THE DESKTOP A Newsletter for the Portage County Retired Teachers Association Volume 24 Issue 1 Feb. 2014

Desktop Volume 24 issue 1 Feb. 2014

THE DESKTOP A Newsletter for the Portage County Retired Teachers’ Association Volume 24 Issue 1 Feb. 2014


Author Randolph Barber

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Desktop Volume 24 issue 1 Feb. 2014

THE DESKTOP A Newsletter for the Portage County Retired Teachers’ Association Volume 24 Issue 1 Feb. 2014

GEORGE SLEIGHT SPEAKER ON MARCH 20, 2014 at NEOMED George Sleigh to Speak at NEOMED at the March 20 Luncheon


Page 1: Program & Minutes Page 2&3: Minutes cont. Page 4: President’s Corner Membership Chair Community Service Page 5: Luncheon Form Protective Services Page 6: Treasurer’s Notes Trustee’s Report Page 7: Treasurer’s Report Page 8: IRS Ruling for PCRTA Page 9: Address label Membership form


On September 11, George Sleigh (on the left) arrived at his office on the 91st floor of the North Tower by 7:30 a.m. He began his day as usual, checking his phone messages and emails. At 8:45, while talking to a colleague on the phone, George looked out the window and saw an American Airlines plane headed straight for his building. The plane crashed into the building not more than 50 feet above his head. Thus begins the incredible story that George will be sharing with us of his descent down the stairs of the building. You will not want to miss hearing his firsthand experience of surviving this unbelievable tragedy that stunned our entire nation. Also at the March Luncheon Meeting Dee Smith and Pat Mazzer will conduct a short memorial service for our members who have passed away in 2013. **************************************************************

A Summary of the PCRTA Executive Board Meeting, Nov. 14, 2013, Ruth Weigand, Secretary Barb Cribbs reported that the NEOMED staff gave money to the PCRTA Scholarship in memory of Barb Geisey, our deceased member who proctored many hours at NEOMED. It was announced that Nancy Boomhower, President Elect of ORTA, recently passed away after another occurrence of cancer. Committee reports: Pre-Retirement: Richard and Mary Ann Brockett , Co-Chairpersons - Letters were sent out to all Portage County Schools. Our workshop is April 17, with speakers John Buch from STRS; Ray Kline of Kline Investments in Stow; and John Flynn, attorney from Kent. Treasurer: Darlene Fetterhoff - Working account balance as of Nov. 12, $6,080.19 By-Laws: Ron Snowberger, Chairperson - To avoid the confusion between Executive Committee and Executive Board, after discussion the board

