirra Gislane 142 Lembo Fazio Luigi 131 Lemire Paul 131 Lemoine Sebastien 78 Lenac Rovišc Tihana 232 Leng Chih-Hsiang 153 Lentini Antonio 121 Leonard Warren J, 39 Leone Dario 199 Leone Philippe 197 Lepenies Bernd 236 Leppänen Tiina 77 Letarte Michelle 34, 35 Leu Chuen-Miin 204 Leung Joanne 221 Leung KN 44 Leusen Jeanette H. 36 Leveque Maude 212 Levi Shaffer Francesca 71 Levings Megan 79 Levy Rachel 170 Lew Andrew 99 Ley Klaus 51 Li Baiqing 125 Li Bin 179 Li Dianjun 221 Li Fang 183 Li Haoran 121 Li Jun 79
Li Kunyu 193 LI Lihua 85 Li Weiyi 131 Li Wen 232 Li Xiaojuan 251 Li Yang 77 Li Yili 232 Li Yingqian 43 Li Yingqiu 69 Li Zhilin 176 Liang Guang 93 Liang Xiaoling 255 Liaskou Evaggelia 81 Liblau Roland 46 Licciardi Paul 255 Lichtman Andrew 26 Licona-Limón Paula 65 Lien Yi-Yang 229 Liew Foo Y. 29 Lifke Valeria 225 Lighaam Laura 123 Lim Jong-Hyung 170 Lim Wen Chean 206 Lima Carina 119 Lima Heliton 166 Lima Valéria 93, 99, 212, 255 Lin Chien-Jen 78 Lin Gu-Jiun 261 Lin Hsin-Hung 131 Lin Ming-Hong 246 Lin Wei 264 Lin Yen-Lin 97 Lin Youwei 246 Linehan Eimear 201 Ling Hong 183 Ling Pin 31 Linhartova Irena 255 Linnemann Carsten 41 Lipp Anna 203 Lipp Martin 51 Lissina Anna 93 Littman Dan 29 Liu Beixing 125 Liu Dan 135 Liu Fu-Tong 77 Liu Haiyan 81 Liu Hebin 204 Liu Hui 222 Liu Lihua 153 Liu Qian 93 Liu Shih-Jen 183 Liu Suxia 35 Liu WANLI 203 Liu Ya-Hui 45 Liu Yong-Jun 61 Liu Yu-Chih 59 Liu Zhe 153 Liu Zipei 166 Ljunggren Hans Gustaf 61 Lo Chia-Hui 236 Lo Jui-Yen 101 Lo Monaco Elisa 222 Lo Pei-Chi 244 Lo Presti Elena 46 Locatelli Franco 79
Speakers Index Locatelli Silvia Locati Massimo Lofano Giuseppe Lohan Paul Lombardi Giovanna Lombardi María Lonati Paola Adele Lonez Caroline Long Aideen Longhi Larissa Looi Chung Yeng Lopatnikova Julia Lopes José Lopez Angel López Gonzalo Lopez Jamie López Nitsche Mercedes López Posadas Rocío Lopez Robles Erendira Lopez-Botet Miguel Lopez-Gonzalez Jose López-Ortega Orestes Lopez-Pacheco Cynthia López-Pulido Edgar Lopez-Roa Rocio López-Santiago Rubén Lori Franco Loriano Ballarin Loubaki Lionel Lougaris Vassilios Lougaris Vassilios Lounici Yasmine Loures Flávio Lowell Clifford Lowhalidanon Kanokwan Loyon Romain Lozano Francisco Lozano Ordaz Vasti Lozano Teresa Lu Chun-Hao Lu I-Na Lu Li Lu ShiouLing Lu Xiaoling Lubich Christian Lubina-Dbrowska Natalia Lucca Liliana Lucchesi Davide Lugli Enrico Lukacs Nick Lukashev Alexander Lunardi Claudio Lunardon Luisa Lund Harald Lund Lisbeth Lundberg Ingrid Lundin Samuel Lunemann Jan Luo Yang Lupinek Christian Luque Maria Luster Andrew Lutwama Fredrick Luzina Irina Lvova Tatiana
250 52, 61 255 193 55 200 107 93 69 232 116 166 127, 212 29 135 74 156 34 166 61 222 171 97 159 146 131 159 66 45 31, 44 144 250 93 50 166 232 204 135 225 179 188 261 132 153 77 142 46 75 153 64 204 35 247 32 200 112 132 52 166 160 104 51 135 35, 107 218
Lyons Caitriona Ma Chunhong Ma Ying Ma Yuanfang Maceckova Michaela Macedo Rodney Machado Júlia Machciska Maja Machida Takeshi Macias-Barragan Jose MacKay Christopher Mackay Fabienne MacKenzie Kirsty MacKenzie Matthew Mackern Juan Madani Rasool Madani Rasool Madapura Harsha Maeda Kazuhiko Maeda Kazuhisa Maerkedahl Rasmus Maggi Enrico Maggi Laura Magini Diletta Magliozzi Roberta Mahanonda Rangsini Maher Katarina Mahmood Zafar Mahshid Rahmat Mai Hoa Mai Le Hoa Maier Barbara Maina Virginia Mainini Francesco Maioli Tatiani Maizels Rick Majewska Alicja Majidi Jafar Majowicz Anna Majstorovic Ivana Majumdar Subrata Majumder Saikat Mak Tak W. Malacarne Valeria Malagoli Davide Malara Anna Malheiro Adriana Malhotra Nidhi Malissen Bernard Malissen Marie Malmhäll Carina Maloney Mark Malyshev Igor Malyutina Yana Mammadova Vafa Mancilla-Herrera Ismael Mandal Chitra Maneerat Yaowapa Mangino Giorgio Mangozzi R. Mankai Amani Manoylov Iliyan Mansoori Behzad Mantani Polyxeni Mantovani Alberto
183 47 183 203 118 68 216 261 246 107 183 48 93 47 251 229 69 33 188 160 116 56 79 255 46 183 46 241 123 74 143 118 144 225 44, 147 61 229 194 261 236 212 212 38 204 66 261 129 47 38 66 37 197 32 203 144 167 77 209 167 40 244 146 169 109 38
Manukyan Gayane 83, 115 Manzanares Barbara 259 Mao Haiting 222 Marafioti Teresa 44 Marangoni Francesco 264 Marasco Emiliano 127 Marazi Suhail 174 Marchetti Piero 37 Marchingo Julia 206 Marcinek Patrick 136 Marcinkiewicz Janusz 83 Marczyska Joanna 206 Mareckova Helena 142 Margalit Alon 153 Mariani Alessandra 175 Marichal Thomas 247 Marini Olivia 222 Marino Eliana 77 Mariotti Barbara 122 Markikou_Ouni Wafa 212 Markova Evgeniya 139 Marlin Romain 47, 125 Marolda Roberta 171 Marone Gianni 71 Marongiu Laura 200 Marques Claudia 212 Marrack Philippa 28, 38 Marras Francesco 54 Marshall Aaron 69 Marshall Heather 56 Marshall Jean 85 Martin Jérôme 163 Martin Lynn 228 Martin Roland 26, 29 Martin Stangel 40 Martin-Esteban Adrián 267 Martinez Cordova Zuzet 87 Martinez Gomez Julia 136 Martinez Vanesa 153 Martinez-Forero Ivan 153 Martinez-Gonzalez Itziar 81 Martinez-Neri Priscila 136 Martinez-Orellana Pamela 183 Martini Alberto 51 Martini Elisa 153 Martini Helene 248 Martín-Martín Lydia 268 Martino Gianvito 30 Martinova Elena 267 Martins Carlo 160 Martins Karen 225 Martire Carmela 183 Martiskova Hana 263 Marttila Saara 201 Maru Yoshiro 93 Marusciac Laura 193 Maruyama Takashi 179 Marzi Roberta 93 Marzo Amanda 183 Marzocchi Machado Cleni Mara 96 Marzouki Soumaya 212 Más Quintero Arelis 225 Masalova Olga 255 Mascarell Laurent 72 Mascuch Samantha 87
