Students defended their thesis fulfilling the requirement from the Swedish Research School for Global Health

Students defended their thesis fulfilling the requirement from the Swedish Research School for Global Health

Nguyen Quynh Hoa Vietnam Thesis defended

Author Evan Bryant

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Students defended their thesis fulfilling the requirement from the Swedish Research School for Global Health

Nguyen Quynh Hoa Vietnam Thesis defended May, 2010 “High antibiotic use and resistance among children under five. Acute respiratory infections: knowledge and behaviour of caregivers and healthcare providers in Vietnam” Supervisors: Cecilia Stålsby Lundborg, Nguyen Thi Kim Chuc, Mattias Larsson and Nguyen Vu Trung Opponent: Krisantha Weerasuriya, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland

Ime John Nigeria Thesis defended May, 2010 “Screening for intimate partner violence in healthcare in Kano, Nigeria: barriers and challenges for healthcare professionals” Supervisors: Stephen Lawoko, Leif Svanström and Abimbola O. Oluwatosin Opponent: Barbro Wijma, Division of Gender and Medicine, Linköping University, Sweden

Ari Probandari Indonesia Thesis defended December, 2010 “Revisiting the choice. To involve hospitals in the partnership for tuberculosis control in Indonesia” Supervisors: Anna-Karin Hurtig, Lars Lindholm and Adi Utarini Opponent: Knut Lönnroth, Stop TB Department, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland

Stephen Maluka Tanzania Thesis defended March, 2011 “Strengthening fairness, transparency and accountability in health care priority setting at district level in Tanzania. Opportunities, challenges and the way forward” Supervisors: Anna-Karin Hurtig, Miguel San Sebastian, Peter Kamuzora Opponent: Professor Norman Daniels, Department of Global Health and Population, Harward School of Public Health, Boston, USA

Milton Mutto Uganda Thesis defended May, 2011 “Injuries among children and young adults in Uganda: Epidemiology and prevention” Supervisors: Stephen Lawoko and Leif Svanström Opponent: Peter Byass, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Umeå University, Sweden

Mariano Virgilio Salazar Torres Nicaragua Thesis defended May, 2011 ”Intimate partner violence in Nicaragua. Studies on ending abuse, child growth, and contraception” Supervisors: Ulf Högberg, Ann Öhman Opponent: Professor Kurt Svärdsudd, Inst för folkhälsa och vårdvetenskap, Uppsala universitet

Barnabas Nwarbébé Njozing Cameroon Thesis defended June, 2011 ”Bridging the gap. Implementing tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS collaborative activities in the northwest region of Cameroon” Supervisors: Anna-Karin Hurtig, Kerstin Edin, Miguel San Sebastian Opponent: Professor Kurt Svärdsudd, Inst för folkhälsa och vårdvetenskap, Uppsala universitet

Edith Tarimo Tanzania Thesis defended June, 2011 “Motivations and deterrents to take part in an HIV vaccine trial: Experiences from study participants in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania” Supervisors: Asli Kulane, Anna Thorson, Eric Sandström and Thecla Kohi Opponent: Peter Newman, Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, Canada

Gasto Frumence Tanzania Thesis defended November, 2011 The role of social capital in HIV prevention: Experiences from the Kagera region of Tanzania Supervisors: Lennarth Nyström, Maria Emmelin, Japhet Killewo Opponent: Professor Bo Haglund, Social Medicine, Department of Public Health Sciences, Karolinska Institutet

Hassan Haghparast Bidgoli Iran Thesis defended November, 2011 Road traffic injuries in the context of rapid motorization. Studies on access, privision and utilization on trauma care in Iran. Supervisors: Marie Hasselberg, Eva Johansson, Lennarth Bogg Opponent: Professor Ulf Björnstig, Umeå University, Sweden

Rose Laisser Tanzania Thesis defended December, 2011 Prevention of intimate partner violence – Community and healthcare workers´perceptions in urban Tanzania Supervisors: Maria Emmelin, Lennarth Nyström, Gunilla Lindmark Opponent: Professor Katarina Hjelm, School of Health and caring Sciences, Linneaus University, Sweden