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Page 2 PCRTA COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED: recommended we change the word Executive Committee to OFFICERS. The vote on this matter would be taken of the membership at the next luncheon meeting. The By-Laws for the 501-C3 PCRTA Scholarship were accepted by the PCRTA Executive Board, pending the approval of the IRS. This motion was made by Dave Gynn and seconded by Mary-Ann Brockett. Scholarship: Jim Montaquila, Chairperson - Jim Montaquila suggested that perhaps we, in the future, increase the scholarship given each selected student to $1500.00. No action was taken. Nomination: Jan Fencl, Chairperson - Jan read the letter from Ria Mastromatteo stating her resignation as Assistant Treasurer for the PCRTA. The board accepted the resignation of Ria and appointed Darlene Fetterhoff to fill Ria’s unexpired term. Jan Fencl made the motion for this action, which was seconded by Edith Scott. Jan announced that elections occur in odd-numbered years for vice-president, recording secretary, and treasurer. Programs: Georgia Darrah, Vice President - Georgia announced that Ron Snowberger would present his program about his trip to China in 2014 rather than in Nov. 2013. Georgia asked for greeters and people to do the luncheon meditations for 2014. The November meeting will be a presentation by Bob Grau, who will share his experiences hiking the Appalachian Trail. Archival: Norm Park, Chairperson - Norm announced that he turned 90 years of age. Norm places the PCRTA news and publicity into the Portage County Historical Society collection. Community Service: Judy Morgan, Chairperson - Judy announced that the PCRTA has recorded 9,800 volunteer hours. Canned goods and money for turkeys are requested for Thanksgiving for the Center of Hope. Gift certificates totaling $95.00 and $120.00 in checks, along with thread, yarn, and fabric, were donated to the Giving Dolls at the September Luncheon Meeting. Gloves, mittens, scarves, and hats are requested for the December meeting. NEOMED Proctoring Organizer: Edith Scott, Chairperson - Edith requested that proctors sign up for December due to the great need. She stated that Barb Geisey is really missed. Newsletter Editor: Pat Gynn - Pat reported that 314 newsletters were printed and sent out to 298 single mail-outs with 105 people on email newsletter. We are still asking for you to receive your newsletter via email to help save on costs. If you have not done so, and are willing to get your newsletter via email, please contact Helena at [email protected] or Judy Kirman - [email protected]. Protective Services: Kay Wise, Chairperson - Kay reported that Dr. Stacey Schneider and two of her students will be taking blood pressures of members prior to the Nov. Luncheon. Social/Travel: John and Sandy Kerstetter, Co-Chairpersons - John announced that the government shut down caused the PCRTA trip on the Cuyahoga RR Train to be cancelled. He announced the Western Reserve Band will perform on Dec. 15 at 4p.m. at the First Congregational Church in Hudson. Then, attendees will meet at Zeppe’s for dinner. Mama Mia will be at E. J. Thomas on Tues. , May 6, 2014.

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Page 3 Summary of the November 21, 2013, Luncheon Meeting President Helena Parry welcomed ORTA President Elect, Don Ullman; his wife, Delores, ORTA webmaster; and Bob Grau, the program speaker. She welcomed Len Suzelis, Denise Cole, Nancy Smith, Ray Sheets, and Jeri Thompson from Southeast and Nancy Smith from Kent. Marty Hatcher from Southeast recruited five new members from Southeast whom she brought to the meeting. Ron Aeschelmann made the motion to approve the 2014 slate of officers of Georgia Darrah for VicePresident, Ruth Weigand for Recording Secretary, and Dave Gynn for Treasurer; seconded by Pat Farley. The motion passed by vote of the membership present. The 2014 PCRTA officers as pictured are Darlene Fetterhoff, Assistant Treasurer; Barb Cribbs, Corresponding Secretary; Dave Gynn, Treasurer; Georgia Darrah, Vice President; Ruth Weigand, Recording Secretary and Helena Parry, President.

Dave Gynn made the motion that we adopt the IRS 501c4 bylaws to promote legislation with one change in section V that every reference to Executive Committee be changed to Officers, seconded by Saroj Sutaria. The motion passed by the vote of the membership present. Connie Evans, Webmaster, reported a new web email address: [email protected] Vice-President, Georgia Darrah, introduced Bob Grau, author of Five Million Steps on a Journey of Hope: Thru-Hiking the Appalachian Trail. Bob traveled fourteen states from Georgia to Maine in 170 days in 2011 on a trail of 2,181 miles. ******************************************************************************

Summary of the December 1, 2013, Luncheon Meeting President Helena Parry welcomed everyone including new member, Marilyn Sorrick. Community Service chairperson, Judy Morgan, announced that PCRTA has 11,000 community service hours reported. Edith Scott, NEOMED Proctoring Scheduler, thanked everyone who proctored and asked everyone to pick up their schedule before leaving today. She announced that the next orientation would be on Jan. 15 at 9:30 a.m. at the NEOMED. Dave Gynn suggested that members do not leave STRS health insurance by being tempted by other lower cost insurance. He warned if you do leave STRS health insurance that you can’t come back unless it is a life changing situation President Helena announced that Judy Hendershot will be the Membership chairperson in 2014.

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Georgia introduced our program entitled, “A Musical Holiday for You,” with pianist Richard Worthing, flutist Michelle Worthing, and vocalist Sara Burkey. Towards the end of their program, they asked the audience to join in singing a couple of Christmas carols.