Speakers Index Masid-de-Brito Daniela Masjedi Mohsen Masoumi Farimah Masson Frédérick Mastromatteo-Alberga Patrizzia Masuda Midori Matangkasombut Ponpan Matarese Giuseppe Mathiesen Ronja Mathieux Elodie Mathis Diane Matson Robert Matsuda Akio Matsumiya Tomoh Matsumoto Mitsuru Matsumura Jiro Matsuoka Shuji Matsushima Kouji Matsushima Miyoko Matsuzaki Goro Mattila Pieta Mattiola Irene Matucci Cerinic Marco Matushevskaya Elena Mauri Claudia Mayanja-Kizza Harriet Mayer Alejandro Maysami Samaneh Maytee Mateo Mazini Priscila Mazza Emilia Mazzola Tais Mazzoni Alessio Mbengue Babacar Mc Guinness Niamh Mc Michael Andrew McAlees Jaclyn McColl Shaun McDaniel Larry McDonald Patrick McGargill Maureen Mchedlidze Tamar McInerney Marcia McKelvey Kelly McKinstry Kai McPherson Rhoanne Mduluza Takafira Meazza Raffaella Mebius Reina Mechelli Rosella Medina Tiago Medzhitov Ruslan Mehra Narinden Mehrotra Vinit Mejri Kaouthar Melchers Fritz Mele Federico Mele Silvia Melgar-Rodríguez Samanta Melief Cornelis Mellado Mario Melo Guilherme Melo Gustavo Memarian Ali
83 107 153 76
167 109 69 47 236 139 30, 60 97 105 93 246 188 153 51 146 132 203 74 76 248 48, 52 45 87 139 252 173 57 188 239 67 246 70 72 37 132 83 183 235 147 123 76 261 42, 105 232 77 190 176 28, 38 71 190 129 39 136 171 132 39, 70 51, 188 139 183, 263 250
Menasche Gaël 33 Mendez Huergo Santiago 179 Mendoza-Rincon J-F 232 Menezes Maria 212 Mennonna Daniele 153 Menshikov Igor 109 Menzies Fiona 68 Merad Miriam 29 Merchand-Reyes Giovanna 153 Meri Seppo 51 Meriche Hacene 250 Merky Patrick 175 Merlini Esther 188 Meroni Pierluigi 29, 62, 112 Mertes Alexandra 261 Meshcheryakova Anastasia 222 Mesquita Emersom 188 Messaoudani Nesrine 144 Messaoudene Meriem 74 Messmann Joanna 79 Metzdorff Stine 77 Meuer Stephan 29 Meyer-Hermann Michael 45 Meziane El Kahina 232 Mezioug Dalila 105 Mezni Imen 109 Miazek Arkadiusz 179 Michallet Mauricette 79 Michel Tatiana 140 Micheletti Alessandra 163 Miele Monica 193 Mielenz Dirk 209 Mifsud Nicole 43 Migliara Giuseppe 76 Migliorini Paola 35 Mignaqui Ana 255 Miguel Camila 213 Mihaila Mirela 153 Mihaylova Nikolina 96 Mihret Adane 136 Miki Yukari 235 Mikosik Anna 204 Mikulak Joanna 232 Milioris Enea 242 Miller Mathias 231 Mills Kinston 71 Mills Robyn 127 Millward Jason 140 Milovanovic Marija 43 Mimura Yusuke 236 Minamitani Takeharu 43 Minutti Carlos 87 Mion Francesca 127 Miossec Pierre 79 Mirminachi Babak 123 Mirzaei Hamid Reza 194, 263 Mirzaei Mojtaba 115 Mirzaei Reza 153 Mise-Omata Setsuko 194 Mitskevich Nunu 244 Mitsuhashi Yohei 36 Miyachi Yukihisa 121 Miyake Sachiko 75 Miyake Yasunobu 78 Miyamoto Yoshiaki 112
Miyasaka Masayuki Miyazaki Hiromi Mizoguchi Izuru Mizrachi Nebenzahl Yaffa Mizrahi Sa'ar Mkannez Ghada Moalli Federica Mocsai Attila Modak Madhura Modlin Robert Moelants Eva Moeller Jesper Moghaddami Mahin Moghtaderi Mozhgan Mohammad Dara Mohammad Mohammad
171 132 105 73 34 213 175 29, 60 206 51 132 217 251 244 98 140, 200, 228 Mohammadi Hamed 129 Mohammadi Mojgan 217 Mohammadnejad Leila 154 Mohammadzadeh Adel 194 Mohammed Hamasy Abdulrahman 98 Mohan James 55 Mohan Mradul 136 Mohandas Arunesh 241 Mohtasebi Maryam 194 Mojadadi Mehrabadi Mohammad 140 Mokarizadeh Aram 142 Molina María 232 Molina-Olvera Gabriela 87 Mollayeva Nushaba 184 Molnár Viktor 122 Molnár-Érsek Barbara 241 Mondanelli Giada 93 Mondelli Mario 47 Mongini Claudia 154 Moni Mohammad Ali 188 Monie Tom 31 Monnot Gwennaelle 122 Monroy-García Alberto 255 Monsivais Urenda Adriana 163 Monsurro Vladia 193 Montaldo Elisa 81 Montero Enrique 261 Montesinos Juan José 259 Montini Barbara 107 Montoya-Buelna Margarita 136 Moraes Carolina 140 Moraes João 265 Morales-Kastresana Aizea 154 Morales-Montor Jorge 209 Moran Gabriel 252 Morandi Barbara 56 Morandi Fabio 63, 222, 232 Moravej Ali 243 Mordini Emilio 255 More Bayona Juan 146 Morelli Lapo 232 Moreno José 57 Moreno-Altamirano María M. Bertha 136 Moreno-Eutimio Mario 226 Moreno-Lafont Martha 259 Moretta Alessandro 39
Speakers Index Moretta Lorenzo Mori Daiki Mori Lucia Morimoto Motoko Morita Kentaro Morita Rena Moriwaki Kenta Moro Kazuyo Morone Simona Morrison Thomas Morrison Vicky Morshed Mahbubul Mortara Lorenzo Mortazavi Hamid Mortellaro Alessandra Morteza Gholi Sahar Morvan Maelig Mosayebi Ghasem Moschetta Antonio Moser Muriel Moskovskich Anna Mosmann Tim Mota Caroline Motomura Yasutaka Motrich Ruben Motrich Rubén Motta Alexandre Motta Juliana Moumad Khalid Mouser Emily Moussion Christine Mrizak Dhafer Mu Hong Mucha Joanna Muggen Alice Mukaida Naofumi Mukhopadhyay Dhriti Müller Jennifer Müller-Calleja Nadine Munari Fabio Munawara Usma Muñoz Fernando Muñoz-Barrios Salvador Muñoz-Wolf Natalia Münz Christian Murakami Ryosuke Muramatsu Masamichi Muramoto Kenzo Murata Takahisa Murooka Thomas Murphy Kenneth Murphy Megan Murphy Philip M Murray Peter Musa Bolanle Musabak Ugur Musil Jan Musso Tiziana Muta Tatsushi Muto Go Muzzio Damián Myers Michael Myrsikova Ekaterina Naciute Milda Nadkarni Suchita
28 236 198 209 244 154 66 81 204 194 64 36 154 93 119 93 74 243 45 51 147 61, 160 213 83 246 246 147 200 93 209 171 222 191 69 80 80 179 203 93 55 88 229 112 65 33, 40, 52 252 184 76 105 54 61 54 51, 59 29 222 140 154 93 56 58 123 140 154 101 36
Naemi Fatmah 258 Nagai Kei 34 Nagaoka Hitoshi 174 Nagar Pradeep 241 Nagarkatti Mitzi 39, 121 Nagarkatti Prakash 32 Nagata Masahiro 118 Naghavi - Behzad Mohammad 160, 213, 228, 251 Nagy Noemi 42 Najafipoor Adeleh 142 Najmi Neelam 93 Nakajima Akihito 34 Nakamura Morihiko 88 Nakamura Takashi 198 Nakamura Tatsuro 78 Nakanishi Kenji 61 Nakanishi Tsukasa 99 Nakano Nobuhiro 85 Nakashima Hiroyuki 249 Nakhaei Moghadam Mohadese 229 Naldini Luigi 71 Nalivaiko Kristina 154 Namazi Mohammad 213 Namdar Afshin 154 Namdar Ahmadabad Hasan 200, 218 Nanbara Hiromi 132 Nansook Prishani 112 Naor David 79 Nara Hidetoshi 204 Naranjo Carlos Andrés 213 Nascimento Daniele 179 Nasimolo Johnson 261 Nasr Amre 96, 215 Nasri Fateme 58 Natoli Gioacchino 39, 50 Nauseef William 29, 59 Navabi Shadi 98, 233 Nava-Castro Karen 209 Navarro Barquín David Felipe 179 Navratilova Zdenka 107 Nayak Bismita 154 Nayak Kaustuv 188 Nazario Ana 213 Nazimek Katarzyna 45, 88 Ndlovu Hlumani 209 Ndure Jorjoh 179 Neamatallah Thikryat 88 Nedospasov Sergei A. 36 Neefjes Jacques 51 Negishi Naoko 237 Negishi Yasuyuki 68 Nejatollahi Foroogh 154, 255 Nelles Megan 154 Nellore Kavitha 239 Nelson Michelle 55 Nemes Elisa 204 Nencini Francesca 251 Ness Lisbeth 255 Nesterova Irina 132, 255 Nestle Frank 29 Netea Mihai 71 Neumann Frank 154
