CURRICULUM VITAE. John Adamopoulos Department of Psychology Grand Valley State University Allendale, Michigan


CURRICULUM VITAE John Adamopoulos Department of Psychology Grand Valley State University Allendale, Michigan 49401-9403 Tel.: (616) 331-2388 ; 331-

Author Cecil Strickland

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CURRICULUM VITAE John Adamopoulos Department of Psychology Grand Valley State University Allendale, Michigan 49401-9403 Tel.: (616) 331-2388 ; 331-2195 (W) (616) 560-2294 (H) E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (616) 331-2480 Educational History PhD (1979), University of Illinois, Champaign, IL (Social Psychology; Minors: Cognitive/Quantitative) Thesis Advisor: Harry C. Triandis AM (1976), University of Illinois, Champaign, IL (Social Psychology) Thesis Advisor: Harry C. Triandis BA (1974), Yale University, New Haven, CT (Psychology) Professional Experience Professor of Psychology, Grand Valley State University (1995) Associate Professor of Psychology, Grand Valley State University (1992-1994) Associate Professor of Psychology, Indiana University at South Bend (1984-1992) Assistant Professor of Psychology, Indiana University at South Bend (1979-1984) Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Illinois (1978-1979) Professional Societies Association for Psychological Science Society for Personality and Social Psychology International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Society for Cross-Cultural Research Midwestern Psychological Association Hellenic Psychological Society (Greece) Psi Chi


Offices in Professional Societies Executive Council, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1990-1994, 1996-2000, 2008-2009 Chair, Communications and Publications Committee, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2008-2009 Publications Committee, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1990-1994 Chair, Publications Committee, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1996-2000 Scientific Program Advisory Committee, XIV Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, August 1998 Scientific Program Advisory Committee, XV Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2000 Scientific Program Advisory Committee, XVIII Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2006 Editorial Duties Editor (1990-1994), Cross-Cultural Psychology Bulletin Consulting Editor (1991-1996, 2003-present), Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology Associate Editor (1997-2001), Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology Editorial Board (1996-2001), SAGE Series in Cross-Cultural Psychology Associate, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, (2005-present) Ad hoc reviewer for several US, European, and Greek psychology journals Fellowships and Awards University of Illinois Graduate College Dissertation Research Grant, 1977 Indiana University at South Bend Summer Faculty Fellowships, 1980, 1983, 1987 Hewlett Foundation Summer Faculty Fellowship Grant, 1989 Summer Research Stipend, Grand Valley State University, 1993 “1995-1996 Professor of the Year” Award, Educational Support Program, Grand Valley State University “Celebrated Faculty Member,” Office of Housing and Residence Life, Grand Valley State University, April, 2009. “2015 Outstanding Faculty Member,” Student Life, Grand Valley State University Research Support Indiana University at South Bend Research Grants, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1987, 1989 President’s Council on the Social Sciences, Indiana University, 1983 University Research Operations Committee, Indiana University, 1984, 1987, 1988 International Programs, Indiana University, 1988, 1991 Grant-in-Aid of Scholarly Travel, Grand Valley State University, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2017 Grant-in-Aid of Research, Grand Valley State University, 1993, 1997, 1998 Faculty Teaching and Learning Center, Grand Valley State University, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009


Padnos International Center, Grand Valley State University, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010 Teaching Experience Psychology and Culture History and Systems of Psychology Psychology Capstone (Senior Seminar): “The Cultural Challenge in Psychology” Social Psychology Advanced Research in Psychology Attitude Theory and Change Group Dynamics The Psychology of Personality Introductory Psychology


Presentations and Symposia Analysis is of social situations as "units" of behavior. Conference on social cognition, Nags Head Conference Center, North Carolina, May 1982. The perception of social interaction across cultures. Dean's Seminar, Indiana University at South Bend, December 1982. The emergence of social behavior: Historical perspectives. Second International Conference on Culture, Values, and Behavior, Nags Head Conference Center, June 1987. Models of social behavior in different historical periods: Examples from Ancient Greek literature. Seventeenth annual meeting of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research, El Paso, February 1988. Collectivism and individualism across historical periods: Literature as psychological data. Ninth International Congress, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Newcastle, Australia, August 1988. The emergence of individualism and collectivism: Historical perspectives. XXIV International Congress of Psychology, Sydney, Australia, August 1988. Attitudes and normative beliefs as determinants of career aspirations in college women (with K. E. Todd). Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Chicago, May 1989. The emergence of individualism and collectivism as cultural patterns of interpersonal behavior (with C. M. Smith). Individualism and Collectivism: Psychocultural Perspectives from East and West. An International Conference Sponsored by the Korean Psychological Association, Seoul, Korea, July 1990. Cross-cultural invariance in environmental perception: Toward a classification of behavior settings. Tenth International Congress, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Nara, Japan, July 1990. Cross-cultural convergence in the perception of personal relationships. Twentieth Annual Convention of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research, San Juan, Puerto Rico, February 1991. The perception of personal relationships: A cross-cultural investigation. Third Panhellenic Conference of Psychological Research, Athens, Greece, May 1991. Towards a cross-cultural social psychology: The search for paradigms of universality. Twenty-first Annual Convention of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 1992.