Page 4 THE PRESIDENT’S CORNER: The Executive Board is a wonderful group of people who make the PCRTA flow along in a productive, informative, helpful, and entertaining way. In the committee reports in the November minutes you can find listed the leaders of each committee. As we begin a new year the Executive Board will again serve in the

same position as last year with the exception of the treasurer, the membership chairperson, and the newsletter editor. Dave Gynn, the former Membership chair, has become the PCRTA Treasurer while Darlene has become the Assistant Treasurer. Well, I have become the default newsletter editor for now. We am still searching for someone to take on the challenge. I have had to learn some new skills with my new Word 2013 program. I was able to copy, paste, and change the font on an article sent to me for this issue. I’ve met Matt, who gets the newsletter printed, puts on the labels, and sends it out to those who still want a hard copy of the newsletter. To save costs we are still asking members to sign up via email for newsletter.

****************************************************************************** NEW MEMBERSHIP CHAIRPERSON: We are very happy to have Judy Hendershot take the lead with the Membership Committee. Judy is a National Board Certified Teacher who retired from Brimfield Elementary School, but has been teaching at The University of Akron. Judy is the author of “In Coal Country” and “Up the Tracks to Grandma’s,” two picture books for young readers. Judy is the Musical Director, organist, and director of the Traditional Choir at St. Peters of the Fields Church in Rootstown. Judy is a member of the Brimfield Lions Club and belongs to several professional organizations. She and her husband, Richard, have three children, two grandchildren, and they are waiting for the arrival of a great granddaughter. ************************************************************************ ************* PROCTORING: Edith Scott reported that 47 tests were proctored from September 2013December 2013. One hundred thirty-three proctor sessions were necessary to complete the 47 tests. The proctors volunteered 412 hours during the above mentioned time period. Thanks so much to all of our proctors. Without this volunteer service we would not have an ample scholarship fund. ************************************************************************ COMMUNITY SERVICE: Community Service for March will be collecting items for Akron Children's Hospital. The most needed items (for infants, children and teens) are: sweat shirts, sweat pants, and pajama bottoms. They will accept any items but please leave the "material content" label on all stuffed animals. They will also accept cash donations to

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purchase items. If you would like to view the donation/wish lists please go to: PCRTA would like to thank Darlene Fetterhoff and her daughter for helping with this project. Thank you, Judith Morgan. Page 5 LUNCHEON RESERVATION FORM BELOW Thursday MARCH 20, 2014 AT NOON AT THE RALPH REGULA CONFERENCE CENTER AT NEOMED

T N:


BUFFET MENU: Plated House Salad with Ranch & Italian Dressings, Rolls & Butter, Fresh Vegetable Medley, Au Gratin Potatoes, Chicken Dijon, Stuffed Shells, Assorted Dessert Station, Beverage StationCoffee and Iced Tea Number of buffet reservations___________ and names (for name tags) Please print and mark clearly** Your name and phone number___________________________________________________________ I have enclosed $_________________($13.00 for each luncheon reservation). I have enclosed $_________________ for the scholarship fund. **Please indicate if any names listed are

new members or guests. Write a V by those wanting a Vegetarian Entrée. PLEASE MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS BY MARCH 14, 2014. Mail your reservations and check made to PCRTA to: Pat Farley 5625 State Road 5, Ravenna, OH 44266 330-297- 0980 [email protected]

************************************************************************************ PROTECTIVE SERVICES: by Kay Wise - AARP DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM In 2011, Kathy Lutz did a four hour AARP Driver Safety Program for PCRTA at Ravenna High School. I thought this year would be a good time for a refresher class. The AARP Smart Driver Program is sponsored by the Tallmadge Recreation Department. This new four hour smart driver course (formerly driver safety) is open to all licensed drivers age 50 and older. New concepts are provided to better compensate for agerelated changes in vision, hearing, and reaction time. After completing this course, participants may qualify for a lower cost of car insurance. No tests are handed in and there is no actual driving. Trained volunteers conduct the sessions. Course fee: $15.00 for AARP members or $20.00 for nonmembers. Please note registration and the classes are held at the: Tallmadge Community Center, 80 Community Road, Tallmadge, OH 44278 330-633-5610. A total of four (4) hour classes are scheduled for 2014 and are from 9:00am-1:00 pm each day. Thursday February 20, 2014 Thursday May 22, 2014 Thursday August 21, 2014 Thursday Nov.20, 2014