Neunkirchner Alina Neurath Markus F Nevalainen Tapio Newkirk Marianna Nezafat Firizi Maryam Ng Chun-har Michelle Ngiow Shin Foong Ngoh Eyler Ni Jia Nian Siji Niccolai Elena Nie Hong Niedermann Gabriele Niemi Heikki Niemöller Michaela Nieto Pamela Nieto-Patlán Alejandro Nieuwenhuizen Natalie Nieves-Ramirez Miriam Nigou Jérôme Nigro Elisa Agnese Nikitina Irina Niknam Hamid Nikolay Malyshev Nikolic Branka Nikolic Ivana Nikolic Milos Nikoueinejad Hassan Niku Mikael Ning Jia Ninomiya Tomohisa Nishimura Yasuharu Nishiyama Chiharu Nisini Roberto Nissen Sara Niyonsaba Francois Nizheharodava Darya Nizzoli Giulia Njoku Dolores Noges Laura Nogueira Jeane Nolte Martijn Nonaka Taichiro Nordlander Sofia Norelli Margherita Norose Kazumi Nosaka Mizuho Nosareva Olesya Nose Haruka Notarangelo Luigi Notarbartolo Samuele Nothelfer Katharina Nouël Alexandre Nouri Hamid Nourian Maziar Nourizadeh Maryam Novak Ivon Nowag Angela Nowak Izabela Noyan Fatih Nunes Caroline Nunes de Paiva Vanessa Nunes Larissa Nuñez Cesar Nunez Gabriel
252 34 201 32 112 222 41 217 246, 263 252 154 251 41 144 184 132 265 177 173, 213 236 154 136 213 154 217 116 261 258 66, 228 184 263 154, 222 85 136 188 162 194 164 105 226 179 58, 126 248 102 193 213 105 255 147 39 239 72 127 252 239 193 175 255 218 53 179 167 173 222 29
Speakers Index Nurieva Roza Nussenzweig Michel Nuttens Charles Nyakundi Ruth O`Flynn Joseph Obata Yuuki Obata-Ninomiya Kazushige Obleuhova Irina Obraztsova Natalia Ochoa Maria Öckinger Johan Oda Julie Odugbo Moses Oettinger Majorie Offner Sonja O'Flynn Joseph Ogando Violeta O'Garra Anne Ogawa Kana Oh Jong-Won Ohashi Pamela Ohkuri Takayuki Öhman Tiina Ohno Tatsukuni OHTA Takuya Ohta Tomokazu Okada Hideho Okada Kazunari Okada Masaji Okai Shinsaku Okano Mitsuhiro Oksvold Morten Okuneva Olesya Olalekan Susan Olaniran Olarinde Olguín Jonadab Oliaro Jane Oliva Jacqueline Oliveira Ana Oliveira Ariane Oliveira Ernna Oliveira Felipe Oliveira Flora Oliveira Giacomo Oliveira José Oliveira Jr Joao de Oliveira Suellen Oliveira Teixeira Tatiane Olivier Martin Ollion Vincent Olofsson Peder Olsson Michal Tomas Omachi Kohei Omenetti Alessia Omi Ai Omi Kyoko Oñate Angel O'Neill Luke Onguru Daniel Onnis Anna Onogawa Tsuyoshi Onyema Oscar Oppenheim Joost J. Oral Haluk Orangi Mona
237 39 126 64 57 34 65 155 84 155 88 222 229 43 206 169 184 30, 60, 70 85 184 63 235 184 206 84 57 41 233 136 34 105 204 43 58 145 213 63 162 145 136 190 236 167 222 93 261 209 244 42 164 29 30 132 32 233 54 255 39 94 204 105 65 50 160 155
Oregon-Romero Edith Orlando Valentina Oron Tal Orr Selinda Orsini Heloisa Orta Marc Ortiz-Lazareno Pablo O'Shea John Oshiumi Hiroyuki Oskeritzian Carole Ostadkarampour Mahyar Ostergaard Hanne Ostrand-Rosenberg Suzanne Osugui Lika O'Sullivan Kim Ottenhoff Tom Ottina Eleonora Ottoni Marcelo Otuonye Ngozi Ou Zhou Luo Ouaguia Laurissa Ouchani Farid Ouikhlef Nardjess Owusu Sekyere Solomon Ozawa Tatsuhiko Ozga Aleksandra Pace Luigia Pacheco Rodrigo Paciello Ida Padet Lauriane Padilha Everton Paganelli Roberto Pagani Massimiliano Pahr Sandra Pahwa Roma Paiva Luciana Pal Anuradha Palaga Tanapat Palani Senthil Palle Pushpalatha Palombo Fabio Palucka Karolina Anna Pan Chien-Hsiung Pan Yu Panaitescu Carmen Panatieri Raquel Panda Saswati Pandey Vipul Pang Wan Lu Pangigadde Pradeepa Narayana
190 188 174 67 191 208 233 60 48 34 244 61 29 124 59 256 42 266 228 222 249 204 200 66 112 264 53 140 119 261 122 145 48 252 112 124 235 88 31 43 155 61 256 31 167 215 118 155 88
233 Pannicke Ulrich 145 Pantaleo Giuseppe 39, 70 Pantic Jelena 116 Paparazzo Francesco 208 Pappalardo Juan 193 Paradowska Edyta 184 Paradowska-Gorycka Agnieszka 190 Pardi Ruggero 54 Pardo Evelyn 236 Pardoll Drew 39, 62 Parham Peter 39, 50 Parigi Sara Martina 179 Parihar Suraj 88
Parish Christopher Parish Ian Park Seok Hee Park Seok-Rae Park Sung-Hwan Parker Aimée Parmiani Giorgio Parodi Alessia Parodi Benedetta Parolini Silvia Parolo Anna Paroni Moira Parronchi Paola Parsa Roham Partida-Rodriguez Oswaldo Partyka Anna Pascual Virginia Pashnina Irina Pasman Yfke Passerini Laura Passos Sara Paster Wolfgang Pastor Fernando Patel Nisha Pattarini Lucia Paul Noah Paul William Paulsson Kajsa Pawankar Ruby Pawelczyk Tadeusz Pawlak-Adamska Edyta Pease James Pedreschi Maíra Pedros Christophe Pedroza Gonzalez Alexander
37 56 193 124 112 175 41 179 142 145 239 217 65 31 94, 173 173 51 112 73, 229 193 88 205 155 196 266 209 60, 61 59 52 107 222 171 124 56
81, 155 Pejnovic Nada 147 Pekarova Michaela 88 Pelanda Roberta 48 Peligero Cristina 196 Pena Olga 160 Penafuerte Claudia 105 Pender Michael 142 Pentier Johanne 173 Penton Rol Giselle 115, 184, 258, 263, 77 Peregrino Ferreira Paulo 184 Pereira Marcelo 132 Pereira Rafael 107 Pereira-Crott Luciana 169 Peres Raphael 266 Peresi Eliana 46 Pereyra Erica 206 Pérez Elizabeth 222 Perez Oliver 168, 226 Pérez Oliver 65 Perez Oliver O. 61 Pérez-García Arantxa 174 Perez-Leiros Claudia 88 Pérez-Toledo Marisol 226 Perga Simona 142 Pérol Louis 116 Perretti Mauro 61 Perro Mario 77 Perruzza Lisa 147