Perspectives on relativism, absolutism, and universalism. Invited presentation at a workshop on "Making Basic Texts in Psychology More Culture-Inclusive and


Culture-Sensitive," Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington, June 1992. Models of social behavior: Cross-cultural and diachronic aspects. Twenty-fifth International Congress of Psychology, Brussels, Belgium, July 1992. Introducing cross-cultural themes into mainstream psychology. Twenty-fifth International Congress of Psychology, Brussels, Belgium, July 1992. Paradigms of psychological universals. Symposium on "Contemporary Views on Psychological Universals” (Organizers: J. Adamopoulos & W. J. Lonner), XIth Congress, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Liège, Belgium, July 1992. Individualism-collectivism and the perception of personal relationships in two cultural contexts. Colloquium presented to the Social-Personality Psychology Program, Department of Psychology, Michigan State University, December 1992. The universalism-relativism debate in cross-cultural psychology. Twenty-second Annual Convention of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Washington, DC, February 1993. An Aristotelian model of close relationships: Cross-cultural data. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May 1994. The perception of social environments by architectural experts and non-experts. Twenty-third International Congress of Applied Psychology, Madrid, Spain, July 1994. The perception of interpersonal action: Culture-general and culture-specific components. XIIth Congress, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Pamplona, Spain, July 1994. The perception of interpersonal episodes (with M. Logas). Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association meetings, Chicago, May 1995. Culture-common features of context: Toward a general system for the classification of social situations. Invited paper, Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May 1995. The place of culture in psychological theory: A critique of current approaches. Paper presented at the symposium (J. Adamopoulos, organizer) "Psychology and culture: The search for appropriate paradigms," held at the IV European Congress of Psychology, Athens, Greece, July 1995. Culture as antecedent to behavior (with W. J. Lonner). Paper presented at the symposium on "Theory and method in cross-cultural psychology," IV European Congress of Psychology, Athens, Greece, July 1995.


Self-consciousness and the perception of the social environment (with M. Seburn). Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association meetings, Chicago, May, 1996. The cultural context of social psychology: A symposium in honor of Harry C. Triandis. [Symposium organizer and chair]. Beckman Center, University of Illinois, October 1996. The encoding and decoding of meaning in social actions (with M. Seburn). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters, Grand Rapids, MI, March 1997. The perception of personal relationships across cultures. Invited lectures delivered at the Graduate School of Social Psychology, Warsaw, Poland, December 1997. Culture-common features of context: Toward a general system for the classification of social settings. Invited address to the faculty of the Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences, December 1997. Components of perceived interpersonal interaction (with T. Sola). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May 1998. The perception of personal relationships in the U.S., Greece, and Poland (with P. Boski). Paper presented at the symposium (J. Adamopoulos and P. Boski, coorganizers) “Cross-cultural approaches to intergroup and interpersonal relations,” XIVth Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Bellingham, WA, August 1998. Culture, psychological theory, and the issue of psychic unity. Paper presented at the symposium (J. Adamopoulos and J. Miller, co-organizers) “‘Psychic unity’ - still a useful construct?” XIVth Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Bellingham, WA, August 1998. The emergence of cultural patterns of interpersonal behavior. Invited paper presented at the Nags Head Conference on Culture and Behavior, Boca Raton, Florida, June 1999. Social psychology and cultural context: A tribute to Harry C. Triandis. Symposium organized (J. Adamopoulos, convenor and chair) at the XVth Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Pultusk, Poland, July 2000. Culture and mind: What we should tell students about the role of culture in psychological theory. Invited paper presented at the 23rd Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, January 2001. Culture and mind: The role of culture in psychological theory. Paper presented at the symposium (W. J. Lonner, chair) “Psychology meets culture: What should out