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Registration is limited and pre-registration is needed. Please complete the registration form and mail or drop it off with your payment to the Tallmadge Community Center. Make check/money order payable to AARP. Registration forms will be available at the registration desk at the March Luncheon. Mr. Milton Mayhew is the current instructor. He has been most accommodating. I was looking at the May date for PCRTA. You certainly may attend at a time most convenient for you. Page 6 – Treasurer’s Notes: A Memorial contribution was given in memory of Hilda Rohlf by Dave and Pat Gynn. A Memorial contribution was given in memory of Barbara Geisy by NEOMED Office of Academic Affairs. A Memorial contribution was given in memory of Barbara Geisy by Ruth Weigand. Deceased Members from PCRTA and ORTA: Hilda Rohlf, a life member of ORTA and annual member of PCRTA since 1991, passed on October 7, 2013. Hilda died at the age of 96. She taught home economics in Rootstown and Tallmadge; then, she retired in 1984 after teaching 35 years. Hilda played an active role in PCRTA, serving as our Informative Services Chairperson for many years. Many of you remember and enjoyed her quick wit. We offer our sincere sympathies to her very close friends, the Harry Bowman family, and to other friends, many of whom are members of PCRTA. Barbara Geisy, a member of PCRTA and ORTA since 2001 passed on October 18, 2013, after a sudden illness. She retired from the University of Akron in 2000. Barb was very active in our organization, often attending and helping at luncheons and was especially dutiful as a proctor at NEOMED for our scholarship program. She proctored frequently and would fill in at a short notice for others. We offer our sincere sympathies to her husband, James, also a member, and to her family and friends. She will be missed and will be often in our thoughts. Ruth White, 88, died May 25, 2013. She taught third grade at Central School in Kent, Ohio, for 25 years. Ruth was a member of PCRTA and ORTA since 1998. Phyllis A. Hecker, 79, died September 6, 2013. Phyllis retired after teaching 30 years at Field Local Schools, Akron City Schools and Cuyahoga Falls City Schools. Phyllis was a lifelong member.

Our sincere condolences to member Bryon McClandess, whose dear wife of 64 years, Mary Joan, passed away on December 26, 2013. Joan was a gifted musician who will be missed by her family and many others.

Welcome new members:


Marilyn Sorrick 2010 KSU and Kent City, Sunshine Delaluz 2013 Trumbull Bd. DD, Wendy Cooley 2008 Southeast, Nancy L Smith 2013 Southeast, Leonard Suzelis 2013 Southeast, Carol Weigand 2012 Southeast Bill Wilen 2004 KSU, Denise Craig 2013 Kent City, Jeri Thompson 2013 Southeast A BIG THANK YOU to Martha Hatcher who so graciously invited some Southeast schools retirees to the November meeting. *************************************************************************************

Trustee Report: Ron Snowberger reported that as our Trustee to ORTA, he will serve on the Vision/Goals Committee as well as the Finance and Auditing Committee.