Speakers Index Pertseva Tetiana Pesant Matthieu Pesce SIlvia Pesic Marija Peter Jonathan Petersen Jan Peterson Part Petit-Jentreau Laetitia Petrasca Andreea Petroni Giulia Pfeifhofer-Obermair Christa Pfrimer Irmtraut Phalane Khutso Phalke Swati Phillips Matt Picard Capucine Piccioli Patrizia Piccoli Luca Pichyangkul Sathit Piconese Silvia Pierce Carrie Pierobon Daniele Pignolet Béatrice Pignoloni Benedetta Pikarsky Eli Pikor Natalia Pilecki Bartosz Pilipow Karolina Pineda-Martínez Sandra Pinfold Terry Pinheiro Roberta Pinho Flaviane Pinke Karen Pinto Lysianne Pinton Laura Pioli Claudio Pionnier Nicolas Pipelzadeh Mohammad Hassan
140 88 233 246 46 59 33 136 267 251 239 263 136 125 179 44 115 127 241 180 73 64 246 233 81 37 97 203 160 155 136 229 85 84 222 100 209
105 Piras Eleonora 142 Pisani Laura 167 Pishdadian Abbas 42, 252 Pissawong Tippawan 256 Pistoia Vito 80 Pitzalis Costantino 75 Pizzolla Angela 243 Placeres-Uray Fabiola 107 Planas Raquel 46 Plantamura Emilie 49 Plevova Karla 250 Ploegh Hidde 28, 30 Podzimek Stepan 244 Poeck Hendrik 266 Poli Guido 53 Policano Claudia 142 Poltorak Alexander 31 Poltorak Mateusz 67 Polyiam Supavadee 209 Ponichtera Holly 64 Pontes Gerlandia 241 Ponticelli Claudio 71 Ponzetta Andrea 171 Poo Desmond 125 Popa Olivia Mihaela 110, 112 Popov Aleksandrov Aleksandra
177 Popovic Branka 233 Popow Irene 261 Porozhan Ievgeniia 191 Porta Chiara 66 Portales-Pérez Diana 116 Portero Sainz Itxaso 79 Porto Bárbara 162 Pos Zoltan 155 Pourfathollah Ali 235 Pourgholaminejad Arash 223 Pouwels Simon 94 Powell David 190 Powrie Fiona 60 Prabhala Rao 155 Prado-Garcia Heriberto 223 Pratesi Sara 226 Pratt-Riccio Lilian 213 Preite Silvia 45 Prendergast Catriona 65 Preston Simon 129, 184 Pridans Clare 265 Priel Esther 263 Prigione Ignazia 155 Pritz Theresa 201 Prokhorov Alexander 223 Proost Paul 171 Prota Gennaro 227 Provasi Elena 44 Provenzano Maurizio 223 Prylutska Iryna 205 Puangpetch Apichaya 263 Pucic Bakovic Maja 115 Pucillo Carlo 34 Puck Alexander 237 Pugsley Haley 99 Pulendran Bali 70 Punt Simone 239 Purcell Anthony 72 Purdy Nicola 167 Pushparaj Peter 85, 97, 217, 265 Put Karen 32 Putterman Chaim 59, 105, 115 Puxeddu Ilaria 167 Pyles Patto Kanegae Marilia 145 Qadri Syed 171 Qian Liu 223 Qin Weibing 218 Qiu Chao 228 Quach Tam 43 Quarona Valeria 223, 261 Quast Isaak 115 Quatrini Linda 233 Quentin Julie 180 Querci Valentina 223 Quintar Amado 84 Rabeony Aina 80 Rabeony Hanitriniaina 248 Rabinovich Gabriel 61 Rachid Carolina 171 Radbruch Andreas 50, 62 Radonjic-Hoesli Susanne 84 Radosavljevic Gordana 117 Radzioch Danuta 97, 160 Rafiei Alireza 201
Raggi Federica 31 Raghupathy Raj 218 Rahbar Ramtin 63 Rahimi Maryam 143 Rahimi Roghaye 188 Rahimifar Shahrzad 155, 226 Rahimzadeh Parisa 246 Rahnama Badrossadat 105 Raimondi Giorgio 54, 171, 180, 244 Rainone Veronica 226 Raj Towfique 268 Rajagopalan Govindarajan 132 Rajewsky Klaus 60 Rajkovic Ivan 31 Ramachandra Murali 155 Ramalingam Thirumalai 107 Ramanauskaite Giedre 193 Ramhorst Rosanna 218 Ramírez Elsa 229 Ramírez-Saldaña Maricela 102 Ramos Ornelia 109 Ramos-Payan Rosalio 173 Ranasinghe Charani 68, 73 Rand Ulfert 41 Randall Katrina 44 Rane Lalit 259 Rangel-Corona Rosalva 263 Rankin Lucille 81 Raphael Itay 43 Raposo Bruno 34 Raposo Catarina 43 Raposo Teresa 155 Rappuoli Rino 27 Rashidi Maryam 78 Rashkovan Marissa 101 Rastin Maryam 115 Ratcliffe Michael J.H. 65 Räthe Ann-Mareen 184, 266 Rathinam Vijay 119 Rattik Sara 109 Raulet David H. 39 Ravetch Jeffrey 29 Ray Susim 229 Razika Zeghir-Bouteldja 210 Rebane Ana 122 Reboldi Andrea 171 Reddy Jay 140, 184 Reddy Sai 196 Redeker Anke 184 Reeg Nele 205 Rei Margarida 47 Reihani Hadi 115 Reilly Brian 235 Reinherz Ellis Leonard 29, 38 Reis Aramys 215 Reis e Sousa Caetano 39 Reis Luiza 213 Reis Mitermayer 160, 167 Reis Vanessa 167 Renovato-Martins Mariana 72 Renzi Tiziana 122 Resch Yvonne 252 Reschke Claudia 121 Rescigno Maria 60, 71 Restifo Nicholas 62, 71
Speakers Index Rethi Bence 200 Retshabile Gaone 189 Reuben Alexandre 175 Reubsaet Lieke 53 Reyes-Castillo Zyanya 190 Reyes-Perdomo Carolina 194 Rezaeifard Somayeh 194 Rezaiemanesh Alireza 155 Rezania Simin 94 Rezende Alice 109, 132 Riba MIchela 177 Ribeiro Carolina 198 Ribeiro Dominguez Mariana 64 Ribeiro Susan 73 Riccardi Carlo 51 Riccardo Federica 155 Ricci Biancamaria 233 Ricciardi Castagnoli Paola 28, 50, 66 Richards David 267 Richter Anne 193 Richter Cornelia 223 Riera Clelia Maria 75 Riether Carsten 80 Rigol-Monzó Elisabet 258 Rincon-Orozco Bladimiro 265 Rintahaka Johanna 94 Ripamonti Chiara 167 Riquelme Sebastián 176 Rissiek Anne 180 Rissiek Björn 180 Ritter Thomas 193 Ritzel Rodney 88 Riva Federica 94, 230 Rivas Ariel 57 Rivera Fuentes Ana Diana 88 Rivera Juan 70, 71 Rivera-Ordaz Araceli 132 Rizzo Luiz 218 Robert Sofie 117 Roberto Alessandra 241, 259 Robins Harlan 43 Robles-Contreras Atzin 201 Rocha Fernanda 208 Rocha Juliana 208 Rocha-Vieira Etel 147 Rock Kenneth 51 Rodewald Hans-Reimor 29 Rodrigues Daniela 208 Rodrigues Denise 208 Rodrigues Gabriel 155 Rodrigues Virmondes 213 Rodrigues Wellington 264 Rodrigues-Santos Paulo 136 Rodríguez Alba Juan 127 Rodriguez Dunia 256 Rodriguez Gomez Manuel 84 Rodriguez-Carrio Javier 112 Rogalska-Taranta Magdalena 129 Roghanian Rasoul 184 Rohr Jan 196 Rohrer Jurg 52 Rohringer Andreas 205 Rojas-Lopez Mauricio 88, 136 Romagnani Andrea 126