Claudia Obando Nicaragua Thesis defended December, 2011 When no-one notices… Studies on suicidal expressions among young people in Nicaragua Supervisors: Gunnar Kullgren, Kjerstin Dahlblom, Andres Herrera, Trinidad Caldera Opponent: Professor Heidi Hjelmeland, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Hailemariam Lemma Reda, Ethiopia Thesis defended May 15, 2012 Improving efficiency, access to and quality of the rural Health Extension Programme in Tigray, Ethiopia: the case of malaria diagnosis and treatment Supervisors: Associate professor Miguel San Sebastian and Senior lecturer Curt Löfgren Opponent: Associate professor Wakgari Deressa, Epidemiology and Public Health, School of Public Health, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Ashish Pathak India Thesis defended May 25, 2012 Lessons from diagnosis-prescribing and antibiotic resistance surveillance in Ujjain, India: The lull before the storm Supervisors: Professor Cecilia Stålsby Lundborg, Professor emeritus Bo Eriksson, Professor S.P. Dhaneria, Dept of Pharmacology, R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, India Opponent: Associate professor Gunnar Skov Simonsen, Department of Microbiology and Virology, University of Tromsö, Norway

Krushna Chandra Sahoo, India Thesis defended June 14, 2012 Antibiotic resistance and environmental factors: Focusing on the situation in Odisha, India Supervisors: Professor Cecilia Stålsby Lundborg, Professor A. J. Tamhankar, Hon., Professor em. N.G. Acharya and D.K. Opponent: Professor Rainer Sauerborn, Institute of Public Health, Heidelberg University, Germany

Do Duy Cuong, Vietnam Thesis defended October 9, 2012 Antiretroviral therapy among HIV-infected persons in Northeastern Vietnam: Impact of peer support on virologic failure and mortality in a cluster randomized controlled trial Supervisors: Dr Mattias Larsson, Ki, Prof Anders Sönnerborg, KI, Prof Nguyen Thi Kim Chuc, Hanov Medical University, Vietnam Opponent: Assoc Professor Steven Reynolds, Dept of infectious diseases, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA

Ana Lorena Ruano, Guatemala Thesis defended October 19, 2012 The role of social participation in municipal-level health systems: the case of Palencia, Guatemala Supervisors: Miguel San Sebastian, AnnaKarin Hurtig, Walter Flores, Kjerstin Dahlblom Opponent: Francoise Barten, Associate professor, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Anna Bergström, Sweden Thesis defended October 26, 2012 Evidence and context. Knowledge translation for newborn health in low-income settings. Supervisors: Professor Stefan Swartling Peterson, KI, Ass prof Anna-Berit RansjöArvidsson, KI, Professor Lars Wallin, Dalarna univ, Ass prof Christopher Garimoi Orach, Makerere univ, Ethiopia Opponent: Professor Debra Bick, King´s college London, Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery

Cynthia Anticona Huaynate Thesis defended 30 November, 2012 Lead exposure in indigenous children of the Peruvian Amazon: Seeking the hidden source, venturing into participatory research. Supervisors: Senior lecturer Miguel San Sebastian and senior lecturer Ingvar Bergdahl Opponent: Assistant Professor Mary Jean Brown, Department of Society, Human Development and Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA

Linus Bengtsson Thesis defended 12 November, 2012 Assessing sexual risk behavior among men who have sex with men in Vietnam. Supervisors: Docent Anna Thorson, professor Peter Allebeck and professor Fredrik Liljeros. Opponent: Stefan Baral, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology

Felix Kisanga Thesis defended 14 December, 2012 Child sexual abuse in urban Tanzania: Possibilities and barriers for prevention. Supervisors: Docent Lennarth Nyström, professor Maria Emmelin and Margret Nora Hogan, PhD Opponent: Docent Frank Lindblad, Department of Neuroscience, Child and adolescent psychiatry, Uppsala University

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