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The 10 chapters maintaining the highest paid-up dual membership shall be entitled to elect one Chapter Trustee per chapter to represent them on the Board. Upon submission of the paid-up dual membership of each chapter, the Executive Director shall determine the top 10 chapters. Trustees may be elected for a two-year term or the remainder of an unexpired term and may succeed themselves once. ORTA Bylaws, Article V, Section 4

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Treasurer’s Report Nov 13, 2013, through Jan 28, 2014 Prepared by Darlene Fetterhoff, Assistant Treasurer Beginning Checking Account Balance Income Total Local dues State dues Scholarship Mama Mia Luncheons Ck for County Clothing by member Cookbooks

Expenses D. Fetterhoff stamps &postage ORTA dues Nov. and Dec. bank fees Bob Grau-speaker G. Darrah (gifts) US Treasury NEOMED luncheons P. Farley office supplies County clothing (replaced ck written to PCRTA) EJ Thomas (Mama Mia) Checking Account Balance Scholarship Total in Ck Account Working Amount in Ck Account

$14,100.77 $5,418.00 576.00 1,190.00 453.00 985.00 2,184.00 10.00 20.00

$5,196.46 26.79 $1310.00 6.00 100.00 50.00 400.00 2,249.00 29.67 10.00 1,015.00 $14,322.31 $8,473.58 $5,848.73


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Page 8 Good News! IRS Finally Rules!

by Darlene Fetterhoff, Assistant Treasurer

On Jan. 10, I am happy to announce, the IRS granted the Portage County Retired Teachers Association 501c4 status. PCRTA is now tax exempt. At this same time, the IRS granted 501c3 status to PCRTA Scholarship (PCRTAS). This is a new entity which is a “not for profit” public charity so contributions are tax deductible. Any business that involves scholarships including donations should be addressed to PCRTAS only. A history of how this, at times, monumental task evolved: Alan Balog and I first submitted an application seeking 501c3 status for PCRTA. Feedback from the IRS stated that we definitely were involved in influencing legislation that would benefit our members; thus, no 501c3 status could be obtained; however, the IRS also recognized that our scholarship program and other activities proved that PCRTA also had strong charitable endeavors. It was strongly recommended that PCRTA be split into two entities. Thus PCRTA Scholarship was born. David Gynn, as treasurer, will handle all things that are not scholarship related including dues, luncheon checks, etc. He can be reached at 4210 Lancaster Lane, Kent, OH 44240

phone 330 678-8423 - email

[email protected]. When paying your dues, make your check to PCRTA, and, if you wish to donate to the scholarship fund at the same time, please make a separate check out to PCRTAS. You may send the scholarship check with your dues or luncheon check to Dave and he can pass it on to me. However, if dues are not involved, a scholarship check

made out to PCRTA Scholarship should be mailed

directly to Darlene Fetterhoff, Ass’t Treasurer, 2417 Duck Pond Drive, Ravenna, OH 44266. Basically remember

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dues and luncheons funds still are PCRTA (501c4) checks, and all scholarship donations are PCRTA Scholarship(501c3) checks. I cannot thank CPA Alan Balog enough for the hard work and many, many hours that he donated so unselfishly to our organization. Our task began in August of 2012 and the finale was in Jan. 2014. Both of us are so relieved that the outcome is so positive and hope that our scholarship program will grow even stronger now that it will be part of a public charity. Whenever you see Alan and have the opportunity, please thank him. Also, kudos to all who helped us along the way.

Page 9 PCRTA- Portage County Retired Teachers Association ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Dave Gynn 4210 Lancaster Lane Kent, Ohio 44240 Please notify PCRTA of any address change Address Codes S=State (ORTA) P=Portage(PCRTA) Life memberships are indicated by (life) and annual memberships are indicated by (ann) + the year. Example: S(life) P(ann) 2013 means that local dues are paid through 2013 and would be die at this time in 2014. Connie Evans Web- Master ******************************* *********************************** * 2014 PCRTA and ORTA MEMBERSHIP FORM Name_______________________________________________________________________________ Retirement District Year________________________________________________________________


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Mailing address________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip_________________________________________________________________________ Phone__________________________ Cell__________________________ Last four digits of your Social Security member)_______________ Email__________________________________






for a


PCRTA $10.00- ORTA $30.00 = $40.00 _______________ Scholarship donation_______________ PCRTA Life Membership =$150.00_______________ ORTA Life Membership =$500.00______________ Total of check______________ Make check payable to PCRTA. Complete the form and mail both to: Dave Gynn 4210 Lancaster Ln., Kent, OH 44240

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