Romagnani Chiara Romagnani Paola Romagnani Sergio Romani Luigina Romero Xavier Romero-Quintana Jose Romero-Ramirez Hector Roncarolo Maria Grazia Ronchese Franca Rønneseth Anita Rookhuizen Derek Rosa Daniela Rosada Rogerio Rosales Mendoza Sergio Rosario Fernandez Luis Alfredo Rosas Gabriela Rose Thierry Rose-John Stefan Rosemblatt Mario Rosenkilde Mette M. Rosenstein Yvonne Roshani Reyhaneh Rossato Marzia Rossetti Grazisa Rossi Fiorella Rossi Giacomo Rossi Gustavo Roth Johannes Roth Susanne Roth-Walter Franziska Rouabhia Mahmoud Rozieres Aurore Rozot Virginie Rubartelli Anna Rubino Marcello Ruckstuhl Carla Rudd Christopher E. Rudensky Alexander Rudnicka Karolina Ruedl Christiane Ruffin Nicolas Ruggiero Marco Ruiz-Noa Yeniley Ruland Jurgen Ruocco Maria-Grazia Rusanu Cristina Russell Sarah Rutten Marianne Ryan Paul Rybczynska Magda Rydnert Frida Ryu Jae-Sook S. Gowri Sankar Saad Habab Saariaho Anna-Helena Saavedra Pedro Sabbadini Maria Sabour Alaoui Sanaa Sabouri Somayeh Sabry May Sacchi Alessandra Sack Ulrich Sacristan Catarina Sadegh-Nasseri Scheherazade
74, 75 51 70 61 75 173 124 50 56 184 126 256 88 256 230, 256 147 264 76 193 52, 59 67 197 45 48 54 264 140 76 94 244 94 74 136 32 223 206 69 50, 61 236 163 189 155 112 51 53 184 71 160 125 190 200 213 118 218 140 120 113 105 235 233 235 145 42, 184 65
Sadighimoghadam Bizhan 194 Sadiq Sarah 167 Sáez Juan 223 Safari Zohreh 223 Safarzadeh Elham 155 Saferding Victoria 122 Sahin Emine 105 Sahmoudi Karima 137 Saito Megumu 115 Saito-Taki Tatsuo 132 Sakaguchi Nobuo 241 Sakaguchi Shimon 50, 70 Sakai Jiro 94 Sakakibara Shuhei 127 Sakamoto Hitomi 98 Salazar-Onfray Flavio 156 Saldaña Morales Fátima 167 Saleh Maya 39 Salehi Eisa 180, 240 Salehi Mandana 244 Saleque Shireen 45 Salgado-Bustamante Mariana 256 Salimi Maryam 235 Salles Érika 215 Sallusto Federica 71 Salmen Siham 129 Saluzzo Simona 132 Salvetti Marco 46 Salvi Valentina 164 Salyha Nataliya 148 Samadi Morteza 156 Samalea Roxana 226 Samarani Suzanne 233 Samiei Afshin 256 Samms Michael 101 Sampalo Almudena 145 Sánchez Alemán Esperanza 140 Sánchez-González Ismael 256 Sanchez-Ramon Silvia 218 Sanderson William 160 Sándor Noémi 171 Sanecka Anna 213 Sanikidze Tamara 147 Sanin David 31 Sansom David 61 Santana Patricia 167 Santana Vinicius 226 Sant'Anna Osvaldo 215 Santarlasci Veronica 239 Santegoets Kim 35, 88 Santello Fabricia 213 Santiago Karina 88 Santiago-Raber Marie-Laure 246 Santoni Angela 38, 61 Santos Alessandra 140, 156 Santos Josué 264 Santos Rita 94 Santos-Toscano Raquel 140 Sapkota Ravindra 101 Sarafian Victoria 113 Sarashina Hana 94 Sardi Claudia 243 Sareila Outi 246 Sarfati Marika 34
Speakers Index Sarkisian Narine Sarmiento Jose Sarrafnejad Abdolfattah Sartorius Rossella Saruhan-Direskeneli Güher Sasajima Yasutaka Sato Paula Sato Shintaro Satoshi Nishimura satouri latifa Sattler Susanne Saulle Irma Sautes Fridman Catherine Sautto Giuseppe Saveanu Loredana Savic Emina Savic Miloje Savva Athina Sawe Rispah Sawitzki Birgit Sayi Yazgan Ayca Scanzano Angela Scapini Patrizia Scaramuzza Samantha Scaramuzzi Karina Scarpa Riccardo Scavone Paola Sceneay Jaclyn Schatzlmaier Philipp Schauenburg Andrea Scheinecker Clemens Schembri Laura Schenk Mirjam Scheynius Annika Schiavi Elisa Schilbach Karin Schild Hans-Jorg Schilderink Ronald Schinzari Valeria Schliehe Christopher Schliesser Ulrike Schluns Kimberly Schmeitz Christine Schmetterer Klaus Schmidt Angelika Schmidt Reinhold E. Schmitz Jürgen Schneider Helga Schneider Zita Schnorfeil Frauke Schoenberger Stephen P. Scholten David Schönberg Maria Schraml Barbara Schreiber Robert Schröder Matthias Schroeder Jan-Hendrik Schub Andrea Schultz Cornelia Schultz-Hector Susanne Schumacher Ton Schumann Julia Schürch Christian Schussek Sophie Schuster Steffen
264 169 250 31 177 88 208 102 107 129 148 53 36 256 55 143 194 132 160 75 77 84 128 55 65 160 226 233 205 197 52, 89 84 137 37 243 125 53 48 121 176 193 267 264 206 53 51 233 206 96 156 71 52 89 63 70 156 101 156 68 52 29 98 194 67 36
Schwab Susan Schwartz Michal Schwartz Ronald H Schwenk Melanie Schwinge Dorothee Scicluna Brendon Scielzo Cristina Scomodon Omar Scortegagna Gabriela Scott David Scott Jennifer Sebastian Devamani Sebo Peter Sedhom Mamdouh Sediva Anna Sedlmayr Peter Sedyh Sergey Seeger Pascal Seelige Ruth Sefatgol Masoud Seidel Einat Seiji Segawa Seillet Cyril Seino Ken-ichiro Sekai Miho Sekine Hideharu Sekiya Takashi Selin Liisa Sell Sabrina Selmi Carlo Semenzato Gianpietro Semlali Abdelhabib Semprún Hernández Neomar Senitzer David Seo Goo-Young Seo Jin-Won Seoh Ju-Young Sepanjnia Adel Sepiashvili Revaz Sequeira Richard Sercundes Michelle Serra Sara Serrano Carmen Serrano-Pertierra Esther Setorg Raha Sette Alessandro Seyedzadeh Mir Seyfizadeh Narges Sfondrini Lucia Sforza Fabio Sghiri Rim Shabani Mahdi Shabazi Mehdi Shankar Esaki Shao Elichilia Shao Wen-Hai Shapiro David Sharapova Svetlana Sharbi-Yunger Adi Sharma Alpana Sharma Gaurav Sharma Manoj Sharma Meenu Sharma Shingar
54 30, 43 61 171 81 121 33 145 84 128, 261 200 105 42 113, 205 145 171 197 200 171 124 233 125 200 193 37 246 180 182, 256 125 43, 62 35 94 208 259 124 94 252 258 78 84 215 223 160 98 258 71 264 213 156 189 113 203 219 75 184 176 52 145 156 239 173 167 97 256
Sharpe Arlene Shastri Nilabh Shavarova Mariya Shchelkunov Sergei Sheehama Jacob Shen Chao Bin Shen Ting-Jing Shen Yujia Shepherd Robert Sher Alan Shershakova Nadezda Shevach Ethan Shevchenko Ivan Shevchenko Yulia Shevlin Enda Shi Jing Shi Liyun Shi Yufang Shiga Marika Shigemoto Kazuhiro Shima Hideaki Shimada Kenichi Shime Hiroaki Shimizu Kanako Shimoda Michiko Shimohakamada Yoko Shin Kichul Shin Seulmee Shinya Eiji Shiraishi Akira Shirvani Farsani Zeinab Shoenfeld Yehuda Shushimita Shushimita Shustova Olga Shvydchenko Irina Sibanda Elopy Sica Antonio Siddiqui Imran Siddiqui Jamshaid Siegel Richard Siewe Basile Siewiera Johan Silaeva Yulia Silberman Daniel Silina Karina Silva Ana Caroline Silva Andrea Silva Bruna Daniella Silva Bruno Silva Jaqueline Silva Juliana Silva Maria Silva Rodrigo Silva Virgínia Silva-Santos Bruno Silveira Alda Simard Jean-Christophe Simões Inês Simões Rafael Loureiro Simon Davis David Anak Simon Thomas Simpson Laura Sin Wei-Xiang Singh Anju Singh Ram