students know about human thought and behavior beyond their own borders and how do we propose to help them learn effectively?” Regional Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Winchester, United Kingdom, July 2001. The encoding and decoding of social behavior (with C. Morris and M. Seburn). Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association meetings, Chicago, May 2002. The diachronic structure of interpersonal behavior: A Model from Theophrastus. Invited paper presented to the Psychology Department, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece, March 2004. The search for universal psychological dimensions: An example from the analysis of personal relations. Invited paper presented to the Psychology Department, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece, March 2004. Resources, constraints, and interpersonal behavior: Toward a theory of culture for psychology. Paper presented at the 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China, August 2004. Looking at culture through the lens of time: Implicit theories of personality and interpersonal behavior. Paper presented at the XVIIth Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural psychology, Xi’an, China, August 2004. The cultural basis of behavioral intentions (with S. Polanco). Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association meetings, Chicago, May 2005. Dominance and aggression: Their relationship across time. Paper presented at the Regional Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural psychology, San Sebastian, Spain, July 2005. Discussant, symposium titled Identities: Social and cultural development and restructuring needs (D. Papastylianou, organizer). 10th Congress of the Hellenic Psychological Society, Ioannina, Greece, December 2005. Interpersonal constraints and psychological resources: The explanation of the universal dimensions of social behavior. Keynote address presented at the 10th Congress of the Hellenic Psychological Society, Ioannina, Greece, December 2005. The role of cultural and personality variables in the formation of intentions (with C. Kidd and K. Litzner). Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association meetings, Chicago, May 2006. The applied side of cross-cultural psychology: A discipline come of age? Paper presented at the symposium (W. Lonner and C. Ward, organizers) “The proposed Handbook of Applied Cross-Cultural Psychology: Issues, possible content, and solicited advice.” Twenty-sixth International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, Greece, July 2006.


Cross-cultural variation in interpersonal behavior: Theoretical approaches and applications. Paper presented at a symposium honoring the contributions of Harry C. Triandis. Twenty-sixth International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, Greece, July 2006. Culture, personality, and intention formation (with S. Polanco, C. Kidd, & K. Litzner). Paper presented at the invited symposium (J. Adamopoulos, organizer) “Culture, control, and intentionality.” Twenty-sixth International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, Greece, July 2006. The construction and interpretation of the meaning of interpersonal behavior. Paper presented at the 2006 International Association for Relationship Research Conference, Rethymno, Greece, July 2006. Discussant, symposium titled Identities: Social and cultural needs of forming and reconstructing (D. Papastylianou, organizer). 18th Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Spetses, Greece, July 2006. From Homer to the 21st century: Charting the emergence of the structure of interpersonal meaning. Keynote address to the 18th Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Spetses, Greece, July 2006. The cultural part of intending. Paper presented at the IVth Latin American Regional Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Mexico City, Mexico, July 2007. Individual and collective intention formation: A cross-cultural investigation (with J. Kloet, M. McDonald, R. Perley, M. Dickson, K. Aasland, & L. Furgerson). Paper presented at the Midwestern Association meetings, Chicago, May 2008. Intending as an individual and as a cultural process (with J. Kloet, J. Lord, & L. Furgerson). Paper presented at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany, July 2008. The treatment of culture in American social psychology textbooks (with C. M. Smith). Paper presented in the symposium “‘Culture’ in introductory psychology texts: A 20-year follow up” (W. J. Lonner, organizer). Third International Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 2008. The treatment of culture in American social psychology textbooks (with C. M. Smith). Paper presented at the invited symposium “Coverage of ‘culture’ in introductory psychology texts: A 20-year follow up study and contemporary extensions” (W. J. Lonner, organizer). 19th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Bremen, Germany, July 2008. Συμπεριφορικές προθέσεις σε ατομικό, ομαδικό και πολιτισμικό επίπεδο. [Behavioral intentions at the individual, group, and cultural level] (with V. Pavlopoulos). Paper presented at the 7th Panhellenic Conference of Social Psychology, Sparta, Greece, December 2009.