38, 61 55 105 185 106 253 100 118 227 60 253 51 205 156 94 160 264 74 147 43 68 35 156 156 193 137 85 107 189 44 143 76 169 223 84 39 31 120 258 32 48 185 241 101 160 213 191 137 33 140 208 171 233 214 61 210 84, 167 205 86 34 37, 258 177 89 194 191
Speakers Index Singh Sushma Singhal Jhalak Sinha Sukrat Sinkora Marek Siritsa Ganna Sironi Marina Sitia Roberto Sitt Tatjana Slattery Robyn Slavin Shimon Slavyanskaya Tatyana Slebioda Tomasz Sledzinska Anna Sleiman Marwan Slevin Stephanie Słodka Aleksandra Smahel Michal Smigielska-Czepiel Katarzyna Smith Kendall Smolen Josef Smolinska Sylwia Snegireva Nadezda Snyder Melissa Soares Elyara Soares Luana Sobrevilla Navarro Ana Sodsai Pimpayao Sogkas Georgios Sokolov Dmitry Solana Rafael Solbakken Monica soleimanifar narjes Solito Samantha Solleiro-Villavicencio Helena Solovieva Anastasia Somech Raz Sommariva Michele Sommer Daniel Song Jim Song Shuxia Song Xiao Song Yeong-Wook Song Yuan Sorbara Matthew Sorensen Grith Sorini Chiara Sorrentino Rosa Sorrentino Rosalinda Sosa Rebecca Sotoodeh Jahromi Abdolreza
122 137 256 124 132 118 58 214 128 41, 194 244 217 53 233 217 85 156 122 57 29 94 235 161 137 233 118 129 59, 84 219 201, 233 66 191 237 177 194 268 156 101 177 266 223 76 97 133 268 244 56 94 140 177
Sotoodehnejadnematalahi Fattah Sottile Rosa Soufli Imene Souiri Amal Soumelis Vassili Sousa Giovane Soussi-Gounni Abdeliah Souto-Carneiro Margarida Souza Alves Caio Cesar Souza Ana Souza Fh Job Souza Maria
261 148 217 42 266 214 37 41 246 241 256 32, 214
Sowell Ryan Sozzani Silvano Spada Roberto Spadafora-Ferreira Monica Spaka Irina Spary Lisa Spensieri Fabiana Spits Hergen Spolidorio Denise Spolidorio Luís Carlos Spooner Chauncey Srivastava Smita Sromova Lucie SŠinkora Marek Stabile Helena Stach-Machado Dagmar Stack Gabrielle Stager Simona Stamatiades Efstathios Stanilov Noyko Stanko Katarina Stark Regina Starobinas Nancy Stefani Mariane Stein Jens Stein Kathy Stein Merle Steinmetz Orit Steinsbø Øyvind Stenholm Johanna Stepanova Olga Steptoe Raymond Sterkers Ghislaine Stewart Niall Stienne Caroline Stikvoort Arwen Stockinger Hannes Stojanovic Ana Stojanovic Ivana Stojicevic Ivana Stojkovic Aleksandra Stoop Jeroen Stosic-Grujicic Stanislava Strauss Laura Stroo Ingrid Strutt Tara Stumbles Philip Sturmheit Tabea Su Yu Su Yu-wen Su Zhaoliang Subramaniam Sharrada Sucker Nadine Sudzius Gintaras Sugi Yutaka Sugimura Kazuhisa Sulaieva Oksana Sulcova Jitka Sullivan Nancy Sumaria Nital Su-Mi Kim Sun Rui Sun Shanshan Sun Shu-lan Sun Xiaodan
241 51 234, 238 167 223 238 226 71 167 106 72 45 161 122 234 239 34 64 171 223 75 76 137, 223 137 77 89 124 89 128 168 219 66 185, 202 106 33 259 28 234 147 133 140 113 106 89 42 106 102 156 224, 256 124 107 177 143 115 102 226 89 248 242 125 120 234 115 124 214
SUN XUN Sundberg Eric Superti-Furga Giulio Supper Verena Suski Patrycja Sutkowski Natalie Suurväli Jaanus Suzue Kazutomo Suzuki Haruhiko Suzuki Harumi Suzuki Hitoshi Suzuki Keiko Svensson Arvelund Judit Svensson Mattias Sverremark-Ekstrom Eva Svitek Nicholas Swain Susan Swärd Per Sweet Rebecca Sydora Beate Sykes Megan Sylla Niang Maguette Szarka Eszter Szulc Izabela Tabi Zsuzsanna Taghdiri Maryam Tahir Abdulrahman Tahmasebi Fathollah Tahrali Ilhan Tahvili Sahar Tajani Cristina Tak Paul-Peter Takahama Yousuke Takahashi Hidemi Takahashi Kyoko Takahashi Masuhiro Takahashi Takeshi Takai Toshiro Takaki Satoshi Takamoto Masaya Takeda Akira Takenaka Maisa Takeyama Natsumi Takiishi Tatiana Talaat Roba Talbot Jhimmy Taleb Kahina Tallerico Rossana Tallerova Anna Tamargo Beatriz Tamarit Blanche Tamassia Nicola Tambourgi Denise Tamene Wegene Tamura Toshiki Tan Joanne Tan Tse-Hua Tanabe Kano Tanaka Atsushi Tanaka Toshio Tang Hua Tang Michael Tang Qianqiao Taniguchi Masaru Taniguchi Tadatsugu
125 55 29 98 185 156 228 215 180 101 161 94 68 206 76 69 61, 185 107 128 217 71 161 203 137 156 147 189 197 234 248 27 62 39 189 243 156 177 77 106 89 108 200 227 58 140 113 185 74 168 226 69 162 113 168 137 248 69 98 58 251 140 63 36 51 70
Speakers Index Tanizaki Yuko 224 Tanji kunikazu 99 Tao Ze 228 Tapeinou Anthi 143 Tappe Kim 99 Tarakhovsky Alexander 39 Taramelli Donatella 67 Tarazona Raquel 233, 234 Tarkowski Maciej 54 Tarlinton David 242 Tartaro Pietro 250 Tasca Karen 189, 214 Tassi Elena 224 Tataurshchikova Nataly 168 Tatematsu Megumi 94 Taubert Richard 249 Tavares Daniel 210, 261 Tay Hock 45 Tazzari Marcella 224 Tchorbanov Andrey 246 te Velde Anje 45 Tebbe Bastian 128 Tedesco Francesco 51 Tegla Cosmin 57 Tehrani Mohsen 234 Teijeira Álvaro 63 Teixeira Cottas de Azevedo Júlia 259 Teixeira Mariana 163 Teixeira Mauro 52, 61 Teixeira Priscila 109 Teixeira-Carvalho Andrea 185, 256 Tejera-Alhambra Marta 143 Tejón Gabriela 100 Tellier Julie 79 Tembhre Manoj 180 Teocchi Marcelo 140 Teran-Angel Guillermo 189 Terashita Ken-ichiro 248 Terry Alexandra 224 Terry Rachael 89 Tete Sarah 250 Teteloshvili Nato 122 Teti Giuseppe 51 Teunissen Marcel 248 Thabet Yasser 180 Thakur Aneesh 69 Thelen Marcus 124 Thell Kathrin 261 Thibodeau Valérie 189 Thomann Sabrina 156 Thomas Paul 174 Thomé Rodolfo 244 Thompson-Crispi Kathleen 176 Thomson Angus 74 Thorburn Alison 243 Thrasher Adrian 51 Thumbikat Praveen 133 Thurmond Robin 239 Tian Jie 63, 78 Tian Zhigang 81 Tichauer Juan 143 Timperi Eleonora 180 Tincer Gizem 156 Tischer Sabine 242
Tkaczyk Christine Toda Masako Todorova Biliana Toe Jesse Toledo Karina Tolosa Eva Tolusso Barbara Toma Marius Tomala Jakub Tomar Namrata Tomasello Elena Tomaz David Tomkiewicz Anna Tomoharu Ohkawara Tomura Micho Tong Hoang Torabi Sagvand Babak Torigoe Toshihiko Tormo Aurélie Jeanne Tör Gábor Torres Huerta Alvaro Torres Poveda Kirvis Torres Raul Toth Erika Tóth Ilona Touma Maki Toumi Wafa Tounsi Nabila Tourlomousis Panagiotis Tourneur Emilie Tousa Sofia Toyama-Sorimachi Noriko Tzsér József Tran Ngoc Lan Trapnell Bruce Treacy Oliver Trescos Yannick Tresoldi Eleonora Trevani Analia Triebus Julia Triggianese Paola Triggiani Massimo Triki Raja Trinchieri Giorgio Tripathi Subhash Triulzi Tiziana Trovato Maria Troyanova Natalia Tsachouridou Olga Tsai Chiau-Yuang Tsai Dong-Yan Tsai Hwei-Fang Tsai Tsung-Ting Tselios Konstantinos Tsetlin Victor Tseylikman Vadim Tsigalou Christina Tsiganov Evgeny Tsilingiri Aikaterini Tsubosaka Yoshiki Tsuchimoto Yusuke Tsuji Noriko Tsukahara Tomohide Tsukerman Pinchas Tsuneto Motokazu
133 86 264 185 84 30 113 194 157 203 185 234 173 115 171, 268 129 101 238 80 89 137 173 67 262 54 48 157 214 177 122 191 64 95 247 89 194, 223 42 117 36 239 251 37 165 60 79 157 256 163 242 124 122 113 268 109, 192 197 185 113 45 133 113 89 72 157 234 266
Tsurui Hiromichi Tsutsui Hiroko Tu Wenwei Tuberosa Claudia Tumes Damon Tuncel Jonatan Tuncer Sinem Tuosto Loretta Turchinovich Gleb Turmova Ekaterina Tzang Bor-Show Tzeng Horng-Tay Uccelli Antonio Uchiyama Masateru Uchiyama Ryosuke Uematsu Satoshi Uematsu Takayuki Ueno Hideki Uguccioni Mariagrazia Uhle Florian Ullah Md. Ullah Sami Ullah Ubaid Ullrich Evelyn Umar Sadiq Umiker Benjamin Unanue Emil Uppal Sadaf Ushijima Miho Ustinova Julia Usui Fumihito Usuwanthim Kanchana Uzonna Jude Vacca Angelo Vacca Paola Vacchini Alessandro Vakrakou Aigli Valdes-Ferrer Sergio Vale André Valencia-Molina Juan Valenta Rudolf Valero-Pacheco Nuriban Valkenburg Sophie Vallières Francis Vallinoto Antonio Valmori Danila Valverde Jacqueline Van Assche Gert van de Wall Stephanie van der Burg Mirjam van der Meer Anne van Endert Peter van Gent Rogier van Ginkel Frederik van Hall Thorbald van Heemst Jurgen Van Kooyk Yvette Van Lier Rene van Loenen Marleen Van Raemdonck Katrien van Vught Lonneke Vance Russel Vancurova Ivana Vannucci Luca Vansintjan Liese
196 249 194 234 48 176 120 33, 66, 143 205 106 247 206 30, 51 75 46 95 95 55 51 95 97 122 98 73, 79, 224 251 48 51 168 124 117 102 89 214 80 74 172 108 168 58 189 52, 71 237 185 89 108 267 95 217 157 145 95, 121 55 96, 192 230 224 35 28 76 197 117 202 51 264 243 89
Speakers Index Varano Gabriele 63 Varfolomeev Evgeny 205 Vasconcelos José Ronnie 172 Vasconcelos Nathalia 224 Vasconcelos Rosemeri 224, 230 Vasilijic Sasa 200 Vasilyev Filipp 168 Vasilyeva Elena 137 Vasquez Abel 256 Vassilev Tchavdar 257 Vauchy Charline 157 Vaughn Samuel 56 Vavrova Katerina 194 Vaz Rogerio 214 Vázquez-Marmolejo Anna Velia 133 Veas Francisco 118 Vega-Lopez Marco 227 Velardi Andrea 39, 60 Venables Patrick 52 Venclikova Zora 168 Vendrell Alejandrina 157 Venkatesh Deepak 172 Venken Koen 69 Verdan Felipe 240 Verma Priyanka 161 Veronez Luciana 224 Vessichelli Mariangela 89 Vetskova Evelina 185 Vezzoli Pamela 248 Vianello Elena 109 Vibanco-Pérez Norberto 113 Vicente Rita 113 Victor Jefferson 253 Vieira Flavia Sarmento 215 Vieira Thiago 84 Vieths Stefan 52 Vignali Dario 58 Vigo Tiziana 58 Vilela Maria 145, 217 Villa Anna 39 Villadangos Jose 51 Villanueva Lorea 129 Villegas-Mendez Ana 67 Viola Antonella 71 Vishnyakova Polina 99 Vishwasrao Paresh 266 Vissers Marloes 185 Vitale Chiara 259 Vitali Caterina 75 Vitelli Alessandra 185 Vitenshtein Alon 234 Vivanco Bruno 224 Vivanco-Cid Hector 115, 217, 226 Vivier Eric 28, 61 Vizcardo Raul 41 Vizzardelli Caterina 157 Vogel Simone 64 Volarevic Vladislav 78 Volkava Marharyta 35, 113 Vollack Nadine 242 Völler Tom 43 Volpe Elisabetta 99 Volpin Valentina 66
von Boehmer Harald Von Herrath Matthias von Vietinghoff Sibylle Vono Maria Vorobjova Tamara Voronova Iryna Vorontsov Vladimir Vostrikova Olga Voswinkel Jan Vranac Tanja Vucevic Dragana Vujicic Milica Wachowicz Katarzyna Wada-Kura Aminu Wagner Marta Wahren-Herlenius Marie Wakamatsu Ei Wakao Hiroshi Walczak-Drzewiecka Aurelia Waldmann Herman Walker Bruce Walker Lucy Wallach David Wallach-Dayan Shulamit Walters Stacey Walton Senta Wan Shu-Wen Wang Chao Wang Chiuhui Mary Wang Feng Wang Hong Wang Hui Wang Li Wang Meng Wang Mingyong Wang Ping Wang Qin Wang Qun Wang Ran Wang Shengjun Wang Shiqing Wang Tongmin Wang Tzu-Yuan Wang Wenyan Wang Who-Whong Wang Xiang-Yang Wang Xiaohui Wang Yan Wang Yanjun Wang Yi Wang Yu-Chih Wang Yui-Hsi Wang Yu-liang Wang Yuzhen Wang Zuobai Wani Roohi Rasool Wansook Siriwan Wardemann Hedda Wark Peter Warnecke Gregor Warth Sebastian Watanabe Mayuki Watanabe Ryu Watarai Hiroshi Watkins Stephanie
29 40, 66 133 226 102 177, 219 226 113 194 73 108 147 240 185 219 128 206 267 86 70 39 53 33, 50 177 34 253 257 157 98 77 168 99 108 157 95 185 115 200 66 115 141 75 89, 120 59 125 240 185 133 161 259 267 37 237 95 102 258 203 43 185 258 45 84 99 198 41
Webb Tonya Wei Chi-Chen Weill Jean Claude Weinberger Birgit Weiss Art Weiss Jerrold Weist Benjamin Weller Sandra Weng Nan-ping Wensveen Felix Werneck Miriam West Cara West Nicholas Westendorf Astrid Whiting Chan Wiersinga W. Joost Wiersma Valerie Wiese Rick Wiethe Carsten Wigren Maria Wijaya Ratna Wikell Helena Wilkinson Ray Wilkins-Rodríguez Arturo Williams Anthony Williams Daniel Williams Hannah Williams Jenni Willoughby Jane Wilson Kyle Winkels Gregor Winter Jan Winter Susann Wisniewski Andrzej Witczak Piotr Witko-Sarsat Veronique Wlodarczyk Agnieszka Wojta-Stremayr Daniela Wolf Dennis Wolff Anette Wollmann Eva Wong C Wong Won Wongchana Wipawee Woo Hee-Jong Wood Kathryn Woods Greg Wraith David Wrammert Jens Wright John Wu Bang-Fu Wu Li Wu Ling Wu Mei-Li Wu Shimin Wu Wei-Kang Wu Xiujuan Wu Yuet Wu Yuzhang Wucherpfennig Kai Wu-Hsieh Betty Wynn Thomas A. Wypych Tomasz Xavier Aurelizia Xavier Vanessa