Classification and prediction of interpersonal intentions: A cross-cultural investigation (with K. Aasland, R. Ward, C. Idema, & V. Pavlopoulos). Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association meetings, Chicago, May 2010. Behavioral intentions at the individual and group levels: A cross-cultural comparison between the USA and Greece (with V. Pavlopoulos). Paper presented at the XX International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Melbourne, Australia, July 2010. Measuring individualism/collectivism: A cross-cultural exploration of the factor structure of the Triandis (1996) scale (with B. Smith, J. Dubuc, C. Idema, R. Walker, & V. Pavlopoulos). Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association meetings, Chicago, May 2011. Culture, intention, and norm internalization. Paper presented at the 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2011. Sociocultural context and the emergence of social meaning: Toward a theory of action construal. Keynote address presented at the biennial national conference of the Hellenic Psychological Association, Alexandroupolis, Greece, May 2013. Intention formation as an individual, collective, and cultural process. Paper presented at the 1st International Symposium on Intergroup Communication, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2017. [Cross-cultural psychology: Theoretical approaches and problems] (in Greek). Invited talk to the Social Psychology Graduate Program, Department of Psychology, University of Thessaloniki, Greece, November 2017. [Are collective intentions different psychological processes from individual intentions?] (in Greek). Paper presented at the 11th Panhellenic Conference of Social Psychology, Alexandroupolis, Greece, December 2017.


Publications BOOK Adamopoulos, J., & Kashima, Y. (Eds.) (1999). Social psychology and cultural context. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. ARTICLES Albert, R. D., & Adamopoulos, J. (1976). An attributional approach to culture learning: The culture assimilator. Topics in Culture Learning, 4, 53-60. Reprinted in Cross Currents, 4 (1977), 97-114. Reprinted in Newsletter of the American Studies Association of the Philippines. Reprinted in M. P. Hamnet & R. W. Brislin (Eds.). (1980). Research in culture learning: Language and conceptual studies (pp. 53-60). Honolulu, HI.: University of Hawaii Press. Adamopoulos, J. (1977). The dimensions of the Greek concept of philotimo. Journal of Social Psychology, 102, 313-314. Landis, D., Triandis, H. C., & Adamopoulos, J. (1978). Habit and behavioral intentions as predictors of social behavior. Journal of Social Psychology, 106, 227-233. Laughlin, P. R., & Adamopoulos, J. (1980). Social combination processes and individual learning for six-person cooperative groups on an intellective task. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 38, 941-947. Quintanar, L. R., Crowell, C. R., Pryor, J. B., & Adamopoulos, J. (1982). Human-computer interaction: A preliminary social psychological analysis. Behavior Research Methods and Instrumentation, 14, 210-220. Laughlin, P. R., & Adamopoulos, J. (1982). Social decision schemes on intellective tasks. In H. Brandstatter, J. H. Davis, & G. Stocker-Kreichgauer (Eds.), Group decision making (pp. 81-94). London: Academic Press. Laughlin, P. R., Lange, R., & Adamopoulos, J. (1982). Selection strategies for "mastermind" problems. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 8, 475-483. Adamopoulos, J. (1982). Analysis of interpersonal structures in literary works of three historical periods. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 13, 157-168. Adamopoulos, J. (1982). The perception of interpersonal behavior: Dimensionality and importance of the social environment. Environment and Behavior, 14, 29-44.


Triandis, H. C., Adamopoulos, J., & Brinberg, D. (1984). Perspectives and issues in the study of attitudes. In R. L. Jones (Ed.), Attitudes and attitude change in special education: Theory and practice (pp. 21-40). Reston, Va.: The Council for Exceptional Children. Montano, D., & Adamopoulos, J. (1984). The perception of crowding in interpersonal situations: Affective and behavioral responses. Environment and Behavior, 16, 643-666. Adamopoulos, J., & Bontempo, R. N. (1984). A note on the relationship between socialization practices and artistic preferences. Cross-Cultural Psychology Bulletin, 18 (2-3), 4-7. Adamopoulos, J. (1984). The differentiation of social behavior: Toward an explanation of universal interpersonal structures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 15, 487-508. Adamopoulos, J., & Bontempo, R. N. (1986). Diachronic universals in interpersonal structures: Evidence from literary sources. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 17, 169-189. Adamopoulos, J. (1988). Interpersonal behavior: Cross-cultural and historical perspectives. In M. H. Bond (Ed.), The cross-cultural challenge to social psychology (pp. 196-207). Newbury Park, Calif.: SAGE Publications. Adamopoulos, J. (1991). The emergence of interpersonal behavior: Diachronic and cross-cultural processes in the evolution of intimacy. In S. Ting-Toomey & F. Korzenny (Eds.), International and intercultural communication annual: Vol. 15. Cross-cultural interpersonal communication (pp. 155-170). Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Publications. Adamopoulos, J. (1993). [Review of the book by R. W. Brislin (Ed.) (1990), Applied cross-cultural psychology]. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 24, 119-122. Adamopoulos, J. & Lonner, W. J. (1994). Absolutism, relativism, and universalism in the study of human behavior. In W. J. Lonner & R. Malpass (Eds.), Psychology and culture (pp. 129-134). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Adamopoulos, J. (1994). [Review of the book by C. Ratner (1991), Vygotsky's sociohistorical psychology and its contemporary applications]. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 25, 298. Adamopoulos, J. (1994). Placing psychology in its (cultural) context. [Review of the book by F. M. Moghaddam, D. M. Taylor, & S. C. Wright (1993). Social psychology in cross-cultural perspective]. Contemporary Psychology, 39, 487-488. Adamopoulos, J., & Stogiannidou, A. (1996). The perception of interpersonal action: Culture-general and culture-specific components. In H. Grad, A. Blanco, & J.


Georgas (Eds.) Key issues in cross-cultural psychology (pp. 263-275). Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger. Lonner, W. J., & Adamopoulos, J. (1997). Culture as antecedent to behavior. In J. W. Berry, Y. H. Poortinga, & J. Pandey (Eds.), Handbook of cross-cultural psychology, Vol. 1: Theory and method (2nd ed.) (pp. 43-83). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Adamopoulos, J. (1999). The emergence of cultural patterns of interpersonal behavior. In J. Adamopoulos & Y. Kashima (Eds.), Social psychology and cultural context (pp. 63-76). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Adamopoulos, J., & Kashima, Y. (1999). Introduction: Subjective culture as a research tradition. In J. Adamopoulos & Y. Kashima (Eds.), Social psychology and cultural context (pp. 1-4). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Adamopoulos, J., & Kashima, Y. (1999). Epilogue. In J. Adamopoulos & Y. Kashima (Eds.), Social psychology and cultural context (pp. 243-245). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Adamopoulos, J., & Lonner, W. J. (2001). Culture and psychology at a crossroad: Historical perspective and theoretical analysis. In D. Matsumoto (Ed.), The handbook of culture and psychology (pp. 11-34). New York: Oxford University Press. Adamopoulos, J. (2002). Culture and social behavior. In Lonner, W. J., Dinnel, D., Hayes, S., & Satter, D. (Eds.), Online readings in psychology and culture. ( Adamopoulos, J. (2004). Culture and interpersonal behavior. In C. Spielberger (Ed.), Encyclopedia of applied psychology (vol. 2) (pp. 387-395). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Adamopoulos, J. (2008). On the entanglement of culture and individual behavior. In F. J. R. Van de Vijver, D. Van Hermet, & Y. H. Poortinga (Eds.), Multilevel analysis of individuals and cultures (pp. 27-62). New York: Psychology Press. Adamopoulos, J. (2009). From Homer to the 21st century: Charting the emergence of the structure of interpersonal meaning. In A. Gari & K. Mylonas (Eds.). Q.E.D. From Herodotus’ ethnographic journeys to cross-cultural research (pp. 33-41). Athens, Greece: Pedio Books. Adamopoulos, J., & Pavlopoulos, V. (2010). Οι συμπεριφορικές προθέσεις ως ατομική, συλλογική και πολιτισμική διεργασία: Βασικοί θεωρητικοί προβληματισμοί [Intending as an individual, collective, and cultural process: Basic theoretical considerations]. In S. Papastamou, G. Prodromitis, & V. Pavlopoulos (Eds.), Κοινωνική σκέψη, νόηση και συμπεριφορά: 29 Έλληνες κοινωνικοί ψυχολόγοι ανα-κρίνουν την επιστήμη τους [Social cognition, thought, and behavior: Twenty-nine Greek social psychologists reflect on their science] (pp. 273-295). Athens, Greece: Pedio Books.


Adamopoulos, J. (2012). The emergence of social meaning: A theory of action construal. In K. Törnblom & A. Kazemi (Eds.). Handbook of social resource theory: Theoretical extensions, empirical insights, and social applications (pp. 255-272). New York: Springer. Adamopoulos, J. (2013). Interpersonal exchange and freedom for resource acquisition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36, 16-17. Adamopoulos, J. (in preparation). Adamopoulos, J. Interpersonal Behavior and Culture (in preparation). Invited chapter for the Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology (Elsevier). Adamopoulos, J. (in preparation). A Theophrastian model of interpersonal structure: Exploring universal dimensions across time. Adamopoulos, J. (in preparation). The construction (encoding) and interpretation (decoding) of the meaning of interpersonal behavior. Adamopoulos, J., & Pavlopoulos, V. (in preparation). Culture and collective intentions.

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