69 186 28 65 70 39 177 124 65 76 148 228 102 66 69 95 157 205 30, 180 109 186 161 108 214 176 194 95 161 242 157 84 176 113 173 186 36 143 206 35 191 244 95 240 168 236 26, 70, 71 224 29 257 133 257 200 80 168 240 32 133 186 129 29 67 35 128 210 214
Speakers Index Xavier-Elsas Pedro 168 Xia Jian-chuan 157 Xia Sheng 250 Xiang Zheng 125 Xiong Sidong 119, 129, 240, 247 Xu Damo 244 Xu Haifeng 47 Xu Huaxi 240 Xu Jianqing 145 Xu Lin 95 Xu Wei 73 Xu Yan 194 Yabe Hiroki 224 Yacoub-Youssef Houda 89 Yadav Rakesh 243 Yagci Fuat Cem 116 Yaghoub Yazdani 119 Yamada Akiko 192 Yamaguchi Tomoko 86 Yamamoto Natsuo 235 Yamane Fumihiro 124 Yamanishi Yoshinori 141 Yamano Tomoyoshi 242 Yamaoka Kunihiro 200 Yamashiro Lívia 137 Yamawaki Kyouko 248 Yamin Rachel 74 Yan Cong 47 Yanagihara Toyoshi 234 Yang Bo-Gie 164 Yang Chia-Yu 67 Yang Chih-Hsiang 89 Yang Guang 189 Yang Jin-Young 133 Yang Ya 217 Yang Zhiyong 43 Yaochite Juliana 194 Yap Fei Ling 194 Yari Fatemeh 238 Yashiro Takuya 200 Yassin Anhar 224 Yassin Mohammed 101 Yasuda Koubun 210 Yasuma Taro 117 Yatime Laure 59 Yavuz Emine 202 Yeap Frances 260 Yeh Li-Tzu 247 Yeh Trai Ming 128 Yel Leman 264 Yen Chia-Liang 148 Yen Jeffrey 172 Yeong Joe, poh sheng 205 Yessoufou Akadiri 180 Yi Hwajung 186 Yildiz Soner 226 Yılmaztepe Oral Arzu 157 Yin Yufeng 106 Yin Zhinan 224 Yodsheewan Rungrueang 257 Yokoyama Christine 186 Yokoyama Wayne 61 Yonezawa Tomo 122 Yoon Jeong-Hwan 79 Yoon Joo Chun 186
Yoshida Hiroki 168 yoshida yasuhiro 202 Yoshida Yuji 98 Yoshikawa Fábio 208 Yoshikawa Soichiro 54 Yoshimoto Keiko 106 Yossef Rami 234 Younesi Vahid 157 Yousefi Mehdi 133 Yousif Ashraf 124 Yu Andy 130 Yu Hua 29 Yu Je-Wook 99 Yu Jou-Hui 173 Yuan Lijuan 267 Yuan Qing 253 Yuan Xiaolin 89 Yue Yan 34, 227 Yuki Yoshikazu 68 Yurkevich Mariya 125 Yurugi Hajime 98 Zabieglo Katarzyna 59 Zaccarello Gianluca 157 Zadrazil Zdenek 202 Zaffino Fortunato 100 Zafranskaya Marina 143 Zaharov Tatjana 236 Zainal Zaida 265 Zakharyan Roksana 106 Zakrzewicz Anna 261 Zamani Alireza 106, 177, 250 Zambello Erika 161 Zambrano-Zaragoza Jose 113 Zamorano Patricia 230 Zandee Stephanie 143 Zanete Pereira Nátalli 189 Zangirolamo Amanda 243 Zanini Graziela 215 Zanoni Ivan 95 Zanotti Lucia 194 Zanovello Paola 39 zare elham 142 Zare Shahneh Fatemeh 191, 264 Zarei Saeed 186 Zaric Marija 200 Zarzycki Michał 98 Zdor (Lazanovich) Victoria 106 Zdravkovic Nemanja 247 Zdziarski Przemyslaw 145 Zegarra Ruiz Daniel 143 Zelle-Rieser Claudia 224 Zeng Mingtao 68 zeng Xing 90 Zerva Ioanna 257 Zeyda Maximilian 117 Zhan Zhenzhen 33 Zhang Chenyang 200, 253 Zhang Dong 114 zhang Guangbo 224 Zhang Jinping 122 Zhang Jun 31 Zhang Minghui 194 Zhang Qibo 186 Zhang Shihong 186 Zhang Shu 141
Zhang Xiao-Lian Zhang Xiaoyan Zhang Yongliang Zhang Zhihong Zhao Jie Zhao Wei Zhao Zitong Zheng Jian Zheng Li Zheng Songguo Zheng Yijie Zheng Yuejuan Zhivaki Dania Zhivkova Tanya Zhong Xiaoping Zhou Guang-Yan Zhou Juhua Zhou Wuding Zhu Changlian Zhu Cheng Zhu Fang Zhu Jian Zhuang Min Zhukovsky Eugene Zhuravleva Iuliia Zidek Zdenek ZIDI Sabrina Zielinski Christina Zielonka Stefan Zimmermann Maili Zinkernagel Rolf Ziyadullaev Uktam Zlamy Manuela Zorzella-Pezavento Sofia Zouali Moncef Zubareva Kristina Zubkov Dmitrii Zuniga-Pflucker JC Zurli Vanessa Zwirner Norberto Walter
137 186 186 99 219 95 75 55 215 76 90 133 48 230 198 95 157 133 106 67 157 262 126 114 108, 219 264 95 240 230 36 28 208 101 247 29 194 158 260 186 38, 223
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4th European Congress
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Vienna 2015 September 6-9 / Vienna waits for you!
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4 th European Congress of Immunology nology olo
Vienna, Austria September 6-9
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Under the auspices of EFIS, Eur European opean Federation of Immunological Societies and the Austrian Society for Allergology Allergology and Immunology, ÖGAI
2013 Novartis Prizes For Immunology The Novartis Prizes for Basic and Clinical Immunology are awarded for outstanding achievements in the understanding of immunological processes in health and disease and major discoveries resulting in novel treatments for immunological diseases such as autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, transplantation, infectious diseases, immunotherapy of cancer and allergic and dermatological diseases. The Prizes for Basic and Clinical Immunology are each endowed with SFr 100,000. The Prizes will be awarded at the 15th International Congress of Immunology in Milan, Italy on August 23, 2013. NOVARTIS PRIZES FOR IMMUNOLOGY AWARD CEREMONY Friday, 23 August, 2013 at 7.30pm in the Gold Room 2nd floor at the Congress venue. Introduction by Hidde L. Ploegh, PhD, Cambridge, MA, USA, Jury Chair Address and handover of the prizes by Dhavalkumar D. Patel, MD, PhD, Head Europe, Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research. BASIC IMMUNOLOGY PRIZE Laudation by Anne O’Garra, PhD, London, UK Lectures by the Prize winners. CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY PRIZE Laudation by Diane Mathis, PhD, Boston, USA Lecture by the Prize winner.
AWARD CEREMONY RECEPTION FOR ALL ATTENDANTS IN THE CONGRESS CENTER Jury: Hidde Ploegh (Chair), Anne O’Garra, Diane Mathis, Charles Dinarello, Tadamitsu Kishimoto, Bernard Malissen, Jan de Vries (Secretary). For additional information please visit our website: